#basically i had a dream and at one point i ended up in california in some really high end dress shop that Only sold vintage styled dresses
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months ago
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doodle of a dress i wore in a dream .....
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maudie-duan · 3 months ago
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Summary: In a crowd full of adoring fans, Harry can’t seem to take his eyes off the girl standing front row, who won’t look up from her phone—I mean, why the hell come to a One Direction concert, have one of the best spots in the house, and not look at him, at least once??? What happens when Harry takes it upon himself to get Romee’s attention? Will he be “that” asshole, or is he as charming as he thinks?
Word Count: 768
A/N: I had a little inspiration from @howling-wolf97 
I read their One Shot called “Your Texting!” <— 
I couldn’t stop thinking about how well they nailed Harry on stage, and so this is what my brain came up with—of course, we're getting Harry on stage being Harry, eventually, but different era. 
Warning: Mature, Eventual Smut, Strong Language, Angst.
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I thought it was an asshole move to steal the phone of a fan for self-amusement, but maybe that was Harry’s thing—I guess he didn’t physically take the phone from my hand; my friend did—I knew nothing about One Direction except that they were a boy band and that my best friend was obsessed with them. She had been begging me for months to go to this concert. Eventually, I said yes, but let me back up and explain how this all happened and how Harry Styles ended up with my phone.
Let me start by telling you that just to get to the concert, I had to take two different planes. I couldn’t for the life of me find a round trip from Oklahoma to LA. Nothing about the trip had been easy, so I wondered if this would be the fate of everything that was to come. 
Did I mention that there was a twelve-hour layover?? By the time I got to California, I felt dead. All I wanted to do was crawl into my friend's bed and cry—because I should also tell you that sometime during my flight to LA, my boyfriend messaged me and basically said, “I think we should see other people…”
Well, actually, it said this:
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This was one of the first things I saw when I landed, so I think you can understand how the concert was the last thing on my mind—Who sends their girlfriend of four years a shitty half-ass breakup—because that was essentially what he was doing, right?—And why would he wait until I left town to tell me this?—It had been less than 24 hours since his dick was inside me—to say I was pissed was an understatement.
I didn’t message him back. I didn’t want this to ruin my trip, and I was so excited to see my friend, who I rarely got to see anymore since she was going to college in California. I wanted to go and not only have a good time with Clara, but I also wanted to celebrate her because it was a big fucking deal to finally get out of Oklahoma like we had always dreamed of doing, and here she was. I was so proud of her and wanted to share these memories with her. 
The concert was the first thing on our list. Clara kept droning on about how her dad “outdid himself” and sarcastically spilling about how her parents’ divorce had finally been working in her favor. 
“I’m just saying, Rome, we’ll be so close that we’ll be able to see them sweat.” Clara gushes. 
I roll my eyes, “Clara, how old are they?” I ask, genuinely curious to see if she should be this excited about a group of “boys.”
Clara grabs her phone, pulling up each of their Instagram profiles. She made a point to over-explain minor details that I’m sure I would have no use for later, but as she went on, I got sucked in:
“So you’re telling me that people—” I start.
“No fans—” Clara corrects me, “They’re not just people. We’re faaaannnns,” she draws out.
“Okay, so “fans” really believe that. Wait—” my eyes search her face, trying to remember each of their names, “Is it Larry?” 
She belts out laughing like it’s the funniest thing I’ve said all night, and I know I’m more amusing than that, but I shrug it off and listen. “No—H-A-R-R-Y,” she over annunciates “And, Louis.”
“So, Harry and Louis are a thing?” I questioned, a little skeptical because she had yet to show me any real evidence, except for a few videos that “maybe” could have been edited.
“Like they’re just fucking behind the scenes?” I ask.
She silently nods, gazing down at her phone, smiling a smile you would give a newborn baby, “Yeah…” she breathes out, “They’re perfect…”
“Wait—wait—wait—” I say, snatching the phone from her hand. “So you’re telling me…that this hot fucking dude…is gay?” 
We’re both staring down at a picture of the guy with longish brown hair covered in tattoos, and I’m having the hardest time accepting that he is even the slightest bit gay—I’m mean, if he is, good for him, but I’m not even a fan, and selfishly I want every odd to be in my favor. 
“I know, he’s hot, right?” She voices, stealing my exact train of thought. She has the same look as before, admiring her beloved “boys.” —and I fall back on the bed, grabbing my phone to re-read Shawn’s message. Thinking of what I’ll say when I finally see his stupid fucking face. 
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A/N: This was just for fun. Not sure if I'll continue. If you're interested, I'll definitely start a tag list!! let me know! hope you guys enjoyed!!
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onebizarrekai · 2 years ago
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recurring fandoms ::: mcyt ◇ legend of zelda ◇ indie rpgs ◇ …others works ::: isaac beamer versus the supernatural ◇ kcu ◇ short works past works ::: dreamswap ◇ greyscale ◇ dintis ◇ meme waker ◇ driftverse
🌟 Isaac Beamer Versus the Supernatural - Written work
A plot-heavy comedy. With a large cast of characters, IBVS is a mostly-original work that evolved from an idea for an Undertale Multiverse story conceptualized back in 2016. It centers around the unusual activity that occurs in the fictional city of Foxfield, California. Edward Quinton, the 'school king' of Foxfield High who secretly harbors mysterious powers, discovers a social outcast with his same supernatural predicament: the titular character, Isaac Beamer. Edward, motivated to form a secret club of others like them, goes down a path that changes their lives for the better or worse. The two of them make friends along the way… and enemies. Curiosity just may lead them straight to hell itself. Last updated June 8th 2024.
🔪 Kagehara Cinematic Universe - Written works, mostly
An incredibly niche fic series where I rip apart everyone’s derogatory favorite Danganronpa V3-inspired fan character, featuring lucid dreams, existential crises, depression and kissing your idiot hot inner demon. The character list has increased significantly since it started, featuring counterparts for other V3 characters as well. Last updated August 2022.
🗡 Dreamswap - Open Setting, No Ongoing Story
An ‘AU’ based on the UTMV outcodes. It originally got its name from being centered around Dream and Nightmare switching roles. Other other characters have also technically switched roles, but at this point, the swap thing is basically obsolete due to the convoluted nature of the lore. A comedy-heavy setting despite its themes. This was being adapted into a separate story called Fatal Flaws.
❤️  Greyscale - Comic (Stopped)
An Undertale comic about two humans with drastically different ideas on how problems should be solved who end up in the Underground at the same time and have to work together to make their way through it. Went on hiatus in 2019. Any comebacks would be a complete rework.
🌙 Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems - No Ongoing Story
Forced into the role of a hero, Dark has been at odds with his power-hungry childhood companion Jet for a long time, but he decides that continuing to fight him is not worth it anymore. A Dreamtale alternate timeline. Its tag is #dintis.
❌  Meme Waker (Discontinued) - Comic
A parody of Zelda: Wind Waker featuring various Underverse characters as characters from the original game. Please note that the link may not work on mobile due to being set to a chronological tag. The last comic strip was in 2018.
🌓 Driftverse (Also Discontinued) - Comic
An interactive story dedicated to Nightmare and Dream, except they were combined into one person and they had no idea how. A post was released explaining the remainder of the story. The last comic strip was in 2019.
If you’re looking for some of my old works that are not on Ao3, feel free to check out the #fics tag. If you want anything older than what you can find in that tag, you'll have to dig for them yourself.
There are other projects that I don’t talk much about online, if you can call them that. I may as well note that when I say private projects, I really just mean characters and stories that I brainstorm them occasionally and I don’t actively work on. If you see something not listed here, it’s probably one of those.
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poetrysings · 3 months ago
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— spotted in the streets of brooklyn, it’s ALEXANDER WARREN. they have lived in the city for ON-AND-OFF SIXTEEN YEARS, working as an AUTHOR. the 34 year old will probably be seen around GREEN POINT a lot, seeing as that’s where they live. people say they can be a bit OBSTINATE and RETICENT, but friends know them to be TRUSTWORTHY and GENTLE. you know for sure you’ve found them when you’ve come across UGLY SWEATERS, THE CRACKLING OF A CAMPFIRE ACCOMPANIED BY A GUITAR, THE FEELING OF RETURNING HOME AFTER A LONG TRIP. welcome to brooklyn, it’s been waiting for you! 
spotify pinterest musings visage
full name: noah alexander warren
nickname: alex
age/date of birth: 34 / may 8th, 1989
zodiac sign: taurus ☼ libra ☾ cancer ↑
gender identity: cis man (he/him)
hometown: hermosa beach, california
current location: brooklyn, new york
time in town: sixteen years
sexual orientation: demisexual
occupation: author, former political advisor
labels: the phoenix, the benefactor, the mediator
positive traits: gentle , reliable , caring , trustworthy , allocentric , dutiful
negative traits: obstinate , reticent , stubborn , secretive , deceitful
hobbies: cooking, reading, musical theatre, camping, sports, volunteering
languages spoken: english, french, hebrew, latin
instruments played: guitar, piano
favorite color: blue, red, green
favorite food: anything, but specially pies (he has memories attached to pies)
allergies: n/a
height: 5'9
distinguished characteristics: multiple scars throughout his body; a blink and you'll miss it type of situation. some are from childhood and barely noticeable if you look closely whilst the most prominent ones are around 4 years old, situated in his ribs. there is no itemized list yet, but it is something he is acutely aware of.
tattoos: a phoenix on his back, a minimalist tattoo from the song ‘from eden’ by hozier where the word idealism sits in a small prison and it’s located on his left ribcage, the date of his mom’s passing and his sibling’s disappearance on his chest, the phrase ‘when i was drowning, that’s where i could finally breathe’ on his right forearm. ( ref )
piercings: n/a
right or left-handed?: right-handed
parents: robert warren (whereabouts unknown), alycia warren (nee: weiss, deceased)
sibling(s): a younger sibling (whereabouts unknown), possibly half siblings
pet(s): a four year old borador named pollux
tw: drug use, abuse, death mention, panic attack mention
alycia grew up dreaming of becoming two things: a successful ballerina and the loving mother she herself never had. she worked day and night, running herself thin for years until she made it to the nyc ballet company as their prima ballerina at the impressive age of 24. it was that candor, passion and grace she exuded while on the stage that caught the attention of a young robert warren who, by some magnificent miracle happened to be on the crowd for alycia's very second presentation on stage. he decided to introduce himself and they hit it off right away, went out for a drink and nine months on the dot, alexander warren was born on hermosa beach, robert's hometown.
alex grew up in a broken household with a negligent, abusive, narcissistic father and a loving and caring but mentally ill mother who had sadly been drawn to the world of drug addiction by her very own husband, who made a living out of not only dealing but fabricating said drugs. it became obvious to alex at a very young age that he was on his own. despite all that, he had a pretty normal childhood (as normal as one can be with a parent who half of the time isn't there and whenever he is around, leaves you wishing he wasn't) up until he turned 6 and his younger sibling was born. alex adored him the moment he met him and bowed to protect him at all costs, the two became inseparable.
as years went by, issues within the warren household grew more evident and worrisome. alycia was at wit ends and robert only grew angrier to the point where neighbors, friends and teachers got involved and called the police. many times social services were called to make an investigation yet, nothing was ever found until one fateful day when alex was twelve and at school. child services came to visit and found alex' little sibling alone at home, playing with his father's tools. he was immediately taken away and they promised to be back for alexander however when they did, it was far too late. robert had cowardly ran away by himself the night before and alycia, scared they would take away her remaining child moved herself and alexander to san francisco
the two remaining members of the once warren family resided in san francisco for 4 years, alycia going as far as to starting up a plan to stay sober and take care of her kid and she could've sworn they would make it. things were starting to look up for the two of them until the day robert warren showed up to their home again, begging for their forgiveness and claiming he was ill. of course the two of them took him in and aided him best they could, at least until alex found the real reason he had come was because he needed money because he was being followed. alex kicked him out of the property after a huge fight for putting him and alycia in risk however it was far too late, the people looking for robert had already figured out where he had gone and one day, while alex was out at a party, someone came in and tried to take justice by their own hands, robing them and killing alycia who was simply waiting for her son to return home. alex spiraled for months on end, nowhere to go and completely alone in the world. after those months, alex dedicated the remaining time in high school picking himself back up, swearing he'd become someone his mother would be proud of
upon high school graduation, alex moved to new york when he was accepted into nyu's polisci department and once he graduated, he briefly decided to leave ny to worked twice as hard for a phd in the field in gwu while doing an internship for the governor of washington dc. for four years he worked tirelessly to be the best he could be in his position while seeking a higher education that could one day, lead him to have a brighter future in the field.
one night, while celebrating him obtaining his phd and a significant raise that would put him in control of the entire campaign of the new candidate for mayor, alexander had a meltdown. throughout the years working in the field, it hadn't occurred to him a job could make him unhappy until the day he was offered a permanent position in a campaign, a nudge that one day, he could be the one calling all the shots. he realized how much he despised the life he had led the past few years and without a second thought, quit his job and fled washington to return to the one place he always felt at home: brooklyn.
in ny, he worked as many odd jobs as he could do fend for himself and with the help of friends and loved ones, he got back on his feet again, enough to return to a long lost love of his: creative writing. every time alex wasn't working, he was writing, creating worlds he could run to when life got too overwhelming and one day, with the encouragement of a few friends who saw potential in his writing, he took his work to a friend who owned a publishing house, to see if they could see a future for him in the industry. the yes was immediate and although some edits were meant to be made, his friend offered to publish his work for him the minute the two agreed it was perfect.
his first novel, a fantasy based on an old story he had invented for his sibling many years ago, was published seventeen days before his thirtieth birthday after a year of editing old works and reshaping every writing he had done. the first few months were hard, made alexander truly wander if he had made the right choice and if his calling was really to write yet slowly and steadily demand for the book began to pick up and not even six months after it was published, it became a new york times best seller; surpassing everyone’s expectations for a book by a unknown writer. after the second edition of the novel, it became a moderate success, which earned alexander a new deal with the evergrowing publishing house for two more books, his friend offering him a partnership by giving him a part of the publishing house as part of his payment.
the second installment of the novel that came two years after the first became even bigger, selling out the day it was announced, two months before its release. fans and critics became eager to learn what the third would bring— whilst alexander had no idea what to respond, as writers block had taken yet another victim on this new author and ruined whatever idea he had put on paper.
as of now, he is still trying to breathe the world that brought him fame and renown into reality for one last installment with little to no success, while expanding his horizons to new genres he's eager to explore. he shares a lovely condo in green point with his roommate and pollux, his four year old dog.
PEACE . ( plat? could be rom / any gender )
relationships are as complex as human beings. we are volatile, coarse by nature; and things only get harsher when emotional baggage/mental health issues are carried and tossed around. it’s a russian roulette half the time, loving and carrying for those around you, but oh how worth it it is when you can find someone who understands you even without speaking, someone who knows you and your inner demons and still sticks by your side. although nothing is perfect and there will never be peace, you can keep eachother warm.
I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU  . ( plat / any gender )
the cory to his shawn, the phoebe to his joey, the chandler to his joey. he is a very loving person all together and deems himself a friendly guy who cares about all the people in his life, however this person has a special place in his heart. they are his go-to whenever something goes wrong and they need help, they are one of those people he’d do anything for and, most importantly, they are one of the few people who really know him, beyond the smiles and good times. who know the darkness that lies deep within him, perhaps the person he trusts the most in the world.
EASE MY MIND / SO WILL I . ( plat / any gender )
there are people who, even without a single word, can bring light into your world by simply existing. whenever something goes wrong, when the world is about to crumble down— they become your go-to, the one safe place that can ease your soul in the darkest hour and you can only hope that you can do the very same for them.
WORSHIP   . ( rom / any gender )
being a hopeless romantic entails many things. shared with an overachiever personality and a passionate soul whose sole existance revolves around making other’s happy— and you get yourself a giver. conventional relationships are not something you can handle, for one reason or another. doesn’t mean that every lover is not especial and deserves to be worshipped, something you are devoted to.
GETAWAY CAR   . ( rom / any gender )
it was, in every sense of the word, a rebound. one had a broken heart after a failed engagement and the other had their reasons— but it was meant as simply that. it lasted way longer than anyone expected it to, and when it ended, it wasn’t exactly soundless. both parts knew it wouldn’t last; however they weren’t ready for how damaging the outcome would be.
KEEP DRIVING . ( plat / any gender )
’We held darkness in withheld clouds I would ask, “Should we just keep driving?”’ when things get hard, when everything is going downhill, these two simply count on eachother to get on a car and keep driving. snacks and meaningful conversations withheld at 90 miles an hour to no forseen destiny— it may be one of alex’s most honest relationships.
DAYDREAMING . ( rom / any gender )
it’s still casual and new— but it’s all he’s been daydreaming about. the night calls, the illicit visits, the joy of having something private and non-commital and the way even one message from them can turn his entire day upside down.
work friends. people in the literary world that know of him? perhaps a secret club where literary lovers gather around and exchange ideas over a few bottles of champagne and french pastries? perhaps even a few of his work?
HALF SIBLINGS (robert warren got AROUND and there is a chance he had multiple kids? who knows?)
friends FAMILY FRIENDS, BAD INFLUENCES, good influences
family, maybe? cousins?
flings, one-side crushes, flirtationships, fwb, affairs, past lovers (however the relationship ended in good terms or bad, can be discussed?) the sky is the limit
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hitides · 7 days ago
( timothée chalamet, cis man, he / him ) is that jocephas “ceph” reed, the 25 year-old musician at vortex records? they’re pretty charismatic, but people have told me they could be self-destructive as well. they kinda remind me of die in california by mgk, probably because of the whole cigarette butts lining the window sill, looking into the mirror and not recognizing the person staring back at you, and feeling homesick for a place that no longer exists vibe they’ve got going for them. they live in hollywood hills, but you can probably find them at odyssey if you wanted to chat. out of everyone i know, i’d say they’re the most likely to disappear for days on end. say what you want about them, but they’re an angeleno through and through.
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the basics.
name jocephas “ceph” reed stage name ceph gender cis man, he / him sexuality bisexual height 5’10” face claim timothée chalamet vices alcohol and narcotics body mods three lobe piercings on his left ear, a barbell near the tail end of his right brow, cybernetic scarification on his left leg, a fake autopsy scar on his chest that he got as a tattoo when he was sixteen because he thought it looked cool ( it didn’t ) traits charismatic, creative, self-destructive, volatile
ㅤ ㅤ ⤷ㅤ killed the me i used to be, i might die in california ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ in my mind i had a dream, saw a demon on my shoulder ...
ceph has always wanted to make it big, is the thing. he was smart, but not in the way his cousin was. he could barely stay awake in school, but he did have a knack for music, and that was what he chose to cling to. he’d been making songs for as long as he could remember, melodies tapped onto schoolbooks and lunchboxes and play-doh caps before the grouchy old lady down the hall softened up enough to teach him how to play piano. he and his mother might have been broke and his grades might have been tanking, but he had music, and for a while that was enough.
the thing about going to a public high school is that no one really expects anything of you. ceph sat through all of the career advising sessions, same as everyone else, but no one really saw him or paid enough attention to ask about what he was good at. one look at his grades and they think: this kid’s a lost cause, no point trying to save him from drowning. and that was fine, really, because ceph had a dream—a dream to move across the country and make a living doing what he loves most. his dream was exactly what it was, though—just a dream, wisps of smoke and tall tales he told himself just to get through the day. reality was’nt so forgiving.
his mother passed two weeks before his graduation, and he would have dropped out then and there if not for the fact that his aunt pushed him to see things through. ceph went through the motions, got his high school diploma, and locked himself inside the house for half a year. in that time, he wrote. music had always been his escape, but now it was his only lifeline. there was something therapeutic about prying himself open for all the world to see, and that was exactly what he did—he took his pain, translated them into notes and lyrics and melodies, and cast them out into digital seas. he thought it would help, writing it all out, and he thought it would make it easier for him to stop trying to put the world on pause. ceph never thought his life would change practically overnight.
his music went viral, he got signed, and suddenly he was halfway across the country like he always dreamed he would be. that’s the thing about dreams, though—they were rarely rooted in reality, and underneath everything that sparkled and shone, los angeles is a place where dreams came to die. ceph had everything he had ever wanted, but he had a hole in the centre of him and nothing to fill it with.
ㅤ ㅤ ⤷ㅤ i’m miserable even though i made it ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ got a house in the hills and i fucking hate it !!!
wanted connections.
drinking buddies. ceph runs on fumes and self-destruction, so he tends to gravitate towards people who would enable him. maybe they have some idea about what ceph is going through, maybe they don’t. when the lights are low, picking your poison is all that really matters. flings, former and current. ceph’s in no position to be taking care of anybody, so drunken hookups ( he’s never really sober ) are the best he can do. maybe they have something close to friendship, maybe they just get off and go. maybe they’re civil or maybe they resent ceph for not having space for anyone but himself. anything goes. industry acquaintances. hollywood is a lot smaller than it looks. maybe your muse is a singer, an actor, a model. maybe your muse works behind the scenes. maybe ceph has only ever spoken a handful of words to them, or maybe he even goes so far as to seek them out when they’re attending same event. someone who’s perpetually out of the loop. it’s refreshing, being ceph-the-fuckup and not ceph-the-singer-who’s-also-a-fuckup. it’s rare to find someone who doesn’t know him these days, and ceph appreciates the anonymity more than he would ever admit.
these are all i could think of at the moment. as a rule of thumb, if your muse likes to get white boy wasted, ceph will get along with them just fine. i will eventually submit wanted connections to the main for his manager and his cousin, but feel free to play around with these for now.
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This post has been a long time coming but it's something I need to talk about. There is a general notion that is saying if you're not a liberal when you're young you don't have a heart and if you're not a conservative when you're old you have no brain. Or something generally to that effect one of the things that bothers me greatly, and why I generally agree and disagree with that sentiment, is because I don't think that it is a liberal principle to have sympathy and or empathy.
In the same vein I don't think that being a liberal excludes you from being intelligent. One of the things however, that I have noticed, is that it feels like modern liberals never grow up. They have this very strange believe that bleeding hearts empathy or sympathy makes them a better person. And what makes that particularly funny and interesting, is that it proves them to be moral busy bodies in the exact same way hypercurity Christians were in the 80s and 90s. Which if you really think about it makes a lot of sense. Because they would have been those same kinds of people if they had existed in the 80s and 90s. At least as older teens and or adults. The reason of course that I can prove this it's because back then those people were not really Christians in the actual sense of the phrasing. They were individuals we thought Christianity gave them a reason to moral grandstand and basically bully people into intellectual submission. And we see a lot of that today on the modern left.
To further this point I've recently seen several videos of people talking about how the American dream is dead. How they have X number of degrees and can't find a job, or that they make three times the minimum wage rate and still can't survive. And every time I hear these stories I kind of laugh a little bit. Not because I think it's hilariously funny. But more because I believe that it is generally humorous of the general ignorance of why this is. Recently I heard a couple talking in front of me to a Dollar general clerk. And they were talking about how the minimum wage for fast food workers in California was raised to $20 an hour and how companies were complaining that they weren't going to be making enough so they laid off workers. Something we knew that would be the case and no one listened. A lot of people generally blame capitalism for stuff like this. But that's because they have no idea how companies work, and also have no idea how economy works. Profit is something that generally gets reinvested. The reason for this is so that the company can continue to grow. because there's this weird idea that everyone outside of managers and CEOs at companies all just make dirt poor wages at minimum wage. Which is not only dishonest and not true but broadly ignorant in general. Backed up the matter is people need to that profit of a company does not just end up in the pockets of CEOs or board of directors.
A lot of very rich people in the world do not have access to most of their wealth. Because most of their wealth is actually tied to stocks. Those stocks are known as solid assets. And for those that know Jack squat about economy, that is an asset that is difficult to turn liquid at a moment's notice. And if you don't know what a solid asset is it is likely you also do not know what a liquid asset is. Liquid assets is basically money that you immediately have access to. IE money that you can spend at the drop of a dime. Most filthy rich people on Earth do not just have a billion dollars that they can spend at a moment's notice. So the idea that billionaires can just spend a billion dollars on something immediately is ignorant. Most of you need to learn more about the economy before you keep talking about stuff you have no clues about. When a person is deemed a millionaire it might be because they own a company. That company's worth could be 1.5 million dollars. Because that company is worth 1.5 million dollars the owner of said company is considered a millionaire by proxy.
And because it jeopardizes the wealth of others outright selling stocks in a company in a very quick manner can cause the price of said stocks to either plummet or skyrocket. Due to that there are government regulations that stop this from happening as much as the government is able to do so. That's important because people think that billionaires and millionaires just have immediate access to all of their worth. If I owned a million-dollar home that was gifted to me by a family member when they died, and I have a $50,000 car that I am making payments on. But, I am only making about $20 an hour. What then ends up happening is that the government can steal the home that was gifted from me because I likely would not be able to pay the property taxes on it. But until the government confiscated something that was not theirs, I would be considered a millionaire when I was not making more than 100K a year. And if you do the math I wouldn't even be making 80k a year. Because a metric crapton would be taken out in taxes.
So what is all this have to do with left and right? Well the answer is actually very simple. Leftists often no absolutely nothing about the economy. Though I should hold up just a second and I need to be fair. The reason I say leftist rather than left most of the time is because there is a difference between people on the left and leftists. Leftists are cultists who worship the fact that they are on the left and often a lot of their views are particularly far left. Because they have been inundated by communism and socialism as viable ideas despite the fact that both systems support slavery. Now, back to my point. Leftists mostly do not understand economy and it shows in the people that they vote for. They vote for slavery effectively. They want free money, they want free food, they want free houses, they want free everything. And it's because they think that they have a right to it. Now a lot of leftists will debate this point but it's just fact. Because they don't think anyone should ever have more than they do.
But one of the bigger issues is the fact that people have a tendency to not understand how to manage their own money and that's one of the larger problems. If you are a person who is barely making it from paycheck to paycheck, and you are not living in one of the most expensive cities in the United States, and I'll give another caveat of you're making more than $15 an hour. It is likely you are not managing your money properly. What do I mean by this exactly? So $100 at a grocery store will buy you significantly more food for you to eat, then if you go out for fast food. And a lot of people I personally know who complain about not having money order fast food. Unfortunately because of inflation fast food is more and more and more expensive every single day. And it's going to be funny watching those costs go up significantly higher and places like California because of the minimum wage fast food law where they expect fast food workers to be paid $20 an hour bare minimum. Now forgive me if I laugh my ass off at you if you are complaining about this while subsequently you voted for it. Every single vote for a socialist Democrat like Gavin newsom is a vote for the poor and low middle class to get more poor by the day.
Because if you honest to God believe that Democrats are going to forsake their Rich donors you are out of your mind. They will tell you until they are blue in the face, that they will destroy the rich and make them "pay their fair share". Meanwhile the amount in taxes that the rich are paying currently dwarfs with the other 98% of us pay in taxes. I would say that that's kind of unfair. Because effectively what you are saying is if you make more money that money should therefore be forfeited to the government to spend on things we don't need to spend it on. Which means money going to things you don't want them to go to. So congratulations to you leftists who hate Jews and hate israel. Because every single tax law you've ever voted for to increase the tax rates funded missiles that got dropped on Gaza. So if all of the Jews who have nothing to do with Israel in America are guilty of crimes that they didn't commit according to you you have blood on your hands for taking more money from American citizens for bombs that got dropped on a country who you wholesale support for no reason.
None of you pay attention at all. And it very much shows. Socialist policies do not do anything but destroy countries. Always have and always will. Because do you know one of your bastions of socialist healthcare Canada, is currently cheering on their government funded death care. What do you really know why? It's because their entire healthcare system has been flooded for years with people waiting weeks to months or longer for checkups. Or to have stuff taken care of that they need taken care of, forcing them often to have to find different hospitals that are less flooded or go to a privately funded hospital. But that wasn't the only reason that the Canadian government was praising their own government-funded death care. The other reason was because of how much money they're saving by killing people rather than helping them. Yes, you heard that correctly they are praising the fact that they now get to kill people because they can't continue to afford saving them. So much for your socialist healthcare right.
So let me basically lay this out in a way that makes sense. If you vote for leftist policies you vote for your own demise. If you are complaining about how expensive colleges the fault is Democrats. If you vote for raising the tax rates and watching your money get robbed from you, that is the fault of Democrats. If you are complaining that you cannot find a job at all with multiple degrees, that is the fault of Democrats. And if you truly and honestly want to know why, it is because they have allowed unchecked millions into the United States over the past few years, who they can hire for minimum wage because the government is literally giving them free money. They are fast tracking them to citizenship, and they are giving them all the free stuff that they possibly can so that they can be voted for. And to make this point absurdly clear Joe Biden's administration admitted to flying 300,000 plus people into the United States from foreign countries illegally and dropping them off in undisclosed locations around the US. Meanwhile also pushing a bill through the courts as hard as he can to make it so that non-citizens can immediately get citizenship and vote. If Donald Trump had done this you all on the left would literally be screaming for him to be hung. And yet you continually vote for your dollar to be worth less. You continually vote to not be able to find work. And you continually vote to be robbed blind by your own government thinking that you're going to go get those filthy rich people for being rich. Eat the Rich am I right?
Is any of this saying at all that the right does not do anything wrong? No it is not. The right has done their fair share of really dumb things. Republicans have done their fair share of really dumb things. But one of the dumbest things that the Republicans have done is not enforce rule of law. Another thing that leftists have voted against. Allowing criminals to get away based on their political ideology or the color of their skin. A black man who has BLM stapled all over all of his social media can literally go out and rape murder pillage and anything else and the entirety of the mainstream media will do all they can to hide his ethnicity or call him a brilliant talented scholar who was just misunderstood. But it's not just black either it's trans people it's LGB people it's anyone who is non-white. Unless it's a woman with a very flamboyant hair color that's not natural (caveat her being a leftist activist).
I'm generally sick of the ignorance of leftists and a lot of people who lean left. And it's just funnier and funnier and funnier every single day watching these people complain about stuff that they literally voted for. Unchecked immigration and lunatics in the street? Leftist policies. Have fun getting punched in the face. You're bleeding heart sympathy and empathy is not going to get you anywhere. And it doesn't help others. More often than not it actually harms them by enabling them to continue on very destructive paths. And honestly, as a person who leans left myself, it drives me nuts that I have to make posts like this at all. Because I would love for the Democrats to actually represent me as a person. I would love to have anyone represent me as a person. Unfortunately the only people that seem to do are Rand Paul and Ron Paul. With a few of the new blood Republicans leaning closer to how I view things than not. Because while they are conservatives they're not lunatics. And a large chunk of them are definitely not warhawks.
So keep whining on tick tock and Twitter and every other platform about how supposedly Republicans and conservatives are ruining your lives when literally every single thing that is ruining your life is literally a policy created by the left. (However, here is a honorable mention for the Republicans that voted for sending more billions of our dollars to foreign countries for wars we don't need to be involved in. Yeah fuck you guys too)
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lunavarley · 2 months ago
i had a weird dream and decided to make some memes to remember it
i'll summarize it below the pictures if you want to read more, but the only context necessary for this is that it was presented as an episode of an animated kidcom, like the kind of thing you'd see watching nickelodeon, cartoon network, or disney channel as a kid
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tw for the below summary: mentions of animal deaths
basic plot summary of whatever this dream was:
-again, consider this an animated kidcom. the main guy had a crush he was always trying to win over, like in most of those shows. the boy was talking to the girl in a classroom and convinced her he was gonna get her a gift or something. and through a wacky series of coincidences, the girl stumbles on honeymoon or anniversary photos/drawings of the teacher? i think? and is like "wait, it's us, i can't believe you did this for me"
-this anniversary was stated to be in ghana. this isn't relevant at all to irl ghana, but being on another continent (the show in this dream took place around california) is relevant.
-anyway, main boy starts making a collage with those photos and continues lying to impress the girl because hey, if this is what it takes to get together, why not. but there is an issue. he also is like "yeah, we're gonna go to ghana together!" he's not doing a whole flight to ghana. BUT he's a rich kid. he has his butler use most of the family funds (they must be billionaires or something) to basically nuke los angeles and do some light "landscaping" to make the city they're gonna fly to look like ghana, somehow
-and he's lying to her more and more throughout the flight. even shit she could easily look up like "trump's dead." eventually, when they get to the beach city near where everything was nuked. the girl vanishes, leading the boy to think she was kidnapped and want to go after her. and the whole class is on vacation there now too for some reason (which is relevant! not relevant but a fun thing to mention: the animation style suddenly changed from hand-drawn to CGI) -the boy finally makes it to where the girl is, but after having to avoid most of the class. maybe they don't like him? maybe they knew he was the one who launched the nukes. but either way, he's in a precarious position. (it also could be that he wanted to get the collage back from the girl for the teacher to not ruin/lose it, and the class knew he stole it?)
-also unpleasant: he goes over the frozen corpses of hundreds if not thousands of animals to get there. they're from the nuke. like this is something he explicitly caused. -so he finds the girl, and first, she lists everything fucked up he's done in the episode, including lying and the kind of misogynistic stuff you'd see boys casually do in these shows a few decades ago. and she punches him. tells him not to ever do something like that again. -but here's the wild part. despite the fact that he actually ended countless lives, she's touched about everything he went through for her and hugs him. she says to never stop being interested in her and she says she'd love to hang out and see him again if he gets out of this as she walks away -and he's like, "what do you mean get out of this?" -and at that point the feds roll up -now in this dream, i remembered this episode having an ending that kinda devalued it on the rewatch for me. and i'm like "oh, yeah, he just goes to prison for life or something. sure. that was the ending that made me not want to rewatch this episode whenever it was on." but NOPE! there's an image of jail and then a smash cut to him sitting up on a roof or atop a batting cage or something. one of the feds basically says they let him out because he's just a kid. despite the fact that he nuked a city.
-and at the end of the episode, he's been trying to call his mom for hours as he's all alone up there. his dad finally picks up and assures him he's not mad. and it seems kind of like a relief, like despite how HORRIBLY he fucked EVERYTHING up (i literally thought while watching the episode that i could never sympathize with him again after he NUKED A CITY TO LIE TO AND IMPRESS A GIRL AND THEY SHOWED THE AFTERMATH), everything's going to be ok
-and as the call ends, he suddenly is like, "Mom!" in an oh shit way. the implication being while he got away with everything else, she is going to be beyond furious
-and that alone is fine for an ending, but then there's a post-credits scene. this is the part that made me think either the whole episode is non-canon and he made no actual progress in getting the girl, or just every post-credits scene in this show is non-canon. because it is FUCKED up
-it cuts to the roof, where he still is hours later. he's all but sobbing and saying "mom" or something. i think he might've been too scared to go home and face her. regardless, he's there. and the school bullies show up. the implication is that they're gonna beat him up, and i thought the episode would end there, but no, it's worse than that
-with the bullies is him from the future, who makes it clear he wants to teach past him a lesson. the shot cuts to the bullies watching, and you can hear screams and weak, futile attempts to fight back, but you don't see the brunt of it
-and finally, the last shot is almost like an overhead. you can't see the boy, but you can see a bloody trail leading away from future him. future him even pretty much says he beat past him so badly that past him will never walk again. (and up until that part, i thought he'd been beaten so badly that he died.)
i felt compelled to share this here. with my favorite/weirdest/scariest dreams, i usually see what i can salvage into my writing. but in this case, i don't know what i'd even want to salvage? so enjoy the memes instead
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ellesthots · 2 months ago
hi! i’ve been binge reading fateful beginnings for a couple of days and i absolutely ADORE it! i was planning to sent this ask when i was caught up with it (on chapter 32 currently!) but i decided to send this now. it’s basically songs that are very bruce/reader coded that i thought you might like :D
peace by taylor swift: this is one can apply both to bruce and reader, mostly towards bruce though with the lyrics “would it be enough if i could never give you peace?” and “as long as danger is near, and it’s just around the corner darling, cause it lives in me.”
everybody adores you (at least i do): reader when she recognizes her feelings for bruce would soo listen to this song. i mean, listen to the lyrics 😭💗 “everybody has you up on their wall sometimes, everybody thinks of you when they sleep at night” and the fact the song mentions a father dying, it’s so them.
fuck it i love you by lana del rey: BRO i swear bruce would say this when he confesses his love to reader (manifesting 🤞) nsfw but this lyric always makes me giggle “and if i wasn’t so fucked up, i think i’d fuck you all the time” LIKE OMGGGG SO SO BRUCE.
fade into you by mazzy star: this is such a warm, hazy, beautiful song. “i look at you and i see nothing, i look at you to see the truth.” the contrast is making me scream like….at the point where i’m at in fateful beginnings reader is so in denial imo and she’s totally the first part while bruce is the second one. spoilers but it reminds me of bruce asking reader about the owls and when she lied to him about being the witness he literally took her answer as the truth 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗 ahh i love them
sorry this is SO long but i hope you enjoy these songs <3
this is so sweeet thank you!! 🥹 this is a dream to receive !! ahhh chapter 32!! some of my favorites are coming up for you, love to know what you think when you finish!! :)
all of these songs are soooo lovely and FITTING!! i gasped when you had ‘peace’ as the first—I’ve thought of them to that song soooo many times before!! it is so painfully, beautifully Bruce (and reader, but i feel it hits x100 with Bruce with those lines especially!!). i could dig into an analysis with this song literally for 10k words so I’ll go easy 😂 there’s so much tug-of-war with the lyrics thinking of it as almost a conversation between reader and Bruce. applying to both in different ways, like a plea, even an argument, or a vow, AHH SO GOOD! bruce thinking his life is fundamentally incompatible with others… mmhmmm
i’d never heard ‘everybody adores you (at least i do), but it’s so pretty!! you’re sooo right, it’s so reader! the lines you emphasized, yesss. as Bruce is more in the public eye, his reputation, his wealth, how well-known he is. i also think of the line ‘don’t modify, everyone adores you’ because Bruce would totally try to downplay his impact 💀 could fully imagine reader listening to it while staring out the window of an Uber or walking to City Hall lol
‘fuck it i love you’ SOOO Bruce, the lyrics ‘so i moved to California but it’s just a state of mind, turns out everywhere you go you take yourself, that’s not a lie’ is soooo reader to me too! feeling so lonely in Gotham and thinking it was this place that could be rejuvenating, and it ends up being so hollow. and Bruce feeling the weight of his reputation with the ‘and you know everyone adores you, you can feel it and you’re tired’ oooh this song !! and the nsfw part djfhfjsjdhcjdkdn you’re so real, that’s so real, they are soo down bad for each other (im excited for you to get to most recent chapter omfgggg). I’M SO READY FOR THE LOVE CONFESSIONNN !! chomping at the bit !! gnawing at my enclosure !!!
‘fade into you’ is another song I’d never heard before, but somehow it sounds sooo familiar?? and it’s soo beautiful, warm, and hazy, exactly!! just want to shut my eyes and sway along to it 🥹 awww now I’m imagining the cutest lil scene with reader and Bruce to it, eeeeek!!! adorable. and you are so correct, reader is soo in denial. i also love the reading as her looking at him and seeing nothing meaning that she just sees him as Bruce, not as this figure/celeb/his family 😭 and the fact he believed herrrr, ooooh the reveal is gonna be BRUTAL 😫
i loveee that you love them!! i’m obsessed with them and obsessed with the songs you sent!! still in so much awe that y’all are listening to songs and it’s reminding you of this fic, and all the effort of telling me about it, putting lyrics to it, ohhhh it makes my heart swell!! zero need to apologize, this is a GIFT 🎁 thank you for introducing me to some new songs <3
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justinspoliticalcorner · 6 months ago
Emma Brockes at The Guardian:
There are lots of differences between the presidential candidacies of Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, but, rhetorically at least, there’s one disparity that stands out. In 2008, when Clinton lost to Obama in the Democratic primaries, she referred to putting “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling”. Accepting the Democratic nomination in 2016, she said: “We just put the biggest crack in the glass ceiling.” And later that year, when she held what would turn out to be her terrible, deflated election night party, it was at the Jacob K Javits Centre, a convention hall in Manhattan that has, er, a glass ceiling. It’s notable, therefore, that several weeks into Harris’s candidacy, she’s not touching Clinton’s ceiling with a 10ft barge pole.
As a piece of imagery, the glass ceiling got very old very quickly, so that even by the time Clinton had it on heavy rotation, it was already emptied of meaning. Even without the phrase’s “all right, Grandma” vibe, it makes basic political sense for Harris to avoid using an image associated with the failed candidacy of the only other woman to be a major-party nominee for president. What’s curious is the decision her team has apparently made not only to eschew that particular phrase, but to handle with slightly more delicacy the nature of her candidacy. If Harris wins, she will, of course, not only be the first female president, but the first Black female president, and the first president, woman or otherwise, of south Asian descent. Pointing out this fact is not a major rhetorical part of the campaign.
Which isn’t to say that Harris is downplaying any aspect of her background. Trump, in an attack that, miraculously, succeeded in actually embarrassing other Republicans, accused her two weeks ago of changing identities when she “became a black person” – further proof that he’s overdue for a cognitive test. In Harris’s speech at the Democratic convention last month, she went in hard on her own biography, introducing to the American electorate her mother, who, at 19, she said, “crossed the world alone, travelling from India to California with an unshakable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer”, and recalling her dad’s Jamaican heritage. But while the speech was steeped in feminist principle around abortion and punishing abusers – Harris became a prosecutor, she said, because a high school friend was being sexually abused and she grew up wanting to nail the bastard – nowhere was the language expressly feminist or foregrounding of the unique nature of her candidacy.
Instead, Harris lets the optics do the work for her and wears the various aspects of her identity lightly. “I stood up for women and children against predators who abused them,” she said at the convention, trying to spin her role as a prosecutor away from the cop-like end of the spectrum towards something that sounds more heroic and nurturing. But in general, and in terms of the way she uses her own personal history to engage voters, Harris has emphasised coming from the middle class far more than being a woman; and, for my money, it seems to be working. As for Clinton, God love her, she’s still ploughing on with the glass ceiling thing. At the Democratic convention, she referred to Harris’s candidacy as the “highest, hardest glass ceiling”. And fair play to her. She isn’t wrong, factually, even if politically she may be off base. 
Kamala Harris has a real shot to become the USA’s first woman to become President in its 248-year history; however, unlike Hillary Clinton’s 2016 run, Harris has mostly downplayed glass ceiling-type messaging.
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sofiasfanartcollection · 1 year ago
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( @the-starry-seas Hi! I was working on a reply to your lovely ask but when I saved it as a draft, it seems to have disappeared, so I hope you see this. )
Hello!!!! Thank you for the interest, I don’t have commissions open at the moment—but I am hoping to soon, once I figure out some things. (I have wanted to do commissions but I often get overwhelmed with figuring out payment methods, if I need a business license etc.) I will be sure to let you know if I get commissions set up :]
And thank you so much, I would love to talk about River!!!
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She’s my mutant-sona for Rise of the Tmnt, and was a human mutated to be part white-tailed deer by one of Draxum’s oozesquitoes. Her power from that mutation is growing and controlling plants. (She can grow any plant if she knows what it looks like.)
She was then mutated a second time with split gill mushroom dna (although she attacked the oozesquito with a venus flytrap  and was only partially mutated.) Because the mutation wasn’t as complete, River can’t really control her second set of powers—which are ghost-like abilities. She can float, turn transparently purple, shrink, and summon a misty substance. However, these things tend to happen when River’s stressed, scared, or sad and can be hard to stop. They are more of a hindrance than a power most of the time. (You may have seen these, but here’s some art of her ghost-like form: https://www.tumblr.com/sofiasfanartcollection/732748080571613184/ghostly-here-are-some-doodles-and-a-rough)
(Also, I’m not sure how far you looked back, but here is my first main post for River with info about her: https://www.tumblr.com/sofiasfanartcollection/711553332660076544/my-rise-sonamutant-sona-river-river-sheher )
River was an aspiring children’s book author and illustrator, and had come to New York, from California, to pitch one of her ideas. After the whole being a mutant situation though, she lost the confidence to push on with that dream. She was homeless for a while, and grew lots of small gardens for fellow people living on the streets. Later, she meets Todd, and they become friends, and she moves into the woods near him. They go on lots of nature walks together, and she often volunteers at his puppy sanctuary.  https://www.tumblr.com/sofiasfanartcollection/735215068459024384/one-of-the-quickest-ways-to-befriend-river-is
She’s friendly towards the turtles, though it takes some time for her to feel comfortable around them, since she’s a pretty quiet and anxious person and they are vigilantes basically and are so full of reckless energy. She connects with Mikey over a shared love of art, sews little accessories for Raph’s plushies, enjoys Leo’s jokes, and grows exotic plants for Donnie to study. After the movie, she and Todd both spend time supporting them and their family as they recover. 
River does not get along with/is very scared of most of the mutant villains, but does kind-of accidentally befriend Hypno and Warren. When she first meets them, she finds a lost and trapped Warren (I have a headcanon that he gets lost every once and a while, being so small) and helps him get back to Hypno. Seeing them together, River instinctively feels that they are safe people. (Of course, they’re not safe really, even though they don’t mean her any harm. But River can be a little too trusting when her anxiety calms down.) 
She meets them again when she is running a flower stand at the hidden city, and they become repeat customers. 
Then, after she hears about the run-in they had with Draxum (in Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree) she goes to check in on them. After that they meet up every once and a while to visit and play board games. (At this point, she knows they are thieves, but isn’t judging that since being a mutant makes getting by really hard. She doesn’t know they have tried to kill the turtles.)
However, later on she ends up getting in the middle of a fight between Hypno and the turtles. She is devastated to learn that Hypno and Warren would put people’s lives in danger, especially since the turtles are kids. (Superheroes basically, but still kids.)
River avoids Hypno and Warren for a while after that, but when Hypno goes missing before Battle Nexus New York, Warren calls River and she comes to try and help. 
She ends up giving friendship with them another chance after hearing about how Hypno helped Donnie (and how Warren helped April save the turtles from his twin in that unaired episode). 
[This intersects with an AU of mine (though River is more of a minor character in the AU), that I’m working on but haven’t posted much about yet, where Hypno and Warren get a redemption arc. (It seemed like they were leaning that way in the show too.) Once River knows that Hypno and Warren have been enemies of the turtles, she’s only really willing to be friends when they start working towards setting things right.]
After the movie, River trusts Hypno and Warren when they say they didn’t know what that artifact was and remains their friend as they grapple with the guilt of being part of that disaster.
River had a flower stand at a marketplace in the hidden city, while Todd sold lemonade nearby. (He gives most of it away though, and doesn’t end up working there for long.) River works her flower stand for a year or so and then switches to creating flowers and plants for someone’s (a yokai oc who is a work in progress, maybe a kirin?) shop. She still helps with arranging flowers etc, but it’s less stressful.
When it comes to other people River gets to know, there’s a few yokai working at the market that are nice to her. She enjoys when April is around when she visits the turtles, and River likes to listen to some of Splinter’s stories. Casey Jr. has joined her and Todd on nature walks sometimes. She doesn’t really know Bullhop or Casey Sr. She enjoys visiting with Franken-Foot. And she gave Harold a new little corpse flower plant. 
River can barely tolerate Draxum. If she’s around him for much time at all, little thorn bushes will start growing near her. She has found out though, that she can take control of the vines he grows.
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horrorliives · 8 months ago
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❀ *◦ angela sarafyan. woman. she/her. bisexual & biromantic . ⇝ hey, isn’t that ani lusine kachadourian? i think that the fourty one year old from glendale, california works as house mom at sugar’s lounge & burlesque dancer at sweet cheeks cabater & burlesque lounge, but outside of that people describe them as glitter stained eyelids & hair, gold accessories. i hear they are guarded & stubborn, but they are also known to be resilient & empathetic. consider giving them a visit at their home in delilah’s den gated community and get to know why they’re called the mother. 
⸻ FULL NAME: Ani Lusine Kachadourian ⸻ NICKNAMES: Anush, Ani Bear, Miss Ani, Ani Angel, Nini, Mama Ani, Lusi ⸻ BIRTHDAY: November 4 1989 ⸻ ZODIAC: Scorpio Sun/Mercury, Gemini Moon, Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Venus, Libra Mars ⸻ AGE: 41 years old ⸻ GENDER: cis woman ⸻ PRONOUNS: she/her ⸻ SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual & biromantic ⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: tbd. ⸻ OCCUPATION: House mom at Sugar's Lounge & Burlesque dancer at Sweet Cheeks Cabaret & Burlesque Lounge ⸻INSPO/SIMILARITIES: to be added later
✕ ⸻ BIO
to be updated more in the future
Ani Kachadourian was born on November 5th in Glendale, California, to Armenian-American parents, Mariam and Vahan Kachadourian. Her family had a rich cultural heritage, and her parents instilled in her a deep appreciation for Armenian traditions and values. Mariam was a homemaker who dedicated her life to raising Ani and her younger brother, while Vahan worked as an architect, providing a comfortable but modest life for the family.
Growing up, Ani was a curious and imaginative child. She was particularly close to her grandfather, Artin, who often told her stories about Armenia and the family’s past. These stories inspired a lifelong interest in her heritage. Her grandmother, Sona, was a gentle and nurturing presence, teaching Ani traditional Armenian recipes and crafts. Despite the love and stability in her early years, Ani witnessed her parents’ growing financial struggles as Vahan’s architectural firm faced economic downturns.
As a teenager, Ani was known for her academic excellence and artistic talents. She was involved in various school activities, including the drama club, where she discovered a passion for performance. During this time, she met Ruben, a classmate who would become her first love. Their relationship was intense and filled with dreams of a future together.
At the age of 20, Ani became pregnant with Aram. While her relationship with Ruben was deep, they were both young and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood. Despite their best efforts, they grew apart, and their relationship ended when Aram was three years old. Ruben moved away, leaving Ani to raise Aram as a single mother. Ani managed to finish her college education while working part-time to support herself and Aram. Her early years as a mother were challenging, but they shaped her into a resilient and determined individual. She worked hard to provide a stable environment for her son while also pursuing her artistic interests on the side.
At 26, Ani moved to Los Angeles & married Ohan, a kind-hearted man who was supportive of her and Aram. Together, they welcomed Lina and Karo, the twins, into their lives. Ani’s marriage with Ohan brought stability and joy, and they built a warm family life in Los Angeles. However, their happiness was cut short when Ohan died in a car accident when the twins were eight years old. This tragic loss was a turning point for Ani, who was left to navigate life as a single mother once again. Following Ohan’s death, Ani focused on raising her children and working multiple jobs to make ends meet.
When Ani was 35, she decided to become a foster parent, driven by her desire to provide a safe and loving home for children in need. She took in Lyanna, a 12-year-old girl who had suffered neglect and abuse. Ani’s nurturing nature and dedication to her children led her to adopt Lyanna, creating a new sense of family. A year later, Ani adopted Narek, an eight-year-old boy who had been in foster care for most of his early years. These new additions to her family brought both joy and challenges, and Ani worked tirelessly to integrate them into their new life.
Ani received heartbreaking news: her grandfather, Artin, had passed away, and her grandmother, Sona, was missing under mysterious circumstances. Devastated by the loss of her grandfather and troubled by her grandmother’s disappearance, Ani felt a profound sense of duty to investigate what had happened.
With her children and the weight of her family’s history on her shoulders, Ani made the difficult decision to move to Anchorage, Alaska. She hoped that returning to the place where her grandparents had lived might offer clues about Sona’s whereabouts and help her uncover any unresolved family mysteries.
In Anchorage, Ani has set up a new life for her family. She took up a role as a house mom at Sugar’s Lounge, where she balanced her work responsibilities with caring for her children. Despite the hardships, she found solace in her performances as a burlesque dancer at Sweet Cheeks Cabaret & Burlesque Lounge, where she could express herself creatively and escape her daily struggles. Her goal in this new city is twofold: to find answers about her grandmother’s disappearance and to build a stable and nurturing environment for her children, drawing upon her experiences as a mother, performer, and survivor of loss.
Aram (21) -- The Older Sibling & Mentor
Aram has grown into a responsible young adult. He often takes on a leadership role in the family. He is very supportive of his younger siblings & helps Ani with household responsibilities when he can. He is pursing a degreen in business administration & dreams of opening his own tech startup. Aram is Ani’s firstborn, born when she was 20. He grew up witnessing his mother’s struggles and was a source of support for her and his younger siblings. After high school, he focused on his studies and works part-time to support himself through college.
Lina (15) -- The Creative Dreamer
Lina is a budding artist with a love for painting 7 drawing. She is emotionally perceptive, often sensing & responding to the moods of her family members. Despite her young age, Lina is dedicated her craft & dreams of becoming a professional artist. She can often be found lost in her thoughts, sketching, or daydreaming about future possibilities. Lina is one of the twins born when Ani was 26. She shares a close bond with Karo, who often explores creative outlets together. She is currently attending high school & balancing her academic responsibilities with her artistic pursuits.
Karo (15) -- The Intellectual Helper
Karo is very smart. enjoys solving puzzles, playing strategy games, & studying. He's a dependable & caring sibling, often helping Lina with her art projects or tutoring her in subjects they both find challenging. He prefers quieter activities & values his personal time. He is good at reading situations & understanding people's emotions. Karo is Lina's twin brother. Growing up, he has been a supportive & protective sibling, & they share a close bond. He's excelling in school & is interested in pursuing a career in engineering or technology.
Lyanna (12) -- The Compassionate Child
Lyanna is known for her kind & caring nature. She has a strong sense of empathy & is quick to offer comfort to her siblings when they're upset. She loves to create stories & play imaginative games. She often goes out of her way to help others & make them feel appreciated. Lyanna was adopted by Ani when she was two years old. Despite her early hardships, she has grown into a loving & caring child, integrating well into the Kachoadourian family & becoming a beloved member of the household.
Dalia (9) -- The Spirited Adventurer
Dalia is always on the go & loves to explore her surroundings. She's very inquisitive & enjoys learning new things, friendly, & enjoys making new friends & school & in the neighborhood. She often engages in craft activities & imaginative play. Dalia is Ani's child from when she was 32. A vibrant & active child, she's always full of ideas & ready for the next adventure. She keeps her older siblings on their toes with her boundless energy & curiosity.
Narek (6) -- The Young Adventurer
Narek is ful of energy & enjoys playing outside or engaging in physical activities. He is fearless & cururious, often exploring new places & getting into minor trouble. He's very loving & enjoys spending time with his family, especially his older siblings. Narjek was also adopted by Ani when he was one year old. ie Lyanna, he came from a challenging background, & Ani povided him with a nurturing enivonrment where he could group up surrounded by love.
Passion for Cooking: Ani has a secret talent for making traditional Armenian dishes. She learned these recipes from her grandparents & enjoys passing them down to her children. Cooking is her way of staying connected to her roots & keeping her family's heritage alive.
Vintage Jewelry Collector: Ani loves collection vintage jewelry from different eras. Her collection includes pieces from the 1920s Art Deco period & the 1970s Bohemian styles. She wears these pieces to the cabaret to add a touch of elegance to her performances. Each pieces has a story, & she enjoys sharing these stories with her friends & family.
A Fondness for Classic Movies: Ani is a fan of classic Hollywood films and often has movie nights with her kids. Her favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn, and she adores films like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “Roman Holiday.” She uses these movie nights to teach her children about classic cinema and to bond with them over shared interests.
A Hidden Talent for Tarot Reading: Ani has a talent for reading tarot cards. She learned it as a form of spiritual exploration and enjoys offering readings for her friends and family. She uses the cards to provide guidance and comfort, believing that the insights can help navigate the challenges of life.
A Ritual of Tea Time: Ani has a daily ritual of tea time in the late afternoon. She enjoys brewing loose-leaf teas and tries out different blends, often sharing her favorite teas with friends. Tea time is a quiet moment for her to unwind and reflect on her day. It’s also a time for her to catch up with her kids and talk about their day.
A Passion for Vintage Fashion: Ani has a keen eye for vintage fashion and often incorporates vintage styles into her wardrobe. She enjoys thrift shopping and finding unique pieces. Her wardrobe includes a mix of vintage dresses, retro accessories, and classic heels that she wears both for her cabaret performances and in her daily life.
A Love for Stargazing: Ani enjoys stargazing and finds it to be a peaceful and reflective activity. She often takes her children out on clear nights to look at the stars and talk about the constellations. She keeps a star map and uses a telescope to explore the night sky, teaching her kids about the wonders of the universe.
A Collector of Local Art: Ani supports local artists by collecting Alaskan artwork. Her home is adorned with pieces from local galleries and craft fairs. She values art that tells a story and enjoys meeting the artists to learn about their inspirations.
An Enthusiastic Gardener: Ani enjoys gardening and takes great pride in her flower garden. She grows a variety of plants and flowers and loves creating a beautiful outdoor space. She finds gardening to be therapeutic and uses it as a way to relax and connect with nature.
Mother of DIY Projects: Ani is skilled at DIY projects and often takes on home improvement tasks. She enjoys creating homemade decorations and renovating furniture. She uses this skill to make her home cozy and inviting, often involving her children in the projects.
babysitters for the children
parents of children that are her children's friends
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behindthcmall · 1 year ago
☆ –– (priscilla quintana, she/her, cisgender female) who is AUGUSTA RIVERA anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 31 and WRITING IN A JOURNAL feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re OVER EMOTIONAL and GUARDED because they care, but they’re also LOYAL and FUN-LOVING in the best way. SHE works to make a little money as a(n) POETRY COLUMNIST FOR THE NEW YORKER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of WOODVALE APARTMENTS. AUGUST (MUSE B) and THE LAKES (MUSE A) are the songs they could dance to the beat of forevermore. (ooc info: tee, 29, pst, she/her.)
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Hi loves, I’m Tee and I’m thrilled to be here! I’ve been creeping this group for a while and waiting for the timing to be right. I felt, as a huge Taylor fan, it’s my obligation to join (and fun fact, it’s my nine year anniversary today of being Taylurked!)
Anyways, this is Augusta. She’s still a slight work in progress, but here’s some basic info about her (more to be added as it's developed):
Name: Augusta Rivera. Age: 31. Date of Birth: TBD, I'm an astrology hoe that needs to let her cook before determining. Hometown: Cathedral City, California. Gender, Pronouns: Cisfemale, She/her. Sexuality/Orientation: Pansexual. MBTI: TBD, but most likely XNFP. Job: Poetry columnist at The New Yorker and MFA grad student at NYU. Residence: Woodvale Apartments.
Augusta is from Southern California and the daughter of Mexican immigrant parents.
She loves writing, especially poetry. She was definitely one of those teens who had a “deep” poetic Instagram/twitter/MySpace (she's a millennial, LBR here) account that was literally terrible and overdramatic. However, she’s been honing her craft and gotten to a point where she can’t see herself doing anything else.
As the story goes, she met James during a summer trip to New York to visit relatives that live in the state. It was a whirlwind romance in her eyes, and a special summer of firsts: first trip to her dream university (NYU), first time dipping her foot in the Atlantic Ocean, first head over heels love for another woman. It was very eventful for baby teenage Augusta, and when it ended, it lowkey ruined her life.
She's been trying to put that summer in the past, but it always seems to creep its way into her life, whether it's through her poetry or her trust issues.
Augusta comes off as very naturally fun loving and charismatic, but she's more what you'd call an introverted extrovert. She really shines when she's surrounded by people she trusts and loves.
She started her university career in SoCal, but her dream was always to end up at NYU. She was accepted there and got her butt on a plane so she could start working on her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. She's making money through publishing work through the New Yorker (and realistically, she's probably another job too. TBD as I think of it.)
Wanted Connections:
The Folklore Love Triangle - If you're the Betty, James and/or Inez and we haven't chatted yet, you know what's up. Let us brainstorm the whole thing.
Literally anything/everything. She likely hasn't been in New York for that long (I imagine a few months, if that) but she's probably travelled there quite a few times over the years, so I'm open to plotting anything. Feel free to IM me and we'll chat.
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tctteredwings · 10 months ago
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[ ben barnes, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! NATHAN YOUNG just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 42 YEARS, working as a FREELANCE/FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 42 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit COCKY and SECRETIVE, but i know them to be FREETHINKING and RESPECTFUL whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
IN A NUTSHELL; a desk full of empty coffee cups, denim jackets whatever the weather, a constantly buzzing cell phone, a playful smile and a wink, loves a candid photo, playing the beatles in the car, scuffed up chelsea boots.
tw: adultery
Name: Nathan Young Nicknames: Nate Age: Forty-two Date of birth: 5th November 1981 Birth place: Manhattan, New York Occupation: Freelance/Fashion Photographer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
Parents: Marc Young & Enid Young, née Carlisle. Siblings: ___ Young & ___ Young ( wc on main ). Children: Lyndsey Young ( 16 ) & Jessica Young ( 14 ). Ex-wife: Daphne Lark. Pets: One Doberman named Bernie.
Nathan was born in Greenwich Village to Enid and Marc . They were big in the community, always doing charity work and volunteering. His father even ran for mayor at one point. He was expected to get involved, too, but he really wasn’t interested.
All he wanted was to take photos, so at 16 he got a part time job at Starbucks and bought all the equipment his parents refused to. The rest was history as they say.
Eventually drifted away from his parents, the relationship with his younger siblings also suffering as a result.
In his senior year he came out as bisexual and dated a guy from the hockey team for a little over six months, up until college pulled them apart anyway.
The New York Film Academy was his chosen college. He briefly dabbled in movies, but in the end decided to stick with photography, landing an internship at a major fashion magazine shadowing one of the photographers as soon as he graduated.
He worked his way up the ladder, starting with fetching coffee, basically doing everybody else's shit. It took a couple of years, but in the end he got where he wanted, finding himself being headhunted for Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair.
At 24 he met his soon-to-be wife on a shoot where she was also working, she was pretty new, majorly awkward and he fell for her in a big way.
It was proper whirlwind romance, in the space of a year and a half they were married and had a child. Within a couple more years their family of three became four... and then there was the dogs, too. Three of them in total. Fluffy Pomeranian's his wife was obsessed with. They set up home in the Upper East Side and could haven’t have been happier.
Up until Nathan cheated on her anyway...
Flirty in nature he was always putting on the charm, just a way to get people to ‘fall in love with him’ for the benefit of the camera, but six years after he first got married, things went a little too far.
He confessed straight away and within a year they were divorced, his wife granted full custody of the children.
Deciding on a fresh start, he up and moved to California, setting up his own studio in the city a year later. He lived out there for going on five years.
His daughters, Lyndsey ( 16 ) and Jessica ( 14 ), he saw during the holidays for the most part while living in LA They'd come and stay with him for weeks on end, enjoying the sun, sand and sea.
He's now been back in New York for four years, eventually tiring of the new life he'd found and missing his home. With the girls getting older and a friendship forming between both him and his ex-wife, they now have equal custody and co-parent like a dream. The reasons for their divorce a decade ago are never discussed and they've both done their best to move on from it.
He’s still a flirt, something that will never change, but he’s been failing pretty dramatically at getting back on the dating scene ever since separating from his wife. His job is his life now, though, and a lot of his time is dedicated to that and spending time in the studio he'd doing up.
Despite his protests in the debate over whether to get a dog or not with his ex, he’s found he’s actually quite fond of them now. After spending six years having miniature breeds yapping at his heels, he chose to adopt a Doberman within a couple of months of moving to California and he'd travelled back to New York with him.
Nathan is a keen reader and considers himself a bookworm. It’s a little-known fact about him, but he adores the classics, and his favourite book is War and Peace. One day he hopes to write something himself, although knows it will probably only end up being a photography book or a pictorial of his early years taking photos.
TLDR; Nathan grew up in New York ( Greenwich Village to be exact ) and had a pretty good childhood. He clashed with his parents on what to do with his life and during his teens they had a pretty big falling out when he decided to follow his passion for photography. Working his way up the ladder, by his mid-twenties he was one of the most sought-after fashion photographers in the country —- that hasn't changed much. He got caught up in a whirlwind romance at the same time and was married by 25 shortly after his first daughter was born. Over time his flirty personality got him into trouble though and while working away he had a fleeting affair that led to the breakdown of his marriage. He hasn't really been the same since. Moved to LA for a while for work and when he moved back 4 years ago, made his daughters his top priority. He's still a flirt, but has toned it down a little.
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daryfromthefuture · 2 years ago
okay here goes nothing
the idea is that hill valley is located near the ocean. coastal town hill valley au lol. and marty is the one who gets mermaid powers (show lore, basically there's a volcano island and there's a pool underneath the crater. when someone swims in the pool during a full moon and the moon is right above it the person gets mermaid powers).
wait actually let me make bullet points
marty ends up on the island during a full moon because needles pushed him onto a motor boat which was broken and it leads him there. in his attempt to get outta there he falls into the grotto with the moon pool and wants to swim out of it via a tunnel that leads to the ocean. it happens to be full moon and marty gains mermaid powers - he turns into a merman whenever he comes into contact with water (which is obviously a massive problem, lol) and outside of that he gets a siren voice (making him literally the perfect lead vocalist for the pinheads because he can hypnotise people with his voice)
marty finds that out when practicing surfing (he's a california boy, and with hill valley being a coastal town he just has to be a surfer along with skateboarding)
this is actually depressing because he has to give up surfing, pretty much like emma had to give up swimming in the tv show
doc, being marty's bff, is the first one to learn about this secret. marty trusts doc to keep it to himself and doc does. however. doc, being a scientist, gets obsessed with helping marty manage his daily life (since he's not allowed to touch water). he basically always wants to create some sort of formula to have marty be waterproof or a way to get rid of the merman powers, and marty begins to think doc just used him and never cared about him, and now that marty is scientifically valuable doc feels the need to use him for his experiments and marty is angry and sad and cuts off contact even though it hurts him because doc is basically his dad :(
jennifer is also one marty's closest friends and also has the honor of knowing marty's secret. when marty, because he's concerned for his own safetly, cuts off contact with doc, jennifer is the one he vents and talks to about everything, leading them to form a deeper bond (and eventually become a couple). jennifer is also the one who defends marty from needles and helps him in school when it comes to things like avoiding water. eventually, she prompts marty to reconsider doc's motives and their friendship, seeing that marty is devastated about the situation
marty's family is the twin pines version, and lorraine is pretty strict and gets angry when marty suddenly refuses to watch the dishes. however, marty does never tell his family about the merman thing
biff is a rich guy owning a company which is planning to build a hotel on the island (which has become a safe spot for marty and generally the magical mermaid place). he also cooperates with needles' dad, a marine biologist who is tasked with researching the areas around the island to make sure there are no sharks or anything. of course, he learns about marty and marty becomes his big research subject, and needles' dad dreams to make a fortune off him because marty is one of a kind
dramatic climax where doc has to save marty from his tail being sliced open and jumps into the water to get the boy even though can't swim (i think he canonically has fishing trauma so i headcanon him as being deathly afraid of swimming, especially in the ocean). marty is safe but then oh no, doc is fucking drowning. marty saves doc in return and the two friends reconcile :D biff's project of building the hotel is canceled because of some exotic fish spieces that lives close to the island and needles' dad gets arrested for experiments on humans.
maybe this is also how marty's fam finds out idk if i will ever do anything with this au beyond this post LMAO
have merman marty as treat
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thank you for enduring my rambling this show was all my summer break consisted of in 4th grade and i randomly found a youtube video on it and then i watched some episodes (major throwback to 10 year old me LOL) and here we are
hi tumblr it's 1 am who wants to hear about a h2o: just add water/bttf au i came up with
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years ago
Another Billy Hidden Omega AU because I want to share the rest of my drafts
Billy is a secret Omega who’s pining after Steve, the alpha of his dreams basically. In California, it was normal for everyone to use blockers but in small town, Indiana, blockers are very rarely used. Everyone wonders why Billy always uses blockers but he never answers anyone’s questions about his secondary gender.
Billy has liked Steve especially his scent since they first met at the party but when he finds out that Steve already has an omega, he backs off but still comforts him when Nancy leaves with Jonathan
He tries to goad Steve during basketball practice but Steve only ends up pissed at him and Billy realizes he’s likely never going to get his wishes since Steve doesn’t even like Billy as a person.
The whole season 2 arc still happens but immediately after, Billy is beaten up even worse than anything Steve could do by Neil as soon as Billy was taken home. Max was sent to her room to sleep and she was too tired to hear the whimpers of pain from Billy as he was beaten.
He spent the entire weekend locked in his room using the new locks by Neil and he was given a first aid kit and meals by Susan. Max was visibly shocked when she saw him that Monday morning but he dodged her questions about who did it. Max had a sinking feeling in her chest.
Steve rolls up to school with people congratulating him on beating Billy up and his heart sinks to his stomach at the sight of Billy shrunken in from pain but with his head still held high. He’s confused but he goes along with everything until he picks up the kids for a meeting at the Wheelers.
Steve tells them about Billy being beaten up and Max tells him that he stayed in his room the entire weekend so it had to have been that night. Will is the one to suggest that it’s Billy’s dad and Max brings up respect and responsibility and how when she got home after everything, Billy had to stay for his punishment. They feel sick to their stomachs because they may not like the guy but he didn’t deserve to be beaten up to that extent. They decide to help him because they feel guilty for everything.
They make a game plan for the kids to have El bring it up to Hopper and for Will to bring it up with Joyce, to ask how someone could deal with it. Steve and Max were in charge of trying to get Billy to open up to him and to see if he had any new injuries.
Joyce point blank asks if it’s the Hargrove boy because she’s seen him interact with his father and she had one hand on the phone the entire time, ready to call Hopper to chase another child abuser out of town. Will says so and she asks Jonathan to invite him over who protests, bringing up the fight. She asks who swung first and gives them an adult perspective about the situation.
Max snuck out and was found in a random house with five boys, one of which is a teenager a good 3 years older than her. He was her brother and he had a right to keep her safe and defend her honor and instead they injected him with a sedative and stole his car.
Jonathan agrees and he invites Billy to dinner one night and he’s told to bring Max. The polite thing to do was to bring something so he made some cookies to share. He also brings a replacement plate and apologizes to Joyce for fighting in her house. She says it’s water under the bridge. They have a good dinner together with Joyce asking them questions about their family life and academics.
Billy reveals he’s in all AP Classes. Jonathan reveals that Nancy is jealous of his grades and how quickly he dethroned her in the race for valedictorian. After dinner, Will takes Max to see his drawings and Jonathan asks Billy if he wants to listen to some music. They bond over shared music tastes and shitty fathers. Billy defends Will from his bullies and scares the crap out of them. Everyone quickly learns that Max and her friends are untouchable unless they want to face Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington.
Steve notices that Billy usually doesn’t eat at lunch anymore, going to smoke near his car instead and he starts offering Billy food. Steve apologizes for throwing the first punch and Billy apologizes for going too far. They become friends in the eyes of everyone else because Steve makes it a point to invite Billy to stuff and to defend him. Billy’s heart aches every time because his inner omega instincts tell him it’s his alpha proving that he’s capable of taking care of him while in reality it was due to pity in his eyes. Steve genuinely wants to help Billy because he’s a fixer and he can’t stand problems he can’t fix.
Max starts trying to keep Billy away from home as much as possible, asking if she could come over to her friend’s house and having Billy drive her and stay with her after the whole sneaking out fiasco. She usually plans it around Steve, Jonathan or Nancy being there. Nancy and Billy surprisingly get along well especially academically since they’re in all of the same classes. However, whenever Steve is there, he usually goes to Billy first, guided by his instincts and he doesn’t like sharing Billy’s attention much. Nancy and Jonathan are amused by this and so is Joyce when she sees it but none of them burst their bubble.
Billy apologizes to Lucas properly and explains that his dad wasn’t fond of anything that didn’t fit his perfect fantasy and that meant befriending any POCs was a recipe for disaster.
Steve and Billy become close, practically best friends and Steve starts inviting Billy to places because he wants to. Billy goes because he’s a masochist who wants to be close to Steve in any capacity he can while Steve genuinely enjoys Billy’s company and he can’t quite explain why. He also loves to give Billy small gifts which he does without questioning. He does it for the other pups in his pack so he sees it as providing for his pack. He doesn’t realize when he started thinking of Billy as pack but he just accepts his instincts.
Billy usually goes to Steve after a beating once he trusts Steve because his instincts are begging for safety and Steve represents safety to him. After the third time it happens with it being the worst he’s seen so far on Boxing Day, Steve practically begs Billy to let him let Hopper take care of everything and he swears that everything will be alright and that he’ll protect Billy. No, he doesn’t realize how romantic it sounds. Billy, in a moment of weakness, nods against Steve who gets Hopper to arrest Neil and run him out of town just before New Year. Billy slept over in Steve’s bed of course.
Susan had been befriended by Joyce after who told her in no nonsense terms that she knew what she was going through but that it would be completely worth it in the end. With Joyce’s help, she’s willing to testify against Neil about the abuse and to file a restraining order and a divorce.
In small town Indiana, the only lawyer worth his salt happens to be Lucas’ dad who happily supports their case. Billy quietly asks Hopper once his dad is in custody if lying about designation and using illegal pills would help the case and he confesses to Hopper, Joyce and Susan as they’re figuring everything out that he’s actually an omega, something not even Susan knew. All of them are immediately incensed, especially Joyce who is an omega.
They get him to give his suppressants up as evidence and they take him to a specialist outside of Hawkins who checks him up and thankfully, there are no harmful side effects since he was still pretty young but he was advised that his heats would have to be monitored for the next six months until they regularized. He would most likely be sent into heat within the next two weeks to a month after stopping the medicine and he was given a full check up which showed his history of improperly healed bones and scars which also aided the case they were building.
When the new year comes, Steve practically pulls Billy to his side throughout the entire celebration, feeling exceedingly overprotective over Billy. He doesn’t kiss him at midnight though because he hasn’t realized the depth of his feelings for Billy. Billy is confused because it seems like Steve is about to make a move before he stops himself and he confronts the Alpha and tells him to stop giving him mixed signals. He knows that Steve doesn’t want him so why does he keep acting like he does? Steve has no explanation other than his instincts and Billy shouts at him that he’s an omega in front of everyone and he leaves. Steve hurries to catch him but Hopper and Susan block him off, with Joyce comforting Billy, telling him to come back the next day. Steve makes up his mind after talking to Nancy and Jonathan that he wants to court Billy and make him his regardless of his designation so he shows up the next morning bright and early with a courting gift and flowers.
Billy’s a morning person and he took over cooking so even if he had red-rimmed eyes from crying over Steve, he was making waffles for the kids since everyone stayed over at the Byer’s residence. Surprisingly, Joyce and Susan were becoming fast friends in the wake of everything that happened and whenever they would do anything related to Neil, all of the kids would be left together with the older siblings left to watch. Since Jonathan would usually have a side hussle, it would usually be Billy left with Will, El and Max. Jonathan was usually the last one up so Billy had been the one assigned to breakfast duty and he loved it.
Billy’s still in his pajamas with an apron over it when he opens the door to see Steve fully gussied up, holding a jewelry box and sunflowers. Steve is stunned by the sight of Billy so soft so he basically blackscreens and thrusts the flowers to Billy, “What the fuck, Harrington?” “Please let me court you.”
Billy closes the door on him in a panic and the kids freak out, since they know about Billy being an omega now and they have a quick should he or should he not with the kids and they vote in favor of it. Billy slowly opens the door and invites Steve in to elaborate. Steve says he wants Billy to be his and has for a while even if he didn’t exactly know it. He wants to take care of Billy just like he had before but he wanted Billy to be his. Billy is a blushing mess who hasn’t even had the chance to look decent but he agrees to it.
Steve is exceedingly romantic and possessive. When school starts up again, he and Billy have only gone on a couple of dates but he walks in, all King Steve with his hand in Billy’s back pocket. Billy had been banned from using blockers for the next six months so the whole school knew the second he walked in and it became the talk of the town how Neil Hargrove had forced his poor omega son to pretend he was an alpha and he couldn’t show his face in public anymore. He eventually left town after signing the divorce papers and the restraining order with Hopper growling at him he was a lucky son of a bitch that he was even allowing him to leave a free man and not as a criminal.
With Billy finally free, season three doesn’t happen as expected. The mindflayer does still get free but when it tries to attack Billy, Steve is there with his walkie-talkie and he calls El and Hopper to come to Brimborn Steelworks before Billy touches the goop. They deal with it properly with Billy making makeshift molotovs from the shit he has in the car for the trip he and Steve were supposed to be making. They only really have the Russians to deal with after and they leave that to the adults again since Steve would have a lot more to worry about if he left his omega for the taking or something. Hopper would get Dr. Owens to call in the military because it’s cold war shit and he gets the soldiers to cover them while he and El close up the gate. Steve tells Hopper at lunch about the Russian code and the military is there that night, interrogating the kids about what they know and they storm the place, getting a defector named Alexei who opened the gate.
Something weird is happening between Hopper, Susan and Joyce since Hopper is an alpha, Susan is a beta and Joyce is an omega but all of their kids live in blissful ignorance until the parental units combine households and they’re sharing one room. They can afford to do so after the government hush money came in again after the whole incident.
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bethhiraeth · 3 years ago
Surviving High School English- A Guide
We've all been there: It's the night before your essay is due and you haven't even cracked open the book. You are staring down at a blank word document.
English can be a very hard subject, particularly if you are taking it at advanced levels such as IB or AP. English happens to be my favourite subject, so I thought I share a secret:
99% of English is bullshit.
So, I suppose this post is simply a guide to bullshitting effectively. I am going to focus on English, but it can be applied to other humanities subjects like history as well.
Sparknotes and LitCharts are your best friends.
I get it. Reading is hard. I personally love to read, and always try my best to reads the books for class, but I get that that is sometimes not possible. So just jump onto Sparknotes or LitCharts. Both have full summaries of most classic books, and a lot of popular contemporary books that are used in schools. The page for each book also has chapter-by-chapter summaries, character breakdowns, analyses of major themes and motifs, and even essay ideas.
Seriously. Use them.
2. Audiobooks
I love audiobooks. I get at least half my reading done through them. I like using Audible the best (no affiliate link. I just love it!). You can get your first audiobook free, and they have a whole catalogue of books that are included if you are a member. Seriously, normalise audiobooks. They have saved my ass so many times when I have had to read a big book in a short amount of time. The best thing about them is that you can listen to them while you do other things. Doing chores, driving, making dinner, even going for a run. And if you have dyslexia, it will be a lifesaver for you.
3. Know a few things, but know them well
Do a close reading of a few chapters. Know examples of one motif by heart. Having vague knowledge is no good to anyone, least of all yourself. Hone in on a few key points, and know them inside and out. You can afford to do this in English. Again, Sparknotes and Litcharts are great for this. Choose one theme, and read their page on it. It's as simple as that!
4. If your text was set in/ published in a different time era, do some very basic research on that period
For example, Of Mice and Men (a great book, btw) was both published and set in the 1930's. It is set in California. This is important because many of the story's main themes and motifs are based around this. The themes of the American Dream and minority rights are very prevalent throughout the book. Steinbeck was trying to make a statemnt. And if we didn't know the social context of the time, we would not be able to analyse it. So do your research, even if it is very basic
5. If you are not sure, it is probably a reference to the Bible, or Shakespeare, or Greek Mythology
Literally. Give me any classic book, and I could point out a hundred references to these three. Your English teacher will certainly give you extra points for picking up any allusions of this sort. Once again, on both Sparknotes and Litcharts, most books have a page dedicated to the literary allusions present in them. Use. This.
6. Utilize Tumblr
It sounds silly, but you are much more likely to remember what happened/major themes if you read them from shitposts. Engage people with discussions! Talk about your thoughts on the book, ask them for theirs! There is a very good chance that practically every book has been fandomised on this hellsite. I recently had an incredibly interesting and insightful discussion about the phenomenon of Sherlock Holmes and its effect on modern fan culture. Wouldn't that make a great essay?
7. If you can find any evidence whatsoever, then to your English teacher it is good enough.
If you can successfully argue a point, then you will do well on your essay! Anyone seen that post about the person who wrote an essay that Hamlet was partially blind, and they ended up getting a really high mark for it? That is what I am talking about! Argue that Jay Gatsby was gay, that Sherlock Holmes was autistic and that Dorian Gray had ADHD. Write a whole essay proving that George was in love with Lennie or that Heathcliff is a werewolf. Claim that everyone in Pride and Prejudice is an alien. I don't care (although I would love to read the alien one!). Seriously, I have talked to my English teacher about this: as long as you can find evidence and defend your claim, it is true in the eyes of your teacher.
8. Actually listen in class
I may just be lucky, but every English teacher I've ever had has supplied the class with a lot of the information above, such as the historical context of the story.
9. Start early and over-outline
If your essay is an assignment and not an exam, my advice is to start as soon as you know what the task is! Even if you write the title, and start mulling it over in your head. Write down any ideas you have immediately, take quotes from the book, the author and even others. Once you have your ideas, outline, outline, outline! This is my greatest advice for any subject you need to write an essay for! Don't make the outline rigid, but put down all your ideas. Be silly with it, using abbreviations and swear words and memes. Just get your points down. This fights procrastination too, becuase you think you are only outlining. Once you have everything out in a rough order, all you have to do is open up a blank document and put it into formal and pretentious language. I usually find that if my outline is a bit less than half my word count, then I will be good to go once I have typed it all up. The ratio might be different for you. See what works.
And there you go! You have just written yourself a world-class essay with all of your knowledge of the book! I'm so proud of you!
I hope this has been helpful. These are the ways I personally work. If I think of anything else I will add it on.
Happy reading! (Or Sparknote-ing lol)
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