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artemlegere · 6 days ago
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The Greek Poet Anacreon and Bathyll
Artist: Nicolai Abildgaard (Danish, 1743–1809)
Date: 1808
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
"The Greek Poet Anacreon and Bathyll" (1808) by Nicolai Abildgaard is a painting depicting the ancient Greek poet Anacreon playfully interacting with a young boy named Bathyll, a common subject in art that often represents themes of love, beauty, and youthful exuberance; this particular piece is a prime example of the Neoclassical style, showcasing the artist's interest in classical mythology and idealized forms, with a focus on graceful lines and elegant composition.
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bubu0h · 1 year ago
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An Innocent Wish by Gwendal_Wincott
The Greek Poet Anacreon and Bathyll (1808) by Nicolai Abildgaard
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shutterlens · 2 years ago
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The main three characters of Shooting Star (with an additional shaded digital drawing of Starman Morgan)
(tw: discussion of harassment, family-related trauma, ableism against implied neurodivergent traits, implied villain death, potentially distressing content)
About the Characters (with transcriptions of my traditionally written notes for the characters):
-20M (he/him)
-The show's main host
-Greatly prefers to have a sense of control over his environment through a sense of structure and security (note: this is regarding both his everyday routine and his severe discomfort with spontaneity in the journeys that he and his friends here go on)
-Hates surprises of any kind (disrupts sense of security) (note: he also has no idea what to do if things don't go how he thinks they will because he always plans his actions and reactions in advance)
-Not actively malicious, considers himself to have good intent
-Can be very scary (note: for the other two) to deal with at times
-Additional Notes: Mulen is very prone to distress, especially due to the intensity of his own emotion and from having struggled with a severe lack of control over his own life due to having an unaccepting and overcritical family who always kept an iron grip on every aspect of his life. This uncontrollable proneness to distress and the way that his society villainizes his unintentionally "odd" demeanor and personality is why Bathyl has chosen to harass him so much and so intensely for the past 15 years (Bathyl started harassing Mulen at the age of five and has not stopped harassing him ever since), as Bathyl finds this state of complete ruin from this immense distress to be virtually euphoric to cause, and with this, Bathyl ends up being immensely infatuated with Mulen and his misery in a very sick (/neg, negative connotation) and twisted way.
Starman Morgan:
-18M (he/him)
-Wants to interact with others (especially his friends) but gets very stressed out by social interactions and environments that are too busy
-He has a reputation of being "the smart one" among the [correction: main three characters] of Shooting Star
-He won't talk very much unless it's about one or more of the many books he has (he'll chat to no end about his book interest)
-Additional Notes: I'm sorry that the traditional illustration of Starman Morgan here ended up being too tall. I imagined Starman Morgan being more so at a medium height than anything. That is, he's shorter than Mulen but taller than Best Friend. I also imagined that he would be the main one who would bring Bathyl's wrongdoings to the eye of the public and who would help cause Bathyl's downfall.
Best Friend:
-15 Unknown (*they/them, she/her, it/its, or neos. It's your choice. No offense here, but I'm just sure that Best Friend is not a guy so I'd imagined that they* don't feel comfortable at all using pronouns that are considered by society to be more typically masculine)
-The "Yellow Guy" (note: reference to DHMIS series) of the Shooting Star Universe (note: in this context, I had imagined the character to be unfairly perceived as juvenile and unintelligent due to their* mannerisms, interests, and personality by most of the characters with the definite exception of the other two main characters)
-Often underestimated by most (except Mulen and Starman Morgan)
-The gestures they* make bring them* comfort (note: a key example of this would be their* signature pose, as depicted in the drawing of them*), despite seeming strange to those who don't know them*
-They* have an immense, emotionally stabilizing interest in collecting coins
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ochoislas · 2 years ago
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Batilo, en el corral donde cluecan las aves, la frente en la escudilla, sopla una pajuela; el agua jabonosa espuma y borbotando, rebosa. Siente el niño, agotado sin fruto, subirle hasta la boca agrio sabor salino. Con fortuna mejor, se forma al fin la pompa; guiada de buen arte, se alarga, se dilata, y se abomba por fin en globo refulgente. Sigue el niño soplando; crece más aún; los cien colores viste del prisma y la aurora, y refleja en las haces de fino cristal los árboles, la casa, el camino y la jaca. ¡Ya pronta a despegar, reluce, portentosa! El niño no resuella... ¡y cata que oscilando remonta suavemente, verdosa y rosada, como prodigio frágil que riela en el aire! Asciende... y de repente, aún encandilado, busca en vano Batilo su esfumada gloria...
Bathylle, dans la cour où glousse la volaille, Sur l’écuelle penché, souffle dans une paille ; L’eau savonneuse mousse et bouillonne à grand bruit, Et déborde. L’enfant qui s’épuise sans fruit Sent venir à sa bouche une âcreté saline. Plus heureuse, une bulle à la fin se dessine, Et, conduite avec art, s’allonge, se distend Et s’arrondit enfin en un globe éclatant. L’enfant souffle toujours ; elle s’accroît encore : Elle a les cent couleurs du prisme et de l’aurore, Et reflète aux parois de son mince cristal Les arbres, la maison, la route et le cheval. Prête à se détacher, merveilleuse, elle brille ! L’enfant retient son souffle, et voici qu’elle oscille, Et monte doucement, vert pâle et rose clair, Comme un frêle prodige étincelant dans l’air ! Elle monte… Et soudain, l’âme encore éblouie, Bathylle cherche en vain sa gloire évanouie…
Albert Samain
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haruhey · 3 years ago
opinions on other daryl ships? obviously #carylisendgame, but I’m wondering what your stances are on Donnie, Bathyl, Daryl x Leah, even Darsita (Rosita x Daryl)
hey anon!
ik you mean bethyl, but thinking of bath x daryl being a ship is kinda funny to me
anyways, onto your question !! i’ll keep it brief (i’m in my 8am rn) and i hope people won’t hate me for my stances lmao
very cute
i really enjoy their dynamic
i really really really love connie as a character
not really my thing though?? at least romantically
i just don’t really care for them romantically because the way i see daryl is that he needs time to develop romantic feelings (slowburn type of dude… like… super slowburn) and his relationship with connie doesn’t do that for me ig
though, i hate the narrative that connie’s contribution to the plot is to help caryl become canon because it diminishes connie’s character into that of like,, a singular love interest meant to be rejected or used as a stepping stone so this guy can go with his true love because she’s SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT AND SHE IS ALSO MY GIRLFRIEND
idk i know there’s like a lot of animosity between donnie shippers and caryl shippers but like honestly it’s not that deep and when you’re hating on a character because they get in the way of your ship, i just think that’s so dumb
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ik some people don’t care about the age gap/actually like the age gap, but i am not one of those people
i jokingly made a whole powerpoint about why i didn’t like bethyl and honestly it was pretty good
it’s a no from me im sorry
i just think they didn’t give her enough like,, substance?? as a character for me to like her? i thought she was cool until she kinda like,, she was lowkey kinda emotionally manipulative and i was off the leah train
and then season 11 happened and i was like lol okay i rlly don’t care for her
i’m actually more okay with the relationship now compared to when i first watched it in 10x18, and i think i’ve said before that i don’t necessarily think it was the most ooc thing daryl could have done during that timeskip
i still hope carol and leah meet tho
this has to be a crackship right
it’s fun. i like their moments
they’re also both hot. and i am not the straightest person on the sexuality spectrum, so sign me up
that scene in 11x14 where sebastian threatened their kids rlly got me
i also really like rosita as a character
if they somehow went canon idk what i would think
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doe-rose-q · 8 years ago
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Here is a single pane sequel of sorts (more so a meme) to my previous “Adventures of Beth & Daryl” comic strip that I posted here yesterday… 🐞👫🐍🛁💦😈 I chose a different setting for these cuties this time however. I liked the color and aesthetics of photographing their mini bathroom in the corner of our bathtub vs. our kitchen counter… LOL! 😆 Enjoy… BATHYL! 😍
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years ago
I started watching Fear and am now in season 4. As I watched the Dorie/Naomi story it striked me as almost a direct parallel to Daryl/Leah story. The colors, the cabin, the fishing, the lost child, the consumation, the leaving. And then I read your analysis and you saw it as Bathyl retell. Now I know we couldn't know about Leah back then, but it made me kinda sad, cause you know, what if all this symbolism was pointing to Leah all that time?
This is actually really interesting. I hadn't thought to compare John and June at the cabin to Daryl and Leah. And I'm sure there are parallels, if for no other reason than that there were obvious parallels between Beth and Daryl and Leah and Daryl.
But overall, I don't at all think the symbolism points to Leah. Keep one thing in mind. June never became a villain. And the show runners have told us they always planned Leah that way. They would never have pointed Daryl's true-love symbolism toward a villain and someone it was never going to work out with.
This may be a little too detailed to talk about here, but it comes back to the duality theme and how they're using it differently in different stories. It's very possible to show duality in one character. Everyone has a shadow side, and this is something they do very well in TWD. We've seen our most beloved characters (i.e Rick, Daryl) do morally questionable things at times. They're good overall, but that's just showing duality within a single character. And on the flip side, really bad characters that we initially hate (Negan) can show mercy and humanity.
But the other thing they can do is show one good character and one bad (or some other opposite trait, like survival) and contrast the two. So, as I've talked about before: Lizzie and Mica, Glenn and Nicholas, etc.
My point is that with June, they showed duality within one characters. First she left John, but over time, by having other experiences, she changed, and when they came back together, she was ready to commit to him.
With Leah, they kind of did the opposite. At first, we saw her "good" side, though some of the toxicity leaked through, and only later did Daryl seem her more shadowy side with the Reapers and realize he'd misjudged her character.
But I also think overall that Leah will be contrasted with Beth. Leah being the dark side and Beth being the light. So, I get that it's confusing because there really are so many similarities in these characters and storylines that it SEEMS like they might have been pointing to Leah. But I promise it isn't. Just the fact that she's a villain and AK said she always was pretty much proves that. They were teasing us with this possible love interest for Daryl, but they never planned on having her be his romantic end game. AK has already said that. Which means the symbolism we've looked at all these years must be pointing to something else.
Hope this helps. Xoxo! 🦃💝
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kneebleed · 4 years ago
Moon; Chapter 1 (Phil)
The streets of Arcanum have always tended to look desolated and grey. There wasn’t that much joy around the corner; war does that, probably. Desolation and sorrow are the only emotions that the magical creatures let themselves feel and demonstrate to others. Fake smiles and laughs that don’t sound real at all.
They couldn’t act like the war wasn't there; at any moment, without no one knowing, something else could happen to the ones that are living there. The Venatores could arrive at any minute and destroy everything that’s in front of them. The protection spells that formed a bubble outside of the town could disappear, and since the Venatores captured witches and seers when they had the opportunity, the secret path can be opened by them anytime.
There are certain occasions where people let themselves enjoy life and forget about the existence of the war, though. Like the festivals: in those occasions, fairies shine and let their sparkles travel around the place, and the witches tell stories with figures made of smoke. The celebrations don’t always have a specific theme; those are special occasions on which they try to make kids remember that there’s hope in the world.
Phil loves the smell that the festivals have: apples and cinnamon from the pies that Mrs and Mr Gold bake in their house, and that sweet smell of cheerful orange blends perfectly that disgusting smell of sadly burned cookies. Those three smells are the favourite thing in Phil’s life, and unfortunately, he only can perceive that horrible smell of burned cookies in the air that afternoon, but for some reason, he can smell apple and cinnamon as well.
Phil doesn’t understand why he can smell apple and cinnamon; the citizens haven’t been planning on doing a festival anytime soon and he talked with Mrs Gold yesterday, and she didn’t mention anything about an apple cinnamon pie. Why can he smell it?
He decides that he has to follow the smell, find its source and confront it. And if it takes him to the Gold’s house, even better; he has had this need for a pie since days ago. Maybe he could ask them if they can bake some for him and the pack later if the smell doesn’t come from there.
He turns to the right and the left and follows a straight line, stopping from time to time to talk with someone on his way towards the source of that sweet smell. He asks some of his peers if they can smell apple and cinnamon, and they said that they don’t. Weird.
Finally, he finds its source: the thing is that it’s not a “something” but a “someone” instead. The smell came from a man with black clothes and chestnut hair that was standing outside of Bathyle’s shop, and when Phil laid his view on him, his entire world collided inside him, and he understood why he was the only one who could smell apple and cinnamon. The universe hates him; there’s no way that anyone could deny it. How dare them to give his Luna such a pleasant smell? Now he feels like he can’t escape from it.
Phil stayed behind a column savouring that sweet smell, his back was against the wall and his left upper arm was covering his eyes while his right hand clenched on his t-shirt right above where his heart was supposed to be. He wanted to disappear, he couldn’t be there anymore, but he couldn’t see himself going anywhere else that isn’t exactly where his Luna is. He can smell him and hear his heartthrobs in such a mundane way that Phil feels like he could hate him.
And maybe that’s the right thing to do. Hate his Luna, that is. Phil remembers the exact words that he heard the seer said four years ago, and he couldn’t stop thinking about them since then.
“Your Luna is a human,” she said, and plainly she said something else, but Phil stopped hearing her once those words left her mouth; he just left the room and ran away from those words.
He feels trapped in a cage that’s too small for two people, and he can’t handle being inside this situation any longer. He couldn’t see how to escape in a way that won’t make his heart hurt, but if he chooses that path, his people are going to get hurt, and that’s something that cannot happen in any situation if it’s possible to avoid. He has to do something to stop what he is feeling and hide from that human that’s making his head so dizzy.
Before Phil could do anything to stop his instinct, he felt the smell that was blinding his senses even closer than it was before.
“Are you alright?” his voice makes Phil feel like he was close to a bonfire, he could enjoy his time around it, but if Phil gets too close to it, he can get burned. “That was a stupid question, sorry.”
“Eh? I mean- yeah, I’m- I’m alright.” Phil shouldn’t have responded, why did he even open his mouth?
“Are you sure? You don’t look like it.”
“Yes, I was just…” seeing if I had any options left; trying to see clearly, but all of you was interrupting me, “thinking, that’s all.”
“If you say so…”
“Yeah, I need to go think somewhere else now, sorry.” he didn’t let the other man respond, he just dashed as fast that he could in front of that human.
Once he felt like he was far away from him and close to the forest, he transformed into a wolf. He pressed his four legs onto the ground and started to run towards the warehouse of his pack, but in this form, he found it even harder to try to avoid the man that he saw a few seconds ago. His instincts were telling him that he has to be beside him somehow, but he has to be stronger than that; he can’t let himself be that weak and give in to what his instincts and his heart want to do.
He doesn’t know how long he ran around the forest, but when Phil finally arrived at the warehouse, he stopped and just started to walk towards it without leaving his wolf form. Some of the members of the pack were around the living room playing some video-game, and they looked in his direction with faces that made clear that they knew how desolated and sad he was feeling.
Phil didn’t look at them. He couldn’t do that. There wasn’t a way that he could tell them that there was another human in the town without them freaking out. They would know at some point, but not today. Right now, Phil just wants to go to his room and collapse on the mattress and let him punish himself for being such an idiot.
Next Chapter
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superpenek · 8 years ago
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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fleuromanie · 6 years ago
Paul Verlaine, Langueur
Je suis l’Empire à la fin de la décadence,
Qui regarde passer les grands Barbares blancs En composant des acrostiches indolents D’un style d'or où la langueur du soleil danse. L’âme seulette a mal au cœur d’un ennui dense. Là-bas on dit qu’il est de longs combats sanglants. Ô n’y pouvoir, étant si faible aux vœux si lents, Ô n’y vouloir fleurir un peu cette existence ! Ô n’y vouloir, ô n’y pouvoir mourir un peu ! Ah ! tout est bu ! Bathylle, as-tu fini de rire ? Ah ! tout est bu, tout est mangé ! Plus rien à dire ! Seul, un poème un peu niais qu’on jette au feu, Seul, un esclave un peu coureur qui vous néglige, Seul, un ennui d’on ne sait quoi qui vous afflige !
Paul Verlaine, Langueur.
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boltslutters · 1 year ago
Dragonformers Bathyl, the unholy hybrid of a vulture and a isopod. You have a Chickendragon for scale.
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mc-3920-blog · 6 years ago
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Mardi 29 janvier 2019
Phase actuelle Lune décroissante, pleine à 44% À Zermatt, Lever : 07h55. Coucher : 17h29. +2 minutes
L'éphéméride du jour en France : Aujourd'hui, nous fêtons les Gildas ainsi que les Gweltaz.
Fêtes et prénoms bretons : Gweltaz ainsi que Gweltaza, Gweltazig, Jildaza, Jildazez et Jildazig.
Demain, nous fêterons les Martine ainsi que les Bathilde, Bathylle et Jacinthe de Mariscotti.
Citation : « Les passions détruisent plus de préjugés que la philosophie. » Denis Diderot
Dicton - Proverbe : « Brouillard qui ne tombe pas, donne après de l'eau en bas. » « Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles. »
Événement du jour : 1996 : L'Opéra de Venise, La Fenice, est détruit par un incendie. Un des plus beaux joyaux de l'art lyrique, l'édifice avait été construit en 1792 près de la place Saint-Marc. Il avait été reconstruit après avoir été ravagé par les flammes en 1836. Le théâtre, qui était en voie de restauration, a été témoin de la création des opéras Hernani, Rigoletto et La Traviata de Verdi.
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shutterlens · 2 years ago
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[tw: blood, electric chair, implied death]
no one:
the camera angle when an anime character's gonna go crazy:
(tw: cursing in description)
[character: Bathyl [he/they/it] (original character from Shooting Star, this new series that I made to satiate my new hyperfixation.) He's an asshole that has harassed one of the three main characters of this series for the past 15 years in many ways that I'm not gonna spoil here and has continued to do so even to their death and as a ghost for as long as possible. It's an unhinged lunatic who will do anything and everything to fulfill his sick fantasy of control in this sort of weird "revenge soulmates" thing that they see its relationship to this specific main character as.
Suffice to say, It starts shit because he wants to start shit. They're basically the chaotic evil character of the series that I made to try to give Shooting Star some edge so it won't just be seen as a cute little kids cartoon, because that's not what I made Shooting Star to be. I made Shooting Star to be this web series surrounding these three misfits with a little edge to it (not too much though, I'm not trying to make the next Happy Tree Friends).]
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jessicakehoe · 6 years ago
Tarana Burke, Gender-Specific Philanthropy, and More From Day 3 of Women Deliver
By the third and final day of Women Deliver, after hearing countless stories of violence, inequity and injustice, the realization of just how far we have still to go in our fight for equality can start to feel too heavy to bear. At one of the panels, in fact, a speaker used her last few minutes of time to remind people in the audience–“I see a lot of heavy faces”–that we should leave the conference feeling uplifted, not dispirited. There are feminists out there fighting the good fight, she said, and that’s reason enough to feel hopeful.
In the spirit of that, here are highlights from Day 3 of the 2019 Women Deliver conference in Vancouver, where we heard from several women and organizations doing their bit (and then some) in the pursuit of gender equality.
1. Tarana Burke on the power in choosing how and where to share your story Day 3 kicked off with a panel on how collective movements can affect change—whether social, economic or environmental. Indian journalist Barkha Dutt moderated the panel, which included activists Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement; Ailbhe Smyth, co-director of Together for Yes, the abortion rights campaign group that recently legalized abortion in Ireland; Tina Tchen, co-founder of Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund; and Noelene Nabulivou, political adviser at DIVA for Equality, which focuses not just on gender equality but ecological and climate justice.
As Dutt points out early in the panel, “Movements cannot be driven by silence.” They require voices rising up in support to generate the kind of momentum required to change minds, change laws. “It is through collective power that we can achieve individual power,” says panelist Haldis Holst, who has worked extensively in the area of trade union rights. But while raising one’s voice is vital, Tarana Burke steps in to point out that “there is also power in not telling your story” to the world. “I’ve watched the world trade on the labour of survivors,” she says. “They depend on us, they bring us to the forefront, they trot us out to tell these gory stories. And nobody takes into account what that does to us, that we have to live with the aftermath of having our stories displayed to the world and watch people actively not care. So tell your stories in places and ways that you want to… I’m not telling anyone to be silent,” she clarifies. “Getting your story out is important. You can write it in a journal, you can paint it in a picture, you can tell it to a small group, it just doesn’t have to always be this big display. I think it’s an undue burden that we place particularly on women to bring our stories forward. Don’t be intimidated into telling your stories just to move the movement forward.”
Interested in watching the full panel? You can find it here.
2. The status of gender-specific philanthropy Few figures are available on gender-focused philanthropic donations worldwide. To address this gap, the OECD Network of Foundations (netFWD) recently produced a report that looks at philanthropic investments through a gender-specific lens. In a panel dedicated to the issue, Bathylle Missika from OECD shared several interesting stats from their report:
i) Gender-related giving accounts for only 16% of all philanthropic donations ii) Only 6% of those funds address women-specific needs such as preventing violence against women iii) 68% of this funding for gender remains concentrated in just 10 middle-income countries including India, Nigeria and Kenya iv) Funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) accounts for almost half of the world’s gender-related giving v) Foundations whose philanthropic investments are centred exclusively around gender include Fondation Chanel, Goldman Sachs Fund and the Oprah Winfrey LA Fund.
3. Four young feminists on the importance of intersectionality Rega Jha, founder and former editor in chief of Buzzfeed India, hosted a panel in conversation with a diverse group of young feminists—Ugandan trans rights activist Cleo Kambugu, Tunisian activist Aya Chebbi, writer June Eric-Udorie, and Planned Parenthood’s director of engagements Alencia Johnson—all of whom spoke strongly about the need for an inclusive, intersectional approach to equality.
Eric-Udorie, a queer, disabled, black woman who curated a collection of essays titled Can We All Be Feminists? in 2018, shares how to go about becoming a better ally. “This is not a competition. This is not ‘who can win the race the quickest.’ This is really work that is personal and political, and that’s something feminists have been saying for a long time, but I really want to push you to think, all the time, about who isn’t there when you walk into a space, why aren’t they there, how can we get them there? Or if we can’t, how can we go meet them where they are?” Doing the hard work of sitting down and thinking about how to be better, and then reaching out to communities other than your own in support is vital, she says, and something we can all stand to do more of.
You can catch the full panel here.
The post Tarana Burke, Gender-Specific Philanthropy, and More From Day 3 of Women Deliver appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Tarana Burke, Gender-Specific Philanthropy, and More From Day 3 of Women Deliver published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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landscapeusa · 6 years ago
The Miracle Of European Landscape Painters | european landscape painters
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19th Century Paintings Oil On Canvas Landscape with … – european landscape painters | european landscape painters
from WordPress https://landscapeusa.club/the-miracle-of-european-landscape-painters-european-landscape-painters/
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Paul Verlane. LANGUEUR.
À Georges Courteline Je suis l’Empire à la fin de la décadence, Qui regarde passer les grands Barbares blancs En composant des acrostiches indolents D’un style d’or où la langueur du soleil danse. L’âme seulette a mal au cœur d’un ennui dense, Là-bas on dit qu’il est de longs combats sanglants. Ô n’y pouvoir, étant si faible aux vœux si lents, Ô n’y vouloir fleurir un peu cette existence ! Ô n’y vouloir, ô n’y pouvoir mourir un peu ! Ah ! tout est bu ! Bathylle, as-tu fini de rire ? Ah ! tout est bu, tout est mangé ! Plus rien à dire ! Seul un poème un peu niais qu’on jette au feu, Seul un esclave un peu coureur qui vous néglige, Seul un ennui d’on ne sait quoi qui vous afflige !
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