#based on 80s movies posters... yk
umbrvx · 1 year
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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My oddly specific Warren Graham headcanons
(totally not just me projecting onto him because he has very little personality in the game itself, shhhhh)
• His parents divorced when he was very young. He lived with his mom throughout primary- and middle school. Until he got a scolarship at blackwell
• He used to see his dad twice a month, every other weekend :) (this totally isnt me projecting what r u talking abt)
• He's transmasc (afab). His parents were accepting, even his father in the end even though he had some trouble with it at first
• He listens to gorillaz religiously, they're his favorite band. Immaculate taste if i may say so myself
• He's very into music from the 80's and 90's, again, imacculate ass taste man
• At blackwell he's only told Max, Ms Grant and the principal abt the fact that he's trans. He started puberty blockers quite early and nobody really asked him either, since he passes quite well.
• As we all know, he's a big science nerd. I imagine he's always happy to help people who struggle with math/chem etc
• He sucks at biology though. All my homies hate bio
• Mans loves marvel and dc, he prefers marvel, but he thinks the discourse between the two fandoms is useless
• On the topic of marvel and dc, he totally collects comics and can talk for  h o u r s  abt the cinematic universe
• His favorite movie in the marvel franchise is probably winter soldier
• Likes singing along to music when he thinks hes alone, even though hes not a good singer
• He got his car on his 16th birthday as a gift from both his parents, because they were super proud of his scholarship to blackwell
• He has quite a lot of trouble making friends, but when he does warm up to people he's sweet asf
• "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so eat up!"
• A dog person!! He totally loves cats too, but dogs just hit different yk
• He plays d&d, but he hasn't played in a long while since he moved from his hometown to arcadia bay, away from his childhood friends
• He doesn't like seafood besides fish sticks lol
• He doesn't really smoke or drink alcohol much, but je doesn't pass up w33d every once in a while.
• He has these blue pajama pants with space ships and stars on them and he wears them consistently during vacations/weekends
• He totally has that one pink headset with cat ears. This is non-negotiable
• He enjoys playing video games, but it's not something he does every single day.
• Very big on Final Fantasy (probably grew up with it) and Legend of Zelda
• Says he's not that big on cinematography but has a long list of movies he likes and some immaculate ass taste, once again
• His favorite movies include Akira (canon, actually) and the butterfly effect (also technically a movie he canonically watched)
• Probably active on reddit, hate to say it 😔
• takes pictures sometimes just for shits and giggles, not with any further intentions. More like, oh the view is nice lemme snap a pic
• An average disposable camera enjoyer
• Keeps pictures of his family in his room, between all the posters he has
• Loves stranger things (He find will very relatable)
• Technically canon, but he owns graphic tees with terrible puns on them
• One of his top ten things is driving at night, listening to music with the aux while cruising
• headphones > earbuds
• his lockscreen is a picture of him and his friends (you can fill that in based on your personal headcanons, but id imagine a picture either with Max or Nate)
• Actually knows how to use discord
• Probably owns a spider man suit, let's be real here
(Comments are very welcome, i'd love to know ur opinion on my hc's :3)
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