#basically its just wider universe than tes has and the added more manifestation )
stolememory · 1 year
Non-Tes AU information masterlist
Mora is a cosmic deity of knowledge, perhaps he is the concept itself and the original source of it; especially in regards to forbidden and esoteric knowledge, but desires collection of that which has grown beyond him. A monopolization of all knowledge, created by him or not.
Also quite literally consumes knowledge, memories, and secrets. (so not much different than normal canon)
Known throughout numerous galaxies, realities, and worlds. To some they are their god or one of the planetary pantheon, others a primordial evil or trickster demon, and others still a simple spirit or unnatural force. Appearances and names fluctuate from location to location much like its standing with mortals.
There is no compact or rule that binds Mora from interacting freely with many many worlds, however there are other cosmic entities / concepts that keep eyes upon the entity. Mora is of course aware of them, and has little reasons to try to start up strife (for now).
More specific to Earth, Mora used to have a religious following upon the planet in eras long past. Evidence of this was all but destroyed due to human fear of him. Mora following upon Earth is... very small in modern days.
Due to this, Mora does manifest a bit more- either in their many grotesque forms, those akin to animals, or humans, or by placing aspects of self within mortal vessels. All in intent to gain and collect knowledge, and perhaps reinstate followers once more.
These vessel would mutate and malform if carrying the aspect of Mora for too long.
More for modern versions, but Mora also does have some connections to technology. Given that computers, phones, and the internet in general is the modern means of information and knowledge spread, he has tied self to these creations to lure mortals into clutches. Sometimes a file, a website, a flashdrive- any of these acting as a calling card to the unfortunate for the deity.
More to be added probably.
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