#basically why SecUnit would hate a birthday party
theash0 ยท 3 years
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(Special thanks to Cas for description) [ID: Murderbot wakes up with the text 'recharge complete' and immediately goes "oh no... ART, what's going on?" and looks out a door, terrified. The next panel shows a lot of people, badly hiding as if trying to surprise it. Murderbot says "I don't want to." ART responds with exclamation marks. MB continues "I know, I still don't want to," to which ART responds with exclamation marks and an unamused emoji. A drone eventually kicks MB through the door and everyone jumps out, revealing a banner that says "Happy Birthday!" MB stand stock still with a horrified expression. Someone comes up next to it and says "If you're surprised now, Murderbot, hold on! We're doing all classic birthday rituals: cake, singing, presents! I cannot wait to see your face when you see what I got you. But let's start by blowing out all the candles." MB looks dramatically at the candles, thinking "why so many...?" while an arrow pointing at it informs us that it "has minuscule lungs." MB: Art, why do I have to...? I mean I can't even eat it? ART: you will taste it. MB: But I don't eat. I can't. ART: Just lick it or something. The humans worked really hard. MB: That's disgusting, but fine. It tries to blow out the candles and none of them go out. MB looks terrified. A human says "that's okay, just do one at a time, no rush!" and we see MB try again multiple times with no success, before getting frustrated and aiming at the candles with its guns, only to then worry that it scared the humans. The humans seem unperturbed, though, saying "Don't worry about it, Murderbot! We're supposed to do the singing first anyway." It zooms in on Murderbot, looking absolutely terrified. "Why don't you get up on a chair, so everyone can see you? Oh, and Ratthi says he knows this really interesting drinking game, involving a noose and a sharp stick..."
Then Murderbot wakes up, for real this time. As with the start, it says "oh no... ART, what's going on?" and looks out a door, terrified. ART replies "Happy anniversary, SecUnit. You received some gifts by mail. They are outside if you were interested." Murderbot says, "Any humans out there? ART: No, no humans closeby. MB: Are you sure? ART: Of course I'm... MB: Absolutely sure? ART: ...If you want, I can ask one to come by? MB: Oh, no! Please don't. ART: There's an event to celebrate in the feed. We're watching some shows. You could join? No obligations. MB: Not right now, thanks. I think I'd like to go on patrol. ART: I see. Outside? We cut to a view of Murderbot in a space suit, looking at a planet. MB: Yes. Outside. It pans out to show MB standing on ARTs hull, the planet silhouetting both of them. Over the scene are chat boxes representing the feed, reading: ...SU_# has joined channel. All: hi SecUnit. SU: Hi. Pin-Lee: hi, we can't talk right now, episodes finale! but great that you're here. SU: .... ok :) End of Comic]
(your reblogs are greatly appriciated!! ofc reposts are not :) )
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