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"Tea!" Nick chortled remembering his siters' preference for the drink that he considered to be an afterthought to coffee. Still, he wasn't going to tease Layne too much as he was excited to see her and hear of the new things going on in her life. While he had been away, Nicholas and his siblings had remained in fairly consistent contact. Of the siblings, Nick had seemed like the least likely to fantasise about moving out of Opulence, let alone move out for almost a year. He was a home body, he loved his town, was co-dependent on his siblings, and he had taken huge pride in being his pack's advisor. As such, his leaving, even for a huge career opportunity like he had had, was very telling of the heart break Nick had endured after separating from his ex.
All this being said, now he was home, even virtually powerless, Nick was hopeful for better things ahead. He had tried the world outside of his home town, and while he appreciated the experience, he just wasn't himself outside of the town's boarder. He needed the responsibilities of his role in the pack, he needed the support and unconditional banter of his siblings, and he needed his life long friends, neighbours, and hell even acquaintances to keep him feeling steady and confidant. Opulence was Nick's home, it was his source of power and security.
"Glad to hear my little niece inherited your boisterousness!" Nick added glibly as though he and his brothers were passive presences in the family.
"Jesus Layne, when people say they have it all, do they really mean all at once?" Nick had always been impressed by Layne's determination to succeed in everything she set her mind to, but on occasion he wondered at how that level of balance was even possible simultaneously. She was an expert juggler, a role model for sure, but Nick wasn't sure he could ever compete with her stamina, he wasn't sure he wanted to. "How are you juggling all of this?" he asked, a touch softer than his previous question.
As the two siblings began making their way towards town, they would watch as only a handful of other creatures up this early moved around, some exercising, some hurriedly headed somewhere, some blearily swigging from flasks and shuffling. The town was most peaceful in the early mornings, before even the markets are up and running yet.
"Yes and don't you forget it!" Being truly the sole feminine energy of their family for the past decade, she had the utmost respect for her mom for dealing with these unruly boys now men. No matter how they perceived themselves, she loved each of them equally. Layne wanted to support her brothers in any capacity that she could and was more than willing to put anything aside for them.
"I'll do a tea, but I won't turn down the chance to catch up with one of my favorite people on the planet." Nicky was boisterous and so full of energy. His presence was definitely missed amongst the family and he was just the spark they needed right now. Things could be better if the town normalized once more, but to have all her family in one place again, made Layne's heart happy.
"I'm doing okay. Your niece is ruling the cottage as to be expected," she chuckled. Her entire world was revolving around her daughter right now, which was fine. However, Layne did not want to get loss in it either. So, she was accepting it for what it was now, but soon enough Addie's schedule would have to be a bit more structure so she could get her life in order. "Wedding planning is in the works...and yeah. Baby, wedding, and trying to maintain my presence with my interior designing."
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Bros before food stains!
Closed starter @laynebaudelaire
Where: Bowden, Layne’s townhouse
When: Any time after noon and before evening
While lounging about Lynne’s place, waiting for his siter to return, Nick had thrown the food he had collected for the two of them, from BJ burgers in the oven. The problem was that after about five minutes of waiting, Nick had ended up fishing his food out, scoffed it down, then began picking at hers.
After about twenty minutes, he found himself splayed out on Layne’s couch watching one of the reality housewife re runs on TV, with the left over crumbs of Layne’s burger dotted all over the loose pale blue shirt he wore. It was a good thing Nick’s housekeeper Irena was accustomed to laundering his clothes as often as she did, because the man rarely ate a meal without losing half the sauce down his shirt. That day he had been lucky it was only crumbs – he had taken great care since he was hoping to see Bellamy later that evening. The cushion on Layne’s sofa however… had not been so lucky. The wolf had tried wiping the hot sauce off of the plush material, but it had only seemed to worsen the problem, so Nick did what any good brother would do. He flipped the cushion over and just hoped when she spotted it, he would be fast driving out of the area and some money for a replacement was already transferring into her account.
“Push her in the pool!” Nick was yelling at the screen, shedding crumbs across the floor as he leapt forwards in his seat. He was in the middle of having some more food delivered but was quickly distracted by the reality tv characters Nick always insisted he did not watch… to anyone but Layne of course. Greasy fingers tapped in Layne’s address into his phone, when the wolf heard a vehicle turn down Layne’s street. Nick blinked, his head swivelling round to the front rooms window and his face appeared in the window as he checked to see if it was Layne returning home at last.
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what is your favorite memory of your siblings?
Best memory is actually a bitter sweet one. I just broke up with my ex not long after I turned, the pack still wasn't keen on me for changing without their permission, and every night that week I'd gone home to a quiet house, Layne was studying, Matty was working, and I felt really lonely.
But that night when I got home in wolf form, I noticed a change of clothes had been left out for me on the back porch, and I could hear Matty and Layne bickering inside. When I checked through the window, I could see the light were on, music was playing, Matty cooking while Layne was looking through a stack of films, and they were clearly arguing over what we were going to watch.
It sounds really boring but it was just what I needed to come home to. They'd left clothes out for me, there was food, and when I did go in, we ate and bickered and watched films until we all passed out in the living room. We could have turned out so differently, we could have been really alone after mum died and dad left, but we didn't; we stuck together, looked out for each other. In a lot of ways we became each other's parents, even me; the baby!
@matthewbaudelaire @laynebaudelaire
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Do you like Pina Coladas sis?
Closed starter for @charlottebaudelaire
Where: Descray, Nicky’s loft apartment
When: Early evening
Nick pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket, unlocked the screen and resumed the whatsapp conversation he had left open with his sister.
[ TEXT ]: Ordered food. Cocktails almost done. If you’re not here in the next 5 mins, I am starting without you!
[ TEXT ]: Also… you said you were bringing desert right?
The wolf chortled, amused by his own antics as he resumed throwing chunks of freshly cut pineapple into a blender, and threw his phone on the kitchen side. Sure, he could have bought pineapple juice, but he was on a health kick and he was treating his older sister; so only the best!
Music was playing in the background of his converted loft apartment that had cost him a small fortune, but had been worth every cent, and the smell of coconut cream and white rum filled his nostrils as he slammed the lid on his blender. In time with the music, Nick twirled like he was on stage and interacting with fans instead of simply turning the blender on and sang out loud as the blender blitzed the fresh pineapple chunks.
He had long since given Charlotte her own fob to get into his apartment building, as well as a key to let herself in and so was content to sing and dance and whip up the worlds strongest pina coladas while he waited for his busy sister to arrive.
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His sisters' scent was as familiar to Nicholas as his own. In fact, all of his siblings scent was comforting, each of their respective scents had even been somewhat recognisable to Nick as a human. How could they not be, considering the time spent together as kids. As a werewolf Nicky could pick it up a family members' trail roughly a mile off from scent alone, this morning being no different. Layne's smiling face and humorous tone shifted Nick's glum mood into one of relief and excitement.
It was the first time Nick had seen Layne in person for some months now, what with his temporary move abroad to pursue dreams of pathology, and trying to put as much space between himself and the home that reminded him so much of his ex. It wasn't that Nicholas hadn't been back for brief visits, and besides the Nick spoke near daily to at least one family member via face time and the like. Still, that was no substitute for seeing his kin in person.
"Lil sis, little sis!" Nick boomed, shocked by the volume of his own voice, having spent the last few hours alone. The broad shouldered Baudelaire moved with an unfamiliar and precise agility not characteristic of the friendly giant. Instead of loping over to his sister, or running full speed, he strode over, but thankfully a typical saunter still remained in his gait, a genuinely gleeful grin on his chops. "What trouble you up to this morning?" the brother joked, holding his arms out so he could scoop his siter into a warm bear hug.
Nick was happy to see his siter running, feeling a little envious of her workout outfit. Sure, he could jog in his chinos but he didn't want to chance scuffing his shoes. Wolfing out wasn't an option either for the simple reason that he had no clue what to do with his clothes. Nick decided he would allocate some time that day to stashing some clothes in and around the town for random shifting.
"I was just headed into town to get some stuff" Nicholas explained breezily, still thinking he could surprise his siter with flowers. "I got back late last night, too late to call" he added quickly, not wanting her to think he had come home without saying hello.
Despite only truly getting four hours of sleep, Layne needed a minimum of thirty minutes to get her pent up energy out. It was constantly reminding herself that she could do this. That she was well prepared for motherhood and had the capacity to be a great mother and partner. Now with wedding plans looming in the air, she just needed a moment for her brain to be quiet and the best way the Baudelaire knew how was to run. It had been her way to let go of stress since she was a teenager. It followed her to college in athletics and well beyond. Layne was thankful when the doctor finally gave her the green light to resume moderate activity and the day after she was bursting through the doors.
She hadn't had the opportunity to run once she hit her second trimester, so the ability to feel the oxygen hit her lungs with her heightened speed and strength made her feel so alive. It was invigorating and she was slowly building her pace back up to her five mile regimen. As she hit three, she slowed her pace down to head back towards the cottage when she saw her baby brother in the distance. Gosh was she excited to have Nicky back. "Hi loser! What are you doing out here?"
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What's one of your favorite memories of your siblings?
Awh man there's too many! I'd deffinitely say Matty giving Charlie and I make up lessons was pretty hilarious. He was a way with liquid liner! Picasso! 😍
Matty and I successfully convincing Charlie that perming her hair was a good idea was great too! She looked like an adorable poodle for a good couple of months! Extra perk was she didn't date the whole time, so we had no boys to chase off!
To be honest they're both freaking hilarious! Love those idiots, they'll make great uncles and aunts one day!
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Matthews light and playgul jab, though unexpected, was greeted with a roar of laughter but no payback. Nicky would bide his time and catch his brother unaware... at least that was his plan. It was difficult to tell whether Nicky was even capable of maintaining motivation for the vengeful vendetta. However, the playful rustle of his already frizzy mane poked Nickys inner kid as he began planning when he could strike next.
"Ah, yes, I saw the family group chat!" Nick sighed, fighting the urge to roll his eyes dramatically. A year ago Nicky would have been pumped for his brother, and he still was, it's just that his glee for Matthew was tempered by jealousy. So, Nicky's lips pulled into a small smile.
"I'm happy for you bro. He's a quality guy, you know, for a fanger!" Again he was teasing, adding a little banter to disguise the feelings of envy he was struggling to dismiss.
Let his feelings of envy not misconstrue Nickys feelings of jealousy for dislike or anger. Nicky adored his elder brother, had always looked up to him, was loyal to Matthew to a fault, but there was that underlying green monster in Nicholas that always came out when he needed it the least. The wolf tapped his foot gently on the floor well, his hands instinctively heading to his pocket as though be could find a spliff and a lighter.
Bright blue eyes rolled dramatically as the wolf gave a humorous huff and began pulling his seat belt on. The blonde hair suited Matty, though Nicky would of course always prefer the natural dark colour, seeing as it was the norm.
"Yes mom!" Nick exhaled luxuriously as he pushed the passenger seat back, so he could stretch out his long legs. It was always nice to play passenger princess, Nick thought nonchalantly as the car pulled out of it's parking space. Matty didn't live far from Nicky, given they both lived in Descray, and walking to his brothers would not have taken Nick long. But with his car being stuck at Roman's getting fixed, Nick took the opportunity to wind down the window and stick his head out for a moment or two. As the wind rushed through Nick's wild curls, he closed his eyes, just for a moment, as he took in the smell of the air. Even without his supernatural sense of smell, Nicky could still enjoy the fresh air.
By the time Nick sat back against his seat, his pale cheeks had gone pink, and his curls were frizzy. Still, he was grinning from ear to ear like an oversized kid.
"So JC is responsible for the hair" Nick surmised with a devilish smirk. He was friends with JC, hell if things had been different, Nicky would have tried to jump his vampiric bones too. "Must be good in bed" he teased crudely.
#matthewbaudelaire#nicholasbaudelaire#baudelairebrothers#baudelairesiblings#tw drug use#tw marijuana reference#feelings of jealousy
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