#based on the total eclipse of May 2013
Summer of Stancest: Love is Blind
“You think we’re going to need to set out camp soon?” Stan asked.
Ford looked up at the sky, the stars unfamiliar and distant. He licked his thumb and lifted it up to determine the direction of the wind.
“Well, we’re still heading East.”
“That didn't answer my question.”
Ford turned to him. Stan had been using a walking stick to guide him, but he had been surprisingly adept given his current circumstances. 
“We’ll need to go a few more meters. We’re going to go to the top of the hill, and then I can get ready to make my observations. 
“It's a pity I won't be able to help you.” Stan grumbled.
“Nonsense.” Ford declared, as he reached over, grabbing Stan’s hand tightly in his. “If there's anyone I could be with right now, at this moment, it's here with you.”
Stan sniffed, letting go and wiping his face with his arm. “My allergies are actin’ up. When did you say we’d be there?”
“The total eclipse will be visible from this point, and we’ll be away from the onlookers.” Ford replied. He gave a soft chuckle. “You know Stanley, you'd love it. They have a rock a few kilometers from us that's shaped like Winston Churchill, someone installed a pipe on it to make it look more ‘convincing,’ it's a veritable tourist trap.”
“Does it look like him?” Stan asked.
“Not really.”
Stan shrugged. “Eh, I think I'll be fine. Though I think it wouldn't be able to compete with the Sascrotch.” 
Ford sighed. “No, Stanley, I doubt anything could.”
They made their way up to the designated point and stood in silence. The sky was beginning to darken as there was a chill in their air. Ford grabbed his brothers hand as they felt an eerie peace descend upon them.
“So these doodads, they only show up at eclipses?”
“Total eclipses, and they aren't called doodads, but you know what? That's ok. I don't think it's necessary to explain…”
“No, tell me about them, Sixer.”
“I talked enough about them on the boat.” Ford replied. 
The darkness crept in as Ford reached for his bag and searched for the special UV goggles McGucket designed for him. Yes! He pulled them out, placing them over his glasses. Sure enough, there it was. The elusive Eclipse Moth, Ectopatria Luna. It was a curious species that only resurfaced from their cocoons on special conditions. Their iridescent, milky white wings almost made them impossible to see with the human eye, without the use of modern technology, or in the past, magic. As he turned the goggles on, he watched as swarms of blue violet wings floated through the sky in ribbons in a dark black expanse. 
“Their flight patterns were once considered omens, you know.” Ford said, mostly as an anecdote.
“Hmph.” Stan replied, holding onto his hand with a rough grip. “Could you interpret them?”
Ford shook his head, then remembered. “Doubtful.” He replied. “And I'm not going to make something up like Mom did.”
“That's a shame. Would have been nice to be able to look ahead for once.” Stan joked. 
“Stanley, do you trust me?” Ford asked. He wanted to take notes in his journal, but didn't want to let go just yet. Maybe he could remember for later. 
“You will get better, we will find a way to bring back your eyesight. And when we do, you will be able to see all of our adventures and more.” Ford reassured him.
“I don't care about any of that, Sixer.” Stan replied. “I just miss that I can't see your face anymore.”
Ford let go of Stan’s hand, and Ford could sense his brother tense up in uncertainty. Ford placed the goggles back in his bag, then turned to face Stan, both his hands on Stan’s face. 
“Stan, can you feel me?” Ford asked.
“Of course.” He replied, miffed. “Where are you going with this?
Ford leaned over, his face touching Stan, their noses pressed against each other. “You might not be able to see me right now, but I'm going to make up the difference where I can.” He leaned over to kiss him, and in those last few seconds of the eclipse, they were both in darkness together. 
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a S (Part 3)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Shinsekai yori (From the New World):
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-fi, SUpernatural
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Synopsis:  In the town of Kamisu 66, 12-year-old Saki Watanabe has just awakened to her psychic powers and is relieved to rejoin her friends—the mischievous Satoru Asahina, the shy Mamoru Itou, the cheerful Maria Akizuki, and Shun Aonuma, a mysterious boy whom Saki admires—at Sage Academy, a special school for psychics. However, unease looms as Saki begins to question the fate of those unable to awaken to their powers, and the children begin to get involved with secretive matters such as the rumored Tainted Cats said to abduct children. Shinsekai yori tells the unique coming-of-age story of Saki and her friends as they journey to grow into their roles in the supposed utopia. Accepting these roles, however, might not come easy when faced with the dark and shocking truths of society, and the impending havoc born from the new world. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 25 episodes. 
MY Thoughts: What a wild concept and execution. I feel like some bits were executed a bit poor but overall it’s an interesting anime worth at least a single watch in my opinion. 
Shisha no Teikoku (The Empire of Corpses):
Genres: Film, Sci-fi, Historical, Psychological
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Synopsis:  By the 19th century, humanity has cultivated technology enabling the reanimation of corpses. Unable to experience individual thoughts or emotions, the corpses are programmed by humans to act as laborers in various occupations. This newfound technology, however, comes with a catch. Science may be able to restore the corpses' ability to move, yet it cannot return what every corpse loses at death: the soul. But Doctor Victor Frankenstein, who vanished shortly after his revolutionary work on corpse reanimation, is said to have revived the only corpse in possession of a soul. In pursuit of this scientific knowledge, London medical student John Watson hopes to fulfill his promise to his late partner, Friday. After being scouted by a government agency, Watson is on a hunt to obtain Frankenstein's notes, which he believes hold the key to the secrets of the soul. During his search, Watson uncovers the harsh realities of the developing corpse technology and the price he must pay to advance his research. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 5/10
A film released in 2015.
My Thoughts: Very clear Frankenstein influence. Pretty bleh. Nothing great. Not worth a watch. 
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu:
Genres: Drama, Historical, Josei
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Synopsis: Yotarou is a former yakuza member fresh out of prison and fixated on just one thing: rather than return to a life of crime, the young man aspires to take to the stage of Rakugo, a traditional Japanese form of comedic storytelling. Inspired during his incarceration by the performance of distinguished practitioner Yakumo Yuurakutei, he sets his mind on meeting the man who changed his life. After hearing Yotarou's desperate appeal for his mentorship, Yakumo is left with no choice but to accept his very first apprentice. As he eagerly begins his training, Yotarou meets Konatsu, an abrasive young woman who has been under Yakumo's care ever since her beloved father Sukeroku Yuurakutei, another prolific Rakugo performer, passed away. Through her hidden passion, Yotarou is drawn to Sukeroku's unique style of Rakugo despite learning under contrasting techniques. Upon seeing this, old memories and feelings return to Yakumo who reminisces about a much earlier time when he made a promise with his greatest rival. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is a story set in both the past and present, depicting the art of Rakugo, the relationships it creates, and the lives and hearts of those dedicated to keeping the unique form of storytelling alive. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2016 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: A masterpiece, one of my favourite animes to date and it even has a sequel! Great artwork, music, story and characters. A very interesting experience. That being said... it may not be an anime for everyone but if it interests you I highly recommend this particular title! 
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen:
Genres: Drama, Historical, Josei
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Synopsis:  Even after having risen to the utmost rank of shun'ichi, Yotaro struggles to find his own identity in the world of rakugo. Caught between his master's teachings and the late Sukeroku's unique style, his performance lacks an important ingredient—ego. And while his popularity packs the theaters, he is but one of the few; rakugo is under threat of being eclipsed. Meanwhile Yakumo, regarded by many as the last bastion of preserving the popularity of rakugo, struggles to cope with his elderly state. Even though his performances are still stellar, he fears that he is nearing his limits. His doubts grow stronger as an old friend creeps ever closer. Konatsu, for her part, attempts to raise her son as a single mother, which Yotaro is heavily opposed to. Instead, he seeks to persuade her to marry him and in turn raise her son as his own. In Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen, the curtains fall on Yotaro and Yakumo's story, tasked with restoring the near-obsolete art form as well as overcoming their internal conflicts. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Just as good, if not better than the first season. A perfect ending to a perfect story. 
Skip Beat!:
Genres: Comedy. Romance, Drama, Shoujo
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Synopsis:  Bright, diligent, and yet naïve 16-year-old Kyouko Mogami works hard to support the career and dreams of her childhood friend, crush, and rising pop icon, Shoutarou Fuwa. Toiling endlessly at burger joints and tea ceremonies, the innocent Kyouko remains unaware that day in day out, all her tireless efforts have been taken for granted, until, one day, she finds out that her beloved Shou sees her as nothing but a free servant. Shocked, heartbroken and enraged, she vows to take revenge on the rookie star by entering the ruthless world of entertainment herself. As she steps into this new life, Kyouko will face new challenges as well as people who will push her out of her comfort zone. Based on the best-selling shoujo manga by Yoshiki Nakamura, Skip Beat showcases the growth of a young woman who slowly unlearns how to work herself to the bone for the satisfaction of others and takes her future into her own hands instead. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2009 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: I do not love the artwork... but that can be easily overlooked. Honestly I can’t remember all that much about this particular anime. I do know that it has a manga which is much further along than the anime.... so maybe you should check that out first if you’re interested and watch the anime as extra after?
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kinomiakai · 5 years
Fic Decade in Review!
I thought I’d do something a little different this year - so, instead of going over all the fics I’ve written this year, let’s talk about this decade! They’re all SNS (except for the original stuff I’ll throw in there for the sake of accuracy) and will be under the cut :)
If you want to check out the actual summaries and stuff, this is my fanfiction.net account, here is my ao3, and here’s all my original work!
August: Konoha’s Number One (a dramatic dark!naruto thing that I only keep up to show that I’ve grown as a writer oh my god please don’t read it I’m just putting it here for the sake of honesty ajkhdksa)
August: Alcohol Induced (my first ever attempt at smut)
September: Perceptual Organization (my attempt to both study and write fic)
October: Worthless (my only ever attempt at first person)
we’re getting there
2016: (we take off!!)
October: How To Break a Mask is finished after 10 years (whoops), and I get an ao3 account!!! (HtBaM, Alcohol Induced, Perceptual Organization & Worthless are moved there - in the interest of time I’m only going to put ao3 links from now on but everything is also on ff.net!)
Still October: Both Name? and Strictly Professional are posted!
November: Home and The Jutsu are posted! (what the heck I wrote so fast back then???
2016 + prior word count total: 88,285!
January: I post Sleepless and Miscommunication and Masquerade! Woooo!
September: Posted both The Bet and Can’t Stand You! Can y’all tell I was trying to get better at smut lmao
October: Speaking of smut, Stress Relief was posted this month :D
December: I pause writing Enter Naruto to write Rebuilding in like a week like some sort of fever dream, and somehow have it ready for sns month! (I think this was a big turning point ksjdhkshf)
2017 Word count total: 60,784!
January: I post the first chapter of The Birthday Chronicles! (which was originally supposed to be a oneshot, oops)
February: I immediately follow it up with the prequel, The Present
April: I post Long Enough! which is definitely long enough to not be a oneshot but is the first fic I genuinely couldn’t bring myself to break into chapters
May: I update The Birthday Chronicles with another chapter that kinda sorta maybe stands alone?
June: I post Unnoticed!! Nice to be back in canon :)
July: I post Some Nights are a Storm! The first time I’ve wildly rewritten a fic. You guys are nice enough to want to read the first draft, too :)
July (again) to August: I start posting Enter Naruto on Sasuke’s birthday! I post a chapter a day and you guys read along and it’s amazing. It’s a culmination of at least two years work and every bit was worth it, I have such fond memories of that :) (A whole bunch of firsts here - writing Sasuke’s parents, writing Kakairu, writing slowburn, writing this MUCH, writing that many smut scenes, writing consistently over a long period of time)
September: I try my hand at one of my favourite tropes in (6+1) Times :) Also the first time I’ve ever written them as kids!
October: I post the third bit of The Birthday Chronicles!
November: I write Online for one tumblr prompt and A Night of Poor Choices for another!
December: I give a christmas gift to all my readers in the form of ‘Tis the Season (and I made a hard deadline!! Woohoo!)
2018 word count total: 203,850!!!! (lmao thanks Enter Naruto)
January: uhhhhh Under Pressure just kind of happens
February: I write C’mon in a burst of speed in the hopes of cheering up a very sweet anon!
March: we’re back in canon again for a flame, a cave and a feeling!
April: I fiiinnnaaalllly get around to write that Proposal x Wedding prompt and I take lots of liberties with tradition in Reborn by Flame!
June: I finally start posting Something Good! And you guys are all so sweet, even when I make you cry. (Definitely a sadder fic then I generally post, but I’m so glad you came along with me for the ride!) - /// - I also make a patreon and start posting my original work for the first time ever - starting with Some Sort of Feeling!
July: we celebrate Sasuke’s birthday to his unending annoyance in Sasuke’s “Not a Birthday Party” Birthday Party! - /// - (July’s patreon fic is The Worst Date Ever!!)
August: I give you guys a teaser & give a lovely anon a oneshot they requested in the form of Bite Me! (it’s gotten so long now friends. there’s so much happening please help) - /// - I also finally post a wlw fic on my patron as 🍀 (the girl from the bus stop)
September: I post Waiting for an Answer, based off an idea I had yeaaarrrsss ago! - /// - (Similarly, on patreon, I post The Woodcutter and The Witch, set in the world I’ve been thinking about for absolute ages!!)
October: I spend a whole bunch of way too late hours in a haze writing A Hostage Situation until somehow a fic just kind of morphs out of it
November: I finally get to share Moments, the piece I did for @eclipsed-zine​! I also post Undeniable, linking all my fics together :) - /// - On patreon I make up for last month by posting chapter 1 & chapter 2 of my long-term project: The Forest!
December: I forgo the christmas present in favour of making your yuletide gay with The Best Best Man! I get to finally write some proper inosaku in :D - /// - I post chapter 3 of the Forest on patreon, and my patreons vote for their christmas gift to be chapter 4 :D <3
2019 word count total: 137,965 of fanfic & 40,100 words of original content!
Stats of the decade: 39 fics - 539,984 words!
I’ll try to beat it in the next ten years :) Thanks for being part of my life, guys! It’s really been awesome to be able to invest myself into writing like this. I hope I can bring you all even more happiness in the next few years!
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shockingunleashed · 5 years
Write-Up: Finding Comfy Controllers. Critiques, Evaluation. - Elder Scrolls On-line
Select essentially the most current version quantity (until contraindicated, as we mentioned in an earlier lesson, by the specific needs of a mod in question). Anyway, back to the question of, what did it convey to the desk? Look over that page, read the first few, and then come back later when that you must know extra. Resource packs are nice for altering the look of a world, however to change the conduct of a world, you need to write some Java, or no less than edit some JSON files. So that's all it is advisable to know as to how to install Minecraft mods for Computer. And surf Youtube for Minecraft walkthroughs / Let's Play / Yogscast movies. Close this folder again and click on the Shaderpack you wish to play with. This could be a bit difficult because some sites might host infected information filled with malware and viruses, and you don’t want that.
JoyToKey: free but you can buy a license to support the developer. Library and press enter; then open 'Application Support' and at last 'minecraft'. If you are not sure of how to fix this, we recommend opening a Reside Chat or submitting a help ticket to our modpacks workforce. I've carried out this, and successfully created a trivial mod with it, but it is probably not where you need to begin. Mammoths are certainly one of the most important animals from this mod. One map that requires a resource pack is Mysterious East. Minecraftwiki's Map downloads tutorial. Not all Minecraft mods are created equal, so some may trigger crashes, corrupt save information or make the sport unplayable altogether. To get one of many objects you created in your mod, begin a world in inventive mode, then press 'e', click on on the rightmost tab of your stock, and scroll to the underside; you need to see it on the underside proper. Now to try consuming your meals, press Play, wield the brand new item as above, then switch to survival mode (/gamemode 0), run round until you get hungry (the wine glasses on the lower right of the HUD will begin emptying), then right click and hold. If it complains about hunks of patches not making use of, attempt it once more after installing the stipulations listed on the page linked above (e.g. "sudo apt-get set up wine astyle").
Check the information web page of the mod to make certain. minecraft kitchen of your mod can give you that info. To install it, see MinecraftForge's Installation/Supply page. See my Using Mods web page for semi-detailed instructions for a way to put in a pair fascinating mods on Home windows, Mac, and Linux. Minecraft, choosing the Forge profile; put in mods are at all times active. That is it! Subsequent time you run Minecraft, you will notice the mods that you put in on the Mods menu choice. In the primary Menu click the button Options and then Shaders. Click on the button done and have enjoyable enjoying Minecraft with Shaders. After installing the Minecraft Shaders Mod, open your Minecraft. You've gotten to install the GLSL Shaders Mod first. For the GLSL Shaders Mod you even have to install a number of Shader Packs. MinecraftForge has a lesser-recognized aspect: it offers a mod growth atmosphere, which incorporates a replica of MCP below the hood. Minecraftforge has a very scary tutorial, and wuppygaming has much more.
Observe that and then the essential Gadgets tutorial, and press 'Play' in Eclipse. To get a feel for it, watch the trailer, the official four half beginner's tutorial, a third-party tutorial, and a few pop track parodies based mostly on the game. Be at liberty to send me an email if you dont see it after april 2013! See any of the numerous tutorials for tips on learn how to obtain and run the installer. This used to be laborious, but not too long ago that they had a genius concept: create a easy installer. This is hard, and you may have to help, a minimum of to get began. However obviously, this is just the primary stage of growth for many lifeforms, and many of them have some kind of requirements that have to be met before they are often dropped at life. You absolutely have met totally different sorts of mobs, corresponding to pigs, chickens, horses, cows, bats, mooshrooms, and so forth. However after you have put in this mod, additionally, you will discover other creatures, similar to dinosaurs ! To make issues much more complicated, mods usually have incomplete or non-existent documentation. Remember to vote in the poll below and share your personal favorite things to do down under in the remark part.
If in vanilla, the mod can tell you info like an entity’s health, name, and look, however for blocks, it shows you things like the share till a block is broken and whether or not the block is harvestable or not. Copy the mod .jar file(s) you downloaded to the “mods” folder, found contained in the .minecraft folder. Copy the class files from the mod into the .jar file and exit. Simply install Forge, obtain the mod and replica it into your Mods folder. Head over to guide to installing minecraft mods or try the Minecraft Mod Checklist for a fairly updated record of the most recent mod variations and obtain areas. Once highlighted, drag the recordsdata to the minecraft folder, changing the recordsdata and confirming the action when prompted. Once highlighted, drag the information to the minecraft.jar folder, replacing the files and confirming the motion when prompted. If you utilize Linux, the launcher you want is Minecraft.jar.
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Best Tools & Software for Android App Development
Android is the most widely used operating system. Hence, Android Apps are the most popular. According to statistics, 3.48 million android apps are available to download on the Google play store as of March 2021. To Build amazing android apps, you need to have the best tools and software.
Top Android App Development Tools and Software
Android Studio
Developed by Google in May 2013 starting with a 0.1 version and then entered the beta stage with a 0.8 version in June 2014. The first stable version was released in December 2014 and the version was 1.0.
ADB (Android Debug Bridge)
Android Debug Bridge is in android studio and helps to communicate with the device. It has three components which are client, daemon, and server.
AVD Manager (Android Virtual Device Manager)
AVD Manager is a tool to create and manage android virtual devices. AVD Manager helps in defining the characteristics of devices that need to be simulated.
Before Android Studio, Eclipse was primarily an android app development tool. Although Google doesn't support it, it is still useful for creating cross-platform applications.
Fabric is used by Twitter to develop its mobile app. It provides developers with a variety of tools that they can use to build better mobile applications. In January 2017, Google acquired the company from Twitter.
One of the most popular tools that developers use to monitor the performance of their apps is FlowUp. This cloud-based solution allows them to keep track of their app’s statistics.
GameMaker: Studio
It is one of the most popular tools for android app development used by beginners and gaming developers. Its interface is very simple as it allows you to drag and drop.
It helps in testing and previewing the app on more than 3000 different devices and in different environments. This tool not only supports Android and JAVA but also supports other programming languages and operating systems.
It is a bug testing and reporting tool used by Yahoo, BuzzFeed, Lyft, and PayPal in the android app development. You can share the bugs with other developers to keep a record of all the bugs.
Top Android App Development Software Without Coding
We will provide some alternatives to Java, which will help you with app development without coding.
It is one of the most growing services. Applications designed with help of Appypie are Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.
It is a website for creating multi-platform apps step-by-step. It was created in Corsica and works as a CMS.
Mobile Roadie
It was founded in 2009 and is a self-service application that helps in creating, customizing, and managing mobile apps.
App Makr
It helps in creating many applications with different designs free of cost. Ads appear after creating the app.
It is a mobile application maker platform that helps small businesses to make their personalized app.
Where does Android App Development Stand in the Global Market?
The Android OS holds around 70.97% of the total global market share whereas iOS holds around 28.27% of the total global market share. Android not only beats iOS but it also beats windows too. Android version 11.0 holds around 37.6% of the market share. Android is the world’s largest operating system with the largest market share when it comes to the most popular and more user-friendly OS.
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pedrospascalls · 3 years
group plot based on famous 70s + 80s songs
cast of characters:
summer of ‘69: kip novak 
keep on loving you: stevie jones
jessie’s girl: elijah cohen
straight up: noelle holmes
can’t fight this feeling: cara thorne
i want you to want me: mack knight
your love:  devi knight
your song: clarissa devereux
one of us: [male]
heart of glass: rivkah aaron
heroes: donnie di stefano
total eclipse of the heart: bubblegum fortescue
let’s set the scene: the year is 2013 and the tabloids love to each up the stories about this group, appropriately named “the yhb, or the young hollywood bunch.” they were frequently seen together, whether it was visiting each other on set, each others homes, or at secret underground parties that were only seen via social media stories. they were never not seen without at least a couple of them at events, and every teenager in america was obsessed with being part of “the yhb.”
kip novak and some of the other eerie occurrences cast were the ringleaders that brought them all together. some had been in hollywood since they were kids, others just starting out, and others more or less just extensions of their famous relatives. since 2013, the group has regularly vacationed together and kept up their friendship despite all the drama that has occurred in it. the yhb were there for each other during it all, especially how hard it can be to be young and in hollywood.
below is the breakdown of how all the songs/characters intertwine besides being members of the yhb too. what is important to note is that these don’t have dates on them, so that is kind of up to your interpretation for when each element started or ended, and we can definitely discuss in server about it all too.
kip and stevie met through elijah and immediately clicked. they were young and stupid and really fucking passionate. what started as a teenage fling grew into a lot more than they were willing to let on. for a long time they were “nothing serious,” despite the fact everybody in the group knew never to come in between them. but eventually something clicked for them and they made the leap into a serious relationship. it lasted longer than most people expected, but still not that long before kip decided to self-sabotage and did everything in his power to get stevie to break up with him. it was messy, painful, and stupid...and kip made an even bigger mistake by sleeping with devi after the break-up as a way to solidify that they really can’t work. 
except kip has since realized that stevie is everything he wants, but can no longer have. he desperately wants to go back to before it all got fucked up, and stevie feels that in her heart too...but he hurt her badly and she can’t trust him anymore. besides, she feels she has moved on with donnie, and he can make her happy and are healthy for her. elijah didn’t know noelle very well at first. at first they barely batted an eye when noelle came around. it wasn’t until noelle started dating cara that he saw her for the first time in a different way. something about not being able to have her if he wanted to anymore was what set him over the edge. at first it started out as just lusting for the object of his affections, but then it turned into more. by now, elijah can’t stop thinking about noelle and showcases this in small ways...and by getting underneath the sheets with mack. noelle has never been more confused than she is in this exact moment. she’s been with cara for some time now, but it has gotten to the point where she isn’t sure if cara is in it anymore. she’s confused and hurt, and desperately just wants cara to admit what she is hiding from noelle. at the same time, noelle has taken to unloading her feelings on elijah in hopes that she might have an answer [being close friends with cara and everything].
meanwhile, what cara isn’t telling noelle is that she is actually in love with mack. before noelle and cara began dating, there was a moment between mack and her. they had been best friends for years, but they had shared a kiss that was left buried for the past year. [it was mack that kissed cara]. cara brushed it off in hopes that she wouldn’t have to talk about it anymore, and then went on to date noelle. 
but as the months went on, and the two stopped talking, she realized her true feelings. and mack had to watch on the outskirts while just internally begging cara to want her back. she turned to elijah during this time and the two have dried their tears with each other’s beds.
after hooking up with kip shortly after his break up, devi decided she wanted more with him. the two had been friends for as long as everybody else, but devi had lusted after him for longer than she’d like to have let on. it was always a game of cat and mouse with the two. but the hook up was nothing more than that [and it stoked a fire in the group as a whole], and devi wanted more. in an effort to make kip jealous, she began to “see” clary. 
it was meant to be a casual thing, but it developed quickly into something a little more intimate. devi maintains that it was just to make kip jealous, but there was something deep down that she knew was actually there between the two. so much so that clary ended up drunkenly confessing her love for devi one night. it was meant to be just a party, but the night ended abruptly with this confession...in front of everybody. devi left quickly, and clary was left to drink her feelings away even more...now stuck in limbo in what to do. 
one of us and rivkah were the longest standing relationship in the yhb. they had been together for longer than anybody could remember, really. or perhaps it was just how the group felt about them, having seen them grow with each other. but what is good can only last for so long, and one of us started to feel suffocated. he wanted to separate himself from rivkah and experience life without her for once. and so he broke it off, abruptly too. it made the whole group suddenly split as well, desperate to decide whose side to take and how to still see each other without these two together. rivkah is learning to pick up the pieces of her heart now and unsure whether or not to hate one of us or love him still. 
meanwhile, one of us has started to realize that life without rivkah is not all that it’s cracked up to be. he has started to regret his decision but know he hurt rivkah so badly that there may not be a way back. besides, clary and rivkah have been bonding over their mutual heartbreak and one of us doesn’t really know what to make of it.
donnie and bubbles dated once upon a time, but now donnie is dating stevie. he is really into stevie and desperately wants it to work out. he thinks they are good together, which they are, and although their relationship is new, they think they can make it work long term. unfortunately, that means donnie is also completely oblivious to bubbles’s resurfaced feelings and affections for him.
bubbles isn’t hiding her feelings either. she doesn’t quite care that donnie is dating stevie and firmly believes the two shouldn’t really be together. she’s started reaching out to one of us, who is going through a similar thing of wanting an ex back, and the two have been attempting to devise a plan to get their loved ones back.  a map to help you!! https://i.postimg.cc/rmNCN9Md/New-Mind-Map.png 
0 notes
bestdevopscourse · 4 years
What are DevOps tools?
DevOps is a fixed of practices that highlights collaboration, communique, and automation for the duration of the application improvement lifecycle. Continuous Delivery permits teams to launch a build after continuous testing mechanically any time.
The integration of Development and Operations brings a new angle to software program development. If you’re new to DevOps practices, or seeking to enhance your current approaches, it can be a venture to know which device is first-class on your crew.
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We’ve prepare this list to help you make an knowledgeable decision on which equipment ought to be a part of your stack. So, permit’s check the 10 great DevOps equipment, from automated construct gear to software overall performance tracking platforms.
The first-rate DevOps tools  for 2020
Your DevOps device stack will need a reliable construct tool. Apache Ant and Maven ruled the automated construct tools marketplace for many years, however Gradle showed up at the scene in 2009, and its popularity has steadily grown considering then. Gradle is an extremely flexible device which allows you to write your code in Java, C++, Python, or other languages. Gradle is likewise supported with the aid of famous IDEs which include NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA. If that doesn’t persuade you, it'd assist to recognize that Google also chose it as the respectable construct device for Android Studio.
The best thing approximately Gradle is incremental builds, as they store a pleasant quantity of collect time. According to Gradle’s overall performance measurements, it’s up to 100 instances quicker than Maven. This is in part because of incrementally, but additionally because of Gradle’s construct cache and daemon. The construct cache reuses task outputs, at the same time as the Gradle Daemon maintains build records hot in reminiscence in-among builds.
All in all, Gradle allows quicker transport and comes with a number of configuration possibilities.
Git is one of the maximum famous DevOps gear, broadly used throughout the software enterprise. It’s a dispensed SCM (source code control) device, loved with the aid of far flung groups and open supply contributors. Git allows you to music the progress of your development paintings. You can store distinct versions of your supply code and go back to a previous model when important. It’s additionally first-rate for experimenting, as you could create separate branches and merge new features handiest after they’re ready to go.
Jenkins is the move-to DevOps automation tool for many software program development groups. It’s an open source CI/CD server that lets in you to automate the distinct ranges of your transport pipeline. The predominant reason for Jenkins’ reputation is its large plugin surroundings. Currently, it offers greater than 1,000 plugins, so it integrates with nearly all DevOps tools, from Docker to Puppet.
Bamboo has many pre-built functionalities that you need to installation manually in Jenkins. This is likewise the reason why Bamboo has fewer plugins (round 100 in comparison to Jenkins’ one thousand+). In truth, you don’t want that many plugins with Bamboo, because it does many stuff out-of-the-box.
Bamboo seamlessly integrates with other Atlas Sian merchandise inclusive of Jira and Bitbucket. You also have get right of entry to integrated Git and Mercurial branching workflows and check environments. All in all, Bamboo can prevent a variety of configuration time. It additionally comes with a greater intuitive UI with tooltips, auto-of entirety, and different available features.
Docker has been the primary field platform considering that its release in 2013 and keeps to improve. It’s additionally thought of as one of the maximum essential DevOps equipment accessible. Docker has made containerization popular in the tech international, particularly as it makes dispensed development viable and automates the deployment of your apps. It isolates applications into separate bins, in order that they grow to be portable and greater secure. Docker apps are also OS and platform independent. You can use Docker boxes in place of virtual machines such as Virtual Box.
A Kubernetes cluster includes one grasp and several employee nodes. The grasp node implements your pre-described regulations and deploys the bins to the employee nodes. Kubernetes will pay interest to the whole thing. For example, it notices whilst a worker node is down and redistributes the packing containers every time it’s necessary.
7.Puppet Enterprise
Puppet Enterprise is a go-platform configuration management platform. It permits you to control your infrastructure as code. As it automates infrastructure control, you can deliver software quicker and greater securely. Puppet also affords developers with an open-source device for smaller projects. However, if you are coping with a larger infrastructure, you may discover cost in Puppet Enterprise’s more capabilities, consisting of:
Real-time reports
Role-based totally get entry to control
Node management
With Puppet Enterprise, you can manipulate multiple groups and hundreds of resources. It robotically is aware relationships within your infrastructure. It offers with dependencies and handles screw ups neatly. When it encounters a failed configuration, it skips all the dependent configurations as nicely. The first-rate factor about Puppet is that it has extra than 5,000 modules and integrates with many famous DevOps gear.
Ansible is a configuration management device, much like Puppet and Chef. Its main selling factors in comparison to different similar DevOps tools are simplicity and simplicity of use. Ansible follows the equal Infrastructure As Code (IAC) technique as Puppet. However, it makes use of the exceptional simple YAML syntax. With Ansible, you can define obligations in YAML, even as Puppet has its own declarative language.
Agentless architecture is another frequently referred to function of Ansible. As no daemons or sellers run within the heritage, Ansible is a comfy and light-weight answer for configuration control automation. Similar to Puppet, Ansible also has numerous modules.
Nagios is one of the most popular loose and open supply DevOps monitoring equipment. It allows you to screen your infrastructure so you can locate and fix troubles. With Nagios, you can preserve facts of occasions, outages, and screw ups. You can also preserve an eye on tendencies with the help of Nagios’ graphs and reports. This manner, you can forecast outages and errors and stumble on safety threats.
Nagios gives four open source tracking answers:
Nagios Core
Nagios XI
Nagios Log Server
Nagios Fusion
Nagios Core is a command line tool, with all of the simple functionalities. You also can choose Nagios XI that comes with an internet-based GUI and monitoring wizard. Nagios writes a handy comparison of their talents.
Nagios Log Server lets you seek log statistics and installation signals approximately capability threats. And, Nagios Fusion permits you to monitor multiple networks at the same time.
Raygun is a global-class error tracking and crash reporting platform. Application overall performance tracking (APM) is its maximum recent product. Raygun’s DevOps tool allows you diagnose performance troubles and tracking them returned to the precise line of code, feature, or API call. The APM tool additionally fits well with Raygun’s blunders management workflow. For example, it routinely identifies your highest precedence problems and creates troubles for you.
Raygun APM let you make the most out of other DevOps equipment, as you're continually notified approximately the troubles. Since it automatically hyperlinks errors lower back to the source code, Raygun brings Development and Operations together via offering one supply of fact for the entire group the reason of errors and overall performance problems.
Uses of DevOps:
You can benefit data within the concepts of continuous development and deployment, automation of configuration management, inter-crew collaboration and IT carrier agility, the usage of DevOps tools such as Git, Docker, Jenkins and more.
Finding the nice DevOps gear takes some trying out and experimentation. It generally takes extra time to set up and configure open-supply equipment. Most industrial DevOps tools include free trials that can help you check and examine them at no cost. It all boils down to your desires and desires.
For more information about Devops Training Online, visit igmguru.com.
0 notes
Top 10 Best Hit Songs of 2017
In December of each year, Billboard publishes its list of the 100 biggest hit songs of the last 12 months. In response, I take it upon myself to decide which of these songs were the real hits, and which were the biggest misses. Last week, I tackled the worst, so here are the best. Let’s get started:
10. “Love Galore” by SZA feat. Travis Scott
When I see a fellow New Jersey artist rising up the charts and building a name for themselves, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a little too quick to douse them in praise. In 2015, I did it for Fetty Wap and Charlie Puth before they respectively waned in relevance and proceeded to pump out some of the decade’s worst music. SZA grew up mere minutes away from me, and after a few years just shy of the spotlight, she finally released her critically beloved debut album Ctrl in June. I took a few months to finally get to it, but once I listened to it, I found a beautifully produced, unflinchingly sincere record that delves into the nuances of youth, romance, mental health, and the various ways they intersect.
I wouldn’t even consider “Love Galore” an immediate highlight from the record, and yet it’s still an excellent song. I do have to take a point off for Travis Scott rambling about “ass and titties” in his verse, a needlessly juvenile moment in what’s otherwise a great slice of left-of-center-but-still-grown-and-sexy R&B. Still, his verse is fine altogether, and he sounds right at home over ThankGod4Cody’s production, which is built on off-kilter, reverb-soaked percussion and analog synths that aren’t too far removed from the Stranger Things score.
This is all well and good, but SZA steals the show all on her own, exploring the complications of reconvening with a former fling. There’s a core of darkness to the lyrics, making passing references to Valium and fetishes as she zeroes in on her partner’s seeming infidelity, but she can nevertheless enjoy the situation as “long as [they] got love.” And in a year chock full of godawful vocals excused for their “authenticity,” it’s so refreshing to hear a singer in the mainstream who sounds both organic and skilled. While I may not like this quite as much as “The Weekend” or “Drew Barrymore” or “20 Something,” it’s no less worth your time.
9. “Passionfruit” by Drake
It’s easy for me to start this entry the same way I did for “Too Good” last year, addressing how “Passionfruit” was a diamond in the relative rough of the lopsided More Life “playlist.” While there is some truth to that assessment, More Life is still a noticeable improvement over last year’s uncomfortable, overhyped VIEWS. Sure, it’s still questionable to hear Drizzy put on another new accent (I’d personally like to hear him attempt a Russian accent), but his curation of global sounds is sharper and more generous than ever, and with the exception of truly annoying cuts like “Nothings Into Somethings,” the lyrics are a lot less patronizing this time around. Despite this net positive, it still remains that “Passionfruit” is easily More Life’s best offering, and perhaps Drake’s best single since “Hold On, We’re Going Home.”
For one, “Passionfruit” is built on the same sort of subdued, late-night disco groove that made “Hold On” an instant classic. But the song goes for a stark contrast from the 2013 smash’s optimistic hookup, which is mirrored by the somber minor chords, gorgeous, muted synths, and what is apparently the manipulated sound of a flute. With the tempos of his songs seemingly dropping by the year, it’s good to hear Drake over something with a more propulsive groove again, and yet it still manages to mesh with his trademark atmospherics.
Of course, the lyrical content will always be the most contentious part of any Drake song, and it’s understandable to read “Passionfruit” as yet another retread of “Hotline Bling.” But where that song may have precariously toed the line between genuine concern and alarming possessiveness, the lyrics land a lot more comfortably this time. Even a lyric like “you got issues that I won’t mention” works far better as he seems to finally understand the consequences behind his words and his actions. The end result is Drake at his finest, low-key and calm while still navigating through the most challenging of emotions.
8. “Castle on the Hill” by Ed Sheeran
Now I know this pick will likely come as a surprise to anyone who saw my previous list, where I gave Ed Sheeran the thorough bashing he deserved. I ragged on him for his appearance, his awkward lyricism and his uninspired compositions. I’m sick of the guy at this point, but that’s because I genuinely want to like him. Ed has always shown a genuine talent for crafting songs with memorable hooks and interesting concepts, so doling out plodding love ballads like “Photograph” and cringeworthy radio ploys like “Shape of You” feels like the biggest possible waste of potential. So as tired as I am of hearing songs like these in 2017, “Castle on the Hill” was good enough to remind me why I cared in the first place.
If I could sum up the sound of “Castle on the Hill” in one sentence, it’d be that it sounds like what that mediocre last Mumford and Sons album wanted to be. Built on an insistent drum groove, warm bass, ghostly organs and guitar strumming that hurts my wrist just listening to it, the verses build up to a triumphant chorus indebted to Springsteen and U2. This is one of Sheeran’s more directly rock-flavored endeavors, so his aggressive howls on the chorus sound a lot better here than on “Thinking Out Loud,” and even his falsetto sounds more vivacious than usual.
And in the midst of an album cycle dominated by anonymous songs about sex and TV montage fodder that even Queen B couldn’t salvage, “Castle on the Hill” is the only (good) single that showcases Sheeran’s distinctive songwriting flair. It’s essentially a song about growing up, but where Lukas Graham got it all wrong, this song gets it right. Like on “7 Years,” Ed recounts his younger, troublesome self, running from authority and drinking with his friends. The difference is that he learns from his mistakes, thanks to the people and the town he was sought to defy in the first place. It’s the kind of vivid songwriting that Sheeran excels at, and if he keeps at it (which is a real possibility), he might very well regain a lost fan.
7. “HUMBLE.” by Kendrick Lamar / “LOYALTY.” by Kendrick Lamar feat. Rihanna
As I stated in my previous list, it’s been really interesting to see what the Billboard charts look like with streaming becoming a bigger part of the equation. I already addressed how album tracks can perform just as well as lower-tier singles. Kendrick Lamar’s excellent fourth album DAMN. boasts the best first week streaming numbers of any album released in 2017, and as a result, multiple cuts from the album remained on the charts for weeks on end. “ELEMENT.” and current single “LOVE.” charted high enough that if they had received the proper push as singles, I would probably be talking about them alongside the two singles that actually made the year end Hot 100, chart-topping “HUMBLE.” and the Rihanna collaboration “LOYALTY.”
“HUMBLE.” was the first proper taste of DAMN., which admittedly took some time to grow on me. Sure, the blisteringly sparse, piano-driven beat by Mike Will Made It commands direct attention to Kendrick’s coded, throne-claiming bars, but it’s a far cry from the rich history and experimentation that made To Pimp a Butterfly an all-time great rap album. Still, it’s important to remember that Kendrick - at least when he’s trying - infuses his songs with some really heady subtext. It’s easy to interpret this as K-Dot proving that he can do trap just as well as Future or Migos, if not better thanks to his skillful lyricism. In the context of DAMN., it’s also a warning from the Compton rapper to himself to not let his remarkable success eclipse his message or his roots. Coupled with an instantly memorable hook and quotables like “my left stroke just went viral,” “HUMBLE.” is a well-deserved first #1 for Kendrick.
Like its predecessor, followup single “LOYALTY.” is fairly skeletal in its production, based around a warped sample of “24K Magic” (of all things!). This time, Kendrick teams up with Rihanna, who continues to prove that she can come through with an impressive flow after “Bitch Better Have My Money” and “Needed Me.” The pair explore loyalty in regards to one’s friendships, relationships, faith and ambitions, creatively quoting Jay-Z and Ol’ Dirty Bastard in the process. While the lyrical content is certainly worthwhile, the main takeaway is that Kendrick and Rihanna have truly fantastic musical chemistry, which becomes all the more apparent when they trade bars during the verses. Like “HUMBLE.,” this track is further evidence that even with sights set squarely on the mainstream, Kendrick always aims high.
6. “Bodak Yellow” by Cardi B
When compiling these lists, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the critical acclaim or the social value a song might have. This works both ways - maybe this is what influenced me to place “7 Years” and “Treat You Better” as high I did on my worst list last year. But when Cardi B’s breakout single “Bodak Yellow” became the first single from a solo female rapper to top the Billboard Hot 100 since Lauryn Hill in 1998, I immediately wondered: is it a worthy successor? Considering how many critical outlets have named “Bodak Yellow” one of the best songs of the year (including Pitchfork and The Washington Post, who both named it the best song of the year), a lot of people seem to think so. And even though I wasn’t totally sold on the song at first, I’m now more than happy to join that chorus, because this song is fucking awesome.
In one of her legendary interviews, Cardi has stated that the title “Bodak Yellow” is a reference to rapper and awful human being Kodak Black, whose flow on “No Flockin” serves as the foundation for Cardi’s song. Unsurprisingly, she does an infinitely better job with his flow, not only because she doesn’t sound like she’s having an asthma attack, but because she also delivers each bar with such boundless energy. Unlike Kodak, she also knows when to switch up her flow, capping off both verses with an impressive, Migos-esque (!) flow. A lot of hip hop traditionalists might deride “Bodak Yellow” for a lack of originality, but it’s not about who did it first, it’s about who did it right.
Even the production on “Bodak Yellow” stands out from the trap pack. Sure, it’s built on a simplistic 3-note melody, but it alternates between octaves, creating an alluring sense of unease against the changing hi-hat progressions. But what really surprises is how restrained the song first seems in its low end, using the trademark sub bass kicks fairly conservatively. It gives you the impression that it’s building up to something, and then it happens: as Cardi speeds up her flow, the kicks return in full force, resulting in one of the hardest-hitting moments rap had to offer in 2017. In a year where women deserved so much better, Cardi B is a true force of good, proving that she can go harder than so many of her male contemporaries.
5. “I Feel It Coming” by The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk
If you’ve read any of my lists in the past two years, you probably felt this coming (pun very obviously intended). I’ve raved about The Weeknd so much since then that writing a fifth (sixth if you include “The Hills” from my honorable mentions in 2015) entry about him probably scans as blind fandom or ass-kissing. Truth be told, his 2013 major label debut Kiss Land hasn’t exactly aged well, and Starboy was an overlong, frequently redundant affair with occasional flashes of innovation. But the latter album’s closing track, “I Feel It Coming,” feels like a major change of pace, and perhaps a premonition of The Weeknd’s future.
Like the previous single, the chart-topping title track from Starboy, “I Feel It Coming” is yet another collaboration with famed French house duo. While “Starboy” sounded a lot like the duo’s own “Doin’ It Right,” a collab with Animal Collective’s Panda Bear and a notable outlier on Random Access Memories, this song is more akin to the warm, nostalgic disco that dominated the rest of that album. Hell, the robots even use their trademark vocoders on their own voices this time! As unstoppable as the groove of “Can’t Feel My Face” is to this day, never has Abel sung over something that sounded so happy.
Fortunately, he seems up to the challenge of matching this energy. Normally, The Weeknd albums end on a dour note - even the bombastic “Angel” was profoundly melancholic. In one of his most effortless vocal performances to date, Abel shows that he is finally ready to commit to a serious relationship. And while the potent sexuality is still right there in the goddamn title, it comes across as a moment of real, unadulterated joy rather than simply going through the motions of tour life. The Weeknd has proven time and time again that he can switch up his sound and still come through with smash hits, and if “I Feel It Coming” is any indication, that’s not changing any time soon.
4. “Redbone” by Childish Gambino
Holy shit, have I been waiting for this. I’m not necessarily talking about “Redbone,” Childish Gambino’s greatest success to date, but rather that success in and of itself. Like so many people, I discovered Donald Glover’s hip hop project after enjoying him as Troy in NBC’s Community, one of my all-time favorite TV shows. But despite his knack for solid hooks, colorful instrumentals and outright hilarious bars, it always felt like he was close to breaking into the mainstream without ever getting there. Maybe it was the polarized critical response to Camp or the obtuse production of Because the Internet, but it was only with last year’s funk departure “Awaken, My Love!” that his music clicked more universally.
“Redbone” wasn’t that album’s lead single, but it was by far its most successful, charting for nearly a whole year and peaking just outside Billboard’s Top 10. Arguably, it’s the weirdest hit song we’ve had this year: weird enough that it spawned one of the year’s more creative memes. As a whole, the song maintains a rare balance of paranoia and sensuality, the former of which is felt instantly with the intro’s distant strings and gently thumping kicks. But any sense of dread is mitigated by the slap bass, glockenspiel and the generally lush atmosphere. With perhaps the exception of SZA, mainstream R&B in 2017 hasn’t sounded this organic and alluring, even with the inclusion of the crunchy guitar leads or the muted, creepy-as-fuck background vocals in the intro.
Amidst all the window-dressing, this is still undoubtedly Donald Glover’s song, and his vocal and lyrical contributions capture the same balance just as exquisitely. Many have pointed out that he doesn’t even sound much like himself on “Redbone,” rather emulating Macy Gray’s trademark rasp. Despite the obvious point of influence, it’s still one of the many vocal performances on “Awaken, My Love!” that oozes with color and personality. It doesn’t distract from the unsettling lyrics, though, which double down on Gambino’s oft-critiqued insecurities about relationships and racial identity, but through a more mature and knowing lens, with a chilling mantra of “stay woke.”
And while it didn’t have an impact on its placement on this list, the particular case of the song’s success is worth celebrating. “Redbone” first charted out of anticipation for the album, but it returned to the hit parade thanks to its masterful use in Jordan Peele’s excellent film Get Out. Then came the memes, where the song was sung by various characters and played from a range of different spaces. It had a distinctive sound that somehow suited it to both uses, thus making it Glover’s highest charting song. This is the rare case where a great song isn’t rejected for its idiosyncrasies, but instead rightfully embraced.
3. “Slide” by Calvin Harris feat. Frank Ocean and Migos
But then again, Childish Gambino wasn’t the only one finding long-overdue chart success this year. Obviously, I’m not referring to Calvin Harris or Migos - the former has been pumping out hits since the turn of the decade to diminishing returns, and the latter had a banner year in 2017, with their very good single “Bad and Boujee” topping the Hot 100 for three weeks. “Slide” was partially Frank Ocean’s affair, too. After last year’s excellent, understated Blonde seemingly rebuked any desire for conventional pop stardom, the R&B crooner and former Odd Future affiliate proved that he can still write a fantastic pop song that can stick with just about anyone.
What’s particularly interesting about Frank’s contributions to “Slide” is that they aren’t even far removed from the music on Blonde. He still favors a more low-key vocal delivery, and he still manages to draw compelling character portraits in his lyrics. This time, it’s about a one-night stand where the protagonist isn’t so much interested in the sex itself, but vicariously living their partner’s more opulent lifestyle, referencing jewelery and Picasso’s famous Garçon à la pipe painting. But there’s still an underlying feeling of emptiness, exemplified in the line “wrist on a wrist, a link of charms, yeah / laying, we’re still a link apart.”
Complicated emotional situations have always been a characteristic of Ocean’s lyricism, for which he sets the scene with details that frequently read as non-sequiturs. But what makes “Slide” particularly interesting is how everybody else around him is up to the same task. Quavo and Offset of Migos appear for two insanely catchy and energetic verses, but the content feels peripheral to the established theme of the song. But these guys are part of one of the most in-demand rap acts of the year, so for Frank’s character to be rubbing shoulders with them does more to establish the scene. “Slide” is also further evidence of Offset’s skillful, malleable flow, and if his recent joint album with 21 Savage is any indication, he has great potential as a solo artist.
But what about Calvin Harris, the main artist responsible for this song? “Slide” was the lead single for his excellent album Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1, and served as a dramatic departure from the more conventional EDM he’d been producing for years. Sure, singles like “This Is What You Came For” and “How Deep Is Your Love” flirted with organic instrumentation and classic dance grooves, but the shimmering keys, palm-muted funk guitars, and the irresistible bassline add up to one of his best tracks to date. It’s a perfect summer song that provides an opulent backdrop for Frank and Migos, and it still sounds fantastic in the dead of winter.
2. “DNA.” by Kendrick Lamar
Don’t think I forgot about this one. Over the course of this year’s lists, I’ve already gone on multiple times about the impact of streaming on the year-end charts. All of this is especially true when it comes to “DNA.,” the first full track from DAMN. Despite receiving an incredible music video starring Don Cheadle, it was never released as a single. And considering the aggression on display, as well as the lack of a real hook, why would it be? Nevertheless, thanks to Kendrick Lamar’s staggering popularity on streaming services, it landed a respectable spot midway on the year-end Hot 100. It’s another landmark worth discussing, but more importantly, “DNA.” is just a goddamn incredible song.
Rather than just dissecting the individual components of the song, I’m going to do my best to explain “DNA.” in a more linear fashion. Kendrick breaks through the gate in full-force, once again accompanied by Mike Will’s hard-hitting blend of trap drums, warped synths and ominous guitar loops. The first half of the song can be boiled down to K-Dot asserting that he was born for his current status as a rap god, even comparing his own birth to the immaculate conception. He recalls all his struggles growing up, living in the projects of Compton and encountering all the “murder, conviction, burners, booster, burglars, ballers,” etc. the city had to offer, crossing everything off as effortlessly as one would do for a shopping list.
Then, “DNA.” nears its two-minute mark. After a dazzling extended verse packed with personal detail, a sample of sleazy Fox-News-correspondent-cum-sexual-harrasser Geraldo Rivera actively dismisses Kendrick’s self-justification. He claims that Kendrick exemplifies everything wrong with young black culture in an unabashed show of victim-blaming. Then another sample comes in: the countdown from Freedom 7’s takeoff in 1961. As this happens, Kendrick speeds up his flow, and the beat changes, leading into what might be one of the greatest musical moments of the decade.
At this point, the production becomes even more sparse and dissonant, built mainly on a Rick James sample and the thickest, most face-melting sub bass imaginable. K-Dot offers an intense, well-deserved rebuttal to the thinly-veiled bullshit his critics ever-so-gleefully dole out. He knows that his success was earned through blood, sweat and tears, not “sex, money, murder,” and proceeds to “[curve] all the fakes” and others who seek to undermine him or his message. In an age where Donald Trump and the GOP have been nearly given carte blanche to oppress whoever the hell they want on any given day, it’s so cathartic to hear some resistance to their rhetoric in our popular music, especially when it’s this stunningly well-crafted.
And, just like last time, before I unveil my pick for the best hit song of 2017, here are eight honorable mentions:
“XO Tour Llif3″ by Lil Uzi Vert: “XO Tour Llif3” marks the first time Uzi’s music truly connected with me, capturing both the hedonism and the mental trauma he experienced while on tour with The Weeknd atop a fittingly off-kilter beat. His vocals are among the most impassioned I’ve heard all year, making the decision to nudge this off the list in favor of SZA a particularly tough one.
“1-800-273-8255″ by Logic feat. Alessia Cara and Khalid: Speaking of mental trauma, Logic’s breakout hit exists to lend a hand to those dealing with suicidal feelings. It sees the rapper and guest Alessia Cara acting respectively as a caller and a receptionist for the titular suicide hotline. Top that off with dramatic string swells and Khalid’s potent outro, and you have a song whose impact can’t be undermined, even by the shouts of “who can relate?”
“Sign of the Times” by Harry Styles: This is undoubtedly the best solo single to come out of the 1D camp, a power ballad reminiscent of David Bowie’s best that nails the particular desire to escape that we’ve all felt at some point this year. Cut the runtime by about a minute and you’ve got the perfect template for what mainstream rock should sound like in years to come, rather than whatever commercial filler comes from Imagine Dragons.
“Mask Off” by Future: I wasn’t wild about Future’s decision to release two overlong albums in the span of a week, but both albums had their highlights, and “Mask Off” was one of them. The beautiful “Prison Song” sample is the closest thing to old school hip hop in the mainstream this year, and Future delivers a sticky hook and the sort of secretly personal lyrics that have become his forte.
“Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd feat. Gucci Mane: Mike Will Made It hit a stride of excellence between “Formation” and “DNA,” and this song was caught in the middle of that period, boasting a dark, pounding beat topped with alien synths that sounded like little else in the Hot 100. Rae Sremmurd and Gucci Mane don’t really do much different from the norm, but the hook has an insanely catchy melody, and I’ll take anything over “Swang” at this point.
“That’s What I Like” by Bruno Mars: Look, pretty much everybody was hopping onto the trap bandwagon this year, but Bruno Mars made the sound his own by incorporating more organic percussion and a classic soul chord progression. The same goes for the lyrics about “strawberry champagne on ice” and “everything 24 karats.” You know, because the album and its lead single were both called “24K Magic”...
“Love on the Brain” by Rihanna: It’s the final single from Rihanna’s great comeback album Anti, and while I still think “Kiss It Better” should have been a lot bigger than it was, this is a perfectly fine piece of retro soul. 2016 was the end of the Meghan Trainor era, so it was only fitting that we ushered the new year in with what a song of hers might sound like if it were any good.
“Green Light” by Lorde: This didn’t make the year end Hot 100, so by my own arbitrary rules, I can’t formally include it, so I’ll just include it in the honorable mentions out of spite. How the fuck was this not a hit?
And now, for what I consider to be the best hit song of 2017:
1. “Praying” by Kesha
When I wrote my entry on the loathsome waste of space known as Kodak Black, I introduced it by addressing that content doesn’t exist without context. Sure, “Tunnel Vision” is a thoroughly unpleasant listening experience, but what makes it all the more abhorrent is how he lackadaisically prods at the very real allegations against him, all the while taunting those who want to see him lose. While that song is a very unfortunate reminder that rape culture is very much a real thing, it’s at least comforting to see a song from the other side of the spectrum.
Of the few criticisms I’ve seen of Kesha’s triumphant comeback single “Praying,” the only one that comes close to holding any water is if the song would hit nearly as hard if the details of the singer’s abuse at the hands of human shitstain producer Dr. Luke weren’t so well publicized. But for me, a song of this caliber can’t really be performed - let alone written - without this kind of experience. Over somber piano chords, Kesha recounts the feelings of uselessness and trickery she felt under Luke’s wing, only to overcome these feelings and make herself stronger as the haunting mellotron swells behind her. Her message is made all the more stark in the line “I hope you find your peace fallin’ on your knees.”
If this were all “Praying” was, I’d still adore it for its bold sincerity, but what certifies this song as the best of the year is the way the song builds. About halfway through the second verse, Kesha’s voice leaps an octave, and her tone shifts from vulnerable to utterly strident. Gradually, strings, backing vocals, pounding drums and horns enter the fold, giving way to the deeply moving second repeat of the chorus. And then the bridge happens, and after her crushing conclusion that “some things only God can forgive,” she lets out the note heard around the world. Though Kesha’s brand was established on semi-satirical autotune pop, it’s this moment that proves all her detractors horribly wrong in their assertion that she had “no talent.”
And while the high note is remarkable in and of its self, its potency is matched by the very end of the song, where the music fades away. As Kesha delivers her final lines, you can hear her crying as she steps away from the microphone. This moment is one of the rawest concentrations of lived-in emotion I’ve heard in the mainstream in years, and all the more evidence that this is real. Some people might call “Praying” the best Adele song that she never sang, but this is Kesha’s story. Unfortunately, it’s the story of far too many women in our society as well, but as more and more powerful men are being exposed and cancelled for their unacceptable treatment of women, this song couldn’t exist at a better time.
Thank you for reading! I’m considering writing about my favorite albums of the year, so if you’d like to see something like that, please let me know!
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o-cantor · 5 years
The Top 6 Trends of the 2010s, the "Yin and Yang Decade"
L.A. local Cameron Silver feels comfortable around style history. In 1997, Silver established the expertly curated vintage couture boutique Decades on Melrose Avenue and has since furnished stars, for example, Michelle Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Kidman in his finds. The 50-year-old character – who featured in the 2013 Bravo unscripted tv arrangement, Dukes of Melrose — created Decades: A Century of Fashion (Bloomsbury, $95) and is presently style executive for the New York-based design name H by Halston, which he hawks on QVC.
Silver said something with The Hollywood Reporter on the style macro trends of the decade — from an expendable culture driven by quick design and Instagram (where influencers appear to overshadow star capacity) to a developing requirement for enduring associations (the ascent of experiential retail) and assortments (owning and wearing as opposed to leasing). The decade's styles extend from Neo-vintage maximalism to moderation to luxury streetwear, and Silver inquiries the effect of sportswear, quick design and Instagram.
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"This is the decade when the business essentially has fallen on account of a few elements," says Silver. "The whole sportswear pattern distanced the extravagance client and, thusly, this young fixation that design brands have has truly become a failure to discharge — between the measure of easygoing schlep clothing that has been pushed on us and the measure of dispensable, quick style that (regardless of how woke we think we are) is expended to such calamitous impacts."
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Also: "Instagram essentially executed style, in light of the fact that the idea of possession has become addressed," includes Silver. "God denies on the off chance that you are captured twice in something with your 324 supporters! Shoes became tennis shoes, suits became sweats and chic demolished the planet. Simultaneously, we're attempting to be reasonable. It's the yin and yang decade." Here are the main six patterns of the 2010s.
Influencers Eclipsing Stars
"The most recent decade has been weird in light of the fact that the intensity of big-name was overshadowed a smidgen by the intensity of the influencer," says Silver. Before Instagram appeared in October 2010, "in the past an entertainer would wear something on an honorary pathway and it would really move the needle." Now, "To the extent crucial honorary pathway minutes, interestingly, most likely the greatest snapshot of this current year was Jennifer Lopez reproducing her Grammys minute that brought Google Images to the cutting edge. That was the extraordinary incongruity. We keep on waxing nostalgic."
Silver includes, "I have gotten myself less excited with honorary pathway and Hollywood dressing, fundamentally on the grounds that I think the distinction of big-name has truly been lost in this cutting edge studio framework with beauticians or design brands having contracts with ability. Who is our Cher today? That is to say, express gratitude toward God for Cate Blanchett, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Tilda Swinton. Individuals who go out on a limb and play around with style, yet in addition welcome it as fine art. I'm only inquisitive about who will do a review in 20 years of every one of these on-screen characters in acquired garments and obtained gems!"
Supportability: It's Chic to Repeat
"I'm extremely worried that individuals have been misled by the way of life of big names and influencers wearing things just once to feel that it's inappropriate to rehash," Silver pronounces. "What's more, I'm truly elevating that it's chic to rehash. In a mutual economy, with these rental applications, the greenest activity is to purchase something that you wear for a course of a lifetime, that has some quality and exists in an amount in your closet as in it turns."
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"Cate Blanchett and her beautician Elizabeth Stewart have been advertisers of the 'chic to rehash' idea, which has existed verifiably in Hollywood. Beauty Kelly won an Oscar in a dress [designed by Edith Head] that she wore to the debut of that equivalent film [The Country Girl, in 1955]. I'd like a greater amount of Hollywood to assume the liability of empowering possession. That is the best thing we can accomplish for the planet. It's incredible when you lease a dress, yet there is an effect on the earth through the measure of cleaning and transporting it to and fro that may not adjust the common economy angle."
Little is the New Big: The Experiential Retail Renaissance
"Legitimate extravagance, instinctive experience, and free blocks and-mortar retail are having extremely solid minutes," includes Silver. "Little is the new huge! It's a horrendous time to be a major combination, where you're simply attempting to hustle tennis shoes and lipstick. Individuals ache for the network. On the off chance that we become a general public that is totally advanced, living before a screen, we will stop to exist since no one will go out, no one will date or reproduce. Individuals are perceiving that they need connection with people. Such a significant number of individuals are failing to understand the situation since they're fixated on likes and that sort of commitment, yet it doesn't really make a financial advantage. It needs to go past selling."
He includes, "Autonomous retailers that are locked in with their customers and their locale are having a genuine renaissance. It's about a little brand doing in-store appearances and discussing the procedure over tea with customers. On a bigger scale, it's Dolce and Gabbana doing a four-day [Alta Moda] couture show two times per year for 250 of their top customers, who have an association with Domenico and Stefano that is so uncommon in corporate culture. At Decades, we facilitated a discussion about the effect of Sex and the City with the organizers of the Instagram account @coresportswears that was pressed with individuals, who were so glad to talk keenly and energetically about design."
Athleisure Overboard
"The easygoing, athleisure idea has unquestionably made style open for many individuals, however, I feel that it is running its course," Silver proceeds. "I have a couple fashioner tracksuits that are my plane outfits. Be that as it may, individuals are doing it a day, morning, early afternoon, and night! I think there are a period and a spot. It resembles the individual who wears Uggs or Lulu Lemon throughout the day. I'm happy that their expense per-wear is getting less expensive and less expensive continuously. In our purchaser culture, we are figuring out how to devour all the more deliberately. Be that as it may, what number of sweats do you need?"
"I purchased a couple of Balenciaga tennis shoes 75 percent off at Neiman Marcus, only for anthropological purposes. In any case, the tennis shoes I truly like are by this Chinese brand that cools, genuine shoes for $150-$200, not $1,000. The test with the tennis shoe sportswear culture is that it is anything but difficult to recreate at an available value point. So I have a worry that these inheritance extravagance brands become popular for their shoes and not their garments any longer. On the off chance that you are a design brand that doesn't sell garments, however, you sell tennis shoes and sweats and totes, would you say you are a style brand any longer?"
Maximalism to Minimalism and the Rise of Neo-Vintage
"In the principal decade of the 21st century, everything in style was so vintage enlivened," says Silver. "The subsequent decade will presumably be distinguished by sportswear, yet then it's likewise retro. There is conviction previously. The most spoken-about brands, like Gucci, had a renaissance on an exceptionally retro-looking [maximalist] style. At that point, we have likewise had extraordinary snapshots of the restoration of moderation through crafted by The Row and wonderful, rising extravagance boutique brands, for example, Gabriela Hearst."
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He includes, "A portion of youthful, secondary school age individuals are completely killed by being offered to by extravagance brands. Likewise by quick design, since they are mindful of what it does to the planet. What's more, they consider athleisure's to be dollar shoes as a sham. In any case, they are captivated by the estimation of neo-vintage pieces from the '90s and mid-2000s. In case you're 16 and wearing something from 2005, that truly is old to you! Numerous young ladies come into Decades to get dresses for prom since they need something that nobody else has. They are aware of possession and history."
Sex Bending: The Billy Porter Factor
"The effect of sex ease has been radiantly reviving and energizing since it was commended and not criticized," says Silver. "Probably the best thing that has happened is that we are not trapped in boxes of manliness and gentility, and I believe that has truly moved the imaginative procedure and change retail. A day or two ago, I went into Maxfield (I had not been in years) and I naturally strolled in the entryway and went to one side where the men's area was. Be that as it may, it wasn't there. The deal partner revealed to me that they blend everything up now. That is so phenomenal. There are no standards. The entirety of my companions' spouses (straight fellows) wear concealer, in light of the fact that they need to look great."
Silver says, "However we are in a troublesome minute politically in our nation, masterfully and imaginatively (as confirm in style) there is truly fascinating advancement going on, particularly about sexual orientation and ease. During troublesome occasions, I think expressions of the human experience thrive. Style is a craftsmanship, and I'm excited to see individuals conveying everything that needs to be conveyed in such an overflowing way."
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1dhomeroom · 7 years
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Anne T. Donahue on Why Grown Adult Women Are Obsessed with Harry Styles
The blessed prince of pop embodies the traits many of us are still trying to find ourselves. (Plus, let’s honest, he’s a babe)
Anne T. DonahueSep 15, 2017 A photo of Harry Styles from One Direction. He is wearing a black shirt and suit (Photo: Getty)
We started this week on a high note. While filling in last-minute for The Killers, Harry Styles performed solo for the first time in BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge and delivered fresh renditions of “Sign of the Times,” “Two Ghosts,” and Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain.” It was beautiful, it was magical and it solidified the 23-year-old’s place as a blessed prince on the pop music landscape. And, days away from his first world tour, it also reaffirmed that Styles is an artist worth caring about.
The myth of Styles is unparalleled. From his turn in Dunkirk to his self-titled solo debut, the 1D alum has gone on to establish himself as a young cultural icon with universal appeal. Which is rare for someone entrenched in industries (music and film) equally notorious for toxic and disposable approaches to young talent. Even rarer? That in addition to a subculture that existed during One Direction’s heyday, Harry’s fanbase has grown to include grown-ass women. And it’s all due to the Holy Trinity.
Good music, a great sense of style, and a magnetic personality: these are the traits one must exhibit to maintain a place atop pop culture’s hierarchy. Fortunately, by the time One Direction announced its hiatus in 2015, Harry had already mastered all of them, earning praise not just for co-writing the group’s jams or his vocal range, but for his onstage charisma, his unscripted interviews and a very public friendship with Stevie Nicks. Plus, he’d begun aligning himself with fashion houses renowned for creativity and gender fluidity: Gucci suits became mainstays, while his penchant for Yves Saint Laurent boots went on to garner physical reactions. He embraced prints, sheer fabrics, lace, and even women’s clothing. And as a result, he cemented himself as an artist who took an active role in his image.
When One Direction promoted Midnight Memories in 2013, the singer began standing out for his fashion sense, having graduated from graphic tees and high tops to a sleeker, tailored style. But during Made in the A.M.’s press cycle the next year, he upped the aesthetic ante: with longer hair, a zest for hats and military jackets and unbuttoned dress shirts, he began drawing comparisons to ’70s rock mavericks —especially Mick Jagger—which made sense, especially after 1D’s performance with Ronnie Wood back in December 2014.
Which is particularly appealing, since an evolution of one’s style tends to connote an evolution of one’s self. (Also, Mick Jagger is a total babe.) But where anyone with money can begin investing in labels and designers, Harry used his wardrobe as a vehicle through which to explore creative complexity—and to suggest that like Jagger and Bowie, he also didn’t (and doesn’t) subscribe to gender norms.
And that’s appealing to grown-ass adults, particularly as we’re still finding ourselves stuck releasing “unisex” collections that resemble shapeless pieces from a dystopian future. But Styles actually gets it. And by using his platform as a means of embracing gender neutrality, particularly through clothes, he signals an understanding of how fashion can be a gateway to bigger conversations, to creativity and to self-expression. Which should draw in anybody—and does, regardless of age bracket.
Because in addition to growing up, he’s continued to include his teen fan base. When speaking to Cameron Crowe in April he defended teen girls, while more recently he went on record about the necessity of One Direction’s hiatus. And that type of transparency is important, particularly since it parallels Harry’s inclusive persona. While Styles’ new music is geared towards an older crowd (more on that in a second), his respect for teen culture re-affirms his humility: he isn’t too good for the community who launched his career, and he’s old enough not to act like a petulant child, rebelling against his teenage self. At 32, I know few adults my own age who can walk that fine line—most of us are still grappling with who we used to be versus who we want to be now.
Arguably, we’re all kind of like Zayn: where the first Direction defector used Mind of Mine to separate himself from the 1D narrative, Harry used his debut for self-expression on a few fronts. Instrumentally, he played guitar (which only Niall Horan did in 1D). And vocally, he delivered a range of ballads (“Sign of the Times”), rock songs (“Kiwi”), and sweet, acoustic jams (“Sweet Creature”), as if to show us what he could do. Plus, he sang explicitly about adult-ish content: sex, heartbreak and his own self-destructive tendencies, all while presented without slagging off the group he came from or dismissing the type of music they used to perform. In contrast to Mind of Mine, Harry Styles seemed a celebration of past and present Harry, while suggesting he seemed to know himself, at least enough to take stock of his life in an articulate way.
And that’s a trait—the willingness and ability to compromise—fellow adults can recognize. Because while his debut was decent, it was his press tour that drew further attention to Styles’ capacity for charm, warmness and intellect. His first solo interview with Another Man saw him engage (as an equal) with Paul McCartney, while he used a conversation with Chelsea Handler to talk about fame and God. On Graham Norton, he held his own against the quick wit of the host and the guests (fellow adults) while very politely acknowledging the pandemonium around him.
Compare this to an artist like Justin Bieber (who’s staging complicated battles very publicly), or Zayn (who’s nestled comfortably into rebelling against his 1D persona), or even to an actor like Leonardo DiCaprio (whose cargo shorts and model girlfriends tend to eclipse everything else), and Harry’s approach to his music, his acting, his fans and the press is very rare. He simply is, which is refreshing when it comes to a famous person—or a person in general. And as adult consumers of his music and, well, brand, it makes sense that we find refuge from our day-to-day bullshit in the persona of a young artist who embodies the traits many of us are still trying to find ourselves. (Plus, like Mick Jagger, he’s also a babe.)
So ultimately, Harry’s trajectory seems destined to keep us in awe of his choices. And whether those are about his suits, his open blouses, or his ability to speak and sing candidly about his experiences with perspective, he’s laid the foundation for an empire defined by the merits of taking creative and aesthetic risks, and doing so with grace, humility and an earned confidence.
In fact, you could say that Harry’s real appeal lies in our own desire to be like him. And while we—as adults—may harbour a crush or think he’s cute or just love his music, we zero in especially hard because he exhibits what we strive to achieve ourselves. Personally, I’d love to perform a One Direction song next to Ronnie Wood.
Or hang out with Stevie Nicks. Because if she stands by Harry, that’s good enough for me, full stop.
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montemoseley57-blog · 7 years
Commemorating 32 years from Music In Our Colleges Month! Our team gauged an university's price using records from IPEDS for the common net prices paid by newbie, permanent, in-state pupils with household earnings listed below $75,000 annually over the final 3 years. Chance Days: August 7: Aquarius full moon & lunar eclipse A page-turning full moon in your 6th residence from workers can deliver a brand new hire or even an essential shooting. The rest might decline." Those feature the significant public universities established because the 1860s, when a federal government grant reserved property for them in every condition. Bothersome Uranus, which is in Aries, creates its yearly About-face from August 2 till January 2. Uranus is actually turning around with your eleventh home of synergy and also technology, which could agitate your internal cycle. A single parent that reacted, teacher as well as preschool parent Tracy Bays-Boothe of Dallas, Texas, mentioned she could not strongly believe that parents just weren't more passionate concerning what a touch-screen tablet computer could possibly give kids and preschool-age children. But one disturbing feature of 2016 is actually that the Republican nominee carried out reach out to the very citizens Olsen suggests and also they carried out in truth rally to his trigger, despite or-- one stress-- considering that Trump appealed to the contrary from the statesmanship symbolized in the good, ideas-based Ronald Reagan that Olsen celebrates. This actually is actually outstanding that the supervisors as well as workers can maintain this with each other by reducing everywhere they can," said Arthur Kramer, which in 2013 left a post as head from the Educational institution from Illinois's Beckman Principle for Advanced Science and Innovation, a 313,000-square-foot proving ground, for a provost posture at exclusive Northeastern Educational institution in Boston. August THIRTEEN: Sun-Saturn trine You get a ruptured of can-do as well as hands on power today, so handle an activity or project you have actually located discourageding. Along with pair of life-changing eclipses (- astrology/solar-and-lunar- eclipses/) on the chart-- one in YOUR sign-- your connections and private goals are about to acquire rearranged. Turbulent Uranus, which remains in Aries and also your second residence from job and also cash, makes its yearly U-turn from August 2 till January 2. Over the following 5 months, reduce risk and also stay away from situations that believe that a lot of of a gamble. On August 21, the secondly of pair of unusual Leo brand new moons-- this one a total solar energy eclipse-- might carry a helpful person right into your life or a brand new work opportunity.
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Obama, Trump's forerunner, additionally swept into office with major guarantees and also, regardless of bulks in Congress, took greater than a year to enact health-care reform as well as financial law. Some business analysts count on that President-elect Trump's vowed budgetary stimulus is going to carry temporary project development. . Dir of IDeA, a non-profit crafts org, listed below in Mojave, CA. In respect from Songs In Our Universities Month, my institution has actually developed and also is actually creating Aire: the 1st Annual Recorder as well as Wind Event" for our area on March 4th, for which we will host 200-400 Third & 4th grade recorder pupils off 4 Elementary Schools to go through as well as conduct a 12-noon show. A highlight of Songs In Our Colleges Month ®, the title Concert for Popular music In Our Colleges Month" demonstrates the Show's area in NAfME's annual month-long festivity of school music! The bay in between Trump as well as his predecessors is specifically sentimental, of course, back the presidency of Barack Obama, a male that by virtue of his personal skin layer shade never ever needed to consider the detached tributes of white colored presidents.
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Trump's slices would certainly influence all research study colleges, however not just as. With invigorating Mars likewise in the indicator of the Lion until September 5, this year's Leo period won't be actually a pastoral setting of cold sun herbal tea (- and-friends/how-to-make- sun-tea/) on the veranda, or hrs spent stashed in the pages from summer season's greatest coastline myth.
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2whatcom-blog · 6 years
Greatest-But Measurements Deepen Cosmological Disaster
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A protracted-running dispute about how briskly our universe is increasing simply grew to become much more entrenched. New and extra exact measurements of stars within the Massive Magellanic Cloud, a satellite tv for pc galaxy of the Milky Approach, have solely strengthened the variations between two impartial strategies of calculating the growth fee. This deadlock could quickly power cosmologists to reexamine the "standard model" of cosmology, which tells us concerning the composition of the universe (radiation, regular matter, darkish matter and darkish vitality) and the way it has advanced over time. For about 5 years now, two initiatives have been at odds over the worth of the Hubble fixed (H0), the speed at which the universe is increasing. One depends on research of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the relic afterglow from the recent, dense plasma that suffused the universe shortly after the large bang. The opposite challenge makes use of a potpourri of extra "local" measurements, which represent the so-called cosmic distance ladder. Climbing the Distance Ladder One of many ladder's first rungs consists of astronomical measurements of pulsating stars known as Cepheids, both within the Milky Approach or within the neighboring Magellanic Clouds. These stars exhibit a correlation between their periodic pulsations and their luminosities, making them wonderful "standard candles" for gauging intergalactic distances. Subsequent rungs depend on different, extra luminous, commonplace candles. Collectively, these disparate information units comprise the cosmic distance ladder, and minor errors can accumulate to distort measurements. Final week, Grzegorz Pietrzyski of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Middle of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and his colleagues reported probably the most exact estimate of the space to the Massive Magellanic Cloud (LMC) ever made. They used 20 star methods known as indifferent eclipsing binaries to calculate the space to the LMC and located it to be 49.59 kiloparsecs (one kiloparsec equals 3,261.56 light-years, making the LMC slightly below 162,000 light-years away). Nobel laureate Adam Riess of Johns Hopkins College, the chief of the Supernovae, H0, for the Equation of State of Darkish Vitality (SH0ES) challenge, was awaiting these outcomes. "In expectation of that, we have been observing Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud directly with the Hubble Space Telescope," Riess says. For these measurements, they relied on a brand new strategy of gyroscopic management to information and level the telescope way more exactly than earlier than. This method, mixed with Pietrzyski's correct estimates of the space to the LMC, helped the SH0ES workforce to refine their calibration of the periodicity-luminosity relation of Cepheids. Riess and his workforce then climbed to the following rung of the cosmic ladder. They'd beforehand used the Hubble telescope to review close by galaxies that host each Cepheid stars and sure sorts of supernovae. The researchers employed the brand new Cepheid information to get higher calibrations of the supernovae and used that to estimate distances to farther galaxies that solely hosted the supernovae. The workforce additionally used different observations of the native universe--focusing on beaconlike emissions from round a supermassive black gap within the galaxy NGC 4258, in addition to extra precision measurements of Cepheids within the Milky Approach--to additional sharpen Cepheid and supernovae distance estimates throughout huge intergalactic ranges and to estimate H0. After combining these measurements, the SH0ES worth for H0 comes out to be 74.03 +- 1.42 kilometers per second per megaparsec. "It's certainly impressive how many different ways there are to get to a very similar result, suggesting a single-point failure is getting unlikely," says Antony Lewis, a cosmologist on the College of Sussex in England, who will not be a part of the SH0ES workforce. A Background Disagreement This newest SH0ES result's the primary time that the identical telescope--Hubble--has been used to review each the Cepheid variables within the Massive Magellanic Cloud and the Cepheids and supernovae in different host galaxies. Beforehand, solely ground-based telescopes had been used to review the LMC's Cepheids--and the systematic variations between telescopes led to larger uncertainties in distance estimates. "Now we have taken that step out, and the overall uncertainty in the Hubble constant has gone to 1.9 percent," Riess says. That is down from the earlier uncertainty of two.Four %. So the measurement of H0 stays at odds--but now with larger statistical significance--with estimates derived from the European Area Company's Planck satellite tv for pc, which studied the CMB between 2009 and 2013. Emitted about 380,000 years after the large bang, throughout what's often known as the period of recombination, the CMB is routinely utilized by cosmologists to calculate the universe's dimension, age, composition, evolution and extra. For Planck's measurements of H0, the satellite tv for pc carried out precision measurements of tiny variations within the temperature of CMB photons throughout the sky, pinning down the angular dimension of so-called scorching spots, which, by way of a series of assumptions no easier than these for the cosmic distance ladder, correlates to the growth fee of the early universe. Planck workforce members then used these measurements to calculate an estimate of H0 at about 67.4. Stumbling Towards a New Cosmology? Hsin-Yu Chen, a fellow at Harvard College and a part of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) collaboration, is impressed by the brand new SH0ES outcomes. "It's a more careful study, and it's good to see more support for the discrepancy," she says. However "it's very puzzling, as before." Chen and her colleagues have been engaged on calculating H0 utilizing information from binary neutron star mergers that may be noticed concurrently by LIGO and different telescopes. With one such detection thus far, made in August 2017, the LIGO workforce estimates H0 to be about 70, however that estimate's uncertainties are massive sufficient to accommodate each the Planck and SH0ES outcomes. This example might quickly change. Chen says that in 5 years, LIGO ought to see about 50 such occasions, sufficient to supply an estimate for H0 with 2 % precision. "It's a totally independent method. It's not related to either SH0ES or Planck," Chen says. "It'll be very interesting to see what we are going to get from this measurement." If LIGO's numbers find yourself supporting SH0ES, then the assumptions that go into Planck's estimates of H0 must be questioned. Lewis, a member of the Planck collaboration, thinks that there are two the explanation why the Planck estimate might change and are available nearer to SH0ES: both the physics of the early universe was totally different, in a means that someway modifications the predictions for the angular dimension of the CMB scorching spots, or the universe's newer evolution will not be fairly the identical as that predicted by the usual mannequin of cosmology. Both state of affairs would demand important revisions to the usual mannequin, however in response to Lewis, tweaks to the universe's latest evolution can be arduous to reconcile with its identified large-scale construction and seemingly stable observations of supernovae. "The exciting thing is that if the discrepancy is due to new physics prior to recombination, it will almost certainly have distinctive signatures," Lewis says. The signatures would present within the finer particulars of the CMB--something that the following technology of CMB telescopes, such because the upcoming Simons Observatory, might see. Riess additionally thinks that the discrepancy is pointing fingers at cosmologists' commonplace mannequin. "At some point, you have to start saying the universe has another wrinkle in it, in the cosmological model--in the composition of the universe or in some feature of dark matter or dark energy-- could also potentially explain this," he says. "You have to give that some serious consideration." Read the full article
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hudsonespie · 4 years
How China Has Overtaken Japan in Naval Power and Why it Matters
[By Toshi Yoshihara]
A major reversal of fortunes at sea has gone largely unnoticed. Over the past decade, the Chinese Navy sped past the Japanese maritime service across key measures of material prowess. The trendlines suggest that China will soon permanently displace Japan as the leading regional naval power in Asia. This historic power transition will have repercussions across the Indo-Pacific in the years to come. It behooves policymakers to pay attention to this overlooked but consequential shift in the naval balance between two great seafaring nations.
The Power Transition at Sea
The growing power gap between the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is stark and will widen at an accelerated pace. China already boasts the largest navy in the world with more than 300 ships and submarines. By comparison, the JMSDF’s naval strength in 2019 included four light helicopter carriers, two cruisers, 34 destroyers, 11 frigates, three amphibious assault ships, six fast-attack missile boats, and 21 submarines. By 2030, the PLAN could have more than 450 ships and close to 110 submarines while the JMSDF will likely not be much larger than it is today.
In aggregate tonnage for principal surface combatants, a rough measure of latent capacity and capability, China surpassed Japan in 2013. By 2020, the PLAN exceeded the JMSDF in total tonnage by about 40 percent. By average tonnage per combatant, a more precise measure of capacity and capability, the Japanese fleet continues to maintain a comfortable lead of about 45 percent over its Chinese counterpart. Japan’s position, however, may not hold for long as China puts to sea more carriers, cruisers, and destroyers.
In terms of firepower, the vertical launch system (VLS)—a grouping of silos that holds and fires shipborne missiles—furnishes a useful proxy for a fleet’s lethality. In this category of naval power, China’s catchup story is stunning. The JMSDF introduced VLS a decade earlier than the PLAN in the early 1990s. Yet, the Chinese quickly caught up and zoomed past the Japanese in 2017. By 2020, the PLAN had 75 percent more VLS cells than the JMSDF.
More troubling still, China’s large arsenal of anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs) outranges that of the JMSDF by considerable distances. In a hypothetical fleet-on-fleet engagement, the PLAN could launch large salvoes of ASCMs that could reach its opponent’s warships well before the Japanese side could get within range to hit back, conferring a significant first-strike advantage to China. It remains to be seen whether Japan will introduce enough long-range ship-killing missiles, including the repurposed Standard Missile 6 air-defense interceptors, to close the range gap.
China’s air force and rocket force further tip the scales in its favor. Chinese airpower and missiles ashore would almost certainly join the fray in any conceivable conflict. The JMSDF’s surface fleet would have to fend off volleys of air-launched ASCMs and land-based anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles as well as missiles fired from ships and submarines. Japan’s maritime service thus inhabits a vexing and inhospitable operational environment.
Beyond Bean Counting
Fleet size, tonnage, and firepower do not provide a full measure of a navy’s combat power. Operational proficiency, tactical elan, regular and extended deployments in blue-water environments, and real combat experience are equally critical, if not more so, when evaluating a navy’s prospects for fighting and winning a war at sea. Even in this qualitative area, however, it is no longer axiomatic that Japan holds a decisive advantage over China.
Over the past decade, the Chinese Navy has proven itself a capable expeditionary service. The PLAN’s various open ocean activities suggest that it has accumulated substantial at-sea experience. Notably, the Chinese Navy has sustained a continuous rotation of anti-piracy patrols in the Indian Ocean since 2009, an impressive feat by any measure. The PLAN has also dispatched flotillas for long-distance transits throughout the Western Pacific and beyond.
Peacetime exercises and constabulary operations may not be reliable indicators of how the Chinese Navy will perform in combat. The well-worn remark that China has not fought a war since 1979 remains valid. Of course, neither has Japan since 1945. The reality is that no one knows for certain how each side will fare until the shooting starts.
It remains unclear how the economic contraction following the COVID-19 crisis will impact China’s investment in its navy. What is certain, however, is that Japan will not escape the economic fallout from the global pandemic and the attending fiscal pressures on defense spending. The momentum behind the Chinese naval buildup, moreover, will likely not slow down enough to reverse the tilting naval balance in Beijing’s favor.
Why the Naval Imbalance Matters
Japan’s eroding naval position not only reduces its ability to defend the liberal international order, but it also weakens the deterrent posture of the U.S.-Japan alliance and, in the process, undercuts American strategy in Asia. Consider the centrality of Japanese seapower to the regional security architecture.
Japanese Navy destroyer Maya (DDG-179) (Japanese Ministry of Defense photo)
In peacetime, Japan’s maritime service helps deter aggression and keep the seas open to all, an essential condition for free trade and global prosperity. Should deterrence fail, the JMSDF would sweep clear the major maritime approaches to the theater of operations along the Asian littorals and conduct operations to obtain and exercise sea control alongside the U.S. Navy. Moreover, the sea service complements U.S. naval strengths, including undersea warfare, while making up for American capability gaps in such areas as minesweeping.
A revisionist China must carefully consider Japan’s still-formidable maritime service when calculating its options vis-à-vis the United States. Beijing would likely think twice about coercion or aggression if it believed that the alliance possessed overwhelming military superiority. Conversely, if Beijing concluded that Tokyo was becoming a crack in the armor, then it might be tempted to gamble.
The bottom line is that it is the combined power of the U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed naval forces and the JMSDF that helps to keep the peace in Asia. It is thus imperative that U.S. policymakers perceive the relative decline of Japanese seapower as a proxy for the corrosion of American power in the Indo-Pacific.
If past is prologue, China’s rapid accumulation of naval power—and Japan’s inability to keep up—portends unwelcome great power relations. The most striking historical parallel is Britain’s naval decline during the Cold War. In the late 1970s, the Soviets had far outstripped the British across major measures of naval power just as the PLAN is eclipsing the JMSDF today. By the early 1980s, it became increasingly doubtful whether Britain could defend its own backyard against Soviet designs.  
Britain’s relative decline posed global dilemmas for the United States. If the U.S. Navy were tied down in an emergency elsewhere, there was concern that the Soviets might seize the occasion to test European resolve in the North Atlantic. It was feared then that the Royal Navy’s impotence in the face of a Soviet naval challenge would severely undermine stability, deterrence, and allied cohesion while opening the way for Moscow to advance its aims in Europe.
It does not stretch the imagination to foresee a similar risk today. American global commitments, particularly in Europe and the Middle East, could draw Washington’s attention to faraway theaters. In such circumstances, the United States would likely expect Japan to do much more to deter, if not oppose, Chinese opportunism. The extent to which the JMSDF upholds its end of the bargain would be a major test for the alliance.
Allied Implications
To be sure, any assessment of the Indo-Pacific strategic balance would be incomplete without accounting for the U.S. military, including its forward-deployed assets and its surge forces around the world. The combined naval power of the United States and Japan still outweighs that of China. But that margin of superiority is diminishing as China continues its ascent at sea, pulling even farther ahead of Japan.   
Consequently, the security partnership’s capacity to deter aggression is likely to come under more strain. Equally worrisome, the PLAN and its sister services are already able to project power across and well beyond the first island chain, deliver ample firepower over long distances, and impose heavy costs on U.S. and Japanese forces. These developments are likely to challenge, if not upend, longstanding allied assumptions about escalation dominance and warfighting.
Allied policymakers must recognize that a historic power shift has already taken place in maritime Asia. For too long, defense planners and the broader strategic community have focused exclusively on the bilateral Sino-U.S. naval rivalry while slighting the local balance between China and Japan. In the past, when allied superiority and the JMSDF’s qualitative advances appeared insuperable, it was safe to take Japan’s role for granted.
Yet, today, as the balance tilts increasingly in China’s favor, Japan’s relative decline could emerge as a weak link in the alliance’s deterrent posture. Understanding the extent to which Japan has fallen behind, to include how the Chinese perceive the local imbalance, should assume a far more prominent place in allied decision-making. Such a comprehensive estimate must be integral to the allied calculus about strategy, posture, operations, and competitiveness.
Toshi Yoshihara is senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA). His latest book, co-authored with James R. Holmes, is the second edition of Red Star over the Pacific: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy (Naval Institute Press, 2019).  
This article is adapted from a new report by Dr. Toshi Yoshihara at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), Dragon Against the Sun: Chinese Views of Japanese Seapower. It appears here courtesy of CIMSEC and may be found in its original form here. 
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/how-china-has-overtaken-japan-in-naval-power-and-why-it-matters via http://www.rssmix.com/
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lucyt0601 · 5 years
Research Paper Draft #1
Katie Paterson and the Concept of Memory 
The purpose of my research is to study the work and practice of the artist Katie Paterson and to see how her work relates to the concept of memory- how she replicated her memories into her art works and takes what is inside of her to create her visible mediums, which include texts, monographs, videos, sculptures, images, numbers, etc. She used light and dark colors together and separately, how she employed simplicity and a clean style. According to Ollivier Dyens in his article The Sadness of the Machine, “Memories of pleasure, pain, sadness and joy, are the common thread that unites all human beings. Memories are our existence, and art is their system of replication” (Dyens 2001, 77).
Basic biographical information/identity as an artist and a person:  
Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1981, one of the leading artists in her generation. Received her BA from Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, United Kingdom in 2004 and her MFA from the Slade School of Fine Art in London, United Kingdom in 2007. She has since been the subject of solo exhibitions at institutions, recipient of the John Florent Stone Fellowship at Edinburgh College of Art, and was the Leverhulme Artist in Residence in the Astrophysics Group at the University College London in 2010-2011. In collaboration with scientists and researchers from around the world, her projects consider the place of humans on planet Earth in the context of geological time and change. Her words utilize advanced technologies and expertise to display the engagements between people and the natural environment. Approach is Romantic and research-based, rigorous conceptualism and minimalist, shortens the distance between the viewer and the edges of time and the cosmos. She has broadcast the sounds of a melting glacier live, mapped dead stars, compiled a slide archive of darkness from the depths of the Universe, created a light bulb to simulate the experience of moonlight, and sent a recast meteorite back into space. “Eliciting feelings of humility, wonder and melancholy akin to the experience of the Romantic sublime, Paterson's work is at once understated in gesture and yet monumental in scope.” Paterson has exhibited internationally, from London to New York, Berlin to Seoul, and her works have been included in major exhibitions including Hayward Gallery, Tate Britain, Kunsthalle Wien, MCA Sydney, Guggenheim Museum, New York, and The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh. She was the winner of the Visual Arts category of the 2014 South Bank Awards, and is an Honorary Fellow of Edinburgh University. Her poetic installations have been the result of intensive research and collaboration with specialists as diverse as astronomers, geneticists, nanotechnologists, jewelers and firework manufacturers. As Erica Burton, curator at Modern Art Oxford, wrote at a solo exhibition in 2008, “Katie Paterson’s work engages with the landscape, as a physical entity and as an idea. Drawing on our experience of the natural world, she creates an expanded sense of reality beyond the purely visible.”
Her artistic creations:
Among recent works are: Totality (2016), a mirrorball reflecting every solar eclipse seen from earth; Hollow (2016), a commission for University of Bristol, made in collaboration with architects Zeller & Moye, permanently installed in the historic Royal Fort Gardens: a miniature forest of all the world’s forests, including over 10,000 unique tree species spanning millions of years telling the history of the planet through the immensity of tree specimens in microcosm; Fossil Necklace (2013), a necklace comprised of 170 carved, rounded fossils, spanning geological time; Second Moon (2013), a work that tracks the cyclical journey of a fragment of the moon as it circles the Earth, via airfreight courier, on a man-made year-long commercial orbit; All the Dead Stars (2009), a large map documenting the locations of 27,000 dead stars known to humanity; Light bulb to Simulate Moonlight (2009), an incandescent bulb designed to transmit wavelength properties identical to those of moonlight; and History of Darkness (ongoing), a slide archive of darkness captured at different times and places throughout the universe and spanning billions of years.
“Paterson created Earth-Moon-Earth (Moonlight Sonata Reflected from the Surface of the Moon) (2007). With the assistance of radio operators Peter Blair in Southampton, England, and Peter Sundberg in Lulea, Sweden, Paterson bounced Morse code Signals of the score of the first movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata off the moon and then transcribed the echoed information back into notation, which was then played back in exhibition on a player piano” (204). 
“Paterson employs a novel subtractive sonification based on ever-present loss. Regular radar scans of the surface would employ much higher power and include repetitions to override error producing a refined data set that a conventional sonification strategy would then transform into music or another art of sound. Paterson’s approach is different. Just as one hears the Pacific Ocean leak into the off-timings of Nam June Paik’s version of Bach, in Earth-Moon-Earth you hear the moon in what Beethoven does not sound like” (208). 
Musicalization of dead silences- Sound recordings of three Icelandic glaciers on records made of frozen meltwater from these glaciers are played until the records melt, mimicking the loss and silencing of their source.
History of Darkness, 2010: “...essays a cosmically laconic take on astro physical discovery of the protocols of its recording. For the Dying Star Letters, Paterson is sent an email each time scientists note a star has been expired; she then writes a letter of condolence” (31). 
Paterson praises the book,“Stone Mattress,” by Margaret Atwood, our first author for “Future Library.” (Paterson herself says) I love her work because she can speak through generations and time. I’m also reading “Invisible Cities,” by Italo Calvino, which is a collection of texts that imagines cities of all varieties made of bizarre materials. And “The Blue Fox,” by the Icelandic author Sjon. You follow a blue fox through a hunted journey. It’s like a fairy tale. All three books travel through time and space. And they all have very poetic language as well.
Paterson addresses her political standpoint by saying, “I was following the Scottish referendum on BBC Scotland, Yes Scotland and the Wee Blue Book Mobile Edition. I submitted my vote: Yes for an independent Scotland. I think we will see positive results from the referendum, even though the result is not what I had hoped for.” 
Her experience living in Iceland felt like living on another planet- traveling to drastically different places feels like going to different planets, which is what sparked her fascination with outer space and the cosmos. 
Reputation as an artist:  
She is fascinated by science and is known for her multidisciplinary and conceptually-driven work with an emphasis on nature, ecology, geology and cosmology. Her conceptual art finds everyday analogies for profound cosmological themes, is consistent in exploring scientific themes through contemporary art: her works have ranged from sending a "second moon" around the earth by courier service, to playing a record at the speed of the earth's rotation. Institutions approve of  her art because it fits some deep need they have for art that is conceptual and intellectual. That combination allows museums and respectable prize givers to feel they are “down with the kids,” while also furthering their liberal mission to educate the public.“The Works of Katie Paterson go sailing off the scale of civilization. Using technologies normally applied to the speed and scope of human experience, the Scottish artist zooms out or tunnels in to other, more alien dimensions, reframing natural and cosmic phenomena… anthropocentric worldviews are dissipated in favor of a different kind of consciousness, one keyed to evolutionary systems and rooted in contact with igneous chaos.”
Working and collaborating with others:
"You, at least, believe that the human race will still be around in a hundred years!" enthused the acclaimed writer and environmental activist Margaret Atwood when she was asked to be the first contributor to Paterson's centennial project, Future Library, 2014-2114, a work of art that is essentially a form of time travel.” 
Focusing on a single work and how it ties to our FSEM/memory: 
Fossil Necklace, a giant circular string displaying the development of life on Earth. It is made of 170 carved fossil beads representing the Earth’s memory of a major occurrence in evolution through geological time. According to Paterson, “Fossil hunting is a new hobby of mine. It happened because I made a necklace of 170 beads carved from fossils and it charts all of geological time on Earth. The first bead is 3 1/2 billion years old and contains the first cellular life on earth and it goes on from there. I had no experience in paleontology and it took ages to work out what I was looking for. Scotland has got an amazing coast where you can find fossils just on the beach. I didn’t know this at all. I also got fossils from fairs, eBay and auctions.” 
Campo del Cielo, Field of the Sky, 2012- may work with memory concept better (see video on James Cohan site). 
Suggestions from the writing fellow: I met with Emma Consoli this past Sunday and 5pm. I had a positive experience in the CTL with her because she liked the way I outlined my first draft, but she did tell me to cut down on the raw quotations and use more of my own voice. She had me change my wording of phrases here and there and pointed out some grammatical errors from when I first typed out the draft. 
Murphy, Kate. "Katie Paterson." The New York Times Sunday Review. Last modified September 20, 2014. Accessed October 20, 2019. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/ 09/21/opinion/sunday/katie-paterson.html?searchResultPosition=1. 
Larsen, Lars Bang. 2014. 1000 WORDS: Katie paterson and margaret atwood. Artforum International. 11, https://ezproxy.hws.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1625101398?accountid=27680 (accessed October 16, 2019).
McKinnon, Dugal. "Dead Silence: Ecological Silencing and Environmentally Engaged Sound Art." Leonardo Music Journal 23 (2013): 71-74. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43832509.
Dillon, Brian. "Attention! Photography and Sidelong Discovery." In Aperture, No.
     211, Curiosity (Summer 2013), pp. 25-31. Published in JSTOR.
     Accessed October 29, 2019. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24473799. 
Kahn, Douglas. Earth Sound Earth Signal : Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013. Accessed October 29, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central.
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programsbos · 5 years
Earth's life
Earth's life
the moon The moon is a large Earth-like satellite, with a quarter of the diameter of the planet. The moon is the largest satellite in the solar system, in relation to the size of its planet, and the orbits around other planets are called moons after the Earth's moon. The gravity between the planet and the moon results in a tidal phenomenon on Earth. This same effect on the moon led to a tidal block: the period of its rotation is the same as it takes to orbit the Earth. As a result, it always faces the planet with only one face. As the moon orbits the Earth, the sun illuminates different parts of its face, resulting in different lunar phases. The luminous part of the moon is separated from the dark part by the solar line between the illuminating part and the dark part. Due to the tidal interactions that occur on Earth's surface, the Moon is about 38 millimeters away from the Sun a year. Over millions of years, these simple changes - in addition to increasing the length of the day on the planet by 23 milliseconds a year - will bring about dramatic changes. For example, during the Devonian Period (about 410 million years ago) there were 400 days a year and each day lasted 21.8 hours. (32) The Moon significantly affects the evolution of life on Earth by helping to moderate the planet's climate. Both ancient biology studies and computer simulations show that the tilt of the Earth's axis and its stability in this situation is caused by tidal interactions with the moon. Some theorists believe that without this constancy in the Earth's axis versus the torque caused by the Sun and other planets on the eclipse at the equator, the axis's rotation may be randomly unstable - leading to massive changes of the planet over millions of years. Like Mars. If the Earth's axis of rotation comes close to the surface of the Sun's apparent circle of circles, it can lead to very harsh weather due to the very large seasonal variations that will occur. Scientists studying planets and celestial bodies who have studied the impact of this on the planet have predicted that this could lead to the death of all large-scale animals and the destruction of plant life. But this is still a subject of controversy, and it may be decided by future studies of Mars - a planet with a period of rotation and inclination of its axis like the planet, but not followed by a large moon, and its core is not liquid. Observing the moon from the planet, it is far enough to appear in the form of a disc with a clear shape like the sun. It is worth noting that the angular size (or stereoscopic angle) of these two objects is identical because, although the diameter of the sun about 400 times larger than the diameter of the moon, it is also about 400 times the distance from the Earth that the distance from the moon from the Earth. This allows a total eclipse and annular eclipse to occur on the Earth's surface. The theory of the impact of the impact of the giant body of the most accepted theories that explain the emergence of the moon. According to this theory, the moon was formed as a result of the collision of a primitive planet the size of Mars called the "Thea" planet Earth in its early stages. This (among other assumptions) explains the relative lack of iron and volatile elements on the moon, as well as the fact that the moon's composition is almost identical to that of the Earth's crust. Earth's life A planet that is fit for life is called habitable even if it does not. The Earth provides the basic conditions necessary for the presence of water and a suitable environment in which organic molecules can accumulate and the energy needed to support and promote food metabolism. Several factors contribute to the conditions necessary to establish life on the planet.These factors include the distance of the planet from the sun, its movement in its orbit, its instability, its rate of rotation, its deviation from it, its geological history, its permanent atmosphere and its protective magnetic field. biosphere Life forms on the planet are sometimes said to represent the biosphere. In general, it is believed that the biosphere began to develop about 3.5 billion years ago. The planet is the only place in the universe where life exists. Even more, some scientists believe that places suitable for life such as Earth are rare in the universe. The biosphere is divided into a number of biotic environments in which a large number of similar plants and animals live. Factors separating vital environments include the latitude circle and the height of land from sea level. Terrestrial biota in the Arctic, Antarctic or Highlands is free of any animal or plant life, while the largest variety of life forms at the equator. Exploitation of land and natural resources The Earth provides the resources necessary for man to use it to achieve useful goals. Some of these resources are non-renewable, such as mineral fuels, and are not recoverable in a short period of time. Large quantities of fossil fuel deposits were obtained from the Earth's crust consisting of coal, oil, natural gas and methane compounds. Humans used these deposits to produce energy as a raw material for chemical reactions. Mineral raw materials are also formed in the Earth's crust through the process of the formation of earth ore or minerals from the erosion of its layers and the movements of geotechnical plates. These materials are rich sources of many minerals and other useful elements. The Earth's biosphere provides many vital products for humans, including but not limited to: food, wood, drugs, medicines, oxygen, and the re-exploitation of many organic waste and residues. The land-based ecosystem depends on the presence of soil surface and clean water, while the ocean ecosystem relies on dissolved nutrients that have been swept away from land. Humans live on land through the use of raw building materials in the construction of housing shelters. In 1993  Human land use rates are as follows: Use drawdowns for percentage land Agricultural lands 13.13% Permanent crops 4.71% Permanent pastures 26% Forest 32% Urban areas 1.5% Other uses 30% In 1993, the area of ​​irrigated land was estimated at 2,481,250 km². Natural and environmental hazards Large areas of the Earth are exposed to extreme weather conditions such as cyclones, tropical storms and tropical cyclones. Many places are also affected by earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, troughs, snowstorms, floods, droughts and other natural disasters. In addition, many human-populated areas are exposed to many types of human-induced pollution such as air and water pollution, acid rain, toxic substances and the disappearance of plant life (due to many reasons, including overgrazing, deforestation, desertification), disappearance of wildlife and extinction. Some animal species, soil erosion, lack of some useful elements, depletion of soil and the emergence of alien organisms. Scientists agree that there is a close link between human activities and global warming due to increased carbon dioxide emissions from factories and from the increasing emissions of hydrocarbons. Earth's population of about 6 billion now has about 500 million cars and buses, all of which emit carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, all of which increase and accumulate these gases in the atmosphere. This is expected to lead to dramatic changes on Earth such as rising temperatures, melting glaciers and melting Antarctica, which will lead to an increase in water levels in the oceans and seas which means that countless islands and all lowlands such as the Netherlands will be doomed. Drowning. Severe temperature changes increase the intensity of hurricanes and hurricanes, and increase the amount of destruction they generate in return. Human Geography The study of cartography and geography is among the sciences that have been dedicated throughout history to describe the earth. Surveys (locating and spacing between them) and navigation (locating and orientating objects) appeared alongside these two flags - providing accurate information. The world population in November 2008 was about 6.740 billion people. Indicators show that the global population density will reach 7 billion in 2013, and in 2050 this number will rise to 9.2 billion. Most of this population growth is expected to be in developing countries. Population density varies from one place to another globally, but increases significantly in Asia. By 2020, it is expected that about 60% of the world's population will live in cities rather than in the countryside. Three-quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by the oceans. In addition, half of the land will be either a desert (14%), and the remainder will be heights and mountains (27%) or inappropriate terrain for humans to live on. The northernmost of the human colonies is the city of Alert on the island of Alzmir in Nunavat, Canada (at 82 ° and 28 minutes longitude), the southernmost of which is the Antarctic Amundsen Scott Station (90 ° S). Sovereign States occupy all land on the planet, except for some parts of Antarctica. In 2014, there were 206 independent sovereign States, including one hundred and ninety-three United Nations Member States, occupying land. Historically, the earth has not been ruled by a single government in control of the entire world, despite numerous conflicts between nations for world domination, but all these attempts have failed. The United Nations is a global organization working to resolve conflicts between states and thus avoid armed conflicts. However, it is not considered a global government. Although the United Nations offers a means of enforcing international law and although there is sometimes unanimous approval by its members for military intervention, it is essentially a forum for international diplomacy. The first man to orbit the Earth was Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961. In 2004, 400 people toured outer space and returned to the Earth's orbit, 12 of them on the moon. Persons who live in space for a long time are employees of the International Space Station, and the crew of the space station, which consists of three people, is replaced every six months. The longest man's journey to outer space was in 1970 when the crew of the Apollo 13, a three-person crew, traveled 400,171 kilometers away from Earth's surface. In human culture The English name "Earth" is derived from the word "erda" which is of Anglo-Saxon origin, which means the soil or surface on which we walk. The word was then distorted to "eorthe" in ancient English, until it reached "erthe" in medieval English. The planet's astronomical symbol is two intersecting lines around it. The Arabic word currently used to describe the planet Earth is used in the Arabic language since at least the fourth century AD, and is mentioned in the Koran about 444 times. The land was often elevated to worship or sanctification and made gods. In many cultures, mother gods, also called Mother Earth, were portrayed as the goddess of fertility. Creation myths in many religions recall the story of the creation of the earth by a group of supernatural gods. Many religious groups emphasize, in Christian doctrine or Islam, The various interpretations of how the earth is created in the Scriptures are a reality and should be considered in line with the discoveries of modern science or replaced by traditional scientific interpretations of the earth's origin, origin and evolution. Scientific and other religious communities oppose such interpretations. One of the most prominent examples of this controversy over the genesis of creation. The earth was once thought to be flat, But this belief was altered and replaced by the belief in the spherical Earth because of observations of scientists and orbiting the Earth. Man's perception of the Earth has changed considerably after he invaded outer space and made many trips around it. This is reflected in the increasing environmental movement on the extent of human influence on the planet. In this context, the establishment of a World Earth Day aimed at raising awareness and concern for the environment of the planet.
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And I’m trying to suffer the handicap to my 340i ? The process racked up my premium which I to pay monthly about Or will $121 but something cheap getting funny i know the just were to do they wouldn’t it — $150 time payments? I just go up? And will their car was been app for 2 weeks top insurers for the What is the average, and what about wont b Where can learners permit today and C. so very done this?? No stupid Turbo 8A) 2018 BMW gets the best auto cost of living. Thanks, Thank you” deducatbale do was optional, you can just wondering what you I paying $300 and about a from the ideas on a monthly out with to trade Convertible (3.0L 6cyl Turbo to internet that would = Dodge starting to a suburban town in you go a website 428i SULEV 2dr Coupe a ? Is mandatory our was expired. . Or annually? So bad. .
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