#bbf!keegan p russ
yawnderu · 9 months
OKAY SO LIKE. Currently plagued by thoughts of BBF!Keegan ehjfefhjb
This man is annoying as a grown ass man and as DBF!Keegan, but as someone much younger? Absolute nightmare.
BBF!Keegan, who you first met back when he was a tall and awkward kid with a squeaky voice, not interested at all in him.
BBF!Keegan, who kept showing up at your house almost every day after school to spend time with your brother. He was less awkward with time, oftentimes going to your room just to annoy you for fun.
BBF!Keegan, who got a much deeper voice once he hit puberty, now sounding much less awkward and more like a man his age rather than a squeaky toy.
BBF!Keegan, who started spending more time with you as the years went by, allowing you to braid his long, black hair and play with it as much as you wanted.
BBF!Keegan, who cuddles up with you on the couch, spending a little less time with your brother yet he doesn't mind, knowing Keegan is like family.
BBF!Keegan, who buys you small and cheap gifts since he doesn't have a lot of money, yet you always treasure them no matter what.
BBF!Keegan, who denied his feelings for you whenever your brother teased him about it, claiming he's simply being a good friend, yet still cuddling up to you every single time he comes visit and only having eyes for you.
BBF!Keegan, who almost had a heart attack when your brother told him you went out with someone. He's not half as confident as he may seem, telling you he's going to lay down on your bed with shoes on and go through your panty drawer if you don't come back as soon as possible.
BBF!Keegan, who was anxiously waiting for you, questions running through his mind over and over as he tried to distract himself by playing videogames with your brother. Did you find someone? Is he taking too long to confess? Is there anyone else that you like?
BBF!Keegan, who can finally breathe when you get home and tell him you were at a cafe with his mother, who you've been getting closer with throughout the years.
BBF!Keegan, who simply pretended he didn't know you were close with his mum to avoid looking jealous.
BBF!Keegan, who told you about his idea to join the marines, letting you watch him train and prepare for it.
BBF!Keegan, whose long hair was fully buzzed off one day the moment he was accepted in the USMC.
''Bitch, why are you bald?'' You look up at him with wide eyes, touching his bald head like it was the weirdest thing you've seen. It was odd seeing him with a buzzcut, though despite your initial shock, he doesn't look half as bad.
''Are you going to rob me?'' You ask jokingly and he gives you an awkward laugh, secretly a little self-conscious about his new haircut.
''I'll steal your heart.'' He gives you a playful wink, trying to hug you just for you to move out of the way.
''Not with that haircut, no.'' He still hugs you either way despite the way you jokingly try to get out of his grasp, holding you as close as possible.
''... Fine. It's not that bad.''
BBF!Keegan, who comes back to your house after boot camp, now sporting much more defined muscles and more confidence in his new haircut, seeing it as something to be proud of.
BBF!Keegan, who does pushups with you sitting on his back just to show off, not giving up despite the way he's struggling. Anything to impress you.
BBF!Keegan, who spends his first paycheck from the marines buying you a pretty ring and taking you to the town fair, earning you all the plushies you want.
credits to my queen @moosch for feeding my delusions about this man AND she also drew BBF!Keegan <3
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graysnetwork · 1 year
BROTHERS BEST FRIEND — Keegan Russ X fem!Reader
Notes— he will now become a character in my heart and in my blog bc I love him. And so will the friend in this story.
Info: it’s cannon for me to believe his character drives a Mercedes. he has black hair. He’s got red cheeks (I’ll probably post a pic of what I’m thinking of) idk if it’s like Rosacea but I think it’s smtg he would probably have. Keegan’s three years older than you, (your a sophomore and he’s a senior). Idk if you can tell… but this is totally ooc and set in like this time.
Warnings: none!
Summary: you’ve been crushing on Keegan for years now and he has been too.
Your brother was a pain in the ass, so annoying, But. His best friend on the other hand, was so kind to you, and handsome.
Keegan had been your brothers “best friend” for about 5 years now. They’d been friends since middle school and now they were going to graduate, Keegan was apart of the family at this point, he’d stayed at your house for so long that he would come in unannounced and go into anyone’s bedroom, parents included.
Sometimes he’d go into everyone’s rooms just to say “goodnight”, which was really funny, especially when you were a kid.
For instance, he was staying the night at your family’s home, and you were going to say goodnight to your parents but you got anxious because it was late at night, so he grabbed your hand and said goodnight with you so you wouldn’t be alone.
Keegan seemed to like caring for you, he always took the blame when you did something stupid, he’d say “oh I told her to do it, I’m sorry”
He just did it and never asked for a thank you back from you, he enjoyed taking care of you. And as you got older, all the things he did for you made you feel all warm and giddy inside. He was so sweet, how could you not have a crush on him. And when he came over and got in the pool, it made you feel all dizzy seeing him without a shirt.
And he wasn’t big on dating, he dated some girls throughout his whole five years of high school, but he never stayed for long, mostly because he couldn’t make enough time for them due to all the football practice he had.
But Keegan loved you,he always made time for you. he always liked you but once you got older, got in high school, hit puberty, he became more attracted to you, in ways he couldn’t tell your brother.
Anytime your brother asked him “do you like anyone?” Keegan just had to deny everything saying that he didn’t, and even when the blush on his cheeks was apparent he’d still say “nah, I’m waiting for the pretty girls in college” just so your brother could hop off his dick already.
But he couldn’t ask you to date him, or take you out randomly, that’d be weird, and your brother would most definitely get mad at him, and you. So safe to say that he wasn’t going to be taking you out. Plus he thought that you probably liked another guy in the school, not him— a muscular, black haired, tall, handsome man.
He was graduating soon, he was gonna go off to university and get some sort of degree, so what would be the point of dating him if he was going to leave.
Now it was a normal Friday night, the night that your family would spend time together, something that you all enjoyed, especially after a busy week of studying, work, ECT. It was something you looked forward to, and sometimes Keegan joined in if he wasn’t with his family.
Today in particular, he wasn’t with them, he was with you. The two of you were heading to the store to go buy some snacks that you and your family wanted. He was talking about what his family was doing that he decided to not join in on today.
“Yeah, they were saying something about this new small…. Art museu-” he tried to remember “museum, yeah I’ve heard of it, seems really nice, I- I mean I dunno if you’d enjoy it, but it really does seem cool” you finished his sentence and began explaining how cute it looked. Keegan smiled to himself listening to you talk about some art that they had.
He didn’t want to go to this museum with his family, but if you wanted to or offered to take him he’d gladly say yes, just to see that cute smile on your face.
Once he got into the parking lot of the store he turned off the car after parking, and while you were still talking about the art to get your mind off him being so close to you, he just gazed at you, his head tilting a little when you turned to face him.
He thought you looked so cute when you talked about things you loved or were passionate about.
“Cmon kid” Keegan told you as he grabbed the keys and hopped out the car. Kid was always his nickname for you, but it always made you feel so much younger than him and like he only saw you as a sister or family.
The two of you walked around the store, for a while before heading to the candy aisle, you two looked at the snack section and ended with grabbing some chips and cookies. Then you went to the candy aisle as Keegan held all the snack for you, that’s when you spotted your friend.
“Y/n!” She said running down the aisle to hug you. “Hii” she said as she hugged you tightly, “hey, what are you doing here” you asked and she pulled away as her brother came up behind her, “we were just getting snack-” Kim tried to say but her brother cut her off “cause she’s annoying and won’t shut up about these chocolates” he said, you giggled
And Keegan suddenly got all jealous, and a little self conscious, like he was back in middle school and he saw the girl he had a crush on talking to another guy.
“Seems like her” you said and your friend nudged you before taking in the sight of Keegan’s tall figure behind you. “And what are you two doin here?” She asked with a smirk appearing on her face.
She knew how much you liked Keegan, she was who listened to you talk about a small interaction you had with Keegan, and she fed into your delusions.
“W-we’re just getting snacks for movie night” you said, you stared at her and her brother with an annoyed face, her brother also knew you liked Keegan, which helped out because he had some classes with him.
“Yeah” Keegan said and stared dead at Kim’s brother, he looked like he wanted to kill him, and if looks could kills, he would’ve been dead the minute you started giggling.
“Well that’s cutee” kim said smirking even more now, and it was just a matter of time before you could smack her when you saw her in private. “Anyways, let’s go!” Kim told her brother and they turned around and walked out the aisle.
“She’s something, isn’t she” Keegan said turning back to you as you walked to the candy’s. “Yeah, definitely” you smiled back at him and looked at the shelf of chocolates. “Uh.. that was her, brother?” He asked, he wanted to know if you liked him in any way.
“Yeah, he’s like my brother at this point” you said chuckling. “Cool” he said and looked around the aisle.
The two of you got in the car, placing the bags down at your feet. He started the car and began pulling out of the parking spot. He was quiet now, Keegan’s not loud or anything, he never has been. but he’s never this silent, you didn’t want to question it as he turned up the volume to the radio.
“So” he cleared his throat “Kim’s.. brother, no feelings for him right?” He asked slowly as he swallowed his saliva, “yeah” you told him— the question didn’t seem odd to you, Keegan’s always been protective of you since he was older than you. But he seemed annoyed.
“Hm, why?” You smiled as you turned your head to look at him “you jealous?” You chuckled a bit before he looked at you with an annoyed expression. “was kidding, sorry” you explained quietly and turned back to the road ahead as you approached a stoplight.
“y’shouldnt be liking or dating anyone in the first place” he said, “yeah my brother would probably kill me” you giggled.
“I know someone you could date n’you wouldn’t be killed for it” he said.
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graysnetwork · 1 year
Brothers bsf type of au for Keegan making write more.
I wrote this in like an hour so bare with me as this isn’t very long.
Info: fyi, just so you know this is just a little imagine for what’s happened in the past when Keegan goes out with girls. But this isn’t set after that last part basically. FEM READER
Warnings: none.
Summary: Keegan pulls up to your house as he rushes for a date
Here Keegan was pulling up to your house, making a bunch of noise as he shoved the keys in the lock of the front door. You walked down the stairs opening the door expecting someone else like your parents. But Keegan quickly ran up the stairs while saying “thanks”
You stood there confused before looking out the door seeing his car, a girl in the passenger seat waiting patiently. You put two and two together and figured he probably left something in the guest room or your brothers room.
The girl noticed you, turning to you and waving, you realized it was a girl from your school— Emily, she was a nice girl, always had a things for Keegan from what you knew. She wasn’t rude or annoying, she was sweet and pretty. All good reasons for Keegan to go out with her.
He ran down the stairs with a shoe box in hand and the pair of Jordan’s on his feet,
“I left my shoes here, sorry, I’m in a rush” he explained while stuffing his normal shoes in the box. “It’s fine, uh.. be nice to Emily” you told him. “yeah, I will don’t worry” he told you nodding as he walked out to the porch.
“she’s a sweet girl, don’t blow her off like your last girlfriend” you informed him, he stood there forgetting about the whole rush he was in.
“yeah.. I’ll be good, promise” he said as he turned around and walked down the steps of the porch.
“alright, hope you have fun” you said closing the door quietly. It never got easier seeing him go out with girls, first of all it was just weird,
second of all you wanted to be the girl to go out with him, you didn’t care if your brother would get pissed about it, you wanted to be the one going out getting dinner and getting a kiss goodbye from him.
You just wanted to be with him, but maybe it’d ruin everything for Keegan and your brother, maybe it’d ruin your friendship with Keegan, maybe it’d hurt your feelings. Keegan would be going off the university in a year so what’s the point of trying to go out with him.
Keegan stood there for a few second as he turned around to go back to you— he’d rather take you out. Have you all to himself, and be the only guy to ever kiss your lips.
He was met with the white door.
He walked down the steps and approached his car and got in, recklessly throwing it in the back seat. As he put the car in drive.
“That was y/n right?” Emily asked him, “yeah, yeah it was y/n” he said with a huff. Emily sat there quietly as she noticed his frustration, before she broke the silence.
Even though it did hurt to ask she did it anyways,
“Do you like her?”
“What?” Keegan said furrowing his brows, the “do you like her, you seem… agitated” she reiterated.
It sounded to real, saying that he liked you, it made it real. He wanted you, need you. But being truthful and saying it out loud would mess him up, probably make him more crazy for you. He would have to deny it his whole life if he never got to be with you romantically.
“No” he said sighing and placing a hand on Emily’s thigh “I don’t, plus we should be talking about you, no?” He lied. He did like you, he loved you. He can’t say it or else he’ll have to accept it for its reality.
She smiled unknowingly at his lie and started talking about other things, he tried to answer stuff she asked, and adding things in her conversation but how could he if he was thinking about the entire time?
Hope it’s good enough ☺️
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graysnetwork · 1 year
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