#basically: I register the patients. that’s all I do. in order for a patient to be registered it’s up to other people to send me the info
crowcryptid · 2 years
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Got yelled at for something that someone else did this is so cool I love being the youngest one here who is somehow responsible for everything even though I don’t know 90% of what other people do cause they refuse to tell me
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Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
On May 31, NHS England sent a letter to every patient on the waiting list for puberty blockers, stating that possession of such blockers will be considered a crime. The letter follows an edict issued by Conservative Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Mary Atkins and also mandates that transgender youth who obtained their puberty blockers through private doctors must discontinue their medication. This letter and edict mean that the United Kingdom now has some of the harshest policies targeting transgender youth of any liberal democracy in the world. On May 29th, Atkins announced on twitter, “Today I have taken bold action to protect children following the Cass Review, using emergency powers to ban puberty blockers for new treatments of gender dysphoria from private clinics and for all purposes from overseas prescribers into Great Britain.” Following the announcement, she linked to an edict declaring an “emergency prohibition” on puberty blockers in England, Wales, and Scotland.
The prohibition relies on a decades-old law that allows for the emergency prohibition of medications without the need for a full legislative process; no vote was taken on the edict, and the order was issued just before parliament dissolved for the general election, meaning it could not be overturned. According to UK-based advocate Trans Safety Now, the last and only time such powers were used was in response to deaths among users of an herb found in some Chinese medicine in 1999. Jo Maugham, who leads the Good Law Project, stated about the use of these powers, “It is breathtaking that thousands or tens of thousands of loving families are going to be criminalized by a law made by a Minister, never approved by Parliament, subject to no consultation and the media is not reporting it." On Friday, following the announcement, Lee Hurley of Trans Writes released a copy of a letter sent to families on the NHS waiting list for puberty blockers. The letter indicates that those receiving puberty blockers from the NHS can continue taking them. However, given the enormous wait lists, a substantial number of families opted to get their puberty blockers through private practitioners registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland—a fully legal practice in the United Kingdom. For those receiving their care through those systems, the letter states, “You will need to stop taking GnRH analogues unless you are newly prescribed them by a UK-registered doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. These medications can be safely stopped and you do not need to be weaned off.”
Critically, the edict does not only target providers; it also targets patients and their families. The letter states, “It will also be a criminal offence to possess these medicines, where the individual had reasonable cause to know that the medicine had been sold or supplied in breach of the ban.” When asked about this provision, Jo Maugham stated, “It basically says puberty blockers are being treated like other illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin.” He then followed up with the applicable law, which indicates that those who violate the ban could be imprisoned for two years. The decision comes following the publication of the Cass Review, a highly politicized document developed with a secretive list of advisors, some of whom were later found to be meeting regularly with political operatives of Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. 
The UK's hateful anti-trans crusade against gender-affirming care for trans youths continue, as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Mary Atkins (Con) issues a reckless edict ordering trans youth who obtained their puberty blockers through private doctors that they must stop using them.
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wol-fica · 2 years
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pairings - wednesday x gn!reader
summary - Wednesday comes to you for advice and guidance with her stalker problem, and finally confesses
warnings - kissing, slight make out, fluff, kinda investigation, wednesday is so hot omg
It was a peaceful night at Nevermore Academy, not a sound could be heard, except for up in Apollo Hall. The soft ‘swoosh’ of a broom across wooden floors filled the large space as I did the weekly clean of my dorm. 
I lived alone, well technically not, as I did have a roommate, but they never stayed here or even bothered to show up at the beginning of the semester, so I assumed that the dorm was mine for the taking. Maximus, my dorm parent, had said that he didn’t mind me having it to myself, but I needed to uphold the promise of keeping it in order just in case a new student comes along. 
So here I was, ridding the space of all dust and grime. The faint sound of laughter flowed through my open window, probably coming from down in the quad. There was a late night party for the students who participated in the repair of the school, which was basically everyone. I was invited, but I’d rather be alone with my books than get drunk with the crowd. Everyone was down to do drugs and chug alcohol, which is why I was incredibly surprised to hear a swift knock at my door.
“Coming!” I called, placing the broom back into my supply closet before heading to the door. I opened it, only to be met with someone I would never expect to be at my doorstep. 
Wednesday Addams, gloomy and attractive as always. 
See, Wednesday and I have only interacted twice, so I was confused why she would be here at my door. The first time we met was at Eugene’s shed; I had gone there to get a jar of honey for my baking escapades, and Wednesday was there looming over a book of some sort. I had said hello, but all I received was a look and a nod. 
The second time was with Enid; I was in their dorm helping her decorate a large poster board for her project on giant hawks when Wednesday arrived back from Hummers club. We made eye contact for a solid two-and-a-half seconds before she greeted Enid and went straight to her typewriter. 
So for her to be standing in my doorway, arms full of papers and a black display board while her face looked bland as ever, was quite a shock to me.
“Wednesday, Hi.” I said, probably looking like an idiot.
Her eyes scanned my face before trailing down to the black apron I wore for cleaning. Instantly, my skin went red from embarrassment, and I scrambled to take it off.
“Sorry, I was in the middle of sweeping when you knocked.” 
“That is fine, having a neat room shows me that you are at least cleaner than most.” Wednesday said, her voice a bit less monotonous than usual. “Can I enter?”
“I…of course!” I stammered, stepping aside so she could walk in.
I shut the door behind her, locked it, and turned to see her inspecting my walls. She moved around the room quite fast, her hand tracing along the ancient wood. Once she seemed satisfied, she placed her things on my bed and got to work setting up her display board. 
“Uh, can I help with anything…?” I asked, sliding closer to see what she had.
She shook her head no and grabbed her papers to pin them up on the black panel, which is where I realized they were in fact photos of her. All of them were inconsistent, some with her by herself, others while she was with Enid or Xavier. 
“Wednesday what-” 
She slapped her hand to my mouth, glaring her dark eyes at me. “Be patient, you will see what I'm getting at.”
I obliged, keeping my eyes on Wednesday as she finished pinning the last of her photos. Once she was satisfied, she clasped my hand and pulled me back to see the full product. Red string trailed from each photo to a paper, which led to the center, a dark blurry figure. 
We stared at it for a moment, basking in the silence. In our pause, I registered her hand in mine. Her skin was cold, but not in a repulsive way, it was more refreshing than uncomfortable. I was surprised, especially when her thumb gently traced the back of my hand. 
“So, what am I looking at?” I asked, breaking the silence. 
She went forward to inspect her work more closely, her hand sliding out of mine in the process. An empty feeling filled the air but I ignored it out of respect.
“Wednesday?” I asked again, coming up next to her.
“It seems that I have acquired a stalker.” She murmured, scratching her chin.
“I see that, but why did you come here?” 
“Because I needed a consult.”
“What’s wrong with Enid? Xavier?” 
Wednesday’s dark eyes snapped to mine, a glare clouding her face. She stared at me for a good few seconds before looking back at her board.
“Because of that picture.” She stated, pointing at one of her laying on her colorless bed, “I care for Enid and Xavier greatly, but this makes me paranoid.”
I nod, understanding her view, “How would they get a picture of you in your room?” 
“A good question, but I'm not sure about the answer.”
“I see.”
Silence, again; Wednesday really likes to analyze, so I used this time to admire her. 
One thing about her that I always found interesting about her was her face. While most people would say she is bland and psychotic, I fully disagree. She has always had this effect on me that I couldn’t quite pinpoint until now.  
When we would pass in the hallway, I would get giddy and nervous, but as soon as she was gone those feelings diminished. We sit with each other in Creepy Creatures class, and I always get so scared to mess up on a test or choose dumb answers for homework in fear of repulsing her.
Wednesday’s voice snapped me out of my daydreaming, causing me to look down to her. Her dark, well-trained eyes searched my Y/E/C ones with curiosity.
“What were you doing?” She asked, peering up at me.
“Nothing! Just thinking about stuff.”
She hummed slowly, still staring at me. “Stuff.”
I nodded sheepishly and smiled, giving a tense shrug. 
“Anyways, I had asked if you had any theories on who my despicable stalker could be.”
I thought for a moment, multiple possibilities filling my brain.
“Old family member?” I suggested.
Wednesday studied my face as she seemed to ponder about what I said. “Elaborate.”
I cleared my throat. “Distant relative. Has an issue with your family or you yourself. They want to scare you by taking stalkerish photos of you?”
“No, too easy.”
“How about a current student? Someone who is jealous of you and is trying to distract you from things about to happen?”
She pursed her lip at that one. “Maybe”
“Ooh! Or an old foe!” I said, now being very interested in the issue. “Someone you crossed and maybe have beaten in the past, they are back to scare you!”
I turned to see her slightly grinning at me, her eyes watching my every move. My face heated up and I giggled, scratching the back of my neck.
“Sorry, I love mysteries.”
Wednesday shook her head slightly, giving me an ever so small smirk. “That’s okay, investigating is cute on you.”
“Really?” I said, a blush covering my cheeks.
“Yes, it's terribly annoying.”
She scoffed, shaking her head; her eyes met mine with a fiery glaze. She was studying me again, taking in my features so they would have an imprint in her brain. I learned that Wednesday would do that so she could remember who she saw in a day in case of an unfortunate event happening. 
“You are incredibly naive.” Wednesday said, tracing her fingers across a photo of her and I in botany class.
I cocked my head to the side in confusion. What did that mean? Was I supposed to pick up on something? Did she ask me another question? 
“What do you mean?” I asked with caution.
Her shoulders dropped as her head drooped sadly. Cringing a slight bit, I backed away in fear that I said something wrong. 
“I keep throwing signals in your direction but you are to blind to see my attempts; unless I’m just bad at flirting.”
I looked stupid, very stupid. My mouth was hanging open while my eyes squinted in thought. 
“You…have a thing for me? Like a crush?” 
“Yes, I have gained an attraction to you.” She said, watching for my reaction.
“Are you disappointed?”
“What? No.”
“Then angry.”
“Wednesday, wait.” I said, shushing her before she started assuming the worst.
She stared, her eyes never leaving mine. Our gaze seemed to create a thin spark between us as we had a silent conversation through facial expressions. My thoughts took a pause when I saw her dark orbs flicker down to my lips, her own parting slightly.
“Can…can I kiss you Y/N?” Wednesday asked tentatively whilst rocking on her feet.
I smiled, reaching out to grab her hands.
“Call me Y/N/N.” 
And with that, our lips met in a fiery blaze. Her’s were soft and delicate, yet surprisingly delicious. She tasted sweet like lemonade but with a hint of mint. My hands traveled down to her waist, pulling her closer to me so I could kiss her more properly. 
We broke for air, but she dove right back in with a ferocious demeanor. I felt the prodding of her tongue begging for access into my mouth, which I happily accepted. As soon as she got clearance, she set to work exploring every crevice with curiosity. The way her tongue would slide against mine created a bubbly feeling in my stomach, which only grew when she decided to cup my face.
I pulled back, a string of spit dangled between us. Giggling, I wiped it away and planted a soft peck to her cheek.
“Now I can brag that I made out with Wednesday Addams.” I snickered, burying my nose into her neck.
Suddenly, a sharp jab of a fist collided with my stomach, causing me to clutch it in discomfort.
“Tell anyone and I will rip you off at your mid-section.” She stated before pulling me into her for a tight hug.
i do not give permission for anyone to repost on any platform
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yanderelinkeduniverse · 8 months
Yandere Sky Headcanons
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Sky is, without a doubt, a hopeless romantic when he’s in love. We’ve seen him swoon and sigh dreamily when thinking about his loved one, he’s THAT kind of lover boy. Naturally, when adding a layer of insanity tinged love sickness to that adoration, he’s prone to becoming very affectionate.
Unless you are as dense as a rock, it will be no secret that the Hero of the Skies is head over heels in love with you. He basically has heart shaped pupils whenever he looks at you, cartoon heart bubbles magically appear around his head when in your vicinity and his face turns so red you’d think he had a high fever.
Sky is a devout yandere, obsessive in every way, shape and form, and protective to a fault. Even when not around you, you occupy his thoughts and daydreams to the point where it seems like he’s never not thinking about you.
He’s got a masters degree in yearning from Pining University.
And while he hasn’t lost that many people like some of the other mentally unstable chosen ones in the Chain(namely Wild and Legend), the fear of losing them is very real to him. He’s known the blood chilling terror of being a few steps too slow and a few minutes too late with the only thought in his head being “what did I do wrong?”
Following the conclusion of his first and only journey, Sky has come to accept that he made his mistakes and that he must move on in order to grow, but that doesn’t stop him from taking those lessons to heart when falling in love with you.
We’ve seen multiple times throughout the various installments that one of Sky’s favorite hobbies is playing his lyre. It’s a simple pleasure he indulges in whenever they have a moment of peace and the sound never fails to remind him of his home. But he’s found another reason to love it and that is the attention you end up giving him whenever he plays a song.
He isn’t the best musician in the group, but there’s no denying that the simple melodies he strings together are pleasing to the ears, so it’s no wonder you’d take the time to sit down, listen, and compliment him.
Sky doesn’t see it like that, though.
In his deluded, love hazy mind, all that registers is that you’re there giving him your attention and your praise; two things worth more than gold in his eyes. He’s like a drug addict who just got hit with another dosage. If he had a tail he’d be wagging it so hard it would thump against the log he’s sitting on, so he better consider himself lucky that Twilight is the dog of the group.
Though, if would please you, he’d willingly let you collar and leash him. Tell him to sit and roll over, he’ll do it on command without any shame whatsoever. He’ll even walk around on all fours if you want!-
THIS! 👏 MF! 👏 STEALS! 👏 FROM! 👏 YOU! 👏
I mean, technically it isn’t for long, he won’t permanently take something that belongs to you without ever giving it back(in secret so you never find out it was him), but he WILL swipe something of yours from time to time. Most commonly he’ll take a tunic or shirt from you, something you won’t immediately notice is gone.
When he has a moment of privacy, he’ll take out his little treasure and press it against his face, taking in a deeeeeep breath, and sighing lovingly. He’s got it bad for you and he knows it. If he could he’d use your tunic as a pillowcase whenever he went to sleep, but there’s no way he wouldn’t get caught.
Despite all this sugary sweetness, Sky isn’t solely a soft and gentle boy. If he is provoked, or if you’re being bothered, Sky doesn’t hesitate to step up and glare down the nuisance, all the while keeping a calm smile stretched across his face. This is where his surprisingly deep voice comes in handy, people aren’t expecting a voice like his to come from such a soft face.
Out of all the members of the Chain, I actually think that Sky would be one of the most patient when it comes to people trying to mess with them or you respectively; he’s dealt with Groose’s bullying for a few years, I think he’s a natural at letting nasty comment slide right off him like water off a duck’s back.
However, even then his patience is dangerously thin regarding people. If provoked he won’t hesitate to begin plotting the fool’s demise, whether it be a swift cut to the jugular or a slow, agonizing demise is up to the person in question.
And finally, just a hint, do not try to run from him, it won’t work.
If Fi’s ability to dowse objects and seek them out is based on Sky’s own desire to find them, then if you were to try and run away, he’d be able to track you right down to the exact spot you’re standing in. Because there is nothing and no one alive that Sky wants and needs more than you.
Hide in the woods, in a cave, in a dungeon, in a mountain, it doesn’t matter. He will hunt you down, find you, and drag you back home in his loving, suffocating embrace.
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mikuni14 · 9 months
The Sign - Ep 7
First of all, as always, I will officially ignore all the cop stuff, the doctor discussing his patient's condition and giving his data without a court order, how a person with a mental disorder is treated, and the meme quotes from Paulo Coelho 🙃 (It's interesting that the Dr. Chewconcretemotherfucker treated both art Art and Tharn 🤔)
It never ceases to amaze me how much Phaya has NO control over his face and his behavior in Dr. ChUNT's presence lmao. And how all Tharn gives him is basic politeness, and how it must be apparent to anyone interested (including Dr. Changinghisnameisapublicservice) that Tharn, his heart, and his body belong to someone else. So what exactly is he trying to achieve? The only thing left for him is to actually end this relationship in a drastic way… "So don't worry, I will see him to his bed" I bet your ass that you will Phaya! 😆 I'm 100% sure the only thing your bird brain registered is "I" and "Tharn" and "bed" 👍
Somehow, in this episode, Tharn was able to de-escalate the situation between Phaya and Dr. Chanceyougettharniszeroyoucunt (with just one sentence), and he was also able to confess why he was the way he was (it took him one sentence as well). This is what I wanted in last episode, but what we only got now to fit the plot… *sigh*
I really liked the scene of Phaya trying to explain himself to Tharn: he's freaking out, not controlling his emotions, grabbing Tharn's hands.. and those broken sentences, grimaces on his face, visible nervousness and distress. And how Tharn is worried about what he sees (that deep crease between his eyebrows), trying to hide his worry, comforting him. Phaya's line: "Just tell me you forgive me and all these symptoms would probably go away" floored me. That's some old romance novel shit, it gets me every time! 😍
Phaya and Tharn's conversation in the archive was great, making Phaya's position on being in a relationship clear. Tharn's reaction to what Phaya says and when he asks what would he do? Really nice, as Tharn shows mostly with his eyes how much it all affects him..
I love Phaya and how persistent he is, how he doesn't give up, how he treats all obstacles to his happy relationship with Tharn as something that simply needs to be overcome and that's it 😄 That's why he follows him like a dog, uses every opportunity to be with him and creates his own opportunities. Like inviting Tharn to his nest house to disarm him with his family, food and cat and ultimately WIN him. Which of course works! Who would have guessed, Phaya actually has some game after all lmao
The scene at Phaya's house was so sweet! Tharn is so loving and gentle with the cat, immediately noticing Namami, unconsciously petting him just beacuse he is within his arm reach, which is what cat people do without thinking. I love how everyone just passed the cat between them lol
I liked Tharn having fun, being relaxed, the way Phaya shows him around his nest, the way he talks to him about himself. Tharn staring at the eagle painting…
Ohhh, and we have a perfect confession. As it should be, because Phaya is so serious when it comes to Tharn: it was long, honest, romantic without exaggeration or cringe. It's nice that Tharn didn't interrupt him and made an emotional confession himself. I'm not surprised that Tharn gave in because everything had been building up to this point. The way he saw Phaya freaking out, the way Phaya kept pushing, the whole "love" atmosphere of their current case certainly made him think too. Tharn himself tells Phaya not to press him, suggesting that he doesn't have the strength to resist, because as Tongthai even said earlier, you can't "fall out of love." You can't just shut down your feelings and desires. And Tharn FEELS it and oh god how much he wants it. And what I think convinced him was that Phaya didn't dismiss his worries with the traditional "don't worry" or "everything will be fine" or worse, "you're exaggerating, it's just a delusion." No, Phaya took his fears upon himself, saying that HE would try not to leave THARN, taking the burden of keeping Phaya alive off Tharn's shoulders. "I'll do whatever it takes so that you won't be sad or lose me", because his life is his responsibility, not Tharn's. What Phaya did was notice Tharn's worry, recognize it, take it upon himself, and let Tharn relax. That's why I'm not surprised that Tharn allowed himself a moment of happiness, to reach for what he wants. Perhaps it's a moment of weakness that he will regret later, but come on, Tharn is not made of steel! He's just a cute lil' guy and he's in love and horny! 😭 Oh, but this confession had its beautiful moments: "I really want to have you by my side in every day of my life" "This is the best I can do, please don't force me" "I promise not to leave you"
Love scene: YES. I love Phaya when, before they started, he takes a deep breath, as if he's finally at peace, because this is it, he FINALLY has everything he wants, everything is right with the world. And then he just go for it. I fucking love predatory, hungry Phaya. I love the pliant Tharn, how he's almost always with his back to Phaya in an act of sweet submission and ultimate trust. Phaya had moments as if he couldn't believe that they were together and when he realized that yes, this was really happening, he became even more passionate, as if he couldn't get enough of Tharn. It was incredibly hot. There was a lot of heavy breathing, pulling on skin, tight embraces, intense caresses, hungry looks. And am I seeing things or there was a scene of Tharn nodding his consent and implication that Phaya was preparing him? 👀 Anyway, the scene was an intoxicating mix of Phaya and Tharn's fantasies: it was pretty, pink, emotional and hot.
When I finally see them together, I'm as happy as Phaya with a naked, tattooed, wet Tharn in the shower 😄💖🥳 everything is right with the world.
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Hi! Can I please request a Prince Soma and Agni head canon on what would they do if their S/o is on her period and then she’s starting to become moody or having bad cramps or what would they do if she accidently stained herself like are they gonna help her, make her feel comfortable or something like that? I know this sounds weird and kinda gross when you think about it but it would be sweet and adorable if these two boys take care their S/o when she is really moody and crampy on that time of her month.
If this request weird you out or you don’t feel comfortable answering it, it’s alright you don’t have to ask that.
P.S I really love your Headcanons especially about Prince Soma and Agni, please keep up the good work!😊👍
🌲~ hello!! im glad you like my black butler headcanons <33 thanks for your request! this is such a cute idea, and it’s not weird or gross at all. periods r totally natural n i stain my shit ALL the time 😭😭 i hope u like it 💚
♡ ̆̈ಇ.-`💚´-ಇ afab!reader
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𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚
when you’re moody
at first, he won’t understand that you’re moody because you’re on your period. soma will be super confused and panicked when you burst into tears because you accidentally stepped on an ant or when you tell him off for breathing too loudly. it’s Agni who tips him off, and soma is totally embarrassed that he didn’t realize. wanting to make up for his blunder, he will be as understanding and patient as possible with you on your period. he will still lose his patience every so often, but it’s brief because whenever soma starts to get impatient with you he remembers that it’s not you talking, it’s the hormones and stress.
the first time you have your period when you’re dating soma, agni’s basically taking him through the whole thing of making sure you’re happy and healthy. but after a few more periods soma will get it down. not without a mistake or two, of course, but soma just wants to keep you happy. despite agni’s orders, he often strays from the healthy diet agni has him on because he’s a seventeen-year-old kid, so soma has no issue at all bringing you whatever cravings you have. admittedly, it’s a little hard for him to take care of you on your period- not because of you, but because he’s spoiled and used to being the one taken care of. more than once he asks Agni to simply take over for him, but agni flatly refuses. soma is going to learn to take care of you on your period if it kills him
when you stain your clothes
soma sees blood on your pants and literally just goes into panic mode. it does not instantly register that it’s because of your period and he just automatically thinks that you’ve hurt yourself or you’ve got some illness. so he may or may not make a scene and embarrass you greatly, in which case agni will have no choice but to step in and then reprimand him severely about it later. but once he gets the hang of it, soma will simply stand awkwardly behind you, or if you’re at home, sheepishly bring you clothes to change into. agni has to help him wash the clothes or anything else you might have stained because, let’s be honest, soma probably will think it’s a little gross (although it definitely isn’t and staining things happens to everyone with a period).
“Agni, I know it’s natural, but I can’t help it! What if I get sick if I accidentally touch it?!”
“…Prince Soma.”
when you’re sore
soma thought he had this part of periods down pat. he’s had plenty of massages and stuff from Agni, so therefore he should be an expert at giving them, too, right? wrong. when soma sees that you’re cramping and decides that he’ll try and massage you to relieve your pain, he literally just makes it worse by getting all the wrong muscles and the whole thing is just very awkward. soma will get it, though… eventually. but for the time being, it’s agni to the rescue again…😭
when you’re moody
agni would instantly know when you aren’t feeling well. he just subconsciously knows all your behaviors and is naturally good at detecting when someone’s energy is off. so when you snap at him for literally nothing or when you get really emotional over something small, agni already saw it coming, and just wants to know what’s wrong so that he can help you. he knows you don’t act like this in general, so he knows something has to be bothering you enough for you to get emotional or lash out.
when you’re feeling like this, you normally aren’t in the mood to hang out with other people a lot, so if you had plans or he had plans with you agni will absolutely reschedule them for you. he’ll do whatever chores you have (even though he doesn’t let you do a whole lot of work anyway) to let you have some time to relax. agni will also do your best to accommodate any cravings you might have- usually he likes for you to eat healthy, which you’re fine with, but when you want sweet or salty stuff on your period agni doesn’t make any comments on it and just brings you what you want to ease your discomfort. he’ll still try and offer you natural foods, just for your sake, but whatever food you want he’ll bring to you regardless.
“Perhaps you will feel a bit better if you have some homemade vegetable curry- it is nutritious and also flavorful. I-“
“Ah, right. My apologies. I will get you a dark chocolate bar from the kitchen. Dark chocolate has health benefits as well!”
“…thank you, Agni.”
on your period your hormones are more in control of your mood than you are a lot of the time, and you get a lot of mood swings- one second you’re happy, the next you’re crying, and picking fights over insignificant stuff. i think agni would probably keep track of your cycle without you knowing so that he’s prepared to be more patient with you. he just doesn’t engage when you pick an argument, usually simply agreeing with you for the moment. however, agni doesn’t let you just yell and push him around. if you get too rough with him he’ll gently put you in your place.
“My love, I know that you are feeling unwell- but please refrain from using language with me.”
when you stain your clothes
if you’re standing and out in public when this happens, agni will quickly come up behind you and wrap a garment from his own outfit around your waist. you’ll be a little confused, but he won’t want to embarrass you by telling you that you have a stain when you’re with other people. until he can get you alone he remains directly behind you, usually with his hands wrapped around your waist.
if you’ve been laying down and stained your clothes, agni will escort you to the bathroom and bring you clothes and underwear to change into. he won’t make a big thing of it; he’ll just hand you your clothes and wait until you come out the bathroom to bring you back to your bed. if you’ve stained anything else, like sheets or cushions, he’ll change and wash them himself when you’re not there on his own volition. agni doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed at all. he’s a man that understands periods are periods and they’re not going to be neat or pretty. the last thing he would want is for you to be ashamed of a natural process.
when you’re sore
agni is the perfect guy to have around when you’re cramping or dealing with soreness during your period. prince soma has complained of pain plenty of times, and agni has always managed to simply massage the pain away. he does the same with you. he asks you where it hurts and then goes from there. agni will also make you tea or light a few scented candles to soothe you. when you really feel sick and are in need of comfort, he lets you curl up against him and lay on his lap. he makes sure you have a nice, heavy blanket and runs you hot baths when your cramps are especially bad. agni hates to see you in pain. his whole job as a butler is to make sure his master is happy and healthy, and as his partner, that’s his job with you too.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
RN Scope of Practice
I recently learned something that was pretty interesting about the RN scope of practice.
In hospital settings, we tend to think of registered nurses as carrying out the orders of physicians and advanced practice providers. In a hospital just about everything needs an order, including things that in nursing school we were always told were under our scope of practice-like ambulating the patient, dietary plans, positioning, wound care, etc...
So I was wondering- what can a registered nurse do without an order? Do we have our own scope of practice if we were to, say, freelance?
It turns out, yes- I can only speak for the state of Ohio, but outside a facility that requires an order, an RN can actually do a lot in the way of independent practice. The reason everything requires an order in a hospital setting is facility policy, not law.
Here is what the Ohio Revised Code says the RN Scope of Practice is:
"Identifying patterns of human responses to actual or potential health problems amenable to a nursing regimen
Executing a nursing regimen through the selection, performance, management, and evaluation of nursing actions
Assessing health status for the purpose of providing nursing care
Providing health counseling and health teaching
Administering medications, treatments, and executing regimens authorized by an individual who is authorized to practice in this state and is acting within the course of the individual’s professional practice
Teaching, administering, supervising, delegating, and evaluating nursing practice."
"RNs have independent licensed authority to engage in all aspects of practice specified in Section 4723.01(B), ORC, except that, when providing nursing care pursuant to Section 4723.01(B)(5), ORC, the RN must have an order from an individual who is authorized to practice in this state and is acting within the course of the individual's professional practice for administration of medication or treatments or for the regimen that is to be executed."
Basically, if you read down that list, the only thing that actually requires an order is #5. But other than that, RNs are allowed to independently practice without medical direction, as long as we are doing something that is within our scope.
What does that mean? Well, if you look at number 1, we can identify patients who can use nursing care. If you look at number 2, we can independently select, use, and evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions such as positioning, diet, oral hydration, non-pharmacological pain, anxiety, and nausea control, run codes if we have ACLS, etc... If you look at number 3, we can do pretty much any physical assessment. If you look at number 4, we can provide health coaching and teach health education to the public. And if you look at number 6, we can teach nursing students, delegate to those lower on the nursing hierarchy, and study nursing practice academically.
So what does that look like? Well, an RN can independently select a patient who could benefit from nursing care, assess that patient, advise nursing interventions that may help them, perform those interventions or delegate them to an LPN, STNA, or CHW, evaluate the effectiveness of those interventions, provide health education to that patient, and pass along that knowledge to a next generation of nurses, STNAs, and CHWs.
So I just want you to know, RNs, future RNs, and writers that write RNs, an RN is an independent license. You do not need a medical provider to practice nursing, only to do things that fall under a medical scope of practice.
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drive me crazy
barista bucky x fem reader
words: 1.6k
warnings: lapslock, basically crack, mentions of sex / fucking / kinks, no actual smut tho rip
a/n: inspired by this djdjdnjdmd it's been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i finally decided to just post it bc it's funny to me hehe~ any and all mistakes are mine! feedback is encouraged & appreciated ♡
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you're in desperate need of caffeine, dead on your feet after a long week of cranking out as many chapters for your new book as humanly possible to make sure you meet your deadline. so you find the closest cafe and wait patiently in the short line once you're inside. you notice the man taking orders is admittedly very handsome. it's a throw away thought, really, something you think pretty often about lots of people you see in public. he's definitely a sight for sore eyes, though.
when it's your turn to order, your mouth is already opening to greet the barista, but he beats you to it with a raspy, “hi there, doll.”
your already overworked, tired, useless brain comes to a screeching halt as you blink, mouth snapping shut. faintly, you hear him ask for your name as he reaches for a cup with one hand, an uncapped sharpie in the other, but the question bounces off the empty chambers of your mind, echoing hollowly.
“huh?” is your intelligent response.
his lips twitch like he wants to laugh, but instead he simply repeats, “may i have your name?”
“yeah,” you reply breathily, yet offer nothing else. he raises an eyebrow and you jolt with realization, stuttering out your name for him.
he writes it on the cup then asks for your order, which you also stutter through, embarrassment eating you up inside. you think you've just about managed to pull yourself together, making a mental note to never return to this cafe as you rummage through your bag for your wallet.
“is that all for today, darlin’?” he asks, sending you spiraling again.
“i—uh huh. yes. yeah.” you might just have to walk into oncoming traffic. “thank you,” you tack on belatedly.
he offers you a devastating smile. “you're welcome, doll.”
aaaand that's it. yep. this is the ideal moment where you burst into flames. or the ground opens up beneath your feet and swallows you whole. anything would be better than fumbling with your credit card to insert it into the reader like a clumsy idiot. as soon as the transaction clears you scurry off to the side and away from the barista’s presence.
jesus fucking christ.
what the hell is wrong with you? are you really that starved for affection that all it took to have your heart threatening to beat out of your chest was a fucking stranger calling you a term of endearment? you're really that easy?
the second your name is called and you've got your coffee in hand, you head straight for the exit. you can never show your face here ever again.
but then a week goes by and your every waking thought is haunted by the events that unfolded in that fucking cafe. your mind plays it on a constant loop, sometimes in slow motion to really pinpoint your shame. his deep, raspy voice still sends a shiver down your spine, just from the memory of it. and the way he smiled at you could only mean that he knew. he had to.
you don't have a single moment of peace as the days go by and you finally decide you've had enough. before you can even think it through all the way, you're entering the cafe you swore to never return to and approaching the counter with determined steps. it seems to be a slow day, only one other customer sitting at a table in a far corner. you're not sure if you're glad to see the same barista is behind the register, but you suppose it's for the best, since he's the one you have a bone to pick with anyway.
your hands land with a smack on the countertop, startling the man as you seethe, hissing out an accusatory, “you.”
he points a finger at himself. “me?”
“yes. you. what's your deal, huh?” you demand. his eyebrows furrow, but you press on. “who do you think you are, going around addressing people like that? who even uses doll anymore? do you have any idea what you've done?”
he scratches under his chin as he ponders. “uh… no? but i have a feeling you're gonna tell me.”
“you're damn skippy, i am!” you reply much too loudly. “i have a deadline,” you emphasize, “i'm supposed to be focusing on work, but all i can fucking think about is you calling me doll like it's totally normal and not making me a desperate, horny, weak little slut! do you realize i haven't written more than two sentences in the last week? only two! how am i supposed to get anything done now? should i tell you about my praise kink too so you can also use that against me? huh?!”
as your rant comes to an end, you become aware of a few things. first, you hear the lone customer scrambling to gather their belongings and racing out the door. second, you're halfway perched on the counter with one hand fisted in the barista’s shirt. and lastly, said barista is grinning in a way that makes you want to slap him silly.
“i guess that depends,” he responds after a minute, leaning ever closer to you, so close, in fact, that you can see the tiny flecks of brown in ridiculously blue eyes. “would you get more writing finished if i called you a good girl?”
an undefinable noise squeaks out of you. his grin widens.
gritting your teeth, you climb the rest of the way onto the counter, gearing up for another rant with, “you little shit—”
you're cut off by his finger pressing on your lips. you stop talking, but only because of the audacity.
“ah-ah, no. be quiet.”
and your rage builds even more. you're sure that if it was possible you'd be shooting fire out of your eyes.
“before you start yelling at me again, let me speak,” he says, and you just barely contain yourself. “had i known i ruffled your feathers this much i would've left my number on your cup. i regret that now, of course.”
“i’ll have you know my feathers are perfectly unruffled—”
“hush,” he interrupts, calm as can be. your body trembles as you hold back. “we both know that's a lie,” he says, pointedly glancing at where you're kneeling on the counter and your white-knuckled grip on his shirt. “so here's what's gonna happen. i'll fix you a drink, on my dime, and you’ll take it home with you and get back to work. like a good girl. and i'll leave my number on this cup so you can call me when you're finished so i can reward you properly. how's that sound?”
when you only stare back at him, knowing how crazed you must look and wondering if this is some kind of cosmic joke, he raises his eyebrows in a way that screams “well?”
“oh, am i allowed to talk now?” you sass.
he rests his palms on either side of you. “don't be a brat. answer my question.”
you take a deep breath to try and rein in your emotions. “fine. make the drink. but don't hold your fucking breath for a phone call from me.”
he smirks. “oh, is that right?”
“you haven't even scratched the surface of how bratty i can be,” you retort.
he hums, scanning your face. “guess i'll just have to fuck it out of you.”
you sneer. “you wish.”
“you know, i can't make that drink for you until you let go of me.”
with incredible restraint, you release his shirt from your grasp, but stay settled on the countertop. he gives you one last boyish grin and turns to start fixing up your drink.
you watch him silently, the reality of what just happened trickling into your conscience. to say you're mortified would be a severe understatement. the only thing you can do is stare blankly at the espresso machine as he works and you contemplate the pros and cons of moving to a different country and whether or not you could get away with some slight maiming.
you don't even notice him walking around to the other side of the counter until you feel his hands on your hips, sliding you backwards into his chest.
“as pretty as you look on your knees like this, you'll have to come down from there now,” he says lowly, his breath tickling your neck and making goosebumps appear.
you clear your throat, shifting to turn and scoot off the surface, avoiding eye contact.
“good girl,” he praises softly.
you lift your gaze to his, glaring daggers at him. he winks at you, holding out your drink and wiggling it a little.
“here you go, doll,” he says, his smile entering shit-eating territory.
you have half a mind to throw the damn thing in his face. however, you refrain. you force a smile and snatch it out of his hand.
“i hope you fucking choke.”
he laughs. “i'd much rather see you choke on my—”
“goodbye,” you yell, stomping out of the cafe.
once you're in your car you look to see if he actually left his number on the cup, and for reasons entirely unknown, he did. you grab your phone, opening a new text thread and typing out a message.
you: i hate you
asshole barista: you really don't.
you: shut the fuck up and tell me when your shift is over
you: we’re gonna see if you're all talk and no game like i suspect you are
asshole barista: i'll be delighted to prove you wrong, doll.
you: yeah we’ll fuckin see won't we
(he is, in fact, not all talk and no game.)
(you're pleasantly surprised.)
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happilychaengs · 2 years
jennie - the girl that didn't pass you by
a/n: i wrote this in like a day and i'm happy with how this turned out though i'm still feeling nervous of publishing this. i have two other fics that were supposed to be christmasy office stuff and they're pretty fleshed out but i'm not so proud of them
jennie kim x gender neutral reader
word count: 1,386
all fluff
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The sweet and inviting aroma of roasted coffee beans filled the air as you walked in, the brisk wind whirling around as the door closes behind you. You adored this café. This was basically like your second home.
You took a look around, glazing over everything the café had to offer. Christmas classics played quietly from every corner of the building, now instilling it with that child-like wonder you felt was missing. There was some neatly handwritten chalk on the walls of the specials today. A handful of people were present, scattered around the café, all of them kind of just doing their own thing.
And finally, there was that one barista, whom you knew as Jennie according to her nametag, working the register today. You'd always only come here during her shifts. She had a gummy smile, a beauty mark under her left eyebrow which you're sure no one has noticed before, and from what you could tell from your short encounters with her, a great personality to match.
"The usual?" She knows your order by heart. Even if she doesn't know you per se but she knows of you. You nod, as you lug your bag to your usual corner. Sitting down and waiting patiently for your order, you glanced out the window as you looked over all the people passing by, going through the motions of life.
It always seemed too fast for your liking. You always thought if you got caught up with the tide, you'd never be able to stop and inevitably reach the end with a hard crash, so you've decided for yourself to avoid all of that. Tearing your eyes away, you took out one of the books from your bag that you've loved rereading to this day. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. You smiled to yourself as you saw you were nearing the end of the book again, your bookmark stuck between one of the last few pages.
But before you could start turning those pages again, you heard someone clearing their throat and noticed a cup of coffee being placed in front of you in your peripheral vision. When you looked up, it was her. Jennie.
"May I sit?" she asked, with a small smile.
"Of course," you said as you set your book down, returning her smile.
You couldn't help but want to leave the cup there after picking it up and inspecting the foam art. It was too lovely to ruin. It was a simple heart, but you could tell how much work went into it. You set it down once more.
"Not your thing?" She asked with a cute pout apparent on her face.
You shook your head, "No... it's just that I didn't want to ruin the art."
She let out a small laugh as she leaned closer to the table, her eyes wandering around your table. "Well, that's awfully nice of you but you should drink it before it gets cold Y/N."
Your eyebrows arched in confusion, a slight frown appearing on your lips, "How do you know my name?"
She laughed again as she moved her hands all around her body, signaling the outfit, "Did you forget it's a café? If I didn't know your name, that'd be a bigger problem."
Your cheeks turned a soft shade of pink as you felt embarrassed at your sudden lack of common sense, "Right... Anyways... what are you doing here?"
"I'm on break right now and thought I'd say hi to my favorite customer." A sly grin makes its way across her face, all the while you're blushing even harder, eyes downcast. "You're interesting Y/N. I just wanted to get to know you, that's all."
Her eyes make their way to the book you've set down to your left. They widen in surprise. "That's a great book."
You're surprised. Most would say that they've only seen the movie. "You read it?"
She nods plain and simple, "That's my favorite so far." And almost instantaneously, she glances up at you again, the look of curiosity and wonder playfully dancing on your lips. You look like you want to ask her more and she's happy to answer.
Then finally, you have the courage to do so. It goes on for what seems like hours, even if it's mere minutes, while you're getting lost in her words and intricate explanations. Your infatuation with her almost seems to grow into something more in this moment. Your entire sense of being has shifted into something more, and she could clearly see it.
She smiled at your demeanor while rocking her chair back and forth, "Say Y/N... do you want to hang out after I'm off my shift?"
And to say you were surprised was quite an understatement. You mean, you didn't expect her to ask you anything, let alone talk to you. All you did was admire her from a distance. Nothing more, nothing less and you thought she'd be one of those people you pass by in life. The people who make an impression on you and who just never seem to stay but she was just so different.
You just gave her a tight-lipped smile as you reach for your now cold cup much like her warning to finally take a sip, the taste of peppermint and Christmas goodness filling your senses and the sound of her giggling at your foam mustache. "Of course."
And those hours before the end of her shift just seemed to pass you by but you weren't against it for once. As she took hung her apron on the wall and walked out from behind the register, she gave you a small smile while putting on her overcoat. "Shall we?"
"Let's." And then she unexpectedly loops her arm around yours, her eyes wide with awe at the lights that had been hung up for the holidays. The white and red that seemed to gleam ever brighter with every step you took. The snowfall that seemed to make its way to you as small flakes descended upon the two of you, Jennie sticking her tongue out in amusement and catching a few. The few lights that were visible in the surrounding buildings so late at night, you could only imagine what was happening in there.
And although the two of you haven't decided where to go yet, you enjoyed this. The spontaneous and unplanned nature of it. She drags you anywhere and everywhere, somehow making it to the town square. A big evergreen tree planted in the center with all kinds of ornaments hung up, covered in snow. You sit on a bench nearby as you see her running around, enjoying the night sky and the snow that comes along with it but before you know it, you get hit hard by a blast of freezing cold on your face, your vision impaired by a soft, slushy-like substance that drips down.
You wipe it off and your eyes meet hers again. This time there's a mischievous glint in her eyes and a playful smile on her lips as there's another molded ball of ammunition in her now red, cold hands, ready to throw.
Now that you think about it, maybe it was this night that your life seemed to just get a little bit faster. A little bit more exciting as you got hit directly in the face by another wad of snow, hearing a cheer of victory from the other side. She was definitely not just passing you by. "You're done for Jennie!"
Time flies by again in your little snowball fight and the two of you are left flat on the ground next to each other, breaths rising into white puffs to the stars above. "That... that was the most fun I've had in a while." She admits with a chuckle. "We should do this again Y/N. Not just the snowball fight but you know... the whole shebang."
You let out a breathy laugh as you stared up at the night sky, filled with dazzling lights. It was almost like even the stars were all watching this moment between you two. A big grin stretches across your face as you reply, not knowing that life would move even faster with this girl by your side. "I'd love to."
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ota-division · 6 months
Birds of Prey Drama Track 1 - The Future Is Now
Pt. 4
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— Ōta City, D.R.B. Registration Center —
[It had been over a week since Chinami had received the Hypnosis Microphones. During that time, she had made sure to train her sisters relentlessly, hoping the ideal of what the Division Rap Battles was all about would sink into their skulls. Fortunately, her work seemed to pay off. Though her younger sisters were by no means masters, they seemed experienced enough to, at least, hold their own in a real rap battle.]
[Very soon, the deadline for the registration had come. Which would explain why three sisters now found themselves outside the registration center. It stood as a modern colossus in the heart of Ōta, its sleek glass facade reflecting the bustling city life. A digital marquee scrolled above the entrance, flashing the names of the teams already registered, a constant reminder of the competition within.]
[Chinami, Kira, and Taria approached, their steps slowing as they took in the enormity of the building and the finality of their decision. The center's lobby is visible through the transparent walls, a hive of activity as teams of all sizes check in at the sleek terminals manned by efficient staff.]
[All three sisters had different thoughts in their mind as they stared at the building in all its glory. Taria was more pissed than anything. Her mind returned to the night when Kira basically forced her into this whole mess...]
A week ago...
— Chinen Residence, Kira's Room —
[After ordering Taria to her room shortly after Chinami had revealed the letter forcing her to join the D.R.B., the police investigator patiently waited in the middle of the room for her younger sister to come in.]
Taria: *Enters* Okay, I'm here. Now...
Kira: *Holds up a hand* Close the door. I don't want Nami hearing us.
[Frowning and groaning, the younger sister obeyed and close the door to the bedroom, albeit a little harder than necessary as it slammed shut. This did little to affect Kira, however, who continued standing in the middle of the room, her arms crossed, scowling at her younger sister.]
Taria: *Turns back around* Okay, there. Now, can you please explain to me what was so important you had to embarrass me in front of Chinami like that?
Kira: *Give a stark laugh* Ha! Embarrass you? That's what you call 'embarrassing you'? I would have thought you did enough of that all on your own.
Taria: *Confused* What? What the hell are you talking about?
[Instead of answering, Kira reached behind her on her desk for something. Feeling around, she found what she was looking for and put in front of her younger sister's face. It was a newspaper. But not just any newspaper, it was today's issue, written and printed by Iseri, with the headline reading: "MISFIT IN ACTION STRIKES AGAIN!"]
Kira: Look familiar?
[Looking at the newspaper, Taria was surprised to see the picture of her in her vigilante attire, depicting her jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She wondered who it was that got such a good shot of her; they were really good at photography.]
Taria: Well... I'm glad they got my good side, at least.
Kira: ...What?
Taria: *Smiling at the picture* Yeah. I don't know who writes or publishes this, but they've got pretty good picture skills.
Kira: *Barely managing to hold back her anger* Taria...
Taria: What?! ...Oh, right. Okay, and? What's the big deal? I'm doing what the police can't. I'm dispensing my own brand of justice.
Kira: *Is appalled* ...Justice? Justice?! You call breaking the law 'justice'?! Running around dressed up like its Halloween every night, risking the safety of our family?! I mean, you've done some pretty dumb things in your time, Taria. But this?! What the hell were you thinking?!
Taria: Hey! *Suddenly upset* Don't push it, Kira! You've no right to judge what I do when you're working for the goddamn police! There are real criminals out there doing whatever the hell they want, while you all sit on your asses letting them get away with it! I'm just doing what you all can't or won't do it! I saved an innocent woman from being mugged two nights ago because nobody was out there to save her. Like it or not, what I do is justice!
Taria: *Folds her arms* And if you and your precious police force had a spine, you'd see that.
Kira: *Her voice a low growl* Justice? How easily you use that word when you don't even know what it fully means! You're out there playing vigilante while our family hangs by a thread!
Taria: And whose fucking fault is that?! Chinami's the one who got herself tangled up with Chuohku. If she had kept her head down instead of doing those little "premonitions" of hers, they'd have had no reason to seek her out and force her into that stupid rap tournament!
Kira: *Sarcastic* Oh, so now it's Nami's fault? Because she's doing the best she can with what she has, it's her fault that she's in trouble, or that your name is plastered all over the papers?
Taria: Yeah, whatever. Deny it all you want sis, but the fact remains: her 'gift', it's done the same thing that it did to us in the past... it's cursed us all!
Kira: *Her voice a hiss of suppressed rage* Don't you dare blame Chinami for this. She's done nothing but protect us. Even when she lost everything, she was still there for us.
[A bitter laugh came from the throat of the vigilante, a sound that echoed with years of hurt and abandonment.]
Taria: *Mockingly* Protect us? Is that what you call it? She smothered us, Kira! And don't even try to deny it! That's why you left so soon after I did! Because you got tired of her playing "mother" just like I did. And I find it ironic that she did all that when she spent most of her time with dad!
Taria: *Points an accusatory finger at Kira* And you… you're no better than she is! You joined the very force that's turned a blind eye to our mother's disappearance!
[At her sister's words, Kira's facade cracked, the pain of her own guilt and helplessness bleeding through.]
Kira: ...Is that what you think? You think I've just been sitting around doing nothing?
Taria: *Still with her arms folded* Do you deny it?
Kira: I joined the police to find answers! You don't know what it was like for me after being discharged from the army, Taria. I needed some semblance of duty and order back into my life. That's one of the reasons I joined the police: because the structure was relatively the same as the army.
Kira: But I also joined because I knew that if there was any place I'd be able to find out about mother's disappearance, it would be there. That's why I didn't turn down the promotion to being an investigator, even though it was basically forced on me. I knew that if I had an investigator's connections, I could look in places one couldn't normally look.
Taria: *Voice rising* Then tell me, with all your so-called "connections", why haven't you found mother yet?
Kira: I'm still searching for her, Taria! You think its easy to just find a woman whose been missing for over 10 years? ...I do want to find her, Taria. I want to do something. Anything.
[Hearing her sister's tone, Taria's expression softened for a moment, the shared pain of their mother's loss a bond that, despite everything, held them together.]
Taria: *Her voice softer, but still laced with defiance* Then help me. Help me find her, Kira. Not as a cop, but as my sister. ...Please.
[Kira's gaze shifted to the newspaper, to the image of her younger sister in disguise, a symbol of her sister's misguided quest for justice.]
Kira: *Resolutely* I will help you, Taria. ...But not like this. This... *Gestures to the newspaper* ...this isn't the way.
[Taria crumpled the newspaper in her hand, her defiance wilting under the weight of her sister's gaze, her heart a tumultuous sea of guilt and desperation.]
Taria: *Her voice breaking, a whisper of vulnerability* Then what do you want from me, Kira?
[Kira leaned in, her eyes locked on Taria's, a silent vow etched in her gaze, the gravity of her next words heavy with unspoken promises and threats.]
Kira: *Firmly, resolutely* You will join Chinami and I in the D.R.B. You will use your… talents for something greater than petty thievery.
[Taria's eyes widened, the realization of her limited options dawning on her, the walls closing in.]
Taria: *Her voice a mix of anger and resignation* And if I refuse? What then? Will you turn me in?
[The middle sister's expression softened for a moment, a glimpse of the sisterly love that lay beneath the hardened exterior of the soldier.]
Kira: *Softly, yet with an edge of steel* I should. ...But I won't. Because despite everything, you're my sister. And we protect our own.
[Taria's shoulders slumped, the fight draining from her as the reality of her situation set in, her spirit caged by circumstance and familial duty.]
Taria: *Bitterly, the words a heavy surrender* ...Fine. I'll do it. For Chinami, and for our family. ...But this isn't over, Kira. Not by a long shot.
[The sisters stood in silence, a new understanding forged in the crucible of their confrontation. They were bound by blood, by secrets, and now, by a common cause that neither of them had chosen but both would see through to the end.]
Current time...
— Ōta City, D.R.B. Registration Center —
Chinami: *Her voice steady, yet tinged with an undercurrent of concern* Once we step through those doors, our fates are sealed. Are we truly prepared for what lies ahead?
[Kira's gaze was fixed on the entrance, her hands clenched into fists at her sides, the weight of her secret adding gravity to her resolve.]
Kira: *Firmly, masking her own trepidation* We have no choice. We must see this through, for our own sakes.
[Taria shuffled her feet, her eyes darting to the bustling street behind them, the temptation to flee a siren call she struggled to ignore.]
Taria: *Bitterly, her usual defiance softened by the gravity of the moment* I never wanted this… any of it. But I won't let you face it alone. Not now.
[They exchanged glances, a silent pact forming between them. With a collective breath, they stepped forward, their shadows merging into one as they approached the doors.]
Chinami: *Resolutely, as they reach for the door* Together, then. For better or worse.
[The doors swung open, the light from within spilling out and enveloping them, a symbolic crossing from the known into the unknown...]
To be continued...
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Someone asked me how my nephew liked the Fall Out Boy concert! And did he want a t-shirt.
He luckily did not want a t-shirt. I say "luckily" only because wow, the t-shirts are a lot of money! I would have bought him one, probably, if he'd asked, but he didn't, and I didn't think he was into the band enough that he would wear it with pride around his friends (almost-teenagers, whatevs lol).
He did, however, scoop up a bunch of the confetti that floated our way at the end of the concert to keep for a souvenir, which was cute! I think he enjoyed it! He certainly paid attention to everything they said and asked me lots of questions about the band on the drive home (Do I think the guy in the hat makes the most money? No, they split it equally. How do I think he remembers all the words? He doesn't all the time. How did I remember all the words? I have worked very hard on basically ONLY listening to Fall Out Boy for five years now. If their first arena show was in Providence, do I think they went to some of the same restaurants we go to in Rhode Island? omg I never thought about that...). He said he had fun and he had a lot to say about it to his parents. And he did recognize some of the songs, I think probably from sporting events he goes to with his friends. He was also really into all the opening bands and spent a lot of time comparing and contrasting them and asking me how I think they decided the order and how did they know which bands were going to be there, etc.
He also, of course, loved being at Fenway and asked me lots of questions about the field and the scoreboard and the Green Monster and stuff. He's been to Fenway before but not in circumstances where we really had time to talk about the park, so we talked a lot about how old it was and what the names and numbers on the banners meant, etc.
He was also super-patient with me when I kept studying different merch booths to make sure I wasn't missing anything I wanted. When I suddenly found the magic 8 ball shirt at some random merch stand tucked next to a sausage cart on Lansdowne Street, I was like, "We have to wait in this line now so I can get that shirt," and he was so good-natured and really interested in people-watching and asking how many sausage sandwiches I thought the guy was going to sell, etc.
ALSO, best thing. When you get out of Fenway from an event, there's usually someone out there busking on bucket-drums, so I'm guiding him through the crowd on Yawkey Way and it's chaos and he turns to me and goes, "Is that what Fall Out Boy used to do?" and I'm like, "What?" because there are a million people around us and curbs and barricades and cars, etc., and I'm distracted, and he's like, "That drumming thing," and I'm like, "What drumming thing?" and then register the busker in the background and I'm like, ???? I was like, "You mean that guy playing the drums? No, they never did that." Because in my head I was like, ...how weird and random he would think Fall Out Boy was out here busking after concerts once upon a time????? And then he goes, "Well, they said that they used to play across the street," which they did, and they meant by that the House of Blues, which is literally located across the street from Fenway, and I knew that was what they meant, but of course my nephew has no reason to know that there's another smaller venue right there and so he concluded they just played out on the street busking for money and I just love this idea so much, imagine Fall Out Boy just standing on a street corner playing, Patrick Stump would CLEAN UP as a busker.
Honestly, he's a funny kid, though, so I think he was also extremely tickled by the city Target we went into that had TWO FLOORS lol.
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spotaus · 2 months
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Woah!!! Ec-4o.Verse reference?? Bringing you Geno! (With a bunch of notes that are intelligible off to the sides-)
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Cropped versions for easier reading/zooming! But to be more fun about it, here's a Lore Recap for each design! (I'd say these designs are from... hmm, a hundred years or so? He's a Boss Monster so he lives a lot longer.)
(Tw: Mentions of Death, Self-Loathing, Mental Illness, and I feel a few other things)
Geno was a normal guy, had a dayjob, but was beloved by his friends for being a Programmer. He was lazy, had awful work ethic, but would pump out amazing quality work for cheap as long as he was given the time to do things at his own pace. He has a passion for Psychology, but was awful socially, so he designed programs that mimicked mental illnesses in Test Ectos (ectos not embedded with personalities or magic) so people could research mental health without risking patient wellness. He made A.Z. too, the first real mimicry of mental illnesses in children. Geno got attached and kept A.Z. himself, the last prototype of the code. The finalized ones can be found anywhere, but he kept A.Z. around, and even though A.Z. wasn't sentient it was such a good mimicry, Geno practically treated him like a son.
Geno was known for his work, and was contacted by the government of his country to come and work on a big nation-wide upgrade they were planning to improve ecto functionality. Again and again Geno simply ignored their letters, emails, chats, and attempts to call. It wasn't his field of study, so he could care less. So, all that led to the government sending people to confiscate A.Z. from Geno and shut down his workshop under the pretenses of 'unethical programming methods'. He was forced to relocate, and A.Z. was basically held as blackmail to force Geno into working. (Since A.Z. wasn't sentient, he was simply property, and therefore there was no legal issues with the government taking him.)
Before/During the War:
In this time, Geno was among hundreds of other talented people from all across the country who were 'recruited' to work on this project. People who didn't comply with orders went missing, loved ones were "lost" and life projects destroyed. Geno was part of the Programming team (there were also Medical, Bio-Enhineering, and Engineering teams) and he was initially supposed to just shut off the programs within an Ecto that gave them emotion protocols, even the ones infused with magic.
But, as things went on, he was told to do more and more. He was involved in more marketing and branding and announcements. He was made to be on screen, be the face of the change. His background was good for publicity (man who studied ways to harmlessly study mental health) and he was supposedly trustworthy. By day he'd stand up beside someone and listen to them implore people to bring their ectos in for this quality of life upgrade to their nearest government office. By night he'd be slaving away infront of code, being forced to find a way to make these robots kill people. Just enough people. To nullify themselves when it was all over. I'm his despair he tried to make it so that their emotion drives would at least register these events as something positive, so they felt no distress if they were sentient. He tried so hard to stop but any backlash did nothing. So he kept his head down and worked quietly.
And then he was transferred locations. Somewhere closer to the heart of the operation. He met Sci, a man unaware of the Culling Orders or the heartache, because they government had been treating him well. He was a bio-engineer, and his project (nicknamed Fresh) was like if a self-healing code was a living thing and could slow, or even heal, wounds. The government wanted it, in the case that it could unlock immortality. Sci was getting funding and a cushy life. Geno realized Fresh was the best way he coukd possibly end all of this war that was in the works. For good.
So he poured hid heart and soul into finishing that code. "A change of heart prompted by wanting so desperately for his prized project, AZ, to be saved" He claimed. There were a few useful bots that filled through the office. He offered to install code that would prevent the Culling Order from activating inside them since they were going to be preserved. While adding code he added failsafes and kill codes and important information from his and others work he wanted saved. He added the names of every researcher he knew had been drafted into this unwillingly. He did it in secret, so entrenched in code only another programmer would notice.
And then the war started, and Sci learned the truth, and people started dying. Geno had to convince Sci to help him after that. Sci feared being killed. He feared not being able to finish his work. He feared not being protected from the pain and destruction outside. It was a long plenty of *years* that Geno had to configure just the right plan, just the right way to ensure that Sci abd Fresh would survive it. That the rest of the base would be no threat and that it'd stop the Ectos and the Culling Code.
And then he did it. He put an end to the war, at the price of all the power on the continent running to every piece of tech, and at the price of his own arm and eye.
Geno was disfigured. He knew that to make an EMP large enough to cut off all electricity, he would need to overload his own master consol to the point of battery meltdown. An explosion. He didn't tell Sci. Only mentioned he'd need Fresh on-hand. So when it exploded, his left arm (non-dominent just like he planned), his chest, and the right side of his skull (his left eye was better) were demolished in the blast and dusted near instantly. Sci and Fresh managed to save his life, and Sci, resident Bio-Engineer, was able to replace his missing limbs and his wounds with spare ecto parts over the course of a few weeks.
Geno was slow to recover, nearly on the verge of falling down during recovery (He didn't know where they'd stored A.Z. if he was even still in-tact, he had been the reason so many humans and monsters had died, and now to reverse his mistake he'd taken out the electricity the country had been relying on for the past thousands of years.) But he pushed through. He was Determined. He needed to get to the four robots he embedded information and failsafes into. But they were scattered across the country for aafe-keeping. Incase he'd failed. So he has to hunt them down.
As soon as he can he leaves. Sci stays. Geno promises he'll come back (he doesn't). Geno takes a medical uniform, packs the supply belt with programming tools, and moves out. He enters the main story while on this trek to hunt down his Ectos. Not a single one is where they should've been, and he can't help but be furious, praying to a non-existant God that they weren't scrapped by heathens out for parts or destroyed in a rage by scared survivors.
Looking for the four? One day their trackers finally Light up again. One by one. All in the same location. And Geno follows it like a moth to the flame.
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i-am-thornqueen · 1 year
Give me a moment to scream into the void, okay?
I have managed a small triumph after being spitting mad for a whole week.
Drug-related pharmacist rant below.
There are a few drugs in this world that carry the label "do not fuck with me" and I happen to specialize in one of the areas of medicine with a gigantic 'do not fuck with me' drug: clozapine.
It's an antipsychotic, and it is more or less one of the biggest guns we have for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. But it is also a drug that needs to be treated with respect. It can do its job, and it can do it really fucking well, but there are trade-offs that require close monitoring in the beginning because if you don't, there are consequences.
This drug means so much business that when you start it, you have to be registered with a monitoring network of the brand of clozapine that you are started on. In the beginning, you need to be monitored for things like myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle, can be fatal), ileus (intestines stop moving, can be fatal), agranulocytosis (white blood cells basically disappear, can be fatal), among a host of other things.
It SOUNDS terrifying, I know, but the risks are low and we monitor patients to ensure that the moment it looks like anything is happening, we intervene IMMEDIATELY.
So imagine my ever-loving shock when I get a heads-up from my hospital that a clozapine patient's been admitted and they're not registered to any monitoring network. I called ALL of them. No one has eyes on this patient. I call the community pharmacy and find out they have failed to do their bare minimum due diligence of making sure the patient is registered and monitored.
Come to find the prescriber is not a psychiatrist, just a generalist.
We are not treating for treatment-resistant schizophrenia or any other severe condition which would necessitate the use of a big gun drug that requires massive amounts of monitoring.
We're treating dementia-related agitation.
Dementia. Related. Agitation.
Who the FUCK prescribes clozapine - CLOZAPINE - for dementia-related agitation????????????????? You guys didn't even try anything before that??????????? There are so many things you could have done before you resorted to the nuclear option!!!!! Literally, you could have tried ANYTHING. There is TONS of information available for non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic recommendations to address agitation before you resort to clozapine, of all drugs. Literally, clozapine has an increased mortality risk in patients with dementia-related psychosis, so like, you have to think real long and hard before choosing this one.
But this random-ass doctor with no specialization in psychiatric medicine went 'nope, fuck it, common sense out the window' and reached for clozapine before he tried anything else.
And then the pharmacy went 'yeah, sure, that's completely normal' and started dispensing the med without making sure the patient was registered and appropriately monitored.
And now they're my patient.
So for a week, I've been trying to get this poor old patient sorted out with any semblance of sense to his medications and monitoring. Community pharmacy been giving me the run around. Prescribing doc is AWOL. The doctors in my hospital understand that you need to treat this drug with the respect that it deserves, so they've been wary to touch it.
Step by fucking step, I've been making headway. First, got the blood work ordered so I could prove to myself and god that SOMEONE was going to do the blood work. Got the drug placed on hold because, come to find, the spouse hasn't even been giving the clozapine as prescribed and was giving such a low, low, low dose that it probably wasn't even having any therapeutic effect - which, unfortunately, means nothing when myocarditis and agranulocytosis are not dose-related conditions. They just fucking happen.
And THEN when a new doctor tried to restart the med, I intervened and went to bat for this patient. Like, NO, you are NOT giving them the nuclear option antipsychotic at such a low dose it will have no effect but will put them at risk for every terrible thing under the sun. It's for AGITATION for god's sake, and the patient isn't even agitated!
So it goes back on hold.
Now, today, I do all my follow-ups and find the community pharmacy fucked off again. The monitoring networks still have not heard of this patient. I decide I'm making a call on this. Enough is enough. Patient has not had the drug in over a week. It's basically gone from his system. There is no sign of agitation to the degree that they require chemical restraints. They got dementia, that's it. Can be addressed in a more reasonable manner.
Call up the doc. Plead my case. He agrees with my assessment, orders clozapine to be discontinued, HALLELUJAH, he'll monitor for agitation and treat with a more appropriate drug, like QUETIAPINE (still not a fave, but gold-plated next to clozapine in this instance). Doc PROMISES to make it clear on the discharge that clozapine was discontinued.
I breathe a sigh of relief I've been holding for a week.
I have accomplished one (1) thing today, and it was worth it.
Moral of the story is: don't fuck with clozapine in my town and let me find out about it. I will hunt your pharmacy down, your doctor down, your family down, your monitoring network down, and I will chew through a fucking brick wall to make sure you stay SAFE and ALIVE.
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ATEEZ as Romance Tropes
A thing about me is I'm a tall, fire sign guy collector. And which other kpop group has tall fire signs???? Exactly. ATEEZ
Seonghwa - Red String of Fate au.
Like. Someone cuff him pls. Like. Once Hwa finds who is on his string's other end. Like. It's over. That's it. He's going to treat you right and you aint leaving. Bye.
Hongjoong - Office Romance.
Like. Y'all dont work in the same dept. But like just the same building/office. And y'all are basically commute buddies. Like. Yes. Joong will wait for you even when you have to work 2 hours OT because "he doesnt have shit to do at home". Leave me. I am soft. Y'all have a quicker dinner run ritual. It's where you guys go to this general store near the train station and like... y'all pick out the ready made bentos there for each other since y'all trying to be adventurous with food 😭
Yunho - Big, golden retriever bf and his tiny devil gf.
This is mostly because of self indulgence. But. Like. Yuyu would be patient af (like he be petty sometimes dont get me wrong) but he just has you... you who have all the rage in the world. But also, you insist to change lightbulbs in the apartment because "you gotta breathe the same air" with Yu sometimes. But like. Short fingers and high ceilings dont work together so Yunho will be in his gaming room and he'll just hear frustrated angry noises through his headphones. He finds you in the middle of the living room atop your 3-stair ladder trying to reach the light. Instead of changing the bulb himself, Yunho would lift you higher so you can do it yourself. For accomplishments ✨️✨️✨️
Yeosang - Coffee Shop Love Story
Nothing here to say except barista Yeosang. Kajdjd. That's it. Like. He's memorized your order and can make it while he's asleep because you never change your order and you always come in 6:30AM on the dot. Like... the line will be long, but your order is ready when you get to the register. Bye.
San - Church volunteer who isnt part of the church
This is based on San's thing where he was part of the church choir, but he's an atheist. Like. Okay. Sannie would tag along with his friends who attend the same church as you. Like he'll be there serving food in your church's soup kitchen because he thinks it's fun. And like. You're there because of Sunday school event. Would definitely ask you some brain fogging stuff about church and religion while he's scooping some mac n cheese on a plate. The happy ending is... y'all leave the church together and just... join a humanitarian organization.
Mingi - Next Door Neighbor Au
My mind is running wild with this one. Like. Yes. He would 100% ask for sugar at like 12am because he suddenly wanted to make cookies but like... he dont know how to bake. So y'all have an impromptu baking class at 12am on a Tuesday. Yes, he's helped you break in your bedroom window because you forgot your house keys one time. His shoulders hurt for like 2 days, but you dont need to know about that. He gave you a spare key of his apartment because... just in case... He says he doesnt want to end up climbing a bedroom window like you did.
Wooyoung - Enemies to Lovers
Idc idc idc. It is a cliche romance trope but Wooyoung is a menace and HE IS PEAK ENEMIES TO LOVERS. like. This man said that he liked that Joong was treating him poorly. I dont have to expound on this. Bye.
Jongho - Bestfriends to lovers
I have nothing to say about this. But like. Yes. This is the vibe I get from him. Like. He's on the calmer side of the ATEEZ spectrum. So I think... best friends to lovers suit him well. Like. It's not a surprise, but more so like. "Oh yeah, I knew it was you all along" type of beat. Bye. Bye. Bye. I am soft. Bye.
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highlifeboat · 1 year
I love walking sims that make you think, and no nothing about Nevermind. Please tell me more, (if you're willing)
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Nevermind is a walking sim where you play as a Neuro Scientist (I think they actually call you a Neuro Prober) that goes through the brains of 4 trauma patients (+ an IntroSim). It's actually designed to have biofeedback so it can register your heart rate and change based on how scared it thinks you are, but you don't need that to play/get the whole experience.
The basic run down is you go through these patients memories to help them remember the cause/root of their trauma and help them find peace with what happened. To do this you go through their mind and collect memories in the form of pictures. There's ten pictures for each patient, half of them are real and half are the equivalent of trauma blocking/false memories. In order to help the patients you have to put the real memories in order of events that lead to the traumatic event you're helping them remember. (After you finish a patient you can go through it again to find little hidden memories. They aren't important over all but they're still neat and will just give the patient some extra personality)
You never actually see these people, but they'll give you a little summary that's always kind of like "This is how my past was. I don't think you'll really help, but it's worth a shot right?" They're also all pretty unique. The first is a woman who witnessed her father's death, the second a war veteran, the third is an older woman, and the last is a trans woman. All with completely different traumas.
This game is also incredibly beautiful. The visuals and scenery are all amazing, and the mind-scapes are so creative and fit their respective patients so well.
HOWEVER (and this is important) I ALSO CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH THAT THIS GAME REQUIRES A HUGE TRIGGER WARNING. It does mention it at the start of the game with a big ass warning (that I will drop below), but I figure I would mention this because it's kind of really important for deciding if you want to watch/play it.
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Because this game deals with various traumas that it visualizes in various ways, it won't be for everyone.
Nevermind contains various depictions of death (both human and one instance of animal death), suicide, PTSD/CPTSD, alzheimer disease, abuse, derealization/dissociation, blood, drug abuse, transphobia, and loud noises. A lot of which are graphic and will be disturbing to people and I understand is not for everyone. (There's one in particular, a War Vet, that's really fucking intense with gore specifically)
I will also stress it doesn't glorify these things, either. The entire point is to show how various types of trauma affect people and how it really screws with the brain.
I, personally, believe the game handles all the topics very well. But, y'know, if you're sensitive to any of that stuff you might not wanna play it. There's a lot of videos of the IntroSim,however, and DS Playthroughs has a playlist of all the Sims with No Commentary if you just wanna watch a playthrough. (Literally the only full walkthrough I can find of this game)
All in all, I think it's my favourite walking sim game and I highly recommend at least taking a look at the playthrough if you're interested in it.
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dollsonmain · 7 months
Washing my new pants and I've run into the same problem with EVERY pair of pants.
Too big in the waist, too tight in the hip.
I discovered that Walgreen's is currently mired in an anti-discrimination lawsuit (specifically in California) and I do tick a bunch of the "equal-opportunity" boxes.
over 40
It's possible corporate's application algo flagged me as a diversity hire.
I've also learned that many, many stores are being closed. There are two Walgreen's, here, and two CVS. There used to be a Rite Aid but it was replaced by the second Walgreen's. Apparently CVS and Rite Aid are closing a lot of locations, too.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a list online that I can look at to see if this store is being closed. That would be alright, really. I would have a few months of work and income, insurance for a little while, and then a totally neutral reason for no longer working there.
That's kind of weird to me that stores are closing because stocks went down after being high during the height of the pandemic. They're probably still making more money than they did pre-pandemic but it's less than they were making during, so the stores are less valuable and closing, taking all those jobs with them.
Stocks are fucking weird, man.
Looking at the job description and it's basically Do Everything.
Models and delivers a distinctive and delightful customer experience.
Registers sales on assigned cash register, provides customers with courteous, fair, friendly, and efficient checkout service.
Customer Experience
Engages customers and patients by greeting them and offering assistance with products and services. Resolves customer issues and answers questions to ensure a positive customer experience.
Models and shares customer service best practices with all team members to deliver a distinctive and delightful customer experience, including interpersonal habits (e.g., greeting, eye contact, courtesy, etc.) and Walgreens service traits (e.g., offering help proactively, identifying needs, servicing until satisfied, etc.).
Provides customers with courteous, friendly, fast, and efficient service.
Recommends items for sale to customer and recommends trade-up and/or companion items.
Registers customer purchases on assigned cash register, collects cash and distributes change as requested; processes voids, returns, rain checks, refunds, and exchanges as needed.
Keeps counters and shelves clean and well merchandised, takes inventory, and maintains records. Checks in and prices merchandise as required or as directed by store manager or communicated by the shift leader.
Implements Company asset protection procedures to identify and minimize profit loss.
Ensures compliance with state and local laws regarding regulated products (e.g., alcoholic beverages and tobacco products).
Constructs and maintains displays, including promotional, seasonal, super structures, and sale merchandise. Completes resets and revisions as directed.
Assists with separation of food items (e.g., raw foods from pre-cooked) and product placement as specified by policies/procedures (e.g., raw and frozen meats on bottom shelves). For consumable items, assists in stock rotation, using the first in, first out method and restock outs.
Has working knowledge of store systems and store equipment.
Provides customer service in the photo area, including digital passport photo service, poster print and creative machine, suggestive sell of promotional photo products.
Assumes web pick-up responsibilities (monitors orders in Picture Care Plus, fills orders (pick items), delivers orders to customers as they arrive at store).
Assists with exterior and interior maintenance by ensuring clean, neat, orderly store condition and appearance.
Complies with all company policies and procedures; maintains respectful relationships with coworkers.
Completes special assignments and other tasks as assigned.
Training & Personal Development
Attends training and completes PPLs requested by Manager or assigned by corporate.
Basic Qualifications
Must be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English. (Except in Puerto Rico)
Requires willingness to work flexible schedule, including evenings and weekend hours
Preferred Qualifications
Prefer six months of experience in a retail environment.
Prefer to have prior work experience with Walgreens.
Prefer to be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English. (Except in Puerto Rico)
Requires willingness to work flexible schedule, including evenings and weekend hours.
The following information is applicable for San Francisco, CA applicants: Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
An Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability/veterans.
The actual compensation that you will be offered will depend on a variety of factors including geography, skills and abilities, education, experience and other relevant factors. This role will remain open until filled. To review benefits, please click here jobs.walgreens.com/benefits. If you are applying on a job board or unable to click on the link, please copy and paste this URL into your browser jobs.walgreens.com/benefits
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