mjmagics · 1 year
Chapter 2
Warnings: MC almost gets kidnapped, anxiety of large places, MC swearing a lot, teenage hormonal responses
Word Count: 1,500+
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I’m not an idiot 
Gotham City,  New Jersey. USA 
Robin watched as a plane landed at the Gotham International  Airport or the GIA. According to his father’s research, a gang leader who went by the name of King of Spades would be coming home to America from the United Kingdom, where he robbed a series of banks. He caused quite a stir for Batman’s allies in the UK, and the whole team was eager to end his criminal career, along with his gang members. 
“Batman, I see the target,” Robin stated, pressing down on the earpiece he wore so those on the comlink could hear him. 
“Great job, Robin,” Batman replied. “Now get to the next zone, Red Robin and Nightwing are in the building to monitor the target. Do not engage. We are to follow him to the hideout of the Royal Flush Gang.” 
The boy in red and green sighed. “I know, Batman, I’m not an idiot.” 
“I was simply reminding you,” Batman pointed out. “There is a break-in at a local retail store, Spoiler and I will handle it,” The man announced before cutting off the conversation.  
“You know what would be useful right now?” A voice came through on the intercom. 
“What, Nightwing?”  Robin asked. 
“Oo! Let me guess,” yet another voice exclaimed. “Miss Martian’s mental link?” 
“Ding ding ding,” Nightwing replied. “Red Robin is our winner.” Then the man sighed, “I’m missing my old team. Missions like this always remind me of them.” 
“Sorry we’re not good enough for you, Grayson,” Robin spat. 
“Boys, focus,” Batman’s voice came through on the earpiece. “And no real names, you all know this.” 
Robin tutted in frustration. “Yes sir.” 
“I can feel your anger from here, Robin,” Nightwing stated, there was a shutter in his voice before he let out a dry laugh. “Shit, I see our target. He is making his way to the far east exit.” 
“On it,” Red Robin replied. “I have eyes on him, is Batgirl and Red Hood ready?” 
“They are,” Batman answered. “Robin, can you tag his car?” 
“That’s easy,” Robin stated. “I was trained since a child for missions much more strenuous than this.” 
“Strenuous?” Nightwing asked. 
“It’s a synonym for hard,” the younger chuckled. “It’s a bit disappointing you don’t know the word.” 
“Ouch, how does that burn feel, Nightwing,” Red Robin chimed with a chuckle.
“I know what strenuous means, I’ m just surprised you know,” Nightwing sighed with defeat. 
“I’m not an idiot.” 
“I never said you were!”
“I’m heading to the car now,” Robin growled before switching off his Bluetooth device and storming out of the area. 
On the other side of the airport, Jade Knutsvig was just stepping off the warm plane and into the humid building full of bodies pushing and pulling to board their flights on time. Her eyes widened as she assessed the large building. In all her years she had never been in an airport as large as GIA. Other than the Mall of America, she had never been in a place this large. She had barely traveled outside of her home state. It was completely foreign to the girl.
After the first wave of shock passed, she found herself sitting on a bench, taking in the glass walls that allowed the pale orange light of the setting sun into the structure. It reminded her of tree sap, and she pulled a piece of crystallized amber from her carry-on. Amber could absorb negative energy, and ever since she was a young girl she was able to rely on the smooth stone to ease her anxieties. 
Jade whispered a small prayer to herself. It wasn’t to any god, but it was a cry for the universe to help guide her through the maze of the airport. After a few deep breaths, Jade pulled out her phone to message her sister. As the device turned on she could see the shadow of a man looming over her. Without looking at him she could already feel an untrustworthy energy radiating from his aura. 
“Are you lost?” The man questioned. “Where is your mom?” 
“I’m by myself,” She swiftly answered. The girl was unfamiliar with the hostilities of larger communities. Jade grew up in the comfort of small towns where everyone knew their neighbors and had their noses in one another's business. Her eyes glanced up at the man, and once she made eye contact with him her stomach dropped. 
“My name is Bruce Wayne. You might not know of me, but I’m a bit of a celebrity around here. I saw you got off a fight from Minneapolis. Are you from there?” 
“No,” Jade whispered. Where is Eliza she found herself thinking. She flies me all the way out to Gotham only to abandon me in an airport! 
Being stuck in her thoughts, Jade missed the moment that the man before her reached for her right forearm. His large hand grasped her body, and a rough pull brought her to her feet. 
“Woah, dude,” She exclaimed, trying to tug away from him. Her attempt to escape his friends was useless and it only made him hold tighter. “You don’t know what you’re doing! My sister is waiting for me, she will know I’m missing.” 
Pleading wasn’t helping Jade’s case, and the man began to lead Jade into the crowd of the airport. Her bag was left behind on the bench, along with her phone. Panic began to set in. This was nothing like home. 
“Help!” Jade screamed, “Help me! Someone!”
The man began to dig his nails into her skin, “shut up,” he growled. He then turned to the crowd the circled them. “Sorry, my daughter is just throwing a fit.” 
“Help! Please. I don’t know this man!” The young woman began to recall what her older sister taught her many years ago. “Please! This isn’t my dad!” 
“Barbra?” A voice sounded from the crowd, and a man with bright blue eyes and dark hair stepped out. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” 
Another stranger? Why couldn’t her sister be here to grab her? Yet, this guy seemed a lot better than the man who has dragged her across the airport. “Uh- Hi,” Jade said awkwardly. “I don’t know this man. I think he’s trying to kidnap me.” 
The assailant let go of the teen and began to push his way through the crowd. The man who referee to her as Barbara stepped closer. “Hey, let me help you.” 
“I’m okay,” Jade snapped. She was anxious, homesick, and had her life flash before her eyes. Overthinking took over her, and her brain visualized each situation that could have come to her if the man hadn’t saved her. 
“It's no bother,” The man stated. 
“I thank you for your help,” Jade huffed, checking her pockets for anything she might have. The girl found nothing but wanted to gift the man something. She closed her eyes while her right hand was shoved in her hoodie pocket and created a shard of jade stone. She presented it to him, flat in her palm. “Here, a token of my appreciation.” 
The man accepted it and opened his mouth as if he was going to comment on it. Before he could another man, closer to Jade’s sister’s age, stood next to him. “Hey, I know you’re trying to play hero but she’s safe. We have things to do.” 
The man who saved Jade nodded. “Thank you,” He stated, shaking the piece of jade that was in his hands to signify his gratitude. Jade simply nodded before she ran back to her stuff, surprised to see it had not been stolen by a thief. 
The moment she found her phone she called her sister. Her heart was still racing, and then a mix of fear and adrenaline made her legs weak. “Where are you?” Her voice was a whisper, and the moment Eliza replied with: “I’m at the gate c-19. Is that not yours?” 
“No,” The girl said, but as the syllables left her mouth so did a sob of fear. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Where are you? I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
“I’m at “ Jade choked down another sob. “I’m at gate C-13. I wanna go home,” The girl cried, trying to hide in her hoodie. “Eliza, a man grabbed me.” 
“Oh my god,” Eliza gasped. In the background of the call, Jade could hear Eliza’s pace go from a brisk walk to a run. “I see you,” She replied quickly. 
Jade looked around before her eyes met Eliza’s. She felt a wave of warmth wash over her. It wasn’t natural, it was Eliza’s power soothing her. The two finally met, and Jade didn’t have time to hang up the call before Eliza’s arms were around her, her body heat matching the temperature of warmth that was soothed Jade meer seconds before. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” Eliza repeated. 
After the two calmed down, filed a police report with airport security and Gotham PD, and retrieved Jade’s bags, the two began their car ride to their home. Jade fell asleep in traffic, and Eliza pondered if the man trying to kidnap her sister was an omen to get her sister out of Gotham already.
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