maddie-williams · 10 years
Bats, Blood, and Maple || Alfred
Madeline had always enjoyed sleeping under the sky. She found it to be very calming and peaceful, and she hadn't had the chance to safely sleep outside since coming here, so the young Canadian took the opportunity while she had it. Folks would likely think her insane for sleeping outside when she finally had a bed, but Madeline just found the outdoors to be so relaxing.
It took her no time at all to fall asleep, and she slept for several hours. What finally woke her was the sound of someone approaching. She quickly stood, fearful the sound was being made by a walker. She cursed herself for not having a weapon on her. 
"Please don't eat me!" She squealed, as if that would really help her. Thankfully, it was no walker. Just some boy. A blond, friendly looking kid. Maddie put a hand to her chest and sighed in relief. Then another horrifying thought dawned on her.
"Wait, you're not a cannibal, right?!"
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[Hears there is someone here that loves food as much as she does]
[That's interesting.]
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la-giardiniera · 10 years
Hey there ma'am!! I just wanted to welcome you into the community if nobody else had! [big grin] I'm Alfred.
Is it normal for new people to get this many visitors? Because if I'm receiving some special welcoming party cuz I'm pregnant, I can do without it. Just bring me food and go.
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timvandenleeuwen · 10 years
Duo guard shift
Tim wasn’t looking forward to today’s shift. He had been informed that his shift would be with someone called Alfred and he had no idea who that was. He really hoped someone decent like Ludwig and not someone as talkative as Antonio. The weather was clear and warm but not to warm so at least something was good about today. He arrived at his post a bit early like always. It wasn’t like time had a large importance these days besides the difference between day and night, but being late would not sit well with him.
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7 , 14 , 18
7:What’s your earliest memory?
I think I’ve answered this one, but my earliest memory is when my papa took me sailing and fishing and catching my first fish. I was just a little girl so of course seeing the fish out of water scared me and I just wanted to throw it back in the ocean with its friends. Papa told me he threw it back but jut recently I learned he actually cooked it and we ate it for dinner..
14:What is one thing that is an absolute necessity for you?
Música. and family, whether by blood or not. Music, because I grew up with it and without it my life seems empty. These days it’s usually just me singing to myself but it’s fine. Family because, honestly being along lets my thoughts wander and I hate that.
18:Can you play an instrument?
Si! I can play the guitar, but that’s pretty much it. I’d love the chance to learn some others though.
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