#battle of the grounded dungeon
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On the Horizon pt 2 (botgd flashback)
Part 1
Orskaf's knee jerked under the table as his face twitched. But his mouth would not cooperate with what his mind wanted to say.
"Of course," Tal then offered. "Even the best of us occasionally face hardship during difficult winters, crop failures, and untamed dragon packs pillaging livestock. A massive influx of asylum seekers could tip this balance for the worse." He held up a finger. "But even though more people means more mouths to feed, it also means more people to work together."
"The concept of make or break." Another Chief summarized. "A highly individualized situation depending on where you are, and what is available to you. For example, Chief Tal, your lumber export is highly sought for, and I'm certain extra hands to chop timber, and craft vessels would be welcome. But your rocky coast has next to no additional room for farming, sheep herding, or camps. Whereas my grasslands village has room to spare, but significantly less resources."
"Precisely," Tal stated. "Humanitarian aid will work well for some, but be burdensome to others. But why have us foot the bill either way, when Central is the one deporting these masses to our boarders? Obviously we can't demand anything of Central. But we could acquire some of their revenue by other, more orderly, means."
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Honorary Big Brother (BOTGD 2)
Continued from this
Dagny and Kari ran through the medic tents looking among the rebels and their allies for any signs of the Arnason men. Dagny briefly considered also finding Nio and Sav, but Liam was the one, who Kezia was after. They had to make sure he was okay first.
"Where can they be?" Kari asked with exasperation.
"Relax," Dagny said, "we'll find them. They can't be too far from here."
"But...w-what if they didn't make it?" Kari asked.
Dagny couldn't help but feel her blood run cold at that thought. What if Kari was right? What if Liam and Vox didn't make it? Kezia wanted Liam for some reason...and there was no sign of them during the final battle. No...she shook her head. No...he had to be okay. They both had to be okay. "We can't think like that, Kari," she said after a moment. "Come on, I bet if we find Daybreak or Kendra or Aunt Tree, we'll find Liam and Uncle Vox."
Kari smiled and nodded before they continued to look.
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... is there a botgd 2??
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Buzzards pt.5
Part 4
"Lots of potential, I'd imagine." He eyed Dixie cautiously. "It all depends on how one would use it."
He slowly approached, keeping his eye on any movement Dixie made.
"We need to make sure that it stays with the right person. A dagger of that much power could easily corrupt. As you just said, Its been infused with years worth of demon essence."
He slowly crouched next to the man, on guard, but allowing himself to trust.
"I don't know if emotions got tied in, but that dagger would be infused with the essence of a confused, and Impassioned demon. We must be careful with it."
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I guess this counts as BOTGD art???? Boredom at my office strikes. Haddock sobbing at the items being thrown. Why must so many items be thrown. What is wrong with you peoples. The indignity. Oh, the humanity!
#botgd#Battle of the Grounded Dungeon#eat pie fishy you said#did you ever ask#how would fishy feel#does fishy want pie#why must there be pie for fishy#why must there be pie for fishy in such a fashion#why can't king fishy have a lovingly bestowed souffle#set on a table#with non-throwing-at-him presentation#2025givehaddockasouffle#shockingly enough I had good sleep last night so I don't have the excuse of posting this stupidity 'sleep drunk'
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Welcome to the World
April 19. 1071
It was a beautiful spring day when Siri went into labor.
The sun had not quite reached its peak when frantic knocking disturbed the Haralsons from their lunch. Ander had answered the door and immediately the entire family went into a tizzy. It was Will and he had come to tell them it was time. He had barely finished speaking when he turned tail and started heading in the direction in which he had come to tell Ingrid and Clover (in no particular order).
And Will had moved so fast, he beat them to the little house he shared with Siri. They found him panting for breath in the main room of the house, door flung open to accept the people that were on their way.
Katryn, as planned, had gone to the Felmans to play with her cousins and would be notified quickly when the baby arrived (Siri promised). Ander, on Siri's request, was to be present at the house but not in the room with her, and the same went for Clover. Siri wanted three people in the room with her; her Grandma Ingrid, Will, and her mother. Luckily, that was easily accomplished.
Asha bounced anxiously on her feet while Will caught his breath and practically ran after him when he headed to the bedroom.
“I'll send Ingrid in once she gets here,” Ander promised.
“Thank you!” Will called over his shoulder as he opened the door. He waved Asha in first.
“Hi Mama,” Siri said from her place on the floor. She was kneeling beside the bed, her arms folded on the mattress and her head resting on it. She already looked rather sweaty and exhausted.
“Hi sweet girl,” Asha said softly, lowering herself to the floor beside her daughter. “How are you feeling?”
“Pretty awful,” Siri said with a laugh. “I… may have made Will wait a while to get everyone. If he would've had it his way, he would've woken you all up at the crack of dawn.”
“She's been at it for a few hours now,” Will said, sitting on the bed beside Siri and reaching over to re-tie up her hair. “Being amazing of course, but she didn't want to bother everyone.”
“Being in labor is not a bother, Siri Helena,” Asha chastised lightly.
“I know, Mama. I was fine by myself for a while but things… have really started to pick up,” Siri grimaced and closed her eyes and her whole body tensed. She reached a hand out for Will and he took it, letting her squeeze. “Oh shit,”
Asha put a hand on her daughter’s back. “Breathe, sweetheart. Breathe.”
“Okay, okay, I need to be up now. This hurts worse,” Siri declared once the contraction had let up. Will stood immediately and offered both hands to help her stand.
Asha stood slowly, a hand on Siri’s back for good measure. But she stepped back when Siri put her head on Will’s shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her. Siri was well supported. Asha smiled. She was glad her little girl was so well looked after.
The bedroom door opened and in stepped Ingrid Bergman, Grey's mother and the best healer on Haligan. Will waved her in.
“Hi Ingrid.”
“Hello… Oh, she's quite far along isn't she?”
“It started at dawn apparently,” Asha said. “Siri didn't want to bother us.”
“Hi Grandma,” Siri murmured.
“Hello dear. We'll have to see how far along you are, but no rush. Seems you've got it under control for now.”
Siri held up a thumbs-up and Will chuckled.
“Your mother's in the living room too, William,” Ingrid said, placing her bag down. “They're quite the nervous pair out there, Ander and Clover.”
Will laughed suddenly. “Oh man, who's going to out-awkward the other first.”
Asha hid a smile behind her hand. Clover and Ander were both on the quieter side and they both had their awkward moments. And they never had really spoken before. Will was probably right, it was bound to be really awkward out there.
“Will!” Siri scolded. “That's not nice. My dad and your mom are perfectly normal, perfectly… lovely… oh fuck me. Please hold.”
“Done and done,” Will nodded, holding her tighter.
Siri huffed and stomped on his foot and he yelped.
“That's what you get,” Siri told him through clenched teeth.
Asha and Ingrid both burst into laughter. Will took it like a champ. Siri and Will made such a fun pair.
Siri turned her head. “I'm… I'm sorry Mama. Sorry Grandma. Will has a… dirty mind-”
“And you don't?” Will interjected, grinning.
Siri rolled her eyes and continued. “-and… I don't think that's the last time I'm going to swear today.”
“Siri, sweetheart, I've been a healer for many years and gave birth myself. I know what it does to you. Trust me, I've heard it all. You're fine,” Ingrid promised with a smile.
“I might not use the words out loud, Siri, but I definitely think them on occasion,” Asha added. “You don't need to apologize.”
“Mama!” Siri gasped, faking being scandalized. “My goodness! Thinking bad words? How could you?”
Asha laughed and walked over to her daughter. She brushed a stray curl from Siri's face and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. “Never change, sweet girl.”
Siri smiled at Asha. “Thanks for coming,”
Asha smiled back. “I wouldn't miss this for anything.”
After some time and a few more contractions which were getting closer and closer together, Siri said she needed to sit and Ingrid checked Siri over.
“Well?” Siri asked anxiously, trying to see what was happening. She gripped Will's arm suddenly as another contraction began. And then she felt a small pop and an uncomfortable wetness. She looked to her mother, concerned, but Asha only smiled.
“It's alright,” Asha promised her daughter. “It's supposed to happen.”
“Some timing this little one has,” Ingrid chuckled. “That was your water breaking. The contractions will get stronger and closer together now and we are getting very close to meeting your little one. Maybe another hour or so.”
“Stronger? How is that even possible?” Siri wailed.
“Hey,” Will murmured, close to her ear. He was sitting behind her, arms wrapped around her middle. “You've got this.”
“Easy for you to say, you don't have to do anything. And this is all your fault. How is that even fair?”
“Yeah, I'm gonna let that one go,” he teased lightly. “No but seriously, you've been kicking ass all day. You've got this.”
Siri rested her head back against him, sighing. And then she tensed, hands scrambling for purchase. Will offered both of his hands without hesitation. “Oh my Gods, that is stronger. Holy shit.”
“Breathe, Siri. You're doing so well.” Ingrid promised.
Asha had taken a seat on the floor near Siri. She was trying not to hover, as Will clearly had the support and comfort under control, but she was there if she was needed for extra support. Siri and Will's relationship had grown so much in such a brief period of time and it was beautiful to witness.
“Mama,” Siri said, tipping her head the other direction so she could see her mother better. “You did this twice. You're amazing. This sucks.”
Asha rubbed Siri's leg. “You're amazing, sweet girl.”
“Why are you on the floor, Asha?” Will asked.
“I, um, I don't want to be in the way…” She stammered.
“We want you here. You aren't in the way,” Will assured. “I brought chairs in here for a reason, please sit in one. Family doesn't let family sit on the floor.”
Asha stood up and sat in one of the chairs, smiling at Will softly. Siri reached out for Asha's hand and Asha gave it.
Siri squeezed Asha's fingers. “I want you to be one of the first to meet my baby, Mama. I want you to be comfortable when you do.”
“Thank you, my love,” Asha said. “You tell me where you want me and what you want me to do and I'll do it.”
Siri smiled tiredly. And then she froze. “Woah, woah, that… feels different. Holy shit. What's happening? Ow ow ow.”
“Baby's coming down, Siri.” Ingrid said, ruffling through her bag. “How do you want to be?”
“What?” Siri blinked, dumbfounded.
“Your baby is coming very soon,” Asha said. “What position feels the most comfortable for you to push?”
Ingrid looked up. “Thank you, Asha.”
“Oh fuck,” Siri murmured, shifting. “I need to be up. Hands and knees, I cannot imagine doing this any other way right now. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is,” Ingrid said. “Floor or bed?”
“Floor,” Siri said. “I don't want to clean the bed after this.”
Ingrid laughed. “That's understandable.”
Asha popped up from the chair and grabbed the blankets and towels from where they folded and put them on the floor before helping Will guide Siri to the floor. Will sat on the floor beside Siri, who leaned against him, breathing hard. He smoothed back a bit of her hair and pressed a kiss to it before saying something quietly to her that Asha couldn't hear, but it made her smile.
And then, after what felt like an eternity and a blink of an eye simultaneously, the baby was officially coming. Siri tried for a few minutes on her hands and knees, but her arms were shaking too much to support her, so she ended up in a sort of crouch, Will helping hold her upright and her hand in Asha's. Siri, who had not cried even a bit the entire time, had begun to tear up.
“It hurts so much,” Siri said. “It hurts,”
“I know, I know. Big deep breaths, Siri. You are so close,” Ingrid promised, placing a gentle hand on Siri’s arm. “You're doing great.”
“You can do this,” Will encouraged, meeting her eyes. “You're so strong.”
“We're all right here for you,” Asha promised, squeezing Siri’s fingers from her spot on the floor. So much for not sitting on the floor, Will, she thought. She ended up back down there anyway.
A few more minutes of pressure and pain, a few yelps and screams later, Siri, chest heaving, flopped back against Will as a shrill little cry filled the room.
Will caught her in a firm hug. “You're so fucking incredible,” he told her, leaning his head against his.
Siri’s smile was bright as she looked to Asha, who had teary eyes at the sound of her first grandchild’s cries.
“Siri, Will,” Ingrid said, rubbing the tiny baby with a towel. “Congratulations, you have a beautiful little girl.”
Ingrid beamed as she placed the wailing baby on Siri’s chest. Siri and Will’s arms immediately went up to hold the baby there protectively.
“Holy shit,” Will muttered, tears in his eyes. “We have a kid.”
“She's beautiful, my darling,” Asha said softly. The baby had a decent amount of dark hair already and Asha swore she could see some curls. Just like Siri's hair.
The baby settled at Siri’s gentle shushing and her newfound warmth and grew quiet. Siri looked in awe at the tiny, wriggling child placed on her chest and lifted a shaky hand to trace her face with her index finger. “Hello pretty girl. I love you so much. Welcome home.”
Siri carefully dipped her head down to give the baby a tearful kiss and then suddenly started laughing.
“What? What's wrong?” Will asked, concerned, looking frantic.
“Nothing, it's just… I forgot about the ears!” Siri said through her laughter. “They're so cute!”
And sure enough, the baby had two little cat ears like her father. They were a bit folded and squashed but would not doubt perk up in time. They too were dark, with some orange and brown flecks already visible. Tortoiseshell.
Will gently touched a tiny ear with his own finger and it twitched a bit. “She's… she's perfect.”
Asha pushed herself to her knees and leaned over to give Siri a kiss on the head and one to Will as well. “Congratulations,” she said warmly. “Do you want me to go tell Ander and Clover?”
“Not until you hold her,” Siri said. “Please?”
“Oh! Alright.” Asha sat back on the ground and Siri carefully passed the baby into her arms. Asha gasped softly. It had been eleven years since she had last held a baby. She had nearly forgotten what it felt like. And what an honor to hold this baby.
Asha looked down at the beautiful girl, her first grandchild, and couldn't help the tears that started up again. Everything she and her friends had done, everything with the Rebellion, all of the pain and the struggle and the loss, had led them right there to that moment. And somehow, that made everything a little more okay, a little more worth it. Two children of the Rebellion had welcomed a brand new little life into the world. It felt like a metaphor. It felt like hope.
Asha hoped that this little girl would grow up in a safer, kinder world than even her own girls had been raised in. Maybe this child would see the end of the Rebellion once and for all.
Asha cradled the newborn close and looked down at her sweet little face. "We are so happy you're here, little one."
Kara Andrine, daughter of Siri Haralson and Will Verdile
#asha#botgd#battle of the grounded dungeon#siri#siri and will#will#new baby#ingrid bergman#siri and will's baby!
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Grey and Shadow wasted no time in flying after Lila toward the tower. Grey wanted to question Lila why she was coming with her. What about the Rebellion? They need their leader, but she thought better of it. Now was not the time to talk. They didn’t have a lot of time. They needed to focus on their last mission…finally bringing an end to High Central. Thankfully, Shadow was fast enough to keep up with Lila.
“This is it, Shadow,” she said to her dragon. “We’re finally going to be rid of High Central.”
Meanwhile, back in the medic tents, Brandt stood by as Sven, Dagny, and Kari each had their injuries tended to alongside their dragons. Thankfully, neither of them protested waiting for Grey to return, which made it easier for the second-in-command.
Brandt kept his eyes on the city, and his heart began to pound when he saw the city beginning to fall.
“Come on, Grey…” he whispered. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to go back for his wife, but he thought better of it. It wouldn’t do either of them any good. He was better off staying with their kids.
It wasn’t long before he saw a spec of light and a black dot flying up and back toward the tower. He widened his eyes. This was going to be it. He just knew that that was Grey flying off to finish High Central once and for all, and it looked like Lila was with her. He couldn’t help but hope they could put their differences aside once more to finish the job.
“Good luck, Grey,” he said mentally through the network. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Brandt,” Grey said through the network once she heard her husband’s voice.
Rumble Down Under [pt 8]
"You're right." Lila said without hesitation. They were on the back foot now and it was clear they needed an ace in the hole. Plan C was the only option that made sense now.
"Tezzeret, work with the Nixes to get everyone out of here. Liam... I... Don't know what the Hel you are anymore, but if that chain is what's giving Kezia this power it needs to go. Everyone else... Survive." She says as she takes off towards the tower with Grey in tow.
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Jugen Turns Himself In pt 2 (botgd 2)
Part 2
"To apologize." Jugen answered, and for a moment, his lips pressed together tightly. But then he closed his eyes and breathed a gentle exhale. "I am sorry. And I've brought everything you'll need to hold me accountable."
He offered up the satchel, which was filled with parchment and document packets. "I fear I've done worse than just putting out a non-fatal hit. Most of the damage is so hopelessly tangled in so many different things that it'll be impossible to undo. So, answering for it in court is the only thing I can reliably offer."
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On the Horizon (BOTGD flashback)
December 1036
Twelve-year-old Grey hurried as she put on her boots while her Night Fury watched her intently. Once she was dressed and brushed her teeth and hair, the young Viking was ready to start the day. Her father had promised her that they would get to have another sword fighting lesson that morning, so she made sure to be up early before she would have to do her morning chores.
“Okay, ready, girl?” Grey asked her dragon.
Shadow crooned excitedly as she stood up from the floor and stretched.
“Great!” Grey said excitedly. “Come on, Dad’s probably waiting for us downstairs.”
The young girl and the Night Fury ran down the stairs of the Bergman household, and as they descended, they saw Grey’s mother Ingrid stirring something in the pot over the fire.
“Morning, Mom!” Grey said happily as she and Shadow bounded down the stairs.
Ingrid looked up and smiled as her young daughter walked down with Shadow. “Oh good morning, Grey,” she said with a raised eyebrow. “You’re up early.”
“Yeah,” Grey replied as she grabbed her coat. “Dad and I are supposed to train today before I do my chores.” She looked around only to see that her father was nowhere to be found. “Where is he?”
Ingrid furrowed her eyebrows together in concern. “Oh, I’m sorry, my little Grey,” she said. “Dad isn’t here. He’s in a meeting with Chief Hroar and the other Widerwestern chiefs now.”
Grey groaned as she slumped in disappointment. “Aw man…that’s today?” Grey asked. As the Chief’s second-in-command, it was Sven’s job to attend meetings with the Chief, and that included the annual meeting with the Wilderwestern chiefs. Usually that involved the chiefs coming to Haligan Island or Sven and Hroar having to travel, and this year the meeting was on Haligan Island.
“I’m afraid so, dear,” Ingrid said nodding.
Grey sighed. “Did he say how long it would take?” she asked.
“He didn’t,” Ingrid replied, “but perhaps, if you sit down and have some breakfast and get your chores done, you and Dad might have some time to train by the time he’s done.”
Grey smiled. “Okay,” she said. She took her coat off and walked over to the fish basket pulling out some fish for Shadow before taking her place at the table to wait for breakfast.
Sven sat with Chief Hroar at the head of the table in the Great Hall. All morning the Wilderwestern chiefs had been pouring in with their elders and second-in-commands all morning, and they all congregated around the large table ready to start the meeting. Once everyone was settled in, he turned to his best friend, Chief Hroar signaling him that the meeting was to commence.
Chief Hroar stood up and silenced the crowd. “Fellow chieftains, elders, sirs,” he said, “it is with great pleasure that Sir Sven and I welcome you to Haligan Island for the annual meeting of the chiefs.”
Applause and cheers rang out in the Great Hall.
#battle of the grounded dungeon#botgd#botgd flashback#chief hroar blogs#sven bergman blogs#tal blogs#orskaf blogs
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*digs my old roleplay character from years of ash, dirt, and blood, and throws it at you*
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Race to the Edge pt 4 (botgd 2)
Part 3
"I will be here until every shard of every soul has been sorted, and sealed." Hel answered, and then gave him a coy smile, as she read his expression. "And before you run off to ruin my reputation, just know I get to be my proper bitch self elsewhere."
She settled back in her seat. "But here...I get to foster something that I had never been afforded before. I need it. And the souls that come here, including you, including the Norns, need it too..."
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Take It Slow (BOTGD flashback)
July 1048
It had been two months since Ragnarok ended and since the Grounded Dungeon Rebellion was released from their bunker once Hel informed them that she had won the war. The rebels moved on from their spot in the Everglade and set out to start lives anew or to resume their lives from before the Rebellion. Once she and King Haddock formed plans for her to continue her position, Lady Grey Bergman took her Night Fury, Shadow and led her best friends, Greg, Warren, their young daughter Lila, Asha, and her young daughter 3-year-old Siri back home to Haligan Island.
Upon returning, Grey reunited with her parents, Sven and Ingrid and her uncle Einar along with the rest of the village. She introduced them all to her unofficial adoptive siblings, Greg, Warren, and Asha and her nieces Siri and Lila. The Boomerang Squad settled into life on Haligan Island after that. Greg and Warren settled into their own house with Lila. That of course left Asha and Siri. Once Grey explained her situation to her parents, Sven and Ingrid welcomed Asha and Siri to live with them with open arms.
Ever since then, Asha and Siri had been living in the Bergman household and had been sharing Grey’s room with her and Shadow.
One morning in July 1048, Grey found herself waking up early that morning and getting ready for the day before walking out of the makeshift changing space in her room. She loved having Asha and Siri as roommates. Shadow immediately jumped up to greet her rider and sister.
“Hey, girl,” Grey said as she scratched her dragon’s head.
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Lila led the Rebellion down to the cavern, and the Felman family was not too far behind. Grey and Brandt mounted Shadow while the kids mounted their respective dragons. They flew down following Lila’s flames.
“So…umm…I might be a little lost here,” Sven said as he flew close to his sisters while their parents were in the lead, “but who is this Kezia we keep talking about?”
“Uncle Vox told us about her while we were trying to get that beacon back,” Dagny said from where she sat on SkySinger. “Apparently, she was one of the leaders of High Central. She and Darien are the ones who basically started all this.”
“The persecution of the half-breeds…the dungeons…everything,” Kari added.
“Wait…Mom, did you know her too?” Sven asked.
“I didn’t know her,” Grey answered keeping her eyes forward, “but I knew of her. I knew she was assassinated a long time ago, but that was essentially it.” In all the years Grey had knowledge of the mistreatment and High Central, the one thing she was very limited in was the three leaders of High Central. That changed of course when she finally met Darien, but Kezia was always in shadows. It was hard to put a face to a name with her, and that was about to change. “Listen, guys, I don’t know what exactly we’re facing down here with Kezia, but I want you all to stay close. If it gets to be too much, then you need to get somewhere safe, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the three teens said in unison.
“We’ll be okay,” Brandt said placing a hand on his wife’s shoulder.
Grey smiled at her husband. “I know,” she said. “It’s just…this is likely going to be our last battle, and there is no way Kezia is going down without a fight.”
Rumble PT 2
Indigo let out a little growl when Lila jumped right in without hesitation, and knew this was an excellent moment to dive right in.
To prove even more how dedicated he was to helping this cause and these people. To being an ally, and one worth keeping. Worth trusting. The Indigo Phantom got to his feet with a burst and ran full speed towards the hole, Storm chasing right on his heels.
He didn't even mount the dragon, letting out a holler, almost a war cry, maybe the screech of a fury, and jumped in after the leader, his dragon companion on his heels.
They met up midair effortlessly and vanished into the red tinged void below, the wing whistle and roar of a night fury coming out after they'd vanished.
He didn't even see Indi, perched hidden inside one of the many holes in the walls, watching them, since they were going so fast.
#battle of the grounded dungeon#botgd#botgd 2#indigo blogs#indi blogs#grey blogs#brandt blogs#sven blogs#dagny blogs#kari blogs
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How it started:
How it’s going like 8 or 9 years later:
Ohhhh how time flies… 🥲
#botgd#battle of the grounded dungeon#my art#my OC#just moments with mikky#I want to change her name so bad bc I have very poor association with her name now#but idk how to go about that cause I don’t want to retire her#just revamp#also maybe one day I’ll finish the drawing idk lmao
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On the Horizon pt 3 (botgd flashback)
Part 2
Orakaf's breaths hissed out of his nose as he stared the group down, unflinching in the awkward silence. He shuddered again as he drew a wrist across the corner or his mouth.
As he stood over the others, something suddenly changed in Orakaf's eyes. The cloud of his mental decline lifted, replaced my the formerly sharp, watery gaze of a cheif...veteran...and man who was unmistakably unsafe to be near. "Central...is on the horizon. Our horizon...during my time at sea, I learned of their methods. Their plans are too secret to know. But the pattern of what they do is unmistakable."
Catching Sven and Hroar's gazes, he pushed himself away from the table, and stalked around the meeting table to approach them. A finger of warning lifted, as his head turned. "They slave. Meaning they have no appreciation for labor, and craftsmanship. Their lands are mined too deep...contraptions decorate their lands where cornerstones of villages should stand. They're arrogant, with magic that turns minds. They don't just want everyone to think, look, and act like them...they are preparing for something beyond this world...and a man would be wise to crush that kind of vermin the moment opportunity presented itself."
He rolled a tongue around in the corner of his mouth, squared his stance, and placed his hands behind his so. "So Chieftains...what lengths would you take? To subvert an enemy like that?"
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Sea of Opportunity, Part 3 (BOTGD EU)
Continued from here
Grey nodded as she stared at Ai and then scanned her surroundings. Brandt and Shadow were behind her. A handful of her men were in the air on their respective dragons, but…at the same time, Grey realized that she was on Ai’s turf. She was on Ai’s ship…in the middle of the ocean…with a puddle on the deck…a puddle and ocean water that could be used against her should Grey attack.
Grey wanted to attack her. Grey wanted more than anything to bring Ai in once and for all, but…Jugen’s words rang in her mind…
"If you have an air tight plan, or a fight worth fighting again Ai, then by all means let her have it. But...don't let pride trip you up again. You don't have to make up for losing to her. You don't have to prove that. You only have to safeguard your people, including your family. Take her down. Even if it means using people and resources that forgo your chance to claim the glory or satisfaction of a rematch."
It pained her to say…she didn’t have an airtight plan. She was in the exact same spot, that got her captured in the first place all those months ago. Not to mention she, Brandt, Shadow, and her men were far from home…about 3 hours. Could she really take such a huge risk all for petty revenge? She steeled herself.
Of course not.
She realized what Jugen meant. He didn’t mean to just take whatever Ai threw at her lying down. He meant to use other resources to take her down…to stop her from committing further violence. If she were to attack now or even attempt to make an arrest, when Ai claimed to not have known where they were, which Grey didn’t believe one bit…it could lead to disastrous results. She would appear vengeful…and foolish for risking her husband, dragon, and men’s lives.
“And sometimes knowing the enemy better...is knowing when they are just out of your league."
At this moment, Ai was out of Grey’s league. So…she took a deep breath and stood up.
“Perhaps,” she said, “but like I said, loyalty goes a long way.” She then turned to her husband and her dragon. “I’ve kept you long enough, Captain. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of ocean to cover today.”
Brandt stared at his wife in shock as she moved towards him and Shadow. “Grey?” he asked. What was she up to?
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