#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time
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snekdood · 10 months ago
personally, i dont see the fundamental difference between deleting your account and making a new one and deleting all your old posts, if we're talking about "running from ones past", then what are you tryna hide there, bud?
#mood#vent#the evidence of your past is gone regardless either way sooooooooooo#how is it so different and how do you keep convincing yourself you're morally superior?#i mean- this is me pretending I agree that that's true to play devils advocate a lil here#bc i know the only reason i deleted any account of mine was bc i just like fresh starts sometimes#and tbh i struggle to find a username i like and some website require me to delete & remake in order to change it#what-- is the problem that you struggle to hold on to me and keep track of me?#bc i promise as soon as i start posting my ocs people Will know who I am regardless of if I recreate-#at least yall and your kiwifarms stalking-ass followers will recognize it and immediately report back to their cult leader#so whats your issue here EXACTLY?#you're already documenting everything I do. so whats your issue?#i mean. is it bc other people wont 'know who I am' and what YOU think i'm like? even though other people- strangers-#already dont know who I am?#bc if thats your argument- I could say the same for you! how are people supposed to 'know who you are' when you delete all your posts?#there was only 1 time I actually deleted my acct out of fear of how ppl would treat me- and it was bc I was dating you!#you made me feel like I had to be Perfect. so quite frankly#blame yourself you bum#what can I say- ig i learned how to cover my tracks from you.#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time#and now I regret deleting it bc the only reason I did was to impress you with how Good I Am. 🤮#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me#even though what was on that blog PALES in comparison to the kind of shit you've done and posted.#ok ignoring you now and focusing on me again- there was so much art on that blog thats just lost forever and it makes me sad.#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist#plus there was a gif of hoody dancing to the thrill by wiz khalifa (i think that was the song I made the gif to) that i'll never get back 😔#i honestly have an issue with deleting my art in general- stuff that isnt problematic so dont start w me bitch- but- for some reason#I just used to get these urges to delete shit like out of shame. I think its bc of being trans and trying to stuff that down and feeling#ashamed that I even wanted to be the guy I wanted to be so I would just get rid of it all and .-.#theres a lil chunk of my comic art that's just gone forever and i wish ik everything I drew. at least I remember one of the ocs i deleted
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66sharkteeth · 6 months ago
Do you have any ideas for fun AU's or non-cannon stuff the crew gets into? Even just things fun things to imagine that you don't necessarily want/have time to draw.
i talk about college AU pretty often here, actually. that's the main one and most developed.
it doesn't really have a whole plot like CoB ofc, but is just kind of the cast if they were in college. some quick summaries-
-Mikiah and Rex were twins in this universe and Mikiah still died a few months before Rex left for college, much like in canon CoB. It was an accident that Rex blames himself for, and now he's majoring in some biology degree in honor of Mikiah because that's what Mikiah wanted to do. Rex struggles throughout because he's still grieving a lot more than he lets on and isn't doing well in his classes because he's frankly not passionate about the major he's in for Mikiah's sake. By the end, he's processed everything and actually ends up changing majors to study to be a therapist so he can help people who have gone through similar traumatic experiences.
-This is a recent addition, but just for the sake of being able to have Shnee in the picture, Shnee's his emotional support animal (Lauro did all the arrangements bc as if Rex knows how to go about making that official). Ofc, Rex doesn't really disclose this publicly and everyone is just kinda left wondering how this guy gets away with having a rottweiler in his dorm. He probably lies and says his rich aunt paid off the school.
-I've talked about this one before, but to reiterate for those new: Jericho and Claude are room mates (ofc). They both paid extra to have a two bedroom dorm, just for Claude to find out Jericho is using the extra room to house his 4ft pet monitor lizard, "The Scion." It's an absolute menace and Claude hates it. Jericho has some dirt on Claude (im still not sure what) which is how he's getting away with this entire arrangement. However, the pet lizard hogging the other room means Claude and Jericho share a room wink wink.
-They're both in art school, with Claude focusing in art history to be a museum curator and Jericho BSing his way through a modern arts degree. Jericho is a charmer who has BSed his way through most of his life, and feels he can just slide through art school pretending to make pretentious modern art with fake deep meanings. And actually, it works, but Claude is the only one who can see through his BS and know he actually has some talent and passion. Over time, Claude gets Jericho to actually take things seriously and drop his modern art degree and pursue fashion, which he's actually passionate about (Where Jules is one of his teachers). It's the first time Jericho actually has to work in his life, but he's all the better for it.
-On the relationship front, they do eventually end up together but definitely not right away. It starts with them hooking up and Claude thinking that means they're dating, just to come home and realize Jericho never got the memo they were exclusive if ya know what I mean. This leads to a big fight ofc, Claude not talking to Jericho for a while, eventually them becoming JUST friends again, until Jericho realizes he really wasted his chance with Claude and they do eventually actually date. However, this would be Jericho's first real relationship and he's not great at it, so they do a lot of off and on until Jericho finally kinda gets his shit together (possibly after they've all graduated college) and they finally end up together for good in an actually functioning relationship.
I have more but i feel like that's enough of a wall post for now.
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fookinhellcurlyyy · 5 days ago
hi my love! i hope all is well with you. i need to vent ab something that has been bothering me for a while. first they were dragging h in the press and now their target is louis, by saying louis never wants to get back together w the band and that hes estranged from h. first the narrative w h is that he’s too big of a solo artist to get back together w the boys and now louis doesn’t wanna get back with the band bc he’s moved on and he’s “estranged” from h.
i definitely believe that louis probably said at one point recently that he didn’t wanna go back to the band but i don’t think it’s for the reasons that the article is claiming. he (and most likely the others as well) probably don’t wanna get back together without liam.
when zayn left in 2015, liam said it best. he said we are not one direction without zayn. he said they just go by louis, liam, niall and harry. there will never be a one direction without liam. when zayn left i felt the same way. it’s those five boys or nothing at all. when they released the joint statement they released it as louis, zayn, niall and harry. one direction sadly will never be the same ever again and it’s heartbreaking.
i also hate how some people are like “harry, niall and louis are the only ones left”. like no zayn and liam will always be part of one direction. just bc zayn left doesn’t mean he should never be a member of the band ever again. he’ll always be apart of one direction, same with liam. liam passed away and was with the band before the hiatus.
whatever louis, harry, niall and zayn choose to do i will always support them. if they never get back together as a band i would totally understand and respect that. i just hope for their sake they have reconciled any differences they might’ve had with each other and they can be friends again (whether it’s publicly or privately). you can tell they all really loved and adored each other. their bond was so pure.
I'm doing great, lovely anon! Thank you. ♡
First of all, I just want to say that the media headlines these days are utter BS. They love twisting words and narratives for clicks (which, well, is their job). I wouldn't pay too much attention to them. I only keep track of them because I know they might play into a bigger picture in the future—like you said, why were there so many smear campaign headlines against H before? Then they falsely used his name, and now they’re doing the same to L.
EDIT: Adding @delicateperspective's comment here re alleged articles (I haven't read all of them myself but I saw the backlash from The Standard's article):
I just want to point out that I checked ever recent article and there’s nothing that isn’t regurgitating the one quote that his PR manager gave that asshat at The Standard while telling him not to ask about Louis’ grief. The whole “"Louis just despairs. He could never get up there and sing as part of the band after what has happened." thing. Everyone from People, The Sun, and The Mirror are running the quote into the ground and making it a whole article by quoting past stuff like Louis’ memorial post and that one terrible Sun article that Louis told us was bullshit “how drugs and ego destroyed 1D” or whatever the title was. One thing you can rely on mainstream media for is if they get a sound bite of Louis’ grief or trauma -they run with it because it gets clicks. Same for Harry’s ego. There’s no new actual quotes or information or even rumors. Just Simon Jones or one of his assistants making an offhand comment to get The Standard to not exploit his grief (which they did anyway).
And I agree—there will always be five One Direction members. This might be indirectly related, but I answered an anon about grief and the idea of 1D never coming back. I’m still hopeful that they will, because they've all said so, and I feel like Liam's passing has pushed them to reconcile their differences—at least as much as we've seen with L and Zayn (who had the biggest fallout). H and L are together, so they're definitely alright. Niall and Liam were always the same. Their relationships seem just as strong as before (in the band), even if they all have different careers to focus on. We’ve seen Niall with H, Liam with L, Liam with N, N with H, and so on. When Zouis reunited earlier this year, it felt like the world was finally healing. They're older and wiser now, and while what happened to Liam isn't the best circumstance to have triggered it, I'm grateful to witness the healing and reconnection happening between them.
What keeps me anchored in this fandom—as both a Directioner and a Larrie—is staying updated while learning to push away the negativity that can come with it. We barely see the reality of their lives. We don’t know them personally, and neither does the media. The media paints them however they want, depending on the circumstances, and the general public blindly believes it. That's where we come in—not getting swayed and standing our ground, because we know they aren't the people they make them out to be.
FAITH IN THE FUTURE WOOHOOO!!! *fandom-fueled scream*
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ashsostrange · 1 year ago
i’m (not) sorry to say, but miles is better off by himself.
idk if i’ve ever written a post this long, but i got energy tonight. y’all have been sucked into the black hole of shipping, so let me ground you and remind you of this amazing thing called being single. i’m gna talk ab margo and gwen, but mostly gwen bc she’s obv miles’ (main) love interest. i’ve said more than enough about why miles and gwen don’t work/make sense. if you wna be enlightened then feel free to click the links.
thoughts on ghostflower: here!
reblogging a moot's post w/ added thoughts: hereee!
i love ranting so let’s get it! 😛
i don't have much to say about margo bc sadly, she's barely there. what i will say though is that as cute as miles and margo would be together, there’s one more movie left lol. the third movie’s gna be busy as hell. there’s literally no time for romance, and to rush miles and margo (two people who just met) into liking each other in, like, a three hour timespan would just be terrible writing. plus, we all know she’s there for some bs having to do with miles nd gwen, which is literally soooooooo very lame, words can't describe. one, where are you finding the time to cram in jealousy/all this angsty romance mess when miles’ dad is ab to die and the universe is ab to collapse bc of a nigga that looks like the lovechild of a cardboard box and a cow?? two, is this really all margo is here for?? to make gwen jealous or “help miles realize he’s in love with gwen” ?? shameeee, like summer said. 😐 i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: margo could be SO much more than a disposable love interest!!!
gwiles/ghostflower fans, i’m going to tell you something that will make you upset. i said i was coming for you and i meant it 🗣️‼️
before you yell at me and push smoke out of your ears, i need you to put your right hand on your chest and close your eyes. you feel your heartbeat? good. now, count to three while taking deep breaths and remember that none of this shit is real so you’d look stupid af trying to attack me. 🙃 some of y’all are getting TOO comfortable being unnecessarily disrespectful and ion like that lol. don’t try it here bc i’m on another level of not gaf!
listen, even if (when?) gwen and miles team up to save his dad, it won’t change the fact that gwen was keeping some hefty info from miles, yo. she was smiling in jeff’s face and cracking jokes like she didn’t know he was bout to die. y’all gotta be so very real with yourselves. you wouldn’t wna date, let alone be FRIENDS with someone who kept something that big from you, regardless of the circumstances or lack of ill intent. one of the most important people in your life concealing the fact that you’re about to lose another important person in your life is insane.
i’m aware that gwen didn’t tell miles about his dad because she genuinely thought it’d cause mass destruction if he saved jeff. thing is, even if miles knew that, i think he’d still feel betrayed. that’s 100% valid because this is his dad we’re talking about. he just lost his uncle not too long ago, too. i wouldn’t blame miles if he never wanted anything to do with gwen again. i wouldn’t blame bro if he got sick to his stomach every time he saw her. it’d be justified, bc if he never followed her that night, then he wouldn’t have had the chance to save jeff.
my point is that you can be a “good person” and still fuck up bad enough to make someone never wna speak to you again. miles is a sweetheart so he’ll probably forgive gwen. my thing is, miles forgiving gwen doesn’t mean the two of them are obligated to be friends again. they can handle it maturely, go their separate ways, nd never speak again. it’s really not even gna hurt y’all cuz it’s the last mf movie anyway??? 😭😭
if it isn’t clear by now, i don’t want miles and gwen together at all. they have no business being around each other frl 🙃 not as friends and definitely not as lovers. like, sure, that one scene where they’re swinging/talking on the bank was my absolute fav. it was cute. i shipped them before i really thought about it. that scene is still my fav, but my adoration for it isn’t gna stop me from keeping it real.
i really don’t care what anyone says or how in love they think these two are, this isn’t a “forgive and forget” situation. if the writers truly wanted gwen and miles to be involved romantically, then not only should they have structured their dynamic better, they shouldn’t have made gwen the person she was in this movie. love, love, LOVE redemption arcs because it’s a reminder that we're human and we're flawed, but you can’t redeem yourself from that. sorry. (not) i say miles should leave that girl alone 🤷‍♀️ leave all potential girls alone ffs.
in conclusion, it’s okay for miles to be single. he's 15 anyway, it's not like he'll die without a girl. i’m the suckiest sucker for anything to do with romance, but characters in film/animation don’t need to have love interests for a project to be considered good. if you feel like it does, then maybe ts you’re watching just sucks, lmao. a girl and a boy can be friends without one having feelings for the other, or both of 'em having mutual feelings. (in the media idk ab irl..) it’s time to stop forcing ts. please.
and it’s okay y’all, i promise you. it’s okay if miles and gwen don’t end up dating. it's okay if they reconcile and stay friends. it’s okay if they reconcile and don’t stay friends. though unlikely, it’s also okay if miles doesn’t forgive gwen at all! resolutions like these go to show that you can “forgive” someone without letting them have access to you anymore. that’s what miles needs to do. straying away from the “happy ending” everyone is expecting would be nice. it’d be a different approach and a realistic way to complete the franchise. (i’m not just saying this bc i love angst)
but before the gwiles (ugly ass ship name btw) fans start throwing up and telling me to end my shit, it’s 99% unlikely that anything i just stated will actually happen. we’re more than likely getting a kiss between miles and gwen, nd that’s bc the writers are probably high off the same dope they were on when they wrote gwen sneaking in thru miles’ window, j for his parents to be way more calm about it than any other normal parent would be. i could say some more about certain scenes but that's for another night.
miles doesn’t need to be with anyone. especially not gwen when it comes down to it.
oh and i HATE peter b. fuck that nigga. he was nun but an extra in this movie and i know he’s an opp in the next. 🙎‍♀️
that’s all! if you read allat then thanks, cuz i wrote a lot. if you're feeling angry, then go for a walk. this isn’t a place for any typa criticism bc i am right, therefore, i am not requesting confirmation. 🙌 i said what i said. have a good night.
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loving-family-poll · 1 year ago
i fear we are departing from incest but i love to hear myself talk so i shall tell you about my sister's complex about me. first we have to establish some things: my sister is older than me (the oldest of us all, i'm second oldest, just mentioning it bc me not being the youngest feels important here), my sister has an inferiority complex that stems from me being the successful one (probably will come up later but i was a very smart kid and ended up skipping so many grades that i started college at 15), and that my sister has always had bad anxiety and is very very sensitive to rejection
so. let's start from the beginning. our father left us young, didn't pay child support, was generally an asshole, but most importantly he would visit for one reason: me. i was the favorite because, as i mentioned, i was a smart kid and he is very success-oriented so naturally he took to me (and off-topic but this happens so often. like very very success driven people have been weirdly into me since i was a little kid. weird shit but i've used it to my advantage cough cough getting a kid flunked and almost expelled) so anyway our father visits us just for me, even tells me about all the women he was cheating on my mom with before they got divorced. and my sister? my sister has bad anxiety, she's sensitive to being left out. and more than that she has very very strong rejection sensitivity. so how do you think it'd feel to be the oldest child and yet be ignored by our father (this did not affect my other siblings they were too young). so this puts me above her in her mind
she fails a lot in school and this wrecks her confidence, especially since i've always been greatly successful in school. she's pushed aside by her father for me, she's pushed away by her teachers for me (to the point that i would have a teacher for a short time before i'd test out and they'd still call her my name no matter how long she had them). she also has very poor social skills so she was never liked by her peers while i was funny and i was smart and i was such a goody-two-shoes brat but teachers adored me to the point that i could get away with anything i wanted (yes i was pulling shit i think i had a habit of attacking one of my teachers and everyone was cool with it) and she'd be scolded for any little issues because she wasn't as liked + she was more frustrating (she had untreated adhd for a hot minute). keep in mind that most of this was happening while we were both under 10/11
so. you'd think that she would have some deep-seated resentment against me. and you would be correct! now idk what you know about psychology and chances are it's bs anyway (<-psych major that does not trust the field in the slightest) but there's this nifty little concept called reaction formation. it's freudian so. take that as you will. but basically it's just when a strong emotion switches from one to another. for example: hate to love, love to hate… resentment to adoration?
so that's my theory for the basis of this. she has an inferiority complex and a sensitivity to rejection and i was everything she wasn't and for whatever reason her kid brain said hey, why not love my sister instead. and honestly this wasn't that like. prevalent until we teenagers, because i became very neurotic and anxious and developed some disorders you know how it is. and now we see something new in my sister: she likes to take care of people. if i couldn't do something she would do it for me, if someone was pushing my boundaries she would enforce them. i basically spent all of middleschool hiding away in our home (i was homeschooled atp) with only her for company since i'd hide in our room. so she;s taken on the role of being my protector. probably because if she would never be better than me, at least she could be the one protecting me. it made her important. it made her necessary. it made her feel needed. and that is when i catch on. i encouraged her a bit, started praising her, thanking her for any little thing she did, calling for her anytime i needed help because she just loves to feel needed so badly. and yeah maybe that was manipulative and maybe it was wrong but i was also like. 14 or 15 when i started doing this
anyway so she has this whole complex about needing to protect me so that she can feel needed and it's all fueled by her inferiority complex that honestly drives so much of what she does. i find it highly amusing.
so yeah. she's basically a dog to me. tell her she's good and give her a treat and she'll do what you want. and if she does something that makes me upset she folds so fucking quickly it's wild. it's that fear of rejection. she could never stand for me of all people to drop her
and to the person who wanted us in the tournament together sorry but we are just weird about each other in a not-so-incesty way but the vibes are kinda there
The way I was glued to this ask reading SO intently. What you two have going on is so much weirder than if you'd just fucked (complimentary)
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cupcakeinat0r · 9 months ago
HIIII 🌵 here again !!
Idk about you but my biggest kinda like headcanon about my guy Miguel is that Peter buys him a bunch of those comedy shirts and gives him pictures of Mayday along with little gifts and stuff and that he keeps ALL of them. Like he defo has a little cupboard or something dedicated to them. Yk what I mean?? He probably has a little shrine for Mayday, dare I say. Did you see the way he held her in that one atsv scene where he was introduced to Miles, and how he only gave her back when she had reached for Peter?? Ugh. I’m melting into a puddle on the floor.
I’m gonna sound like an absolute maniac here talking about Miguel because he’s genuinely a massive fixation of mine but carrying on what I said in the last post, it would be insane if he didn’t get a redemption arc or got shunned as the bad guy over and over. Having a daughter disappear in your arms is probably one of the most traumatising things to happen to someone. We got build up, build up, build up and then the climax of the problem, but no solution. What will the solution be?? Sony??? Hello??? They CANNOT leave us hanging like that.
Honestly it’s really hard to hate ANYONE in the spiderverse movies. I saw a tumblr post the other day where someone said that everyone in the movies were depicted as real people, with an equally complex story, so it’s more difficult to hate them. I agree with it 100%. Yeah, Miguel was really horrible to Miles and the others and they deserve a massive apology but Miguel also probably shuts himself away instead of talking to people, so he feels combined guilt and also stress because he just never talks about it. Anyone would snap like that. I really hope we get to see a softer side of him, or like you said: a heart to heart talk to someone or even to himself so we can understand him more. Maybe we can get a little insight of what happened in his original universe after he left to be a dad in the other one???
I’m gonna shut up now bcs this is getting really long and this is kind of me just dumping my thoughts into your asks (sorryyyttt) is it obvious I really love this man
- 🌵 (she/her (pronouns reveal??? Insane. I might also start putting the date here so I can remember when I wrote it if you answer these (17/6/24))) LOVE YOU
Hi 🌵!!!!!!<3
Awww wait that hc is so cute!!! He would most likely never tell or let anyone know that he keeps those gifts lmao. And that man loves that little girl, and yes, that is a strong word, but Miguel is a girl dad thru n thru n that lil baby is his weakness!!
Right! They’re probably off in some cupboard or hidden drawer at his lab. It’d be real easy to hide things in there considering how dark it is lmao. Do you think in order to feel something, he’ll go n look at those ‘gifts’ n think about Gabriella n then start getting emotional then then then and then
No yeah it would definitely feel like a cheat if Sony didn’t spend some time on him. It would be a huuuuge fumble. Like, Sony, y’all have a million dollar character right here that is begging for redemption, please n thank you <3 On my knees and praying to whoever is up there that the girlies at Sony write a scene of Miguel being soft. Like…. Please…. Yall gave him 10 minutes of screen time and he was mad for every single one of them.
That would be a nice idea!!! I have hopes that they’ll expand on that. I’m just saying, if it ends up that the theory is actual BS and Gabri’s dimension didn’t fall bc of Miguel but bc of something completely unrelated… I could literally pass away happy omfg.
Don’t be sorry!!! I love when people leave asks like these!!! That’s we come on this app, to let our fixations fixate !!! We love our man <3
Ngl, the date thing is actually kinda helpful cuz then I see it n I’m like “omfg I’m the worst I made this person wait days before I answered this ask, let me respond to it now” lmao. And omg!! She/her!!! A fellow girlie (gn)!!!!
Thanks for sending this in, luv! Always a pleasure talking to you 🫶🌵 ily MWAH <3
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stupendousfoxthing · 10 months ago
To your last anon, I always thought that hybe would have loved to monetize on tk's huge clout together if that didn't posit a risk( they are a corporation it's all about clout and money) i know people think differently as in them being shown together wouldn't have been risky but if they were the official company ship the ppl who like them as a couple would have been the triple than they are now, that means more people paying attention to them in that context, more ppl who wants to find something more, just like jikookers do, the difference? Jikookers won't find anything ever bc there's nothing to find, they are friends and bandmates, so them being the official company ship is as safe as it can be, tk's case is not the same.
Now it's funny bc the moment the tae//nnie bs started I told my friend that we probably could except a bit more of tk content coming from the company and I wasn't disappointed lmao, this is my view: thanks to that rouse Tae is seen by the world as a straight man who was/is (many locals dont even know about the break up news)in a relationship with a female idol and that also takes off legitimacy from the ppl who noticed stuff about him and his bandmate, it's just shippers delusions, even many ppl who suspected tk left the wagon after that.
So yeah I think hybe can afford to slightly show them more and monetize (and that also includes aiming to not lose much of the many different demographics that "consume" the BTS members during their absence and shippers are part of the this) that compared to before and still in a very controlled way, there is a bit of a risk mitigation with this companies' pushed rumor which is of course still not enough and hence the still controlled bc the risk is still present and as you said we have to take into account tk themselves, their priority is protecting what's important to them too, if you see the most content from the company we have seen of them together lately is just them being close (which they always were);and supporting each other, nothing super big or elaborated, not them putting on a show or being put on a show or anything, the only reason is noteworthy and has jikookers crying is bc years ago even that was something that wasn't shown (eg burn the stage etc).
I have a lot more opinions on the company's way of moving but I'm keeping it short 🫶
There are so many interesting layers to the way the company deals with Taekook, and to how the fandom perceives and feels about them. Where a lot of Taekookers think they've been too extreme in underselling or undermining their bond in official content, I don't think it's been quite as bad as most do. They still get featured quite a bit, I mean BV and In the Soop have shown us some classic Taekook moments. And they did start out capitalizing on that, the Bon Voyage cuddle was teased in promo images and then eventually included in bonus content. That moment making it into official content still blows my mind. I think it's a pretty intimate moment, I've gone over the clip so many times and believe there are kisses exchanged. It's wild. But 2016 is where the most noticeable shift happened. At the same time, I have also felt they do a little too much at times with the editing and it results in some weirdness, and that because heteronormativity covers for _a lot_ they could probably get away with showing more. That bias is so strong and engrained in everyone. But you make a great point about there being an added inherent risk for something that would need to be hidden, even if it's something most people would brush off. Like I've said before, I'm not a fan of the company for many reasons but if what they're doing is what they actually think is the best way of protecting them it's easily understandable. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, sorry it took so long for me to get to answering this.
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erigold13261 · 2 years ago
What could be happening in the FRAU/Earth-42
Miles as the Prowler (his dad died instead of his uncle)
Hobie also as a criminal (Hobie Brown is the OG Prowler in the comics)
Pavitr trying to run away to Vinyl City and get help from Sayu crew, then realizes horrible shit going on (Gayatri and him broke up)
Gwen… she could be Gwenom (Gwen with the Venom Symbiote) (how would that translate in the NSR world) (isn’t out yet too)
Margo and Peni being numb inside bc of all the bs they went through in Nueva York
Noir isolating themself because of the color bleaching
Peter B losing MJ and being left with Mayday Parker
… yeah this is all I can think of as of now
I think there might be a fundamental misunderstanding of what my Failed Revolution is. It's not just an "everything is bad" AU, it's just a small change in history that changed a lot of people's past, and so changes how they react to certain things. Not everyone is going to have a completely negative experience in FRAU.
The reason most of the NSR cast got a bad version is because they were directly affected by a change in Neon J's history (this change caused the war to go on a few more years, my 1010 dolls to all be destroyed, the Goolings having an even worse break up which changed Tatiana and is probably the biggest reason so many NSRtist have a shittier time in this AU).
Before the failed revolution, things were almost entirely the same as OG NSR with just some minor differences. Major ones being Sayu's Crew living with their own families and 1010 being even less human than before. B2J, DJSS, Mama, Yinu, and Eve were all relatively the same before the revolution. It's only what happens afterwards that changed how people acted.
So yeah, if people are gonna give ideas for Failed Revolution AUs, then please keep this in mind. That being said, I will try and work with you ideas! I just wanted to clear the air because it just feels like people see my FRAU and think it's supposed to be the worst version of each character.
Okay, so Miles as the Prowler. I personally don't know shit about the Prowler at all, so I can't really give a great in depth analysis of this idea. But honestly, with this AU, I never even really saw Aaron as being a villain or bad guy. I saw him as getting caught up in something he shouldn't have and couldn't leave when he wanted to winding up in his death.
His death also happened before the NSR revolution by a few years. So most likely Miles (and other younger gen of people) wouldn't have been affected as much. However, since the Border Wars did rage on for a few more years, depending on how global you see that war, some history in America could have changed.
Possibly Aaron ends up living while Jefferson dies. I don't really know why or how, but this could have happened. I still don't see Miles as being a criminal though because the NSR world I feel like doesn't have the same kind of superhero villains that the Prowler is. Maybe Miles gets caught up in some shady business, sure, but I don't see him going into supervillain kinda territory.
As for Hobie, same deal with not being a supervillain type deal as the Prolwer (but it is cool to know he was the OG Prowler in the comics), but I do see them as being like a petty criminal. Mainly stealing for food or squatting for shelter because in this AU, Ex-Jay is more bitter with the world and basically gave up on music for a few years. That would mean Hobie never befriends them and so it instead has to support itself after being abandoned/running away from home (probably gets sent to Nueva York a year earlier or something).
I don't see a reason why Pav and Gayatri would have to break up in this AU. I also don't see Pav as running away to Vinyl City because Eve in this AU isn't as kind to Remi (she's pretty bitter about her parents divorce, and in this AU she shows that bitterness outwardly instead of isolating herself like I think OG Eve does), so Pav wouldn't have a reason to really go there. Pav and Remi most likely aren't even close (possibly don't even know each other) because of Eve trying to not associate with the paternal side of her family, so Pav wouldn't have Eve as a connecting point to Remi.
I for some reason like the idea of Venom being a disease, don't know what I will do with this idea since I don't know much about Venom, but I'll come up with something.
As for Gwen, I actually see her story as being relatively the same as the OG NSpidR AU except she doesn't have Miles as comfort. Miles, after losing his father, looks more to his uncle for help and solace than for a support group. So Gwen is all alone in Peter's death and ends up alone in Nueva York.
Margo and Peni would have similar histories to what they had before. The only difference might be with Peni as I can see the Border Wars somehow affecting kits family but I don't have any ideas for the specifics right now. Honestly, I think it would be funny if Peni's family stayed in England and Peni was actually born in England instead of being born in America. Peni ends up having a stronger connection to her cousin Asa in this version.
Noir, same deal as Margo and Peni, EXCEPT! I can see them as slowly starting to isolate themself as time goes on. At first they thought they were content with their color condition, but it was only because of Miles that they actually accepted it. Without Miles, Noir would slowly lose the battle of lies they are trying to tell themself in that they are fine, and then start isolating themself more and more.
Peter B. and MJ could probably still break up. Especially if Peter B. is putting more time into Nueva York, which I can see happening. In that case it would be split parenting with Mayday Parker because I don't see any situation where MJ would just leave her with Peter and not even try having some custody. Though honestly. I kinda see Peter having a similar history as his OG NSpidR version. It all depends really on how Miguel is affected by this universe.
With Miguel, he isn't as affected by stuff in the past. The only thing I can really see happening is that he was more friends with Papa and Mama, and possibly something happened and they were no longer friends. Maybe Mama and Miguel had an argument over Papa's failing medical condition or his death just tore Miguel and Mama apart as friends. I mean, fuck maybe he started hating the two because they had a kid and his is dead. Or Mama forced Papa to no longer be friends with Miguel because he killed his kid by being out of control with his powers (I say forced because Papa wonders what Mama could be capable of with her powers and so he wanted to be there to support Miguel in the same way he thought Miguel would support them if something like that happened). But yeah, still don't know much about Miguel in this AU.
The reason why most of these histories aren't changed is for 2 reasons. Most of the main changes in my OG FRAU is centered around Asia and Europe, so since most of the Spider Cast is somewhere in the Americas or (from) West Europe, the affects of the changes in FRAU are not as prevalent in Miguel's area.
The second reason is because most of the cast is of a younger generation. Tatiana is almost 50 and Neon J is like mid to late 60s while a majority of the spider cast are still in their teens. The ones who aren't are only in their like early to mid 30s, so they are changed a bit, but not nearly as much as if they would have been changed if they were a bit older.
Then I guess, technically a third reason is because music isn't AS important in Miguel's area. The focus is on powers. Music is still incredibly important as it is a power source, but since Miguel is caring about natural powers and not musical powers, the major history changes of FRAU aren't going to affect Miguel's area because those affected music more than anything.
Plus, by the time the NSpidR revolution happens, it's about 2-3 years after the Rock Revolution (which is funnily enough also when the Failed Revolution takes place, 2-3 years after the fail), which means any of the meaningful changes that happened BECAUSE of the failed revolution, wouldn't hit the spider kids areas until later because of the distance.
So maybe your ideas could still happen, definitely Margo and Peni's I can see, but it wouldn't be at the same moment as the FRAU is taking place, but a few years later. I hope that makes sense.
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cookie-de-baunilha · 5 months ago
After doing some thinking, I definitely think a lot of Percy’s issues come not only from his toxic religious zealot father, but also from his relationship with his mother.
I’m not saying she didn’t love or care for him, Percy seems to remember her with fondness, unlike his father. And we know that, unlike his father, his mom respected Percy’s dislike for his real name and never called him that way. But family dynamics are waaay more complicated than that.
There wasn’t much she could’ve done to shield Percy from his father’s abuse, she was probably abused herself (Percy saying that she wasn’t sorry when he died speaks volumes). Divorce wasn’t an option back then. Just leaving him wouldn’t be simple either bc: 1) they would have to leave London and go somewhere else to escape him and also avoid the scrutiny of their religious community; 2) financial dependency, after all, they struggled financially after his death and that would’ve happened if she left him too, so maybe she wouldn’t choose that willingly.
It definitely wasn’t an easy situation with a quick getaway, so I don’t blame her, but that doesn’t change the fact that she was the other parent that couldn’t protect Percy properly. The good parent, but unable to protect her child nonetheless. We have a tendency to believe that only the openly toxic/abusive parent is traumatizing to the child, but the good parent can be too — precisely because of their “passiveness” on the face of the abuse their child is suffering.
Anyways, his father did die and they were freed from him eventually. But if they were already poor before that, their financial situation got super critical with his passing.
She tried to give Percy up for adoption because she knew she didn’t have money to sustain them both. And I know Percy seems very empathetic of his mother’s situation when he is talking about it, he says he doesn’t blame her for it. But we notice that that is a touchy subject to him: he is quick to dismiss it, but we can read between the lines how much that affects him. And we can probably see the effect that has on him with his low self esteem and abandonment issues (which aren’t caused only by this situation, but this is definitely one of the sources methinks).
Now, the next one I believe is what really fucks Percy up the most, even if it’s unconscious on his side.
Percy being forced (not by her, I mean the circumstances) into prostitution at the age of 14 because they were living in extreme poverty and starving. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that she wouldn’t have at least suspected that something was off. I don’t think she knew it was prostitution, but she would’ve definitely clocked that it was something shady because wdym you and your 14yo kid are broke af, not even a penny to buy food, and suddenly out of nowhere he starts to show up at home with all of that money after spending hours out in the streets of London without you knowing exactly what he is doing???
Like I’m sure he came up with something to tell her, but she would’ve known it was bs and that Percy was probably involved in some kind of criminal activity. It was one of those “don’t ask questions” situations. And again… she didn’t do anything to protect him.
“Oh she didn’t know” it doesn’t matter. Remember, it’s all unconscious. I don’t think Percy has any kind of conscious resentment of her, but I do believe those things build resentment on a deeply unconscious level. On a surface level, Percy doesn’t blame her for anything. But maybe there is a part of Percy that, deep down, wanted her to have rescued him, to have protected him from all of those traumatic experiences. His father. The prostitution.
All of that is in line with Percy’s perception of himself and his (perceived) inability to take himself out of harmful situations, to save himself (see Weber), because he is operating on a deep level of C-PTSD that involves parental, religious and sexual trauma.
Percy looks for a savior, someone that can rescue him, because he believes himself to be unable to do that — and I think a lot of that comes from his mother not being able to save him from prostitution and, earlier in life, save them both from his father. He thinks he is weak and a coward, forever stuck on that victim place and, guess what!!, that is his traumatized inner child speaking.
And that’s why every time someone in this fandom goes on about how Percy is weak and a coward I get sick to my stomach. Y’all have 0 empathy for victims the moment they don’t fit into the “perfect victim” role. And he is not even that bad like?????? Some people treat him like he has committed 30 different human rights violations istg you are the ones that are weak, y’all wouldn’t last a day in the ASOIAF or the IWTV fandoms 😭😭
Percy’s actions are mostly harmful to him, not other people.
TL;DR: Percy has (or rather, had 🥺 rip king) a lot of unpacking to do wrt his mother because there’s definitely A LOT going on there that most people overlook because the trauma caused by his father is more obvious. And the issues with his mother are even HARDER to deal with precisely because of how unconscious they are and the complex coexistence of feelings like love and resentment.
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gracefullou · 6 months ago
"Almost as if Sony overlaid Fine Line and Walls promo because they wanted to promote one over the other..."
Yes Fine Line was being promoted at the same time Walls was being promoted because they were released 6 weeks apart. It's not a conspiracy ffs. Fine Line was Sony's biggest-selling album for about 9 months. They were not thinking about Walls when they promoted it. Those two albums were not being mentioned in the same conversations. Get real.
What has Harry playing a show or having dinner or being at a birthday party got to do with Walls, and why do you know and why do you care?? Honestly it's this kind of unhinged stuff from fans that keeps Louis tied to Harry forever.
Zero reading skill whatsoever. Read that ask and answer again. The anon said that they hope LT3's release would be distanced from TS and the weekend for obvious reasons and Hrry's bc it happened before and larries and directioners proved their loyalty belongs to that man only. Those things over lapping don't matter to you bc you're not a larry and obviously a Hrry fan 😬 but these people think those two are married and find it completely acceptable how the promo of the two albums went (only fl was promoted), how Hrry was in another continent the release of walls and so many other things like Sea mentioned. And fyi, Hrry wasn't the big star he is now before fl. He needed larries and directioners at the time (he doesn't anymore). If only they showed a little support towards Louis with the whole Euphoria thing, if only they expressed their anger when the ugly baldie dared to disrespect Jay and call her someone's mom, if only they called him out when that man said very proudly and insensitively how he always knew he wanted to sing the whole thing when he was in the band (he basically sang the whole song minus like 30 secs and even that wasn't enough. Imagine how Louis and Niall felt 😬. And that wouldn't be a problem if he said that with more finesse and consideration since the start of the hiatus instead of the big stink about fans getting tired of us 😂. Everyone knows he was the one who "suggested" the hiatus and man basically confirmed that he did it bc he wanted solo and still got zero backlash. I really believe that the fl promo is the reason his team knows he can get away with anything when it comes to his stupid fans bc if they ignored that, they'll ignore everything else). That whole campaign reeked of desperation, they left no stone unturned. Idk how his "fans" didn't get tired of his shirtless pics and him saying the word sex every two sentences 😭. To answer your question, why do i know? Bc in 2019 Louis was yet to release his album, i was on Twitter a lot waiting for updates and i was pretty indifferent towards Hrry so his name wasn't blocked and it was his album promo time ofc he was all over my tl (his name and many things about him are blocked now and still i get the jumpscare of seeing his face regularly 💔. Also, can y'all stop pretending that you don't get updates about the other memebers when they do something bc i dislike all of them and have their name and many things associated with them blocked and still they show up in my tl 😔). And thank god i know otherwise maybe i would've bought the bs larries say to defend the Euphoria thing and the someone's mom comment (it's funny how you lived through something and you know exactly what happened and then you have someone who probably wasn't even there at the time and try to tell you no you didn't see that you're wrong 🙄). It's not me or us who call out larries' behavior and sometimes that man's actions in relation to Louis and the band who are tying Louis to him. It's the larries who after everything disregard Louis' pride, his ambition, his self respect to ship him with a man who has never ever showed him half the grace, half the kindness. Even in the ask you're referring to, Sea moved on to express her happiness with fitf and how things are different for Louis now, it doesn't really matter how close/ distant his album's release will be from that man's.
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softjaeyvn · 7 months ago
August 9, 2024 | 1:21am
heyyy,, sooo its been a minute since i last updated my blog and 2023 has been a wild year with a lot of ups and downs, but im not really gonna talk about those stuff tonight.
today and the past few days has been kinda hard for me despite being on break from school. idk if i told you guys but i passed (well, reconsidered) my dream university! ust has always been the dream for me and never in a million years would i have traded it for anything. i was both excited and anxious on moving to schools, the expectations, the new environment, the people, and the overall culture. you can’t imagine the happiness i felt when i got accepted here in ust. many times during the reconsideration process i have felt on giving up but i pursued with it just to get in to my dream university.
now, i’m currently in my senior year of high school (yahoo) and ill soon be graduating ust-shs! ever since i was a kid, i had my eyes on which dream profession i would pursue when i grow up. but lately, i became undecisive on which course i’ll take in college. since i’m really into photography and filming, i kinda wanna take ab communication arts and my friends also adviced me to take ab comm instead of bs tourism since ab comm is more broad when it comes to picking your job in the future and i read that you don’t really have to take bs tourism to become a flight attendant so all roads lead me to ab comm right? but the reason i’m conflicted between these two is because of (1) most of my friends that is my blockmates are leaning towards bs tourism. so if i take ab comm, i would probably have to make new friends again. but there’s also a part of me that wants to distance myself from them since i had trauma with most of my blockmates. mostly because they don’t cooperate much and only do the tasks last minute and i dont like doing last minute works, (2) i researched the subjects from ab comm and bs tourism and compared them from one another. im nervous for thesis writing which ab comm has on 2nd year up until 3rd? i think. anyways, im not really that good in research and my last research took a toll on me bc of how incompetent my groupmates were. one even had the audacity to use chatgpt to search for our theoretical framework AND didn’t show up during the defense day. and lastly (3) my ate graduated from the same course (ab comm) with latin honors (cum laude) and that just makes me want to achieve latin honors too. no one’s really pressuring me to achieve anything and its mostly just me putting pressure on myself to do well so that i can match the efforts and achievements my relatives had. idk but to me, if i don’t achieve something in the course taken by one of my relatives before, i would think i’m not working hard enough and that i’m a failure. if i apply for ab comm then that pressure would be put onto me by myself. i don’t want to become a shadow of one of my relatives that graduated with latin honors just because i enrolled the same course as her and couldn’t match her achievements. all im saying here is that i’m insecure of how smart my family is and im not. they all achieved something in life while im just here. existing.
These conflicts about my course in college just scratch the surface on why i’m ranting right now. since i’m already a senior, i’m entitled to take all the cets from the big 4 universities. upcat was the first among the four that opened its doors for admissions, of course i wouldn’t miss the chance to apply so i did. as i’m writing this, it would only be 1 day left till i take upcat. i’m already getting burnt out because i wasted my time goofing around instead of reviewing for this. i asked for reviewers from my friend that attended a review session today and watched some of its lecture videos then got to answering a mock test. idk what i was honestly expecting what my grade would be but i was surprised that i got only a 30% and that is definitely not good. i know that that’s what i get for not reviewing enough but i was still somehow disappointed with it.
now, this wouldn’t really be a big of a deal for me since i’m only taking the test for added experience, im already thankful that i got accepted in ust. i just think of it as bragging rights for when i do pass. it’s honestly rewarding to see a “congratulations” on the screen and people would immediately think you’re so smart because you passed one of the most hardest to pass cets in the country.
why am i ranting over this? you might ask. ever since i got enrolled here in ust, the tuition fee is not a joke. 50k for one semester, that would equal to 100k for just one school year. now, i know that this is the consequence for enrolling in a prestigious university but the desire to get into my dream university blinded me from these kinds of things. now that i’m in my senior year, the fees increased by 4% and went from 50k to 60.5k for one semester. and that really took a toll in both me and my mom’s finances. we already applied for a voucher from peac since the start of my junior year but it has still yet to be applied so my mom is still paying full installments for my tuition fee. we also recently applied for a scholarship from our local city to try and somehow get discounted prices for my tuition. but, if my application doesn’t get approved, i will probably say goodbye to ust sooner.
When i was still choosing on what university ill go to for shs and college, staying in ust wasn’t really my plan at all. in fact, i thought that i’ll just take shs in ust and then transfer universities after. but that changed when i experienced what it’s like to become a thomasian to the point where i grew fond of the campus and lore and even the people that are just so so friendly and welcoming. i didn’t wanna leave so soon. i don’t want to suddenly leave after just 2 years of staying there. i want ust to become my second-home up until i graduate college.
my mom has been urging me to review and do well for upcat because it’s a state university and doesn’t have tuition fees (they probably still have but lower compared to ust) and given our current financial situation, she badly wants me to pass upcat. but i don’t really see myself in that institution and i just don’t think i have the mental capacity to pass that exam. now, its putting pressure on me because i might lose my chance of staying in ust in college, this might be my last year in ust and being a tomasino; or i might lose my mind if i ever do pass upcat and become an isko for college. i’ve already heard stories from seniors that they got delayed from graduating at up because of how hard it is to study there, and their thesis there are supposedly individual work which just goes back to my rant over me being conflicted with my course to take in ust (i hate research and im scared of thesis).
i honestly would love to study in up but im just being realistic with myself, i may bite more than what i can chew but that doesn’t mean i’m over optimistic to myself. i don’t want to have an expectation brought unto me just because im studying in ust or up. i really do hope i get the chance to stay in ust because i can’t see myself in any other university other than ust. ust has only been my home for a year and it has been a life-long dream to study here. i have yet to experience many thomasian traditions and i don’t wanna leave just yet.
ps: it’s been 2 days since treasure’s 4th anniversary! im really proud of them. i probably wouldn’t be the person i am today if i haven’t met them
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ebdanon · 11 months ago
okay i took a nap and im feeling a bit better now, so let's start with some lore (lol) first because even two years later, she still keeps bringing it up. typos galore, beware!
ever since the proposal happened, my mil has thought my parents knew about it ahead of time, and somehow she's twisted that scenario into thinking my parents are giving my husband and i instructions on who to be and what to do. allegedly, her own mil and fil used to do that to her husband so "she knows the signs" - im saying allegedly because ive never confirmed that 100% and as we can see from the start, she has a wild imagination
from the first moment we started trying to organize the wedding, she started shit talking my parents. how they're good for nothing, conniving, selfish and in charge. i figured it's nothing too bad, probably wedding-related stress is what's got her into the conspiracy. whenever she talked about my parents, it was while screaming to my husband about whatever it is she decided the topic of the day would be. usually it was about her son's disrespect because he decided to propose two months after his grandmother (mil's mom) passed away, and then have a wedding so soon after on top of that. but that never made sense because he asked for permission to do all that multiple times. yes, permission, in case she gets offended. she said it's not a problem each time, even encouraged him, then turned around and walked the whole thing back. either it was bad because it was so soon and she was still grieving, or it was too late and she wanted her mom to attend the wedding but my husband was selfish for not doing anything earlier.
~slight intermission here
mil is an only child, and that was when she claims she was left alone in the world, because her dad passed a few years before her mom. she was obsessed with local and religious traditions we have in terms of people passing away, but after her mom it got worse and worse, to the point where she'd go to the cemetery each week and if at any point that wasn't possible, she'd throw a tantrum. all she talks about these days are "the good times" when they were alive, the suffering she put them through or when she's going to the cemetery next and what she plans to do there. i understand grief, but you cant claim you're alone in the world when you've made a whole ass family of your own... unless you've somehow fucked it up so bad that you feel you can't rely on them, which i wasn't sure at the time was the problem, but i am now
intermission end~
six months later, we've finally relaxed from the wedding bs, when the health issues started for my husband. fil works at the hospital in our hometown, and mil is hospital-adjacent. since most things in this country works on "i know someone who can help you" (in the sense from knowing where the best locally sourced cheese is for example, to enrolling you in school, or even making a crime disappear) we decided to go back so he could get checked out by more doctors because the gp we had just gave him some antibiotics and sent him home, which obviously wasn't effective after trying it out. in the meantime i called up my aunt, a specialist doctor living abroad, for advice in case she can help sooner. so we arrived at my mil and filled armed with a bit more information, which was "get him to the gastrointestinal wing at a hospital bc they can point to exactly what he needs for exams and then treatment". in the next four days, his dad took us (i went everywhere with them as my husband was exhausted) to about twenty doctors in the hospital where he works, that doesn't have a gastrointestinal wing, and my husband got bloodwork done each time. the results showed he's fine each time. the symptoms never stopped. it was almost two weeks now. to see these doctors you need a recommendation from your gp but with the system i explained (knowing someone) they can examine you on the down low. out of that number of specialists (from doctors specializing in heart or blood diseases to infectious diseases), only two said he should go to a gastrointestinal wing in any other hospital to get checked out. the rest just assumed it was a stomach bug or food poisoning or some sort of parasite and just prescribed more pills. one recommended a parasite test which turned out to be negative and had him continue insisting it must be a parasite it just probably moved from the gut to another place. with each new doctor, came a new report we had to make to his parents of who said what, when, and what happened next, because they "must know". when those two doctors said different hospital, we brought up my aunt, but there was an issue there. first from both my fil and mil talking about how she's a shitty doctor despite meeting her once at the wedding (aka a non medical situation), how her mother was a shit doctor too (she worked at the same hospital my fil does, passed away over a decade ago), we should never listen to a dumbass, she's evil and who knows what else, it was a lot. another issue was, my fil would have to drive to the hospital because my husband was in a terrible condition and i have no experience driving even though i have a license (im scared of it). my fil wouldn't take his own son, despite begging. he did take him to another hospital to get his hormones checked though, while my fil was getting checked out for his own gut issues at the same fucking time. this was already like a month in, so the moment my husband felt a bit better, we asked my parents to drive us to the other town we were living in. my parents are quite unreliable so i dont usually involve them in most aspects of my life but that was a positive surprise. an example of that was, i asked them to stay for 30ish minutes so we could unpack, instead of just dropping us off, in case we needed help (like a quick run to a store 2mins away to buy basic food stuff because we were away for a month) because we were both exhausted but they were in a hurry to to back home because they had errands to run. they had the rest of the day but i guess they were desperate for those 30mins. so we finally called up my aunt again, to let her know of all the doctors and exams and she recommended the same thing again, she was even more sure about it and gave us a handful of potential issues, and only one doctor brought up the same things before and recommended the same thing but my in laws thought hes wrong (because they suddenly became medical experts) so they ignored him. ~ask continued
im deeply afraid of where this is going
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devonsbuckethat · 3 years ago
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“Your manager please?”
Devon x gn!reader
Cw: Devon and reader dealing with a Karen because no matter where you go there is always going to be at least one trying to be annoying (also maybe slight TW of Devon blaming himself for letting this happen)
Devon comfort, bc he's just a poor boy being paid minimum wage to deal with people's bs
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The store was awfully quiet, occasionally a few people would walk in occasionally, quickly buying something and leaving. Some stayed in to hang out after school, but seeing you making your way into the shop after school made the cashier's heart flutter a bit.
He loved when they took time out of their day to drop by and help around the shop, even if his manager was slightly tired of it. It was about a quarter past 5 in the afternoon and business was slow and rather calm.
At this point, youhad decided to hop behind the counter to talk to their lover, who looked at peace with them there.
“I'll be right back, love” they said, scooting their way under his hat to give him a peck on the forehead.
“It's boring when you leave, be quick.” he said as he slightly pouted a bit
They gave him a thumbs up as they walked out the store, but the timing couldn't be worse, as they left a woman entered. She looked to be in her mid 40s, maybe late 30s, she walked with a purse held in the inner crook of her elbow as her heels clicked and clacked across the glossy floor.
She went to the drinks' area of the store, grabbing a Red Bull before heading up to the front of the shop now meeting eye to eye with the cashier who looked like he didn't want to spend another minute there.
“Just these and two packs of cigs, Belmont, to be specific.”
Devon kneeled down to grab two cigarette packs with the specified brand the customer wanted, before scanning them as well as her drink.
“I'm gonna need to scan your ID, ma'am” He said as his fingers tapped the front counter to a rhythm.
“Isn't it obvious, I'm old enough?” the woman said with a smart aleck tone to her voice.
“Listen ma’am it’s store policy I see your ID even if I can clearly tell you are old enough” Devon spoke looking around in hopes that you would walk in those doors and be his savior to the issues he wish he didn’t have to face alone like an upset customer who’s wasting more time not doing what he’s saying then actually listening and doing what was told.
Thankfully he saw you on the other side of the street walking over, though he wishes you could’ve put a little more pip to your step just knowing you were coming back relaxed him a little.
“Well if you can clearly tell I obviously don’t need to show any ID to you, especially to what a 16 year old who probably doesn’t even have an ID of your own?” She said crossing her arms knowing damn well she could in fact just show him her ID but apparently she has her pride to look out for.
“it’s 17…” he said, while his voice began to slightly crack up a bit
“Doesn’t change the fact, just tell me my total and I won’t have to cause a scene”
As much as Devon wanted to just follow through with what she said because a scene is the last of his concerns and especially one he didn’t want to deal with. Seeing you come through the doors finally gave him the bit of relief and confidence to take her on himself.
“I’m not gonna do that ma’am I need some ID please” You walked in the store with your own bag from another store, it seemed you got Devon a few trinkets from a nearby thrift store, you knew how much he loved seeing what you would get him.
At this point the woman was fed up, no she wasn’t going to give any ID pff why would she? Whatever she says goes right? Because obviously the customer is always right…right? No reason to rebel against a woman like her, no, not at all.
“I want your manager!” She said, which perked up your ears a bit, the sound of Devon asking why she wanted the manager over something so little was also being talked about. You put the bag in your hands next to the backpack you brought over and laid behind the counter.
“Excuse me, do you work here?!” The woman spoke out suddenly to you while adjusting her purse over her shoulder with a hand on her hip at this point.
“I mean no, but I know the cashier” you shrugged a bit noticing Devon’s demeanor changed to a more relaxed look, but he still wasn’t happy with the scene being presented to him especially since he had to see this woman getting mad at you when you barely walked in.
“Tell him I don’t need to show any ID when it’s obvious I don’t need to!” She pointed to him, as both you and your boyfriend kinda just stared back and forth at each other, as you tried to hold in the laugh that wanted to make itself known.
“It’s store policy and not even that hard to do” you said leaning against the counter to give your statement to the woman.
“God, if no one’s going to get me an actual adult then I’ll just go and have to look for one myself” the woman moved to the side of the front counter where the back door was as she quickly knocked before opening up. Yet to her dismay, there was no one back there.
“Kids can’t even do their damn jobs right, go back to school and maybe get a job that you can actually do correctly!” she said tossing the cigarettes and dramatically slammed the drink on the counter as the two caught them before they could slide off the counter.
The sound of the same ‘clicks’ and ‘clacks’ were rather quick as she made her way out of the store quickly, you took her drink and put it back to where it was supposed to be as Devon put back the cigarettes underneath the counter.
The sound of his phone typing started up, he was texting pretty quick even if he’s known to take his time with things, about 10 minutes later one of your guy’s friends from school came in with the same outfit Devon wore.
“I owe you one” Devon said, you gave them a pat on the shoulder as well as a nod of approval as the two of you quickly made your way to the back room, as you brought your bag and backpack to the back.
As soon as Devon sat down you felt the tension rising, you sat next to him as he put his head down on his arms to rest after what happened. You put an arm around his shoulder, trailing to the middle of his back, and started to rub up and down along him.
“Um… I’m sorry for letting that get out of hand” he said, muffled a bit because of his head in his arms, He had so much more to say but at the same time had no way to say it.
“There wasn’t anything you could do, love, you did what you were supposed to do, and she didn’t accept it, simple as that.” Your voice calm and fluid.
“But I should’ve been able to do something more about it” he said now resting only his chin on his arms as an awkward pause made its way after a few seconds “I’m no good at this…” he closed his eyes. Inhaling a bit before letting out a sigh.
“Hey, none of that now, look at me.” Your hand made its way off his back to the side of his cheek, gesturing him to look in your direction.
He turned his head to look at you as you pulled his hat off and laid it on the table you both sat at, your hand on his cheek and hair, the other going through his black locks of hair, which you know he liked.
“You’re so good at the things you do, you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to know every solution to every problem y’know? You’re human, not infallible. It’s okay to fail, and it’s okay to not have resolve to something that should, we’re all going to wish we could do what we can’t, but even I know you’re going to have times like this where things kinda go out of your control. Babe, you’re human and I love you for you, especially the imperfect bits about you, because I get to talk about how much they make me love you more and more.”
Silence filled the air before the sounds of him choking up began, the sounds of his nose beginning to sniffle and finally the feeling of his grabbing your hand that was still on his cheek as he let himself melt into your touch. He wasn’t going to let himself be a whole sob fest for you, but just seeing him trust you enough to be like this was more than you could ever ask.
“You don’t have to be strong anymore, let me hold you, I’ll keep you safe” you said pulling him into your warm and secure embrace, letting himself be free and away from the problems of the modern world even if just for a few minutes.
As time went by his quiet cries softened and his breathing leveled out, his thumb was his in the palm of your hand, feeling you, knowing you’re there with them and keeping him safe.
“Oh! Babe I got you this” he felt your hand slip away from him to grab the bag you went out and got, his face was back to that confused look but without the disinterest across his face. You grabbed a small bracelet with a half black heart charm on it, as you put it around his right wrist.
You pulled a second one out as you requested him to put it on your left wrist, after a few minutes of struggling with each other’s bracelet you were able to intertwine each other’s hand with one another’s as the bracelets charm was magnetically connected which lit up his face with a smile.
“This is sick, thanks a lot babe” he said laying his head on your shoulder as you two sat there in peace and no worry in the world
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The friend group realizing you’re in a relationship with Devon
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Whether you do or don’t actually skate it doesn’t matter, you spend a lot of time near skate parks, so you can get away from a lot of the more populated areas of the city. That’s how you met Miriam, you were relaxing maybe drawing some scenery, or maybe you were riding around, and you piqued her interest to come say hi.
Either way you became friends with her rather quickly, you both were rather fond of one another and the friendship was pretty nice, you understood each other’s humor, and you were so supportive of each other.
It didn’t take long for Miriam to want to introduce her other friends to you, they were nice to talk to as well as meet. Except a girl in purple poked around the bracelet you wore to fidget with, you never really worried until the dreaded question.
“Who has the other piece to the bracelet y/n?” now on any other day you would assume it would be easy to just go and say ‘oh y’know the guy who works at the daisy mart mhm he’s my boyfriend yup’ but what you found out was that around the same time every weekday before you visit your boyfriend the group of friends begin to leave while looking all dazed in thought or something.
That’s when you were told by your boyfriend that he has children admirers, and it didn’t take long for you to decipher that this group here is the same group who has a crush on the guy who you are dating. You could easily admit that your lover is in fact, but Devon, but at the same time letting the kids have their fun was at stake.
“Oh, just one of my friends who goes to school. Cant go wrong with a friendship bracelet every now and again” you smiled with pride even though it was evident to you that, there was no pride behind that smile but only the fact that you had a malicious idea in mind
The five of you spent some more time with each other before it was eventually decided for everyone to head on home, this plan crisp in your mind as you drift off to sleep.
The next day went on as planned, getting through the dreaded classes, having to listen to lectures and talks about the subjects you had to learn, you made it through the day with only one hope in mind that the group would be on their way to see Devon.
You were a few buildings away, but you were able to practically see the blush on all of their cheeks even from how far you were, you began walking while looking down on your phone to act as if you couldn’t see nor hear them at all, even with all the small bickering about you joining them.
“y/n!” “hey hey, y/n!” “Y/N!!” “y/nnnnn…”
You ignored their callouts to your name as you pushed the doors to the Daisy mart open, while everyone watched in awe of your bold move, or at least it was bold to them.
Devon turned around from looking at all the items on the wall as he was met with you, hands in your pockets, walking towards him with a welcoming grin. He grew a soft smile as he saw you, which made the group outside squint with intrigue as to what they were seeing.
You abruptly stopped looking around at the items on the shelves nearby, picking up a few snacks as you put them on the counter
“Work been treating you well?”
“It’s been fine, but I guess it’s even better with you here”
You both smiled at one another before he began scanning your items and putting them in a bag for you.
“Can I have a kiss?” Devon spoke shrugging knowing the answer
“Oh, needy aren’t we?” you slid the amount of money for the items to him, while also walking around behind the register, cupping his cheek in your hand.
You felt the excruciating burning sensation of 8 eyes all on you as your actions continued, the girls were practically jaw dropped yet blushing at the same time from what they were witnessing. Abby swore she could see Prius actually have a shocker look on her face from the reflection on the glass.
Your left hand went into his right as the bracelet charms connected together as you kissed him softly, but not without quickly staring over at the 4 who had assumed you didn’t notice them.
Let’s just say they wouldn’t leave you alone after what they just saw, as well as clowning on you for not telling them it was Devon who was your boyfriend.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 2 years ago
“Or you know, one could actually lay responsibility for actual crimes committed at the feet of those who commit said crimes. ” Can we come back to this pls? Can we pls talk about it cos the way kpoppies choose when to be righteous and not doesn’t even make sense? I’m a different anon but am I the only person who doesn’t understand why people hate Jungkook for dancing in Qatar when he and the whole K-pop industry had danced in Saudi Arabia some years before? What does BTS ‘represent’ now?
Ask 2: … that it didn’t represent when they performed in Saudi Arabia? Is Beyoncé who went also to the Middle East now an evil person who doesn’t care about queer people? Don’t the people who talk like this realize they sound like hyper religious nut jobs who apply weird purity tests to artists doing their jobs in complicated systems? Why is special hate reserved for Jungkook when other BTS members (including Jimin who that person obviously likes) have performed in countries with worse human rights records? And didn’t Jungkook say he thought the whole band would perform but they were busy with other things so it fell to him? Can we pls talk about this BPP bc something about that self righteous BS doesn’t sit right with me at all. Like who camps in BTS spaces with barely restrained vitriol just to hate on them regardless of whether they’re making sense or not??
Hi Anon,
I too wonder what exactly “BTS represents” but I honestly didn’t care enough to ask lmao. Whatever it is is news to me, that’s for sure. Anyway, like I’ve said before, criticism is always welcome. Neither BTS nor HYBE are infallible and that’s just expected. But we can all tell when someone is offering criticism and when someone is simply being hateful. We can recognize what is what because we all have that emotion, and usually a dead giveaway is when they’re so blinded by hate that they say something completely irrational and then think it’s justified or that they’re making sense.
A couple examples:
- I recall when I first opened this blog, maybe two years ago now, and saw an Anon raging at BTS for (1) going to the UN during Fall 2021 (after being invited and getting vaccinated and several countries were relaxing restrictions), for (2) having Diplomatic passports (that their government unilaterally awarded them), and, wait for it, (3) talking about their dreams and desire to perform (just as several artists were doing at the time, and just as many others in people-facing jobs were doing). This person was apoplectic nearly six months after BTS had gone to the UN and come back. I saw that and pointed out how insane it looked to think this was reasonable criticism, and left it at that.
- I’ve seen k-pop stans claim several times that every BTS member cannot possibly like or support women’s rights because HYBE has a business agreement with Scooter Braun. You read that right. In terms of talking points you see from k-pop stans, this is right up there with ‘BTS have no female friends’, ‘BTS’ Love Yourself series was because of a mental health survey’, and ‘Yoongi probably sexually assaulted women after Jimin sexually assaulted him during Burn the Stage’. It doesn’t matter that none of these things, simply at face value, make any sense at all because they aren’t rooted in fact. That doesn’t matter enough to dull the righteous outrage some k-pop stans feel about these topics. They’re as prevalent as anything else you see in spaces where animosity towards BTS and ARMYs is the norm, not the exception.
Criticism should be first and foremost, rational. In my opinion at least, and all of the above fall woefully short. So when I see these talking points I usually just note it and move on.
And then there’s a wider generational trend in applying moral absolutes in situations that simply do not call for it. And applying what is essentially guilt by association. While it was fashionable in the 1600s during the Salem Witch trials, it’s recently had a resurgence as more people misguidedly try to compensate for crumbling civic/liberal institutions with absolutist moral charges at other people. You’re right too that it has a religious bent, and several studies have already concluded that much. Some people absorb those narratives in spaces that offer no alternative, and so when confronted with the holes in their argument, revert to moral absolutism. It’s weird but just par for the course on the internet these days.
My personality is one that allows me to just laugh and unlook lmao. Maybe I’d feel more hurt or concerned if I cared more, but I don’t.
Anon, just as I was writing this response I got another ask on the topic (I’m assuming it’s from you), so I’ll say now I have a train to catch and will close this topic here for now.
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cmyknoise · 2 years ago
i popped into the stream briefly, like the last several minutes. it was an extreme amount of curiosity and i wanted to know if they'd written dream out or what was the plan. and i guess i found out.
i vaguely know the plan, what they're doing. i dont think i'll watch anymore- especially not tomorrow bc that one will have dream in it. i might see the very finale or watch clips of it, but that is a very very loose maybe.
god it just. the plan is "tubbo let's kill dream again!"
as if that hasn't been said like. 20 times before. as if they've not tried that over and over. and every time they fail, even if they have back up, or the best of the best armor, or fight side by side, they always fail.
they are less prepared now to do it than every time before, and their "advantage" is invisibility potions and "getting the drop" on him.
they've done that before. they are going into an enclosed space with dream, with maybe netherite armor, and the only plan being 'kill him'
they've done this before. and there's no difference now compared to the last 20 times they've done this. other than a plot-armor excuse they'll fail.
and it feels hopeless and in vain. and you can hear it in their voices- and i'll say it tommy kills it with his voice acting he always does, but they're tired and defeated already.
since wilbur left tommy's become a hermit in a tiny ass hole drinking potions and frantically coming up with plans, terrified of leaving the room because of dream.
wilbur leaving hit him super fucking hard.
i dont even know why tubbo is helping because like. ctubbo for the last several times we've seen him was immensely disinterested in things and people and even his friends so i dunno why there was a switch up again but there is, but yay clingyduo i guess?
but they're in it together and helping. pinky promised each other. tubbo didnt mention michael or having a family or even ranboo at the prospect of "we'll destroy revival" so we know that's all dead in the water. nukes dont matter, quackity is gone. and they kept emphasizing that they're adults now and they're not kids anymore.
phil showed up, said some bs about missing wilbur and utah being lovely this time of year and heard tommy is saying goodbye and is doing something dangerous and just said "here" and gave him a chestplate and god apple, i guess they're all "good" now.
tommy sat at the blue resurrection shrine and just started talking, hoping wilbur would hear, like when he'd ask prime for things. he kept asking him if he was doing the right thing or if it'd even matter and like.
clearly wilbur gone is hitting ctommy hard and stuff but like.
i dunno. i feel like its the same kids who grew up together suffering trying one last time and i know for like. plot armor reasons they'll probably win, because good endings or something, even though from everything we've seen there's literally no hope they do.
and it's just. hopeless and in vain and it really really sucks to have been in this fandom since it's beginning only for it to end like this. i honestly would've rathered there just not been an ending tbh.
im glad they're ending though. i hope they do something after something fun. it doesnt sound like they have much fun with it anymore. it feels more like a job they have to put off than something they do for fun. like they dont sound like they enjoy it like when they play other things or do vlogs or whatever. i don't know man.
it sucks, it really sucks to have spent so long enjoying something and to still want to enjoy it only for some fuck face to have ruined it and for it to go down so damn poorly thereafter.
it's whatever. i'm going back to bursona posting and doing other stuff.
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jouta-salad · 3 years ago
Hc for trick or treating with the morioh gang and sfw because I dont know if you can write this nsfw😂
CW: mentions of fake blood
Josuke would 100% dress up as a vampire. He would spend a lot of his money on making his costume perfect—including fake blood, fangs, and everything else.
His mom thinks he’s too old for this bs but he goes anyways lol
He’ll go pumpkin shopping with okuyasu and carve pumpkins the day of Halloween
Josukes favorite candy to get during trick or treating are those jumbo chocolate bars and gummies
And like the good samaritan he is, he’ll give you his candy if you want it—as long as it isn’t his chocolate bars or gummies.
He’ll abuse his stand and use Crazy Diamond to scare people and make them think they’re being haunted
“Let’s scare that bastard , Rohan. He won’t see this one coming!”
Goes with everyone to a Halloween-themed carnival and get candied-apples and wins a ton of carnival games
He’ll also dragged into a haunted house and be on the verge of tears the whole time
He’ll probably dress up as frankenstein with shaky, drawn on lines on his body and a faint green tint added to his skin. Gets an A for effort!
will try to beat up anyone who tries to scare him or Josuke
Loves all candies and will basically eat all the candy he receives.
He’ll share a few pieces with everyone though bc he loves his friends
Dresses up the hand by putting a blanket with eye holes on it so people just see a floating blanket
When he’s dragged to the carnival he has a blast playing games(he doesn’t win that much though) and going on the small spinny rides
Sticks with Josuke during the whole haunted house thing, and they probably get left behind together lol
*getting chased* “Josuke!! Don’t leave me behind!!”
Uses the hand and steal candy from people, but only a few pieces bc he isn’t that mean
He’ll go to Josuke’s house with Koichi and Josuke at some point to play video games + admire his mom
Koichi + Yukako
Koichi would dress up as a zombie, and Yukako would dress up as a nurse. Both have pretty good, standard costumes.
Yukako brings sugar cookies for the gang decorated like spiders for extra flair
Koichi offers a lot of candy to everyone, and claims he isn’t a fan of candies—though he IS a sucker for gummies and hard candies like jolly ranchers.
On the other hand, Yukako likes very specific candies, like specifically dark chocolate Hershey’s chocolates and refuses to eat skittles unless they’re purple
Koicchi was the one who invited everyone to the carnival
Koichi buys Yukako a lot of food and goes on spinny rides with her(even if he doesn’t like them) like the good bf he is
Yukako is the one who drags everyone to the haunted house
She thought it would be so fun, and she enjoyed it sm,, laughing the whole time while everyone else were literally shitting rocks
She’ll take lots of photo booth pictures and win carnival games for Koichi
Def beats up anyone who scares Koichi other than in the haunted house
He hates Halloween and refuses to celebrate it properly
But he DOES pass out some candy, which is better than nothing
Will 100% refuse to give Josuke candy when they get to his house, even after Josuke comes back and begs on his knees
“You again? I told you—I won’t give you candy!”
At first is kind of freaked out by Josuke’s pranks when he sees his cup mysteriously fall onto the floor and his chair move without him pushing it
Eventually he finds out though and chases after him and Okuyasu for a good 10 minutes before figuring it wasn’t worth his time
Writes a Halloween edition for his manga throughout October
Invites Jotaro to watch a horror movie with him, since Koichi was out at a carnival with his gf and the rest of his friends
They both hated the movie LMAO
In conclusion, Rohan just hates Halloween
Jotaro doesn’t really celebrate Halloween since idk he just doesn’t see the need to.
Also he’s just a busy man
He’ll wear a super simple costume though, like a wolf-ear headband or fake fangs.
Like Rohan, he passes out candy. He’ll def pass out chocolates
Rohan invites him to watch a horror movie and since he kind of did nothing for Halloween, he decided to just go
He hated it
He hated the suspense and the jumpscares. They made him cringe.
If Jolyne was with him though—a completely different story.
He would have a matching costume as her, and would go trick or treating with her.
They would carve pumpkins together too
Wholesome dad joot stuff 10/10
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