#bastards in westeros
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Cersei murdered several of Robert's bastards (some in their cradles) and sold one of the mothers into slavery but sure, Cat is evil for not wanting Jon to sit with them at a feast. What a horrible woman for... just trying to ignore the bastard her husband brought to their home and said would be raised here with their own children 14 years ago???
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artypurrs · 11 months ago
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Art by the amazing artist @deyonside of lord bloodraven brynden rivers thank you so much 🫂
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thewatcher0nthewall · 13 days ago
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A thousand and one.
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asongofstarkandtargaryen · 2 months ago
"Bastard-phobia isn't a thing in Westeros"
Ok then why did Martin included these two passages on his primal Bastard pov ( aka Jon Snow)?
He was a bastard, after all. Everyone knew that bastards were wanton and treacherous by nature, having been born of lust and deceit.
Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous
It's clear that Westerosi discriminate against bastards over something they can't control, the circumstances of their birth.
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legolasofmirkwoodforest · 8 months ago
All I want in Fire & Blood 2 is for more info on Sheira Seastar. Like she was a sexually promiscuous, unmarried, probable witch in Westeros, yet she seems to have largely been respected and even a little feared at Court. You're telling me a Maester *isn't* going to spend an entire chapter trying to figure out how the fuck that happened?
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kataraavatara · 1 year ago
one of the silliest arguments I’ve seen is “If Jace is allowed to inherit, then other bastards will want to inherit over their trueborn siblings!” What? Rhaenyra’s first three boys have the last name Velaryon, not Waters. Regardless of your personal beliefs on their parentage, officially and legally, they are trueborn because they have the last name Velaryon and have been acknowledged as such by all relevant powers, including Aegon the Second. He erased Rhaenyra’s queenship from the court records but didn’t have the Velaryon boys be posthumously declared bastards and be referred to as “Waters.” They’re trueborn sons with bastard accusations and rumors, not acknowledged bastards. They’re not the equivalent to someone like Jon Snow or Edric Storm. Like at all…
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chippedcupwrites · 1 year ago
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The archer looked at him a long while before he said, "You're Joffrey's dog." "My own dog now." - A Storm of Swords
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alicentflorent · 7 months ago
People are unironically saying the Targaryen’s are pro bastard rights (citing Rhaenyra, Jace and Rhaenys as prime examples) Honeys, have you not heard of the dornish? House Martell?
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mundoasoiaf · 6 months ago
"Myrcella não derramara uma lágrima, embora fosse ela quem estivesse a abandonar o lar para selar uma aliança com a sua virgindade. A verdade era que a princesa era mais corajosa do que o irmão, e também mais inteligente e confiante. Tinha o espírito mais vivo, as cortesias mais polidas. Nunca nada a intimidava, nem mesmo Joffrey. A força está realmente nas mulheres. Estava a pensar não só em Myrcella, mas também na mãe dela e na sua, na Rainha dos Espinhos, nas belas, mortíferas Serpentes de Areia da Víbora Vermelha. E na Princesa Arianne Martell acima, de tudo nela." - O Festim dos Corvos // O Cavaleiro Maculado
🎨: Rlyeha
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aeriondripflame · 1 year ago
begging for more interesting worldbuilding conversation fr. like i wanna know what the zodiac equivalent is. do people flex that they were born under the warrior or the maiden’s star? let me know about the essos-westeros spice trade. what about valyrian epics? were they influenced by earlier ghiscari literature? what about the art. where are all the art movements in westeros.
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helenofsparta2 · 4 months ago
I will die on the hill that any adaptation of Aegon's, Rhaenys' and Visenya's conquest and reign, which does not imply, that both Aenys and Maegor could be bastards, is not an adaptation worth making
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artypurrs · 11 months ago
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Art made by wafflecaramel on etsy of bloodraven & seastar
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dinastiatargaryen · 7 months ago
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horizon-verizon · 5 months ago
I’m of the mind that Nettles was Daemon’s bastard daughter and he was afraid Rhaenyra might still want her dead for fear she might try to put herself forward as a claimant after losing her sons. And Daemon wanted to spare Nettles, but he knew doing so would cause an irrevocable breakdown in his marriage, because Rhaenyra was already spiraling at that point (that’s why he didn’t tell her that Nettles was his daughter, Rhaenyra was consumed by paranoia and lost faith in Daemon, she wouldn’t believe him). So he sent Nettles away, then went on a suicide mission to bring down Aemond and Vhagar (of course Daemon killed himself, he can’t choose between his wife and his daughter, there is no option left besides death), hoping he could at least let his last act be taking out Rhaenyra’s strongest rival and (to his mind) secure the throne for her once and for all. Because he still loved her, he just knew she was broken beyond repair at that point and they weren’t going to live happily ever after and rule together.
There was no way Nettles would ever expect to or get enough people to support her for any attempt to seize the throne for herself. And as a bastard of an officially unknown parent, she has no claim to the Throne, esp not before the then living long line of legitimate children Aegon III, Viserys II, Rhaena, Jaehaera, and Baela.
Plus, Daemon seemingly got to know her very well enough AND Nettles is not a Daemon Blackfyre figure, eager to rebel for power and to prove her legacy.
I say "seize" and not "claim", bc again she has no claim nor a relevant/strong argument for one.
Sure to the rest.
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gudvina · 2 years ago
not to be the one but if you understand the risks of people accusing your children of being bastards (rightfully so), you should also understand the risks of having bastards in the first place.........
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gedwimora · 6 months ago
it’s probably a sign that one of the things i do while half asleep in bed is tinker with phrasings for how i want to explain the massive canon divergencies i have planned for rhaen.yra and dae.mon…
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