#bc for me writing fewer notes doesnt mean i can just write fewer notes
theygender · 1 year
Tbh as an autistic person who's in the top percentiles on some measures of intelligence and in the bottom percentiles on other measures of intelligence I often feel like I'm living my life like that one SpongeBob scene where he makes a circle by drawing an incredibly detailed portrait and erasing lines until only the outline is left. I rank pretty high up on vocabulary and my brain always defaults to Big Words, but I don't want to sound pretentious or make it hard for other people to understand me so I have to actively work to mentally convert into smaller synonyms as I'm talking/typing, which means I start off with the type of obtuse language you would read in a research paper or some shit and then I have to intentionally put in More Effort just to sound normal. And if my brain is too tired to make connections appropriately then sometimes I can't even remember synonyms like "bad" and I end up having to stick with malicious or malevolent or smth in a simple shitpost, which is basically like I'm trying to draw a circle and my brain just tells me "sorry buddy best I can do is the portrait" 😭 help
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thelastpilot · 5 years
I have what i can only assume is a decent amount of followers, but its only bc Ive been here for a few years now and am multi fandom, so Ive just sorta picked most of them over time. I get very few notes in comparison to my follower number lol. Almost no one on this site likes to talk about follower counts. What is considered a lot without being viral?
i have absolutely no idea. see i have a somewhat low note count per posted art piece or story chapter compared to a lot of people in ML, but am considered by most veterans to be a big name from the old days. So i only get like 100-300 notes on a chapter, but hold a handful of the top ten spots on Fanfiction.net? ( i think i havent checked in awhile) so like, i feel like how many notes you get REALLY doesnt correlate to how well something does. Cause The Monster in the Room has the fewest follows and reads of all my stories, but generates the most asks and tumblr participation. 
Meanwhile most of my art doesnt get a lot of notes (i only have maybe three or four pictures with over a thousand notes, everything else sits at about 100-300 again) ((not to sound ungrateful, i just mean in comparison to my follower count)). and even my biggest most successful stories like Rainy Days and Secret Santa only have like 300 notes or less on chapters. 
So i think with fics, people LEAVE tumblr to read them on other sites cause Tumblr just isnt the best spot for anything other than drabbles. Meanwhile people see and appreciate art in the tags, but dont always like a picture. Even fewer folks reblog on average since the tags sort of work as an endless scroll mechanic. But also my art doesnt much much better on tumblr then on any other website, so i really dont know?? 
I kind of want the opinion of big name artists out of curiosity, how many followers do you have versus average note count on art pieces? How has this developed over time (what factors do you believe contribute to the trends?)  And fic writers, whats the comparison between how many notes your writing generates compared against the amount of followers you get (and also, if applicable, how well your stuff does in comparison on other websites).
Readers and art lovers, how many artists do you follow versus how many of their art pieces do you reblog? How many writers with how many chapters you reblog? Do you find writers on this site and then read their work on others? Let me know! i’m really curious. As anon has suggested most people really dont like discussing this topic, so obviously only weigh in if you’re curious. I am personally super intrigued by these concepts and am always interested in seeing how people succeed and market themselves, what trends work and dont. Obviously i genuinely don’t treat Tumblr as a business model for marketing myself lol, but some people do and some do better than others and I’m curious what the related factors may be. 
Do you have a lot of followers but no notes? Do you generate a lot of ‘viral’ posts and art pieces but have few followers? What makes a tumblr user go back to someones blog FROM a posted work and click the follow button? 
A interesting subject! If you have a thought or know someone who might, tag em! I’d like to have a discussion about it (not so salty if possible. It’s an easy subject to be bitter about for some folks, I just want to discuss what works and doesn’t and what trends people experience! Purely curious) 
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oflgtfol · 3 years
ok so wait i tried to write an essay about this in like october but i didn't have the motivation to write a whole essay about it so ....... but im suddenly struck with inspiration about this one specific point from it. keep in mind im like half asleep right now and this is more of a ramble than any sort of intelligent thoughts lol
you've most definitely heard of the habitable zone in the solar system but there is also a habitable zone on a GALAXY scale too. too close to the galactic center, and you're at higher risk of being exposed to deadly gamma ray bursts. too far from the galactic center, and there's a severe lack of heavy (Li and heavier) elements necessary for life
this is all because of the density of (visible) matter through the galactic disk - the center is denser, typically in the form of stars, while it's less denser towards the edges. a higher density of stars, the more supernovae that occur, the more likely to experience GRBs.
which has super interesting implictions for the star wars galaxy. 2 me at least. so the thing about metallicity is that that has more of an impact for the formation of terrestrial planets in general rather than anything directly about life itself - but the fewer terrestrial planets that form with lower metallicity, the fewer spots there are that are habitable out in the outer rim.
of course this applies mostly to life as we know it. and most star wars species i'm aware of very much fall within that paradigm. but theoretically you can have life forms that float in the atmospheres of gas planets, rendering the metallicity issue less pertinent (still an issue unless the life forms themselves are also primarily composed of H and He, which is pretty unlikely even for life that is very very alien to us). and theoretically you can have some sort of alien species that is a lot more resistant to high energy gamma rays than life as we know it that would be able to survive closer to the galactic core. however that still doesnt withstand from the actual supernovae explosions themselves lol like your resistance to gamma rays will mean jack shit if your entire planet fucking explodes. and i dont think even the most extremophile type of life could survive something that catastrophic so
idk it's just very interesting the way that the star wars galaxy operates as the core = affluent and political vs. the outer rim = poor and detached. there's some merits to that which i won't discuss here bc im too tired to try to combine galactic morphology with sociopolotical and economic implications (that was going to be the point of the huge essay from october that i Did Not Write U___U) but it's also interesting because honestly the affluent core worlds should be blasted to fucking bits every so often. like that doesn't really strike me as an affluent kind of deal yknow, having to evacuate your home planet on a fairly regular basis because there's signs that a nearby star is about to blow. but then again it's probably rare enough within a human lifespan that maybe it doesn't matter? like maybe having to evacuate only once every 100,000 years really doesn't make much of a difference........
anyway sort of a side note because im giving up on all pretenses of trying to keep this post organized. but star wars DOES NOT deal with space natural disasters often enough. space is terrifying. you can literally just be fucking blasted by a GRB at any time and the entire planet will be sterilized almost instantly. terrifying
0 notes
Hi! I was wondering, what are some examples of lesbian-coded characters in fiction? Whenever i've seen posts about gay-coded characters it's usually about male gay-coded characters, which is good! They deserve to be talked about! But I was wondering who some gay-coded female characters are.
generally speaking when people talk about “gay coded” characters in fiction its from older media during a time when it was actually illegal to show gay characters having happy endings. the bury your gays trope didnt just show up one day, it happened because for a period of time the only way producers were allowed to show gay characters was either if one or both of them died, they became heterosexual at the end, or they had otherwise unhappy endings in an attempt to discourage The Youths from being gay (side note here: making gay characters die doesnt mean fewer people irl are gay its just means they have no positive role models but uh i think we all know that here)
that meant that if directors or producers wanted to represnt gay people with happy endings, they would have to code the character as gay, but not explicitly say they were gay. most of the time this was done with whatever gay stereotypes pervaded at the time - in early hollywood that would be things like having the women smoke and work, the men would be more effeminate, etc. if that was too obvious, it would be “independent women” or men who werent interested in dating. 
as a result we dont necessarily get “gay coded” characters today like we used to, because censorship laws no longer prevent displaying gay characters in a positive light. if producers and writers want a gay character, they can just put in a gay character, and there are no rules about how that characters story has to end, although most writers and directors still choose to kill of the gay characters because theyre homophobes but thats a story for a different time
but “gay coding” hasnt necessarily gone away, either, because gay characters are still considered “mature” and cant really be shown in childrens tv shows, books, or movies without outrage from homophobes. so in a way, gay coding does still exist, just on a different level.
i dont really read or watch a lot of media from periods of time where gay characters were required to be portrayed negatively, so i cant really think of any off the top of my head. as far as characters that were gay coded in modern tv shows, janice ian from mean girls was gay coded (tina fey chose not to condemn lebophobic bullying by throwing janice into a shoehorned hetero romance at the end that makes no sense instead of letting janice be the lesbian she was born to be), i have never seen bend it like beckham but everyone talks about all the gay subtext in that, i think velma from scooby doo was actually going to be a lesbian but there was too much controversy over that so they made her straight but she was still gay coded imo, a lot of people see miss honey from matilda as gay coded
for the most part, i think most of the “gay coding” people talk about in modern media doesnt actually fit the technical definition of “gay coding” which was a system set up to defy to censorship laws by deliberately having characters flag as gay without forcing them to have unhappy endings. most of what we call “gay coding” today is not intentional by the writers (who will almost always adamantly defend the heterosexuality of their characters) but is instead an interpretation by the viewers, which doesnt necessarily decrease the value of the characters, but it does show authors true colors when they get very upset about their viewers interpreting the characters differently than the writers intended (im sure yall saw the supergirl debacle thing, it was all over my dash)
it does, to me, show an interesting disconnect between straight people and understanding the gay experience, however, for example, many lesbians see twilight and relate to bella heavily (bc shes a lesbian lol), mostly because bella’s experiences and emotions often match up very similarly to their own. while stephanie meyer will defend the Pure Heterosexuality of her precious characters, it doesnt change the fact that there are a lot of points in the twilight series that are very typical to lesbians experiencing lots of internalized lesbophobia: bella was never interested in dating until some Magical Unattainable boy came up, who then became Less Unattainable, who was Unlike Other Men, whose abusive behaviors she (unknowingly) misinterpretted for love, when in reality she confused her desire for male approval because of her father’s poor parenting that she got through edward as actual romantic love. the female characters she did connect to (alice, angelina, even rosalie if you look closely, wow im remembering more of these names than i thought i would) were all much healthier relationships, and in some ways closer than most friendships tend to be (if you interpret it that way) in the same way many lesbians confused romantic love for platonic love for their friends. when viewed through that lense, seeing bella as a lesbian who hasnt come to term with her lesbianism yet due to being abused as a child and having an abusive boyfriend, it makes a lot more sense than “she met a hot vampire dude who thinks shes great for some reason and now she wants to bone him.” but since stephanie is a shitty writer who doesnt understand the lesbian experience, she will refuse to see it that way and instead protest that no, it really is just a super elaborate love story, not that she doesnt know how to write romance and that she accidentally created a closeted lesbian character in an abusive relationship.
anyway wow sorry for this essay im supposed to be reading my physics textbook now which is why i psychoanalyzed twilight there for a hot second but anyway u didnt really ask for this but thats my hot take for the day
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jarofglitter · 7 years
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Another GW2 Guild/Community drama heads up. I have been going over the conversations, and thinking if there is anything I want to add.
Perhaps two things, that actually *hurt* me the most was that a) my aid (giving away stocks of all kinds of mats from common to rare or what little saved gold I had, purchasing and crafting things for people, keeping them company or being part of the group so they could complete something they seek quicker, etc.) was erased so very easily, and b) that the misinterpretation of my help and intentions for a sick friend to be taken as "taking over her project"
Also we have been doing the "help others" thing way before any of us jumped to this server. Before there wans any idea of making a guild. Keeping track of it just made it official. I am also bit puzzled on why this is one person's project but not the community's...  
For what it is worth, I will keep helping others.
Zeb’s DMs 4/4
Zeb---- Today at 2:54 PM I never have
del - Today at 2:54 PM I am really tired to reason with anyone.
Zeb---- Today at 2:54 PM now you're putting words into my mouth
del - Today at 2:55 PM No, I'm not. That is WHAT they did.
Zeb---- Today at 2:55 PM I am not THEY
del - Today at 2:55 PM You will be part of it soon, eventually. So I am just telling it bluntly.
Zeb---- Today at 2:55 PM Everyone is their own person
del - Today at 2:55 PM I dont udnerstand this intense fear of order.
Zeb---- Today at 2:56 PM thats not what this is. we never talked over what the rules should have been and we never settled on a time to talk it over
Zeb---- Today at 2:56 PM I did
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM WE TRIED
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM I TRIED
del - Today at 2:57 PM NO NONE OF YOU DID
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM and you cant just go ahead with rules if no one collaborates
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM I know
Zeb---- Today at 2:58 PM exactly. it never should have been decided, then passed to us
del - Today at 2:58 PM I didnt establish rules out of my ass.
Zeb---- Today at 2:58 PM you kind of did. hastily.
del - Today at 2:58 PM People needed chat rooms, I made chat rooms. I wrote a text to explain what they are for to avoid confusion and chaos.
Zeb---- Today at 2:58 PM there was never confusion and chaos
del - Today at 2:58 PM People misused them many times, I let them slip, then warned and nudged, and they just kept doing it. Zeb...
Zeb---- Today at 2:59 PM ok... listen to this.
del - Today at 2:59 PM the point isnt "it wasnt yet"(edited) the purpose fo those were to avoid it before it happened
Zeb---- Today at 2:59 PM thats not how rules are made. There was never a speed limit rule before cars were invented.
Zeb---- Today at 3:00 PM and despite us using chat channels for things other than your intended purpose, there was never chaos
del - Today at 3:00 PM Hello, I have common sense and a little bit of knowldge on community space works.
Zeb---- Today at 3:00 PM so do I
del - Today at 3:01 PM You dont wait to make note on "was your hands after you pee" on the toilet, you put it there before anyone pokes food with their peed hands.
Zeb---- Today at 3:01 PM actually, thats exactly how that came about. now as a society, its a non-issue rules arent made before problems exist
del - Today at 3:02 PM Zeb, we are poeple who are makign ruels and guidelines because of the experince they had. You cant just wait for things to get thesmelves on fire before making sure that doesnt happen. Why is this so ahrd to grasp? Is that an American thing?
Zeb---- Today at 3:02 PM you dont have to and that was uncalled for
del - Today at 3:02 PM Is that a culture thing? Because that is not how I was educated nor experinced. That is an honest question.
Zeb---- Today at 3:03 PM no, it was a low blow.
del - Today at 3:03 PM You know me well enough that I dont make jokes about those stuff.
Zeb---- Today at 3:03 PM didn't sound like a joke. sounded like a prod, which you've been known to do. even so
del - Today at 3:04 PM Prod?
Zeb---- Today at 3:04 PM a jab
del - Today at 3:04 PM What's a prod? Uhh... what's a jab?
Zeb---- Today at 3:04 PM a mean poke.
del - Today at 3:04 PM ...what? I didnt do that out of meaness. I asked it honeslty. Why would I be mean?
Zeb---- Today at 3:06 PM Good question. you have been in the past, but its irrelevant right now.
You dont have to wait for things to come crashing down to make rules. Thats not what im suggesting.
But rules as strict as yours about things as minor as yours were made pre-emptively. If unrest had come about, then a more direct degree of order might be warranted
del - Today at 3:07 PM I will give you two simple examples. Sassy requested a music bot. I created a connected voice and text channel for it. Why? I have my own hearing problems. I cannot hear people well all the time. Especially when there is many of them. Considering there might be other people like me who would prefer to have a channel for conversitation other than music bc everyone can have their music in bg, I madema spesific voice channel for it. It was not only to help people like me but also the music bot into a shared secondary activty within the server. Encouraging people to share their loved songs and sing a long if they wished. Idy didnt really enjoy others singing, so she avoided to music channel.
Zeb---- Today at 3:10 PM no one has had an issue with the music bot or its affiliated channel, and they are completely beside the issue.
The issues were entirely within the confines of the overabundance of voice channels
del - Today at 3:10 PM If she didnt have alternate options she would be stuck there or would be avoiding having calls with us. The text channel was for bot to avoid clutter in general chat. Bc when you write in general it pins everyone up. Why would we harass people with it? It got his own channels so people could use them without disturbing others. This was a prediction and served us well. Oh, I forgot the second one...
Zeb---- Today at 3:12 PM again, the music bot and its channels has nothing to do with this. Next?
del - Today at 3:13 PM Again you are missing my point.
Zeb---- Today at 3:13 PM im not.
del - Today at 3:13 PM I am trying to show you why I made guidelines with what predictions. You are ignoring it then.
Zeb---- Today at 3:14 PM not all of the rules or regulation are applicable to the current situation, so you cant lump them all together as either "complete oversaturation of rules" or "complete anarchy". There is an in-between. and Im not ignoring it
del - Today at 3:15 PM What I am trying to say is, I made all those channels with predictions and all those served well. There wasnt anarchy because I did my best to avoid it, despite everyone refusal to follow the guidelines.
Zeb---- Today at 3:15 PM no, there wasn't anarchy because there wouldn't have been anyway. There's no anarchy in and discord chat im in, of the 25 or 30 im in.
del - Today at 3:16 PM If you are not missing the point and if you are not ignoring it, then what are you doing Zeb? Because I dont think you are stupid.
Zeb---- Today at 3:16 PM you are failing to see that i am not missing your point, you are ignoring mine. which you interprit as me missing it. and this is where the disconnect is
del - Today at 3:18 PM No, your point doesnt make sense. You are cheering for no rules no guidelines.
Zeb---- Today at 3:18 PM no im not. Im cheering for fewer, but important, rules. because overabundance of rules stresses members out, and makes more work for the owners there is no benefit
del - Today at 3:19 PM Okay. Do me favour. Shut up about how I did everything wrong, and tell me how you would do.
Zeb---- Today at 3:19 PM sure
del - Today at 3:20 PM Make a server, design it the way you want and invite me.
Zeb---- Today at 3:28 PM I am making a server for a group of 6 to 10 people, which was the original scope of our group. If it grew bigger, it would change.
I am consoling a friend on voice chat, so I wont be accompanying you there.
If you have questions, ask them here. [link]
del - Today at 3:30 PM okay... want me to point of your msitakes? out*
Zeb---- Today at 3:31 PM point out your opinion of flaws, and I will tell you why I made the decisions. how about that, instead of you calling them mistakes already.
del - Today at 3:31 PM General chat pings everyone when a message sent in.
Zeb---- Today at 3:31 PM ok users can mute that if they choose so its no issue
del - Today at 3:31 PM you cant mute general as well as i know but that is not the point now be quiet and read
Zeb---- Today at 3:32 PM one at a time to avoid confusion http://puu.sh/xjX8w/db32ef6491.png
del - Today at 3:33 PM People who are going to use any of those VCs will not always have a mike, will not always be able to talk, or they might be mute. To avoid confusion between the general chat and what those people would like to say when they are lsitening to your friends, you need a channel for them. If you make them write in general chat, it will confuse the people who are not in VC
Zeb---- Today at 3:34 PM they dont need mics. they should chat in game with their party.
del - Today at 3:34 PM Which did, in our other server, something I know from experince, and that is WHY I created the text for speech channel in our server.
Zeb---- Today at 3:34 PM I dont have 2 monitors, even when Idy types in her chat, I miss it. and im not tabbing out to read it. I read party chat,
del - Today at 3:34 PM Not everyone is in the same part or squad or guild.
Zeb---- Today at 3:35 PM then whisper, or read the guild chat,
del - Today at 3:35 PM So you are simply ignoring her because she doesnt have a mike?
Zeb---- Today at 3:35 PM no...
del - Today at 3:35 PM What if she is talking towards multiple people? Who are all in different guilds?
Zeb---- Today at 3:35 PM if she has no mic and wont use general, party, guild, or whisper, then why is she here? you can chat and see chat across multiple guilds in game
del - Today at 3:36 PM Wow.
Zeb---- Today at 3:36 PM thats what I do and its much easier.
del - Today at 3:36 PM Okay.
Zeb---- Today at 3:36 PM if they are part of the guild, its presumed they want to be,
del - Today at 3:36 PM So you are saying I can talk to Idy on voice and she can asnwer me in guild chat. That wouldnt make peopel confusing at all? Who are not in the VC or in this server at all.
Zeb---- Today at 3:37 PM Im saying if its a private conversation, use whisper if its between multiple people, use party
del - Today at 3:37 PM You just kicked out a friend from this server for not having mic, instead of making interactions with her and people like her more easy. Contrgulations on your first ban.
Zeb---- Today at 3:37 PM i did not at all.
del - Today at 3:37 PM Next
Zeb---- Today at 3:37 PM I didnt do that. but sure, next.
del - Today at 3:38 PM What are those voice chats stands for? They have no presentation? Where the music bot gonna be?
Zeb---- Today at 3:38 PM there is no music bot unless many people want one. if they do, I can make one. and the VCs are generally
del - Today at 3:38 PM Many people wanted the bot. What now?
Zeb---- Today at 3:38 PM I heard sassy suggest it, but not more than that. and even so, sure. make a channel. Thats besides the point.
del - Today at 3:39 PM All of them have ben using it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:39 PM this is for guild communication
del - Today at 3:39 PM Asnwer my questions
Zeb---- Today at 3:39 PM I did.
del - Today at 3:39 PM Many people wanted the bot. What now?
Zeb---- Today at 3:39 PM so make a bot. sure. I didn't because no one is here. again, its besides the point
del - Today at 3:40 PM you dont have to make a bot. We are playing pretend. Many people wanted the bot. You get the bot. What now?(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 3:40 PM they play music in the channel for it. thats it.
del - Today at 3:41 PM and where they going to que and request songs for it?
Zeb---- Today at 3:41 PM thats all they need. and if they cant have a music bot and its a deal breaker, then bye. this is a guild for people to be with eachother and play, talk, and socialize
del - Today at 3:41 PM They need a text channel to be able to use the bot. So they can request songs.
Zeb---- Today at 3:41 PM messing with a music bot is not required. when the bot is added, then so will a text channel. but its not a requirement.
del - Today at 3:42 PM So, no fun is allowed everyone has to play GW2 and they cannot even talk anything other than GW2 even music? Got it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:42 PM didnt say that. stop putting words in my mouth.
del - Today at 3:42 PM This server you build is way too stricting than anything I did in the CAKE! server.
Zeb---- Today at 3:42 PM people can play other things. not at all.
del - Today at 3:42 PM Yes it is.
Zeb---- Today at 3:42 PM people can play whatever they want and be in whatever chat they want the VCs are there for people to use when necessary so they can form groups
del - Today at 3:43 PM There is no presentation and there is no rules, there is no way of telling how to use what. As far as I know people can use those one of those VCs for voice ERP, Zeb.(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 3:44 PM If people want to use things for ERP, then I can make an nsfw channel for them, sure. Boom, there it is.
del - Today at 3:44 PM EW
Zeb---- Today at 3:44 PM well, you asked.
del - Today at 3:44 PM No, I didnt asked for it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:44 PM next.
del - Today at 3:45 PM I pointed out none of those VCs has a decided purpose, they are just there. It is not presetanble.
Zeb---- Today at 3:45 PM they dont need to be
del - Today at 3:45 PM I persoally wouldnt spend too much time here to figure out what I am suppsoed to do without something to read to figure out what is it for what.
Zeb---- Today at 3:46 PM There can be 6 people in general chat to start with
del - Today at 3:46 PM There is also no space for community/guild projects.
Zeb---- Today at 3:46 PM doesn't need to be with 6 to 10 people, like the original scope we had.
del - Today at 3:46 PM You are forcing peopel to use general chat and clutter it with all kidns of information.
Zeb---- Today at 3:46 PM and you can use announcements for that
del - Today at 3:47 PM While you could have seperated rooms to spesific needs. This is chaotic and stressing.
Zeb---- Today at 3:47 PM I've covered the major bases. Most guilds ive been in dont have much more than this.
del - Today at 3:47 PM Well, we are not a guild.
Zeb---- Today at 3:47 PM and all the discord servers ive seen with all that clutter remain empty for a good chunk of time
del - Today at 3:47 PM We were a community that was suppsoed to house guildies and non-guildies all together. More people, more needs, more necessery space.
Zeb---- Today at 3:48 PM to be added as needed. no need, no add. here's an example: http://puu.sh/xjXvU/cae296564e.png
del - Today at 3:48 PM I added the thigns that was needed. I saw the ned and I added them. I didnt suddenly tried to make random channels just bc i feel like it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:48 PM they werent needs. they were 1 or 2 people asking for something
del - Today at 3:49 PM No not just 1 or 2 people I observed people Zeb
Zeb---- Today at 3:49 PM here's another example of a cluttered guild with no attendies http://puu.sh/xjXwJ/342fc3c4d4.png
del - Today at 3:49 PM I created those for people's needs, I didnt just made those because 1 person wanted.
Zeb---- Today at 3:49 PM http://puu.sh/xjXyo/66e8b8522e.png
del - Today at 3:49 PM Plus music bot is a fun thing, and I also wanted to have fun.
Zeb---- Today at 3:49 PM there were no needs there were desires. next?
del - Today at 3:50 PM That's a good scuruter, ours are almost the same. We just have prettier names.
Zeb---- Today at 3:50 PM notice how they are empty. and for the most part only 3 or 4 channels are used regularly
del - Today at 3:51 PM Next is, this server doesn't serve well to the needs of people. It is not presentable, it lacks any kind of rule and guidelines. It is home for anarchy.
Zeb---- Today at 3:51 PM it's got a generall rule that goes without saying, play nice. other stuff can be made as you go. and you are misusing the term anarchy.
del - Today at 3:52 PM chaos then, whatever. disorder. not everyone is capable of udnerstanding "general rules that goes without saying"
Zeb---- Today at 3:52 PM and clearly, very few are capable of understanding an ever growing mountain of rules.
del - Today at 3:52 PM i mean, look at the current poltical situtation? Do you think those people are "playing nice"? do you reallt think people here going to "play nice"? extreme example but, it is there
Zeb---- Today at 3:53 PM they were, and in every other server im in, they do. they arent now because they feel attacked in your server.
del - Today at 3:53 PM Zeb, your ahhm... how to say
Zeb---- Today at 3:53 PM whether or not you agree is irrelevant
del - Today at 3:53 PM You have too much tolerance for bullshit I dont.
Zeb---- Today at 3:54 PM and you have no tolerance for pretty much anything. I have seen it.
del - Today at 3:54 PM Not correct
Zeb---- Today at 3:54 PM like, you wont tolerate people running ahead in dungeons? or saying the B-word? or any other normal thing?
del - Today at 3:54 PM If I didnt have tolerance I would be swinging ban-hammer, isntead of letting thigns slip or simply trying to warn and inform people.
Zeb---- Today at 3:54 PM not necessarily. you dont have to get extreme to have no tolerance
del - Today at 3:55 PM People have been using that word with me in chat so many times. I let it slip numerous times, even after I waited patiently after I warned them. I didnt cut people's tongue for using it. I laughed and thanked for their udnerstanding.
Zeb---- Today at 3:55 PM you get on their case every time, so they say sorry. how agressive you are changes, but generally its the same.
del - Today at 3:56 PM I get irritated when peopel dont follow each other, because many people have connection and loading issues. They run froward, and then they kick me from groups before I can laod in. So it makes me annoyed and makes me stressed. Thats why I have been playing with friends only. They wait and they know and isntead of being stressed and i can laugh at it
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM people dont generally kick you if you are loading in.
del - Today at 3:57 PM they did Zeb
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM usually, they run ahead and kill everything, then you get there,
del - Today at 3:57 PM im not lying or making something up
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM in raids it might be different. im not saying you are
del - Today at 3:57 PM its not a raid
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM like when we first ran AC
del - Today at 3:57 PM its dungeons and fractals look
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM you remember?
del - Today at 3:58 PM We are incaplbe of reaching to a point here.
Zeb---- Today at 3:58 PM we are on a tangent. and are in disagreement. our opinions are different.
del - Today at 3:58 PM You keep blaming me on things, on not being tolerant or being agressive, even thought the it has been clear that I always had enoguh tolerance for all of it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:58 PM you dont show it in your writing. at all
del - Today at 3:59 PM And even if I didnt, I tried to make up for it. I get dissapointed over things, when they dont go the way they should.
Zeb---- Today at 3:59 PM everyone does. and we all handle it differently
del - Today at 3:59 PM I handled the best way, but I cannot fix thigns if people are unresponsive and choose to ignore.
Zeb---- Today at 4:00 PM no, a better way would have been to look at the whole picture.
del - Today at 4:00 PM I am not always on people's neck, yelling or whatever you think I am doing. If you find that my voice that raised, and my attitude was agressive, then it had a reason.
Zeb---- Today at 4:01 PM the whole picture was that no one in our chat was confused or lost, we were all having a good time and enjoying ourselves.
del - Today at 4:01 PM Becuase I waited patiently, because I warned, because I ignored, but I saw no change. So I chaged my attitude to make people notice it.
Zeb---- Today at 4:01 PM then you came in, overreacted on our location, and left.
del - Today at 4:01 PM Does it work? Yes, it does.
Zeb---- Today at 4:02 PM it made people leave. people who used to love you,
del - Today at 4:02 PM I didnt overreacted, you guys were the oens overreacted my message to fix this issue. I dont care.
Zeb---- Today at 4:02 PM I disagree.
del - Today at 4:02 PM If people going to love me by stepping on me, then that is not love. That is not mutually healthy relationship.
Zeb---- Today at 4:02 PM they didn't step on you, they were in the wrong channel.
del - Today at 4:02 PM And I am glad they are gone.
Zeb---- Today at 4:03 PM and little errors here and there shouldn't be stepping on.
del - Today at 4:03 PM I would prefer to have very few friends who has common sense and logic then a bunch of so called adults who thrives in no-rules no-guidelines no-working-together mindsets.(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 4:04 PM your logic seems flawed. We all were working together on stuff we were interested in. we were cooperating without needing gratuitous rules and everyone was having fun del - Today at 4:04 PM we all know that doesnt work, at some point it breaks and everyone cries(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 4:05 PM and that point was when you tore into the group. not from something we did. and it can work it does work
del - Today at 4:06 PM Okay. You guys didnt follow the guidelines, you get warned numerous times. Didnt listen. I rised my voice to show my dissapointment. And then made a post to offer all of us a chance to fix this together. Everyone refused and everyone didnt want to be responsbily of their msitakes. And everyone thought I was an easy target. I wasnt. End of story. Im really tired, of repeating myself.
Zeb---- Today at 4:06 PM there were too many guidelines there ye go
del - Today at 4:06 PM I really feel like a robot now. ---- [I quit the server after this.]
Zeb---- Today at 4:09 PM I suppose thats it then. Good luck in your endeavors, you will be missed.  ---- [I got blocked after this so I didn’t get to reply and there is no point anyways.]
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