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instructionsonback · 6 months ago
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bestbaseballreview · 2 years ago
How To Throw A Vulcan Changeup?
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If you're looking to master the Vulcan changeup, this article provides a step-by-step guide to throwing it flawlessly.
The Vulcan changeup is a unique type of off-speed pitch that is considered one of the most challenging to learn. It's a variation of the circle changeup, but instead of forming a circle with your index finger and thumb, you rest them on the side of the baseball.
It's important to note that the Vulcan changeup is not the same as the split-finger fastball, even though the grip is similar. The difference between the two lies in the finger holding the ball.
To throw a Vulcan changeup, grip the baseball deeply and position it between your ring and middle fingers, near the outer seams on the ball's upper end. Your index finger should be below the middle finger, while your pinky finger rests below the ring finger. Use your thumb to support the baseball's lower end, making sure to grip the ball firmly so that it is tucked into your hand right above your palm.
When throwing the Vulcan changeup, use your fastball arm speed but pronate your hand first by turning your thumb down for a good downward movement. Your palm should face upward once you release the ball, and the V shape of your fingers should point towards the catcher. Avoid varying your elbow movement or arm speed, but instead, throw the Vulcan changeup like a fastball while relying on the grip to do the work.
It's worth noting that changeups, including the Vulcan changeup, are ideal off-speed pitches that can disrupt the hitter's timing at the plate. A changeup will typically break down and be 10-20 mph slower than a fastball, providing more variety in your pitching.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pitcher looking to expand your pitching repertoire, our guide on throwing the Vulcan changeup is perfect for you. So start practicing and impress your opponents with this filthy pitch!
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termsoflife · 3 years ago
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Nolan Ryan became the first Major League Baseball pitcher to pitch 5,000 strikeouts.
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kaverirangappa · 3 years ago
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‘Play Baseball’. Premium Quality Baseball T shirt for sport lovers at an unbelievable price. Check it out while it lasts!
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smbasantamonica2019 · 3 years ago
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SMBA 13U salute the parents onnthe crowd after every game for their support! Can't do it without you! Thank you and to team ISA! What a good and competitive game til the end! #baseball #pitcher #baseballtraining #baseballcamp #travelball #baseballacademy #baseballgame #baseballpitcher @playisanow @smba12u @talk_baseball_usa @fieldlevel @wilson_southwest @tleary54assoc (at Santa Monica Baseball Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc2v4_CLT6S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cheechoo98 · 4 years ago
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Jays Drawing - game 028. I really like Trent Thornton’s pitching windup, plus I got to break out the halftone brush in Photoshop :) #bluejays #mlb #jaysdrawings #baseball #sketch #drawing #baseballdrawing #baseballillustration #trentthornton #pitcher #baseballpitcher https://www.instagram.com/p/COlf07uDf6e/?igshid=1fqahbevs2gzt
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leemaplesphotography · 4 years ago
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#leemaplesphotography #bethelbraves #bethelbaseball #baseballpitcher #varsitybaseball #vnnphotos (at Bethel High School (Spanaway, Washington)) https://www.instagram.com/p/COJzAPpMwaw/?igshid=1c0f79e5n3yor
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emilyiannielli · 5 years ago
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This transgender girl can pitch ⚾️ #baseball #mlb #transgendergirl #pitcher #baseballpitcher #lgbtq #metsfan #emilyiannielli #jacobdegrom #gerritcole #newyorkyankeesfan #bonusbaby #baseballfan #baseballlife⚾️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B57VV2fHLPs/?igshid=t0xd2ery7gqa
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cyndichamberssports · 6 years ago
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Details Of Sport: @daveblackphoto mentioned last week about making detail shots during games, and it reminded me of some of the ones I had made this past college baseball season. I didn’t really have time to capture Detail Shots during games. I found I had more time to do that when I went up to shoot @gatorsbb on my own time during Fall Ball, pre-season, and practices...photos that showed another side to the game I love. Sometimes it might be capturing a player’s personality, or the grind of practice, or an amazing sunset slowly sinking down over McKethan Stadium. But one of my favorite places to get detail shots was in the bullpen. Depending on the pitcher and how comfortable he was with me being in there taking pics, I could move around and get different angles and closeups. And that’s what I did here... This was back in May during a postseason @gatorsbb practice. @jacklefty21 was throwing to @santinomiozzi. I had moved around behind Jack to get some of Santino catching. I was basically lying down on the ground behind Jack when I noticed clay kicking up each time he threw (probably because clay kept hitting me in the face!) I got a few different frames of this—some where you can see more of his shoe, some where you can see more of the clay on the spikes—but I liked this one because of where the focus is...and where it isn’t. I put the focus on those little specks of clay kicking up in mid-air. The toe of Jack’s right shoe barely touching the ground for a split second would normally be in focus, but instead I made it the background for this image, and his left shoe is really just a blur of blue. If you’re a fan of baseball, you get what’s going on in the image, and can relate it to each movement of a pitcher’s windup and delivery. And if you’re not that familiar with the sport, you just have to look carefully to understand what’s going on... It’s all there in the Details. . . . . @gatorsbb #themac #teamcanon #canonusa #baseball #collegebaseball #detailofsport #baseballpitcher @nikebaseball @theathletichq @baseballhall #nccaabaseball @womensportsphotographers @womeninsportsphotography #cyndichamberssports #NVRQT 🤙 (at Alfred A. McKethan Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0pPigXlF3a/?igshid=hzr8zkicwtvu
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msterrybrown · 6 years ago
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This man and the love of his life! #Petska, #BaseballPitchers, #Mariska & #TheMets What a Friday night! @therealmariskahargitay @mets #TheAmericanSportAndTheAmericanHero #MariskaHargitay #OliviaBenson #Warrior #EmpoweredWoman #PowerfulWoman (at Citi Field) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2W-3henp-7/?igshid=1w811m8wuovql
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dominatethediamond · 2 years ago
Baseball Instructional Videos
Baseball Instructional Videos provide coaches and parents with a wealth of advice, drills and techniques that can make players better at their sport. From hitting and pitching to fielding and base running, these videos offer invaluable advice from top instructors. They are also perfect for a gift to a friend or loved one who plays the game.
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Pitching Drills & Techniques for Youth (Ages 7-12) Coach Marty Schupak provides a variety of drills that help young baseball pitchers develop proper throwing mechanics. These pitching drills are easy to understand and teach kids the different body parts that work together to pitch effectively.
Getting Ready for the Pitching Motion The most important part of the pitching motion is the thoracic rotation. This movement is made up of the upper arms, shoulders, chest and head and it is the most effective way to get a clean, crisp delivery.
A good thoracic rotation is crucial to creating a powerful pitching motion that can be used in any position on the mound. The video shows youth pitchers how to practice this in an easy-to-follow manner that will allow them to improve their ability to throw fastballs.
Fielding Short Hops There are three types of "hops" when fielding a ground ball on it's final bounce: long hop, in-between hop and short hop. Practicing these short hops can dramatically improve a player's ability to field a ground ball on the last bounce, and can lead to significant improvements in other skills as well such as throwing and fielding a bunt.
Developing these skills will not only help the athlete play their best at the plate, but it can also make them a better defensive player and an excellent teammate. These are the types of skills that will give them a competitive advantage on and off the field and will serve them well as they grow into their professional careers.
Hitting Fundamentals for All Ages Bobby Woods, a former professional player and hitting instructor, shows youth baseball and softball players how to hit using the same hitting principles as major leaguers. This training will help them become confident in their swing, improving both their speed and power.
Coaching T-Ball Whether you're a parent or a volunteer coach, this video will help you learn how to run effective practices and games for T-Ball players. It will teach you how to build a fun, positive atmosphere for kids and parents at the same time. It will give you the tools to plan and implement successful practices that will keep your T-Ball team motivated, focused and productive throughout the season.
The 59 Minute Baseball Practice This video was developed by a nationally known youth baseball coach to help coaches and parents implement an efficient and productive practice routine for their youth teams. This practice routine will allow coaches to have a full hour of practice each day with their players and will ensure that every player is working on the necessary skills.
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trending-best · 5 years ago
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Click Pitchers Training
#baseballpitching #Baseball #baseballquotes #baseballplayer #baseballpitchingtraining #baseballgames #lifequotes #yogiberraquotes #baseballpitching #internationalplayers #baseball #baseballjerseys #baseballscorebook #baseballmom #baseballdad #baseballplayer #baseballplayers #mlbplayoffs #pitchingtrainingforyouth #worldseries #Howtothrowabaseball #baseballquotes #love #baseballbat #baseballcap #battingcages #trending #travelbaseball #catchertraining #baseballhats #baseballswag #baseballbat #baseballcamp #baseballcap #international #baseballgloves#colombia #catcher #hitting #pitchingmachine #baseballjerseys #catchers #topprospect #topprospects #baseballprospect #pitchingdrills #pitchingvelocitytrainingprograms
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— #MLB #MLBhistory #MLBtonight #Baseball #BaseballTrivia #BaseballHistory #baseball #ESPN #MLBnetwork #BaseballFacts #DailyMLB #MLBdaily #ilovebaseball #stevecarlton  #shutouts #mlbpitcher
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recruitlings · 5 years ago
Tommy Walsh Baseball | 2021 RHP
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ah360photography · 6 years ago
Improbable performance by my old softball teammate Mike Fiers who delivers his second career No Hitter in the bigs (1 of only 35 to do so!!) - 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼✊✊👊🏾👊🏾 - @athletics #oaklandathletics #oaklandathletics #mlb #nohitter #nohitters #baseballpitcher #pitcher (at Pompano Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxM0zxDlZUV/?igshid=bpb1pkfsavkv
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sweetpandaky · 6 years ago
You guys, the boys and I had so much fun playing with @iplayilearntoys 2 in 1 Tennis/Baseball Pitcher!!!!! 🎾⚾️ It was hilarious!!! They both started out with their game faces in, but quickly realized they couldn’t hit the ball for the life of them. It turned into a game of chase the ball, and even mama got some exercise running after those soft, but bouncy balls. Eventually though, and surprising my fast, they really got the hang of it, thanks to this awesome toy. ⚾️🎾 Keep your eyes out for this one, it comes out this month and is a great learn/play tool. ⚾️🎾 Also keep and eye on @iplayilearntoys they are all about creating meaningful toys for our little ones. #iplayilearn #iplayilearntoys #toys #toy #baseballtoy #tennistoy #tennis #baseball #baseballpitcher #toyreview #losangelesmoms #losangelesmom #mommyblogger #blogger #influencer #kidsofinstagram #losangeleskids #kids #losangeles #momlife #momlifeisthebest (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuefqiVACFq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tl07ijmw54pb
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theglovesurgeon · 6 years ago
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Who a pitcher feels when he breaks a bat... #baseball #baseballpitcher #woodbat #woodbats (at El Paso, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxojBSGh9YT/?igshid=l3n1ckszod6s
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