Nick shrugged when Cass mentioned the tip as though it meant nothing to him, but secretly he was happy that the guy had noticed. He wanted to have a good relationship with the guy now supplying for him, and since he didn't know Cass well, he figured a hefty tip would go some way to making him a favoured client. That was what Nick wanted really, to be a priority client for the new guy. He could defend himself by saying that the perks were his only reason for being generous - he wanted to be the first on Cass's list to drop off if he ever had a choice - but truly Nick just wanted people to like him. It was a problem, he knew it but it wasn't a problem he had any idea or motivation to resolve.
"Thanks!" Nicholas acknowledged the compliment humbly, as he carefully placed the weed on his scales. It was clear from the way his blue eyes darted about the apartment, that he wasn't a fan of the space. Since returning a single man to the home he had shared with Bella, returned back to its' bachelor style, was seriously depressing him. It was too... cold, in Nick's eyes. It lacked any of the personal touches that he and Bella had added to it. "A couple of other investors re-did the floors below me, you should see what they did with their places!" Nick chuckled, grinning with satisfaction as the scales confirmed that Cass had provided the right amount. It wasn't personal, it was just common sense to check with a new supplier. "You want a smoke before you go?" Nick asked, gesturing to the pre-rolled spliffs lying in an antique wooden box.
The wolf had used to laugh at people who were so lonely they encouraged their dealers to stick about. Nick had thought they were pretty pathetic... but then as Nick had matured over the years and befriended Elora, his opinions had had to adjust. Now, they had to adjust even further because now he was the one silently hoping the stranger would stay for a smoke and a chat.
“Sure. Four hundred.” He shrugged. Cass’s prices were a fluctuating situation, if he was being honest. Not due to any business strategy but more because he forgot what he charged, and often in the case of pretty girls forgot to even charge at all. It’d probably come back to hurt him, when he didn’t make enough to keep everyone off his back, but it worked for now and he was lazy or maybe reckless enough to only think about the now. “This is more than four hundred though,” he pointed out as he took the stack, used enough to the feeling of cash to be able to clock it, although he didn’t give back the extra just yet. He doubted Nicky was dumb enough to miscount, and he wanted to hear the reason.
“Nice place,” he acknowledged, more as a statement than a compliment, as he glanced around with an air of curiosity. It wasn’t often he was invited in to places, he’d take the opportunity to be nosy when it was presented to him. And it was a nice place, genuinely, far nicer than the majority of locations Cass dropped off to. At the very least, he could be slightly more certain his car wasn’t about to get nicked, which was a bonus. His own Descray apartment featured precarious on road parking which had resulted thus far in a few scratches and once a broken window, which had pissed him off to no end, not least as the employee discount at Bolt’s did not cover all repairs. He leaned against the wall, watching for the fellow wolf’s next move - he could smell the species on him like a cologne only subtly masked by the smell of the food and the weed, always an undercurrent. He’d not met him before, and so he was wary and content to let him lead the way.
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If Nicky had had any feelings of awkwardness around Ryden, those anxieties would have melted as soon as he threw an arm around Nick's broad shoulders. The physical affection Nick received was not something he took for granted, but was careful not to over step, so he offered Ryden a rueful grin. It was very ... Ryden like of Ryden to downplay the situation, and Nick wasn't too sure if Ryden was trying to convince himself or others, but he didn't comment beyond a slight guffaw.
"Number two..." Nick repeated, rolling his bright blue eyes dramatically. "Hey, who doesn't secretly enjoy a good number two?!" Nick chirped back, walking comfortably alongside his alpha. He was already beginning to feel at home.
"Awh jesus!" Nick muttered under his breath, a smirk beginning to pull at his lips. Despite his senior position in the pack, when times were carefree, Nick roughhoused with many pack members, both in wolf form and human form. "Well, tell the lads to prepare for some serious English foighting skills!" Nick mimicked some form of clearly pretend karate moves, as he spoke in his poor imitation of Ryden's English London accent.
During his time abroad, Nicholas had actually taken some time to get to know the local wolves, and the friendlier packs had allowed him to run with them on occasion. It had given the young doctor an opportunity to study Lycan culture in Europe, and he had absorbed plenty of new techniques for control, some combat skills, but he had also learned how feral some of their kind could be. He couldn't wait to discuss some of what he had seen and learned while away.
Ryden made a face like Nicholas had exaggerated the situation to the point of hilariousness. “It ain’t an impendin’ doom, stop bein’ so dramatic, it’s under control.” A half-truth Ryden wanted very much to believe in but there were already some casualties, the count getting higher far too quickly, but also it could always be worse. So there was a precarious balance Ry could still do his best to stay positive about, at least to some extent. But on a more serious note, he understood what Nick meant. Grossness of his sweaty state aside, Ryden flung an arm around Nicholas’ shoulders, squeezing him closer, no werewolf strength but still plenty of Ryden strength. “Well yer home now t’enjoy this shitfest with the lot o’us. Whoop-de-fuckin’-doo.” He gave the taller man an affectionate shake, pulling him onward so they kept moving because the worst thing to do to worked-up muscles in the middle of a run was to stop moving. That invited the post-workout burn like a siren’s call to a shipwrecked sailor.
The alpha wolf himself had never been the type to spill his guts out with any form of an emotional confession, able to count on the fingers of one hand the total number of people who’d lived to actually see it, but he could not deny that Nicholas’ heartfelt words hit home with preciseness he did not expect. Loosening his hold on Nick’s shoulders, the arm now just dangling casually around them as comfortably as the height difference between them would allow, Ryden let out a sigh, looking away from his packmate so eye contact wouldn’t make this even more uncomfortable for either of them. “Mate… I couldn’t wait t’welcome ya back. Number two.” And he said it with an absolutely appalling grin which implied another use for that particular phrase.
“So. When d’ya reckon the pack gits t’welcome ya back too?” He finally glanced up at Nick again, smile goofily daring.
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Matthews light and playgul jab, though unexpected, was greeted with a roar of laughter but no payback. Nicky would bide his time and catch his brother unaware... at least that was his plan. It was difficult to tell whether Nicky was even capable of maintaining motivation for the vengeful vendetta. However, the playful rustle of his already frizzy mane poked Nickys inner kid as he began planning when he could strike next.
"Ah, yes, I saw the family group chat!" Nick sighed, fighting the urge to roll his eyes dramatically. A year ago Nicky would have been pumped for his brother, and he still was, it's just that his glee for Matthew was tempered by jealousy. So, Nicky's lips pulled into a small smile.
"I'm happy for you bro. He's a quality guy, you know, for a fanger!" Again he was teasing, adding a little banter to disguise the feelings of envy he was struggling to dismiss.
Let his feelings of envy not misconstrue Nickys feelings of jealousy for dislike or anger. Nicky adored his elder brother, had always looked up to him, was loyal to Matthew to a fault, but there was that underlying green monster in Nicholas that always came out when he needed it the least. The wolf tapped his foot gently on the floor well, his hands instinctively heading to his pocket as though be could find a spliff and a lighter.
Bright blue eyes rolled dramatically as the wolf gave a humorous huff and began pulling his seat belt on. The blonde hair suited Matty, though Nicky would of course always prefer the natural dark colour, seeing as it was the norm.
"Yes mom!" Nick exhaled luxuriously as he pushed the passenger seat back, so he could stretch out his long legs. It was always nice to play passenger princess, Nick thought nonchalantly as the car pulled out of it's parking space. Matty didn't live far from Nicky, given they both lived in Descray, and walking to his brothers would not have taken Nick long. But with his car being stuck at Roman's getting fixed, Nick took the opportunity to wind down the window and stick his head out for a moment or two. As the wind rushed through Nick's wild curls, he closed his eyes, just for a moment, as he took in the smell of the air. Even without his supernatural sense of smell, Nicky could still enjoy the fresh air.
By the time Nick sat back against his seat, his pale cheeks had gone pink, and his curls were frizzy. Still, he was grinning from ear to ear like an oversized kid.
"So JC is responsible for the hair" Nick surmised with a devilish smirk. He was friends with JC, hell if things had been different, Nicky would have tried to jump his vampiric bones too. "Must be good in bed" he teased crudely.
#matthewbaudelaire#nicholasbaudelaire#baudelairebrothers#baudelairesiblings#tw drug use#tw marijuana reference#feelings of jealousy
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Of course I'll be there! I fully anticipate being heavily involved!
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Success! Nick had managed to make the rather quiet and serious wolf laugh, and so the wolf did not linger in the office and instead followed Jeremy's lead and exited the office. He couldn't stick around much longer as he was on his way to check on a friend.
"Right, I better get off. Thanks for the help! Maybe I'll see you tomorrow morning?" Nick was referring to the pack's plan to go for an early morning the run the following morning. Their run would begin while the night's sky was still dark, and end just as the sun had begun it's ascent. It was the first organised pack run that Nicky had been on since his return, and he was excited to say the least. Nothing felt more natural or right, than when he was in wolf form and running with the pack members' whose wolf was not a danger to themselves or others.
As the pair came to a stop just before the reception area, Nicky turned to look at Jeremy with an infectious, wolfish grin, his bright baby blue eyes twinkling. As an advisor to the pack, it wasn't bizarre to question Ryden's choice of number to, Nicky came across as playful and mischievous, more likely to cause trouble than sort it. However, Nick was a serious man when need be, he fervently respected the hierarchy of the pack making him an obedient soldier to a fault, but he was also very paternal. As one of the wolves who had control of his canine form, and with no issues controlling his temper, Nick was actually a great teacher for the newer wolves. He kept the young ones in line, and he trained them to respect and therefore control their connection to their more predatory, fury form. Nicky worked hard to maintain traditional Lycan cultural practices, like respect for the hierarchy, and appreciation of their responsibilities as protectors of the town.
The six foot four wolf, brushed some stray curls from between his eyes, and scratched at his beard - an unconscious habit when he was excited.
It was with a humoured shake of his head, laughter still sounding from the center of his chest at the low part of his throat, rippling over his shoulders causing them to rise with every gesture of amusement, a full body sort of laughter at the antics of one who was much younger than himself. He could not say for certain the difference in age between them but he often times felt himself that he was older than he was in spirit, they could have been near close to the same age and he would have felt himself older than the other.
Jeremy mimed the action of locking a key over his mouth and throwing it away, an indication that he would not tell Ryden it was him. He did, however, have full confidence in the alpha's ability to determine it for himself. At the suggestion Nick now posed about potentially wanting a bigger one for the reception, Jeremy canted his head toward the other with a slow sort of nod that seemed to convey, 'That may be so,' but was ultimately doubtful. In all likelihood the pillow would get lost to the mass of accumulated items within the office which often doubled as a storage closet. Really, it hadn't been put to much use until the last few months... though... it wasn't really used as an office space then either. Jeremy kept his hands to himself while in the office, arms crossed and hands tucked neatly under his arms because while the office looked clean he knew what occurred in here and so was loathe to touch anything.
Jeremy made a gesture toward the door with his head, that if Nick was done they should leave. Ryden wasn't around right now but he had no idea when the alpha would return and if the younger wolf did indeed want to maintain some element of secrecy about who had left such a prize behind they should exit the office now the task was complete.
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Nicholas swallowed hard, his blue eyes drifting back to Norma every so often. Whatever kind of war Opulence found itself the centre of, the victims of its effects would always be the innocents. When his gaze came back to Thaddeus, there was undisguised pity in his eyes. Nick also felt powerless in the face of the mist and its effects on the residents, but he could only imagine what it must feel like to be in Thaddeus's position; ultimately useless, having to hand over to the care of another just to see her survive.
"There are some really brilliant support groups that the town council has set up for people, for family and friends of those who have gotten... poorly" Nick chose his wording carefully there, conscious not to make things feel even worse than they were. "If you do decide to keep Norma with you, the hospital can provide her with a room, and round the clock care. You have options".
These days, half the job as an ER doctor was comforting people while knowing there wasn't a lot that they could actually do for the people. Nick reckoned he could treat Norma's symptoms easily, but it would be constant maintenance, and they wouldn't entirely go until the mist stopped... or something else.

Although Thaddeus had taken some anatomy lessons about the different supernatural creatures for his job, being an EMT firefighter for the ERT he still did not have the knowledge of the medical doctors here at the hospital. So, he looked concerned when asked about Norma’s wings. Usually through illusions, she kept them hidden but after the mist her natural form was shown.
Thaddeus took a seat, trusting his friend to help Norma as best as he could. Still, it was evident he was nervous as his knee bounced up and down while he was seated and he could not hold still for the life of him. Of course, he has been hearing the same things from a lot of his friends and closest confidants. All agreed, some time in the fae realm would be the best thing for Norma. And he knew it was true, but that selfish part of him wasn’t sure he could let her go. Since day one with Norma, it had always been him and her against the world. Well more so Norma, but still.
“I know you’re right, Norma and I have been discussing it. Kind of prepping for it really.” Norma of course seemed fascinated in going. She had a real interest in other faes and wanted to feel connected to them.
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Nick nodded in confirmation, his fluffy brows knitting together as he recalled how fast his relationship with Bella had begun and then concluded. The pair had discussed adopting, fantasised even about the big house filled with mini wolves and other supernatural children. It had felt like Nicholas was about to get everything he had ever wished for (albeit with a vampire) and just as it all came close to fruition... he lost it. The man was desperate to become a father, but now he would just concentrate on being a great uncle. He could do that, kids loved him - he was childish, was always on board for rough housing and playing, and when his human side failed, his wolf never failed to delight children, and even soothe them in a way humans just couldn't.
That wasn't to say Nicholas wasn't jealous of his sister. He didn't try to hide it, telling her daily that he was envious (in a loving way of course) but he did not want to taint Layne's happiness with his loneliness. So, he kept a content smile on his face and appeared as normal, when they entered the town. That was until, Layne's following question.
Was his time away worth it? Images of different drunken nights blurred together as he recalled the painful ecstasy of being bitten by one random blonde vampire, after the next. Eventually, he hadn't cared if they looked one bit like Bella, choosing to close his eyes and imagine instead. Then also came forth the memories of his inability to conduct himself professionally at work... the hangovers, coming into work still bleary eyed from a drug and booze fuelled evening before before. Nick had never seen anything but looks of respect and warmth from colleagues. In England, where he had been a different man, he had been seen very differently. Only his choice to quit instead of being let go, saved face, somewhat. In Opulence, Nick's reputation as a doctor was sterling, but in England... let's just say he wouldn't be looking to be denied a job over there.
"Uhm... yeah, sure" Nick lied, clearing his throat to give himself time to think. The wolf was no liar, and his siblings knew that. "I learned a lot. There are some seriously pasty babes in that part of the world!" he joked because he clung to humour to deflect from the difficult topics. "If you ever visit, I'll tell you which restaurants serve the worst bangers and mash!" He lied as though he had eaten any of the typical British food served in the pubs. Nick wasn't just lean because of the mist, he was lean after a year of living on booze, weed and pork scratchings. If he hadn't been a wolf, Nick was sure he would have returned home bloated and haggard.
"What? It's good, I'll have you know," she scoffed at his exclamation of her having the lesser caffeinated drink early in this morning. Ever since she became pregnant, Layne had more of a palette for the aromatic drink than coffee beans. There weren't any intentions on her end retreating back to the oder option. However, she knew people would certainly bust her balls about it for years to come.
"She's piece of work that's for sure and proving to me that I certainly could have pulled all-nighters during college," she chuckled. Layne was happy to know that Addie's feeding were starting to regulate a bit more as well as her sleeping schedule. It felt rather aimless the last few weeks. Simply surviving and trying her best to meet her daughter's needs. Finally finding an organic rhythm was the one thing she'd been longing for since they returned home.
"I would certainly advise not having it all occur at the same time," she chuckled. It just so happened to be how the cards feel for her at this moment in time. Layne was trying her best to be present whether it came to motherhood, her personal career, or preparation to become Ollie's life partner. It was proving to be far more challenging than she cared to admit. Once the wedding came to its conclusion she hoped things would slow down a bit. "It's just odd how all of this has occurred in the last year, you know?" If you asked Layne when she first arrived into town if she foresaw being pregnant, engaged, and having a career change after being in her previous industry for almost ten years? She would have certainly laughed in your face. How the tides turned. "What of you? Your time away worth it?"
#laynebaudelaire#nicholasbaudelaire#tw alcohol#tw drugs#tw poor diet and health#tw heartbreak#tw blood drinking
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do you think you're a good influence? or do you subconsciously manipulate people to do what you want?
Uhh... I think I recently realised I can be very manipulative at times. And uh no one enjoys looking in the mirror and seeing someone they don't like... I'm working on it.
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Nick grinned wolfishly at his friend, his ineffectual swats at Nick's thick, lean arms amused him. Wolf enhancements or no, Nick was still a beef cake - just a little leaner, and rugged since Nicholas had lost all desire to dress in a way that either matched his ex's outfit, or complimented it. In truth, his flare for the dramatics was still there, it would just be a while before it crept to the surface. Heartbreak does weird things to a person.
"Oooh, I like that!" Nick said, his naturally booming voice beginning to pick up in volume now that he was happy and drinking with J.C. It felt like old times, and Nicky treasured that. "We could call it Lycan infusion... although, that might put people off" Nick's fluffy brows knitted together as he lifted the shot to his lips and frowned at his own suggestion "People might think we're putting... like wolf in the drink. Mind you, maybe the vamps would like that!" and with that, Nick downed his shot, swallowing hard before erupting into a coughing fit. His throat burned and Nick was glad to quickly pour their drinks, sloppily handing Jean-Claude his drink as he tired to stifle his cough by part burying his mouth into his arm.
the way nicky grinned made j.c feel excited as he knew whatever personal control the wolf had was slipping the more alcohol he drunk, knowing them that the two of them would have a better time if neither of them were overthinking anything. jean-claude knew that his friend had been through some hard times, and wanted nothing more than to ease whatever pain he could. if that was by getting shitfaced than so be it.
the vampire took another shot. j.c kept watching him work, the others comment making the vampire laugh loudly. "you know what i meant!" he replied, swatting playfully at the others arm. "tell him all you want, he knows that you're full of shit,"
"and these cocktails aren't good? bullshit," he tutted softly. "maybe when you retire. little artisan cocktail joint,"
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Nick was at times a very petty person, and while he resisted those urges with friends, colleagues, acquaintances etc he just couldn't with his father. It was like every time he looked at the man, all he could see was Roman's look of disgust at the sight of Nicky happy with his ex-girlfriend. The memory of how he himself had ran that relationship into the ground and lost Bella pained Nicholas, and in truth, that was perhaps why he was taking it out on Roman. After all, hadn't he always been the one to desperately patch things up with the father that abandoned him.
Roman's final words did however, jolt Nick out of the pained resentment for a moment, and he felt a wave of guilt. The man looked so vulnerable and no matter how powerless Nick now felt without his supernatural enhancements, in comparison to Roman, he was healthy and strong and really... he just looked like a big man kicking a dog when it's down.
[TEXT]: Luv you too
Was the text Roman would later receive an hour or so later after the wolf had ran like the wind home. Even when the bad mood had returned, a small glimmer of guilt and love for his father won out and just before Nick hopped into the shower, he texted his father.
END here
Again, another son seemed agitated by something he said. It was amazing how he managed to get his sons to go from zero to sixty. Just the sight of his son gritting his teeth caused him to feel sick to his stomach, it was getting to the point he was losing hope that he would ever rectify anything with his older children. Maybe there were things you could never come back from
“Okay,” he said in a soft tone, not wanting to further upset his son. When Nicholas let down the hood, he quickly moved his hands, Roman stepped back and looked at his kid who nearly caused him an injury. Any other time, he would have asked what the fuck or something. But, he just looked at his son rather hurt by everything taking place between them.
“Alright, be safe out there. I love you.” With those words, Roman left the scene to go back inside. He would start first thing in the morning on Nicholas’s jeep. But right now, he just wanted to get inside…maybe call his sponsor and talk this out with the man. Get support, because he was feeling weak and the thought of a drink was becoming more appetizing.
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You can go on a vacation anywhere with anyone, where are you going and who with?
I'm going on holiday with one or all of my siblings! Failing that, I'm dragging alpha Ryden, Elora or JC along!
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What is it about Opulence that made you come here and makes you want to stay?
Born and bred Opulence here! I tried living abroad - it was cool but... nothing beats home!
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Nicholas had shaken his head when questioned about the possibility of Norma's wings being the issue, and explained that it was routine procedure to do a physical examination. While some of the town's creatures had been coming down with mystery ailments that were entirely new to the staff, some had been easier to treat. Perhaps, Norma also had hope.
Nick felt his heart pang with guilt and sympathy as the little girls' eyes began to close. She looked so small, so vulnerable and Nicholas could not reassure either the little girl or her father.
As Thaddeus spoke, Nick gestured for his friend to take a seat opposite him while he pulled up Norma's medical file, and began ordering certain tests.
"That-" Nick began, his baby blue eyes brightening for a moment, as the option for Norma to go to the fae realms. He was a doctor through and through, but Nick was also huge supporter of more natural remedies. He staunchly believed that wolves who shifted regularly were stronger, more resistant to diseases and even ageing. He also believed that witches who lived in covens were closer to their magics, and so it was natural for Nick to feel hopeful for Norma if she spent some time with her own kind, in their natural habitat. But then, the reality of what that, meant for Thaddeus and Norma occurred to Nicholas, and so he tread more carefully. "...is potentially a very good idea for Norma. If this is because of the mist, spending time away, from its affects will likely help, if not eradicate all symptoms. I understand that this is a difficult decision for you".
Thaddeus stood there beside his baby girl while Nicholas began examining the young girl. Lately, everything felt messed up since the mist and he had no idea how to rectify how to make her better. Thaddeus truly was contemplating Minho’s suggestion of letting her in the faelands. He knew she would be taken care of and at least whatever the mist had done to her, she would feel better.
The little girl squirmed a little as she nodded her head to Nicholas, letting him know she had been sleeping a lot lately. Worn out, she whined a little as she stretched out her wings for the doctor to view. “Do you think it is something to do with her wings?” He questioned curiously. Truly, Thaddeus had little knowledge when it came to fae besides the basics.
“No, she doesn’t have any allergies.” It was at least something to be grateful for with everything else going on.
Before he knew it, Norma was lying on the bed and closing her eyes and the two men discussed a few things.
“I know we probably won’t get an answer, but I feel like I am out of options. I have been talking with Minho and I might send her to the fae realm so she won’t be bothered by the mist. I cannot bear to see her like this and there doesn’t seem to be an answer in sight.”
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In retrospect Nicholas would say drinking that evening was a bad idea. His tolerance was low, he felt emotional, and was prone to embarrassing, gushy speeches when shit faced. Still, Nicky was an easy sell for most misbehaviour, and since he hadn't seen JC in a while, it felt like an opportunity he did not want to miss.
As Nicholas raised the glass to his lips, tossed his head back and opened up his throat for the passage of the highly strong, foul tasting liquid. Nicky enjoyed his booze flavoursome, fresh and paired with the perfect food or the perfect mixer. Whatever JC had in that bottle, Nick was absolutely sure would give him acid reflux the next day. Still, there was something wholly satisfying about the burn, the way it lit his throat afire as it slid down his gullet.
"Phoar!" Nicky exclaimed, slamming the shot glass back down on the counter, without nearly as much gusto as he had had only a year prior. Man was still strong, but not ripping off car doors by accident strong. He grinned at Jean-Claude, resisting the urge to pull the vampire into another hug. Physical affection was Nick's love language, and was often accused of being over bearing in his affections, but he was trying to work on not respecting people's space.
As the wolf mixed the cocktails, his over sized hands moving with a swift deftness that had always seemed contrary to the large man's clumsy and full on nature. Nicky's Opulence gift had been useful as a doctor, but truthfully his skill with a scalpel or a physical assessment was what made him a good doctor. Oversized though they may have been, Nicky's hands were precise and swift. At Jc's comment, Nick grinned at offered the vampire a cheeky wink .
"A dab at the hand stuff? Don't tell my brother that!" he teased, only a little jealous of his brother dating JC. "I think my talents are better used for good, than evil!" Nick added with a smirk, reaching for the potent bottle and pouring himself another shot. "Maybe when I retire!"
though he didn't explicitly have them anymore, jean-claude still seemed to possess a certain amount of vampiric persuasion as nicky was far too easily swayed at the prospect of getting blotto'd. his eyes shone with excitement as the werewolf declared 'fuck it!' and gave them both a shot of the over-aged baijiu. rifling through the fridge, j.c brought out his small glass bottle of blood, screwing off the top to reveal a small pipet. it wasn't matty's blood, but it would do for this, a few drops in the already overflowing small glass staining the previously clear liquid red.
"my couch is always open to you," he coo'd back before taking the shot and necking it, the blood infusion immediately letting him taste what could only be described as paint stripper. it burnt the back of his throat, sending a trail of fire in its wake down his esophagus and causing jean-claude to cough. "fuck. it might actually kill you!" he choked out, doubling over dramatically.
afterwards, jean-claude poured himself another, a second shot before focusing on what nicky was making. "you're a dab hand at that stuff, aren't you? why not just do it full time, there's enough doctors in the world, not enough talented cocktail makers,"
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It was a sad day in the Baudelaire family when Nick didn't greet his father's vulnerabilities with kindness. Once upon a time, Nicholas would have been jumping for joy at Roman's helpfulness and clear desire to get involved with him. And yet, that day Nick just felt his defences shoot up.
Was there anything else Nick needed? No. Did he want to stick around? Kind of. But upon Roman's question, Nick just gritted his teeth, the muscles in his jaw flexing prominently, due to his leaner physique. Nick scratched at his beard and forced himself to shrug nonchalantly. He felt like all the muscles in his face were straining from the effort it took, not to let his lower lip tremble.
"Yeah, no dad I don't need anything else from you" Nick knocked the bonnet stay rod with enough human force to cause the bonnet of the jeep to slam shut. The sudden noise felt validating, but Nick tried to ignore the petty urge to slam something or kick something. It wasn't hard to be fair, Nicholas wasn't really the angry type and he had spent years working on emotional regulation to manage his wolf. Still, he resented having to dig into his bag of tricks.
It was silly really, Roman's question wasn't exactly rude, and he had helped Nicholas. Nick just heard the question and assumed his dad was as eager for him to leave as he was.
"Just uh give me a text if she needs any new parts or whatever..." Nick stepped backwards, the desire to change into his wolf form was heady.
Outside, Roman looked down in the engine and checked a few items realizing it was not a simple fix. As he closed the hood, he explained that to his son and inquired whether the jeep could remain there until he could spare some time to fix it up, perhaps even check a few more things out to ensure his son was safe.
“Are you sure?” Roman never understood the werewolves who enjoyed shifting, Roman hated it. It felt like his bones were breaking every time he shifted. One reason, he usually only shifted when forced by the sway of the full moon. “Not unless I have to,” he answered. He wasn’t exactly sure what his son wanted, but he figured an honest response would work.
“Is there anything else you need Peanut?” The older Baudelaire would have offered for Nicholas to stay longer, sit down and the two of them talk and catch up. However, he had a feeling that Nicholas wanted to make a quick exit just as his eldest brother did a couple weeks ago.
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Adapt or die... The phrase held much more severity to it, than Raffy's tone implied and Nicky balked a little. He, like many, used humour to deflect from a situation or handle it, but this felt a little too serious, even for Nicky. Still, the man smiled and gave a half hearted chuckle.
"Yeah, well... I guess I'm voting for staying alive, so I guess I'll adapt!" Nick wondered if Raffy was a pack member, a long wolf, or from another pack. The wolf's baby blue eyes were squinting to see Raffy despite the early rising sun behind him. Raffy was tall, good looking, clearly fit and had that mysterious, quiet guy attitude that was deeply attractive to the wolf who was known for his jovial and chatty personality. He realised, that Raffy was looking at him like he had a second head and he chuckled softly, cheeks turning pink, while offering a large hand for Raffy to shake.
"I'm Nick!" In truth, most creatures in town who knew Nicholas called him Nicky, but he figured he could pretend to be an adult for a second, and besides Raffy looked like he might prefer Nick.
Wolf was all that Nick could really register. He felt stupid without his supernatural abilities, it was frustrating knowing there was a wealth of information available in the man's scent or heartbeat. Just not to him. As such, Nick grunted and scratched his forehead as he looked over the wolf before him.
"Uh- yeah" Nick asked, feeling awkward as his gaze had obviously brought the other male to a stop in the middle of his jog. Still though, he thought, the dude was hot, sweating and had a pant that always made Nicholas hot. So why wasn't he already flirting?
As if forgetting himself momentarily, Nicky's suspicious, then clueless face quickly brightened, and he chortled, scratching the back of his neck.
"Uhm- sorry, I just got back into town last night... still getting used to the loss of sense of smell" Nick gestured vaguely to his nose and grimaced in embarrassment "Not used to having guys being able to sneak up on me" The easy going grin that had begun to form on his face faltered a little "Not that you were sneaking up on me, just that.... you're very quiet" Nicholas said this despite Raffy's heavy breathing and so could only hope that the other man would understand that he was new to the new Opulence.
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At once, Nick chortled, because Jean-Claude was as infectious as always and the wolf had thoroughly missed a little fun. Despite the vampire's changed appearance, he was still kind of dazzling in his desire for fun, and his abilities to set aside the rules when it was needed. While in England, Nick wondered if perhaps the combination of heartbreak and alien food had led down a dark, and dreary, boring path. So what if he got drunk quicker now? Hey, that made for a cheaper night out! Or... night in.
"Fuck it" he agreed, grabbing the old bottle of something problematically strong and pouring out two shot glasses of it, so they could drink while Nick prepared their drinks. "Here's to getting legless, and me passing out on your couch again!"
For glasses, he chose two highball glasses, the rims of which he coted in lime and thick coulis of blackcurrant and pomegranate. In a cocktail mixer, Nick combined ice, dry vermouth and London dry gin and a thick pomegranate juice that poured like fresh blood. The drinks Nick eventually garnished with blackberries, and mint, were ruby red - a joke, but also a clever disguise of the appearance of JC's very real blood. Despite being very much the closeted mixologist, Nick had never felt the need to hide his obvious enjoyment in mixing drinks. He had more than once drunkenly told JC in an alternate universe - hello nerd - he would have made an excellent bar tender.
the vampire curiously looked through what had been brought, noting the salad ingredients and immediately ignoring them as if there was one human food that j.c didn't enjoy it was that green stuff. everything was tasteless when you were a vampire but...the texture was worse. the fruit did excite him, and j.c had got himself a small bottle of blood to add to his own drink so he could comfortably get blasted.
"you're funny! c'mon, you at least just need a shot of it. a chaser, maybe?" jean-claude suggested, grabbing the bottle and bringing it to the front of the bunch again. "lets just get legless," wasn't that the goal? to get absolutely wasted? "you can sleep on the couch,"
it had been a while since he'd had a good drink, not really frequenting bars because of his appearance and the curfew. longer days, shorter nights, no daylight charm? jean-claude had been stuck inside for far too long and craved a little chaos.
"hm. sweet today. got a bottle of a+ in the fridge that'll go nice with it,"
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