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thedaily-beer · 1 year ago
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Basqueland Brewing + Cloudwater Brew Co. Finest Hour DDH IPA on tap at Craft Beer Co. in London. A 4 of 4. One of the best IPAs I've had this year -- bursting with complex tropical fruit and citrus, and a creamy, fruity body that carries it so well. Well-balanced with some firm bitterness towards the finish, but there's a fruity stickiness that lingers, too.
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uglyisthefuture · 11 months ago
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bodecall · 1 year ago
Las etiquetas de cerveza se han convertido en una parte esencial de la experiencia cervecera. Cada diseño cuenta un relato único que refleja el carácter de la cerveza a la que representa. Hacemos un recorrido por el arte detrás del diseño de las etiquetas de cerveza
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retobeer · 2 years ago
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Cerveza Escondido de Basqueland, una cerveza West Coast IPA con lúpulos Simcoe T90 y Simcoe Cryo, base de malta Extra Pale con un toque de Dextrina para realzar el cuerpo y aromas de frutos negros equilibrados con un amargor. Otro cervezón de los americanos de Basqueland. País: Hernani España 🇪🇸 Estilo: IPA Alc: 6.3% #retobeer #cerveza #cervezaartesanal #cervezas #birra #beer #beerlover #beerstagram #beertime #cerveja #bier #cervesetatime #bier #biere #starköl #pivo #cervezaartesana #cervesa #ipa #ipalover #øl #ipafan #ipabirra #spanishcraftbeer #craft #craftbeer — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/B8Rjnlq
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cristiansspanishlitblog · 11 months ago
“The Basque History of the World”, Mark Kurlanky
“The Shadow of the Wind”, Carlos Ruiz Zafon
In The Basque History of the World, by Mark Kurlansky, I learned firstly about basqueland. I didn’t even know it existed prior to opening the cover of the book. And looking back the title of the book is a neat play on words of the countries name. I learned that most of the basqueland where the basques resided where hill lands with some mountain ranges and rough terrain. Some settlements were even only accessible through some passages through mountains. The rough terrain made it difficult for Spain and other countries to take over basqueland. Which is part of the reason that basques lasted so long and even managed autonomy at one point.
The basque history is long and extensive. There are many ups and downs, wins and losses for the basques. Their technology advances and methods. The basques were once one of the top peoples in the world. With their techniques based off of viking techniques and improved upon. Basques were sought for their supply and superior ship building. Many tried to take over baqueland, and many failed. They didn’t understand why every advance they could defend so well. Because Basques are a proud people and they don’t take no for an answer. They fight until the end. 
I learned a lot of basque culture and parts of what influenced it in the first place, like their food. I learned that basques are divided into two groups: the Western and eastern groups. The west part of Spain speaks the basque language, Euskara, and Spanish, as influenced by spain. The other half speaks the native tongue, but also speaks French, as they were influenced by spain. The basque culture heavily leans on the premise of respect and memory. They value family and honor. For example, they heavily honor the person, usually a man who “founded” the family name and created the reputation. They honor him by sticking the family name atop of their front door. As to remember the reason they are all there today. As for religion because of spanish influence, if you were not catholic you were pretty much damned and considered a traitor and oftentimes even killed. 
In The Basque History of the world, I learned that life in the Basqueland was just like any other country that was controlled by another more powerful country. They went through persecution, wars, countless deaths, sadness, pride, anger. A Lot of the times they were victims to poverty and the only way out was to join their suppressor. For example many basques had to join the Spanish royal army, and eventually they had to fight and kill other basques, their own people. In The Shadow of The Wind, I learned that Life was a very mix of feeling on-edge and discovering the beauty of the world. On edge because of bad events or bad people. Like the chief of police, who was corrupt and mean. And discovering feelings for that girl whos moving away in a couple weeks. It must've been fun to be alive in this universe, the thrill of mystery leading you to a new corner to turn. 
I think that there are a few things that I learned about myself from the year long project. Every week, every reading, the quotes, the blogs. I think I’ve learned I’m not one for reading non fiction, I like mystery and fantasy tangles into the book. It keeps it more fun and it’s an easier read for me. Honestly I used to be a big reader but now It’s difficult or me to just sit down and read. Although sometimes I am purely invested into the story. I just have the trouble taking the time to sit down and read. I 
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waynewardspain · 1 year ago
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rwnash · 2 years ago
Scissors - Basqueland Brewing - 6.2% ABV. B++, hop bomb. However, well balanced with hints of fruity and a lingering bitterness #ale #beer #bier
3.5/5. DDH with a pile of hops from New Zealand. A first time for this brewery and I already want to try more from them.
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nailatem · 2 years ago
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@basquelandbrew New Creatures #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeertoday #craftbeeroftheday #cervezaartesanadeldia #basqueland #basquelandbrewing #hazyipa #ipaturbia #ipalover🍻 #moreipas #ipasforall (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWPE16qQ3y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dutchjan · 4 years ago
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August 12, 2021
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thedaily-beer · 2 years ago
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Basqueland Brewing Oh My Gatos Hazy IPA (Picked up at Sterk in Amsterdam). A 3 of 4. Lots of bright tropical fruit on top of a creamy, easy-drinking body. A really nice hazy IPA that delivers everything it should, and nothing more. Nice can art, too!
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uglyisthefuture · 1 year ago
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BASQUELAND one of the best craft beers, in my opinion.
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bodecall · 1 year ago
Basqueland celebra su 8º aniversario por todo lo alto. Una gira cervecera, una cerveza de conmemoración, ediciones limitadas y una gran fiesta con cervecerías invitadas que tendrá lugar el 7 de octubre. Te lo contamos todo en nuestro blog. Enlace en el linktree de nuestra bio.
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hopperslleida · 2 years ago
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Va que comencem una setmana carregada d'esdeveniments. Aquest dijous, a partir de les 19 h., Tap Takeover, per primera vegada a Lleida. Ens ajuntem amb la millor cervesera de la península i ens "roben" els tiradors. Cinc cerveses, cinc estils diferents, punxades al mateix temps de @basquelandbrew. A més, podreu conversar amb ells i comentar la jugada. Cervesers i llupolaires, jo no m'ho perdria. #craftbeer #cervesaartesana #garagardoa #basqueland #basquelandbrewing #taptakeover #ipa #sessionipa #stout #neipa #ontap #mesqueunacerveseria #llupolaires #cappont #lleida #catalunya (at Hoppers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmEJpCMt3hG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cristiansspanishlitblog · 1 year ago
This week I read pages 166-176 of Mark Kurlanskies, Basque History of the World. 
This week's quote can be found on pg. 176: “But sabino gave the Basques their colors, a flag, a vocabulary, the name of their country, and the political party that would produce many of their future leaders.” Arana Sabino was an avid Basque nationalist. Time and time again he fought for basque name and recognition. Even  after the “fall of Spain” after they lost “The places with which they traded…the places that were Spain’s claim to being a world power…”(172) Arana still wished upon their demise. He went as saying “It doesn’t matter to us if Spain is big or small, strong  or weak, rich or poor. They have enslaved our country and this is enough for us to hate them with all our soul..”. The reason that Arana was so successful is that he was able to amass a large number of nationalist to take up his cause. That and with the rapidly growing population, (Bilbaos populous being 20,000 in 1850, to 100,000 by the end of the century), it was easy for him to spread Basque nationalism to take up his hate of Spain with.
Ok, so. Even though I had not registered this quote for this week, I still read the 10 pages, and felt like this might count for something(hopefully). Arana was one of the handful of people that is accredited for a wide variety of basque identity. I think it’s pretty cool, and scary at times, how much influence one person or a group of people can have over the masses. Luckily, Arana’s work was mostly positive. I say mostly because his vision of basque nationalism was soon joined with the question: “what makes someone Baque?” This brought up incredibly racist  exchanges, and subclasses in basqueland. Because of population and industrial boost, there was an influx of non-basque workers. They were referred to and looked down on as lesser. Referred to as, after Eukera translation, “maketo”, usually referring to anybody who was a poor immigrant at the time. 
Word count(345)
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bogdanklimowicz · 3 years ago
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Zumo Devil. . Beer (Bier). . Drank… in Tilburg sometime in April, a Zumo beer, brewed by Basqueland Brewing. . Advertised as “A Freshly squeezed! ¡Recién exprimido! Dry-hopped with: Mosaic, Citra, Vic Secret” . Little Devil, Stationsstraat 27, Tilburg, Netherlands (Nederland). . . . . . #zumodevil #can #inside #basquelandbrewing #basqueland @basquelandbrew #devil #littledevil @littledevilbar #bar #stationsstraat #dwaalgebied #tilburghotspot #kruikenstad #tilburg013 #tilburgfood #tilburgismooi #tilburg #tillywood #nederland #netherlands #holland #dutch #shoplocal #tuesdayboozeday #tuesdaytasting #tastytuesday . #bogdanklimowicz #beer #bier #pivo #cerveza . (at LittleDevil Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeNdYSZKB1q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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peakandmcqueen · 3 years ago
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Con cualquiera de estas cervezas se empieza mejor la semana. Para todos los gustos.🍻 #beer #caleya #welcometothejungle #basqueland #peralta #oharas #nitro #peakandmcqueen (en Peak & McQueen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaOytSysDxP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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