#bc for some reason i thought it was due TOMORROW instead of TONIGHT
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katierosefun · 2 years ago
pros of waking up earlier in the morning: wow i’m getting so much work done. i have so much time for the rest of the day. what do you mean i’m already almost done with this assignment it’s not even noon yet?
cons of waking up earlier in the morning: i have to actually wake up early in the morning
#caroline talks#i laugh because it's not even really 'early'#i woke up at like 8 am today which is actually. kinda considered later for me in the mornings#because even on the weekends i usually try to wake up at around 7:30 bc. idk. being a full-time law student#means that. you gotta really get going even on the weekends#and then during the actual week i'm usually up by 6:30 am#maybe earlier if i really need to get more stuff done#but it's break! which means that usually i'd be up at around 9 am#or even at like. 9:30 am#but i have an assignment due at 9 pm tonight#and then i have some networking calls to make tomorrow afternoon#and i also need to outline for my classes bc oh god we are officially less than a month away from the first exam#which makes me. scream#so like! we are being. so normal#how can i relax over break when time is hurtling at me like a TRAIN#anyways in a panic#i actually started working on this assignment last night#bc for some reason i thought it was due TOMORROW instead of TONIGHT#so yesterday in a rush i printed out all 25 pages of the assignment#read through it a few times on the train#tried to do some of it but the wifi SUCKED so i couldn't get far#then came home at like. 6:30 pm#ate dinner + chatted with my family for like. 3 hours#then from like. 10 pm until almost 1 am i was working on the first part of the assignment#and then 7 hours of sleep before going into the next part of the assignment#it is now 11:34 am#i have been at it for roughly 3 hours now
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wolverinedoctorwho · 7 months ago
Tonight I'm making Beverage. We'll call it Green Folly.
* Green Apple Smirnoff Ice
* Mr. Pure Lime (which sounds like a veggietales knockoff of Mr. Worldwide)
* Shot of brandy (E&J Grand Blue)
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More info/results below
I have a lime Jarrito i'm debating adding but I think that would be Too Much Lime and also I'd like to fully enjoy the thing on its own. I've also got some Beetlejuice Fanta (which claims to be Spiced Apple but instead tastes like a Lovely Autumn Beverage) which is ALSO green but doesn't fit the flavor profile I'm going for. Usually I get the Apple flavored brandy which would ironically be good for this but I didn't plan this far ahead.
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I'm mixing it in this red bottle I have because it's easily sealable and has a straw so it's harder to spill. The hard-to-spill-ness is admittedly diminished by the bottom of the bottle, which was damaged when I discovered the hard way this bottle is NOT dishwasher safe, but it can still stand on its own so it'll be fine...probably.
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It has emerged a...green? Oddly reminiscent of Mountain Dew.
The taste...
My first thought is that the Beetlejuice Fanta actually could have worked here because the brandy is sort of caramelly, and I may have to try combining the two.
And then the lime kicks in.
Mr. Pure. I don't know what I was expecting from such a brand name. The lime flavor is somehow pure and artificial-seeming, despite the bottle claiming it's lime juice from concentrate. (It came from the section at the liquor store where they have what I assume are meant to be mixers, but they've got the Snapple Element drinks there too so I just treat it like a Bonus Drink section.)
The apple has left us, despite making up most of the drink volumetrically. (I didn't math out anything but I used a whole Smirnoff, some of the Lime, and then a bit of the brandy.) Somehow, though, there's still a bit of that Smirnoff-iness in there?
I'm having trouble finding the words to describe this flavor. (Bad?) There is a moment at the beginning of every sip where the flavors cancel each other out, and then that Lime comes back. I almost want to try drinking enough of this to add another Smirnoff to see if that helps, but that seems unwise. Best to lie in the bed I made, I think.
Due to the Smirnoff and brandy I can also say this shit hits. Part of the reason I chose the bottle with a straw is because I have heard the straw makes you drunker faster or something? But idk if that's bc bartenders will sometimes pour liquor down the straw to make people think their drink is stronger or if there's a science to it. I may have made too large of a beverage, but the beauty of the bottle is that if I get too drunk I can simply save the rest for tomorrow.
Overall Rating: 3/10. Not something I think I'll experiment with further, but not immediately harmful or undrinkable. I have definitely had worse beverages in my mouth. (Like the Flamin' Hot Mountain Dew. Or Monster Assault.)
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nepenthendline · 4 years ago
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A/N: i cried writing this multiple times, but here’s some sad tsukki crying, I’m not proof-reading this bc if I do i’ll cry again ty
TW: mentions of depression, breakdowns/panic attacks, a crying tsukki and a crying reader
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Can we cancel tonight?
Read the text that lit up your phone from Tsukishima. To be honest you’d been expecting it, but it still sent a pang of worry to your heart. You’d planned to meet up and go for dinner since you hadn’t had much time together due to assignments and classes, not to mention his training, but he had been a little off for a while now so it didn’t surprise you. 
The past week or so he’d been more distant than usual: short responses whenever you spoke to him, rushing home whenever he had to leave the house and you knew he hadn’t been taking the best care of himself due to the dark circles under his eyes. It was like he’d reverted back to the Tsukishima you first met at the start of highschool - detached and guarded. A lot of people just thought he was an ass or that he had a shitty personality, and while that may have been the case at times, you knew why he acted that way. He was protecting himself. It took a while for him to open up to you, but you learned about his struggles, his depression and his worries. Even so, he still tended to bottle his emotions up for as long as possible, but he did improve. Over the years you’d known him you were lucky to watch him bloom; he became more open, more accepting of talking about how he was doing. He’d even come to you first on occasion when he felt himself slipping, and he smiled more. It was a beautiful sight to watch him have fun and be happy for a change, and you couldn’t be more proud. But progress also came with stepbacks, and he wasn’t safe from them. 
What’s on your mind? You replied. You knew what was going on, but if he wanted to tell you himself then that was for the best. The three dots signalled his typing, then disappeared, then reappeared moments later. It was a minute or two before the message came through. 
Don’t feel good 
You stared at your phone for a few seconds, wondering what to do. Part of you wanted to leave him be and see if he could shake this by himself since that’s what he preferred, but you knew this had been going on too long. 
Can I come over? You asked, since the last thing you wanted to do was turn up unannounced and make matters worse. You didn’t expect him to accept your proposal but it was worth a try, so when an ‘ok’ showed up underneath your message you were taken back a little. Things must be bad if he agreed. 
In a rush you grabbed a jacket and your keys, before sliding your shoes on and heading out the door. His apartment wasn’t too far from yours luckily, however even the small journey made your heartbeat thud in your chest. ‘Hang in there’ you thought to yourself like a mantra in your mind, hoping the message would get through to him in some way. 
After climbing various flights of stairs you were faced with his door. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a second, before knocking softly and unlocking the door with your copy of the key. It was eerily quiet when you walked in and the only light that filtered through was the street lamps from the road below. Shutting the door behind you, you called out his name but received no reply. You took slow steps through the hallway, peering your head around each corner in aid to find him. His apartment wasn’t particularly messy, although there were some dishes and clothes laying around that usually had no place there. As the living room and kitchen were empty, you made your way over to his bedroom. 
Your knuckles tapped on the wood as your other hand turned the handle to open the door; the room was just as dark as the rest of the apartment, however this shadow contained your boyfriend sat on his bed that lived in the corner of the room. His knees were bent up close to his chest as his arms rested on top of his knees. One hand was fiddling with his bottom lip as he stared emptily at the wall in front. You walked closer, slowly as not to startle him, and sat next to him on the bed with your legs hanging off the edge. 
Even after the bed dipped under the added weight he didn’t once move or look away. His eyes remained locked on the wall and yours stayed firmly on him. His hair was messier than usual, and his eyes lacked the usual golden glow they radiated behind his glasses. For a man over 6ft tall and that trained almost every day, he looked so small and fragile curled up like this. You had never once thought of Tsukishima as weak, but there was a dull look of fear that was spread across his face that made him look like a lost, lonely child. 
“Hey,” you whispered. His eyes snapped away from the wall and settled on you for a moment, where he nodded briefly and looked away once more. His breathing sped up from before; his shoulders and chest rising faster and harsher than usual. He was trying so hard to keep things together and you were surprised he even could for this long. 
You shuffled forward on the bed to get closer and lifted one hand to brush away the hair that stuck to his slightly damp forehead. Even in the darkness you saw him swallow hard, his throat shaking in response. You gently slid the glasses off his nose, folding them up and placing them on the bedside table. As you turned back to him your eyes locked with his; they were wide, worried, yet so vacant. Your fingers brushed over his cold cheek before you wrapped your arms around his shoulders pulling him close to you; his head instantly found its way into your warm neck. 
There were few seconds of complete still and silence, until a sob broke out from his throat. His whole body shook as you held him, with one hand combing through his hair in an attempt to soothe him somewhat. The room was filled with strangled breaths and whines as he cried, and your neck was already soaked with salty tears. You rocked your joined bodies back and forth a little, going with the motions of his own tremble, and turned your head slightly to press light kisses to his temple. 
Tsukishima was not a crier, at all, but he was human and there was only so long he could bottle things up for. Even so, you couldn’t help but tear up as well at the sound of his anguish. It was heartbreaking to see him like this since he usually seemed so strong, so self-assured. There wasn’t much you could do for him at this point, but just being there to pick up the pieces as he broke was enough. 
It was a while before he began to come down and the only reason he did was probably from exhaustion. His arms had found their way around your waist as he cried, clinging and tugging at your jacket as if to find support, and yours had not left their tight grip around him once. His breathing was still erratic, but his tears had muted down to occasional sniffles. 
You pulled back a little, enough to see his face, and pulled the edge of your sleeve over your hand to wipe away the dampness on his cheeks. A red hue covered his entire swollen face and his eyes were raw with irritation yet, despite the current event, he still managed to look beautiful. The moisture glimmered in his eyes, but it wasn’t the shine you were used to. You dropped your hold on your sleeve and instead cupped his cheek in your hand. Instantly, he closed his eyes and nuzzled into the heat of your skin. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked, still hushed as you spoke however he shook his head and sniffled, raising a hand to wipe at the tear that fell from his eye. You nodded slowly in response, looking down to think for a moment. 
“You can get through this, I know you can,” you started as he stared at you with fluttering eyes and pursed lips, “we’ll do it together, ok? We’ve done it before and we can do it again.” He hesitated for a moment then nodded vigorously as a whimper sounded from his mouth. 
“It’s just… it’s so hard,” his voice broke as he spoke, looking away from you towards the wall. You had to swallow away the lump in your throat as it burned with tears brimming in your own eyes; you had to be the strong one for him, he needed you now. Your thumb brushed across his cheekbone, collecting each tear as it fell and nodded. 
“I know, baby, but you’re doing so well. I’ve got you.” He replied with a ‘thank you’, yet the sound was masked by choked breaths. You pulled him close to your body once again, pressing your cheek firmly against the side of his head and dragged a hand up and down his back. “We’ll figure things out tomorrow. We can look into things to help you, but for now let’s focus on your breathing and getting settled, ok?” He nodded once more against your neck, taking a deep breath after you demonstrated. 
It took a few minutes but he got there eventually. You could feel his heartbeat through the hand on his back, and it had slowed to a somewhat regular speed, and his shoulders drooped from their tense hold. You pulled away, telling him that you’d be back in a moment to get some water and headed to the kitchen. 
Not bothering to turn any lights on, you shuffled through the cabinet to get a glass and held it under the running tap. The rippling of the water filled your eyes, and a few tears rolled down your cheeks as you gasped, quickly reaching up to wipe them away. You sat the glass down on the counter and stared up at the ceiling, clenching your eyes shut as you took one deep breath in. You wiggled your hands by your sides as you let out the air in a huff, trying to distract yourself for a moment. With a sniffle, your hands raised to swiftly rub at your face and let out a small, distressed groan. ‘Not now’, you thought as you picked up the glass again, ‘we can do this later.’ 
You took a final deep breath, mustering up the last bit of strength you had and walked back into the bedroom. He hadn’t moved from his spot, but accepted the glass with a hum of a thanks. He took a few sips as his eyes darted back and forth between you and the darkness of the room. The glass was almost empty as he held it in his hands, brushing his thumb over the rim in thought. 
“You’re just as bad as me sometimes, you know that?” He spoke, looking up at you through his wet lashes. Your brows knitted together for a moment, but it wasn’t long before you understood. You let out a weak laugh, wiping your damp cheek with your hand. You saw the tryings of a smile for the first time on his lips. 
“I said we’d do this together, so I’m just getting in the spirit,” you mused as the odd tear fell, and he chuckled somewhat. One had left the bottom of the glass and seeked out yours, taking it in its grasp and squeezing. 
“It’s gonna be ok,” you whispered, although you’re not too sure if it was to him or yourself. He brought your joint hands and pressed a light kiss on the back, letting his lips linger for a second. 
“It’s gonna be ok.”
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animatedarchives · 4 years ago
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author’s note: hi guys! this is based off of a conversation i had with @velvetfireworks​ about dozing off in class hehe ^^ it’s pretty cringey and cheesy but i thought it was cute :> enjoy!~
genre: fluff
warning: none, just school being sucky and some nerdy chemistry puns bc i love science
word count: 1.7k words
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“Each carbon atom is sp3 hybridised and covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms to form a tetrahedral structure, making it insoluble in water and...”
I’m so tired.
The lecturer droned on and on in his awfully monotonous voice, his words going right over your head. You rubbed your face exasperatedly and sat up straight in your chair, trying your best to stay awake.
Maybe you should have gotten more rest last night. But how could you? Especially given all the assignments that were due this week. You groaned. Either way, you just wanted this class to be over.
Your eyes flicked to the clock mounted on the wall at the front of the hall, watching painfully as it ticked at an agonisingly slow pace.
Just… half an hour more…
You shook your head to will the sleepiness away, tightening the grip on your pen as you attempted to listen to the lecture once more. But the exhaustion from your allnighter last night was too much, and it fizzled out any determination you had to stay awake. Your body seemed to act against the pleas of your mind, and your eyelids slowly began to droop.
No! Need to... listen… to...
Your eyes eventually drifted shut and you felt instant relief wash over you. As much as you wanted to stay awake, you had no more energy to pry your eyelids apart.
Okay… Maybe just… five minutes…
You leaned back in your chair and gave in to your exhaustion, letting yourself be overtaken by sleep.
A few minutes passed and finally, you began to stir, your brain slowly starting back up again after your short nap.
Mmm, my pillow… So soft… Maybe I can sleep for a while longer— Wait.
Your eyes snapped open.
I don’t have a pillow.
You rubbed your face sleepily and assessed your situation, your eyes widening in horror as you realised you had ended up falling asleep on the shoulder of the person next to you.
“Oh my- I am so sorry!” you jerked away from them, the top of your head colliding with their chin.
“SORRY SORRY SORRY, I’M SO SORRY!” you apologised profusely.
In your frenzy, you knocked your pencil case off your table, sending your stationery flying. You cursed under your breath and fumbled around, trying to get your things — and yourself — together. The stranger bent down and helped to pick up some of your pens, and although you were grateful, it deepened the guilt you felt in the pit of your stomach for causing them so much inconvenience.
“I’m so sorry,” you repeated again, turning to face him.
He chuckled. “For a smart girl, you sure have some limited vocabulary,” he said, approaching you and handing you back your pens. You scoffed at the backhanded compliment but kept your smile nonetheless.
“Thank you… uh…” you trailed off, not knowing how to address him.
“The name’s Kuroo Tetsuro.”
“Mine is L/N Y/N!” you smiled politely. “Thank you, Kuroo.”
You were now very much awake and able to take in his appearance, an opportunity you missed during the earlier commotion. He wasn’t dressed in anything too outlandish; it was rather simple honestly — a white tee, a black jacket, some black joggers with a red stripe going down the side, and matching red shoes to accentuate the pop of colour. His jet black hair was spiked up as well, but strangely, not all of it. For some reason, he allowed his bangs to fall across the right side of his face instead of spiking it up like the rest. It was unusual, but strangely... rather charming.
“It’s not very polite to stare, you know.”
You blushed at his comment and whipped your head to look at anything else but him.
“I- I wasn’t staring!” you denied, hoping your face wasn’t as red as it felt.
“Sure you weren’t,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t stop smiling. Who was this guy? You’d barely even met him, yet you felt so comfortable around him. It was like you were naturally drawn to him. Attracted, even. You shook your head and cleared your throat, pushing those thoughts to the back of your mind.
“So uh, how much did I miss?” you asked.
“We just finished up the rest of this chapter on chemical bonding,” he replied. You groaned, dreading how much you’d have to study tonight in order to catch up on what you missed during the lecture. There was no way this could get worse.
And of course, just as you thought that, a dark splotch on Kuroo’s jacket caught your eye and you mentally slapped yourself as your eyes widened in embarrassment.
“Please tell me that isn’t what I think it is…” you said as you buried your face in your hands.
Confused, Kuroo followed your line of sight until it landed on a wet spot on his jacket, just below the curve of his shoulder — the very one you were sleeping on. He made a face and you had never felt more embarrassed in your entire life.
“Oh my gosh, please let me make it up to you! I’ll buy you lunch!” you sputtered out. You had to repay him somehow, not just because you’d used him as a pillow during Chemistry class but because there was now a huge spot of your drool on his clothes to show for it.
He chuckled at your flusteredness. “Lunch sounds great.”
He suggested going to his favourite food place, claiming it had the best grilled salted mackerel pike in the world. You agreed and followed him — it was only fair he chose where to eat after everything you’d put him through. As you neared the stall, you caught a whiff of the delicious grilled fish, causing your mouth to water and you licked your lips excitedly. The waitress greeted you at the entrance and motioned you to follow her inside as she led you to your seats.
“A table for two for the lovely couple,” she gestured towards the table. “Enjoy your date!” she smiled.
Your cheeks started to heat up and you shook your head vigorously at the misunderstanding. “N-no! This isn’t-” you tried to correct her but your protests fell on deaf ears as she was already walking away.
“Wow, do you not want to go on a date? You wound me,” he placed his hand over his heart in mock hurt.
“Oh, so you do want to go on a date with me?”
“I’m teasing, kid,” he laughed and ruffled your hair. “Sit down.”
You let out a sigh as you both took your seats. You were a complete mess today. He didn’t seem to mind though. In fact, he seemed to find it pretty amusing.
You peered over your menu to look at the boy sitting across you. It was hard to believe you’d only met a while ago considering you were now having lunch at his favourite food place, talking like you were old friends. And you couldn’t help but feel something warm starting to bubble within your chest.
“Staring again?” he asked without even needing to look at you. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts.
“NO!” you retorted and lifted the menu up to cover your red face.
The two of you placed your orders and the rest of lunch went without a hitch. You were surprised with how easily conversation came with Kuroo and how naturally you guys got along together.
“So, grilled salted mackerel pike huh?” you asked.
“Yeah, this place is famous for it. It’s my favourite food,” he replied in between mouthfuls. “Docosahexaenoic acid is good for the brain, you know.”
“Wow, didn’t know you were such a nerd.”
“Better than someone who sleeps in class and drools on people.”
Everything was just so easy with him, and your mind kept drifting back to the waitress’s words. Was this really a date? And more importantly, did you want it to be a date? You’d only just gotten to know him a few hours ago but the chemistry between you was undeniable. The warm feeling in your chest returned and honestly, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to hold on to it a little longer. But lunch was coming to an end and you knew you’d have to let go.
“That was a great meal,” Kuroo said, satisfaction written all over his face. Thanks for the ‘date’ kid,” Kuroo chuckled at the term the waitress used. Your heart skipped a beat and you willed yourself not to blush again or give anything away.
“You’re welcome, old man,” you smiled innocently at the term you used. He’d kept calling you ‘kid’ so it was only fair that you returned the favour. You’d never admit it but you secretly liked it that he gave you a nickname. He smiled at you and shook his head at your silly antics.
Both of you stood outside the shop, not really knowing what else to say. You knew it was time to part ways since you’d already given him what you owed, but neither of you wanted to say goodbye.
“Well, I guess I’d better get back home… I’ve got to catch up on what I missed out during the lecture anyway,” you laughed nervously, trying to break the silence.
“Yeah, I guess this was a good bonding session, huh,” he grinned lopsidedly, but you could tell it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Even so, you laughed at his dorkiness. You were going to miss it.
“Well, I’ll get going then,” you said, turning to leave. “Oh and uh, sorry about your jacket,” you smiled sheepishly.
Kuroo perked up in sudden realisation. “Oh wait! Speaking of…” he closed the distance between you, rummaging through his bag and fishing out the black jacket he’d previously taken off. “Here,” he said, shoving it into your arms.
You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? A keepsake?” you snickered.
“Pfft, you wish,” he smirked. “It has your saliva on it. You wash it,” he said.
You cringed at the truth in his words and folded it over your arms. “Alright, I’ll wash it and give it back to you tomorrow.”
He grinned devilishly with a mischievous glint in his eye, and suddenly you understood his true intentions. You couldn’t help but smile like an idiot.
“Good. Now I’ve got an excuse to see you again tomorrow.”
Damn this clever nerd.
He’s good.
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© written and published by animatedarchives 2020. please do not steal or repost. thank you.
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years ago
The greatess actress II [Ben Hardy x F!Reader]
sWords : 4, 000 K +
Warnings : mostly angst, fluff
Summary :  Things aren’t always as they seems.
Note : More angst for you guys, I know you all ask for it so here you go :) I’m really gmad for all the reviews and positive feedbacks I had for the first chapter so thank u so much ! I didn’t start writing chapter 3 yet but I have few ideas so if you guys have suggestions or theories I would love to heart hat !!! (i mostly replied to the messages in my inbox bc it’s easier to see them than the comments !!) Much love xx 
x Masterlist x
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“And…action !”
You pretended to leave and Ben grabbed your wrist, tugging him against him rather roughly. You put a flat hand on his torso and looked at him with big, lost eyes.
“Don’t say anything, baby” Then he crashed his lips on yours, sending a wave of electricity down your spine as you replied eagerly to the kiss.
The kiss was intense, slow and hot, during for what seemed like age. You weren’t really complaining. But it was the third time you did this scene because of the director who always wanted to add something and it started to be a bit much for you and your weak heart.
“And we got it ! Awesome guys !” The director jumped from his seat and went behind the camera looking at the screen with enthusiasm. “Everyone, take 5 !”
You sighed discretely and detached yourself from Ben, running a nervous finger through your hairs.
“Are you still coming tonight ?” You glanced toward the blond man, gaze falling right on his swollen lips, tempting and deliciously-looking red.
“Hum, probably ?” You scolded mentally yourself to stop looking at his mouth like a fucking creep and instead focus on his eyes.
Which maybe wasn’t better.
“Oh come on, it’s Randy’s last day ! He won’t forgive you if you don’t come” Ben winked and you chuckled awkwardly, ignoring the way the butterflies were going crazy in your belly.
“I guess you’re right” You smiled almost shyly, his bright and beautiful eyes were always making you kind of timid. “But I won’t stay long, we got an early scene tomorrow” You felt yourself become ridiculously red when he laughed loudly and threw an arm around your shoulders, squeezing you tightly against his strong body.
“You’re right and I’m pretty excited for tomorrow anyway”
You both walked to your trailers, next to each other, as the day was done and you couldn’t wait to go back into your own clothes.
“You are ?” You briefly remembered that the scene you had to do tomorrow was pretty romantic, lot of touchy-feely moments but nothing sexual, thanks god.
“Yeah, I mean…we’re filming at the beach so obviously breaks gonna be funnier than on set” He grinned and you silently swallowed back the disappointment bubbling in your chest.
“The beach, right” You forced a smile. Of course that was the reason why he was excited, idiot. He had a freaking girlfriend for god’s sake. “I will see you later, Ben” You waved awkwardly and climbed the few steps to your trailers before closing the door behind you, barely hearing his answer.
You let your body fall heavily on your bed, feeling exhausted and completely stupid.
It wasn’t the first time you had feelings for one of your co-star, honestly it was hard to stay hermetic when your job was to kiss a handsome and nice guy all day long. Once, you had to film for few weeks with Liam Hemsworth and god, the man was absolutely breathtaking. You had a tiny crush on him during the filming but nothing horrible, it didn’t make your job more complicated or anything. It was fairly innocent. You just enjoyed what a beautiful man he was but you stayed in control easily.
You also dated for two years with one of your previous co-stars, George Mackay but it was pretty obvious from the beginning that the both of you were into each other, which made everything easier.
You didn’t forget either when you had a tiny role in a big Hollywood move where you were only needed to literally make out with Leonardo DiCaprio. It was probably the first time you were so nervous to act, which was ridiculous because you barely spent more than two hours on set. But it was Leonardo freaking DiCaprio, your first crush had been Jack Dawson from Titanic so obviously it was huge for you.
No one probably remembered you from this movie but it was your little moment of pride. You made out with Leonardo freaking DiCaprio.
But nothing could compare to your feelings with Ben. You weren’t prepared at all for the wave of feelings which hit you strong in the face. Not at all.
When you first heard that you would be filming with Ben as co-star, you did some researches and found out it was the guy from the Bohemian Rhapsody movie, you were happy because he was an excellent actor in this film. And you couldn’t denied he was pretty attractive which could help as you were supposed to play lovers in this new project.
It started with an innocent crush, making your friends a bit jealous because you were kissing and holding hands with the new heart-robe of Hollywood. But it turned out to be much more when you started hanging out with him. He wasn’t only handsome. He was really funny, humble, generous, always making sure you were comfortable for any kind of intimate scene but he was also sensitive and not as confident as you thought first.
He was everything you could dream in a boyfriend.
You sighed loudly and rubbed your face roughly, heart beating heavily in your chest.
Why did you have to fall in love with an unavailable man ?
“We’re gonna miss you, big guy !” You watched Ben cheekily tussled Randy dirty red hairs, a large smile on his face.
“´f course you will ! But no need to go all emotional on me, Hardy. You’re still invited to my wedding in two months” Randy chuckled, his hand wrapped around a large pint of beer.
You giggled quietly as the two friends hugged again, both of them pretty tipsy after several drinks. Randy was playing one of Ben’s closest friend in the movie but he finished to do all of his scenes and he was now, sadly, leaving the set.
You took a little sip of your Margarita, only the second drinks of the evening for you as you hated being tired or hungover to film. Especially when you had to focus much more with your feelings for Ben, making your job much harder.
“Who is gonna kick my ass at FIFA now ?” The British man complained with a pout, making the whole table giggled.
“Literally everyone, Hardy” Joshua, one of the secondary actor of the movie spoke up, earning a round of applause from everyone.
You let your eyes trailed on Ben for few seconds. You couldn’t help but looked at him. He was so different out of the set, much more relax and you loved even more this part of him. His blond hairs were all over the place, slightly longer than before and it was certainly doing things to you. The way his eyes were sparkling due to the alcohol made your heart beat faster, this childish look was good on him, always wearing his boyish smile which made your knees weak.
And, surprisingly, Isis wasn’t here tonight. You felt like you could breath a little bit easier when she wasn’t around. You were so worried she found out you were in love with her boyfriend, it was scaring you more than everything.
“(Y/N) !” You jumped at Randy's voice and quickly tore your eyes from Ben’s jaw, pushing aside any thoughts.
“Yeah ?”
“I said do you want another drink ?” You nodded weakly and swallowed thickly, feeling nervous to almost been caught day-dreaming about Ben. “What were you looking at so intensely ? This little boyfriend of yours ?” The red hair laughed and pinched the blond’s cheek, making him groaned.
“Hey!” Ben pushed his hands away from his face and looked at you, an amused smile on his features. “I’m pretty sure she wasn’t looking at me, she see me enough all day long”
“True” You grinned and internally screamed. You could never be bored of looking at his pretty face. Never.
“So who where you looking at ? Did someone caught your eyes perhaps ?” Everyone turned, very discreetly, around and started giggling like teenager when they saw a quite charming brunette glancing over the table, few of his friends clearly teasing him.
“I see” Ben winked at you, finishing his drink with one gulp. “I think you should talk to him” He tilted his head toward the guy and you cringed internally.
It was literally the last thing you wanted to do. You didn’t even notice this guy until they all started looking at him. Your luck, obviously.
“I’m not sure about that” You laughed awkwardly and pushed few strands of hairs behind your ear, hoping for something, anything, to save you from talking to this stranger.
“Oh come on ! He is literally devouring you with his eyes” Ben nudged you gently. “And you were doing the same a minute before” He smirked and you were half relieved that he didn’t notice you were ogling him, not this random dude.
“(Y/N) ! (Y/N) ! (Y/N)” You wanted to disappear right now. You watched your friends cheering your name until you had enough and decided to agree, walking to the bar where you knew the guy would meet you too. “Go get it girl !” Randy drunkenly yelled and you felt your whole face turned red.
“Hey” You looked at the brunette, he wasn’t bad looking clearly. Curly hairs and cute dimples. Totally your type before you fell for a blond beefy guy.
“Hi” You smiled nervously and discreetly glanced toward Ben, looking for any kind of reassurance that he was maybe a bit annoyed by the fact that you were talking to another guy.
You couldn’t help yourself but wished that maybe he was sharing your feelings. Deep down. Maybe he was falling for you too but still confused with Isis. Conflicted. It was selfish but there were nothing you could do about these thoughts. Except keeping them for you.
But for all answer from Ben, you get a cheeky smile and two thumbs up. Clearly not bothered by the situation. You returned the smile, fake and smaller one before turning around to the man, your throat tight and your heart even more broken.
These feelings were clearly one-sided.
“You look like shit, hun” Molly greeted you as you sat, or rather flopped very graciously, on the chair in front of her, a fuming Costa cup in your right hand.
“That’s why you’re here” You snorted lazily before taking a sip of your coffee, not in the mood to talk much.
She glanced at you, feeling the mood immediately and decided to start your hairs and makeup in silence, humming quietly.
The whole crew was at the beach for the day and the place was truly breathtaking, a little creek mostly quiet except for the soft rolling of the waves. It was still dark outside, the sun barely peaking up and you needed to get the perfect scene as the director really wanted the whole sun rising romantic moment for your and Ben’s characters.
“Ten minutes before we started !” You sighed quietly and quickly finished your coffee, feeling already done with this way too cute scene for you.
Ben waved at you from his chair, Isis not far from him, both of them getting ready too. Yeah, like it wasn’t hard enough for you, Isis managed to get a small part as an extra for few scenes. Easy when you dated the main actor. And even more when you were as gorgeous as she was.
“All done, honey” You thanked Molly and rose on your feet, walking toward the small wardrobe department to get your clothes for the shoot.
A cute little yellow bikini and a pair of sunglasses were all you needed for today. The thought of spending so much time near Ben with so little clothes on was stressful. You nearly fainted when you spotted him walking in his blue swim trunk, a beach towel lazily hanging from his right shoulder.
What a sight.
And…action !“
You took a deep sight and blocked every other thoughts than the ones about Ellie, the character you were portraying in this movie.
"I’m glad we decided to come here” Ben or rather Will, murmured in your ear, hands softly resting on your hips as you were perched on his lap.
“Me too” You slightly turned your head just enough to catch his eyes, smiling sweetly.
The scene was indeed very romantic. Kind of cliché but still, it was making your heart beat much faster. Ben was seating on the white sand, his body pressed against you was bringing shivers down your frame.
Your group of friends were seating around a camp fire, giggling and chatting as you and Ben were with them but in your own bubble, looking at each other lovingly.
As the sun slowly rose, you continued to act as you had to, suppressing the love which was wrapping your entire body every time you looked at him. Few kisses were exchanged, few touches as well and other sweet little attentions between the two of you, carefully following the script.
It was even harder because for you everything felt so natural. When you had to play with his hairs at the back of his neck you weren’t acting, not really. It was easy, like you done it your whole life. When Ben rested softly a hand on your knee you didn’t feel awkward or nervous, it felt right. And it had been like that since day one.
“You’re not too cold ? I felt you shiver during our scene” Ben whispered as you had a mini break, waiting for everyone to go back at their assigned spots.
You wanted to laugh at his innocent remark. God bless this sweet, innocent Ben. Yes it wasn’t very warm but the simple feeling of your half naked body against mine was the only main reason of my shivers.
But you simply nodded. “Yeah but it’s alright we’re almost done with this scene anyway” You patted his shoulder nicely and he gently rubbed your forearm, in a nice attempt of keeping your warm.
Few hours later and you were still on the beach, few more scenes to film with this time, the sun high in the sky and the heat nicely warming your skin.
You shielded your vision to watch Ben cockily walked toward you, his body dripping wet from the bath he just took in the sea.
“Hey there” He grinned and didn’t lost a minute before laying on top of you, making you squirmed under him at the freshness of the water.
“Get off me idiot !” You giggled and tried to wiggle your way out but his strong body was easily caging you.
“Can’t do that, you’re really comfy” He laid even more on you and you let out a shaky breath as you could feel every muscles of his body against yours. “Everyone is having fun, except you, come on !” You gasped when he ran his wet hand in your hairs, purposely messing them on your face before moving off you.
“I’m reading a very good book” You weakly replied, the lie tasting bitter on your tongue.
You were just avoiding going near his girlfriend. You were on a break for a little hour and most of the crew was in the water and you would love to join them. But Isis was there too, gaining most of the attention as she was always speaking loudly or giggling. And did you mentioned how pretty she was ? Everyone could see that too. So you just felt awkward next to her, stupid really but she was so confident and dating Ben. You were so scared that somehow she noticed how you looked at him and understood what was going on. It would be a total mess if she did. 
“Yeah, whatever” The blond rolled his eyes at you bad excuse before catching your hips and throwing you over his shoulder. You screamed from the top of your lungs as he run toward the water, chuckling louder every time you asked, rather yelled, him to let you go.
He threw you on the water as everyone cheered, apparently really amused by his stupid joke. You felt two hands quickly grabbing you from under the water and you took a big breath, the salty water dripping on your face.
“You’re alright ?” Ben’s giant smile immediately warmed you up. You clenched your hands on his shoulder, wiping the water from your features with your free hand, couching a bit at the salty taste.
“Asshole” You mumbled as you pushed your hairs away from your face. You slapped his chest when he audibly laughed. ”This is so not funny ! I was fine on my towel" You protested but couldn’t suppress the amused smiled from blossoming upon your face.
“Why are you laughing then ?” Ben teased you and you rolled your eyes before swimming away from him, heart fluttering heavily at the simple interaction you just had with him.
Why he had to be so bloody cute with you all the time ? It wasn’t helping your case.
You looked behind your shoulder toward Ben and your smile dropped immediately when you spotted Isis, hanging around his neck as they shared a giggling kiss.
He was just being friendly, get your shit together for god’s sake, (Y/N).
You didn’t miss the suspicious glance that Isis threw you, her brows slightly furrowed like she was in deep reflection. She gave you a little smile when she caught your eyes on her before she focused back on the British man.
You deeply hoped she wasn’t thinking anything about this little friendly moment between you and Ben.
“Baby, can you put me some sun-cream on ?” You raised your head toward Ben and stood up, grabbing the protection from his hand.
“You knew you could do it yourself” You commented as you applied a small amount of cream in your hand before rubbing it onto Ben’s large shoulders.
“I can’t reach some part” He grinned, sunglasses hanging low on his nose.
It was like the universe like to torturing you. Every scene you had to do was painfully touchy today and it was putting you under a strong pressure. Isis’ intense gaze on you wasn’t helping either, she watching with attention every of your interactions with her boyfriend.
It wasn’t your fault, you were just acting right now. But you felt incredibly uncomfortable under her eyes. Like you were doing something wrong. Which you weren’t as it was your freaking job.
“You’re just lazy, Will” You rolled your eyes and kept rubbing the sun-cream on his back, breathing quickening as you reached his hips. “Done” You announced before he turned around, welcoming you with his beautiful and chiselled face.
“Why about here, hum ?” He cheekily drummed his digits on his firm pectoral. He cocked his head to the side, wearing your favourite boyish smile. “Don’t wanna burn” He pouted and you bit your lips, finding him unfairly adorable.
You quickly stopped your day dreaming and scoffed as you were supposed to, pretending to be annoyed.
“You’re a pain in the ass, Will” You repeated the same actions, pouring cream in your hands before rubbing it on his warm torso, goosebumps spreading all over your skin,
“But you love me anyway” He replied with a little smile, pushing his sunglasses on the top of his head.
“Yes, I do” You murmured and, not without difficulty, grinned at him. You were supposed to be happy but the painful truth hiding behind your words was hard to get along with.
“Your hands are so much softer than mine” The blond sighed as he closed his eyes, your pads barely touching his abs. You couldn’t go further or you would literally combust.
“That’s because you never want to put night cream on yours, silly” You said and took few steps away as he lowered his head toward you, eyes still closed. You sighed loudly and quickly rubbed the sun cream on his face.
“No, no ! Stop !” The director made you jump as Ben opened his eyes, both of you looking at him. “(Y/N), darling, you were doing perfectly fine but this last scene…you need to be gentle and tender, alright ? It’s supposed to be a romantic scene between Ellie and Will, not looking like you just want to get ride of him” You chuckled weakly and nodded, watching the director going back to his chair.
“Already annoyed with my presence ?” Ben teased as he went back to his previous position.
You simply smiled and waited for the green light of the cameramen before executing the script. You slowly rubbed your fingers against his face, caressing every of his features without looking away from his eyes, giving to the director all the love he wanted. You swallowed thickly at your proximity, his eyes not leaving yours for a second as you kept caressing his strong cheekbones.
“There you go” You rubbed the remaining of cream on his neck and locked your arms behind it, repressing a shiver when his hands found your face.
You absolutely adored how his digits slid softly on your skin, cupping your jaw like if you were the most precious thing in the world. His thumb gently caressing your cheek as he pressed a sickly sweet kiss on your lips. You could feel the warmth coming from his chest and the pleasant sigh which escaped your mouth wasn’t for the act anymore.
There were absolutely not better feeling in the world.
You let out a deep breath as you snuggled further into your hoodie, the warmth of the day already fading away as the sun disappeared slowly. You grabbed your phone and answered few texts, exhaustion rolling down your bones.
“Are you texting the guy from yesterday ?” You shook your head lazily, letting a yawn escaping your mouth as Joshua, who was playing your brother, sat next to you. “Why not ?”
“Not really interesting” You didn’t bother explaining further, to tired for that. ”How it’s going with Danny ? When he is coming already ?“
Joshua’s eyes immediately lighted up at the mention of his boyfriend.
"Very well, thanks” He beamed and showed you his new screen lock, an adorable picture of the two of them with their new puppy. You let out a little aww and Joshua smiled wider. “He is coming next week, I can’t wait to see him ! And to introduce him to you !”
You listened to his exciting chatting, a little pinching for your heart at how happy and in love he was.
You groaned and get up from your chair as Ben was late for filming. You knew Isis was around so they probably just didn’t see the time, laying in bed. Still, it wasn’t something Ben did often, he was always in time and ready to work.
You swallowed roughly as you walked to his trailer, praying they weren’t shagging because you didn’t know how your heart would take it.
“It’s my freaking job, Isis !” You jumped at Ben’s loud voice followed by few cursing words.
You froze and decided smartly to not knock on the door and instead waited patiently next to the trailer, ear dropping shamelessly. You shouldn’t but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Well, I don’t like it at all, Benjamin !” She yelled back and you heard him sighing, probably knowing he was already late and his girlfriend wasn’t helping. “You didn’t see the way she look at you !”
You felt the same way as the day your best friend from high school threw you a bucket of freezing water on your head. You stopped breathing by fear they would hear you and tried your best to not panic.
Was she talking about you ?
Of course she was ! Who else could be the She ? You were done, done, done. The rest of the filming would be just awkward because of you and your stupid feelings.
"Oh my god, Isis ! We already had this conversation, (Y/N) is simply doing her job, alright ? You need to stop being so paranoiac for Christ’ sake !”
You felt yourself sweating uncomfortably as you listened to them, heart beating like crazy. This was a nightmare.
“She is not acting anymore Ben ! Open your damn eyes for once !” Isis groaned as she slammed a cup loudly on the table, making you jumped again. “She is not acting at all ! It’s fucking obvious !”
“What are you saying Isis ?” Ben muttered, clearly done with this argument. “Come on, enlighten me as apparently you know better than everyone !”
There a beat of complete silence, your muslces completely tetanised as you waited for her answer.
Isis let out a sarcastic, cold laugh. It worried you a lot. And then she pronounced these six little words which would make your heart stop. 
“She is fucking in love with you, Ben”
Tag list :  @jennyggggrrr @queenlover05 @cubedtriangle​
Message me if u want to be add in the tag list !
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twelverose · 5 years ago
till the sun comes shining through (1/?)
It's a life of working hard and playing harder. Rose is the daughter of an old family trying to keep up with modern times. James is the boy of a family who left for easier living. It was natural for them to collide. Rodeos and events keep them on their toes, pushing them closer. All they know is they have a life to lead and it's better with two.
Rating: Teen (Some sexual implications, mild violence)
Pairing: Twelve/Rose
WC: 2.9K
TW: Mild violence, drinking.
A/N: It’s a cowboy au bc i love writing about things inspired by my own life babey. yeehaw.
Song: Cause I Love You - Johnny Cash (Title) and What Was I Thinkin’ -  Dierks Bentley (Chapter)
Read on Ao3
Chapter One: Come and Get Me Grin
What was I thinkin'
Oh, I knew there'd be hell to pay
But that crossed my mind a little too late
Rose Tyler was the most beautiful girl James had ever seen. He decided that years ago. He was a year older but the same class as her in high school. Keeping at least an acquaintance with her for the first two years. Before their junior year where they really got to talk at a party. He’d been chasing her ever since. And she had fun leading him.
Her family bought the old McCrimmon ranch before she was born.  Her father was a cowboy legend. Raised to ride bulls and that he did. Winning enough by riding in the PBR to be able to invest in more land at the age of twenty. They raised cattle and trained horses. Her mother was a champion of her own. Training and riding horses in world class events. Rose stayed humble though. She was carefree. No restraint in her friendliness or attitude. It was a warm welcome in James’s life.
His family wasn’t a fan of the friendship. Especially once they sold their farm.
When she told him to meet her at the front gate of her property, he stumbled over his okay. It was a given. He wasn’t one of the idiots to say no to her. Or maybe he was the idiot to say yes. There was a rumor that Pete Tyler was more than a bull rider. Something to do with another guy and Jackie. James never asked about it. It was just something that came back around whenever word got around that Rose was going on a date in high school. 
But they weren’t in high school anymore. And he was glad that he wouldn’t have to hear it again. Especially since his nerves were already on fire, sitting at the edge of the Tyler property.
When she climbed over the gate, he knew he was in trouble. But didn’t really think about what it meant.
“You might wanna drive,” She said as she hopped into his passenger seat, “I think dad heard me.”
“Wait another minute or two and you’ll see why.”
So he did. Not sure if it was because he felt the need to prove himself or to see if the rumors about her dad were true. Maybe it was both. But the sound of a shotgun made him kick the truck into drive,
“What the fuck?”
She shrugged and smiled, “It was an actual warning, y’know?”
Rose was wearing a tank top that belonged in an early 2000s horror movie. It was a size too small and showed off her midriff. He wasn’t complaining. Especially when she made an obvious move to sit in the middle seat to change the radio station. James found himself clenching his jaw. Just to make sure none of the stupid thoughts going through his mind came out. Not that there were many there at all. 
During the commercials between songs, they caught up. They hadn’t really spoken like they used to since graduating. Both of them falling into work. James was a farmhand at several ranches. Rose was working with her mom and dad. Taking care of cattle and training horses.
She talked about a new horse until she realized what road they were on. He didn’t even realize. Until her entire mood shifted slightly. Into something that made his cheeks turn red.
“What have you got planned for us tonight?” She asked, batting her eyes.
“Oh, the Amber Tree is doing somethin’ tonight. I think a band is playing? I’m really not that sure.” He tried to sound cool and confident. 
She smirked at him, “Who told you that?”
“What d’you mean?”
“I know how you boys work. You talk to each other to figure out the hottest spot. Who’d you talk to?”
He pretended to be offended, slapping his hand over his heart and glancing at her with a sigh, “You think I’m boring? Let me show you a bit of fun tonight then.”
She laughed, “You think I would’ve asked you out if I thought you were going to be boring?”
He pressed down further on the gas and grinned at her, “I sure hope not.”
The highway they had turned onto went through a forest until a railroad crossing. The music echoed back at them through the tunnel of trees. She seemed to know every song on the radio. Unlike him, he could only pick out a few. She didn’t seem to notice. Singing to him or out the window, grabbing his arm to get him to look at her. 
He tried to keep his eyes on the road. Luckily he knew it like the back of his hand. Because she was determined to make him look and keep him looking.
Once they got past the train tracks, she hung out the side window for a bit, whooping at the moon. He laughed and whooped with her. It was all so natural. It was fun. The most fun he’s had in months. It made some type of warmth pump through his veins. And all he wanted was more of it.
  And that he got. 
When they crossed the county line, blue and red lights flashed behind him. Rose slid back in with a wide smile and looked at him like she was saying, “Well, prove what you got.” So he did. Changing the gear and swiftly pulled off into a field. The wind whipped through her hair, wisps of it stinging his face. She kept looking behind them, telling him how far behind the cop was. He wasn’t worried. He hoped he’d remember to tell her that he’d done this a few times. And his best story of one of those times.
He really did try to avoid the crops. Although he heard at least one stock of corn get caught underneath him. The other side of the field was a dirt road, which he tore out onto. 
“Why don’t you go faster, cowboy?”
If he had to give an excuse or reason to go faster, he would’ve had to blame the testosterone spike those words caused. And usually, he’d try to keep in line. But if she was asking, then James would just have to do it.
The smile he got in response was worth it. A tongue-touched grin. James decided that he’d probably do anything for another smile like that.
It was another five minutes of loud music and speeding before they made it to the bar. It was already busy. Nine at night would do that to places like these in small towns. Especially when there was a promise of live music and fights. Although, fights weren’t on the posters.
He wiped his palms on his jeans and looked back at her, “Ready?”
“As long as you can keep up.”
They were both technically underage. Technically because the bar didn’t care nor did it really have enough staff to do so. The bar itself was full of old timers. The ones who were found there every night and knew everyone and their father. They were the first ones to ask what Rose was doing there.
“Does your father know?” He tilted up his hat.
Rose shook her head,  “And I hope he doesn’t find out.”
The man chuckled and went back to who he was talking to originally. James felt a wave of anxiety go through him. Afraid of what that conversation would lead to for him.
“He’s not gonna tell him, right?” James asked while he paid for their beers.
“You better hope he doesn’t. You’re already in trouble.”
Her wink told him that she was more of the trouble than her dad. Even if he knew the more trouble he got into with her meant only more from her dad.
He didn’t let that stop them from dancing though. It was a honky-tonk band. It was hot and sweaty in the middle of the room. He knew that. But he didn’t know when he lost the button down he was wearing over his t-shirt. He didn’t care. She was so focused on him that he had no choice but to return it. 
They were close. A lot closer than they’ve been when they danced at parties. Her chest against his. Her hands running up and down his back. This time, there wasn’t one of her friends to pull her away because she was busted. Or one of his to tell him he better lay off or he was in deep shit. They did what they’d been waiting to do. And she knew the perfect way to do it.
He was on fire. Because that’s what she did to him. Made him red and wild. So, he was just about to finally kiss her when someone shoved him back from her.
James knew who that someone was. They saw each other when he walked into the bar. They both realized what could happen. James figured it would. They both had a reputation that was in due time for testing.
Jimmy Stone was older. He was probably what made Pete Tyler the protective father he is. Once again, if the rumors were true, no one could really shame him for acting the way he did.  There was no question in what Jimmy was capable of, that was given to James. He was fit. He had to be for what he did. But he wasn’t much compared to Jimmy.
“Will you fuck off, Stone?” Rose shouted at him.
He shushed her, “This isn’t about you. Well, it doesn’t have to involve you.”
James took a step forward, “You can stop talkin’ to her like that.”
He saw the fist coming and he let it land. To prove he was just as tough as Jimmy. That’s what he would say tomorrow when he was at work. But right now, he would be stupid to say it didn’t hurt. He could feel the bruise forming when he stood back up straight. He felt the blood from his split lip run down his chin.
“You afraid to fight, pretty boy?”
If it were a movie, he’d probably pop his neck. But instead, he flicked the baseball hat off Jimmy’s head. Dodging the next punch, James managed a land to the middle of the other guy’s gut. But he took the one to his ribcage. Jimmy laughed when James took a step back and groaned.
There was a crowd around them now. He saw someone step out in the corner of his eye. Then felt Rose’s hand on his elbow but he shook it off. He wasn’t one to lose a fight without good reason.
“You ready to regret coming out tonight, Stone?” 
He was cocky. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t fallen yet or that Rose was on his side. Then a surge of anger rushed through him. He wasn’t sure where exactly it came from but it slipped out of his mouth with the taste of blood. And the hardest swing he thinks he’s ever thrown.
The crowd around him gasped. Jimmy fell flat on his ass. James laughed, then he spotted the tooth on the ground and grabbed Rose’s hand. Taking off out of the bar. 
As he slid into the driver’s side and started the truck, she slid over the hood. His heart started beating a little faster. When she jumped in, she landed in the middle seat- almost in his lap. That’s when he stopped breathing. 
She gave him a kiss. One that he had been dreaming about for a while now. It was sloppy and deep and warm. It was probably a lot shorter than what it felt. Only stopping when they heard a commotion at the front door.
She slipped away from him with a breathy “Thank you.”
They tore out of the gravel parking lot. He didn’t try to speed on the way home. Wanting to keep her this close for as long as possible. But he got a glimpse of the time and worried about what would be waiting. 
She reminded him that maybe it would be worth it. Distracting him with another kiss when he stopped at the first sign of the night. And then telling him to pull off the road just for a second. Which led to a little more than he expected. 
He had a little more than one bruise now. The rest were a lot sweeter than the first. And his shirt was just as high on his stomach as hers. Hair probably is just as messy too. Though, he didn’t quite pull it off as well as her. Given she laughed at him when he pulled back. 
“You’re a mess.” She laughed, running her thumb over his bottom lip. Focusing on the cut he got in the fight.
“Your fault,” He mumbled, leaning into her hand, “What else am I supposed to do?”
He tried to kiss her again, but she giggled against his lips. Giving him a chaste one before patting his thigh.
“Better get me home before my father decides you’re the next hide on the wall.”
He cursed under his breath. Moving back to his seat and putting the truck in drive. Trying to ignore the feeling of Rose’s hand in his hair and her humming. Those things would probably be the last thing he needed to be thinking about when pulling into her drive.
Which he was against. But she coaxed him into doing it by playing the right cards. The ones he fell sucker to almost every time, especially for her.
Pete Tyler was sitting in the driveway. James knew he was in for it by the look he got when he put it in park. Instead of flying out of the drive like any other person, he got out with Rose. Grabbing her hand. 
Which was arguably the stupidest decision he made all night. Grabbing her hand in front of her father like this wasn’t doing anything for him. Pete just glared at him harder.
Rose gave him a reassuring squeeze. He hoped that her showing fondness for him would save him some skin. The instinct deep in him doubted it would.
Pete glanced down between them, “Did y’all have a good night?”
It wasn’t a pleasantry. But James treated it as one, “Yes sir.”
The two words came out as if he should’ve given them with a salute. He held back the impulse to do so sarcastically.
“You should’ve talked to me beforehand.” He said thickly.
James suddenly felt like he should’ve at least tried to sharpen up  a bit. He felt a bit bare in his untucked shirt, messy hair, and jeans tucked into boots. He held his head high still. There wasn’t any use in putting it down at this point. He would rather be caught looking scared in front of Jimmy Stone.
Rose pulled her hand from his and walked over to her dad. He didn’t fall for her scheme like James, “Rose. Get inside.”
“Why should I?” She tested him, trying to hide her grin.
“It’s nearly 3 am, you still live in my house, and you might as well and go ahead and get your trouble with your mother over with.”
Rose sighed and took a few steps behind Pete but didn’t go inside. He didn’t take his eyes off James. He had the same challenging look that Rose did earlier. James understood what it meant to inherit looks in that moment. Even if they meant different things.
“Your daughter is amazing, sir. I was lucky to get to hang out with her tonight.”
“You sure are. Where’d you get that bruise?”
James struggled for his words, “Uh, Jimmy Stone.”
“Where’d you go to run into him and get that?”
“He’s worse,” That was his attempt in defending himself, “And I’m sure you’ve got another way to find out besides me.”
Pete laughed and shook his head. James let a small smile come to his face. This was the opposite way of doing things for a first date. You meet and talk with the parents first. Not after. He didn’t really mind. Nothing really came smoothly for him. And he liked it that way.
Especially because their conversation ended with a little less of a glare. 
“I’ll let y’all say goodnight. But you better watch what you do, Smith.”
He nodded and Pete walked inside. Silhouette taking a stance by the window. Rose glanced back and tried to shoo it away. But eventually walked back towards him when it didn’t move an inch.
She took his hands, “I had fun tonight.”
“I hope so.” He felt awkward suddenly. Unsure of what could happen next.
“Sorry about Jimmy. And my dad.”
James shrugged, “I wouldn’t ask for anything else. Another great story to tell.”
“You wanna make another great story?”
He couldn’t get out his “What?” before she kissed him. Right there. In front of her dad in the window. Once again he felt like he was on fire. Every nerve in his body was ringing. He was careful to kiss her back, not that he wanted to be.
He was shaking slightly when she stood on her toes to whisper, “It’s okay, he likes you.”
James stood there for a second. Watching her skip back inside. Excited for whatever would come next.
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hermannsthumb · 6 years ago
18. wine tasting that leads into 9. Ghost tour, drunk ghost tour!!!
from autumn fic meme here: 18. wine tasting + 9. ghost tour
this one was especially fun bc i am a biggggg fan of ghost tours myself, and i got to make up a bunch of fake lore for the “haunted house” hehe. you can decide where this is set……. (content warning for alcohol!)
One of the rare occasions that Hermann actually acknowledges that he and Newt are a thing and lets Newt use romantically-coded words like boyfriend or love or feelings to refer to the two of them–instead of just a terse and incredibly vague this is my partner, Newton when he needs to introduce him to a colleague at work–is on their anniversary. Not that he’ll call it their anniversary, of course. It’s always that time of year again or their special day or flowers thrust quickly at Newt and a kiss pressed to his cheek while he’s brushing his teeth in the morning. Anniversary is too serious. Too intimate. And God forbid Hermann Gottlieb be intimate with someone; it took a month after they got together for him to even take his shirt off in front of Newt. Newt doubts he’ll even let him use the word when they eventually get hitched.
Anyway, it’s that special Time of Year again, Their Day, and Newt has taken it upon himself to book them a weekend getaway. Their first weekend getaway. Usually, for Their Day, they just sit at home and make out or something until their forgotten dinner burns in the oven, but Newt’s determined for them to start acting like an actual couple. Actual couples do things for their anniversaries, like go out to fancy overpriced restaurants. Or have beach vacations. Or rent a room in a cozy mountainside inn (surrounded by beautiful autumn foliage) for a weekend for a wine tasting.
“Yes,” Hermann says, “but most couples don’t go out of their way to hunt down a wine tasting in the most–allegedly–haunted inn possible.”
“That’s because most couples are boring,” Newt says. “We’re not boring. We’re cool.” He clinks his wine glass against Hermann’s. “And don’t say allegedly. It is haunted. I did my research.” He takes the suggested tiny sip of his wine (a sweet dessert wine that tastes more like straight-up honey than any wine Newt’s ever had before) and forces a measure of false casualness into his voice. “They, uh, have ghost tours and everything.”
Hermann groans and sets his glass down. “Oh, Newton, you didn’t.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Newt says.
Newt does know, and he did. Wine tastings are fun and all, and it’s a nice excuse to get Hermann to gussy up a little (because that grey suit he’s rocking tonight combined with his tidied hair is making Newt feel all kinds of hot and bothered) but they’re also a little boring. And gross. Spitting into a bucket for two hours while a bunch of wine snobs sniff their glasses and eat tiny crackers? Boring. Newt’s preferred method of ingesting wine is sticking a curly straw into a box of Sunset Blush Franzia and waking up on the bathroom floor twelve hours later. He just thought–well–he could spice up the experience a little. Especially since it’s October. People do these sorts of things in October. It’s seasonably appropriate.
“Look,” Newt says. “The ghost tour starts at eight, right when this ends, and it’s only an hour. Only around the inn. I already bought us tickets when I booked the place–”
“Newton,” Hermann groans again.
“–but we don’t have to do it!” Newt says, in a way that makes it clear he’d really like to do it. “I just thought it could be fun.”
Hermann scowls at him a bit more, but his shoulders sag. Probably doesn’t care enough to put up more of a fight. “We have a gas fireplace and a bathtub the size of a bloody swimming pool in our suite,” he says, “and you’d rather creep around in the dark and play paranormal investigator. I shall never understand you, Newton.” He takes a long sip of his wine. He doesn’t spit this one out. “I’ll be picking where we go next year. Now fetch us more red.”
“Next year,” Newt echoes happily.
“Don’t push your luck,” Hermann warns.
They have more red, and then they have more white, and then they round it out with some rose, by which point Hermann seems to have given up all pretenses of the tasting factor. Hermann is not tasting; Hermann is imbibing. Copiously. “I revoke my earlier complaints,” Hermann declares, after sloshing half a glass of prosecco down his poor clean shirt and grey suit, “this is a marvelous idea, Newton. I’m–” He sloshes more prosecco onto the tablecloth. “Enjoying myself. A great deal.”
Oh, jeez. “Oh, jeez,” Newt says. “Hey, babe, uh, maybe you should lie down for a bit, before–”
“No,” Hermann says. “I feel very fine. You ought to try this.”
He swings his glass towards Newt, and refuses to allow him to push it away until he’s had a sip. “It’s good,” Newt says, because of course it is–every single bottle here has been fucking great, and fucking expensive, as shit. He gets another taste of it (and about three other wines) a second later when Hermann swoops in and kisses him with no small amount of tongue. “Hermann,” he mumbles, “people are staring.”
Tipsy Hermann is a different breed of Hermann that never ceases to straight-up weird Newt out. It’s like all Hermann’s carefully constructed layers of repression finally unravel like a ball of yarn, like someone’s finally popped his cork and tossed out his filter and let every single mushy, horny thought he’s ever had come pouring out. Tipsy Hermann is handsy. Tipsy Hermann is flirty. Tipsy Hermann calls Newt things like lover and pretty thing and even just ooh, Newton with a little giggle and twirl of Newt’s hair.
Newt thinks he probably should’ve been keeping a closer eye on how much Hermann was drinking; he thinks this especially when they move on from the tasting (with two newly purchased, at Hermann’s insistence, and unopened bottles of the prosecco in Newt’s tote bag) to the ghost tour, and Hermann can barely keep himself upright, even with all his weight shifted to his cane, and Newt has to practically hold him. He’s going to be pissed at Newt for his hangover tomorrow. Because of course he’ll blame Newt.
Their tour guide is a young woman, probably an undergrad at the nearby college working the gig part time, dressed up in old-timey Victorian-looking clothing with an actual lit candelabra. She seems to enjoy her job, at least: she explains the logistics of the tour with a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of wild, animated gestures. (It’s an hour long, they’ll be walking up and down no more than two flights of stairs, one of the tour’s usual stops will be off-limits tonight due to construction, please silence your cell phones, she’s excited to be their hostess tonight!) “You sure you can manage?” Newt whispers to Hermann.
Hermann reaches up and tugs at Newt’s earlobe. “Certainly,” he says.
A hard maybe.
Their tour guide leads them to the narrow front lobby, and they file in in a circle around her as she begins to explain the inn’s origin. It was built in 1823 as a manor; it was converted into the building it is now during the 1870s; the room they’re in now was originally the parlor. “The painting above the fireplace is as old as the house,” she says. “It’s been hanging in that same spot since 1823.”
“Bloody ugly painting,” Hermann snorts.
Newt swats at Hermann. “Dude,” he hisses back.
“I’m only saying,” Hermann says. “They ought to burn it.”
Their tour guide didn’t hear, thankfully, and has gone on into describing the paranormal events of the former parlor. “You can still catch whiffs of his cigar smoke,” she says (referring to the original owner, whose name Newt missed, thanks to Hermann), “and some people have even claimed to spot a dark figure sitting in the armchair in the corner–” It’s faded emerald and ratty as hell, with a small velvet rope blocking it off from the rest of the newer furniture, “–also an original piece of the house, and his favorite spot while he was alive.”
The tour guide leads them down to the creepy basement next (haunted by the ghost of a former maid who’d been brutally murdered by the eldest son of the house–her lover–in 1859 and buried there), up to the kitchen (where servant bells still go off, despite the system being nonoperational and purely for show since the ‘70s), over to the bar (hidden behind a sliding wall throughout Prohibition and only recently re-discovered, where stools move on their own and translucent patrons flit around after closing) up more stairs to the former master bedroom-turned-unoccupied grand suite (where faucets turn on by themselves and strange shadows glide across the antique mirror), down the hall to the nursery-turned-honeymoon suite (where toys turn up out of thin air and ghostly babies cry in the middle of the night).
“‘S all rubbish,” Hermann declares at that bit. Still not loud enough for their tour guide to hear–not yet, anyway–but loud enough that a handful of people in their immediate vicinity turn and frown at him. “Ghosts are rubbish. Not real. I reckon they put--” He waves his hand. “Speakers, in the vents.”
“We fought off giant interdimensional aliens,” Newt says, grinning despite himself, “and ghosts are what you have a problem with?”
Hermann immediately gets snooty. “Kaijus–” (Newt cringes, because come on, how many times does Newt have to explain you don’t need the s?) “–had a logical reason for being here. And there was proof. Loads of it.”
“Stop being such a buzzkill,” Newt laughs. “This is just for fun, dude. No one gives a shit about proof.”
“That much is obvious,” Hermann sniffs.
“Is there a problem?” their tour guide suddenly says. She looks completely earnest, too, not angry at them for talking–like she’s genuinely worried Hermann’s upset or offended about something. 
“No,” Newt cuts in quickly. He wraps his arm around Hermann’s waist and pinches his side to shut him up. It has the opposite effect of what he wants: Hermann doesn’t look affronted, but instead, very pleased at the sudden touch, snootiness evaporating. Of course. “Forgive my partner. We, uh, just got done with the wine tasting, and he missed the memo on spitting.” He cracks another grin.
There’s a small chuckle throughout the crowd that turns awkward fast when Hermann turns to him and says, in a faux whisper (too loud, too flirty, face too close to Newt’s), “I thought you preferred when I swallow.”
Newt chokes on air; he turns bright red. “Hermann!”
The tour ends on a mildly disappointing note. Their guide takes them up to the attic and passes around quote-unquote EMF detectors, with the promise that almost every group (to date) has caught something up here with them, but after twenty minutes of waving the little boxes around with not even the smallest beep it’s very clear their group will not be joining that number. If Hermann was sober, he’d probably say I told you so. He’s not, so instead, Newt says goodbyes and thank-yous for both of them, and Hermann collapses face-first into their ridiculous canopy bed almost the very second Newt gets him through the door of their suite. He doesn’t even bother to take off his shoes first. Or drop his cane--he’s still gripping the handle.
Newt shucks off his docs and tie, moves Hermann’s cane to rest against the clawfoot bedside table, and flops down next to him. He pokes Hermann’s shoulder. “You are not allowed to blame me for this tomorrow,” he says. “You got it?”
“Whatever for?” Hermann mumbles, sleepily, into his pillow.
“The hangover you’re absolutely going to get,” Newt says, “and for dropping sex life bombs on a group of strangers. That was all you, buddy. All you.”
Hermann turns on his side to face Newt, though he doesn’t bother opening his eyes. “You’re being awfully loud. Will you turn off the light, please?”
“Ugh. Fine.”
Newt has to shuffle all the way across the room to switch off the ancient floor lamp, and by the time he gets back, Hermann is already halfway to snoring, mouth open, drool at the corner of it, dress shirt rucked up from his waistband. It’s impossible to stay mad at him when he looks this cute. “I love you, you weirdo,” Newt says fondly, and leans in and kisses his forehead.
“Mm,” Hermann agrees.
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inconvenient-sneezes · 6 years ago
“road to recovery for two, please”
or the one in which steve has to warn bucky every time he sneezes bc of bucky’s ptsd
[[this is a continuation so read part one here and part two here!!!]]
Time After Time
Chapter Three: Road to Recovery for Two, Please (After)
It’s been months since Steve’s gotten Bucky back.
There are aspects of him that are the same and there are some that are very different. For one, Bucky gets his hair cut by suggestion of one of his therapists as a “new beginning.” 
It’s not the exact cut that Steve remembers, but similar enough. There are also certain small things that set him off, like being touched. They’re working on it, but he only likes to be touched on good days and Steve has seen enough of the bad days to know when it is and isn’t okay. 
Steve is the one who cuts all of the tags out of Bucky’s clothes because he can’t stand them rubbing up against his skin all day. He also stays with him during nightmares or panic attacks. Loud sounds shock him and he often results to violence upon being startled, like the time Tony showed up at Cap’s apartment unannounced and was forced to duck out of the way as the knife left Bucky’s hand. Actually, Tony and Bucky haven’t gotten on very well together, which will be a problem for today.
Steve crawls out of bed and into his car to pick up Bucky from therapy at the usual time. He manages not to crash the car, despite his sneezing fits and watery eyes. How a superhuman can get a cold, he still doesn’t quite understand. Bucky opens the door and climbs into the passenger side.
“How was your appointment?” Steve asks, driving away from the building.
Bucky shrugs. “It was good.”
“Good. Hey, uh, Buck?” Steve says, scrunching up his nose, “I’m gonna —heh’NXT!” 
Steve tries to warn his friend every time before his sneezes, just so it’s nothing unexpected. Stifling them also seems to quiet the explosion.
Thankfully, Bucky doesn’t even flinch. “It’s okay, you don’t have to warn me anymore. I’ve been practicing.”
“Oh, re-really?” His voice shakes. “Hahh... hap’SHHT!”
“Bless you.”
Steve sighs. Now is as good of a time as ever. “Hey, you’re gonna be staying with, um, Tony today, okay?” he tells Bucky casually, hoping he’ll let it slide. He doesn’t.
His voice is practically dripping with suspicion. “Why?”
“No reason.”
“I don’t even like that guy,” Bucky mutters. “Are you sick or something?”
“No.” It doesn’t sound convincing.
“Then why—”
“Because you need a break from me. We’ve been staying together for three months. It’ll be good for you to get some f-frehhh... fresh air.” His nostrils flare and Bucky watches him closely.
“Are you sure you’re not sick? You look like you’re going to sneeze,” he points out, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not,” Steve says before sneezing again. “Ehh’CHSHH!”
It takes Bucky about five minutes to pack. “I’m used to packing light” is Bucky’s explanation and then he cringes, as if this brings back memories he’d rather not revisit.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning,” Steve tells his friend as they walk together to the entrance of Stark Towers. “And behave, okay? I don’t want to hear any horror stories from Tony.” 
He feels like the mother of a five-year-old sometimes.
Tony meets them there at the doors and Cap smiles. “Tony, thanks for doing this.”
Bucky sulks, looking less thrilled.
“Come on in, Bucky.” Tony steps back so he can enter the threshold. Bucky does and makes a bee-line for the bathroom, without saying goodbye to Steve.
Tony winks at Steve. “I got your back, man.”
“Hh’KSHH!” He cups his hand over his mouth before continuing. “Thanks again. Sorry for this, I really just don’t want him getting sick, you know? His immune system a little weak at the moment—”
“I thought he was superhuman too?”
So am I, but I’ve got bloodshot eyes and a runny nose, Steve wants to inform him. Instead, he explains himself, at least halfway. “Well, he is, but due to all the recent trauma... Anyway, just make sure he doesn’t watch anything violent. Cooking shows, Full House, I don’t care. Just none of that — hah’ISHH! — none of that CSI crap, okay?”
“Sure, sure.”
“And make sure to call me if you need anything or if they’re any problems.”
“Okay, Cap. You just go home and chill. Knock yourself out with some NyQuil.”
Steve grins. “Will do. Alright.”
He walks away, praying that everything will go smoothly.
“So,” Tony claps his hands together. “What do you wanna do?”
Bucky stares at him. “Have a drink.”
“You know Steve wouldn’t approve,” Tony says, walking into the kitchen. 
“JARVIS, fix our guest a Coke, please.” He turns to Bucky. “You do like Coca-Cola, right?”
So the pair sit on the couch, Bucky sipping a Coke out of the classic glass bottle and Tony indulging in some alcoholic concoction JARVIS cooked up.They sit in silence until Tony finally turns on the television to offer some white noise. Non-violent shows, he reminds himself.
“Today, another school shooting—” Click. 
“Make sure you dice those onions, and I mean dice—” Click. 
“I’mmmm gonna wreck it—” Click. 
“The body was found with deep—” Click. 
He keeps changing the channel until he lands on something called 7th Heaven.
“You’re pretty particular about your television programs,” Bucky notes, sipping his Coke.
After about five minutes of enduring the excruciating, sickly sweet, unrealistic show that is 7th Heaven, Tony switches off the television. “That show sucks.”
Bucky nods. “Nobody’s life is that sugary sweet.” 
It may just be the first time they’ve ever agreed on something.
“You ever play Gin Rummy?”
Steve arrives home to his apartment to find a package outside. The words, “for Steve” are hastily scribbled on a Post-It note. He brings it inside and locks the door behind him.
“Dear Steve,” the note inside the package reads, “I heard you weren’t feeling well from Tony so I went and picked up some stuff for you, to pay you back for last winter. Would’ve given it to you in person but I’m a bit of a germaphobe. Feel better soon, Sam.”
Steve chuckles, recalling the time Sam was down with the flu and examines the contents of the box. A Tupperware container of soup, still warm, tissues, Vick’s, ginger ale, the DVD set of Bones and hand sanitizer. Removing everything reveals a second note, that simply says, “Okay, okay, Natasha picked up most of this stuff and made the soup but I provided the Vick’s.”
“Hhtch’SHHUHH!” Steve sneezes and decides to go ahead and start season one. He’s already surrounded by a mountain of tissues and watched six episodes before the NyQuil knocks him out cold.
“You can sleep here,” Tony offers, gesturing to a lavish bed in a large bedroom. “My room’s just down the hall if you, uh, need me.”
Bucky nods his thanks. He’s had a great time tonight surprisingly, but his thoughts still go back to Steve. “Thanks, Tony.”
Tony shuts his door. Bucky immediately wriggles out of his shirt and climbs into the huge bed, pulling back the blankets and heavy comforter. It takes him forever to go to sleep and when he does, he has a nightmare.
He’s drowning. Bucky’s in the middle of the ocean, the salt-water washing up again his face and stinging his eyes. He knows full well how to swim, but the water’s so dark and he can’t see anything. Kicking his feet doesn’t help keep him afloat and his one good arm isn’t much help either. Suddenly, his metal arm feels like it’s made of solid lead and abruptly starts to drag him down into the water’s depths. Down, down, down he goes and his mouth and lungs fill with water. His chest is on fire and he can’t breathe. All he can think of is Steve, Steve...
“Steve!” Bucky wakes up screaming Steve’s name. He’s buried deep underneath all the blankets, which explains the drowning notion, but it takes him a second to gather where he is. The nightmare’s over but Bucky is sweating and shivering and all he wants right now is Steve. Besides, this little sleepover has gone on far too long.
Bucky sneaks out of his room and takes an elevator down to the first floor. He leaves out the front doors, so as not to set off any alarms, and walks two and a half miles to Steve’s apartment.
Of course, the front door is locked but Bucky doesn’t want to knock on the door or ring the bell; it’s three in the morning, after all. He goes back downstairs and around the building and climbs up onto the fire escape. Bucky crawls through the window like he’s done it a hundred times.
Steve’s completely unconscious, still lying on the couch and some random Bones episode is playing on the telly. He’s snoring really loudly and Bucky can’t recall a time when Steve had snored. He sits on the couch and puts his hands in his lap. Bucky wants to wake Steve up so bad because he actually wants someone to touch him now. He closes his eyes because maybe things will be better if he can just go to sleep.
However, the dream comes back full force. Bucky’s eyes fly open and once again, he’s screaming Steve’s name like there’s no tomorrow and he’s breathing in short, rapid gasps because he can’t exactly breathe or so that’s what it feels like. Bucky squeezes his eyes closed and repeats his mantra. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t—
“Bucky!” Steve nearly shouts. “Bucky!”
His eyes open again. “H-hi, Steve.” He’s sweating a lot.
Steve puts his hand on Bucky’s back and feels him shaking. He rubs Bucky’s back and whispers soothing things into his ear like he’s done so many times now. He doesn’t even question why he’s back home and he’s not at all mad. 
“Shhh, id’s okay. You’re hobe, you’re with be.”
Bucky recognizes his friend’s voice and leans into him. “I’m sorry, Steve.”
“Doe, don’t apologize. I’b here.”
Steve starts to turn away from him, panicked. “Sorry Bucky, I’b godda — hah’CHESHHH!” His hands pull his T-shirt around his nose and he sneezes into it, sniffing thickly afterward. Bucky cringes.
Still shivering a bit, he turns to face Steve. “You are sick.”
“Dot really, id’s jusd a little—”
“Don’t even tell me you’re not. People get sick, time after time,” Bucky snaps. “Why’d you ship me off to Tony’s if you needed me?”
“I don’t wand you to get sigg. Thad’s the l-lasd thing you d-deed... godda — hahh... hahH! Uh’TSHHH! — right dow.”
“You should’ve told me,” Bucky mumbles, scooting closer to him. “Do you remember when you had pneumonia that one Christmas and I had to take you to the hospital at like two in the morning?” Bucky and Steve play this game often, the Do-You-Remember-When, so Bucky can separate his memories from fiction. This one happens to be true.
“Yeah. I had a really high fever.” Steve recalls slipping in and out of fever-induced hallucinations.
“I’m going to take care of you, just like I did then,” Bucky tells him, getting up to fetch the afghan from the armchair.
“HUSH’uhh!” Steve sneezes again, nostrils twitching. “Ehhh... hahhH! Hh’HDEZCHHOO!”
“Bless you,” Bucky says with a raised eyebrow. “The last time you had a cold like this was in, what, 1943?” 
It sounds more like a question than a statement.
Steve nods. “Yeah. Ad you wouldn’t stob singig thad song—”
“‘In the Blue of Evening.’” Bucky amazes himself by remembering. “You liked it though.”
“Yeah, I did.” Bucky sees his irritated nostrils flare and plucks a tissue from the box. “Here.”
Steve buries his face into it. “Hur’ESHHH!”
“Thags,” Steve says before blowing his nose. “For everything, I mean.”
“Don’t tell Tony I enjoyed playing Gin Rummy with him.”
Steve chuckles. “I promise.”
request some stuff/give me feedback!! read more stuff!!
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bnhaworld · 6 years ago
Can you do a scenario where Shoto finds out his s/o is a part time masked vigilante that goes after corrupt heroes to expose them (basically they're a morally correct version of Stain) and then he learns they plan to target Endeavor?
I changed a little bit of the story in which the reader works for a group!! I hope you enjoy it.
The ending is a bit bad but I hope you guys can still enjoy it- -Calamari
Secrets // Shoto Todoroki x Reader
In which Shoto realizes what task lies ahead of you.
Tw: Some mentions of abuse.
Tumblr media
Shoto is highly observant. You weren’t the slightest aware of just how much he had noted the disparities in your schedules once you’d moved in together. After dating for nearly three years, two of those out of high school, you had successfully roped him into scoring in apartment for just the two of you. 
The first night, instead of sharing with him the small celebration dinner he had prepared, you had disappeared into the night stating work was calling. He hadn’t questioned it, despite the fact that it was too dark for it to be office hours.
You had come home quickly, after Shoto had given you a vaguely panicked pair of calls. That night, a hero was murdered; and immediately exposed for his drug dealing scheme he had been pulling off on the side. He had been found dead within the comfort of his own apartment, scattered with the remnants of his previous scandalous life style. He had been injected with awful levels of morphine and not a single hint had been found about the suspect
He rushed to your side when you entered and wrapped you in his arms, whispering into your shoulder that he worried for your welfare and he wished you would stay home. You nervously reminded him that your work didn’t quite have a set schedule.
This was his first hint.
On a separate occasion, you received a call at the dead of night. It was your boss telling you that a new hero had moved into your very neighborhood and he needed to be executed tonight. He was going to negotiate with the mafia tonight and it was the perfect story to simultaneously rid of the ‘societal parasite’ and expose his story for what it was. 
It was nearly 3 in the morning, and you were well aware of the consequences that came with denying your boss of his orders. You packed your hidden gear into a large, black sack and began to head for the door when you heard a frigid voice halt you in your rhythm.
“(Y/N)..? Why are you.. leaving?” He drawled out, wiping his eyes of the drowsiness still leaking from his system. You walked over to him, hoping that the very concept of time would simply slip away from him at this time.
“The bossman called. He forgot there was some work we needed done by tomorrow. I’ll be back soon, alright?” You sauntered over to him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You felt a faint smile on his lips as he placed his hands around your waist. He pulled away, pressing a singular kiss to your forehead. 
“Goodnight, then. I’ll see you in the morning..” He paused, his smile growing somewhat malicious as he continued. “I’m so glad we live together and we can be honest with one another.” 
As he stepped away from you, you felt your heart being pulled at its strings like a puppet. You didn’t respond to him. You adjusted the strap on your bag and headed out, letting a melancholic sigh find its way to your lips. One day you’d tell him. It simply wasn’t time yet.
As you exited the doorway, Shoto watched from around the corner. He had another clue.
A month passed. One full month with no job, but enough money from the previous few to fall ahead in terms of currency, especially considering the added income from Shoto’s highly successful hero job. The pair of disappearances never slipped his mind, though.
On one night, he asked if you could talk. You obviously agreed- it was frequent he’d need to discuss something with you, but the time for these meetings were always random, but purposeful.
“(Y/N), be honest with me, please.” He was twiddling his thumbs. There was seldom a moment in which you’d catch Shoto in a moment of visible nerves. You were concerned, however, your focus was more on the reason for the discussion. You were sure it was the fault behind his quivering palms.
“Shoto? What’s wrong?” You asked with caution, placing your hand on his. He pulled them away after a brief moment with caution of his own, dual-typed eyes refusing to lock on to yours. You felt your insides recoil at such a small action. He had never so outright rejected your affection. You said nothing, however.
A sudden lump sat firmly in your throat and beads of sweat began to form at the top of your head. Had he figured it out? Your secret job you’d spent years hiding from him?
“You know the vigilante? The one that’s been going after different.. ex-heroes and eliminating them?” He asked, his lidded eyes giving you a scanning glance. You half-nodded. Your anxiety coursed through every inch of you to the point where even words were difficult to formulate. 
“Is.. Is it you? Please, (Y/N), I need to know.” He spoke in soft whispers, as though he was well aware of the answer but was afraid to listen to its contents anyways. 
There was a silence so thick in the air that even the sharpest knife had no means of getting through it without receiving damage of its own. You felt tears strangling you and begging you for the mercy of relief. The lump in your throat hooked on to the edges of your throat and attempted to climb its way passed your lips. All the while, the truth perched itself a top of your tongue, waiting for you to flick it away and ruin your relationship for good.
“I am.” You choked out two words. It was enough for Shoto to simultaneously freeze and burn the table in front of you, leaving a puddle of ashes on the floor. You hadn’t even flinched. You knew exactly how he’d react. 
Shoto said nothing. His blank expression shared all emotions and yet, held every secret possible. He got up and went to his hero office, which was directly in the apartment. You heard the click of the lock, and then there was silence in the air once more.
“I was going to tell you, Shoto,” You spoke softly, and yet, the silence perfectly carried your words to his room. “But there isn’t a right time to say something like this.”
No response. 
“I’m sorry. I will wait for you, Shoto. Please, tell me when you’re ready to speak..”
Hours passed. You were glued upon the seat you had begun the discussion at, drowsiness eating away at your body but your nerves canceled out the sleep you so helplessly desired.
The door creaked open.
Shoto emerged, eyes mildly puffy, but demeanor softer and more open. He said nothing as he assumed his previous seat and cleared his throat.
“(Y/N)..” He began in a faint voice. “I don’t.. mind.. If you do this in your time to sustain our house. I just wished that for one, you’d told me sooner and that you’d warn me before you went out to do that. I want to be prepared, (Y/N). This isn’t easy. It isn’t easy knowing you were behind those deeds, and who knows just how many more like this have happened? Though they are.. corrupt. I understand it.. a little. I just.. I love you, (Y/N). We’re going to figure this out.”
Another year went by with seldom work. Every once in a while, you’d be called off for a job. A hero here, who went down due to his dangerous lust. Another hero gone and exposed for strange addictions. Things were smooth sailing, more or less.
Shoto never directly addressed your line of a work again. You knew, however, that he at least tolerated it to a certain degree. You were grateful for his slight understanding, however, everything changed the night of your latest job.
Endeavor was your latest target.
You received this text in the midst of the afternoon where Shoto was gone off on another shift. 
Boss: Enji Todoroki is guilty as well. He abused his children and his wife and we don’t know what else he has possibly done. It is a high task, I’m aware, however, I am trusting you will do well. 
You stared blankly at the message, panicked tears streaming like a river down your cheeks. A singular tear splat against the screen of your phone, and it felt as though a ticking time bomb had gone off. You burst out into violent tears, clutching the fabric of your shirt and hoping, needing someone to give you any kind of help.
Shoto got home at the moment. 
He found you on your knees, racked heavily with wordless tears that hacked away at your lungs and willed your breathing away. He immediately drops the bag he was carrying and rushes forth to you, wrapping his arms around you. He himself grows panicked. He doesn’t know what to say or do to comfort you because he doesn’t know what had just happened.
His eyes half glance at the phone, however, once he catches sight of his own last name, he recoils and rereads the message. His face flushes of all identifiable emotions. 
He looks back at you. He can’t figure out his emotions at all. He wishes to calm you down and tell you everything will be alright. But he also feels anger boiling in the very pit of his stomach at both you and the man forcing you to undergo this pain. He can’t think of a solution right away. There is too much going on, and he can’t piece together a perfect solution.
“(Y/N).” Is all he can muster. He takes each of your hands in one of his, piercing through your thoughts and hoping he can steal some of your thoughts and add it to the growing equation in his head. He takes one of your hands and presses it to his lips.
“Let’s run away.” He whispers. It is the first thing he can think of. He can’t come up with anything else. It is the only solution that makes sense, and even for him, it’s a little far fetched. 
“What..?” You murmur through dying tears, slowly removing your hand from his to wipe away your remaining tears.
“We both don’t fit in here. You have things. We have money. Let’s just.. go to another country. Together, where no one can find us. We’ll be safe and together..” He is speaking in a tone that makes it feel like he means it. As though he could predict the future.
You weren’t sure what exactly caught your attention throughout the entirety of his words, but you were sure you knew that he had described exactly what you had been wanting without even realizing it was what you had been searching for.
Without another moment, you both pack everything. Within another few hours, you are gone with him. Within days, there are search parties. Within weeks, you are exposed for your deeds. However, throughout years..
You were never found. Neither was Shoto.
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amylillian22 · 8 years ago
An Unexpected Surprise - Cody Christian Imagine
Request by Anon: Hey! May you do an imagine where Cody and (y/n) rarely fight but when they do it's a hell of a mess and the current situation is that he and the (y/n) are having a fight, a really big one bc he accused her of cheating on him, bc maybe she's coming home late and she's always on the phone, but what really is happeningis that the reader is organizing a surprise birthday party to him, so when he finds out he's really regretful for thinking she ever could do that to him and a happy and fluff ending? 
Warnings: Arguments, being accused of cheating, some curse words
Word Count: 4,056
Author’s Note: I couldn’t help myself with this prompt. I hope you like it. 
My Teen Wolf Master List
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Cody's POV
The first sign
It's funny how time flies by when you're not looking at the clock, but when you do watch the clock, time seems to move slower. I drummed my fingers against the kitchen table as I slowly watched the second hand take its sweet time to move around the clock. Y/N was 29 minutes late. She's never late and I was beginning to get worried something might have happened. If she was working late, she would have called or texted me to let me know. But tonight, she didn't and I couldn't help but think of the worst.
Just give her one more minute, I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone. Instead of looking at the clock on the wall, I looked at the time on the phone. Why must the last minute take the longest?
The second the clock read 8pm, my thumbs quickly moved to dial her number. Before I could press the call button, the front door opened. Y/N walked in, quickly put her bags by the door, and rushed over to the kitchen while taking off her heels. "I'm so sorry I'm late." She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek before I could get up from the chair. 
"Babe, I was getting worried. Why didn't you call?" I asked.
"Baby, I'm sorry," she apologized as she leaned over from behind and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Something came up last minute at work and I just got so caught up with it. I completely lost track of time."
I turned around and looked at her. Her eyes were so bright and her lips formed my favorite smile in the whole world. I could never be mad at her. I smiled back at her as she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back as I cupped her cheek. She smiled into the kiss before pulling back. "It smells amazing in here."
"That's because I made your favorite. Let me heat it up and we'll eat," I stood up and walked over to the stove.
"Seriously, you're the best. I don't know what I've done to deserve you." 
Before I could respond, her phone rang. She looked at the screen and quickly pulled it to her chest, trying to shield it from me. "Baby, I gotta take this phone call. It's work. I'm gonna change and I'll be right back."
She quickly rushed out of the kitchen with her heels in her hand. That was unusual for her to do. Anytime someone called from work when she was home, she'd let it go to voicemail and deal with it later as she is off the clock. I shook it off thinking maybe it had to do with whatever she was swamped with that caused her to be late for dinner.
 The second sign
I rinsed off the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Y/N hadn't come down for breakfast and I was beginning to wonder what was talking her so long. She was going to be late for work if she didn't get out of the bedroom within the next five minutes. Before going up to check on her, I quickly grabbed a bottle of orange juice and a protein bar from the pantry.
I walked up the stairs and noticed the door was slightly open. I heard her feet pacing back and forth on the wooden floor. As I got closer to the door, I heard her speaking low. "No, Cody can't find out about this."
My eyebrows furrowed together. We never hid anything from one another. We'd been together for 2 years and we always told each other the truth, no matter what. I was hurt by her words, but a bigger part of me was more curious as to what she had to say. I leaned in closer to the door to hear the rest of the conversation. 
"That sounds perfect. We can discuss that at lunch." She paused for a second before speaking quietly again. "Yes. Same place as usual. Your office... Okay I have to go before Cody suspects or finds out about this. Bye."
I quickly backed away from the door and ran down the stairs quietly. A couple of minutes later, she walked into the kitchen.
"I got you an orange juice and a bar for you to have on the way to work. I don't want you to be anymore late than you already are," I smiled at her.
"Seriously, you're the best," she leaned in and kissed my cheek, which was unusual. She'd always kiss me on the lips in the morning before leaving for work.
"Babe, do you want to go to lunch today?" I asked, semi-hating myself for testing her if she would lie to me.
"Don't you work today?" She asked.
"Oh shoot," I pretended I forgot. "That's right. I'm filming all afternoon today." 
"That's fine," she grabbed her keys and purse. "I have a meeting today so I have to take an early lunch."
Lying straight to my face. 
"Maybe another day," she smiled and leaned in to quickly peck my lips. "I gotta go. I'm late. Love ya! Bye!" She quickly said as she rushed out of the house.
I watched her back out of our driveway and I hated this new feeling I’ve never felt before, a mixture of hurt and betrayal. She had never lied to me nor hid things from me. The worst part was a part of me felt like following her during lunch just to see what she was really doing. I felt so sick and ashamed of myself for even thinking that, but how else does one react and respond to what she just did? How does one approach this situation without making accusations?
 The third sign
I quietly opened the back door and locked it behind me, hoping I wouldn't wake up Y/N. I had to film on location tonight and I was expected to finish working around 4am. However, due to the lighting, production sent us home early and told us we'd finish filming tomorrow night.
I made sure to be as quiet as possible as I made my way to the bedroom. I made sure I didn't bump into anything or knock something down with the lights off. I walked lightly on my feet and slowly opened the bedroom door; only to find out she's not in bed.
I flip the light switch on and noticed the room was how it was before I left work. She hadn't come home. She mentioned she was going to go for drinks with her friends after work, but her work clothes weren't thrown in the hamper and her heels weren't thrown in the floor of her walk-in closet with the rest of them. She never made it home.
"No, everything is fine," I heard Y/N's voice as the front door opened and closed. "Cody won't be home until after 4. He'll never know I just got home. Trust me, he'll never suspect a thing."
I sighed as I sat on the bed while I overheard her tell whoever she was talking with ‘goodbye’.
I watched the door and waited until she walked in. When she did, she froze in place with her hand still on the doorknob, her smile faltered, and her eyes widened a bit in complete surprise.
"Baby, what are you doing home?" She asked, surprise evident in her voice.
"I didn't think you'd get home this late," I pointed at the clock on our nightstand, knowing all the bars and clubs close at 2am. "It's 3am."
She let out a tired sigh as she walked towards her closet to get out of her clothes. "I know. I had to work late."
"I thought you went out with the girls tonight?" I asked. 
I heard her mumble something as she walked into her walk in closet to undress. I couldn't catch exactly what she said, but she knew I had caught her.
"No. I had to work late instead." She lied. 
I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. She walked out of the closet and towards me. She climbed into bed, sat behind me and started rubbing my shoulders, no doubt feeling how stressed and tense I've been lately. "Rough day at work tonight?" I slowly pushed her hands away from me and got up. I turned around and faced her. Her eyes locked with mine and I immediately noticed the hint of worry in her brown eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"Are you cheating on me?" I bluntly asked.
"What? No!" She quickly stood up on her knees.
"Don't lie to me. Are you having an affair?" I said sharply.
"No," she said sternly as her eyes narrowed at me. "How could you even think that?" 
"Oh geez... I don't know," I said sarcastically. "Maybe because you keep coming home late, having these hushed phone calls, and lying to me about where you've been. That pretty much tells me you're sleeping with someone else."
"I can't believe you," she crossed her arms. "Have you been spying on me?" 
My jaw dropped. "Don't you dare turn this around and make me the bad guy in this situation." I curled my hand into a tight fist as the blood began to boil in my veins. "I did not spy on you, but believe me, after hearing you whispering around the house and making plans to meet God knows who, I've thought about spying on you." Y/N opened her mouth to say something but I continued before I could lose my train of thought. "But I didn't! The thought of having to spy on my girlfriend made me sick to my stomach because that would mean you gave me a reason not to trust you! But I told myself I was stupid for even thinking of doing such a thing because I know I have an amazing girl that I love and I'm so damn lucky she loves me back. There's no way she'd do this to me."
Tears had formed in her eyes, and I didn't even know tears had fallen down my cheeks until I stopped talking and tasted the salt on my lips. I sniffled as she slowly got out of bed. She sat back down when I shook my head at her and took a step back away from her. 
"Cody... I never met to make you feel that way-"
"I'm sorry, but I can't. I can't do this right now," I turned around and walked away, something I had never done in our relationship. I left my phone behind, grabbed my keys, and drove away before Y/N even had the chance to stop me.
 The next day 
"Bro," Dylan Sprayberry kicked the sofa cushion near my head, waking me up. "I don't mind you crashing, but it's almost 7pm. Don't you think some fresh air will do you some good?"
"No," I groaned as I grabbed the pillow and covered my face. I turned around and gave Dylan my back.
"Dude, I think you're being a little over dramatic," he said.
I quickly turned back threw the pillow at his face. "Dyl, you're telling me you wouldn't be over dramatic if you found out the love of your life of two years was cheating on you for God knows how long?"
He rolled his eyes at me. "Okay, You're my bro and I got your back, but this is Y/N were talking about. She's not cheating on you. She loves you!"
"You are no help. I know she's having an affair." 
Dylan threw the pillow back at me. "Get dressed. We're going out."
"I don't want-"
"No excuses! And wear something nice! We're going to a bar," he called out before going to his bedroom to change.
I sat up and noticed my phone on the coffee table. I didn't know how it got there. I didn't know if she stopped by or if Dylan picked it up, but it was there. I reached for it and turned it on. After a few seconds, my phone vibrated nonstop. I had text messages and voicemails from Y/N. The intense and sickening feeling I had in the pit of my stomach returned. The thought of her being with another man in ways I only thought she did with me made me sick. I honestly didn't know how to get rid of it and I knew it was something I couldn't get rid of so easily. I needed some space. I needed some time to figure things out.
I sighed as I opened a new text message to Y/N. 
Can't do this right now. If you don't leave the house, that's fine. I'll stay with Sprayberry until things get better... if things can be fixed.
I hesitated before pressing the send button. I took a deep breath and turned off my phone. I tossed it back on the coffee table and decided to go out with Dylan. Maybe having a few drinks tonight would be the best way to start numbing the pain.
I let out a deep sigh as Dylan parked in front of a building I didn't recognize. I turned around to face him. "I thought we were going to a bar?" I asked confused.
"I know but-"
"You know what? I don't even care," I shrugged as I leaned my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes. "I told Y/N that I wasn't coming home if she didn't leave the house."
"You did what?!" He yelled as he punched my arm. 
My hand instantly rubbed the pain Dylan caused as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Dude, what the hell is your problem?"
"You! You're my problem, asshole! How could you do that to Y/N when you have no idea what's she been doing for you or feeling lately!" He snapped back.
"Why are you defending her?! Aren't you supposed to be my bro and have my back?!" I raised my voice to match his.
"Right now I have her back because you're an asshole for actually thinking she would cheat on you! She's been calling and texting me all day to make sure you're okay, to see how you are, and if you needed anything even though you left her last night."
"She has?"
"Yes! She even brought your phone to my place. Not so she can call you nonstop, which she did, but incase you needed it for work or something."
As Dylan spoke, the horrible feeling of being betrayed I had before left as a new feeling settled in, guilt.
"I know you have been so on edge the past few days, and given everything that happened within the past 24 hours, I'm sure you've had nothing else on your mind but her and your stupid assumptions of her cheating on you, but do you even remember what today is?"
"What?" I asked him, confused. I began to think of all the anniversaries I have with Y/N but nothing rang a bell. It wasn’t the anniversary of our first date, first kiss, or when I asked her to be my girlfriend. 
"Your birthday," Dylan finally answered when I couldn't come up with anything.
My eyes widened as I completely forgot today is my birthday. I quickly looked at the building in front of me. It was completely dark, not a single light shining from inside of the building. Suddenly, everything that happened this week started making sense. The coming home late, the hushed phone calls, and the secret meetings, she was planning a surprise birthday party for me.
"No, no, no," I repeated as I closed my eyes and rubbed my hand over my tired face. "Fuck!"
"Darn right 'fuck'. You fucked up bad," Dylan said, not helping at all.
"I hope she's in there," I opened the door and got out as I turned on my phone, only to notice I hadn't received anything from Y/N. "When was the last time you heard from her?" I asked Dylan as he walked in front of his car.
"I don't know... about over an hour ago?"
"That's about the same time I texted her. Fuck!" I yelled before slamming my hands on the hood of his car. 
"Dude! You need to calm down! There’s a bunch of people inside waiting for you. Let's just go in real quick, and get the 'Surprise!' over with so you can fix things with Y/N," he said, trying to calm me down.
"That's if she's there. Dyl, I have to leave and find her if she's not there."
"That's fine, you can take my car, just don't hurt it, okay?" He handed me the keys before leading the way to the front door. 
I waked in first as Dylan flipped the light switch on. Everyone yelled 'surprise!' as confetti and balloons dropped from the ceiling. The place looked amazing as tables against the walls were decorated with pictures of my previous birthdays. In the center of the building was a huge dance floor with the DJ on the stage already playing a song. Everyone was there, my family, my friends, and my coworkers, except for one person, the one I knew I had to find before this turned out to be the worst birthday ever.
People started walking towards me, to wish me a happy birthday, but I quickly took a step back with my hands up. "I'm sorry, guys. I do appreciate you coming out here and celebrating my birthday, but right now I have some place to go if it's not too late. So please enjoy yourself!" I waved goodbye and rushed out the door before anyone could stop me or ask me questions.
I flung the bedroom door open and immediately saw Y/N curled up in bed with her arms wrapped around a pillow and her cheeks wet. I sighed, feeling relieved she was still here and not packing her bags. I slowly walked across the room and sat down on the bed next to her. "Why aren't you at the party?"
She quickly sat up and wiped the tears away with the back of her hands. "I could ask you the same thing," she sniffled.
"I didn't want to be at a party where my girl wasn't there to celebrate with me."
"I thought I wasn't your girl anymore," her eyes filled with more tears as she sniffled again. I could see how much pain she was in and it was all because of me, and I hated myself for it.
"I'm sorry," my chin trembled as tears were now forming in my eyes. The guilt, the pain, and hurt were all starting to flood in all at once. "I am the worst boyfriend ever. I should have never accused you of having an affair."
"See... that's what I don't understand, Cody. You know how much I love you. I moved across the country to be with you, and you know I can't imagine my life without and yet..." She said with a shaky breath. She took a second to gather herself without trying to lose her confidence in what she wanted to say. "Yet, you doubted my love for you and you actually made me live my worst fear for a few hours... You kicked me out of the house, already making me imagine life without you."
She finally broke. She didn't bother to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she sobbed. The scene in front of me made me feel like a complete asshole, rather a bigger one than before.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me, rocking our bodies together as we cried together. She didn't hesitate to let me hold her; instead she clung on to me like I was her lifeline. I buried my head in her neck as I whispered a bunch of sorry's.
I peppered her neck with countless small wet butterflies kisses before moving my lips across her jaw and her cheek. I rested my head against her forehead, our noses brushing against one another. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm an asshole. I'm sorry I accused you for cheating on me. I'm sorry I kicked you out. I'm sorry for telling you I needed a break from you. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," I repeated until she cupped my cheeks, silencing me as she wiped my tears away.
"Cody, look at me."
I opened my eyes and immediately locked mine with hers. "I would never cheat on you-" 
"I know and I don't know why I thought you would. I'm sor-" 
"I don't know where this is coming from. You never had any trust issues with me before," she said sadly. "Do you not trust me anymore?"
I shook my head immediately as I spoke. "That's not it. It's just..." I sighed. "You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I know some guy is going to see that and notice all the things I love about you too... I'm afraid someone else is going to steal you away from me."
"Oh, baby," she sniffled as she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I had never felt safer than in her arms. There is nowhere else I'd rather be than in her loving embrace. "I could never leave you. You're the only one I want and I hope you still want me too."
I sniffled as I tightened my grip around her. “Of course I do."
"I love you, Cody."
I sighed at her words, which I never got tired of hearing. "I love you, too, Y/N," I said before I finally captured her lips with mine. It was deep, loving, tender, and passionate. When we pulled apart, we just held each other tight, scared to let go of the other.
"Cody?" She finally spoke. I hummed in response. "I'm sorry you had a shitty birthday. I never met for you to spend your birthday like this."
“You don’t get to apologize. You did nothing wrong.” I kissed her forehead before I let out a small chuckle. "It certainly didn't go as planned but that's the bad thing about unexpected surprises... they never go as planned. But you know what?"
"What?" She asked as she traced random shapes on my chest.
"The night is still young and it’s still my birthday. I want to spend it with you at the surprise party you worked so hard on for the past week. What do you say?"
"Oh, I don't know. I'll have to cancel my plans with my other boyfriend first," she teased with a small smirk.
I fake gasped, pretending to feel hurt as I began to tickle her. She let out a scream before I pinned her down on the bed. She laughed so hard as I tickled her more. She wiggled and squirmed underneath me, trying anything to escape from my fingers tickling her sides. "Too soon to joke about, babe."
"CODY!!!" She laughed so hard tears were starting to fall down her cheeks. "Oh my God! I'm going to pee my pants!"
I laughed as I quickly pulled my fingers back. Her chest heaved heavily as she tried to catch her breath. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was a tangled mess from squirming so hard. She was a mess... a beautiful mess. 
"What?" She asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious as she tamed her hair with her fingers.
I grabbed her hands, stopping her actions. I locked my eyes with hers before slowly leaning down towards her. "You're beautiful and I love you," I said before kissing her.
Her hands cupped cheeks as she kissed me back before pulling me back. She let out a content sigh. "I love you too, baby."
"Let's never fight like this again."
"I promise... especially on our birthdays."
I chuckled as I sat up and pulled her up with me. "Now, please get out of those sweats and wear something super sexy that would make it hard to keep my hands off of you during the party. And something else that drives me even more crazy the second I take off your dress when we get home after the party."
Her lips formed a huge smirk before she leaned in to whisper seductively in my ear. "I was planning on going in my birthday suit underneath the new tight black dress I bought for tonight..."
I groaned at the thought of her not wearing a bra or underwear. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her back into bed, immediately lying down between her legs. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me against her body as her hands slid underneath my shirt, tracing my muscles with her feather light touch, making me unravel by the second.
"On second thought... everyone can party without us for a few more minutes."
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conorpmaynard · 8 years ago
All Started With a Song Part 8 // Conor Maynard
Word Count- 2304
Summary- conor sees your cover and contacts you
A/n-(feel free to change the friends name I was just too lazy to write y/f/n that may times) ok so i hd to repost it bc i forgot to put part 8. im so sorry omg. but this will be last part for a few days. hope you enjoy.
“Oh. My. God.”
“LA is so beautiful, and we haven’t even left the airport!” Alice giggled.
“I am so excited,” you smiled, walking towards the luggage claim.
“What are we doing first?” Olivia asked.
“Checking in at the hotel, then we can find somewhere to have lunch. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect,” she stopped. “Thanks again Y/n/n. It means a lot that you chose me to come with you.”
“Of course Liv, you deserve the world and more. The least I can do is take you on a mini adventure with me,” you smiled.
She pulled you into a hug, muttering another ‘thank you’ into your shoulder.
You guys had some trouble checking in at the hotel.
“What do you mean we don’t have a room?” you sighed.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. There is no room reserved under Y/l/n.” he gave you an unapologetic smile.
You walked away from the counter and called Sabrina.
“Hey girl! How’s LA?”
“It’s nice, but the hotel is saying they don’t have a room for us,” you were trying your hardest not to cry.
“Really? That’s odd. You said my last name right?”
“What? It’s under your name?”
“Oh my gosh, did I not tell you? I’m so sorry!”
You chuckled, “Its okay.”
“To make it up you girls, I’ll take you out to lunch,” she said.
“Sounds good! Meet you in 20.”
You ended up going to In-N-Out, it was the greatest thing you’ve ever had.
“This is so good, why doesn’t London have this?” Olivia moaned into her burger.
“So what are your plans for today?” Sabrina asked, munching on a fry.
“Hmm, I don’t quite know. We were probably just gonna chill at the hotel.” Alice sipped on her drink.
“Well, I know that you two,” she said pointing at Alice and Olivia. “Probably don’t have plans tomorrow while Y/n is with Anth.”
“Not really. We weren’t going to explore LA until Sunday and Monday.”
“I may or may not have scheduled you guys’ spa appointments,” she smiled.
“Really?” Olivia asked.
“Yeah, but if you guys aren’t up for it, I can cancel.”
“Who would turn down a spa day??” Alice laughed.
After lunch you parted ways with Sabrina. The three of you went back to the hotel, had a swim, took lots of pictures, and just had a great time. The girls also helped you practice for tomorrow.
You were really nervous about tomorrow. The last time you went to sing a duet you were humiliated. So who knows how tomorrow will go.
You weren’t supposed to meet Anth until noon, but you were wake by 7. You just couldn’t sleep any longer. You had to get everything ready and make sure it was perfect. You couldn’t be late or early. Everything needed to be planned. You weren’t going to ruin this collab as well.
Though you didn’t exactly ruin the last one.
“Alice, Olivia, I’m going to shower. Please get up, I want breakfast soon.” You said as you grabbed your clothes and headed to the shower.
Throughout the showers, many tears were shed. This was the only time you allowed yourself to cry, about anything you needed to.
You were mainly crying because you hadn’t gotten any answers. It had been almost 2 weeks and he hadn’t even tried to apologize. You let the tears run down your face. What did you do to make him so angry? Why did he hurt you like that? Did he truly forget?
These questions ran through your brain every day. But you only acknowledged them at these times.
After a good 15 minutes of self-pity you got out of the shower. You were careful to make sure your face wasn’t red nor puffy when you left the bathroom.
“Almost ready?” you asked as you dropped the towel in your make-shift pile of dirty clothes.
“Yes, just a few more curls to go,” Olivia said, twirling her curling wand.
“I need to do my eyebrows, then we can go.” Alice said as she grabbed her eyebrow palette and took a seat in front of the mirror.
You three finished getting ready in silence, but it wasn’t weird.
After breakfast you three went back to the hotel. You had made an agreement before you got here that you weren’t going to explore until you had the entire day, cuz you all knew that you’d get sidetracked and be late.
“What time is it?” you asked.
“Ten past ten,” Alice said as she scrolled through Instagram.
“Where are you meeting him?” Olivia asked as she flipped through the channels on TV, stopping on The Notebook.
“In the hotel he’s staying at,” you answered.
“Ooooh his hotel room,” Alice wiggled her eyebrows.
“Ew stop!” you threw a pillow at her. “I don’t see him like that.”
“He’s definitely boyfriend material,” Olivia smirked.
“I don’t even know him!”
“You didn’t know Conor,” said Alice as you glared at her. “Sorry.”
“I just, I just don’t know what I did wrong! Did I say something or not say something. Was I a jerk? Was I too forward? Too clingy? I just don’t understand what I did!” you cried.
“Hey,” Olivia hugged you. “You did nothing wrong. Do you hear me? Nothing. This is not your fault. What happened was completely his fault. And I’m sorry he hasn’t given you answers, but don’t you dare blame yourself.”
“You’re right,” you sniffled. “He’s at fault here, not me.”
“You should post a picture on Instagram to show him what he’s missing.”
“I should.”
You posted a picture of you at the restaurant you went to this morning. Olivia had taken the picture. It was of you holding a cup of tea, you were looking at the camera smiling. You thought you looked amazing, because you did. Your eyes sparkled with joy and your smile was as bright as the sun.
You posted the picture with the caption that said:
the barista judged me for getting tea instead of coffee…
You decided to curl your hair for the video with Anth. So you were sat on the ground in front of the mirror as Alice and Olivia watched The Notebook.
“Oh my god.” Alice gasped.
“What?” you looked at her through the mirror.
“He liked your picture.”
“Who did?” you sat the curling wand down and turned to face your friends.
“Conor did.”
You went to reply when your phone rang.
“Hello?” you stood up and walked out into the hallway.
“Who’s she talking to?” Olivia asked Alice.
“No idea. But this is getting out of hand,” she sighed.
“Conor needs to stop playing her like this.”
“We have to do something.”
“I know, but what?”
“Hey guys,” you said, walking back in. “I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you tonight. Have fun at the spa and don’t do anything stupid!”
You walked out of the hotel and waited for your Uber. The ride there was actually nice.
“So where ya headed?” the older lady asked.
“A friend’s house, we’re going to film a cover for his YouTube channel,” you smiled.
“Exciting. How’s your week been?”
“Honestly? It could have been better, but I’m on vacation so I’m not complaining.”
“Do you want to take about it?”
“Really?” you asked.
“Sweetheart, I have a 14 year old. I’m used to talking them through their problems.”
“There’s this guy, and he was really nice but then he did something really rude and he’s been ignoring me since. All I want to know is what I did wrong,” you sighed.
“Have you tried approaching him?”
“Well, he’s kind of famous. So no.”
“Ah, I see. Well do you want my advice as a stranger or a mom?”
“Okay, well my advice as a stranger is to block him on everything and try to forget what happened. He’s not worth it.”
You chuckled, “And your advice as a mom?”
“Try to talk to him. Don’t ask for an apology, just an explanation. If it’s a dumb one then move on. If it’s reasonable then try to work through it.”
“Wow, thank you so much.”
She parked the car and turned around, “Anytime.”
“Here you go,” you gave her your money and exited the vehicle. Once you were on the side walk you turned around, “your child is one lucky kid.”
The walk to Anth’s room was quiet, which allowed you to think. This is the first time since he liked your picture that you’ve had time to think about it.
How fucking dare he do that?
He had no right.
He ignored you for almost 2 weeks then likes your photo.
You were pissed off. He was playing you, or at least trying to. You weren’t going to fall into his tricks anymore. He was a dick and he didn’t deserve you.
You finally arrived to Anth’s room and knocked.
“Hi, you must be Y/n!” he smiled, embracing you in a hug.
“That’s me,” you laughed.
“I have so many ideas,” he said, leading you into the main room of the loft.
“I’m all ears,” you said as you sat down.
“So since you have a higher voice than me I was thinking we could do a duet that was originally sung by a guy and a girl.”
“I agree, do you have any ideas?”
“I have one,” he opened his phone and a song began playing. It was ‘Secret Love Song’ by Little Mix.
“I love this song!” you stood up and began singing along as you danced around the living room.
“And I also wrote a rap for it,” he handed you his notes and you read over them.
“Anth, this is amazing!” you read the lyrics, you were in awe of this boy.
“Thanks,” he stood up. “Are you sure it’s not too scandalous?” he asked as he started to set up the lights.
You grabbed the second light and followed his movements, “Why would you think that?”
He gave you a look.
“Oh, that.”
“Did he tell you?”
“No, and you don’t have to.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to know?” you smirked. “It doesn’t bother me anymore.” That wasn’t a complete lie, it still hurt but not as bad.
“Oh thank god, I’ve been dying to know,” he laughed.
So you told the story once more. Explaining what happened, how you felt, how you assumed he felt all while setting up.
“So,” you started, sitting down in front of the camera. “What’s the key to making a cover amazing?”
“All the emotion you feel towards Conor, put it into your singing.”
“All of it?”
“All of it.”
The recording was amazing. Though you did have to do multiple takes due to laughing, getting distracted or crying uncontrollably.
The one thing you loved about Anth is that he didn’t judge you. The first time you cried while recording, he simply stopped the camera and gave you a tissue. He waited until you told him you were ready.
After finally getting all the footage needed you two ordered pizza.
“Would you mind if I invited my friends over?” you asked, as you took a drink of your water.
“I don’t mind, just make sure they don’t post the location.”
“Got it,” you chuckled as you sent Alice a text telling her they could come over.
“Okay,” you started.
“What’s up?” he asked, sitting next to you.
“You know my story, what’s yours?””
“Well, what do you want to know?”
“Honestly?” he nodded.
“Why do you think he did it?” you asked shyly.
“I have no clue. You’re an amazing girl and he lucked out.”
“Do you think I did something?”
“The thing with Conor is, he doesn’t know what to do when put into a situation. And half the time, he’ll pick the easy option.”
“That’s the thing though!” you threw your hands up. “I don’t know what situation he was put into.”
“Have you asked him?”
“I was going to, but he unadded me on everything. I took that as a sign to leave him alone.”
There was a knock at the door.
Anth put his hand on your thigh, “I don’t know why he did what he did. Just know, he’s the type of guy that will do anything, and I mean anything to make sure you know he’s sorry.” And with that he got up and answered the door, returning with your two closest friends.
The rest of the night was filled with lots of laughter and good music.
At first it was just videos of you four singing in your loudest voice possible but then it got serious. You got into teams and began battling against each other. So it was fair, Alice and you were on one team while Olivia and Anth on another.
It got super tense when Anth and you were up against each other.
He began rapping which honestly shouldn’t have caught you off guard, but it did. So then you started to sing You & I by One Direction, which caused him to smirk thinking he had won. But when you hit that high note everyone’s jaw dropped.
“Holy shit Y/n.” he gasped.
“Thanks,” you smiled. “Does that mean I win?”
“I’ll say you won if you agree to do another cover with me.”
“I don’t know,” you trailed off. “I’ll have to check my schedule.”
This caused all four of you to burst out laughing.
But then the door knocked.
“Who else did you invite?” Anth asked.
“No one.” You three said in unison.
“I’ll go check, just in case it’s a fan.” You said walking to the door.
When you opened the door you froze. You did not expect to see him of all people.
Conor Maynard was standing right in front of you.
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katrinawritesthings · 8 years ago
Taemin/Kibum; a couple of kids (part 1/2); PG
so like high school au where kibums parents kick him out and he doesnt tell anyone except taemin in two parts bc twitter told me to lmao tw for u know homelessness and mentions of abusive parents
“Wanna have a sleepover tonight?” Taemin asks casually during fifth period Psychology.
“I can’t, sorry,” Kibum says. “Nicole and I have the same Lit project due on Friday so I’m gonna spend the night at hers instead.” He shrugs like he’s declining a simple offer to hang out instead of what they both know it really was.
[part 1] [part 2] [extra]
Kibum comes to him first.
Taemin knows he’s the first because it’s 9:34 on a Thursday night, Kibum taps on his bedroom window, and he has a duffle bag pulled over his shoulder.
Taemin had been eating graham crackers and watching anime in bed when the knock came, and he’d been reasonably confused, but he’d let Kibum in anyway. As he watches Kibum wiggle over the windowsill, he takes note of how he’s wearing several layers of everything and how his little VW bug is parked out on the street.
“Hey,” he says when Kibum straightens up and tugs off a beanie or three.
“Hey,” Kibum smiles back, unwrapping a few scarves from around his neck like this is completely normal. “Can I spend the night?” he asks. “Or, the weekend?” He coils his scarves up neatly and tosses them and the beanies on Taemin’s Chair of Stuff in the corner. Taemin glances at his left cheek where he has hastily applied makeup over a slightly swollen spot and then back to his eyes. There’s something as off in them as the rest of this situation.
“Sure,” he shrugs, pushing Kibum’s bag closer to the wall gently with his foot. It rustles with the sounds of makeup and jewelry and coins. “Why didn’t you come through the front door?” he asks curiously. Kibum looks up from where he’s wiggling out of a few pairs of sweats and shorts.
“I didn’t feel like bugging your parents,” he shrugs. Taemin hums knowingly. Good point. It is kind of late. They can officially ask if he can spend the weekend tomorrow after school. “Hey, you know that extra backpack in your closet?” Kibum asks then. Taemin glances at his closet quickly and nods. It’s his shitty old one from middle school that he doesn’t even know why he still keeps. “Can I borrow it?” Kibum asks.
“You can have it,” Taemin says. He really doesn’t care. Kibum makes a noise, almost a protest, but he’s smiling again when Taemin turns back to him with a curious hum.
“Thanks,” he says quickly. Taemin nods again, taking a few steps back to sit on his bed and watch as Kibum unbuttons four or five shirts and folds them all neatly. He gets settled like he was before, bundled up in his blankets and everything, except on the right side of his bed instead of in the middle this time. Kibum heads to his closet and tugs the backpack off of the shelf Taemin had thrown it on. He walks back to his duffle and bends down to unzip it, then pulls out a bunch of stuff to transfer to the smaller bag. His makeup bags, his jewelry boxes, a bag full of coins and a wad of cash, brush and comb, toothbrush toothpaste and floss picks, body wash and shampoo, his hair straightener, phone charger, various snacks, and on. Then he fits all of his clothes in the now empty space next to what clothes were already in there.
When he’s done, he zips both up and pushes them even more out of the way. He’d had his pajamas under all of those clothes and he fluffs his fingers through his chalk dyed bangs with a satisfied little hum.
“There,” he says, straightening up brightly. He bounces over to Taemin’s bed and wiggles under the blankets with him, taking a graham cracker for himself and peering nosily at the laptop screen like usual. “What are we watching?” he asks.
“Swimming anime,” Taemin says, wiping a speck of dust off of beautiful Nagisa’s face. Kibum rolls his eyes and shifts to get more comfortable with his head against Taemin’s shoulder. He first nuzzles his cheek against Taemin’s shirt, but then hisses in pain and moves to rest his temple there instead. Taemin gives him his right earbud and sticks the left in his own ear, tapping the spacebar to start where he left off.
He’s not going to ask.
He can guess what happened anyway. It’s not like it’s not obvious. Taemin knows who Kibum is, knows who his parents are, knows that they one hundred percent to not approve of the kind of person that their kid became. He saw Kibum’s post about an hour ago that said nothing but “fuck it i’m gonna do it.” It’s not hard to put all of the evidence together. And Kibum obviously doesn’t want to talk about it, so Taemin’s not going to bring it up.
“How do you not have any napkins?” Kibum grumbles, reaching over Taemin for a tissue from his bedside table to catch his crumbs in. Taemin snorts. The tissues are his napkins. He flicks a graham cracker crumb at Kibum’s neck and ignores his indignant squawk in favor of focusing on his swimming anime boys instead. Kibum settles after a minute and does the same.
In the morning, Kibum scoots into Taemin’s bathroom after him, does his makeup up all nice and pretty, and throws another stuffed bag into the backseat of his car so Taemin can ride shotgun on the way to school.
“Wanna have a sleepover tonight?” Taemin asks casually during fifth period Psychology. He props his cheek up in his hand so he doesn’t fall asleep from the cozy warmth of the heated air, such a nice contrast to the snow falling outside. Kibum glances up from where he’s scribbling down the homework in his planner.
“I can’t, sorry,” he says. “Nicole and I have the same Lit project due on Friday so I’m gonna spend the night at hers instead.” He shrugs like he’s declining a simple offer to hang out instead of what they both know it really was. Still, though. Taemin hums. That’s a relief. He knows for a fact that Kibum hasn’t landed a friend’s place to stay at every single night in the passed month. He has a lot of friends, but sometimes luck just isn’t on his side. Taemin still feels guilty about the one time he had to turn Kibum down because his brother was having his girlfriend over for dinner.
“Well, if you’re free, let me know,” Taemin shrugs. He doesn’t want Kibum to have back problems from sleeping in his car again added onto all of the other shit he’s dealing with. He would be offering his bed every night if he thought Kibum wouldn’t get annoyed at him for it. He treads carefully, though, stroking Kibum’s pride, only offering every now and again like he would normally.
Kibum did come over just last Saturday, which Taemin guesses was recently enough. It wasn’t to spend the night, though; just to hang out and almost casually switch some clothes with the duffle bag that Taemin moved into his closet before he went to crash at Woohyun’s. Taemin took the liberty of hanging up some of his nicer winter clothes so they would be less wrinkled, which he knows that Kibum appreciates even if he did scoff at the lazy way he did it and spend ten minutes rehanging them all the proper way.
Taemin doesn’t know exactly why it is that Kibum has only told him. Maybe it’s because he’s usually so quiet about everything. Maybe Kibum just thinks he’s super trustworthy or something. They have been friends for five years, ever since art class in seventh grade. But of their close friends, he knows that Kibum spends more time with Jonghyun, and he knows that Minho definitely has more to offer in terms of both space and time, and he knows that Jinki is far more responsible than he is. Still, he hasn’t asked. Kibum has his reasons. And he’s a good friend. If he was the best person in Kibum’s mind to come to, Taemin isn’t going to go out of his way to prove him wrong.
It’s honestly fucking astounding how loud Taemin’s bathroom shower is when he’s not the one inside of it. He watches the door, amazed at how he can hear every rush and splash of the water as Kibum showers. It’s only loud in his room, too; he checked if he could hear it standing on the other side of his bedroom door and it was as muffled as showers usually are, which is good. It’s just… weird. To not be the one in there for once.
As he’s listening to the shower, he also hears Kibum sniffling grossly for the umpteenth time. It’s followed by two sneezes, the clatter of what sounds like Kibum’s tiny face cream container, and a barely audible hissed curse, and Taemin rolls his eyes. Holy shit.
The water turns off a few minutes later and Kibum steps out a while after that, towel hung over the heater to dry and dirty clothes folded neatly over his arm. He throws Taemin a quick smile as he tucks his clothes into his bag. Taemin looks him up and down appraisingly. Hmm. Blowdried hair, thick socks, his warm pajamas, and a loose beanie. Good.
“Here,” he says when Kibum comes up to join him in bed. He picks up the little medicine cup he went out to the kitchen to get earlier and holds it out. “There’s little tongue strips or a nyquil.” He couldn’t remember if Kibum could swallow pills or not so he just got both.
“Oh,” Kibum says, his voice thick with his congestion. “No, I’m good,” he mumbles, waving Taemin away. Taemin just looks at him for a moment.
“You are not getting me sick just because you want to pretend like your life is fine right now,” he says bluntly. Kibum winces and glares at him  but Taemin holds out the cup insistently anyway. “Take the medicine,” he commands. “It’s not like I wouldn’t give it to you regularly anyway.” He shrugs. That’s like. Half true. Technically, he would never need to give medicine to a sick friend because a sick friend wouldn’t be spending the night, but also, if a friend did happen to get sick around him, he wouldn’t not help them. Kibum hesitates for a moment more, than sighs shortly and snatches the little strip packets out of Taemin’s hand.
Taemin puts the cup with the pill in it back on his bedside table gratefully. Good. Now Kibum won’t be sniffling every five seconds anymore and they’ll be able to sleep and then go to school tomorrow with enough rest.
Taemin frowns at his last thought, looking back up to Kibum. School. Ugh.
“You really shouldn’t be going to school like this,” he mumbles.
“Yeah, right, let me just ask my fucking dad to call me in sick,” Kibum snaps. His voice is harsh and sharp and Taemin blinks, taken aback at the suddenness of it. Shit.
“I didn’t--mean it like that,” he says, rubbing his nose embarrassedly as Kibum takes a few sips from his water bottle to wash the medicine down. “Just,” he says. That it sucks. That he can’t do that, that he can’t give the school an excuse for needing a break... but obviously, Kibum has been bitter about that for a while already. “Why don’t you just… skip tomorrow?” he asks. “You can stay here and use my laptop.” He doesn’t mind. It’s not like his parents are home during school hours anyway. “I think it’s like, five days in a row without an excuse before you’re considered truant.” It’s just a little cold. He can get better before that easily. Kibum scoffs, though, shaking his head.
“So, what, the school calls my parents and tells them I didn’t show up?” he asks. “I bet that will make their day, that I’m fucking floundering on my own.” He yanks Taemin’s blankets down so he can wiggle into the bed with him, but pulls them up to his chin and curls up into a grumpy ball. Taemin sighs, pushing his hair out of his face.
“That’s not…,” he starts. That’s not the point. A few days missed because of a cold isn’t floundering. And the imagined opinions of his parents aren’t worth risking his health over. “Like,” he says. “You don’t--”
“Taemin, can you just--” Kibum says loudly, but his words get cut off by a gross sounding cough. He muffles it into his pajama collar and pops back up when he’s done with a tired groan. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he mutters. “I’m sick and cold and you’re stressing me out.” His words are clear but the little fingers he curls into the edge of the blanket are guilty and pleading. Taemin looks at him for a silent moment before snorting and shaking his head.
“Nice excuse,” he mumbles, wiggling to get comfortable and turning his desk lamp off. He’ll wake up early tomorrow, make some honey lemon tea or something for Kibum to sip throughout the day, and make him take more medicine before they leave. At the very least.
“Oh my god. Finally.” Taemin looks up from the manual of the game he bought earlier at Jonghyun’s voice. His friend is hopping off of the low wall and stretching, his usual wide smile back on his face as he watches his sister’s van putt into the dark parking lot of the mall. Taemin grins. Good. Jonghyun had been overhyping his hunger for the past, like, ten minutes. It stopped being funny after three. He tosses his game back into his bag while almost everyone else in their little mall group stands up as well: Amber, Yeri, Krystal, Sooyoung, Other Jonghyun. Kibum stays on the wall, but scoots closer to Taemin now that they’re the only two left.
“See you guys Monday,” he says, waving big at all of them. Taemin nods, waving small.
“You sure you two don’t wanna come?” Jonghyun asks, opening the back door so the others can climb in. “We’re going to get dinner at McDonald’s.” He wiggles his eyebrows invitingly. Taemin snorts.
“We’re leaving with my bro when he gets off work,” he says. “We’re gonna get free leftover cinnamon rolls.” They’ll be cold and kind of stale, but still. Free. And he can smother his in the free leftover glaze packets also. Kibum nods easily next to him with an agreeing hum. Jonghyun shrugs, hopping into the passenger seat himself.
“Alright, then,” he says. “Later.” He shuts the door and Taemin waves again as everyone else waves back until they’re out of the parking lot. Then he stretches his arms himself, yawning into his elbow. “Wanna go sit in Hollister until my bro calls?” he asks Kibum. Taesun’s shift doesn’t end for another forty minutes and he can’t take a nap out here in the cold. Kibum hops off of the wall and hikes his bag more over his shoulder.
“Actually, I wanted to go to Target for a little bit,” he says. Taemin blinks.
“Why Target?” he asks. “You go to Target for like. Toothpaste and cotton balls and--oh.” He rubs his nose as he realizes that that is exactly why Kibum wants and needs to go to Target. “Okay,” he says simply. He doesn’t want to draw attention to the fact that he had to ask such an obvious question. Kibum seems to share his sentiment, because he acts like Taemin didn’t even say anything other than “okay.” He flashes Taemin his regular smile and tugs him back into the mall, the only indication that his pride took a hit in the way he clutches the strap of his bag more tightly than usual.
Taemin is hit with that wave of productivity he always gets when he walks into Target as soon as he steps over the threshold. He guesses that’s what happens when he usually only comes here to get school supplies and cheap bodywash. He scoots over to the little bins of dollar things, inspecting the little toys and pens. Kibum comes over while Taemin is inspecting a pretty cute set of pink nail files. He shows Kibum the box; after a moment of consideration, Kibum takes it and tosses it in his basket.
When they set off deeper into the store, Taemin sticks to Kibum’s side and lets him lead. He doesn’t know where anything is in here; half the time he gets lost at the smaller target by their school. Kibum wanders to the hygiene aisle first. He walks down the shelves, checking a list on his phone every so often and lowkey squinting at price tags. Taemin shuffles along behind him as he collects an assortment of things: powdered shampoo, floss, deodorant, baby powder, an eyeliner pencil of a brand that Taemin remembers him scoffing at before. He swats Kibum’s hand away from a bag of cotton balls and tosses a bag of cotton rounds in his basket instead.
“There are more in there and two sides each, like, doubles it for the same price,” he shrugs. “Also I see coupons for them all the time.” Kibum hums vaguely in thanks and tugs him to the food aisles next. There he gets little packets of powdered emonade and ramen, and then Taemin loses track of him for a few minutes because he spots a section of his favorite chips and immediately zooms over there to inspect them all. His dad always says they got discontinued. He’s such a fucking liar. Taemin grabs three bags and hugs them to his chest protectively before he realizes that Kibum has wandered off without him.
He powerwalks passed the aisles in search of his friend; he finds him in the laundry section and skids to a halt. Aha. Kibum gives him the most judgemental look when he oh-so-casually tips his chips into the basket but doesn’t comment. Instead, he frowns between two boxes.
“What do you think, Generic One or Generic Two?” he asks. He holds up the boxes to show Taemin the different laundry detergents. Taemin looks between them slowly, and then at the box of fabric softeners in the basket. This seems… not right.
“I… have a laundry machine,” he says slowly. Kibum’s next breath catches such a small amount that if Taemin didn’t know him as well as he did he wouldn't have caught it.
“Yes, I am aware of that,” Kibum says. “Which one?” he wiggles the boxes again; Taemin reaches inside and picks up the fabric softeners to read the back.
“And you’re leaving most of your clothes at my place anyway,” he says. “I can--”
“No, I don’t--need you to,” Kibum says shortly. Taemin looks up into his eyes.
“It’s like five dollars for one load at the laundromat,” he says quietly. “Plus how much it takes to dry. Plus gas to get there.”
“I know that,” Kibum says. “Just--” he reaches for the fabric softeners but Taemin jerks them out of reach.
“You can use mine,” he says firmly.
“No, Taemin, I don’t--fucking--just let me do this on my own, I don’t need--”
“Kibum,” Taemin says. He tosses the box onto a random shelf and puts his hands on Kibum’s shoulders. “I get it.”
“You don’t know--”
“I understand the concept,” Taemin says. Yeah, he doesn’t know from firsthand experience, but he knows his friend. “I know you’re trying to do this as much on your own as possible. I know you’re trying to prove your parents wrong even though you haven’t even seen them since it happened. I know you feel guilty getting so much from me already. I know you don’t want to ask for more help.” He slides his hands down to hold Kibum’s wrists. Kibum is glaring at him, jaw clenched. Taemin keeps going. “I know that you don’t technically need me to do this for you. But, Kibum. I want to help you. Let me do this for you.” He gently tugs the boxes out of Kibum’s hands and puts them back on the shelves as well. “Please,” he adds. “Swallow your pride for this one thing and wash your dirty ass boxers at my place.”
Kibum is taking slow, heavy breaths through his nose as he glares at Taemin. If this were any other time, Taemin would be extremely fucking intimidated. Now, he holds Kibum’s gaze evenly for so long that people would start to think they were weird, if there was actually anyone in the laundry section of a mall Target at 8:30 on a Friday. It’s a long, long time until Kibum releases a heavy breath through his mouth and tugs his wrists away from Taemin’s hands.
“You say that like you think I have any pride left,” he snaps. Taemin sighs and rubs his hand over the back of his neck.
“Well, just because you don’t think…,” he mumbles back. “I can’t even make myself a real breakfast in the morning and your grades are better than mine.” He’ll be every ounce of Kibum’s pride if he needs it, but he knows Kibum has pride left. Just because it’s buried under a mountain of stress it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Kibum shakes his head, but he snatches up the detergent and dryer sheets and returns them to their right shelves.
“I’m just agreeing with you because I don’t want to start fucking crying in the middle of a Target,” Kibum tells him as he grabs his sleeve to yank him to the next aisle. Taemin shrugs. They’ll talk more and he’ll admit that he’s grateful and Taemin will apologize for putting him on the spot like that in a few days or so. They’ll be good.
“My bro has debate club on Wednesdays,” he says. “And you know my parents don’t come home until late. You can come over then.” 
“Fine,” Kibum says.
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survivorcordillerablanca · 7 years ago
Episode 12 Confessionals
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I try not to be cocky but ... I'm sorry, Jordan trying to vote me and flopping - while using the CHAOS SQUAD gimmick - has to be my favorite move in this whole game. I think I must have fallen asleep at some point and been transported back to Taveuni because this is feeling awfully familiar!!! Caron and Zach going to rocks for me ... honestly, icons. I love them both. I'm sad that Katie had to be sacrificed but I'm glad that the other two survived because I'm going to need them to take down Jordan!! Nothing person, Jordan, but this is not going to be Taveuni 2.0 ... I'm not going to let you comp win your way to the end. Not today, Satan. NOT TODAY!
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I can't believe... that worked... I deadass went to Charlotte with information of Luke/Jordan wanting her out, and I knew that the chances of Char believing me were fairly slim since our history in KS. But I figured, and Carson did as well, that J/L/K are a trio, and although a quad with Char, that they are extremely powerful in this game and they have such a good argument to win in the final 2 due to the 7-2 slant of ulta/copa Now I feel like we have a pretty solid 3 of Char/Carson/myself vs Jordan/Luke. I'm going for immunity hard because I know that if J/L win, then they're going to idol the other person, and one of the ulta members will leave. At least in the chance that I (or even Carson/Char) win immunity, it's a 50-50 chance. I think Carson has the least likely chance of being voted by them though, so good for him! Seeing Katie being rocked out thought was sad because I enjoy her and think she's amazing, but was SO FUCKING GREAT! CARSON AND I WERE SO HYPED BECAUSE WE MADE sappy messages being like "it was great meeting you again, i love you and we should be friends once this season's over :(" SINCE IT WAS A 66.7% CHANCE ONE OF US WERE LEAVING AND ALSO, I EXPERIENCED A ROCK DRAW. I can finally die happy. I kind of wish I got rocked out, but nonetheless i'm still grateful to be here. Immunity is live tonight so that's worrying too. Overall, "Operation: Eject Luke" was partially a success since we weakened their strong trio, but there's still a lot of game to play. I haven't even thought about the final two plea yet, but I know that I was the person who got this flip to happen so... i'm on some path, at least.
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Last round was WAY too wild. I was so sure we had the numbers to get Charlotte out but it turns out they were playing us, ROCKS WERE DRAWN, and Katie went home which sucks because she was a definite number for Jordan and myself so now we're outnumbered. But being outnumbered is our speciality, we've been outnumbered this entire game. I have the idol in my back pocket and I'm 100% set on using that idol on myself if I don't win the immunity challenge. If Jordan wins immunity, I play it on myself. If I win immunity, I play it on Jordan. If neither of us wins.....sorry Pines, every Copa for himself?
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I was going to do a video confessional but honestly I'm too tired. Somehow I seem to have been put in a position where I'm in the middle of two alliances and have to decide what I want to go with. Again. Seriously, I wasn't kidding when I said that I felt like we were back in Taveuni. I spent like 45 minutes on call with Carson and Zach last night trying to figure out what we wanted to do. There's a pretty good chance that Luke has the idol and we're pretty sure that he's not reckless enough to try to play it on Jordan and leave himself exposed. That would be an insane kind of loyalty, right? There's also the possibility that Katie was voted out with it, or that Jordan has it and he's been playing up being 'desperate' and worried this vote ... but that seemed pretty Extra even for him. If he had an idol, he'd just play it and call it a day.. right? I suppose there's the off chance that he could be trying to get both he and Luke through this vote but that just can't happen. I'm sorry, you're C*pa ... you can't seriously expect two of you to make it to Final 4. It's a miracle you've survived as long as you have! I mean .. no. Just no. I'm in this awkward position though because like ... okay, I spent an hour on call (maybe 90 minutes? IDK) with Jordan last night and I do genuinely like him as a person. As extra as he might be. Do I want to support my local Jordan Pines and save him? Eh, that's up for debate... though there's no denying that having him around certainly makes my life more interesting. Good interesting or bad interesting? Again, up for debate. Zach and Carson are the reason why I'm still here. If it weren't for my relationships with them, Jordan might have successfully voted me out and not played the fool with that Chaos Squad bullshit. AGAIN.  Turning on them to save the person who tried to vote me out last round? Even if he's promising me he'll cut Luke off at F4 and take me to F3? I'd have to be a moron. I'd have to be the stupidest person on the planet to trust Jordan Pines again. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice? Burn, bitch. Burn. So I'm going to talk to Jordan today, and I'm going to consider my options, but the chances of me flopping are slim to none. I think it would be an awful game move and it would tank my jury relationships on the off chance I managed to make it to the F2. Way to go, Jordan. Look what you made me do.
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So I know I said last round that it was every Copa for himself and that the idol was being played on me.....well....idk how sure that it is now but I could possibly be playing the idol on Jordan Pines. I know it's crazy and it could completely backfire on me but like.....I'm so nervous about this round. We're trying to convince Charlotte to vote with us but we don't think that she's going to do it so we have to think long and hard about which of us the idol is going to be played on. Eurgh...I hate that Golden Rope. 
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sooo... i used the golden rope to stop jordan from winning immunity?? so charlotte won immunity bc of me, then i get to go to wishing well and get: [10/4/2017 6:52:39 PM] Ryan Palmer: Congratulations! You have earned yourself a task from the well. Once you complete this task to the hosts appeasement you may earn a special reward. This is the Final Five tribal council, it's a big one! And this Reward you can earn is MASSIVE! It can drastically alter the fate of this game. And for a power that big, you need to do something drastic to earn it. You need to Self-Vote at this Tribal Council. As long as you don't submit an official vote this power will be yours. And another temptation, just know that this power can be used whether you are in or out of the game. If you do not complete it you will earn nothing. LIKE... im not gonna self vote out of this game so im not gonna go for it even though i desperately want to. with jordan and luke both able to be voted for, it seems like we're gonna be voting for jordan, assuming luke has the idol and will use it for himself?? i hope that we're able to somehow do something where i wont be idoled out. i reaslly hope im not idoled out bc i just wanna make it past 4th so i can improve my placement this time around. idk if theyre voting me ro zach but honestly... i might be a shitty ally by saying this, but i hope theyre voting zach :/ i dont wanna be idoled out at all and i feel like i might be taking this game a bit more seriously than zach?? idk i dont want either of us to go so ill pray for that outcome instead. i really hope i can survive this tribal
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So like ideally I think the vote tonight is going to be 3-2 Jordan/Me or Jordan/Carson. Preferably Carson just because I like my track record of minimal votes, but I doubt that I will be receiving 0 votes tonight. On a similar note, there's chances that I won't even be here tomorrow. Like... my gut tells me Jordan is going to be idolled and i'll be leaving. Going out with a bang, tbh. If I leave tonight, will I be proud? Let's go down memory lane. I will be proud. Despite being inactive due to consecutive immunities, I played during the merge. I came in as a 2nd placer, and potentially am getting fifth with 2 (or 4/5) votes cast against me total. I flipped votes, survived rocks, fucked over jordan pines' immunity (OKAY THAT LAST ONE WAS NOT GOOD I FELT SHITTY AS FUCK), but nonetheless I accomplished a lot or experienced more than the average survivor game. I hope it's in my favour tonight and that I wake up to see the final four. If not, then i'm satisfied with my experience and at least I go out somewhat big (idol, that is. if someone flips ill be disappointed) and on that note, it'd be dumb for C/C to flip because.. say hi to 3rd and 4th!
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so apparently jordan/luke are voting zach if theyre telling the truth to charlotte (or if charlottes telling the truth to me, you never know.) im praying + hoping ill be safe and make it to the final 4 to hopefully match or redeem myself from my previous athena placement. ive just come so far i cant lose now idk.ive put so much into this game. jordans WAY more desperate acting than luke so idk if lukell play it on jordan if he has it or whatever ahhhh
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You know, Jordan Pines almost convinced me to save him. It's nine minutes until tribal and I'm still not 100% sure I'm doing this. I guess we'll find out, won't we?
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