#bash x florian
warningsine · 2 years
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royalarmyofoz · 6 years
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glow: 2.01 - viking funeral
bash + prep day
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jackiedaytona · 6 years
me as i think about bash howard and florian: Can I Get a Canon Divergence Fic? CAN I PLEASE GET A CANON DIVERGENCE FIC?
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dailynetflixglow · 7 years
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glow meme » five relationships ↳ I understand the shackles of family expectations.Your father's got nothing on my mother. Trust me
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decafcosmiclatte · 6 years
bash is gay and in love with florian pass it on
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Halloween Bash
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A/N: Hey y’all! This is gonna be chapter 7.2 leading up to chapter 8. I’ve been meaning to get this out and it’s a day late🤣but hey it’s out! Let’s get into it! Oh! And make sure to read Lore Olympus on Webtoon!
Warnings: blood, gore (spooky right?)
Word count: 3,111
Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines @themyscxiras @designerwriterchic @honeychicana @crushed-pink-petals @dc41896 @chaneajoyyy @titty-teetee @ljstraightnochaser @mimigemrose @fumbling-fanfics @madamslayyy @amelatonin @screamingdrago @breddiefrooks @ellixthea __________
Two weeks after Florian’s birthday, some would say I had a break from planning. No that is a lie, I have several things to do. With Halloween Bash coming up: graduation, Cynthia and John’s wedding and trying to figure out when Florian and I were going to move everything was a blur.
Yes we’re moving in together and we haven’t told anyone yet. He practically lives with me now in my barely manageable condo, but we make due with what we have once he’s finally ready to pick a city to stay with me. I’m ready to move to either Atlanta or LA, at most.
Last minute touches on my costume, Persephone from Lore Olympus on Webtoon, I had to make sure my pink wig and black dress were presentable. The black spiked crown on my head was a pretty durable headband, which presented me as the queen of the underworld. The different shades of pink from Mehron body paint, made my body look like a decedent piece of strawberry laffy taffy.
“Is Hades ready to go? We gotta meet the folks at the venue, the planner picked an old mansion.”
The lipstick I picked was a subtle dark pink, but doable. Grabbing my heels and my black clutch, I saw my giant bear struggling with his tie.
“Florian! We gotta go, now”
With his cute pout, he huffed in defeat. “I’m trying draga. But I think the blue paint is coming off.”
“I told you I had to spray you with setting body paint spray.”
“Come help me please?”
“Fine.” Grabbing his tie and folding it for him gently, then grabbing the setting spray for the body paint. The paint was on his forearms: his chest, face and neck. I’m surprised it stayed in place, not to mention the white hair wax I did for his hair or the 2 inches of hair he does have. This man looked like the perfect king of the underworld.
The white button up was opened at the 4 buttons, his sleeves were rolled up a quarter of a way on his forearms for the body paint to work out better. The black vest made a great contrast with the whole ensemble, pulling off the perfect king look with the chain around his neck.
“So you make a really hot looking Hades. I’m Surprised you didn’t let me do the wig.”
“Me in a wig, baby girl? Nah not gonna happen at all. Now you can put the iridescent contacts in my eyes.”
Grabbing the prescription contacts and placing them in his eyes gently, I did the same with my red one's. I never knew I’d look hot as the queen of the Greek mythology, and I make it work.
“Ready to go my queen of the underworld?” He offered his hand to me, after putting.
Lacing our fingers together, tugging him behind me as we headed towards the car, I got into character and praying to the gods that I didn’t trip on my dress.
“I hope Minthe won’t be there, because I’d hate to rip her a new one.”
“Oh please, she wouldn’t dare- Gege what is that?”
His eyes went wide at the sleek black convertible that I had rented for the night. My uncle let me borrow it and I promised I’d bring it back in one piece.
I dangled the keys in front of his face being all tantalizing. “You can’t be Hades, king of the Underworld, without a good car. Now can you?”
“Damn I love you.” He grabbed them keys from me with a giddy expression.
“Oh I know. Let’s go, we got a party to host.”
-The Party-
The spooky ambiance of the mansion was alive, despite the fact that there were a few zombies in the place. Receiving compliments about our costumes felt magical and so heartfelt, we showed a lot of pride into making these costumes and for people to say they loved them meant all the difference.
“You know how to throw a party Geneva. This is amazing.”
“Amazing set up Geneva.”
“Thank you guys! Enjoy the party.”
The smirk Florian gave me was full of conviction and love. He knew exactly how much I loved party planning and decorating, it was like my zen time.
“Time for an announcement?” Florian arches a brow.
“That it is my dear king, that it is. But first I need to remain calm and find my voice. I’ll be down soon.” Placing a kiss on his cheek, I headed towards the big dining hall to give myself a quick pep talk.
“See you soon love. I’ll go find the boys.”
Greeting the guests on my way, I noticed an cat statue on the counter in front of the mirror. Why would anyone want to leave part of their just laying there?
“Someone must be missing this.” As soon as I touched it, I noticed a reflection looking back at me in the mirror.
“Well, well. You freed me from my prison, I thank you oh great queen.” The voice echoed at me, I realized it was a goddess trapped in the statue once the image was clear.
“Your prison, you were trapped in there? Why exactly?”
The goddess smiled at me and leaned out of the mirror in front of me. “Crimes of death I didn’t commit. Love and all that craziness. I, Minthe a naiad-nymph of Mount Mintha, have been summoned by the next great queen to help carry out her destiny.”
“Next great queen?” Was I losing it or can anyone else see her in the mirror? A few guests walked by and gave me a strange look, I assured them I was getting ready for a speech soon and they carried on.
“Yes you.” Without missing a beat, Minthe slithered out of the mirror and into me without warning. I glanced into the mirror once again and noticed one darker red eye opposite of my contact.
“Now you’re dressed a Greek goddess from a comic book is it? Now you have a nymph inside of you, I am going to help you feel confident and sexy again. Along with having fun, besides I am going to give you the confidence boost you have craved for so long.”
How did she know I was struggling with my confidence? Was I being watched from deities?
“How did you know that?” I asked while trying to keep my cool.
“The gods know all, my dear. Now let me do my work.”
“But I-” She took over my body and somehow added more sex appeal to my whole demeanor.
“Ah ah. Now we have a speech to deliver. Let’s go.” Once again she took over my body and guided it towards the foyer railing that looked over at everyone in the galley.
As Minthe had full control of my body, I knew this wasn’t going to end well. As she clapped my hands in an attempt to get everyone’s attention, the room got quiet and all eyes were on me. Well I’d say Minthe to be exact.
“Hear ye, hear ye! Ghouls, goblins, vampires, wolves and everything in between. Let’s do what others deem rather odd: let’s party!”
The crowd roared in cheers and hollers, the music played through the giant mansion and I had enjoyed the ambiance of it all. Much to Florian’s discretion, he was just hanging with the boys for the rest of the party. Till he caught up with me to see how I was doing, he places a kiss on my cheek and I let him know I was doing alright.
“Let me know if you need my queen.”
“I will my king.” I chuckled nervously, trying to tell him but he left. He didn’t know about Hathor being stuck inside me, and I had to tell him, Hathor however had other plans.
“Ah ah ah. Little Geneva, I’m here to help you out and get your sexy back. Because your man deserves a queen after all, as fine as he is.”
“News flash your royal ass-ness, I am all the queen he needs and then some. I’m just not as confident anymore as i used to be is all. Back off my man now and listen to me good: I love all things Greek, but you’re pissing me off now.”
With a slight huff, as I attempted to lean against the wall Minthe yanked my body away gaining full control over me. “Now, now princess, let a real queen show you how it’s done to make a man quiver in desire. He’s like now.”
I had no control over my own body, it was as if I were floating across a cloud just hanging on by a thread of sorts. Now I know how Eddie Brock feels when Venom took over. Hathor had a filled time at the party, she even decided to be sneaky and slip my thong off, slipping it into Florian’s back pocket all the while smacking his as one good time before venturing off into the sea of people.
“Geneva, you’re gonna get it.” I could hear him growl playfully but I couldn’t tell him anything. I felt like Ursula took my voice, and I needed to get to the bottom of this spell.
“Catch me if you can, Hades.” the seductive tone the deity used in place of my own voice, was like a siren calling a sailor to shore and my own boyfriend fell for it.
If anyone knew it wasn’t like me to be this way, and if I tried, I'd be embarrassed from the jump. The next several days were antagonizing to say the least, being that she never left my body and the way Florian worshipped the ground I walked on was astounding. He was under a spell of sorts, but not completely.
Whenever Hathor would take over she’s get the special treatment of Florian’s kisses and soft touches. It wasn’t me getting the loving at all and it hurt me, to the point where I had to seek help. Surprisingly, there was a woman in Cairo that specializes in these types of situations and could help me out. There was just one problem: I had to go to Athens.
Upon the research I have done, I may have surprised my man and all our friends with a random trip to Athens. So much for getting a few new pairs of shoes with that money, but my life was more important. Needless to say, it all went all for everyone. Well all except for me anyway, I couldn’t sleep with a rambunctious goddess in my head wanting to fuck my boyfriend for the millionth time.
I was never one to show excessive PDA in public and Florian knew why. Jake has ruined it for me to be affection in public and it did hurt Florian so much because he loved showing me off. I would do a Little yet, I feared he’d be annoyed with me.
I shouldn’t compare him to Jake, because that’s a low blow. It’s just as if I was afraid of him, we promised to be honest with one another and I wasn’t doing my part. So when he noticed I was being all on him like a hyena on a dead animal, and the times I drew back, he knew something was wrong.
Everyone was enjoying what Athens had to offer, I was as well a few times but today was worse. I couldn’t go to the oasis with everyone else and Hathor was screaming inside my head.
“Geneva? Are you ok, because you’ve been acting funny.” Florian asked gently, holding my hand as I looked out the window. Minthe didn’t sneak up on me this time around, so I could actually talk to him.
Breathing in and out, to catch my bearings, to explain to him what’s the reason for this random trip.
“I need to explain to you what all this is for.”
“What is going on?” He sat by me in the bed, holding my right hand genuinely and kissed my head.
“You know those times when I would basically pounce on you or be extra touchy feely and not remember?”
“Well there’s a nymph inside of me, not the good kind, but at the party someone left a cat alter in the formal dining room of the house and I touched it.” I sniffled and felt a few tears falling down my cheeks.
“So she is why I've been acting strange. I want to be more confident and sexy around you, and I can’t even do that without feeling insecure.” My voice cracked and I started sobbing.
Next thing I know, Florian hugged me close to his warm body to console me. “You will always be the only one for me. Regardless of how you show affection towards me, I can help you break out of that my love.”
Somehow that switched Minthe over but I fought her back a bit. “There’s this old lady I met with earlier, that can do rituals with deity separation. I could either keep her, or do the separation.”
Now why would you want to separate from me?
“Because I want you out of my life you dingbat!”
“Geneva..” Florian arched a brow, looking at me in shock.
“Florian, Florian baby listen to me- leave her and be with me Munteanu~” the switch was nonstop, my eyes changed from what I could tell from the mirror behind him and I could tell Florian seemed like he was losing his mind.
“Uh you guys! I need help!”
Our friends rushed in, in shock at how dark and sinister my eyes seemed as I kept looking in the mirror. Next thing I knew, Hathor moved my body over towards the mirror; punches it and grabs a broken shard waving it around scaring our friends.
Minthe’s threats were sickening. “Oh now look, cowards all of you. How would you feel if I just hurt your little friend, hmm?”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Florian growled.
Chris was right behind him. “Let her go now.”
She chuckled darkly while I tried to scream but it was to no avail. “No wonder Mandy wanted her gone. It was a good idea to plant the altar in the parlor.”
“Wait.” Roxie interjected. “Mandy planted the cat altar at the party?”
Miyah sighed shaking her head. “She wasn’t even invited and yet she knew where it would be.”
“She was dressed at Minthe at the party. It makes sense now.” Cleo gulped a bit and looked at Minthe who has full control.
“That’s right, and now I’m going to finish the job.” I could feel the glass shard dig into my wrist of my left arm and drag down causing blood to surface and drip on the floor.
Florian was too slow to catch the shard before it cut me. They were all trying to get the shard away from her, but she was too strong and moved towards the balcony. Once both arms were sliced from the wrists to the middle of my arms, nearly showing the bone, she then places the shard against my neck.
“Say goodbye to your precious Geneva.” One final slice upon my neck and I woke up in a cold sweat and blood curdling scream.
“Geneva! Gege, you ok? We heard screaming.” Florian must’ve ran upstairs quick.
“I think so. I guess- I guess it was all a nightmare.” Looking around the room, I saw my costume still on the chair by my vanity and Florian still in his workout clothes. Must’ve been some dream then.
“Wanna talk about it?” He rubbed my shoulders and kissed my head while sitting next to me on the bed.
“Well, it was all so dark and sinister. I had a Greek nymph trapped inside of me, to help me be more sexy and confident around you. Yet it backfired and she wanted you, and she tried to kill me. She was trapped inside of a cat statue and I touched it.”
The look of fear and dread was etched on Florian’s face, as he reached over and hugged me close.
“You don’t have to worry about being too sexy and too confident for me. I love you no matter what, and your sexiness is just perfect for me and only me. Confidence is out of this world too, so no matter what I will always love you. Now what caused this nightmare of yours?”
“I love you too Florian, forever and always.” Sighing gently, I looked around the room and noticed the Grecian wine glass on my nightstand that had Assyrtiko wine in it.
“This wine I had earlier. I just had some and- shit it was from Mandy to you.” I sucked my teeth and sighed angrily.
“When did she send the wine? And it was made a month ago, maybe it was the glass it came with.”
Sniffing the glass a bit, I smelled essence of geranium on the rim of the glass. I tossed it and it shattered on the floor.
“What the hell Geneva!”
“It had geranium essence on the rim. I’m gonna kill her, but after Halloween. I have a party to attend to.”
Getting up off the bed, I sniffled a bit and closed my eyes in thought. “I’m sorry for how I reacted. I just don’t like her at all and I need you by my side for this party. I need my Hades by my side.”
Placing a kiss upon my head, he hugged me once more. Making me feel secure and safe all over again. “I will be there right next to you, just like I am with everything else. The king does need his queen.”
His words always meant the world to me, kept me sane on most days and was the strength I needed.
“Let’s get ready. The crew is gonna come over soon so we can all get ready together.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll clean up the glass, don’t need anyone getting hurt.” He offered a sweet smile before leaving to clean up with broken glass.
What would I do without this man? Id probably be in my own head even more than I already am, and I’m so blessed to have him in my life. No matter what I went through, he was there.
“Let’s get this Halloween bash started right!” I heard Roxie’s voice downstairs, bringing a smile to my face. Time to get into the spirit.
Remember don’t accept gifts from people who have it out for you. Happy Halloween from my crew to yours!
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samsylviasmoustache · 7 years
Stranger Things
Sam tries to get a handle on Bash and Florian. 
There is a clunking sound followed by an almost humorous elastic-twanging sploing. Sam looks up from the camera to see Bash’s butler rubbing his elbow ruefully.
“You alright?”
“Yeah,” the kid calls back. What’s his name now? Florida or something? “Just these ropes are kinda hard to fix.”
Sam would be the first to admit he’s not really the practical type, but needs must. “Want a hand?”
“Yeah, that would be great actually.”
He jumps up into the ring. At least that’s the intention. It’s always so much taller than he expects, and what he intends as a leap turns into more of an arthritic lumber. An unwelcome reminder of mileage on the clock. “What do I do?”
Florian hand him the length of pink elastic. “Just hold these there while I fix the other side.”
It turns out to be surprisingly hard, muscles in his arm screaming by the time the kid comes over to finish the job. “Tougher than it looks,” volunteers Sam.
“Mmm. I normally have Tim and Dale help but they’re MIA…”
“Tim and— who?”
“Oh, yeah, I don’t think you met. Buddies from my gym. They helped build the ring at the Heyworth last time. Carried some of the wrestlers in.”
“Oh.” He vaguely remembers those titanic hulks in bowties – should have figured they were unlikely to have come from Ruth’s address book. “Cool. Where is everyone, anyway?”
“Uh, I think they all went for lunch.”
“You weren’t hungry?”
The kid’s face fixes in a polite smile, so practiced it almost convinces. “No, I wanted to get this finished.”
And it’s none of his business, really. Why should he give a shit about this kid and whatever tragic backstory lies behind those puppy dog eyes? Over the decades he’s heard them all, lived some of them too.
“Wanna go get some now?”
Apparently, he’s less of a cynic than he thought.
Sam puts down the basket of fries, taking a handful for himself. “So,” he says, swallowing a mouthful of potato. “What’s the deal with you and Bash anyway?”
Another faint smile. “I’m his butler.”
“He pays you?”
“Yeah, of course he pays me.”
“But you’re friends too, right?”
Florian nods. “We went to school together.”
“Right.” He drums his fingers on the table, trying to think of a polite way to phrase his next question. “How does that work then?”
The kid laughs, politely confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I kind of assumed that Bash went to some fancy school—”
“What, and I’m not fancy?” The kid’s face is still carefully blank but there’s a sense, somewhere, of a fuse burning now.
“I don’t mean it as an insult,” Sam tries to explain. “But yeah. You work as a butler providing fruit-loop aperitifs for a giant man-child. That doesn’t scream fancy to me.” He scrubs his moustache in the awkward silence that follows, starting to regret his offer of lunch.
Florian takes a long sip of his diet coke. “Have you met Birdie?”
“Who?” Sam scowls in confusion at the apparent non-sequitur.
“Bash’s mom,” Florian continues patiently.
“Oh. Yeah.” He shudders. “Not, you know, up close.”
This time Florian’s smile is genuine, he’s almost sure. “Yeah, she can take people like that. But she’s serious about improving the lives of the underprivileged. You know, in her own way.” He finishes another fry. “My mom was in service at another fancy house around the corner, and Birdie had this big… campaign to get all of us housekeeping kids a decent education.”
“She paid for your school?”
Florian nods. “And not just mine.”
“Fuck.” He sits back, considering this.
“I don’t think it worked out quite the way she intended,” Florian adds, quietly.
“She doesn’t like you either, huh?”
“Guess I’m a bad influence on Bash.”
“Mmm.” There’s a lot loaded into the silence that follows this pronouncement, Florian quietly finishing his drink. Calm, on the surface at least, but watching Sam’s fingers tapping on the countertop like a cat.
Sam puts his chin in his hand. He’s not good at these kind of conversations. “Well, what the fuck does she know anyway?” he tries. “Is that why you’re not eating lunch with them?”
“Oh, no,” says Florian lightly. “I know how much Bash likes to talk about the wrestling with the girls. Particularly Miss Wade.”
“Miss W—Oh, Carmen, right? Yeah. I guess she is kind of wrestling royalty. If you’re into that sort of thing.”
That thin smile again, sharp under the surface, if you know how to look for it. “And Bash is definitely into it.”
His fingers start drumming again. Look kid, he wants to say, it’s a fucked-up crazy world and you’ll regret it if you let your life slide by serving tinned peaches as hor d'oeuvres to washed up movie moguls and wannabe actresses, waiting for the right time. You won’t be the first in this town to live that kind of life, nor the last.
But—but—Florian’s just a kid, not a grizzled director still riding hard on the coat tails of former success. And God knows it’s not 1978 anymore, when he last dipped a toe in those waters. The world’s changed; the spectre of whatever the fuck killed Rock Hudson swirling around Hollywood now. Fear making people angrier than ever before.
He pulls out his packet of cigarettes instead. “You smoke?” Florian nods, accepting his offer. “You should talk to Bash,” he says, making a play of lighting his cigarette. “About some of those Oscar winning ideas you have.”
“Hah, you think he’d get you to direct them?”
Sam takes a deep drag. “Who the fuck knows, kid? Stranger things have happened.”
“Right,” says Florian. “Stranger things.”
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kidneylover666 · 7 years
aaah i ship carmen and bash and i also ship them as best friends but i also ship bash with florian
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landlordevil · 5 years
LIKE the fact that bobby no longer has a show after the complete wreckage of his libertine ball... the fact that arthie and yolanda and countless other lgbt people had to face hate on such a visceral and lethal level.... still no justice for florian i see.... and bash really has the audacity to fuck over rhonda's life but coming from a real place of hurt and fear i don't blame him... i really don't give a shit about ruth x sam sorry folks
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warningsine · 2 years
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royalarmyofoz · 6 years
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glow: 2.01 - viking funeral
bash + florian
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fullysowerewolf · 5 years
GoT Fics Prompts/Ideas
I’ve been brainstorming various ideas for Game of Thrones fics, but I’m not likely to write any of them. So I’m offering them up for free for any aspiring writer to pick up and turn into a story.
Richard III AU: Some unfortunate events end leading to Tyrion having to take the throne with his new wife Sansa at his side. But the game still continues as enemies plot to take advantage of this new upset in the status quo. Can Tyrion as the new king truly set Westeros on the right path? Can Sansa find some way to happiness through her new position? Will they be the rulers Westeros has been waiting for or is another coup on the horizon?
Pairings: Sanrion, possibly Tyrigaery if author is inclined, Braime, some Cersei x Jaime in the beginning, Tyrion x Shae for a little while
Other: Joffrey dies early on, Tommen is rendered too sickly to rule, and Myrcella’s in Dorne so.. Tyrion & Varys friendship, Tyrion & Jaime brotherly feels, Brienne & Sansa friendship, Tywin and Cersei bashing and scheming, a fuck ton of political maneuvering, Littlefinger and the Tyrells scheming heavily, Tyrion being a magnificent bastard when it comes to politics, Sansa learns more about playing the game (slowly, but she learns).
The Wolves Come Again AU: Tywin’s plans of making Tyrion the Warden of the North go through and him and Sansa are taken up North to reclaim Winterfell in the Lannister’s name. But the North Remembers, and so does Sansa as her and remaining Stark loyalists begin to dream of uprising once again for independence. Tyrion is caught in the middle between family/house loyalty and sympathy for his wife’s family and the Northern people. All the while the outcasted Boltons and Stannis set their eyes on Winterfell for their own power games. Will the Wolves finally get their due?
Pairings: Sanrion, Jon x Alys Karstark, Gendarya, Sam x Gilly
Other: Heavy Sansa & Brienne friendship, Eventual Theon feels & Theon & Sansa familiarity, Lots of Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey bashing because fuck them, The Boltons are their own warning, Sandor being a surrogate dad to the Stark sisters, the Dire Wolves return, Northern Resistance for the win & Tyrion’s along for the ride, Lyanna and Bear Island awesomeness, lots of Robb references, Sansa does her damnedest to do Robb proud.
Three Kings AU: After the burning of King’s Landing and the death of the two Mad Queens, the remaining lords and ladies are at a loss of how to resolve the inheritance to the throne. Three valid claimants/heirs yet live, yet neither truly wants to rule. Until Samwell Tarly comes up with a solution based off of the multiple kings of Volantis. With a King in the North (Jon Snow, now Stark), a King in the West (Tyrion Lannister), and a King in the East (Gendry Baratheon), can the new Six Kingdoms truly be rebuilt and make it to Spring?
Pairings: Sanrion, Gendarya, possible Jon x somebody, Sam x Gilly, small Brienne x Tormund
Other: The Dornish & Ironborn get their independence, Jon rules the Vale, North, and Riverlands, Tyrion rules the Westerlands and Reach, Gendry rules the Stormlands and the former Crownlands.
Cersei’s rule is technically valid as she pretty much won it through force/conquest, which makes Tyrion her heir as her last close family relation,
Jon smartens the hell up after the Daenerys fiasco and resolves himself to be a better king,
Tyrion is depressed and lonely,
Sansa is conflicted about what she truly wants (security vs.risk/contentment vs. potential happiness),
Arya struggles with the idea of femininity and her views of what a “lady/queen” is (eventually comes to “fuck tradition”),
Jaime and Brienne closure, Tormund and Brienne are friends with benefits eventually, Gendry has no clue what to do & Davos is patient,
Bronn gets the Twins and not Highgarden because no, also he’s not Master of Coin because no,
Tyrion and various Lannister/Westerlands drama due to the whole kinslaying thing, Rebuilding Westeros
The Wolf Queen, Her Lady Knight, and the Captured Lions: Tyrion and Jaime get caught by Daenerys and are imprisoned at Dragonstone, their executions held off by Jon until he can find a way to stop her. Sansa and Brienne learn of this and resolve to save their dumbass lion husbands through a big damn rescue. Sansa had given up long ago ever imaging her life as a song, but never in her wildest dreams did she ever think her song would be this.
Pairings: Sanrion, Braime, some Gendarya mentions
Other: “You want him? Go get him. And so she did.” Tormund gives relationship advice to Sansa. Sansa fights for man and family, no matter how stupid they are at decision-making. Brienne has Words for Jaime. And a punch. Tormund’s there to for Brienne and to try and help/save his bro Jon. Gendry’s along for the ride cause he figures forest lass is in danger too. They take the fastest ship like Catelyn did when she went to King’s Landing. No time to waste. Daring rescue. Tyrion’s completely flabbergasted that Sansa’d do all this for him. Probably a big damn kiss happens between the two. Sansa’s the Florian to Tyrion’s Jonquil. Brienne wards off a dragon, maybe? The Lannibros are locked in the highest room in the tallest tower.
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dailynetflixglow · 7 years
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Lucky Charms, anyone?
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cursehqs · 5 years
mw male kpop fcs and disney characters thatd fit them?
oof i could go on forever about this !!
firstly, i’d love to see more of the bts boys !! bring us our hyung line sunshines please here with ideas for each of our available boys ( though taehyung has been taken since making the post !! )
secondly, i know gigi and i would both give an organ or two for some of the boys from nct !!
taeyong could easily fit the available princes, as well as piglet, roo, any of the dalmatian pups, hans, tweedle dee or tweedle dum, or the mice from cinderella
johnny would make a fantastic scamp, this is my ultimate fancast. please. i could also see him as hans, one of the lost boys, luke skywalker, or nick wilde 
yuta could fit figaro, howl, huey, dewey, louie, one of the seven dwarves, chip or dale, haku, or one of the princes !!
lucas is highly requested as either li shang or mushu, and i could also see him fitting a lost boy, one of the seven dwarves, nemo, or flounder
winwin ( sicheng ) would also make a wonderful mushu, as well as any of the other princes, dumbo, peter pan, christopher robin, piglet, jiminy cricket, or one of the seven dwarves ( bashful in particular would be adorable i think )
ten is a living breathing disney prince so please bring me him as prince charming, prince philip, or prince florian !! i could also see him as andy davis, or phoebus !!
if you’d like suggestions for any more of the nct boys just send a message specifying who and we’d be happy to give you more suggestions !! 
i’d also love to see more members of monsta x ( we already have minhyuk & changkyun ). wonho, hyungwon and kihyun would make me especially happy !!
wonho would fit smee, the caterpillar, any of the seven dwarves, gaston, or carl fredricksen
hyungwon as nick wilde would end me. he’d also be good as figaro, one of the princes, hans, arthur, or sebastian
KIHYUN AS WINNIE THE POOH. thank u. that is all. 
exo boys such as baekhyun, chanyeol, jongin ( kai ), or chen would be greatly appreciated as well, though i’d love to see any of them here !! ( former members would be great too…i miss u luhan… )
i could see all of the exo boys as princes, so please !! please !! please !! give me that !!
i’m gonna end this here because it’s getting lengthy and admin gigi is possibly gonna be popping on to add more suggestions !! i hope this helped some, though
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samsylviasmoustache · 6 years
What are the biggest things that affected you this season, whether it be laughing, gasping, aww-ing, or crying! I Did a lot of that this season!
Great question. Melrose, Jenny and Rhonda never failed to make me laugh. I just, they steal every scene they’re in, the background work they do is amazing. Really hope we get more on particularly Jenny if we get S3! 
Aw-ing was Cherry and Keith. When he came to help her run lines, when she was locked in her trailer, the whole scene introducing Black Magic, when he talked about them maybe trying for a baby again… They are pretty much the only healthy relationship on the show and I love that consistently Keith is just here for Cherry, and doesn’t seem to have any kind of issue with her really being the major working partner in the relationship. 
I also aww-ed at Sam giving Justine the anti-septic wipe. “You just… give it to a person” was so ludicrously cute. Big cheer moments - Sam smashing up Tom’s car. Bash and Debbie’s Muppet’s Take Manhattan success. Gasp moments. All the Ruth x Sam ship in eps 6, 7, & 9. I really wasn’t expecting it. Crying - oh my God. So much crying. Tamme’s humilation. Ruth’s assault. Tears of frustration at Sam through most of eps 1-5 (I honestly thought I was going to have to change this blog handle because he was so hateful). But Florian’s death was probably the biggest one. Really wasn’t expecting it, and it was shot, scored and acted so brilliantly. 
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Heres my theory of what will happen to Bash’s storyline next season:
Bash realizes that he only married Rhonda to cope with his grieving over Florian's death. Rhonda will start to notice that he's not as in love with her as he claimed he was. Bash will eventually come to terms will his sexuality (gay or bi, not really sure which) and realize that he was in love with Florian. Hopefully we will also get some more insight on Bash and Florians relationship and it will be revealed the they were more than just employee/employer.
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