#bc if they arent and this really is meant to be the conclusion
artheresy · 1 year
I’m already cooking up a rant bout Dan Heng’s perception of Dan Feng and how its shaped by the Preceptors and the structure feeling to me as if its purposefully being set up for a big reveal later for Dan Heng that WOAAHH I was so wrong about Dan Feng, they lied to me, which ofc will lead him and us as the players (minus those who have already been obsessed over the lore and are ahead of the game) to have suspicions of Preceptors as well as likely the Ten Lords Commission and all ahahahahhahahahha
I need someone to stop me I am going to go AHH
No because this is literally… AHHH okay see I was so hmm about the framing of Dan Feng in this given the leaks but it makes sense when I thought about it because Dan Heng!! Isn’t a reliable narrator!! Certainly not about Dan Feng or his history so ofc he is going to have such a skewed view of him to make the audience follow his perception only for an eventual reveal after they’ve dragged out and milked out more of the Xianzhou lore bc ofc they would drag out the story a bit to build and make people piece together before the reveal and because it makes them the most mone- I mean aha
And yknow what even further, I bet that reveal will eventually relate to the relic lore line about savouring all the resentment until the bottle is empty, I BET YOU (<- words of a crazy person probably)
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sorinflyin11 · 5 months
i adore alien stage sm tho man like,,, its such a good media in execution yes but also in concept bc !! It really is a media where you CANT judge the characters based off of any pre-established societal moral, emotional, and otherwise systems bc as far as has been established from what im aware of, there really is none for these characters to follow that is made in any human sense, which just makes it so deliciously complex to consider how we are meant to come to a conclusion about this characters actions, or feelings, or reactions because how were any of them meant to know how to moderate them, control them, feel them healthily?
Like i'm so nervous for Luka vs Till bc already Luka is the most controversial main characters in terms of his existence (id honestly say Ivan is behind him on that too bc,,, the reactions to the forced kiss and stuff is also really interesting to observe from people who arent bothering to conceptualize that the laws and systems of that world is so vastly different to ours and that they cant run by the same societal values we've grown with bc they are treated as commodities in most cases, pets.) so im highly anticipating actions/reveals etc that may come with round 7 regarding him, maybe regarding hyuna and her brother, maybe he copies mizi?? maybe he copies ivan?? im kinda getting off point here but...
urhghshs vivinos what have u done to my mind it has been utterly consumed by alnst in the 3 short days i have had it in my pocket of medias
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boypussydilf · 2 years
ok ur choice between homumiko or asoryuu (...or both??????) for the bingos GO
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I don’t actuslly think “divorced” describes anything they have going on accurately at ALL, there’s just a lot of asoryuu divorce jokes and i think divorce is funny so I nod along, but they’re not divorced. I never talk about them ever but no one misunderstand: they are fucking everything. They’re incredible. Bromance of all time but without the romance (but with the romance). They cant be divorced bc they weren’t together and like not in a “characters who have never been married but are still somehow divorced” way theyre just more like. They got to the Awkward In Between Spot where neither of u is sure if this is like, romantic or not, or what you’re gonna do about it, or anything, and then they’ve just been stuck there for a year and are going to continue to be stuck there for a long time I feel bad for them. They’re really gay though “I dont trust myself so here take this, the sword that is a metaphor for my soul” Stop being gay in public…
FUCK I MEANT TO CIRCLE GAY AF TO HAVE A SWORN RIVAL !!!!!!!!!!! They’re not Sworn Rivals by any means? They’re not even really Rivals on a temporary basis? But also they kind of are. You get it. Right? You get it. It’s their vibes. Nothing about this is a rivalry, it’s just a defense attorney/prosecutor ship and also they’re two guys who go in really hard on the competition with each other which isn’t really anything special in itself lots of people are competitive for fun w close friends but. Idk. They’re doing something and they’re so funny. Asougi saw ryuu and went “what a LOSER” and then the guy Was Better At Talking Then Him and asougi went “i adore this man. I would give up my lifelong dream for his sake.” Kazuma asougi is like that stereotypical late teens girl whos like i DONT CARE that i just met him a week ago were getting MARRIED . asougi went This guy is not cool at ALL and also ive known him for One Year and also ill do almost anything for him. No talking stage mutual obsession and we see god in each others eyes or nothing.
I like asoryuu they are funny. Asougi may bully ryuu on purpose, but ryuu will always get the upper hand completely unintentionally via something dumb. Ok homo miku time
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i debated on the “terrible in every way” thing but they do deserve to be called that what with all the. lying to people. guys do you. know ways to navigate difficult situations that arent just *hides information and then is evasive about it* *lies outright about something very major* Guys…………
homo of miko. Mikotoba tried to fix him Once and then went whatevers wrong with him is way funnier & sherlock actively made him worse. But its ok bc their worst crime is being annoying in public. also several dozen counts of breaking and entering.
related topic obsessed w the fact that , like. the only reasonable conclusion to draw abt The Finding-Jigoku Scene. THE Homumiko Scene. is that this is an accurate representation of What They & Their Investigations Were Like, Like, All The Time. mikotoba pulls the ONLY PULL IN VERY DRASTIC EMERGENCIES OR WE FUCKIGN EXPLODE YOU alarm & sherlockjust picks a lock so they can break in & then they fucking dance and insult each other i guess. Gregsons ghost is there screaming something about “lower me into my coffin so you can let me down one last time”. They are 1. silly 2. absolutely taking this seriously but fundamentally do not act like it 3. Breaking the law. Great Job!!!!!!!! I want to see 50 more hours of this. I want to see other characters’ impressions of Them As A Duo so bad. Like ok. again: mikotoba is so funny when u think abt it . absolute professional. regular seeming guy. even comes across as serious or stoic to some people. And then. *gestures to the above*. I just had the words gap moe pop into my head i am going to fucking throw up. Anyway. I just think it’s funnh to imagine some shit like. dr sithe- Oooh there are too many ways this sentence can end. *grabby hands* capcom give us the courtney sithe lore. Okay okay order of events. sithe is working at the same hospital where mikotoba is working & where sherlock moreso just kind of shows up to dick around with chemistry experiments. she knows mikotoba as a good respectable doctor who takes his work very seriously. she knows sherlock as an insane idiot who keeps burning himself. apparently they are living together. well rents high and mikotoba just moved here & hasnt been exposed to the insane idiot so much thats understandable. She sees them on a case. Mikotoba breaks into someones house through the window. And also they dance. She has to continue working with this man.
I don’t know if the timeline adds up in a way where sithe wouldve even been working @ that hospital when mikotoba First got there but you get the IDEA ANYWAY. on a note thats only related in my brain eberyone should read arthur conan doyles a study in scarlet but just the like, first 2 chapters, just to be amused by sherlock holmes. i got sidetracked there maybe lets go back to talking about homumiko.
Sorry to bring this up for th first time w them when it also very much applies to asoryuu but as we all know dgs2 was so fucked up for ending w “and then everyone is separated <3” Insanity. OKAY. okay. OKAY. OKAY. *once again wheels out the giant conspiracy board in my brain where all the homumiko information is stored* they both. like. mikotoba says he never expected to be able to go to britain again & sherlock is like Wow i never thought id be solving mysteries like this with you again!! Ever!!! In my life!!!! and i wont go on the other connected rant abt shit like mikotoba saying “our home” and themjust picking up like nothing has changed bc i think i already did that and also thats not the point i just . like . WHATS GOING ON WITH THEM !!!!!!!!! “WOW! AFTER 10 YEARS I GOT TO SEE YOU FOR LIKE. A WEEK. OK BYE FOREVER <3” HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! *SHAKES THEM*ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS? ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? “MY CLOSEST FRIEND MY PARTNER MY OTHER HALF. I LOVE GETTING A LETTER A MONTH FOREVER” SCREAM !!!!!!!!!!! this is a fucked up decision. I’m normal.
*blinks like someone who just got woken up at 7pm* i dont know how fucking lomg ive been. writing this post. It seems to have gotten out of hand. i like homumiko. makes them sillyguys makes them halves of a whole makes them . uhhh. gay. *clinks glass* Heres to them impulse adopting many more children !!!!! HAS YUUJIN MIKOTOBA EVER MET GINA
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menalez · 1 year
I could definitely be wrong, but as an autistic person I honestly read the 'different language' thing as just an expression of how it feels to be autistic, not insulting your English. The way my thoughts connect to each other in my head and come out of my mouth is so different from the way they do for people who aren't autistic, and it really does feel like speaking a whole different language. Trying to get people to understand what I'm saying is very difficult and I do have to apologize and clarify a lot, and honestly, it does get exhausting, because a lot of people will refuse to believe what I actually meant because the words I said didn't translate into that for them the way it did for me and it's hard for them to understand that what obviously means one thing to them obviously means another thing to me.
Not saying macro is in the right here, but I also read you saying the part about things 'leading to the conclusion that' as you stating the conclusion as something that you believed to be true--in hindsight and after your explanation, I realize that was a silly way to read it, but it happens so often that I'm more wary of it. I don't think anyone here is intentionally misinterpreting words; this kind of misunderstanding isn't uncommon for autistic people. It's just a pile of misunderstandings.
I started talking way too much, but my point is, I think that was what the 'different language' thing meant--the child comment was uncalled for, but I don't think it was about your English at all. Again, though, I could be wrong.
Hopefully I worded all of this in a way that 'translates' properly. I'm a little tired so stringing words together is harder than it is normally, so if any of this came off wrong, I'm very sorry. I'm honestly not trying to take sides here, I don't feel like I know enough about the whole situation to make any solid judgments on it, I'm just trying to help clear up the misunderstandings because I'm very familiar with how easy it is for these things to happen. Also, I always enjoy seeing you on my timeline, you seem like a cool person and I don't want you to maybe feel hurt over something that came off wrong. (Though in this context, it really should have been worded differently.) Obviously I don't know how you're actually feeling about it, but, well, insults are hurtful. Sorry for stating the incredibly obvious there, like I said my words are not forming well.
Sorry for the very long ask. Hope you're doing well!
but afaik butch-reid'd is not autistic as well is she? i can understand though bc very often im saying things and it feels like people are somehow reading entirely different (which is what they just did to me, funnily enough) but i wish theyd perhaps avoid such comments with me bc seriously the amount of times this week alone that people have made weird comments to me about my english or language abilities is .. too much. i ignored it bc of that bc i was like what is up with this comment why do peopl keep saying things about my language abilities to me -_-
anyways im mostly frustrated now that even after explaining at least twice that i am simply saying that people reading ur words literally does not mean theyre out to get u and trying to misconstrue u and whatever else, & its ok to simply correct them and move on, theyre now intentionally misconstruing me to call me ableist lol. like im supposed to give everything they say the most generous interpretation ever, but even when im clarifying my words repeatedly i dont deserve the same.. its odd. especially when i dont think im saying anything unreasonable when i say "people arent intentionally misconstruing you by reading ur words as they are literally written, youre simply wording them unclearly & can clarify it and then move on. if it requires knowing u personally and already having positive feelings towards u to understand what ur saying as u intend it then it is simply unclear"
anyways thank u anon and i appreciate hearing ur input <3 im just baffled by how i was trying to politely explain sth to them and i got repeated insults in return
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i was blabbing on my priv twit about SU and i still have more thoughts but i am putting it under a cut so you must choose to read it, and it you do dont be stupid about it <3 if you follow me and want to bring up old ass SU discourse you should leave. i am looking back and appreciating this show
i have noticed some ppl watch SU who havent before watch it now, and its nice seeing a number of folk be like "why were people discoursing about this?? its just a good kids show" which is totally 100% true, tho i hope ppl watching it are also aware of like.... how important that show was/is-- not even just for its LGBT rep but its story IS serious/has a lot of depth and does teach some very unexplored themes, and lessons.
people were overly serious and heated about the show in a way that was like "i expect these things because it already did [serious thing]! why arent they doing this!" but you cant deny the show dove into some serious territory and wildly out there themes that kids shows werent doing at all. the show was plot focused and it took all kinds of twists and turns- no one should be mistaken about that, its just that adult fans were stupid about it.
and alongside newer watchers talking about the show i still see a lot of it followed with "...but i know its flawed!" which like. yes, also true. but i think something i notice with that is that it feels like anyone going to watch the show has to put up a defense of like "i know i said the show is good BUT i need to say its flawed or else people will get mad and assume i think its perfect". and lets be real. what show is gonna be perfect? none really, but we dont say that for like... every other show we go to talk about. why do you have to put a disclaimer when talking about SU?? as if it almost feel required when talking in spaces where ppl may have Opinions about it, bc the fandom was often so toxic. its definitely because SU fandom still left that impression of constant discourse, and not recognizing its flaws meant (to them) that you endorsed all kinds of things that could be "bad" about it.... i really dont think its worth saying at all nowadays if we want to detach from the fandom 'that was'.
anyone who watches can gladly come to their own conclusion about that, but in the end i think many now wont have such a big impression about whether or not its flawed because it is a kids show, you know? wasnt that the point of revisiting it today? being softer on it than the rabid 2016 tumblr fans? i think many do feel that way, not affected by the fandom, but in the end i just find it important to not feel the need to validate those who would assume the worst out of something you never stated.
i mostly voice this because again, it kinda sucks seeing a lot of talk just be about new watchers surprised the fandom was so toxic because the show its just a nice kid show. cartoons as media isnt often (or at all) regarded in long history and its a shame because i think more and more people forget SU paved the way for so much, for so many shows and cartoons especially. and i think its really worth talking about SU without feeling the need to mention its "flawed" because even then i think the fandom really heightened/exaggerated those flaws.
its well written and it most definitely threw in lessons and feelings and explorations of things id never seen before that even as a not-child age was very important to see. honestly dont know what i would be like if i hadnt seen that show, and i wasnt a child and i took it seriously, and you should to some extent! you wouldnt be the same as those adults who got into discourse. its normal to have cared about that show.
basically i hope people dont forget those important as time goes on, and i think it is important to also seperate the 'stupid adult fan' from the expression and closeness to any peice of media on can have even if its a cartoon. its been a hot topic more and more to talk about adults enjoying kids shows- some more harsh and strict than others. i know its expected people will remember a shitty fandom but SU isnt even a bad show either. id hardly say its mediocre even for the ppl who dont care for it, bc it could still erase/take away focus from how it affected LGBT shows going forward and that alone is very important! idk where to end this now but i just had feelings. i detached from the fandom like in the middle of the show (or at least just stopped looking directly in spaces like tumblr) and i kind of missed any opinions ppl started forming but all i see now is a lot of recognition for the fandom being bad but not a lot of deeper discussion of what the show did in the end. there is so much to say about the show from a meta context and the development it had as well.
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vietnamean · 4 years
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Was that "yen isn’t magically completed by motherhood" I see 👀👀 So excited for all of these but I feel like that one has the potential to break and/or heal my soul
(this is in reference to this post right here!)
I have lots of feelings about this okay and half of them come from rage over the number of people who have children to fill a void or fix themselves then don't take care of them.
but like Yen says she wants to be important to someone and watching her arc it feels more like she wants to be safe and loved. she gets the safe part with her power which is why she is so desperate in season two. she knows the extent of human cruelty knows no bounds and it is fucking terrifying to her when she has no magical power to protect herself. she doesn't believe she's found the love aspect of it though. and tbf she hasn't. not yet and not a healthy one in either geralt or istredd
but i think it would be fun and also kinda evil to give her exactly what she wants and watch her realize this wasn't what she meant.
kids are HARD and i bow to anyone who raises kids. shit is ROUGH. and sometimes they don't love you back. and certainly not all the time! like if yen is looking for that sense of purpose and security and doesn't find in it motherhood bc motherhood isn't anything like she expected it would be really interesting? like newborns arent all that cute and motherhood isn't glamorous when you haven't slept more than two hours at a time in months if not years and a whore's bath is as good as you've been able to sneak in in the last week. diaper blow outs and gassy babies and spit up and being peed on and fighting a kid into x piece of clothing fucking SUCKS. the worry and fear first time moms can get is fucking debilitating.
if she wasn't expecting any of this i think it would send her for a fucking loop
bc she clearly wasn't taken care of well if at all as a child, and i doubt her step father let her close to her half siblings so like, does she really know what goes into raising children? other than the things she remembers that traumatized her? but lots of us remember things that traumatized us as just 'how you deal with x behavior' in kids until someone else points it out. and who is gonna do that? geralt? ciri? jaskier? lmao no. no one would know.
in conclusion i want to push yen to the fucking brink so she does some work to be okay with herself and doesn't take her shit out on her kid
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gossiprry-backup · 3 years
Harry most likely signed onto MP in 2019/early 2020 before the pandemic went out of control. He was always meant to do MP I believe. He picked up DWD bc he wasnt touring and circumstances changed so he had the time to do another movie. This PR relationship has nothing to do with MP. Harry’s image has also never tried to hide who he is in that aspect imo. Just bc some people think he owes them more of an explanation or is hiding something, that is not his problem. It's on them for coming to that conclusion. I dont believe there's a conspiracy looming everywhere or that Harry would closely work with someone/a team who suggested he has to enter a fake relationship bc he starred in a lgbt movie. If their goal was to bury something with a fake relationship, then letting their client saying he doesn’t label his sexuality and opening the door to ambiguity and conversation around his sexuality would have never been a thing his team would allow or agree to LOL. There’s no correlation there. This PR stitch is all about Olivia and promoting her as another anon pointed out. She has a lot riding on this movie and what better way to create buzz than entering a relationship with your A-List costar/employee with a HUGE fanbase? Regardless of the press and feedback not being positive about them, we're all talking about it arent we? The GP comment on articles/posts about them dont they? Even when it's just her, we still look at the photos and articles dont we? Every article that comes out is also clearly from her camp and favors her. Harry's team doesnt really play ball with the media circus. This PR situation is doing the job it was always designed to do, and that is to keep HER in the media spotlight. She's never been this relevant before.
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vaugarde · 3 years
also another thing abt “ugh toby and the fans are so preachy for saying the player does the no mercy route in the actual story and that WE are being punished for it for playing the game the way its meant to be played” bc like. yeah there is definitely guilt tripping, but that’s just kinda natural with what toby was going for. its a deconstruction, and while he definitely couldve held back in some aspects (like flowey mocking people who watch lets players who watch the route instead of playing it) it still works just as that and isn’t meant to be a judge of your morality in real life. 
but also.... you arent REALLY being punished for doing no mercy? not entirely anyways. like the way people talk about it, you’d think it’s full of disappointing content that just constantly guilt slings, but while there’s some of that as part of the deconstruction, we still get a ton of story beats and lore from no mercy, so its not REALLY this massive punishment. we learn more about flowey and his life in general, the story beats in no mercy are genuinely heartwrenching, we get undyne the undying, which takes undyne to her absolute peak as a character both emotionally and lore wise by taking her natural determination to its ultimate , most satisfying conclusion, we get alphys development which hits even worse on an aborted run, and just. the entire sans battle? like yes its hard, but to people who love challenge it’s still engaging, and even so it gives more insight to sans, and even BEYOND that, can you honestly deny the sans battle in the judgement hall’s affect on our culture as a whole??
like yeah, no mercy makes you feel bad, but that’s just kind of the point. you still get lore and challenge from the run, plus bragging rights for beating sans. 
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webginz · 2 years
satos backstory ova has got me all mad 😤
rant about the things they changed (long lol)
• its not in vietnam, its some random unspecified african country (😐). they arent going on a mission to rescue someone but to capture a criminal.
• time period changed from 1976 to 1990 (but he has a gameboy advance? idk when those came out but it felt out of place lol) in the manga he isnt a gamer until after hes discharged from the military
• changed so his team is the ones that took down the soldier of god, which is just a weird coincidence i hate lol. oh the main antagonist just happened to be there when the first ajin was discovered? really? 🙄
• he shows too much emotions. in the manga he only smiles when killing, not before or after. in fact in the manga they point out that almost immediately after hes done killing he goes back to -_-
• speaking of his emotions they leave out one of my favorite lines. "he never said he was happy or sad, he always put it in some vague roundabout way" i love that :( its so relatable
• he doesnt get his team surrounded and then reveal his team to the enemy when theyre out in the open but instead just gets the enemy's attention while his team is all away? he goes on a lone killing spree basically. which means...
• NO "PLAY BALL" 😭😭😭
• he doesnt lose his leg, he just gets shot and its not clear whether or not he recovers fully? so theres no wheelchair sato (well in one scene briefly)... cmon! give me disabled sato or give me death!!!!
• bc of that theres no 80s windbreaker sato playing at an arcade 😭 and no chinatown fight scene!! i love that one bc it shows even when hes disabled hes a cold blooded killer and makes you understand why hes cool with having okuyama fight with him.
• also his scar is wrong -_-
• hes not on a special team, and hes not the leader of the team. hes meant to be the best of the best, not just some military guy!
• no one calls him sam or pokerface 😞
• his family is never brought up at all, and the fact that hes half english/white and half chinese is never brought up either.. his race doesnt matter in the story but its just a fun little tidbit about him thats just left out completely
• the fight scene where he learns hes an ajin is pretty much gone. you just see him surrounded by dead ppl and then he wakes up. which is not how it went at all. also you arent given any context on why hes there at all? like i guess its revenge for the guys he killed earlier? but still he LOSES the fight in the manga, dies, and then kills them. he doesnt die after killing them. its a lot less cool actually :(
• and finally i think they were being way too silly when they made him talk about wanting to be a terrorist.. like first of all the us military would take that very seriously and second of all... are you serious. the guy who becomes a terrorist says he wants to be a one in the future. who wrote this. a child?
IN CONCLUSION... just read the manga
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bigprettygothgf · 4 years
this site desperately needs an option to mark posts as not rebloggable. there really is a problem here with when someone makes an offhanded post about a specific topic, without the full context and nuance of what theyre talking about, and then that post gets passed around, divorced from the big picture, with no way for the OP to control spread, and some people will see it and draw their own conclusions, or berate you for not being in depth enough. like, there are definitely people on here who are devoted to having detailed discussion, who want their posts passed around to encourage dialogue, but there are a lot more people like me who just say shit without the intent of random people seeing it but that often ends up happening anyway. i know i get annoyed about it and come off really hostile to people putting words in my mouth(and in my defense if you could look at my activity feed you would understand why my patience is so short a lot of the time) but i dont even necessarily always blame people for doing that, the way this site operates kind of encourages it and its hard to tell the full intent behind posts sometimes when they arent worded formally
like hell im guilty of this myself, just last night i mentioned that i saw a “bafflingly dumb post”, which i later went back and reread and realised it meant something drastically different than what i assumed it did at first bc I didnt have the full context for what specifically they were talking about. idk. im bad at wording my thoughts succinctly and theres no coherent point to this post just observations
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spookybias · 3 years
heyyy i wanted to give my 2 cents abt the post u just made! i think it is 100% possible to still stan/keep up/be a fan of a group without vibing or caring for some of the members. tbh we as humans are not meant to get along with everyone we come across and there are so many layers and degrees of relationships that some people just don't click. little personal anecdote but i had this friend when i was in elementary school 😭 and we spent like every single day in the summer together and were super good friends when school started but when we decided to take a summer camp session the next year together, we literally fought every day bc we just couldn't work together in a group. but we stayed friends even though we got in fights! bc we just figured out we couldn't work together like that. ANYWAYS what i'm saying is that we aren't meant to like or get along w everyone and sometimes it's literally just based on smth within u and not bc they've done anything bad. now taking a step further into this context, these are celebrities, people on the other side of the earth, people who we will never meet irl and people who are clueless to our individual existence. how are we supposed to like every presented personality we come across if we dont even get along with every irl personality we meet? i think it's completely fine to not be interested in members of a group u wanna pay attention to. in the end it's not really hurting them if you arent writing hate comments (not that you would ofc) and this is Your experience, you shouldnt force urself to do anything if you dont have to or want to :)
"how are we supposed to like very presented personality we come across if we don't even get along with every irl personality we meet?" wow dana :0 that is such a strong point. i'm jotting this down, this is such an amazing point to make. i lowkey feel like i'm in a sociology (?) class or something and you guys are giving the lecture 😭 i've come to the conclusion that i will still stan the group as a whole even if i don't vibe with someone.
also completely unrelated but when i went on hiatus i saw your ask and i missed you a lot!
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thatnamelessblogger · 4 years
Bones Season 4 Recap
long season (26 episodes)
god i hate Angela. she’s fickle in relationships, insensitive, and keeps saying shes Brennans best friend but their relationship is less friendly than ‘best friend’
wtf is up with Agent Perotta? she sucks. she had the Squints tailed when Booth was kidnapped?? wtff
im so confused, why does Bones show up to crime scenes when she just tells everyone to pack it up and ship it back to the Jeffersonian???
tbh the lab is an ianppropriate workplace: Clark is right
i like how Sweets is more involved in the show, it shows that Brennan is more open to psychology
i liked the intern rotation thing. i like all the interns, but the old guy with multiple careers was great, nice and knowledgeable. none of them are as fitting as Zack tho :( good news: Zack shows up a couple of times! :)
lmao Booth will do anything when Bones says please
and its funny that both Bones and Booth are insensitive about cultures and people after traveling the world, especially Bones, peep her social skills
currently hate bingewatching this godforsaken show. also i hate the stupid fade scenes 
at least The Gravedigger is back!
more thoughts under the cut! (super long post)
Interesting episodes
04x01 and 04x02 Yanks in the U.K.
typical americans in britain episode. Angela's husband shows up and eventually agrees to sign the divorce papers. why do we have two britain episodes? the first one wasn't even good lol . also Hodgins x Angela break up bc they don't trust each other. hmm definitely not bc Angela kissed her husband like a day before the divorce papers were signed and she was engaged to Hodgins still . wow Angela really does pull this sht and expect Hodgins to deal with it. also british lady cop tells Bones to get with Booth . jealously stuff in relationships
04x04 The Finger in the Nest
i swear the opossum storyline is so worth the hours i spent watching this show 🤣🤣🤣 . i cant believe Brennan couldn't keep the dog, Ripley :'(
04x09 The Con Man in the Meth Lab
ofc Booth bails put his brother. inconsistencies with Booths previous "i love my father" attitude cause Booth's father is an abusive alcoholic. they shouldve just named this show, “Inconsistencies”
04x12 Double Trouble in the Panhandle
undercover Booth x Brennan in circus are hilarious! :) 
04x14 The Hero in the Hold
Booth kidnapped by The Gravedigger. enough said
04x17 The Salt in the Wounds
Roxie x Angela break up. Brennan insensitive to muslim religion. Hodgins x Angela sleep together ugh. Hodgins still has feelings for her. yall already know this aint good -sigh-
04x19 The Science in the Physicist
Booth tried to save Brennan from an explosion in the lab? they almost died in a vibration chamber. Booth gets punched in the face, cue fretting Brennan :)
04x21 Mayhem on a Cross
Gordon gordon is back!! :) omg Brennan chokes Clark, wtf is happening in this lab??? Sweets basically gets adopted by Booth x Brennan!! and i think Gordon gordon meant Booth is already in love with Brennan. I cannot believe Sweets sad background, hes a better character now
04x22 The Double Death of the Dearly Departed
Hodgins putting money down and Booth picking it up was cute. omg they stole the deceased. i'm deceased ☠️☠️☠️. ngl i loved this episode. its probably my favorite episode to date. it's funny and quirky with everyone of the squints involved.
04x25 The Critic in the Cabernet
Brennan x Booth baby by artificial insemination?? this is soooo random and makes no sense in Brennan’s rational mindset. turns out the hallucinations are a result of a brain tumor. seen when Stewie from family guy makes a cameo!!! ahhh i love it. also his child and it's mother doesn't come to his surgery??? could've been a cliffhanger ending but again no...
04x26 The End in the Beginning
alternate universe episode . Booth x Brennan are married and owners of a bar (literally the lab) . Booth forgets Brennan after waking up from his coma/surgery??? wow the writers have no idea how to do cliffhangers
definitely hate bingewatching this show now. im trying to like it cause the premise is fun but omg the writing is terrible. theres so many inconsistencies and things that dont make sense. definitely not a bingeable show bc i feel like i wouldnt care about these things if i watched these episodes once a week. 
Sweets x Daisy just arent interesting sorry
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bro..... im sooo tired of ppl being whiny freaks about ppl liking fictional shit ‘~too much~’. like bitches are literally fully convinced if you prefer acting out certain ideas in fiction but not irl, thats not your normal preferential boundaries but rather your brain is a mental illness BOMB and you need to be fucking hospitalized for being imaginative and having autonomy. like yall if its not taboo or smth shut uuuuhp man you’re not ‘concerned for their health’ or w/e you’re fully just tryna get away with being a nihilistic asshole who lacks sympathetic reasoning skills. listen to me. fiction is valuable. the thoughts we have on it are important. the personal lack of value you happen to put on a media is next to worthless. its not a fuckin waste of time dude, creators are people, who live in the real world, they experience it and have ideas through it and about it, they form and tweak their ideas while still definitely existing in the real world, and then put that back into the world with a new angle and new perspective, to share with other people definitely encountering it in , you guessed it , the real world. thats not disconnected. its not nothing. these things do not magically appear from fairytale land, they are created. stories mean smth, people tell them for a reason, its ok to feel smth for any story, why would we even tell them if not with the intention to impact others emotionally somehow i mean??? fiction does not Just affect reality, it is valuable to real life society, it is a functioning thriving part OF reality. 
humans have told stories since the dawn of our existence. it is literally all but an inherent species trait for us to imagine things, its tied to each and every one of us, and to reject ‘fantasy’ as smth worthless to human life is frankly just fuckin wrong and weird of you. bitch we are Supposed to get outside the box, the fandom ppl you cringe your pants over arent thinking abt fake shit too much, you guys very often just arent exercising abstract thought and imagination enough, which actually hurts your ability to engage with it critically in all the ways its meant to be. if you dont see the value in fiction its because you put in no effort to form the analysis skills. in other words, you idiots dont get the hype bc you’re too stupid to get how you're supposed to compare a book to the real world it came from. ‘uu but cmon not everythings valuable what about [tumblr designated cringe media]-’ 1. ok! somehow you havent come to this conclusion yourself yet but thats not real, whatever ppl get to enjoy is not all abt you, your bias means less than dirt to others outside of hivemind social medias, you can keep it to yourself, ppl shouldnt care about it bc it means nothing outside of ur own space, its literally funny to me that you’re so elitist you want me to cater my interests to you, Your Standard Of Quality Isnt Universal, 2. ranking the values of fiction is the waste of time here, if you compare mlp to pride and prejudice ill dissect your teeth, different emotional impacts from tragic to funny to Just A Vibe are all able to be assessed as ‘valuable to somebody else so leave well enough alone’ if you dont have 2010+ funnyman brainrot disease that makes you incapable of reflecting on anything you can find a way to joke abt first.
i mean seriously like. whenever randos start engaging with medias you ppl dont like or in ways you dont get, the strawmans yall make up to get to be cringe culture vultures abt such benign shit, and almost Always at the expense of neurodivergent people with a deeply rooted undertone of extreme ableism might i add..... its just so selfish. u have a brain ok, you’re manipulative but we both know you dont Actually think ppl automatically default to being a waifu obsessed incel rotting away at their basement computer, stagnating their social skills and straying further and further from reality with each passing day, a poor disturbed wretch that you just HAVE to save from themselves, all bc they say they. prefer fictional porn or w/e to having sex irl. buddy thats not a big deal, theyre normal, just different from you. theyre fine, you’re just uncomfortable. as a functioning adult you’re gonna have to try and recognize that sometimes that feelings gonna be 100% on you, and you cant always just lie abt the validity of it to make ppl feel obligated into agreeing with you. this is gonna be one fragment of their personhood and your self obsessed brain imploding over how unrelatable that is doesnt fucking matter, grow up bitch like. how detached do you have to be to think thats so unstable or morally wrong.... its just a completely inconsequential preferential decision that only affects them and isnt a wrong choice at all cuz nobody has to get their dick wet if they dont wanna for any reason ever and thats gotta be that tbh.... and it kills me cuz they still inherently experience the real world and are capable of thinking abt it critically,,, even tho they... masturbate to drawings or w/e the fuck ppl think is unhealthy ???? like? imagination is just fun we dont need to moderate it anymore than we moderate other fun activities i mean lol ksdjfsd this is the DEFINITION of ‘just vibing’ no one FUCKING cares and it deosnt fucking matter the way you desperately try to make ppl think it does just so u get to be loud abt ur shortcomings as a decent understanding person. 
‘uuuuuu im sorry but thats unhealthy :///’ you sound like a goddamn maniac dude stories are not unhealthy having feelings abt them is not unhealthy thinking some anime bitch that was DRAWN TO BE HOT , IS HOT, is not UNHEALTHY and you clowns arent convincing anybody you ‘care’ abt that concept anyways !! im losign my mind here skdlsdfsd medias are literally DESIGNED TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... WE’RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS FOR IT.... IT IS WHAT MAKES THE ART WE’VE TAKEN PART IN FOR CENTURIES, “ART”.... ITS JUST... HAVING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCING IMAGINATION..... whats wildly unhealthy actually is yalls toxic obsession with ‘harsh truth’ and validating your stupid ass cwinge feewings to the point where everything that gives your underdeveloped selfish ass hives has to be a matter of health and morals and whats ‘best’ for everyone. u dont know that shit!!!! ur a petty brat and im not ur mommy ok i wont baby you so u dont feel like the shitty whiny person you are, you need to grow and do better and think outside urself already, dont put the responsibility of making u feel right for judging somebodies benign hobbies on me. i wont bc its wrong and unnecessary. you’re not a savior no ones falling for that lmao you’re just a bitch girl xoxo get over it shit truly does not matter. let them write nsfw self insert fics instead of banging !! 
to make it real do yall really not Get that basic consent kinda doesnt just mean ‘no when im not in the mood at the time’ but it means ‘no if i just dont fuckin feel like having sex ever for literally any reason at all bc i choose what i do’ and pressuring them, even with what your warped brain translates as the best of intentions, is inherently disgusting? especially with the ‘i know how to help you’ attitude like......... ohhh die soonly ew lmao! lay off this nasty shit already please it doesnt matter! stop trying to make it matter!! its not hurting you or them you stupid tumblr phd ass!! and like again yeah some media shits just truly gross but tbr now its like even That kind of shit, the Real social issues caused by Actually problematic media that ppl should discuss Genuinely without ulterior motives, is being used more and more rampantly as just a stepping stone to get to the needless mockery of other harmless things in the media they want an excuse to bag on.......... like a bitch cant just be grown and talk about problems at face value without getting a bully jab in. smhhhhh you all fuckin suck please just stop talking already. so anyways yeah being attracted to fictional characters instead of real people or w/e IS funny, funny how many boyfriends they have when u have none xoxo theyre having fun and you can die sad abt it they get to die 5 times in an angsty fantasy fic and be brought back with mouth to mouth by fuckin kakashi every time and then they go get lunch irl while ur updating tinder bitch ... different fucking strokes ig !
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fortunemars · 4 years
Also more art
I love the centrepiece of the green one but its too small to see like this so I'm gonna get a zoomed in piece for this post hehe hopefully tumblr let's you click on them so you can see everything djjdjsjs
I did these all super late last night bc I was having a time and wanted to draw psps I like these a lot tho I didnt like the alt version of the red that had the diamonds. I wanted to keep the vibe of the purple one with the swirls (tho that wasnt my favourite one either hense the plain background of it too djdjbshs) but it just didnt sit well. Maybe it was the shade of the body. Also notice the blue accents on the red 💕
Ps I hope none of the lines are actually symbols!! I wasnt thinking about that when I made these, I just drew lines that looked nice to me. I really hope I'm not doing something bad here :(
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The purple ones???? So cool looking???? The purple parts that are detached from the main body were meant to be wings at first but lowkey this could be seen as smthn about body image (bc they arent connected but they are the same colour so it seems like someone who thinks their body is bigger than it is which is smthn I sort of deal with) but that wasnt the intent lol.
They were inspired by this
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(Tiktok @/vonex20)
It gave me vibes (while also reminding me of the demons I see when I open doors at night).
Also when drawing these I was reminded of the "drawing my fears as ---" trend and like... its definitely vibes. The only good thing about the diamond red is that the over stimulation that it causes is exactly what I get when I move around at night.
Its very tempting to try to draw things more related to my paranoia psps it would be fun.
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Heres one I forgot about but I drew it a bit ago 💕
This one is actually kinda related to my paranoia bc some of the images that flash through my mind are bloody teeth biting into chunks of flesh, but the blood is like neon red/pink/yellow/blue/whatever (it's different colours but they're always neon). I dont actually see images in my head when I try but when I sleep I dream very vividly. I can see some random flashes of pictures sometimes (thus that drawing). Idk why but they're always dark and neon. Like black background and just bright aggressive neon accents nd highlights.
Fun fact I have a hard time differentiating dreams and reality because my dreams are so vivid, but also bc my funky maybe sleeping disorder. I fall in and out of sleep ~10 times per chunk of sleep so my brain has a hard time figuring out if I'm still in my dream or if I'm awake. This affects my memory (the fact that ive forgotten 99% of my childhood doesnt help) and makes me think things that happened in realistic dreams are actual things that happen. Lmao it also isnt helped that I've been taking character's personalities and saying made up cool things about me my whole life so people would like me since I'm an army brat.
In conclusion bc this is long and no one actually cares bc i went way off point and probably lost some trains of thought.
Jdndbshsh hope yall enjoyed the art.
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rogueshipagogo · 5 years
ppl have been asking me my opinions on space channel 5 vr... and i guess since i bought a vr headset off craigslist just so i could play it and speedrun it before work the day it came out... i should talk abt it now... i dont rly think i’ll be able to separate it into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things i think i’m just going to do a rambly stream of consciousness bc i have a headache... but i DO have good things to say abt this game... so st.... sta stay t tune  d
right off the bat, the thing i appreciate most abt this game- i like that space channel 5 vr doesnt have cash grab vibes. i Do genuinely believe that they Wanted to make this game For the people who are still obsessed with it, and that they ultimately did what they set out to do when they intended to scale certain aspects of the series up conceptually to match the way the fandom perceives it nowadays. but like i’ve said before... i’m not going to Disagree with the very common conclusion that it Needed to be longer, or at Least more intricate plot-wise. one of my fun and fresh excuses for sc5vr being as short as it is is because you arent really supposed to be playing vr games for too long anyways, its really disorienting and kinda painful, but even that doesn’t account for why so much of the game that we got is a rehash of old settings, concepts, songs, and characters. [i dont even have a problem with reusing old songs, i just think the ones they chose ended up being misleading]
for example i think it makes sense that the first report is a remake of the first games first report on the surface, it’s meant to take you back to the way the first game felt and give you an idea of what it means that the games classic scenery can be rendered in actual high quality detail now [same with the recurrence of events like encountering the space pirates in the asteroid belt/the last battle against a villain being singing to it about what it’s done wrong], but i really thought, like, report 1 was going to end up being a simulated scenario for the benefit of lou and kee’s training... which i dont think ended up being the case??? i think they really did write ‘ok here you are in the first game’s setting again, fighting the old enemies again, because... :^) ok have fun playing report 2!’
and then whats report 2... you fight another old boss from the first game... but theres Still no clear villain or motivation for anything thats happening... and there wont be until like... basically the end of the game...
like, glitter is a really cute character, but its kind of underwhelming that shes just a random citizen who was kidnapped by an entity that we NEVER LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT... like part 1 was extremely notable for being about corporate greed and corruption, part 2 honestly wasnt that political in comparison but at least made you do a think wrt purge’s motivation and his methods, and this game just has a plot device that feels like it’ll do smth but then ends up not doing anything beyond what we already learned about it from the information on its character bio before the game was out. if it turns out that cell x is actually relevant again in a future entry in the franchise and they do have a more developed concept for what cell x Is in mind, i’ll do an entire backflip, but for now its just chalked up to being the result of More Space Hijinks that dont need to be explained
ESPECIALLY WITH ALL OF THE ALLUSIONS TO CELL X BEING AN ENTITY THAT FEEDS OFF OF DANCE ENERGY... it had me thinking that there would have to be some New Method of fighting it off that didn’t just lend it more power in the process, but nah apparently just tacking on the disclaimer ‘*this dance energy is not for glitter’ is enough to turn it from smth it can consume for power into big attacks you can use to kill it... like honestly it sounds like im asking for a lot from a game that has Never made too much sense, but considering that in part 2 they could add details like ‘oh didnt you know purge can open pocket dimensions? ulala is capable of manifesting tangible dance energy and the only other person who can do that is purge???’, its not like they havent come up with weird new shit for dance energy to do within the plot before. they just didnt do it in this game fsr
like did anyone else think that cell x/glitter was going to be the result of tossing purge out into deep space and him encountering the sc5 universe’s equivalent of an eldritch alien creature, smth more bestial than morolians?? even if purge wasnt part of it, when you say ‘uh oh, this guy Eats this society’s only source of energy!!!’ i expect the stakes to get HIGH, and i want the ramifications of it to be kinda STARTLING, because blank wanted money and purge wanted to ritualistically end the world but something this near to an ecological disaster that would force an entire paradigm shift hasn’t occurred yet in the series?? its totally new!!! there’s a lot they could do with this but OH DONT WORRY ABOUT IT EVERYONE ulala knows how to make dance energy kill cell x instead of feed it she’s got this we’re good no need to investigate more into all that
i can’t explain why the game is like this. and i dont expect grounding to address it in any meaningful way either. i’m sure they’re Aware of these complaints by now- the game reviewing community has Not been kind to sc5vr specifically due to all of these shortcomings [i didnt even touch on the issues with motion sensing and how many of the games mechanics were removed in favor of smth presumably easier to program yet much less satisfying, like Secret Moves just being mini quicktime events and Turning Your Ratings Into Stars just being replaced with the standard Three Strikes You’re Out method of scoring], but the pr team still seems very enthusiastic abt the game and is still promising dlc and potentially even more games in the series after this one- heres hoping that they’ll at least take these grievances to heart and consider making the experience not only more accessible [aka it will... go back to being a rhythm game with controller input.... and not... an exclusive vr experience...], but also as immersive and detailed as the old games, with less reused plot beats. i can let some of it off the hook in this game simply because i’m aware that it began its life as a tech demo that was only supposed to be that initial first report from the first game But Happening All Around You!, but i Really dont think they could get away with doing this little to expand upon the groundwork set by the first two games again. not with the way people remember part 2 being such a vast upgrade from part 1... the bar had been set so high that this just felt like a huge backslide into something even sillier and harder to take seriously than part 1 before we had any idea what kind of staying power the franchise would have as a hallmark of sega’s quirky antics. like... this game is what i think space channel 5 looks like to people who don’t understand the appeal of the first two games. and that scares me
but i guess for the most part, aside from wishing they had done more to revitalize the setting and the lore of the sc5 universe itself, im kind of glad it didnt do a lot to change the existing storylines the characters have kinda forged for themselves- here i was stressing out that they would pull out some plot development that would utterly and drastically change the way we talked abt the series for the rest of time, but so little happened and so little was added to the bank of sc5 lore that we can kind of all just carry on as usual and keep having the same headcanons we always had.
BUT!!! there ARE a lot of cute little details here and there that make the experience feel wholesome and like i said not an utter cashgrab- like so many of the character profiles referencing previous games [all of the references to npcs in this game being relatives of the npcs of the last games made me lose it] and how often ulala changes her expressions up and looks right at you and talks to you. the new music they wrote for the game also all slaps and everyones redesigns [if they got a redesign... rip pudding] are stunning
one of the most important things they did in this game was give a nice sort of Update to every character.... for example explaining that ulala isn’t a rookie reporter any more like she was in the first 2 games, that she’s moved up to being in charge of training new channel 5 reporters, and that while pudding is still somewhat stuck on her rivalry with ulala her career isn’t stagnant either, she was just cast in a romcom series as the lead... which is really nice considering how in the past she was portrayed as somewhat of a loser with almost no remaining fans left from her idol years
and you knew i was going to bring up jaguar at some point HES ALL OVER THIS GAME AND IT LITERALLY MADE ME FEEL LIKE MY LIFE WAS WORTH POWERING THROUGH THESE LAST FEW YEARS AND ALSO LIKE IM A GENIUS FOR SPENDING SO LONG POSTING EVERY SINGLE DAY ‘NO REALLY, HE’S THE SECONDARY PROTAGONIST OF THE STORY, ITS ABOUT CHANNEL 5 AS A COMPANY AND THEIR IMPACT ON EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER ENCOUNTERED THEM AND THAT INCLUDES JAGUAR AS WELL AS ULALA HES INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT BC SHE WOULDNT BE ALIVE IF IT WEREN’T FOR HIM’ i feel like it’s really incredible how in this game he has genuinely nice energy and doesnt withhold praise from ulala just to be helpful in a mysterious way later and he like HAS FRIENDS now. like consider how he went from disgraced former ch5 employee who got mad every time he saw them, to kidnapped robot henchman kinda humbled by the fact that now the turns tabled and ulala had to rescue Him, and now 3 years later his bio is all about how he has a new tv show thats super popular and he has a new entourage of ladies who he considers his '’’’’’comrades’’’’’’’ within the station he founded??? AND AFTER 20 YEARS THEY WERE FINALLY ABLE TO GIVE HIS MODEL JUICY ASS CHEEKS??????????????? NO MORE PANCAKE BOOTY???? THE BOY HAD A GLOWUP AND NO I WONT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
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