#bay of iquique
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postcard-from-the-past · 3 months ago
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Bay of Iquique, Chile
Chilean vintage postcard
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voluntarismochilensis · 4 years ago
The Pepper Country (chile pero en ingles)
Comunas de Santiago de chile :Jamestone's comunnes , Pepper country
1= lo barnechea , The Basement
2= vitacura ,Big stone
3= las condes ,The countesses
4= Provicencia = Providence (pro-vuh-dns)
5= la reina = The queen
6= Ñuñua = Yellow flowers Pl
7= Macul = White clay Pl
8= peñalolen= sheaf Valley
9= La florida = The flowerful  
10= Puente alto = High Bridge
11: Pirque = Miners zone
12= Huechuraba = clay maker place
13= Conchalí = bright valley (brait valley)
14= Independencia= independence (in-duh-pen-dns)
15= Recoleta = isolated PL
16= Santiago centro = Jameshire
17: Quilicura = Threestone
18: Renca = Herb plains
19: Pudahuel = Puddle Pl
20: Maipú: Plowed (plawd) Pl
21:Padre hurtado : St.Bert
22: San Bernardo = St. Bernie
23: La pintana = DuckField
24: lo espejo = Mirror Pl
25: El bosque = The Forest
26: La cisterna = The cistern
27: San Ramón = Saint Raymond
28: La granja = Farmers Pl
29= San joaquin = St.Kim
30: San Miguel = St.Michael
31: PAC = P.H.B (Peter Handsome bristle)
32: Cerrillos = Small Hills
33: Estacion central = Central Station
34: Lo prado = The Meadows(meh-dowz)
35: Cerro navia = Asturian Hill
36: Quinta normal = Fifth Normal
-------------------------------------- comunas de la Region de valparaiso: pass to heaven comunnes
Petorca: The pecks district
-Petorca:Peck shire
-cabildo: Hall town
La ligua: Rising sun village
-papudo: Big chin
-Zapallar: Pumpkin Pl
-------------------------------------------- San felipe de aconcagua: St.Phill viewpoint district
-San felipe: St.Phill shire
-catemu: Bonny Pl
-llay llay: Windy Ville
-panquehue: Flowery city
-putaendo: Cold springs
-Santa maria: St.Marie -----------------
Brighton district
san esteban= St.Stephen
Los andes = brighton shire
calle larga= Boulevard Town
Rinconada= Corner town
-------------------------- Quillota = Moon River
-Nogales: Walnut grove
-La cruz: The cross
-La calera: Lime quarry
-Hijuelas: Litle castle
-Quillota: Moon shire
------------------------------ valparaiso = Pass to heaven
puchuncavi = Party town
quintero= Celtic ville
concon= Midnight beach
viña del mar: Vineyard beach
valparaiso: Heaven shire
casablanca: Whitehause
San ferndandez: Ferdy islands
-------------------------- San antonio = St.Toni
algarrobo : Carob beach
el quisco: Owlstone beach (owl , A-ul)
el tabo: Coven beach (coven= kuh-vn)
cartagena: Newtown beach
santo domingo: St.Dominick
Marga Marga= Flimsy grassland
-limache: Warlockstone
-Olmue: leafy Pl (Lify)
-villa alemana = German ville
-quilpue: turtledove Pl -------------------------------- Isla de pascua = Easter island
Terevaka = canoes Hills
hanga oteo= viewpoint bay
anakena= white cave
ovahe= Cliff bay
te pito kura : Healing sanctuary
papa vaka: Canoestone
poike: Echoes Pl
tongariki: Wind sanctuary
rano raraku: Grooved volcano
akahanga: sanctuary bay
vaihu: Hot waters Pl
vinapu: Cassanova bay
rano kau: Forest volcano
motu nui: Big island
orongo: Ceremonial village
ana kaitangata: Cannibals cave
hanga roa: Far bay
tahai: Sunset Pl
ana kakenga: Forbidden love cave
puna pau: Hats quarry
ana te pora: Canoes cave
ana te pahu: Urns sanctuary
ahu tapeu: Snake sanctuary
akivi: Ceremonial shrine
----------------- Region de tarapacá: Extended eagle state
iquique: Dream district
-iquique: Dream city
-alto hospicio: high hospice
-------------- Tamarugal: Prairie lands district
pozo almonte: Wells hills
camiña: Purple town
colchane: Grasstone
huara: Starstone
pica: Sandflower ville
------------- region de antofagasta: Hidden copper state
-antofagasta: Copper city
-mejillones: Mussels city
-sierra gorda: Fat saw city
-taltal: Night city
--------- El loa: Longest river district
-Calama: Water town
-Ollagüe: beatiful city
-san pedro de atacama: St.Peter
Tocopilla: big ravine
-tocopilla: Ravine city
-maria elena: Mia city
comerse el morro. ------------------- Region de atacama: Black duck state
Chañaral: Geoffroea district
-chañaral: Geoffroea Pl
-Diego de Almagro: Red clay city ----- Copiapó: Colour district
-Copiapó: Blue city
-Caldera: Red city
-Tierra amarilla: Yellow city ----- Huasco: Valley district
-Vallenar: Ballenary
-Alto del carmen: South valley
-Freirina: Warrior priests city
-Huasco city: North valley ------------------------------------ Peacefull waters State (region de coquimbo)
Choapa= Golden District
Salamanca: Romanstone
Los vilos: Lord Willow Beach
Canela: Sunshine City
Illapel: Golden City ----- Peaceful´s river District
-Coquimbo: Peaceful city
-Andacollo: Golden king
-la higuera: Figtree city
-la serena: Pacific city
-paihuano: Sunny city
-vicuña: Wool city ------ White District
-Ovalle: Valley City
-Combarbalá: Duck city
-Monte patria: Mountain City
-punitaqui: Stony city
-rio hurtado: River City -------------------------- Region del libertador general Bernardo O’higgins : O´higgins State
Cachapoal=Greenish district
Rancagua: Canestone
codegua: Water Place
coinco: Sandstone
coltauco: Frogstone
doñihue: Pea city
graneros: Farmerstone
las cabras: Goat city
machali: Witches city
malloa: White grey city
mostazal: Mustard Pl
olivar: Olive Pl
peumo: Sunrise city
pichidegua: Mousestone
quinta de ticoco: stony water
rengo: Brave city
requinoa: Stoneville
san vicente de tagua tagua: St.Enzo ----------- Cardenal caro: Charlestone District
Pichilemu: Little forest
la estrella: Star city
litueche: Whitefield
marchigue: Claysoil
navidad: Chrismastone
paredones: Walltown ---------- Colchagua= Holy District
San fernando: Saint Ferdy
Chepica: Grasstown
Chimbarongo: cloudystone
lolol: Crabstone
nancagua: Gunneraceae
palmilla: Palmtree city
peralillo: Litletrees Pl
placilla: Litle square
pumanque: Condors Pl
santa cruz: Holy cross -------------------------- Maule= Rain River state
Cauquenes= Fisher district
Cauquenes: Fisherstone
Chanco: Aquaprings
Pelluhue: Turtle city ----- curico= Blackwater district
Curicó: Blackwater city
Hualañé: Duck Place
Licantén: Gemstone
Molina: Millersburgh
Rauco: Grey city
Romeral: Rosemary
Sagrada familia: Holy family
Teno: Burghstone
Vichuquén: Snake City ----- Linares= Clothes district
Linares: Clothburgh
Clobún: Wholeburgh
longaví: Snakeburgh
parral: Vineburgh
retiro: Restburgh
san javier: Neu Hausen
villa alegre: Happy ville
yerbas buenas: Plant city --------- Talca= Stormy District
Talca: Stormy city
constitucion: Constitution
curepto: Windyburgh
empedrado: Stonyburgh
maule: Rainstone
pelarco: Frostburg
pencahue: Pumpkintown
rio claro: Clear river
san clemente: St.Clement
san rafael: St.Toby ------------------------------ region del Biobio= River gossip state
Arauco= Grey district
-Lebu: Riverburgh
-Arauco: Greyburgh
-Cañete: Fisherburgh
-Contulmo: Stone city
-Curanilahue: Fordstone
-Los Álamos: Poplarstone
-Tirúa: The Meeting Pl ---------- River gossip district
-Los Ángeles: The Angels
-Alto Bío Bío: Highland
-Antuco: Hotsprings
-Cabrero: Goatburgh
-Laja: Slabstone
-Mulchén: Hawkstone
-Nacimiento: Jesusburgh
-Negrete: Niggaburgh
-Quilaco: Treewater
-Quilleco: Waterstone
-San Rosendo: St.Rudesind
-Santa Bárbara: St.Barbie
-Tucapel: Mudstone
-Yumbel: Saint Lucy ---------- concepcion= Saint District
Concepcion: Marieburgh
Chiguayante: Cloudyburgh
Coronel: Fredburgh
Florida: Flowerstone
Hualpén: Beautiful view
Hualqui: Creekstone
Lota: Litlestone
Penco: Water city
San Pedro: Saint Peter
Santa juana: St.Hanna
Talcahuano: Stormystone
Tomé: Tommyburgh ---------------- Region de la Araucanía: Clay waterlands State
Cautin: Iron district
Temuco: Myrtales
Carehue: Neu Deutshland
Chol chol: Thistlestone
Cunco: Clearwater
cararrehue: Sanctuarystone
Freire: Fryburgh
Galvarino: Cornville
Lautaro: Eaglestone
loncoche: Maineville
melipeuco: Crystal Waters
nueva imperial: Imperial city
Padre las casas: Tollystone
Perquenco: Grubby waters
Pitrufquén: Lisperguer
Pucón: Mountains Pl
Saavedra: Old Port
Teodoro schmidt: Theoville
Toltén: Sea ​​waves
Vilcún: Snakestone
Villarica: Richville --------------------- Malleco: Terracotta District
Angol: Steep place
Collipulli: Colourlands
Curacautin: Meetingstone
Ercilla:New Euskadi
Lonquimay: Main River
lumaco: Shinyburgh
purén: Swamplands
renaico: Cavewater Pl
traguén: Waterfall Pl
victoria: Victoryburgh --------------------------------- Region de Los rios= The Rivers State
Ranco= Stormy district
La union: Spiritburgh
Futrono: Smoke Place
Lago ranco: Stormy Lake
Rio bueno: Good River ---------- Valdivia= Ford District
Valdivia: Fordburgh
Corral: Barnyard Pl
Lanco: Calm waters
Los lagos: Lake city
Máfil: Tree rivers
Mariquina: Family valley
Paillaco: Lonely waters
Panguipulli: Cougarlands --------- Region de Los lagos= The Lakes state
Chiloe= Seagull District
Castro: Celticstone
Ancud: Saint Karl
Chonchi: Blackstone
Curaco de velez: Ravenstone
Dalcahue: Shipstone
Puqueldon: Toughstone
Queilen: Cypresstone
Quellon: Aristotelia
Quemchi: Rustyburgh
Quinchao: Duckstone ------------ Llanquihue= Atlatis District
Puerto Montt: Montain Port
Calbuco: Bluewater
Cochamó: Dawnburgh
Fresia: Albas place
Frutillar: Strawberry
Los muermos: Maizeburgh
Llanquihue: New Atlanta
Maullin: FullWater
Puerto varas: Stickport ---------- Osorno: St.Matt
Osorno: Mattburgh
Puerto octay: Oxport
Purranque: Reedstone
puyehue: Fisherlake
Rio negro: Nigga River
San juan: St.Hans
San pablo: St.Paul ------------- Palena= Spider district
Chaiten: Rainy Place
Futuleufú: Bigger River
Palena: Spiderburgh -------------------------------- region de Aysén = Fjord lands State
Aysen: Fjordstone
Cisnes: Swanstone
Guaitecas: Sutherland ------ capitan pratt: Prattshire district
-Cochrane: Cochrane
-O´higgins: O´higgins
-Tortel: Deep waters ------- General Carrera: Joe Mike district
-Chile chico: Litle Pepper
-Rio ibañez: Johnson river ------------ Magellan state
Antartica: New Iceland district
Cabo de hornos: New Amsterdam
Antártica: Antarctica ----------------- Magallanes: Fern district
Punta arenas: Sandy Point
Laguna blanca: White lagoon
rio verde: Green river
San Gregorio: Saint Greg ---------- tierra del fuego:Firelands district
porvenir: Omenstone
Timaukel: Holyland --------- ultima esperanza: Hope district
puerto natales: Jesuslands
torres del paine: Fitzroy bush -------
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xenons-auxiliary-depths · 2 years ago
Dtawing Challenge
So I decided to do something pretty crazy and do a project based around the concept of the Pan-American highway. It'll involve my OC Josephine journeying up from the (well one of them, at least) southern terminus all the way up to the north of Alaska. I've also planned it such that it will be done within 100 drawings exactly. There will be a surreal twist to this, and a friend (or two) may join her along the way.
Here is the full list of locations in order (also I like funny names):
Puerto Montt
Los Angeles
Viña Del Mar
Lake Titicaca
Machu Picchu
Middle of the World City
Darién Gap
Bayano Lake
Panama City
Panama Canal
Santiago de Veraguas
Paso Canoas
San José
Peñas Blancas
El Espino
San Marcos de Colon
San Lorenzo
El Amatillo
San Miguel
San Salvador
Santa Ana
San Cristobal
Guatemala City
La Mesilla
San Cristobal de las Casas
Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Salina Cruz
Mexico City
Ciudad Victoria
Nuevo Laredo
San Antonio
El Paso
Truth or Consequences/Elephant Butte
Santa Fe
Colorado Springs
Great Falls
Sweet Grass
Red Deer
Dawson Creek
Fort St. John
Muncho Lake
Destruction Bay
Canada-Alaska Border
Northway Junction
Delta Junction
E. L. Patton Yukon River Bridge
Prudhoe Bay
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lluisco1g · 3 years ago
USGS Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Day38 of 38 earthquakes in map area.Only List Earthquakes Shown on MapMagnitudeFormatNewest FirstSort5.0178 km SE of Kabalo, Democratic Republic of the Congo2022-01-26 02:06:10 (UTC)10.0 km2.710 km S of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii2022-01-26 01:55:15 (UTC)8.8 km3.03 km N of Tallaboa Alta, Puerto Rico2022-01-26 01:46:22 (UTC)4.0 km4.364 km S of Calingasta, Argentina2022-01-26 01:16:35 (UTC)121.5 km4.43 km SSW of Anse-à-Veau, Haiti2022-01-26 01:14:30 (UTC)10.0 km4.9Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska2022-01-26 01:02:06 (UTC)10.0 km3.215 km ESE of Empire, Nevada2022-01-26 00:21:26 (UTC)9.5 km3.239 km NW of Willow, Alaska2022-01-26 00:03:05 (UTC)53.1 km4.5103 km ESE of Caburan, Philippines2022-01-25 23:59:17 (UTC)10.0 km4.980 km NNW of Nuku‘alofa, Tonga2022-01-25 23:34:22 (UTC)10.0 km3.595 km S of Kokhanok, Alaska2022-01-25 23:02:46 (UTC)5.7 km3.4239 km SW of Nikolski, Alaska2022-01-25 22:52:47 (UTC)11.9 km2.6western Texas2022-01-25 22:05:52 (UTC)7.7 km3.839 km S of False Pass, Alaska2022-01-25 21:56:37 (UTC)10.0 km2.644 km NNE of Luquillo, Puerto Rico2022-01-25 21:42:47 (UTC)95.6 km2.835 km SE of Mina, Nevada2022-01-25 20:24:00 (UTC)9.3 km2.842 km NW of Elfin Cove, Alaska2022-01-25 20:17:55 (UTC)3.6 km4.56 km NW of Léogâne, Haiti2022-01-25 18:50:57 (UTC)7.6 km4.9159 km NW of Neiafu, Tonga2022-01-25 17:21:33 (UTC)240.3 km5.0Chagos Archipelago region2022-01-25 16:04:14 (UTC)10.0 km5.3South Sandwich Islands region2022-01-25 15:16:18 (UTC)10.0 km3.4Mona Passage2022-01-25 15:01:06 (UTC)12.0 km2.520km SSE of Port Hueneme, CA2022-01-25 14:45:13 (UTC)3.1 km4.529 km ESE of Yilan, Taiwan2022-01-25 14:35:53 (UTC)64.1 km2.64 km SW of Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico2022-01-25 14:23:23 (UTC)5.0 km2.93 km N of Tallaboa Alta, Puerto Rico2022-01-25 14:14:51 (UTC)4.0 km4.9119 km ENE of Iquique, Chile2022-01-25 13:40:19 (UTC)107.9 km4.0176 km SSE of Burica, Panama2022-01-25 12:00:54 (UTC)10.0 km4.2Banda Sea2022-01-25 11:17:04 (UTC)189.7 km4.710 km NNE of Wailua, Hawaii2022-01-25 10:51:29 (UTC)41.1 km4.4200 km WSW of Puerto Casma, Peru2022-01-25 10:19:15 (UTC)10.0 km2.99 km ENE of Pāhala, Hawaii2022-01-25 09:47:18 (UTC)33.2 km2.99 km NNE of Odessa, Texas2022-01-25 07:18:10 (UTC)7.8 km2.720 km S of Port Graham, Alaska2022-01-25 05:20:57 (UTC)52.6 km2.646 km ENE of Pedro Bay, Alaska2022-01-25 05:15:46 (UTC)125.9 km5.3northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge2022-01-25 05:00:17 (UTC)10.0 km2.731km W of Petrolia, CA2022-01-25 04:41:48 (UTC)20.0 kmDOWNLOADDidn't find what you were looking for?
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matladley · 7 years ago
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Sunsets in Chile The long and skinny country of Chile is very different to its northern neighbours, with much more of a European feel. With such a varied landscape and so much coastline, it's inevitable there would be some gorgeous sunsets. The first photo is taken in the stunning Valle de la Luna in the Atacama desert. The landscape is absolutely stunning with its sand dunes, salt flats and colourful mountains and rocks weathered into all kinds of shapes in this desert climate, supposedly one of the driest areas on earth. The coastal town of Iquique is known to some as the 'Miami of Chile' with its sandy beaches and tall buildings, though at the same time sporting an older, in-parts run-down town that saw its heyday 100 years ago from the mining industry. Chile's capital city, Santiago, is a thriving metropolis with lots of tall buildings and hills to enjoy the view from. Valparaíso - once one of South America's most important ports and still high up there - is today Chile's legislative capital and famous for its UNESCO old town absolutely full of street art, with some murals covering the entire face of high-rise buildings. The photo here (actually a sunrise) shows the bay from atop one of the city's many hills with the sun rising over the Andes in the distance (including Aconcagua, the tallest mountain outside of Asia).
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paolocattaneophoto · 8 years ago
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La portada. A natural arch in the middle of the bay. Beautiful coastal road today, from antofagasta to iquique. #rtw #dainesecrew #agvrider #motoclubdesio #ktm #wozuup #chile #antofagasta #desert #coastline #coast # (at La Portada, Antofagasta, Chile)
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hariesautomoto · 8 years ago
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Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines by HariesAutoMoto
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chimongto · 5 years ago
Khám Phá Nét Đẹp Hấp Dẫn Của Chile Cùng Vé Máy Bay Giá Rẻ Từ Hà Nội Đi Iquique
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petebenjamins · 5 years ago
Chile's Stupefying City of Iquique
Iquique has a name that can spark different levels of curiosity to anyone who hears it. However, its character and beauty is far from the impressions of many visitors. Situated in the Tarapaca Region of Northern Chile, the city is a great travel destination for those who want to experience nature with a blend of South American culture.One of the main features that bring a fascinating aura to the place is Zona Franca, also known as Zofri. This duty-free zone set along the beach is populated by luxurious resorts and hotels making it a perfect spot for you to exhaust your shopping spree. All the goods are tax-free so just imagine filling up your bag with perfumes, alcohol, chocolates, and even gadgets without having to pay that much.Check Capitaria 
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Iquique has been dubbed as the Miami of Chile for its beaches are almost at par with Florida's Miami Beach Resorts. They are clean, warm, and their coastal stretch is perfectly adorned by gorgeous palm trees. The refreshing waterfronts charmingly line up the coastline starting from the city centre to the southernmost part of Iquique. The
closest one to downtown is Bellavista, which stretches to Avenida Prat. Although the sea is not safe enough for swimming it is very conducive for surfers. Playa Cavancha is undoubtedly the most famous beach in the area not only because of its white sand, but also for its modern facilities such as the waterfront promenade, park, and public walkway. The Playa Buque Prada is a favorite beach for local families because of its picnic spots and fishing opportunities.
The city is also one of the top spots for adventure sports not only in Chile but in entire South America. Leading the charge is the high-flying sport called paragliding, locally known as Parapente. Iquique's clear sky and calm winds make the perfect condition for this sport. Paragliders typically jump from the neighbor city of Alto Hospicio and land at Iquique's beaches. Iquique's natural gifts and relatively affordable costs of real estate are the main reasons why plenty of foreigners choose to build summer homes in the city.
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Exploring the History of Iquique
Apart from simply reading books and magazines about how lovely Iquique is, seeing the city before your eyes is both a fascination and a lesson. In fact, it is like studying history in a more exciting way. If you want to continue exploring the city's past, hop on a boat to La Boya, a historical monument that lies on the Pacific Ocean Bay just above the sunken ship named "La Esmeralda." Boat tours to La Boya highlights the significant naval battle called "Combate Naval Iquique" which took place during the Pacific War among the nations of Peru, Chile and Bolivia. Visiting the area will also give the best chance to marvel the busy Port of Iquique, where cargo ships dock and depart in a frenetic yet amusing manner from day to day.
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theodongthoisu · 7 years ago
Rơi khỏi máy bay, chó sống sót sau 6 ngày lạc trên sa mạc
Rơi khỏi máy bay, chó sống sót sau 6 ngày lạc trên sa mạc
Cuối tháng 6, Janis Cavieres đến thành phố Iquique (phía bắc Chile) trên xe buýt. Cô nhờ một người bạn thân Ligia Gallardo đưa chú chó cưng của cô, Gaspar, bay từ Santiago tới Iquique, Daily Star đưa tin ngày 16/7.
Khi máy bay cất cánh, Gaspar được đặt trong khoang chứa vật nuôi. Tuy nhiên, khi hạ cánh, Ligia nhận thông báo rằng chú chó đã biến mất.
Gaspar khám phá Chile cùng cô…
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years ago
Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao in Luang Prabang, Laos (Asia). Visit Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Hotel. Welcome to Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao in Luang Prabang, Laos (Asia). Visit Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN General services available include wifi available in all areas. cycling. In the section of food and drink you can enjoy bar, room service, wine/champagne, bottle of water, kid-friendly buffet, restaurant (à la carte), fruits, special diet menus (on request), restaurant (buffet), kid meals, restaurant and breakfast in the room. For your rest accommodation includes spa facilities, spa and wellness centre, solarium, hot tub/jacuzzi, massage, fitness centre, spa lounge/relaxation area, outdoor pool, sun umbrellas, pool/beach towels, swimming pool, sauna, fitness/spa locker rooms, outdoor pool (all year), spa/wellness packages and fitness. With regard to the transfer we have accessible parking, car hire, shuttle service (free), secured parking, bikes available (free), airport shuttle (additional charge), street parking, shuttle service and airport shuttle. For reception services we can find newspapers, luggage storage, safety deposit box, 24-hour front desk, tour desk, lockers, ticket service, currency exchange and concierge service. Within the common spaces we can enjoy library, sun terrace, garden, games room, outdoor furniture and terrace. For family leisure we will have babysitting/child services and children television networks. The role of cleaning services will include daily maid service, ironing service, shoeshine, trouser press, dry cleaning and laundry. If you stay for business reasons in the establishment you will find business centre, meeting/banquet facilities and fax/photocopying. gift shop and shops (on site). We can highlight other services like bridal suite, vip room facilities, non-smoking throughout, non-smoking rooms, air conditioning and designated smoking area [https://youtu.be/ZCBNm2ggCPc] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2J8vuCx You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2KYcYKn We hope you have a pleasant stay in Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Other hotels in Luang Prabang Azerai Luang Prabang https://youtu.be/IXgX6joi_Fk Satri House Secret Retreats https://youtu.be/CM1TG1LOM3A The Luang Say Residence https://youtu.be/__vcSjCVfns Le Sen Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/IbE2tLSHMjE Mekong Riverview Hotel https://youtu.be/dUmRY-U0R4M Sofitel Luang Prabang https://youtu.be/xKKKd09iOZQ Kiridara Villa Ban Kili https://youtu.be/-htynnB_gVs Maison Dalabua https://youtu.be/_X1jeiY9pYs Other hotels in this channel Gansevoort Turks & Caicos https://youtu.be/tyLbzT9uI7Q Sadev Resort https://youtu.be/9n1QAQpjZZk Hotel Dana Business & Conference https://youtu.be/ZECiY00-s-g Apollo Hotel https://youtu.be/AFYnlw0AH3U Plantation Suites and Conference Center https://youtu.be/PmLdtuMLdAY Der Lärchenhof https://youtu.be/8uwUeruBuxA Conrad Makkah https://youtu.be/EWW5NMSUvQE Petit Palace Triball https://youtu.be/1MUyWg6FxUM Vistas De La Bahia https://youtu.be/nP3E1YEFRSs Augusta Bay Bahamas, Exuma https://youtu.be/n1hovWw0CUk Gavina Sens Iquique https://youtu.be/7cImkuVN-KI Hotel Mont-Rosa https://youtu.be/AmTtAda8PZU Gateway Hotel https://youtu.be/DeiSd2stYVU Casa Lucia Boutique Hotel & Yoga https://youtu.be/wougtqb3siM Angvik Gamle Handelssted https://youtu.be/BzuCVASTXBM In Luang Prabang we recommended to visit In the Laos you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Mount Phousi, Palacio real de Luang Prabang, Wat Chom Si, Adventures by Disney - Cambodia, Vietnam & Laos Vacation, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Laos based in Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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hawaiiecodivers · 8 years ago
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BANZAI PIPELINE Last year was the season of the Bay, but this year its definitely the year of Pipeline. Apnea training has been giving me the confidence for moments like this. Next Apnea class in Oahu, April 14th-15th O treino de apneia e sobrevivência tem me ajudado muito com o meu preparo fisico para momentos como esse. Convido a todos para participar dos próximos cursos. Tenho certeza que as técnicas vão te ajudar muito como me ajudou. Estou chegando no Brasil em Maio e Junho para mais treinamento de Apneia e Sobrevivência para o surf de pois de passar pelo Chile. Datas dos próximos cursos. OAHU - April 14th -15th CHILE - Abril/Mayo (Pichilemu, Santiago, Iquique y Antofagasta. BRASIL - Maio/Junho - Santos, Ubatuba e Rio Janeiro email, [email protected] Foto @ilanfreitas_hawaii (at Banzai Pipeline)
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cloooseeer · 8 years ago
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Buenos días familia, amigos, pípul, gente linda, agradable, a él (por supuesto 😏😘 ) y a los que no entran en esa categoría, simplemente NO LOS QUIERO MUCHO... Eso 😂 ☝️ ahora a trabajar se ha dicho ✌️ bais y kewatts... 💪 ❤️ (en Iquique, Chile)
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steveandnicola2016-blog · 8 years ago
Surf and Roadworks?
Great surf in Iquique and 10-15 guys out there – went to  a surf shop  only to discover that it was all “rocka” out there and for advanced pro’s only – so ruled me out!
They get 3-5 metre waves by the hotel we were at – and 7 metre waves on the corner of the bay! The rocks were really ragged and volcanic and VERY hard – so no chance for me!!!
BUT – just loved the roadworks on the beach – What the hell were they doing? And complete with warning signs and 4 guys doing nothing – some things are the same the world over!
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chimongto · 5 years ago
Khám Phá Chile Cùng Vé Máy Bay Giá Rẻ Đi Iquique
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