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A Igreja Batista Conservadora é originária da Missão Batista Conservadora, procendente dos EUA, onde foi fundada em 1947, com ênfase na inerrância das Escrituras e buscando uma abordagem mais conservadora do que as igrejas batistas em geral. A Convenção Batista Conservadora tem sua sede no sul do Brasil(Bagé/RS), onde concentra a maioria de suas congregações. A Igreja Batista Conservadora pratica batismo por imersão e adulto, enfatiza a interpretação literal da Bíblia. A convenção Batista conservadora no Brasil, não teve origem e nem possui ligação direta com a de mesmo nome Norte Americana, trata-se de divisão ocorrida no início dos anos 80, onde um grupo de igrejas oriundas da Convenção das Igrejas Batistas Independentes (CIBI), formaram a União Conservadora Batista Independente (UCBI), e posteriormente adotou o nome de Convenção Batista Conservadora, sua sede é em Bagé/RS.
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Para os “cristãos” (diria PSEUDO, mas melhor que cada um faça sua autocrítica) pensar a respeito do seu apoio às chamadas “causas progressistas”!
Que pensem a que Deus estão servindo, se a Yaweh ou a Mamon, se a Jesus Cristo seu filho ou a filho do demônio, o Anti-Cristo revelado em vários líderes políticos esquerdistas ao longo do último século.
Votam, como se votar em um CORRUPTO, um CORRUPTOR, um DESCONDENADO que se cerca de empresários e políticos venais, um MENTIROSO (minha mãe me dizia que o Diabo era o Pai de Mentira, mas ao que parece ele hoje é também o “Pai dos Pobres”) não afetasse a fé e as doutrinas Bíblicas que dizem professar.
Pastores, acreditem, fazem prédicas conspurcando o Evengelho de Jesus Cristo, Salvação para TODO AQUELE QUE CRER, desvirtuando sua mensagem ao dizer (de maneira herética) que Ele teria feito “uma opção pelos pobres”, quando TODOS SABEMOS que o Mestre fez uma OPÇÃO PELO PECADOR!
São novos Fariseus, esses “pastores”, porque esquecem que o Mestre foi CONDENADO e CRITICADO pelos Fariseus históricos por não fazer acepção de pessoas e até mesmo comer com publicanos, prostitutas e pecadores.
E me desculpem pela ASSERTIVIDADE e VEEMÊNCIA deste texto, porque me assusta muito a SUBSERVIÊNCIA dos “crentes” (seriam mesmo?) às pautas das “minorias” (só rindo mesmo).
E, acreditem, já ouvimos coisas de arrepiar a alma, vindo de membros de Igrejas ao defender que os “brancos” (como se não fôssemos todos miscigenados) teriam uma “dívida histórica” com os negros! Isso mesmo! Membros de uma mesma igreja, dizendo a membros daquela igreja que SEUS IRMÃOS eram privilegiados e que tinham uma dívida para com seus IRMÃOS NA FÉ!
Dissensão, divisão, conflito, Marxismo, luta de “classes” dentro do Corpo de Cristo!
E neste contexto: ONDE ESTÃO OS PROFETAS?
Vejam o vídeo e decidam por si mesmos e escolham o seu lado na Guerra do Armagedom que se aproxima!
#honra#justiça#liberdade#brasil#bolsonaro#jesus cristo#rio de janeiro#segurança#força#fé#biblia#batistas#Instagram
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damn dex
#dexter showtime#dexter#dexter new blood#dexter original sin#dexter morgan#michael c hall#debra morgan#brian moser#maria laguerta#angel batista#vince masuka#harry morgan#lumen pierce#hannah mckay#rita bennett#astor bennett#cody bennett#harrison morgan#i really don't know what else to say he just would
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residents of strangerville
#me making a sim without big beautiful brown eyes? impossible#luz#batista save file#ts4#ts4 mine#sims 4#show us your sims#ts4 cas#simblr#ts4 simblr#cas
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A New Moon
[Dexter Morgan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Despite his gut telling him he shouldn’t, Dexter can’t help but fall deeper into the trap of his own emotions. And the more time he spends with you, the more he starts to realize what exactly those emotions are. {GIF Creds: beautifulguycollector}
WC: 2889
Category: Slight Lime/Spice, Friends to Lovers + Forbidden Love (if you squint) Tropes
Gotta keep this fandom alive somehow 🥲 (also… why are titles so hard to write? That and the synopsis are harder to write than the actual fic)
You were too good for him. Plain and simple. You were a smart, beautiful, hard-working woman who had goals and dreams. He was a cold-blooded killer. Not to say that he hadn't been there for you, though. The two of you had been friends since… well, a while. A long while.
He couldn't quite pinpoint the moment he started to notice the changes in your relationship. It was a slow, subtle buildup, and the first time you called him your friend, Dexter thought nothing of it. The second time, it made him pause, but not enough for him to consider what the implications of you saying that to him could mean.
But when you said it again and again and again, he realized the meaning behind your words, the affection they held. Dexter couldn't say that he was particularly close to many people. There were a select few he'd consider his friends, but he wasn’t emotionally invested in any of them. And he didn't think he was invested in you, either.
But maybe he was.
Debs was different, and it made him question how much he was supposed to care about someone. But that was his sister, the one person in the world who loved him unconditionally. That reason alone made his relationship with Deb unique. He was sure of that.
The same went with Brian—his brother, as it turned out. And Harrison, his son. Dexter felt things for those people, but they were different. Those were family, the people he was genetically tied to. Of course, he would care about them.
But you weren't family, and yet he still cared about you. It was a different kind of caring. And it was confusing. Dexter had convinced himself for years that he was a high-functioning sociopath, but lately…
Lately, he was beginning to question if that was true. Simple glances from you could bring an unwelcome smile to his lips. And when he heard the sound of your voice, he could feel his chest getting warm. It was a nice feeling, something he'd only experienced briefly with Rita, but then, that relationship was different too.
It was hard to put his finger on it, but being with you was just… easy. And it didn't feel like work. There was no pretending. Dexter didn't have to act when he was around you. He didn't need to try to be someone he wasn't. It was the real him.
It was terrifying.
Because now, as he sat on your couch, watching as you moved gracefully around your small apartment, the feeling was back, and he didn't know how to deal with it.
He should have been home with Harrison, but the little boy was staying over at Debra’s tonight, so he didn't have any responsibilities. The passenger within him didn’t see it as a problem either, considering he’d just recently “disposed" his latest target.
It was nice, Dexter decided, to relax every once in a while. Work and family didn't give him a lot of opportunities to do so, and now that the two were temporarily taken care of, he felt he deserved to be lazy for a bit.
You didn’t have a TV in your living room, so the two of you settled for movies. Dexter didn’t really have a preference for them. He could watch a comedy, action, drama, or horror and not feel strongly for or against any of them.
Apparently, you didn't mind what he watched either because he could see the spark of excitement in your eyes when you pulled out the case for one of the worst comedy films Dexter had ever seen.
He'd seen it before. Not with you, one of the movies Vince shoved down his throat when he planned a night out with him, Angel, and Quinn.
It wasn't his favorite, not by a long shot, but the grin on your face and the way you eagerly skipped to the DVD player, set the disk inside, and closed the hatch made him bite his tongue.
Dexter had learned a long time ago that you were a very expressive person. And even though most of the time your feelings weren't displayed on your face, your eyes told another story. Such opposites to his own, Dexter often found himself fascinated by the light they held.
You had a passion for life that was rare, and it drew him in. It was a quality he lacked, and he could see it in everything you did. Whether it was talking about the newest book you read or making coffee, you put all of yourself into your actions.
It was something that Dexter had never understood. How could you have such a strong sense of self? Didn't it get tiring, having to live up to a standard of being so… so good?
But then again, you'd always been better than him. He might’ve been smarter in some regards, but what was intelligence if it didn't come from a place of morality? You were better, purer than him. He knew it, and everyone else did, too, even if they weren’t aware of how pure he wasn’t
That's why this was so wrong. This thing that had been going on for the past couple of months between the two of you. The subtle touches, the longing stares, the late-night calls. It was all wrong.
You were similar to Rita in some ways. You were kind and compassionate, always looking for the good in others. You had a knack for taking care of people, whether they needed it or not.
Dexter could tell that was your nature, and it was one of the things that initially attracted him to you. All the things he lacked, you had. But that didn't mean that you could replace Rita. He didn’t want you to.
And that was the difference. While he may have found qualities in you that resembled the ones he'd found in Rita, you were not her. Rita was gone, and it was his fault. She didn’t deserve to die, and yet she did. She deserved to grow old, to see Harrison grow up.
She deserved better.
The same went for you. You didn’t deserve a monster like him. The more he thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that he should stay away. It was for the best of both of you.
And yet he was here. On your couch, watching a shitty movie and drinking the beer you'd offered him. Because, despite his efforts, he couldn't keep his distance from you.
He should've known. When it came to you, Dexter didn't have a choice.
His gaze drifted over to your form as you sat down beside him. You were smiling, your eyes bright and focused on the television. A lock of hair fell across your face, and you pushed it back, the sleeve of your hoodie falling down slightly.
Dexter had never been so tempted to reach out and touch someone in his life.
It was a feeling that had been creeping up on him the last few weeks, and now, sitting with you, watching a bad movie, it was at an all-time high. He'd never craved intimacy. But there was something about you, a pull that he couldn't deny.
It gave him a sick feeling in his stomach. Reminded him of that need with Lila. God, Lila. What a mess that had turned out to be. Another thing to add to his growing list of mistakes.
And yet, the longer he stared, the more he found himself leaning forward. He didn’t register what he was doing until his lips were a hair width away from yours.
You froze but didn't move away. The only indication that you were startled was the widening of your eyes. They bored into his, unflinching. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears.
He was scared. Scared? Yes. That was what he was feeling. Why? He didn't know. Fear was new. It was a feeling reserved for Deb and sometimes his son, but even then, it was different.
But as Dexter gazed at you, so close and so beautiful, the fear melted away. It was replaced by a warmth that he was quickly becoming familiar with. It made his body thrum and his blood rush. It made him feel alive.
You were the first one to make a move. Well, not really a move, just the smallest shift forward, and then you were breathing the same air as him. You weren't kissing. You were just… waiting. Waiting for him to make the final move.
It was like an unspoken rule between the two of you, the power dynamic. He was the dominant one, and you were the submissive. You had never fought against it. You were a people pleaser, and he knew that.
It was one of the reasons he knew this was wrong. Because he couldn't stop, and you would never ask him to. Even now, as he hesitated, you waited patiently. You trusted him.
Why did you have to trust him? Why couldn't you be more selfish, more like him?
But deep down, Dexter knew that it wasn't your nature. You couldn't change, not any more than he could.
So, after another agonizing second, he closed the distance between you.
It was gentle, the way his lips pressed against yours. A stark contrast to the usual forcefulness he applied when taking his victims. No, with you, he was careful. Almost timid.
Your lips were soft and smooth, and the kiss was sweet. Nothing more than a simple caress. Dexter didn’t expect the tingling sensation it would cause, but the slight brush of your mouth sent shivers down his spine.
The kiss was short and chaste, but it was enough to leave him feeling dizzy. The heat spread through him, from the tips of his toes all the way to his cheeks.
Dexter pulled back, and you stared at him. His breath hitched in his throat at the look in your eyes. There was something there, something that mirrored his own emotions.
Was it possible? Was he really capable of such intense emotion?
Maybe he was.
You didn’t move. It was like time had stopped, and the only sound that could be heard was his own uneven breathing. That, and the movie playing in the background, which was forgotten as soon as your lips touched.
The urge to reach out and grab you was there. He could feel the need deep in his bones, in his soul. But instead, Dexter sat, staring. Staring into the eyes of the woman who had somehow managed to break down all the walls he'd spent his life building.
You didn't speak. There was nothing to say. No words could describe the feelings that had surfaced between the two of you. So, instead, you smiled. A simple, beautiful smile that had him feeling weak.
He could have stayed there forever, just looking at you, taking in the beauty that was you. It was a new experience for him, and it was nice.
“Debra is going to be pissed," you finally said, breaking the silence. “I’ll be bullied into telling her every detail."
He blinked. Once. Twice. Then, his lips curled up in amusement. It was true. Eventually, she’ll figure it out. Maybe she already knew but was waiting for confirmation. Debra was good at figuring out things, even if it wasn’t the most obvious answer.
His sister was good at a lot of things, like being a detective. And, apparently, being an interfering matchmaking nuisance.
At least she wouldn’t call you the things she called Lila.
The thought made him chuckle, and you looked at him in confusion, but it would have to stay a mystery to you. For what was life without a few private jokes between siblings, right?
You didn’t press for answers, though. You did what you’ve always done and waited for him—waited for him as if it was his turn in Chess.
And he did the only thing he could think to do. He kissed you again. And again. And again. And again. Until he had you pinned beneath him, your arms around his neck, and your breath coming out in heavy gasps.
The kisses were still innocent, just as you were. But he could feel the passion behind them, the hunger. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt that. It had been a long, long time.
But the longer he kissed you, the more the heat grew, and soon, he was lost in the sensation. Your hands found their way into his hair, and you tugged at the strands. His heart was racing, and the sound of his own ragged breathing filled his ears.
It was exhilarating.
Your lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip inside, and the innocence was gone. Replaced by a desire that left him trembling. The feeling of your tongue against his, the taste of you on his lips, the smell of your shampoo mixed with your unique scent—it was all intoxicating.
The movie continued to play in the background, forgotten as you pulled him closer. The warmth in his chest intensified, and Dexter didn't fight it. Instead, he embraced it. He gave in to his emotions and let himself feel.
He didn’t go too far; he knew you weren't ready for that yet. The craving was there, and it was strong, but the moment wasn’t right. Instead, he satisfied himself by touching your skin, mapping out every inch of it, memorizing the way it felt under his fingertips.
And, when you finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, he held onto you, refusing to let go. His eyes searched yours, searching for something. Anything. He didn’t know what he was looking for, but whatever it was, he didn’t find it.
He mostly saw fear, anger, and some regret when he had them pinned down beneath him. Of course, that was usually the case with his victims. Fear, anger, and regret were normal emotions—a reaction to being trapped by their own demise.
Having someone look up at him with emotions on the other side of the spectrum was different. Not a bad different, just... different.
Rita had been the first to look at him like that. Lumen did, too, once upon a time. And Lila, well, her emotions were never consistent.
But you? You looked up at him with an expression that was all too familiar and yet not quite the same. Your eyes were full of affection and desire, yes. But they were also filled with something else. Something he couldn't place.
Something he couldn’t understand.
"Dex,” your voice was so soft, a whisper. He almost didn’t hear it, and yet, he felt it. He felt the way his name rolled off your tongue, and it was like music to his ears.
"Yeah?" he whispered back. He didn’t know why he did that; it wasn't like the two of you were speaking in a library or something. Maybe it was the way the light danced in your eyes, the way the colors reflected off the white walls, casting an ethereal glow.
"I didn’t expect you to be… like this," you murmured. You ran a finger over his cheek, down to his jawline. He swallowed thickly. He could feel his pulse quicken.
"Like what?" he asked, his voice rough.
"Not bad," you replied. Your lips curved up, and his eyes were drawn to them. They were red and swollen from kissing, and it was such a contrast to the pale skin of your face.
"You think I'm not bad?" he said, raising his brows. "I'm flattered."
You shook your head. "You know what I mean," you said. "I just meant that you're different than how you come off. I didn’t think you'd be so... bold.”
He snorted.
If you only knew.
"I guess I'm full of surprises," he said, smirking. You rolled your eyes and punched him lightly in the shoulder, only for him to catch it and press a kiss to the back of your hand. It was something he picked up from a movie once, and it seemed to be a pretty romantic gesture. And by the look on your face, it seemed to be appreciated.
You didn't say anything else. You didn't have to. There was nothing else to say. The two of you simply enjoyed each other's company, content to just be together. The movie might've been a failure, but the night wasn’t.
And when Dexter finally left, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. Not the type of relief he felt after a successful kill, but the type of relief one feels after a burden is lifted off their shoulders. The type of relief one gets when they are finally honest with themselves.
Rita was gone. Lumen was gone. And although his guilt and shame were still there, his self-loathing and fear were slowly starting to fade away. It wasn't gone, it was never going to be, but it was a start.
A fresh start.
A new beginning.
A new moon.
Yes, tonight was the night that changed everything. Tonight, Dexter Morgan learned that maybe he was more than the monster he thought he was.
#dexter morgan#dexter morgan x reader#dexter morgan/reader#dexter morgan x female!reader#dexter fanfiction#dexter fandom#dexter morgan x you#dexter x reader#dexter tv#dexter tv series#dexter#x reader#fanfic#reader#fanfiction#debra morgan#michael c hall#michael c hall x reader#dexter imagine#dexter morgan imagine#angel batista#fluff#first kiss#tension#dexter fanfic#dexter morgan fanfic#slasher fandom#slasher fic#slashers#darkly dreaming dexter
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Dexter, Angel, Brian, and James with someone who has a baby face w/ a deep voice
head cannons, male reader, reader has high moans, brian is a freak, doaks is secretly a freak, being way too curious with someone, they don't realize it's cause they're turned on and have a thing for you, spanish speaking reader on angel, kinda based off me, reader can be shorter or taller i really don't care



— didn't expect that out of you, by any means. you were the person who had called him to the crime scene, and since he had never really met you, he didn't expect to see that you're the one behind the call.
"There any blood?"
He meant to speak to angel, yet you answered right behind him and scaring the hell out of him.
"It's over here." He caught himself looking around, that couldn't have come from you? Could it? You had the face someone would steal a lollipop from.
"Uh..yeah, lead the way." He was so fixated on your face. Big, doe eyes your pretty soft lips parting at every 'ah..' of understandment. His mouth went dry even looking at you, why hadn't he noticed you before?
— When the two of you got together, it was very clear he had a thing for your voice. Especially whilst having sex, and he surely didn't expect your moans to be so high? Guess something made up for that pretty face of yours.
— Each time he was inside, he loved the way low groans turned into such needy and whiny moans for him. It turned him on when you talked him through, slow sex had him crumbing to you.
"Fuck..Dexter.." He thrusted inside slowly, taking in every single 'yes' and 'so good' Dexter himself wasn't at all a quiet person in bed, grunting and groaning along with you letting your own voices mix. He was so damn lucky.



— Yeah, you creeped him the fuck out.
— He wasn't one to care on people's voices, but damn did you get surgery or something? He might have called you 'kid' or something if you didn't sound like death crawling from hell itself.
— He was told to go to you for some sort of files, finding you at your desk.
"You the one I'm looking for? I need those files." He couldn't lie, his heart almost melted at the way you looked up at him. Was his voice too rough? Did he hurt your feelings? Damn.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Holy fuck.. nevermind.
— He made a rule for you not to sneak up behind him and to randomly start speaking. Scared the shit out of him when you did that.
"Right, Morgan said the victim had put up a fight before she was hit in the head, and—"
"What happened?"
"Oh my God— never again! Never do that again."
"Hm? What did I do?"
— He weirdly liked your face. Well, the cheeks of your face. If you did something dumb you would feel his fingers harshly punch at the soft skin of them. It was cute, he wouldn't lie about that. Your face stretching out as you whined for him to let go. It made his day, it really did.
— Now sex on the other hand, he would never reveal that to anyone. He was a professional, but on his own he would think of it from time to time. The way you would moan out his name, making that voice of yours crumble just from slipping the tip inside of you. His head would be on your shoulder, his own voice soft and talking you through it. He did that on purpose, so his ear would be close to your mouth. He desperately needed to hear it.



(he's so glorious i love him.)
— Debra was having another situation in which a witness couldn't speak English well, or understand it too much and he had been busy with someone else. So they called you over instead.
"Entiendo señora, haremos lo mejor que podamos pero por favor debe calmarse." Damn. He got distracted, drowning out the voice of who he was supposed to be listening to. Watching your face go into a look of understanding as the woman in the front of you hyperventilated, your voice so deep yet so calming as you rubbed her back and soothed her the best you could.
— He loved when you spoke spanish, whether it be small curses, or exclaims of excitement. He loved it all. But when you were speaking to him, he went all still. He could admire your voice from afar, yet right in front of him? No, absolutely not.
"Morning Angel," He froze up, snapping out of it quickly so he could at least muster up something back. "Yeah.." Yeah. Yeah? Was that the best he could do, jesus..
— Never had he expected to get with you. Let alone be able to fuck you. He was nervous at first. What was he supposed to do? He knew what to do, but he didn't at the same time. It was mostly a matter of being nervous rather than you being the first guy he's done it with.
"This feel good?" Paying attention to every single sound or movement you made, looking at you as if you were the light of his life. Your little 'Mhm' as he held your body close, going inside slowly and letting his hands squeeze at your hips and waist, soothing them.
"Oh, Angel.." Your accent made him shiver, his eyes fluttering shut and rolling back the more he thrusted inside. "Perfect.." He muttered, kissing your skin softly. "So perfect."
— Overtime, he would develop a weird liking to your throat. Everytime you spoke, he'd pay attention to your Adams apple and watching it bob as you spoke. He just wanted to choke you.
— Though first hearing you, he didn't know whether or not to be surprised or turned on. He found you weirdly unique, obsessed with your voice and always gave you reasons to talk. He would learn about your interest, just to make you talk even more.
"Oh, and my favorite actor had played in this movie and I feel as if.." and blah, blah, blah..
— He was listening, he swore it! And if he wasn't listening he had gotten some sort of recorder, just so he make use of it later on.
His cock leaked the more he moved his hand up and down. Trying to force himself to be quiet enough so that he could hear your voice clearly.
"Fuck.." Imagining you riding him, moaning like you depended on riding him and like you absolutely needed him. Voice wavering to whimpers and high moans— hell, he needed that so badly.
— Next day, he'd face you like nothing happened. Greeting you with a smile as you walked through the station.
"Morning Rudy!"
#bottom male reader#dexter x male reader#dexter morgan x reader#dexter x reader#dexter moser#dexter#bottom reader#brian moser x reader#brian moser#james doakes#doakes x reader#james doakes x reader#janes doakes x male reader#angel batista#angel batista x reader#angel batista x male reader#brian moser x male reader#brian moser x you
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dexter morgan icons (dexter tv show, 2006 - 2013)
#「 dexter 」#「 michael c hall 」#dexter#dexter morgan#michael hall#michael c hall#michael c. hall#rita bennett#debra morgan#dexter morgon#astor bennet#angel batista#dexter edit#horror#nbc#supernatural horror#horror movies#horror films#2000s horror#2000s
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Lord Discordant
by Daniel Batista
#chaos#space marines#heretic astartes#night lords#daemon engine#warhammer#warhammer 40k#warhammer 40000#40k#daniel batista
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#cristianismo#fé cristã#batista do caminho#biblia#bibliaonline#palavra de deus#familia#batistas#versiculos biblicos
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DEXTER (ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ꜱɪɴ) — 1x02 Kid in a Candy Store
#dexter#dexteredit#dextergifs#dexter morgan#angel batista#harry morgan#patrick gibson#sarah michelle gellar#sarah michelle prinze#james martinez#christian slater#tvgifs#the actor for batista#CHEF'S KISS#not me forgetting the#dexter original sin#tag#lol
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#tim shepherd#the outsiders#homelander#the boys#arkhamverse#the riddler#edward nygma#jonathan crane#scarecrow#logan howlett#scott summers#x-men#x men#debra morgan#brian moser#james doakes#dexter morgan#rita bennett#angel batista#vince masuka#incorrect quotes#qref discord
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LA PASIÓN!!!!!!!
#vince masuka#angel batista#dexter#dexter fanart#LA PASION#artists on tumblr#fanart#myart#digital art#sketches
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Claudiney Batista of Brazil wins the gold meal in the Men's Discus Throw - F56 Final on day five of the Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games at Stade de France on September 02, 2024 in Paris, France.
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James Doakes, Angel Batista with a lover who's too sweet
male leaning, arguments, expensive gifts, guilt, angel feels like an ass, james feels like more of an ass, reader being clumsy, silent treatment, clumsiness , getting distracted easily, i like making the reader like rita, i love rita, #ritaxdexterxaaroncannon, marry me rita, rita kiss me, no rita slander, rita i love you



— How'd you get with this guy.
— You worked alongside him after Laguerta was out as lieutenant, and you agitated him at first. He didn't at all want to work with some kid, nor was he ready to work with someone else just yet. Obviously he complained, but he had to oblige because it was his job.
— He'd grow way too fond of you, you pretty much made his day as well. When he just got to work after a long night, definitely not feeling it just seeing you walk in with the brightest smile on your face warmed his heart. Even if he didn't show it as much.
"Ain't shit to smile about detective." Your head turned towards him as you waved at him. "Morning to you too!" And it wasn't even in a sarcastic way, you actually meant it.
— Even during heavy moments you would never fail to make him laugh. For someone as calm and sweet as you, you were just all over the place.
— Hearing you yell, "I got it!" During a chase just to fall flat on your face, then get up and go "I still got it!"
"Just put him in the interrogation room, uh.. detective? What happened to your.." you wiped your face of any leftover dirt, but there would still be a mark left.
"I fell." Laguerta turned to Doakes, making him sigh and roll his eyes. "He fell."
— You had accidentally confessed to him, you were enjoying one of those nights where someone like Dexter or Angel would buy a whole night of drinks and you decided to join for once.
— James told you to stay home for things like these, but you shook your head and claimed you weren't a lightweight yet here you were.
— You were going insane, hanging off random people, dancing on randoms and you almost got taken home by someone you didn't know. The man could barely have fun because he had to make sure you didn't do anything stupid.
— When you tried to get up on stage to be one of the strippers he decided it was time for you to go home.
"I told you not to come here." Your face was at the side of his chest as he carried you to his car, your wobbling figure tripping over absolutely nothing but air.
"James.." you muttered, "Yeah, yeah, I got you." His chest felt tight as you whispered his first name, loving the way you had croaked it out even if it was barely audible.
"No, James.." He got confused. "No? No, what." You stopped in the front of him, making him trip over your feet and get entirely too close to you. "I love you.." and you kissed him— well something like that. Your lips simply grazed his before you passed out on his shoulder.
He was stuck for a moment, still kept a hold on you yet he was still absolutely lost and dumbfounded.
— Getting you home was such a hassle, you had woken up mid way and instantly tried to get his pants off.
— You were trying to take off your shirt at first because it was hot, but when you noticed James was in front of you, you randomly thought the two of you were having sex.
"Hey, quit it." You whined in his ear as he took your fingers off of his belt, putting your hands next to your head. "But why..? You love me don't you?" He did. He wanted nothing more to take you right then and there.
"I won't do this. Not while you're drunk."
— It sort of became an unspoken relationship, the two of you just sort of knew you were together and went along with it. Everything was amazing, you were amazing and the best he's ever had.
— Dates were fun, work was even fun, acting like you two were teenagers that were still in love.
— Yet there was one thing you most definitely tried to avoid, and something he definitely tried to avoid. You tried to avoid arguments, because you knew he wouldn't win, and he tried to avoid making you upset because you were really good at giving him silent treatment.
"How longs it been?" He couldn't believe he was talking to Dexter about this.
"2 weeks."
— There wasn't much communication needed. He knew what he did.
It wasn't a good day, not even you could help him too much. He was stressed, and the whole crime scene was just messy and nothing was getting done. He had just yelled at Morgan— both of them to hurry up and get as much evidence as they could. And you were tired as it is, a bit of a headache this morning but you yourself still tried to make the atmosphere feel lighter.
But then you bumped into something, and knocked it over covering it in blood. "Oops.." you said quietly. And that made James livid.
"Damn it Detective!" Detective, him calling you that was the first thing that made your heart drop. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to—" "This is an important case right now! We almost have this guy and you're here fuckin' around?!" You could barely get your word in as he kept going.
"Maybe if you did your fucking job," There it was, the heavy feeling in your throat. "We could actually shit done, and not get as many damn complaints of not doing what we need to do, your the main reason!"
Your face dropped completely, staring at him in disbelief before you just walked away. Now there was no light feeling in the air, everyone knew when you got like this there wouldn't be a good feeling for a bit. Masuka went up to doakes, giving him some advice "Uh..me and Dexter can get the blood off and still get some prints of the sort."



— Oh bless his poor soul. He's the biggest loverboy who makes way too many mistakes.
— You were like a blessing to him, he couldn't keep on distracting himself with other women to get over his ex-wife. It just wasn't working.
— But seeing you practically trot around the station and greet others like they were your closest friends had him head over heels for you and he didn't want to ever let go of that feeling.
"Morning Angel!"
— He adored every moment he could, even the moments where you got distracted. He wouldn't say you're bad at your job, he would say at times you're surprisingly good at it.
"Our suspect is a white male, maybe about 5'9, a bit of stubble and he's a Blondie." He would continue giving the description of this guy, while your eyes would be on someone who seemed to be sneaking away from the crowd. You'd been staring at him for a while.
"Like that guy?" Angel stopped talking, looking behind him and seeing that the suspect was now completely booking it.
"What— Why didn't you say it sooner!"
"I didn't know!"
"Yes you did!"
— You were his every reason. Including the reason he'd drink his feelings away.
"I mean Dex..I don't know, I'm such a fucked up guy and he's..perfect." Dexter knew he was afraid to make the same mistakes, treat you wrong and push you away.
"Angel—" "I mean he's the sweetest person in the world, and I'm me, I get fuckin' awkward around him all the damn time. What could he see in a guy like me?" "Angel—" "I love him, man."
Yeah, he was out of it.
— He planned to ask you out at some point, to have the most romantic moment he could with you. And that's exactly what he set up, he booked the most expensive place he could in Miami and took you there.
— You asked him what the occasion was, but he thought that bit would be obvious.
"Look, I.." he took a bit of a breath, looking down at the gift he got you. It was a bracelet, with diamond littered all over it and it was his entire pay to get it for you.
"I want to—" "Yes." You were too excited, you knew what he was gonna do, Dexter 'accidentally' told you. But he still wanted to have his moment of saying what he was gonna say.
"Sorry! Sorry, continue."
— He for sure made sure to not screw up, to treat you like the sweetness that you were. But you always outdid him in some way possible.
— He had gone through at least ten anniversary gifts, and settled on more jewelry. It was a necklace, pretty expensive and anyone could tell. The butterfly had amethyst all inside of it, glowing beautiful in the moonlight and in the sunlight.
— Your reaction had him smiling and giggling, you were kissing him all over and instantly wore the gift on your neck promising to never take it off.
"Now time for your gift." His gift? You left him outside, covering his eyes and having him wait a moment. He heard the sound of concrete cracking, like wheels driving on it? And then he heard the screeching of a car.
No damn way.
"You got me a car!?" He was jaw dropped, while you had the wide smile on your face. "Mhm!" He shook his head, not believing a single bit of it. He got you a necklace..while you got him a car?
A car.
"No. Give my the necklace back."
"What? No, it's mine."
"It sucks!"
"No it doesn't!"
#bottom male reader#dexter x male reader#dexter x reader#male reader#bottom reader#dexter#james doakes x reader#james doakes#james doakes x male reader#angel batista x male reader#angel batista x reader#angel batista
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