#bc i find the likes of ashe dedue and mercedes so much more interesting as characters
bumbog · 2 years
i know no one cares about 3h anymore (thank god) but i've been thinking about it again ever since engage came out (not touching it within an inch of my life), more specifically how people respond to the main 3 lords and their politics bc like. ngl it's kinda funny seeing how much people really critqued and bashed dimitri's politics compared to like. fe lords of the past even though he's running of very similar politics as a lot of his predecessors. and this isn't to say that people haven't critiqued fe's politics before but i don't think i've ever seen it on such a scale as i did with 3h BUT ALSO that's like pretty justified since i think this is intentionally intsys' most political game, for better or for worse. but also for all the critique i've seen of everyone's politics and how they're handled, i don't think i've seen much consideration of (and this is coming from someone who has edelgard as their second fave lord of the game) the imperialistic and colonialist connotations of edelgard's literal conquest of fodlan
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Yeah, Ashe'll write the book of their love story, Annette will do the title song, which will lead to an opera which stars Doro as the... narrator bc all main roles are men lol, Ferdi will love it and sing the opera all day, Lorenz will write a poem about it and Manuela will gush over it lol - meanwhile Sylvain asks the most important question, teasing shit that he is: "Hey, did you already give Claude a dagger?" *wink, wink*
fjhksgfjhgs sylvain rly needs to hop off that dagger before it stabs him
tbh it’d be so cute if people were gushing over their romance. Two people from different nations who met and came to realize they have the exact same hopes and dreams and who have been very hurt in their lives and need someone kind and caring to help heal them. Maneula would both love and hate it because it’s romantic but also where is her romantic interest hiding.
Maybe Ashe can write a book, Annette writes a song for the book and Lorenz writes the beginning and end poems. >3 Ferdinand often talks about it as a tale of heroic lovers who worked for the good of their people while always being by each other’s sides. Suffice to say, Dimi and Claude end up hearing about it and are very embarrassed. :D
I feel like on their wedding, Dedue and Ashe would cook so much food and Mercedes would bake so much dessert. Dedue would be like my liege is getting married, gotta hurry and make the best dinner ever. The cooks are trying to get in to do their job and he’s like NOT TODAY COOKS TODAY I COOK FOR MY LIEGE. It’s okay, Dimitri finds out Dedue and Ashe made all the food and pays the cooks anyway.
When Sylvain asks Dimi about the dagger, maybe embarrassed Dimi will be like “I don’t need to give him a dagger, it’s meant to cut a path to the future and we’re supposed to make the future together! Plus he already has one!” But then Sylvain is like “okaaaay so he already has one. So you just give him another one that’s more special because it came from you.” AND DIMI IS JUST LIKE HMM WELL HE DOES SLEEP WITH A DAGGER UNDER HIS PILLOW WHAT IF I GAVE HIM A SPECIAL ONE TO PUT UNDER HIS PILLOW INSTEAD FHJSGJFDG
and so sylvain talks him into giving claude a dagger and claude is like “lmao dimi what is this” and dimi is like “this is a dagger for you to put under your pillow to keep you safe at night :)” and claude starts laughing but he accepts it and thanks him and dimi is just like :o? bc he doesn’t know why Claude is laughing but oh well, Claude laughing is good and it makes Dimi happy. :D
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toastie-the-know · 5 years
The canon bases of RudeAggro!Felix and Apologetic!Dimitri
(Since I actually spent an entire evening doing this, I’m posting it because I don’t want to feel I “lost” all that time haha! I sort of do this kind of stuff for work sometimes, so this is clearly the sad fate of a person who can’t leave their work at work and brings it into their hobbies 😂 )
I’ve read a lot of Dmlx fic (in English), and have seen a lot of art, and there’s a trend I’ve noticed in the characterisations of both Felix and Dimitri that stands out to me: Rude and aggressive Felix, and Apologetic Dimitri. More specifically, Felix being rude/aggressive to Dimitri, and Dimitri apologising to Felix. The characterisations stand out to me only because my hc characterisations are more like “tsundere” Felix, and polite Dimitri. There’s obviously an overlap between “rude/aggressive” and “tsundere”, as well as “apologising” and “polite”, but they are not the same thing, at least from the part of the world I come from (I played with the JP audio on English text). I wanted to figure out if I was missing something from canon, so decided to take a short dive and check out the source material.
This meta isn’t an attack on people’s preferences. Creators of fan works depict characters in a variety of ways for personal reasons, and it’s no one’s business to pass judgement on that. I’m not trying to legitimise my hc, or delegitimise othere people’s hc. All I want to know is whether there is  strong canon basis for the characterisations, which I might have missed. I’m also not saying that “unless a characterisation is based off canon 100% it’s not legit”.  I don’t believe in that statement. Looking at canon is one way for me to see whether the “RudeAggro Felix”, “Apologetic Dimitri” is more a case of creator extrapolation, or based off something very clearly there in the canon.
So I’m gonna look at three bits of text. 1) The words and expressions used in the support conversations, both JP and EN 2) The tone in the voice acting, both JP and EN in the support conversations, and 3) Dimitri and Felix’s lines in Azure Moon route chapters + in the monastery, but only in the JP (it was easier for me to search the JP text quickly, more effort required for the EN). Of course there’s more you can glean about their characters from other supports etc, but I don’t have that much free time… 
Heads up I’m a bilingual and bicultural Japanese/Aussie (have lived in both countries), so I’m pretty confident in my interpretations of the JP text and audio.
Rude and Aggressive Felix
There’s a lot of canon for this characterisation to be based on. Listing the words and expressions Felix uses when talking to Dimitri is pretty aggressive, and is meant to be demeaning if we take it at face value.
Felix insults/expressions of aggression 
Support C
その気味の悪い笑顔で話しかけるな。/ Go away. (I would add “Don’t talk to me with that creepy/spooky/grotesque smile of yours.”)
見ているだけで胸糞悪くなる。/ Just looking at your face makes me wanna retch 黙れ。獣は獣らしくしていろ。/ Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. 獣 / beast 猪 / wild boar ならばさっさと失せろ、邪魔だ。話しかけるな、この化け物が。/ Hurry up and get out of my sight.  I don’t make a habit of talking to beasts.
Support B
猪 / wild boar 貴様 / an aggressive form of addressing “you” in Japanese, although in this sentence it’s not used aggressively 阿呆が。/ Do you take me for a fool?  (I took the Japanese more along the lines of “Are you stupid?”) 腹立たしい……。/Looking at your face is making me angry (No JP equivalent) / Farewell, Your Beastliness.
Support A
獣 / beast (but used in the context of the “the face of a beast vs the face of a man” line) 手が滑って斬りつけないうちに、答えろ。Answer quickly before my hand slips and I cut you in half お前の辛気臭い顔が、癇に障って仕方なかっただけだ / I couldn’t stand the pathetic look on your face.
Stepping out of the Dimitri/Felix support conversations for a bit, we know from Felix’s other interaction he is also rude and aggressive. Calling Dedue “dog” is probably the rudest and most demeaning example we have. Telling Ingrid to go and get married is also pretty rude. So overall we have a lot of evidence that Felix is ok with being abrasive, at best. Intentionally hurtful and malicious at the worst.
So Felix is rude to Dimitri in their support conversations, but the rudeness lessens as the support levels increase.  As you can see from the list above, the number of expressions of aggression go down between conversations C and A. Felix doesn’t call Dimitri “boar” once in the A support conversation. The last line “癇に障って仕方なかっただけだ / I couldn’t stand the pathetic look on your face” is a bit tricky, since I think there’s a bit of a divergence between the JP acting and EN acting. The JP is very clearly a "tsundere" intonation, meaning there’s a vibe of “I care but am too embarrassed to admit it”. The EN was a lot less obviously for me, so if you only got the EN there’s a chance that Felix’s  “I couldn’t stand the pathetic look on your face” comes across at face value - an actual insult.
Outside the support conversations, Felix uses the words “boar/beast” to describe Dimitri specifically quite often. But the intention behind the use seems to change (from an attack on one’s character to a nickname). Looking at the AM route, lines within each chapter + in the monastery phase, we find he uses the words ten times in total. That’s a descent amount, considering the number of lines he probably has overall (I’m not that dedicated to count all his lines… proper methodology would want me to do that though…). The last two times he uses “boar” it seems more of a nickname rather than as a way to attack Dimitri’s person.
A surprise find was that Dimitri uses “beast” five times overall , in the same contexts that I checked for Felix’s use (AM route, lines within each chapter + in the monastery phase in JP). In all cases he is describing either Imperial soldiers, or the baddies at Remier village. Never in reference to himself (which I thought might come up, but didn’t).So 
TLDR; There is canon basis of Felix being rude to Dimitri, but it looks like he mellows out a lot by the end of the game.  The JP flags the “tsundere” vibes a lot more than the English.
Apologetic Dimitri
I’m gonna start with the numbers from the chapters + monastery sections first, because these are the bits that clearly form the canon basis of “apologising Dimitri”. But with some interesting twists!
As a quick and dirty measure, I searched for the characters 謝 (to catch 謝る、謝罪 etc), 悪 (to catch 悪いな、悪かった), and すまない. I didn’t search for ごめん/ごめんなさい (gomen/gomennasai) bc I bet you three cups of coffee that you won’t find Dimitri using this expression.  ごめん/ごめんなさい is more typical of children and women, or super casual. So Edelgard and Claude might use these, but not Dimitri.  
Dimitri apologise a ton in the chapters and monastery sections. For all three words, we have 16 expressions of “sorry” from Dimitri. For comparison, I just checked the first five chapters for Claude. Chapters 1-5 Dimitri apologises 7 times, while Claude apologises once. So yeah, canonically, we find good grounds for Dimitri being a person who apologises often. We’ll see later that in his other supports with Blue Lions characters, he apologies to them also.
Dimitri apologises 6 times after Rodrigue dies in chapter 18. And 4 of these apologies are concerning his behaviour while he was disengaged with the war effort/unwell. These kind of feel a bit different to the “sorry to inconvenience you” type apologies that are more typical of his sorries (see list below)
To Byleth: 4, for being boring (1), for making a weird request (1), for Byleth helping out (2) To Edelgard: 2, once about making Edelgard feel bad bc she thought he was underestimating her, and once about the poor choice of gift he gave her during their childhood. To Lonato: 2, for the general badness of the situation To Claude: 1, (but unclear to me what exactly he’s apologising about) To Dedue: 1, for surprising him To Mercedes: 1 (need to check again To a Kingdom soldier: 1, because the soldier was looking for him To Lonato’s soldier: 1, for the general badness of the situation
Most of these apologies are of the “sorry for being an inconvenience” type. This could be interpreted in a variety of ways ranging from just being polite right through to low self-esteem. Whatever the construal, it does seem objectively that Dimitri says “sorry” a lot more than other male characters who might have as many lines.
Dimitri and apologising to Felix
Dimitri apologising to Felix, we have exactly one example in the chapter conversations. In chapter 18, Dimitri says to Felix “I have no words to apologise adequately” or something along those lines, regarding Rodrigue’s death. (And shortly after, Felix addressed Dimitri by name).
We have zero cases of Dimitri apologising to Felix in the support conversations. For a quick comparison in his other support conversations, Dimitri apologises to Ashe once, Sylvain once, Ingrid once, Annette twice, Mercedes three times (but the expressions he uses are different to the three I mention earlier). Interestingly, Dimitri also doesn’t apologise to Dedue.
These numbers might just be reflecting the fact that Dimitri and Felix’s support conversations aren’t really topics where apologies would be made. Dimitri and Felix’s support conversations aren’t about burdening each other, being a nuisance, or supporting each other. Their support conversations are actually about Felix coming to terms with Dimitri’s dual nature, while Dimitri himself seems seems unbothered by it.  (The only place in canon we really see Dimitri using his words to express remorse and discomfort over his dual nature seems to  be his A+ support with Mercedes).
Dimitri’s responses to Felix’s rudeness in support C are more like indirect affirmations of Felix’s characterisations of him (“A beast craving blood, am I? I assume you’re speaking of the events two years ago”, “I deny nothing, Felix.”, “Perhaps you’re right.”). Maybe a little bit resigned. There are a handful of sad-faces. It actually seems to me that Dimitri is in general agreement with Felix.
In support B, Dimitri is unbothered by Felix’s abrasiveness. When Felix gives him a hard time, Dimitri tends to push back (“As though I would be careless with something so valuable.”, “Come now, that was so long ago!”).  In this entire exchange it’s only Felix who is bothered by something, while Dimitri seems quite oblivious to Felix’s turmoil. The final line in this support is Dimitri saying “What is going on with him…”
Support A Dimitri is quite assertive of himself  (“ Do not waste your breath on questions with such obvious answers / 当たり前のことを聞くな”, “ You are wrong/ ……違う”), still a it resigned (“Always so ominous / お前はいつも物騒だな。”), but unlike supports A and B, showing awareness of Felix’s internal state, and thanks Felix.
Dimitri seems generally unbothered by Felix giving him a hard time, and Dimitri does not apologise for his character. Dimitri seemed ok with his dual nature, while it was Felix who was more bothered by it. But by the end of the game, if support A is reached, Felix also comes around to accept the dual nature. Dimitri and Felix aren’t really in an “apologise to each other” relationship, because it seems from Dimitri’s POV, there is nothing about himself that he needs to apologise to Felix for.
There is good canon basis for rude/aggro Felix. There is good canon basis for apologetic Dimitri. Dimitri apologises a lot in canon, but not really Felix. The one time he apologises is concerning Rodrigue’s death. But given that Dimitri does apologise to people often for inconveniencing them, it’s not hard to imagine how Dimitri would apologise to Felix for inconveniencing him in some way.
So I don’t think I missed anything in canon, but fan creators extrapolate these canon bases into various directions. Which is cool! Because isn’t that the fun of doing fan works!
The end.
Links out: JP Text, EN Text
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vixenofthemist · 5 years
Im gonna mostly talk about the Golden Deer bc I've been waiting for forever for SOMETHING about them and now I have it I'm gonna run.
But some of my thoughts on the other houses:
Black Eagles: Nothing really caught my attention other then they have the most people without crests, and Dorothea hates herself :<
Blue Lions: Well... that certainly confirms the theory that the Childhood Friends don't accept Dedue very well aosjsj Sylvain is the only one who doesn't seem to have a problem with Dimitri no wonder he's so willing to work on his womanizing he's the only friend who isn't judging him (bc Ingrid HAS to not like that Dimitri has Dedue as a retainer and even if it didn't sour their relationship completely it had to have put some strain on it. No wonder she and Felix are seen together so often aksjsj). ALSO ANNETTES A SWEET ANGEL.
OK Now Onto the Golden Deer akjsjs (I'm on mobile or else I'd put a read more sorry akdjsj)
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DOESN'T SHE MENTION AN OLDER BROTHER IN THE ADVICE BOX??? I could be remembering it wrong but I SWEAR she was like "i have to write my brother but I dont know what to write him about so tell me". Someone please explain is my memory bad or is Hilda submitting false facts to the ask box for fun?
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Hilda is definitely that girl who said "um excuse me we're having a conversation. Rude." To a teacher when they tried to stop her talking in class aksjaj
I love how persuasion is right in the middle of her otherwise totally normal likes lol i can just hear her listing off her likes and just saying that aloud so casually and the person she's talking to is just like "excuse me- wait what was that one in the middle??" "Fashion :>"
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ASSJSHAJS Lorenz likes Monitering Claude LMAO, its his #1 hobby. Also we finally have a reason to have a rivalry with Black Eagles- Lorenz hates coffee but Hubert loves it. (Also he hates vulgarity lmao bet there was at least 1 time where Leonie and Claude just swore constantly around him for an entire day alsjsj)
Also what is a worthy women and how much do you wanna bet he's been slapped in the face for phrasing it like that bc he absolutely has to have been socked at least once.
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Ignatz hates lightning and there better be some good found family fics of the Golden Deer helping him distract himself during storms!!
(Also he seems to really like the church so wonder how that goes with Claude aksjs)
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Lysithea still adorable, loves sweets and cute things and hates bitter food aksjjss also hates anything physcially laborious what a gigantic mood
Ashe also hates ghost and as someone who thinks they'd be adorable together I love the idea that they're the couple that go see a disney movie while the others go watch horror (but they still get scared by the wind that night and call Mercedes to come take care of the ghost aksjjs).
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Leonie's is exactly how I thought it'd be aksjsj don't have a lot to say except she's the big sister of the group and has for sure punched Lorenz in the face
Marianne and Claude are at the bottom bc they're my favorites and I have a lot to say about them akshshs
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Ladakdjsj why does "long rides" make me think of a dating profile?? "Hi my name is Claude Von Riegan, I love long rides on the beach and tactically scheming as the sunsets. Pick me and I'll let you grasp any part of me you want."
Anyway SO pumped to finally have stuff coming out about Claude aksjsjs after what feels like years of just getting scraps we're finally getting some gosh dang FOOD and we DESERVE IT
His dislikes are interesting, like its so clear he doesn't trust the gods at ALL kasjjs and he clearly has a reason for that which I'm sure will come out in the main plot since its all about the church who are just a bunch of people blindly following Seiros akdjs
(Also who's gonna tell him he's in a fire emblem game and is just as subject to the rng gods as the rest of us? Leaving things to chance is the underlying tagline of the combat system cause sure you have a 95% to hit but there's still a chance you won't 🙃)
Love that he likes poetry, he is the guy who can rehearse shakespear by heart but mostly just spouts the existential stuff but will whip out a real romantic verse when the moments right (unlike Lorenz who only remembers the romantic stuff). Definitely is the guy who writes haiku jokes using haiku's and it drives everyone else crazy. Also I hc that he means long rides on his wyvern and not a horse bc ever since I saw that he can become a wyvern rider I can't not think of him as one akssj (I'm calling the wyvern Goldy the Golden Good Boy of the Von Riegans, Goldy for short, becauze it makes me laugh akdjsj.)
Also wtf does planning feasts mean??? What does planning a feast entail?? Is this just a medieval way to say he likes to party??
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Ok calming down I am SO fascinated by Marianne, cause she clearly has so much story to her and I for one can't wait to find it all out. Cause she's so different from the other nobles, all of them are quite confident and loud (in personality and color) but shes the exact opposite, and we don't even know what her crest is so we can't figure out who her birth family are and what happened to them that made her get fostered by the Edmunds. And the Edmunds themselves are just another hole because how do they treat her? I cant imagine its good? But perhaps it is and whatever happened to her birth family is why she's so depressed and lacks self confidence? Akjdkss Ok I'm just rambling now I'll stop but long story short I'm hyped to play Golden Deer and see what her relationship is with the rest of the house xD (especially Claude bc they have such different viewpoints on the gods and the church so their supports are gonna be interesting aksjjs)
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professor-tammi · 5 years
ok time for some more Three Houses babbling (Blue Lions stuff still!), I have more THOUGHTS to share, with the void of the internet
spoilers for post-time skip stuff (I mostly talk supports and some monastery convos here, not so much story stuff :D)
Dimitri finally stopped being too emo for supports so I got his A rank with Dedue and it’s adorable... he’s SO genuinely upset that Dedue considers himself more vassal than friend and then when Dedue finally calls Dimitri by his name instead of by his title he blushes as he says it. thank you for the blessed cute lord/vassal content IntSys
also if spoken to in the monastery, Dedue claims he doesn’t find Edgelord Dimitri to be any different from the “old Dimitri” and says he was always the type to care too much for the fallen due to his kindness, which is one way to view his murderous behavior haha. I guess it simply shows Dedue understands him best, though :D!
I found out that if you recruit characters from different houses, they’ll actually have route-specific dialogue, which is really interesting! Lysithea will talk about how she doesn’t approve of Dimitri’s actions and is happy once he uh, gets over it, so to speak, and Caspar discusses Dimitri’s treatment of Randolph (as they’re related) and, again once Dimitri comes to his senses, says that he came to him personally to apologize for what he’d done (which makes a lot of sense given Dimitri literally tortured the guy, yeesh)
also in the mission right before Dimitri stops being antisocial there’s a random soldier who mentions he saw Dimitri patting the head of an orphan and seems surprised the prince is even capable of doing something like that which is the saddest random NPC dialogue. I Cry
anyway back to supports I got the Felix/Sylvain A+ support and it has Sylvain faking being near death to mess with Felix who actually buys it and is completely beside himself with worry... Felix is such an idiot I love him?? (also he even claims he wants to hug Sylvain in the support and Sylvain’s really happy he said that and they like. blush about it. HELLO)
I recruited Marianne specifically bc I was curious about her supports with Dimitri, and I love them too!! the B rank is already a bit interesting as Dimitri tries to tell Marianne he relates to her insecurity in herself and she seems a bit confused as to how he could possibly relate (which I like as it takes her out of her shell a bit), and the A rank has them bonding some more over their trauma and is just kind of really sweet in general and I really want some Dimitri/Marianne content but I feel like it’s going to take a long time people get around to realizing their supports even exist... anyway one day someone out there in the world will draw some cute fan art of them and I will be happy. I believe
(no I can’t just draw stuff myself that’s silly)
I feel like I should mention something about Annette/Mercedes bc it’s the only A rank between two women the Lions get but while their A rank is very cute I found the chain overall a bit lacking, and the continuity also feels weird (I triggered the B rank before the time skip and it ends with them having a fight, so having them only make up post-time skip felt really off??)
honestly the lack of good F/F content in the Blue Lions may be my only issue with them but I guess that’s what Black Eagles are for
THAT SAID the Ingrid/Dorothea stuff in the paralogue is Good and very blatant, Dorothea canonically would marry Ingrid in a heartbeat and I love that!! I love Dorothea in general... the Yuri Queen tbh...
Dorothea/Felix A+ is also cute bc Felix can’t hold a conversation with someone to save his life and Dorothea is just. trying so hard to talk to him like a normal person how is Felix so consistently the funniest character in the game purely by virtue of his non-existent social skills
I like Ingrid as a character and I feel her supports are quite decent overall but at the same time none stand out to me as a favorite? I rather liked the Mercedes ones as they bond over their families trying to marry them off against their wishes but it ends at a B rank :( help who do I pair Ingrid with (tbh I think the game wants me to pair her with Sylvain and their supports are cute enough once you reach A sooo)
I recruited Caspar bc I was curious about his Ashe supports and the support chain is just them becoming cat dads which. okay it’s not terribly interesting but I can’t say it’s not cute
my verdict on Ashe as a character: the goodest boy
for Annette I’m kind of hoping she has a platonic paired ending with Gilbert where the whole family reunites bc I did their support chain and it’s sad but really cute, I’m so weak for family drama
I’ve also noticed some pairs of characters have unique dialogue for when you make them do group tasks, dine with them, etc etc and some of it also changes post-time skip and this just makes me want to find all of the unique dialogue in the game!! somebody stop me
some pairs who have dialogue like that: Dimitri/Dedue, Dimitri/Felix, Ingrid/Sylvain, Annette/Mercedes, Catherine/Shamir, Manuela/Hanneman... I’m sure there’s lots of others
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avosloved · 5 years
ALSO BC I FORGOT TO DO IT EARLIER ( & bc i Need to know )-- what does she think about all the other blue lions members ? who does she usually hang out with ?
PEOPLE IN HER LIFE  |  always accepting tbh.
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honestly? there isn’t really anyone that odette truly dislikes in her class. dimitri is fun to talk to in most cases. a lot of things  ( namely a lot of her teasing )  go right over his head which is…admittedly kind of adorable in her eyes. though she has little respect for his title most of the time. don’t say you wanna be treated like everyone else unless you mean it. sorry, dimitri. but making fun of you and bullying you a little is too entertaining.
she doesn’t mind sylvain too much, as much as his behavior might be exhausting. she can still tell he’s not a bad person. he just clearly has issues that he needs to work out. she probably entertains some of his flirting just for fun…but ultimately she’d probably hit him if he didn’t get the message once she starts brushing off his antics. over all though, he’s fun to talk to! he’s still shaped like a friend.
annette and mercedes she honestly?? adores. they’re both so sweet and kind and their bubbly attitudes are just kinda contagious. plus?? make up buddies! friends she can actually express more of her feminine side with! not to mention she’d….love singing little tunes with annette. her mother was an opera singer so the singing ability is in there she’s just…really shy about letting it out bc she hasn’t had any proper training. she has a nice voice though. she just needs someone to help her learn how to fully carry a tune properly. annette could easily help her do that! mercedes she may feel a little more uncomfortable around sometimes purely because they have differing views on the church, but…overall she likes her.
dedue is so…so quiet and kind. honestly she can’t bring herself to be mean to dedue. she knows the poor guy has gone through a lot so her heart goes out to him. plus? cooking buddy! she’d love to learn some new recipes and such from him. 11/10 gets scolded a lot though probably for teasing/picking on dimitri which she doesn’t like sometimes. pls no fun police mode, dedue.
ashe is a good boy. she very much enjoys talking to him. he’s easy to talk and open up to bc of how kind and earnest he is. she actually finds his enthusiasm towards the ideals of knighthood kind of…nice? it kinda reminds her of how excited her brother was about becoming a knight while growing up. 12/10 can recite lots of knight stories with him. 
ingrid is her fellow pegasus knight, so she has a lot of respect for her…even if she likes to joke about her being a stick in the mud. namely because ingrid is the more serious of the two and tends to mess with some of her fun. but she enjoys going out riding with her! plus they can bond over their fathers constantly trying to match them off for marriage and suffer in solidarity over it.
felix is honestly? an enigma to her in some ways but she enjoys spending time with him. he’s nothing like most people and she enjoys trying to get under his skin. trying to figure him out is literally like giving a cat a puzzle toy and she lives for it. plus y’know…a good sparring partner! he’s just different and she really finds him interesting/refreshing so. catch her trying to spend time with him and probably annoy the hell out of him as much as possible.
overall i dont think there’s anyone she’d necessarily spend…more time with than another for the most part? while she likes her classmates and enjoys hanging out with them, she’s more prone to solitary tendencies than most of them really realize? but if i had to guess, she probably bounces around between annette, felix and ashe the most.
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