South Sea Island Fic Request
Happy Friday, Outlander Fandom!
We have a request from @bazygirl :
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One fanfic certainly comes to mind with this specific setting...
Jimjeran by @betweenthescenes
Found here on Tumblr or here on AO3
This fic is a work in progress, so keep an eye out for new chapters!
Another story comes to mind when we think of tropical island settings...
Thy Life’s Assunder, Thine Heart’s Ardor by @diversemediums and @takemeawaytocamelot
First chapter of this story can be found here on Tumblr and here on AO3.
This story is also on-going, so be sure to check back for updates!
All of this crazy weather in Ireland & the UK has us craving sunny weather, beaches, and clear waters. How about you guys? What are some of your favorite Outlander fics with a tropical setting?
Happy reading!
xx The Librarians
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mama-tumblz · 4 years
Hey, mama. I'm leaving a message to bazygirl blogger if you don't mind because she doesn't have the ask feature on her site. I would love to hear some more of her celebrity stories from living in LA! The Telly Sevalas was funny, I know who he was because I remember that he was Nicolette Sheridan's step father or something. Please tell us more (and about your neighbor-did they have stalkers that you used to see on the lawn? haha)! Heard California is beautiful.
I will pass this on @bazygirl  Only if and what you’re willing to share
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