#bc i know that people express their genderfluidity differently so i tried to take a pretty even approach
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Mothman anon back again cause i'm a simp. Can i get some EJ, Masky, Toby, Bloody Painter, and Clockwork with a genderfluid s/o?
MOTH I missed u welcome back !! 🤎
Eyeless Jack
- Ever since turning into a demon gender is, like, super fake to him
- Okay not fake. But like, it doesn’t phase him in the least
- I think there are also days that he decides he wants to go by different pronouns, sometimes he’ll ask to go by they/them
- So he’s very relieved to have a gender fluid s/o, you guys really balance each other out and are a huge source of relief for each other
- Since it’s so personal to him he WILL hunt down anybody who doesn’t respect your identity
- Literally offhand if you tell him “oh someone misgendered me today but no biggie” he’ll just stand up like “excuse me” and not come back for. Hours
- And then come back covered in blood! And not explain himself at all :)
- He’s a little more human and a lil older so this concept, while not new or confusing to him, takes a little more concentration to grasp
- He’s a very laid back person so he won’t necessarily react too much or show that he has a couple questions to ask you
- Ofc he’s going to be respectful and listen intently to what you ask of him but he’s probably the most likely to slip up
- Which is then followed by a lot of “fuck. Oh shit. Sorry. Fuck”
- Super good at adjusting to every little thing you ask of him, without even realizing it. Working for a 15 foot tall faceless being makes you really good at just accepting things without blinking
- He wishes he had known about this when he was a bit younger himself, because the more he talks to you and thinks about it the more he thinks he had friends who didn’t know that they were genderfluid, or maybe he’s genderfluid (I can also see him going by they/them some days)
- It honestly breaks his heart to see that people didn’t know themselves so he’s so proud that you’re comfortable in your own skin
- Okay so. When you first tell him he makes a face like a really worried face
- You’re scared that he’s gonna say something about it but instead he’s like “fuck I’m never gonna be able to remember the right pronouns”
- That’s a lie he’s totally fine about it, he’s just so so worried about saying the wrong thing because he loves you n he loves making you happy
- His big way of connecting is talking with you about non-binary/other genderfluid celebrities because it’s a good viewpoint for him, like he takes how other people treat them and do his best to apply it to you
- If you like using more feminine/masculine/neutral clothing or accessories he is READY, he wears lil barrettes in case you want one and will offer you his hoodies or jackets
Bloody Painter
- Again, if you like to dress in more feminine/masculine/neutral clothing each day, Helen loves to paint you in each of your outfits
- He has a little collage he made of you up on his wall :,)
- OF COURSE he’s patient and very understanding about your gender identity because, well, he was low key forced to grow up as female and that was a weird experience for him
- He adjusts to pronouns super easily, even if you ask to go by something different every few hours
- Most of the time he just uses your name or cute little nicknames
- Literally the human embodiment of chill
- So if you were nervous to tell her and mumbling through your words or starting over to explain it better she’d just be so patient and let you finish your thoughts
- And then she’d just be like “okay, rad” and not really mention it again
- If you want to talk about it she’s all ears and she’s very open with questions that she has
- Obviously she’s respectful of any pronoun changes or requests! It might take her a second to remember though
- She’s afraid she’ll slip up so most days she just uses the good ol’ neutral “babe”
- Or if you don’t like “babe”, whichever other cute nickname you want :,)
#babe im ngl i was a little nervous writing this#bc i know that people express their genderfluidity differently so i tried to take a pretty even approach#ticci toby x reader#ticci toby#clockwork x reader#clockwork#eyeless jack x reader#eyeless jack#masky#masky x reader#tim wright#blood painter#bloody painter x reader#helen otis#genderfluid#mothman anon#natalie oulette
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Marvel Gender Headcanons
because i doubt some of these people are cis
i claim this man for the trans community
he realised he was trans at around present time (15-16 years old)
he knows his family and friends will accept him
he’s still N E R V O U S
but he still wants to be true to his identity
so he wears the trans flag colours!!
Ned obvs catches on, but doesn’t say anything
Tony’s the first one Peter comes out to, bc i’m soft and irondad owns my heart
Tony gets him a spider suit with a binder built in
Peter is absolutely the kind of trans guy who forgets to take off his binder (i’m not projecting what do you mean)
he comes out to his aunt May next, and she breaks out the scissors
the other eventually figure it out, and they accept him immediately
Peter: Hey Clint?
Clint: Yo
Peter: I’m trans
Clint: *takes a gulp of his soda* wig
Peter: ???
they love him though let’s be real
Natasha Punches A Transphobe
someone calls Peter a tr*nny
Natasha sends them on a one way trip to space :)
Peter absolutely decides to go on T
and he is a handsome!! boy!!
he eventually tells Ned and MJ, and they accept him too
Ned buys him a trans flag
by the time they’re graduating high school, Peter passes as cis very well
i’m claiming Tony as trans too
i promise there’s other gender identities here jdsfhkhsdfkjh
Tony came out in the 80s of all times
we know Howard
it didn’t go over well
Maria didn’t say much about it, but Howard was actively against it
Tony didn’t care at all
he literally snuck out and got a fake ID so he could start on T
Tony was almost 18 at that point, but he still used Howard’s money
just to piss him off
well Howard ended up dying like 3 years later
Maria survived because fuck you
but Tony never ended up getting any surgeries because he ended up getting busy with the company
he just didn’t have time, with all the recovery that goes into it
he’s still on T though!!
mans has tiddies and a beard, the boomers get confused
he tends to keep it more private though
Pepper knows, how could she not?
Pepper is the sole reason Tony survived to adulthood lbr
Peter found out accidentally
Tony got oil on a shirt while fixing one of his machines, and Peter walked in while he had it off
he saw the binder and boyyy was that a surprise
but it totally explained how Tony already knew so much about supporting Peter in his transition
the problem with being an ADHD workaholic??
when Tony hyperfocuses, he forgets to take off his binder
Jarvis: Sir, you need to take off your binder
Tony: Gimme like five more minutes, I need to finish this
Jarvis: Sir, it’s been 38 hours??
Tony: *already moving onto the next task* What’s your point?
his ribs are so fucked
Pepper and Peter remind him too
my boy is a mess
this is solely because my nb loml claimed thor as nb and it’s super fucking valid
i love you babe 🥺
so Thor learned about different genders from Loki
and also from Peter tbh
but Thor LOVED the idea of being in between
it just made him really happy!!
he started using those labels a lot, even though he didn’t know much about what they meant
being on Earth more, he started to learn more about them
mostly because they replaced cops at pride (Peter’s idea)
so Thor decided to learn more
he knew he liked boys, that wasn’t uncommon on Asgard
gender expression was very open, but that blurred the lines a lot for him
when he got to non-binary, it clicked
“oh that sounds like me”
he was excited he’d figured it out
his immediate instinct?
he went to tell Loki
the only problem was Loki was asleep
“what do you wANT-”
it took like ten minutes for Loki to figure out what he meant
Loki was tired give him a break
he just kinda pushed Thor’s face away and went back to sleep
they talked about it again in the morning
after Loki got some coffee he was more receptive
“I accept you, just please stop waking me up at 2 am”
Thor’s just trying his best
he doesn’t know how to be non-binary though
(there is no right way to be enby though)
so Loki tried a few example sentences using they/them pronouns
Thor LOVED it
so now Thor wanted to use they/them pronouns
Loki isn’t a brain cell by any means
but he sure feels like one sometimes
and he’s tired of it
Thor announced it to everyone they saw
some people heard it multiple times
they were happy for their thude
and Thor wore an enby flag to their first pride!!
now the protector of the lesbians says non-library rights
Loki basically always knew he was genderfluid
it just seemed really obvious to him?
he realised he wasn’t cis when he was 7
he transformed into a girl for fun
and she was like “oh i like this-”
so she experimented with that
and she fucking loved all of them
so she turned back into a boy and went to Frigga
that’s how he found out about the word genderfluid
so he basically just grew up shapeshifting as much as he wanted
when they eventually went to earth, Loki couldn’t shapeshift as much
after he was redeemed, he still needed to be recognisable so they wouldn’t think he was to pull a fast one on them
he was uncomfy
Loki stays in his room a lot
he just really doesn’t wanna deal with it
he still shapeshifts in private!
Thor ends up being the one to catch on
but he kinda knows that Loki won’t talk to him
so he sends in the spider child!
Loki and Peter have a pretty close bond
so on one of the nights they hang out, it’s a she/her day
and Loki just kinda snapped and went on a bit of a rant
and she ended up coming out to Peter
Loki totally didn’t end up crying what do you mean
she just needs a hug
obvs Peter was accepting
he gave her that hug don’t worry
this was all on a rooftop eating bad street food jhshkfhjfkhkd
he did ask if he could tell the others, and Loki reluctantly agreed
yeah, the others felt kinda bad
so they ended up compromising!!
Loki could shapeshift, but not into other people
and she could wear whatever she wanted
they also gave her bracelets so she could express her pronouns
its a long road
and it takes a long time to build trust
but Loki really does appreciate Thor and Peter’s efforts
trans enby rights. send tweet
let’s jump back to 1930s
Bucky was transitioning before the war
he had the surgeries and was on T
Steve was the only one who really knew
it was right when HRT was starting to become a thing
he was one of the first people to try it
and it worked pretty well!
Bucky passed easily after ~2 years on T
but then he died
RIP Bucky :(
when he comes back as a Hydra agent, they use T supplements to make his body stronger
“Jokes on you, I like that shit”
yeah no the others end up rescuing him from there
but Bucky still takes T
everyone is a bit worried about it
they think he’s still under Hydra’s control
Steve has to explain it (with Bucky’s permission)
but Bucky really starts feeling a disconnect with being a male
it’s mostly due to the trauma from Hydra
he knows he’s not a girl anymore
but he hates the idea of being a boy now
so he has no idea what he is
he ends up drawing the parallel between himself and Thor
but Bucky still sees some masculinity in Thor, which confuses him a LOT
Bucky’s always confused lbr
so he ends up finding the term Agender
and he understands it!! and likes it!!
he’s too nervous to tell the others, so he writes sentences using they/them pronouns
“Their name is Bucky Barnes”
“Bucky is tired, they need a nap”
“Bucky’s best friend is Steve. They’ve known Steve since the beginning”
Bucky is WAY happier with they/them pronouns
the problem is they don’t know how to communicate that
even to Steve, they’re just nervous
Steve ends up finding the paper, which now has over 100 sentences
so the next time they’re alone, Steve brings it up, and after a little bit of avoiding answering, Bucky tells him about it
Steve is super accepting 🥺
“Do you want me to tell the others for you?”
“Yes please, I have no idea what I’m doing-”
“I don’t think any of us do”
so Steve lets the others know, and they start using they/them pronouns
Bucky’s IMMEDIATELY so much happier
i just think they’re neat-
MJ isn’t cis, fuck you
MJ is a demigirl
and no one even figured it out for the longest time
she kinda groups herself on the more non-binary side
Peter finds out because someone calls her by they/them pronouns
“MJ?? Are you?? Non-binary??”
“Are you still a girl??”
after like 20 mins Peter figures it out
and boy is he confused
“Why didn’t you just say it?”
“I couldn’t. Gotta keep ‘em on their toes”
the M in MJ stands for mystery
she switches from lesbian to the term Trixic (NBLW)
MJ goes to pride with Peter and Ned that year
MJ gets a girlfriend there!!
she comes out to her girlfriend upfront. she doesn’t feel like waiting
yeah she gets intense
she gets it from her moms
who can blame her
MJ sometimes wears a binder
she wore one on the first day of school, because Peter was nervous about being out (he’d come out over the summer)
MJ will punch transphobes and homophobes
even just for fun tbh
but she won’t do it immediately
she heard someone make a comment about Ned and his boyfriend and waited a few days
and then came out of nowhere
the douchebag kinda knew why though
in conclusion, MJ is elite
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ALL OF THEM (someone asked me to do that so I’m passing it along to you)
thank you!! Just managed to finish this before the kiddo woke up :)
1. favourite performance you ever attended
I’ve been to exactly 3 opera performances, and one was technically an intermezzo, and I’d say that one because it was a surprise that my teeny tiny home town that doesn’t even have an opera house despite being the third largest city in the state would do a production of a super obscure piece that I happened to love, AND it was in English with a hilarious translation, AND that translation happened to be by a friend of mine who worked at the theater that put it on (which is also the theater that turned me gay). The intermezzo in question was La serva padrona (which is fantastic look it up) and it was translated to Maid to Marry which I will never not get a kick out of.
2. a performance you would’ve wanted to attend (present or past)
Literally anything Mentzer has done that hasn’t been filmed which is unfortunately a lot (she was Idamante??? And Octavian?? And Adalgisa??? and Rosina?? and Prince Charmant with Frederica von Stade in Cendrillon??? seriously universe get your shit together she deserves more recognition)
3. a piece perfect for your commute
anytime I take a long walk I listen to Hoffmann, almost anytime I drive I listen to my mezzo boi playlist that consists of all my favorite trouser role arias/duets etc. (so, like, every one that I’ve heard)
4. do you have a go-to opera (and version)?
lately Hoffmann and Idomeneo (the latter of which I still think should be called Illia e Idamante or just Idamante but I digress). Versions would be: for Hoffmann, Sher (2009 & 2015), La Scala ‘95, and Brussels ‘85 and for Idomeneo Met 2017 and Salzburg 2006.
5. an opera you loved only on the second listening
as mentioned earlier, Idomeneo
5. a composer you have tried and failed to like
again not really sure bc I’ve liked most of what I heard, but I don’t really vibe with Glass
6. a character you love and definitely never want to meet in real life
Possibly Elizabeth from Don Carlo(s); love her because she’s wonderful and deserves so much better, but wouldn’t want to meet her because we would probably just cry a lot.
7. following up on that: your guilty problematic favourite character
hmmmmmm maybe Eboli?
8. forget anatomy/physiology. which voice category/fach would you choose?
mezzo :D
9. a casting/singer’s voice you’ll defend to the death. (now tell us why)
Nadine Sierra. Seriously people have been so mean to her in comments/reviews lately and it’s just rude because she’s amazing and adorable and talented and definitely one of my favorite divas, reins in my heart as my second favorite Countess Almaviva and is my favorite Illia and I want to see her as everything. People don’t even have anything specific about her to critique, they just say she’s bad. Which, it’s okay to just not like a performer, but don’t bash them because you personally don’t like them. Erg. Her voice and expressions SLAY me and she deserves only positivity.
10. and a production you’ll defend to the death
Sher Hoffmann. People are so mean to it in the reviews! I think it’s utter genius and the sets and costumes are so eccentric and fit the aesthetic of the opera so well, and the casts are amazing--anyone who wants to criticize Lindsey or Calleja can back off and never return. Also to all the critics who complain that it’s too risqué, they have obviously never seen the Geneva 2008 one where the chorus spends a good part of the opera almost fully nude, as does Olympia. Sher’s Hoffmann is my favorite and as the question states I will defend it to the death.
11. something you’re a rigid traditionalist (or revolutionary) about?
I’m kind of a traditionalist for ballet scenes in opera. I get it can be hard to stage those extended musical bits that aren’t as welcome now as they were back in the day, but how is it helping to make the choreography weird and irrelevant? I’d rather just have the ballet removed altogether than suffer through some weird staging. If a production retains the ballet, I would either like to just see some pretty dancing (actually, the Troyens that just streamed last night is a good example of that imo), or something related that’s also kinda funny (like the Wiener 2020 Don Carlos, though I’m not 100% okay with everything in it) or something that makes a statement about the opera (like the 2006 Salzburg Idomeneo, which I wrote a really long thing about earlier). My favorite choreography in any opera so far though is Mark Morris’s super awesome genderfluid choreography for the Met 2009 Orfeo ed Euridice because it’s just some really pretty dancing and also very gay.
12. an opera that made you have an ~*awakening*~ of sorts (any sort)
Don Carlo(s), you probably know why by now 😉
13. an opera/music debate do you know so much about that people will suspiciously ask “why...do you know this?”
Probably Hoffmann and its various edits
14. rant about a topic/an opera you love but haven’t found a good time to do so on your blog.
I’m not really a fan of countertenors in castrati roles. I’ve seen some countertenor performers that I like, and some productions with them that I’ve enjoyed, but I really need my mezzo bois. I know there’s not really enough to justify one over the other, given the original voice type is now nonexistent, but I will take any opportunity to infuse more sapphic energy into operas. Plus, I just like the sound of the mezzo voice better. And a LOT of my favorite mezzos have played those roles and I seriously don’t know what I’d do without Alice Coote’s Idamante or Elīna Garanča’s Sesto. If a role was specifically written for a countertenor—I see this more in modern opera, Adès in particular—that’s a different story. I enjoy those. But for Baroque/opera seria, I wanna see mezzos.
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Top 10 fictional characters
Idk what the criteria is but sjdjdjd YOU GOT ME... This will be fun
1. Luna from Lunar Silver Star Stories
because nostalgia. I was like, in elementary school and didn't understand English and I hated that a lot :< but she had blue hair and could sing and dominate the world kinda so that was cool (guess why I got blue hair first lol)
2. okay but,, Matt from Digimon??
The name is radical. Digimon makes me instantly cry when it hear the intro (I tested it on a con lol) bc nostalgia. And that guy cared so much for his bro and even later tried his hardest to keep his shit together and FUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT OKAY!! he was a caring baby and threw hands when someone did bs. A bit too much hot head but,,, development man.
3. Rapunzel from Tangled?
.... She smacks people w a frying pan and I had my bday going to the film theatre for Tangled and it was basically the only film I didn't hate
4. Mulan.
Feminism!! also the guy was 100k gay for her when he thought she was a guy and sjsjdj. The sass and the resolute "fuck society and lets help people who need it" attitude... I mean?? How can't you! I love her. Also she kicked ass and saved a country based on being late and standing up for her dad in desperation of not knowing what to do in life and getting a chance to make a change for the better c:
5. Zuko from Avatar.
... Character development. Really. He was constantly looking for himself and hated everything because he made his self esteem depend on other people's views on him until he freed himself and learned to forgive and love and then he was fulfilled and didn't need romance or shit. He was okay in making up for what he did and that was awesome. He had the guts to endure rejection and pain for all the mistakes he had made. And even before he did show compassion and love, just in his own ways. A truly amazing character.
6. Ahhhh Virgil obv.
I'm just biased on that one bc.. Punk aesthetics. The guy is a walking ace flag. And he gave me the emancipation to love purple (that sounds stupid. My step dad made me hate purple by associating it to my dysphoria and several sexist stereotypes that made me hate myself for liking the colour. And now I'm wearing purple at this moment, my phone having a purple colour theme and even my nail polish being pastel purple in shimmering. Not to talk to about my hair lol)
7 Okay but Mat from DDADDS
He is,,,,,,,, baby,,,,
He has anxiety and trouble and problems but he moves on, he tries. He is relatable in being kindhearted and trying to express his passions just as he is. He never dreamed bigger than he needed to be because he was content in himself and open for finding his way to himself again because he's allowed to love even without others. And that beautiful. He's such a loving and supportive character and hhhh the dreadlocks (biased haha) and the voice and all.
(tbh I kinds love all dads in the game)
8 Dee
I'm a major deceit Stan and that's mostly because he stirs up philosophical and moral questions. He challenges views like Virgil did when he first appeared and made the "light sides" explain themselves and their legimitisation to be and be 'right'.
Also he is a classy fucker and I'm so s so gay for him. I can't get enough and watched SVS like 25 times not even joking.
9 Remus
.... Okay so he was the first character I could ever really relate to. He was weird, weird on purpose but alps not on purpose and that was my childhood struggle as genderfluid pan-poly ADHD deity. I wanted to be different bc of my ADHD because I just NEEDED to do and such (also I was big neglected) until I realised that.. I was just different because I was me and I didn't have to weird out people's on purpose
I take pride in who I am . It's easier now, with less hyperactivity. Because I am more confidently and truly myself and not some overloaded idiot who can't shut up (I still can't shut up but have stimming now). Remus is just.. Odd and I love that. He isn't supposed to be low here but idk how to make out who's the most important tbh.
... Also he makes jokes all the time and I csn relate
10 chara from undertale.
Not saying a thing and still changing a world form total genocide and rigorous murder and rules to love and acceptance. Just by making a compliment, relating to others and never being weided out by bones and frogs and other creatures.
(also an nb icon I mean,,)
Characters I'd like to mention :
Todd (bojack horseman), Remy and Emile from the ts universe (great soft therapist and sassy bitch I mean,,), Toph and the moon goddess from Avatar (I mena the real one bc........ I'm a huge gay okay,. Also she did awesome things and Toph is just fucking empowerment and self esteem. Never give, no matter what!). Garnet and Lapis from Steven Universe,,, and so so many more like Hilda from Hilda and Ivy from Digimon World 2003 who just fucked over gender roles bc she took a name for liking it and not any gender linked to it.. Heidi from Heidi lol bc positivity. I just.. I also forgot many many others like Cowley from Good Omens and Kevin and his Mom from Supernatural. And Castiel obv. And Vld Keith and Shiro and hhhhh so many many more
So so many characters. Fuck real people I don't understand their faces anyway bc I'm like super blind
#You probably don't know any of the first few I mentioned.#If someone knows luna you get a cookie and my halls happy Crystal tears#Hhhhhhhhhhh
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ive been seeing a lot of rather cringy lgbt+-related rant videos and posts on tumblr. these kinds of thing has been going on for a while now. i think maybe its just totally inappropriate timing what with all the trump dilemma that made ppl become more triggered than usual, but its come to the point where i have to go out of my way to make both a rant and a psa out of this post. or maybe ive been following the wrong ppl.
anyways, those cringy rant vids/posts. they are usually white teenage girls who go on and on about how someone called them “miss” when “excuse me????” *cough cough* “ACTUALLY, im genderfluid.”
ok. howbout YOU excuse me. bc frankly, you look like a “miss”, so thats why i called you “miss”. i mean like i wont call you a bitch until you look like a female dog. OH MY!!!! im sorry!!! youre genderfluid. my bad. correction: a genderfluid dog. so yeah, dont you act all triggered just bc someone assumed your gender identity incorrectly. how could i tell when you have your boobs falling out of your shirt?? you dont exactly announce your gender to the world, do you??? its only fair that i would assume so. empathize with the ppl who arent exposed to the different lgbt spectrums. dont rant about it. TAKE ACTION and take the initiative to point out their mistake. youre genderfluid, fine with me. that is my mistake, sorry for being ignorant and not noticing. pls correct me. its simple as that. why dont you have the nerve to correct them when someone mistook your gender, but you have it in you to go to fucking tumblr to rant about it? the mistake isnt gonna fix itself when you do so. it only gets fixed when you point it out to the person who made that mistake. what is your purpose here???? are you trying to get sympathy or attention?? bc youre not getting any from me. i dont care and im sick of it. if you want someone who does, go tell your mother.
yall lgbt ppl assumed this “dont assume” policy for yourselves. im willing to follow, but there will ofc be ppl out there who are not aware. dont blame them. from the moment any child is born, they are subjected to this hetero-normative view of how a person is identified as. they are programmed from a young age that there is an order in which a person follows. if youre not female, youre male. there seems to be no other option. being lgbt creates the opportunity to be someone else. not all ppl are exposed to this. those who do take advantage of it.
im part of the lgbt community myself (as i am bi), but im embarrassed for what some of you have done to demean the value of the lgbt community. its like how ppl seem to always be hating on feminists all over again, bc of some ppl taking it too far and dont fully understand what it means. just bc you dont conform to the norms of society when it comes to sexual orientation doesnt mean you get any special favour. my friends, even the gay ones, have been joking around about how “omg youre cant do _____ just bc im gay like thats not ok.” but i find the truth in what they joke around about. ppl from the lgbt seem to always be finding excuses to be offended when someone comments on their sexuality.
take it from my experiences. i live near two schools, so there are lots of kids in my neighborhood. the school im going to is a very multicultural public school that has a lot of brown and asian kids (my squad), and the other school is a prestigious private school specializing in art that is predominantly white. both schools are very close, so we know the ins and outs of each other. admittedly, i have lots of friends from both of the schools: lgbt friends, non-lgbt friends, and friends who jokes/pretend that they are lgbt. my point is: i know this kid from the private school. there was a rumour that he is gay. i confronted to him and bluntly asked him if he is actually gay. he started yelling at me defensively, saying “do you have a problem??? you cant just hate me bc im gay.” I DID NOT DO ANYTHING. i didnt speak to him again. on the other hand, theres this muslim trangendered boy in my school. hes quite famous due to his gender identity. when i met him for the first time, i asked him if he is transgender. he was cool about it and just simply said “yeah. im pretty famous in this school arent i?” he didnt get offended. he didnt act defensively. we were off with a very good start. since our school are more multicultural than the private school, a lot of us coming from eastern countries. eastern countries are more conservative and they dont take kindly to “different” ppl. he worked hard to be who he wants to be, and he is confident with himself and his gender.
not totally unrelated to this, but im a friend of a girl who goes to the private school. nice kid, very cute, great at dance. she usually dresses in pretty dresses and skirts. but one day, she came in with jeans, sweater, and short boyish hair. everyone was surprised. then she told everyone she is genderfluid. there were a lot of genderfluid ppl in the private school, not so much in my school. when i asked her how she knew, she said why not??
it seems like there is a trend on being lgbt+, especially in this demographic (white, female, teen). as soon as its openly accepted, ppl will conform to become a part of this new thing. even after joining tumblr and seeing all these new lgbt+ categories makes me question myself. i tried to fit myself into this label, and i feel that this is what is happening. before it is accepted in western countries, the idea was very hush hush. now that everyone is beginning to accept it, suddenly everyone is lgbt. not like “oh im closeted bc lgbt is not accepted and now im out bc its accepted.” no, its like “oh this lgbt thing is pretty new! lets see which category i THINK i fit in the best and squeeze myself into this label.” im sorry, if youre an actual lgbt veteran and you have been fighting all your life for acceptance and equal rights. but there are ppl who are trying to conform to this lgbt+ “thing” bc it seems like everyone is out as well. there are even some ppl who would go out of there way to make a point that they ARE indeed lgbt+. you cant just wake up one morning and decide that youre suddenly asexual, or pansexual (when you havent even had a sexual relationship) or genderfluid. its not fair to those who have worked so hard. but then again, im in no position to tell you who you are. you are the controller of your life. but dont act all defensive and go crying to your followers just bc someone makes a comment on your sexuality/gender but youre not confident/sure enough about it to forget and forgive. if this is truly who you are, then TAKE ACTION. you dont need to prove to me that you are lgbt, just simply embrace it by expressing it. BELIEVE IN WHO YOU ARE. and dont be ashamed. you cant stop someone from assuming when you yourself dont accept that fact. who cares what others think.
ok so. after all that longass rant with the telling of my whole fucking life story, half-assed motivational quotes, and some rather rude use of language, the moral of the story is: i dont have a problem with your gender identification or sexual orientation, im actually fine with it. but i do have a problem with people using that as an excuse to act all disgusted and horrified and lash out on social media when someone may or may not have intentionally “offended” them. if its actually offensive, fine, you are free to make a point about it and shove it up their asses. but when someone asks you if youre gay, you DONT FUCKING GIVE THEM YOUR ATTITUDE. saying yes is enough. its up to their discretion to either shrug and move on (which i would do bc i dont care about your sexuality) or they can punch you in the face like a fucking trump supporter that they are. it is only when they punch you that you fight back. DONT FIGHT WHEN THERE IS NO REASON TO FIGHT AT ALL.
i know that there will be ppl who would be displeased with me. nvm, i dont think there would be that much ppl reading it in the first place. oh well. just trying to make a point. im not sorry that i made this post on this particular topic, but im sorry for the incredibly coarse/rude language. i have said offensive things that is borne from my frustration. if there are ppl out there who sees mistruths or ignorance in my post, you are welcome to enlighten me. my views arent rigid and im not exactly knowledgeable in this topic, so i am willing to change them if your point is valid. but ill only be accepting replies with point, proof, and analysis. also, you are welcome to block/unfollow me as well, but tbh, i wont be posting these kinds of thing again anytime soon. ill just be back to the cute, unassuming anime blog that silently supports the lgbt+ community and strongly opposes trump. thank you for your time, and have a nice day.
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all the trans ask game asks !!!!!!!!!!! or any five, if that's too many !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
under the cut bc long
1. How did you choose your name?i still use my birth name irl, because it’s familiar and i like it, but i use ollie on here bc it’s the name i would change to if i changed. i like it because it’s gender neutral, leaning masc, but could easily not be. it actually started as a name for characters i made up, and eventually i realized i liked it enough to use it for myself.
2. What gives you the most dysphoria? (Acknowledging that not all trans people experience dysphoria)probably when people assume me to be a girl and refer to me as such. like it bothers me less if the person knows it’s not totally accurate, and it depends on the circumstances and the person and the word they use (i’m pretty okay with girlfriend or sister), but that’s the big one.
3. Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria?i’d say more social, the physical stuff comes and goes and i can control for a lot of it with clothing
4. What do you do to perform self-care when you’re feeling dysphoric?idk really, i think i just try to distract myself by being around people i trust and just doing something else to get my mind off it. if it’s a physical thing i might change clothes to something that makes it a little less strong.
5. What was the first time you suspected you were transgender?junior year of high school, when my trans male friend was talking to our theater teacher about the complications of passing and being out and shit and mentioned demigenders as a complicating factor in that it’s not as black and white binary as people think
6. When did you realize you were transgender?probably a few months after i started thinking about it, the process was a little weird because i went from “i’m a girl” to “i’m a demigirl” to “i’m agender” and so on, but yeah
7. What is your favorite part of being transgender?this isn’t true of every trans person, but personally i find it very freeing from gender roles and biases. because i’m fluid and have difficulty conceptualizing gender in the first place, i can kind of just respond to any “x gender does this” thing with either “that applies to me” or that it doesn’t, regardless of the gender they name.
8. How would you explain your gender identity to others?i think i’d self-describe as genderfluid. idk what between, but i think it is fluid and it feels different from day to day. i can’t easily conceptualize how gender works, so most of my descriptions are based of vague feelings. lately i’ve been leaning masc (gender-wise, not necessarily presentation-wise).
9. How did you come out? If you didn’t come out, why do you stay in the closet? Or what happened when you were outed?i talked to my mom about it a bunch during the process and that was fine. i didn’t really tell anyone in high school because it never came up and i didn’t know how to bring it up. at college it’s fairly straightforward, it’s customary to share pronouns when you meet people here, so i say i use whatever pronouns and that’s that. i’ve only really gotten into the details of it with [k tag].
10. What have your experiences with packing or wearing breast forms been?haven’t really tried it, i don’t really get bottom dysphoria
11. What are your experiences with binding or tucking?binding works somewhat. i don’t like that i have to wear a shirt over the binder to really get flat; if i just wear the binder it doesn’t look as smooth.
12. Do you pass?i mean the obvious response to this is “as what?” i don’t read male bc i’m smol, have a round face and a girl’s name, etc. in terms of dress i think i’m probably read as queer in some way, because of short hair and occasional “boy” clothes, but idk what people think my gender is by looking.
13. What (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition?i want top surgery. idk how that’ll work, because i’ve been trying to get it arranged for this summer but being home is a bad experience so idk how that’s going to work. also i haven’t looked into this much but getting rid of the ability to be pregnant would be A+.
14. How long have you been out?since i got to college pretty much, so about 8 months or so
15. What labels have you used before you’ve settled on your current set?so the ones i can remember off the top of my head, in no particular order: demigirl, caedogirl, commogirl, agender, agenderflux, nonbinary girl, stargender
16. Have you ever experienced transphobia?only microaggressions, like people using overly binary language or assuming me to be a girl, etc.
17. What do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public?my college has all gender neutral bathrooms. elsewise it depends on where i am, if i feel safe doing so i’ll use whichever bathroom is free/closer because i feel like i can identify with both binary genders to the same extent in that case
18. How does your family feel about your trans identity?my mom’s supportive, so’s my dad as far as i can tell, idk if my sister knows and i don’t care, my brother definitely does not know bc i’ve never really explained it to him (and it would be hard bc he’s got some cognitive issues and is still kinda young so it would take a while) but he’s wonderful and i’m sure he would be fine with it
19. Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?i wouldn’t. i don’t want to read as binary in either direction.
20. What do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans?i wish i could’ve figured this out when i was like 10. i had major dysphoria all through puberty and ignored it on the basis that it was “probably just body image issues” and that i had “more important things to worry about.” i wish i could’ve known this was a possibility then so i maybe could’ve done something earlier.
21. Why do you use the pronouns you use?i use it pronouns. i don’t like binary pronouns bc i’m not binary, and i don’t like neopronouns bc they’re too weird for me (not that they’re bad, i just don’t personally like them). singular they sits weird in my head because it uses verbs in plural tense, even as a singular word. it is my compromise for that, as a singular gender neutral pronoun. it also has the added benefit of feeling right for when i want to distance myself from personhood, which i do as a mentally ill / autistic thing sometimes.
22. Do your neurodivergencies affect your gender?absofuckinglutely. i can’t conceptualize it. i really like things to make sense bc #autism, and gender doesn’t make any fucking sense.
23. What’s your biggest trans-related fear?i don’t really know. i guess maybe people not letting me be who i am? idk. i’m in a pretty good place wrt physical danger, bc i pass as my agab, live in a pretty liberal place, and am v white. so idk.
24. What medical, social, or personal steps have you already taken to start your transition?ignoring gendered clothing, stopped having periods, telling people i use any pronouns
25. What do you wish cis people understood?i want them to know what it’s like to not be certain in your gender. i can’t understand what that certainty feels like, but it seems really strong in most cis people (and some trans people as well) and i want them to understand that not everyone has that.
26. What impact has being trans affected your life?i mean it’s a major part of my identity, so probably a lot, but idk specifics.
27. What do you do to validate yourself?i really like the phrase “i’m the prettiest boy.” i’ll usually say that in my head when i’m having a good day, or like when i’m getting dressed in the morning and i like my outfit (even if it’s a girly outfit). it’s not technically accurate, bc i’m not really a boy, but i would prefer to be read as a boy than a girl.
28. How do you feel about trans representation in media?it’s pretty shit. there’s a couple good reps, but mostly you don’t really see it. also nonbinary rep is absolutely terrible.
29. Who is your favorite trans celebrity?ngl the only one i know is laverne cox
30. Who is the transgender person who has influenced you the most?idk
31. How are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online?last semester i went to my college’s trans affinity space (this semester it conflicted with a class i’m taking). online i just kinda talk about my gender sometimes, i’m not really that involved.
32. How do you see yourself identifying and presenting in 5 years?probably the same (autistic genderfluid), presenting boy-ish, etc.
33. What trans issue are you most passionate about?i have no passions
(this is a lie i have many SpIns)
34. What advice would you give to other trans people, or what message would you like to share with them?whatever you id as and whatever you feel comfortable sharing is totally cool and you are rad
35. How do you feel your gender interacts with your race, disability, class, weight, etc. from the perspective of intersectionality?i mean i’d honestly say my gender identity is probably a symptom of my disability. aside from that i’ve got the thin white kid privilege in that i look like the stereotypical nonbinary. i’m fairly privileged in terms of trans stuff based on location, circumstances, appearance, etc, so yeah.
36. What, if any, is the difference between your gender identity and your gender expression?i wear what i feel like for the day. i like sundresses, and usually think of myself as more “boy in a dress” though it definitely doesn’t read that way. sometimes i wear more boys clothes, and i think i just read kind of butch rather than “boy”.
37. Do you feel more masculine, feminine, or neither?i lean masc on the basis of i’d rather err on that end of the spectrum. it’s like a balance between how i’m seen and how i feel, and the “girl” end already has a whole bunch of stuff, so i’m balancing it out by being more “boy”
38. What is your sexual and romantic orientation, and what are your thoughts on it?in big words it’s grayromantic acespike. it’s connected to my gender in the sense that it’s probably also a result of being autistic. i’ve only really been attracted to one person (my current bf), and i guess the only comment i’ll make is sometimes there’s an implication that i’m not gay enough, not because of being a-spec but bc the only person i’ve demonstrated attraction towards is the opposite binary gender from my agab. so. that’s a thing.
39. Is your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference?i really don’t care. [d tag] isn’t, and he’s wonderful, so i don’t think it matters to me.
40. How did/do you manage waiting to transition?i just kind of distract myself. there’s only really one thing i want to do, and i’ve been living with dysphoria for long enough that i can kinda just wait it out until it happens.
41. What is the place (blog, website, forum, IRL space) you get most of your info on being trans or on trans related things?tumblr
42. Do you interact with other trans people IRL?i have a bunch of trans friends (not so much in my immediate friend group) but yeah
43. Are you involved in any trans-related activism?no
44. Free space! Answer any question you want, or make up your own question to answer.i don’t have the spoons to come up with a question rn but this was fun
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