patchoulism · 10 months
do you remember Bart Simpsky... my brother Bartiv Simpsenko? Bartko Simpsovic
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gl-cult-archives · 1 year
Gospel Light cult member was imprisoned for defrauding investors
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nazkat · 2 years
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William I Bartko (1905-1989) A desert landscape Gouache watercolor. Born in Tledo, Ohio to Hungarian parents. @designeruniquefinds.com #bartko #shopify #artist #art #creative #designers #desertlandscape #watercolours #gouacheart #signedbyartist #ohioartist #toledoohio #museum #finearts #listedartist #interiordesign #decoratehome #decorated (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg8E6iYJcB9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bm-contemporary-art · 3 years
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Arrival, George Bartko, 1987, Brooklyn Museum: Contemporary Art
© George Bartko Size: Sheet: 28 3/8 x 22 3/16 in. (72 x 56.4 cm) Medium: Lithograph in colors
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photo of Elisabeth with her father on Bartko-Reher
On sale right now,
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entremesj · 5 years
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korkep-blog · 6 years
Akár a Spartak bajnoki címe is rámehet a legfrissebb foci-botrányra
Alapjaiban rengette meg a Fortuna Ligát a hétfőn napvilágra került korrupciós botrány. A Spartak Nagyszombat tagadja az őt ért vádakat, az egyik volt klubtulajdonos elismerte, hogy róla szólnak a híradások, a Szövetség és a Liga pedig bízik a legjobbakban.   A Topky.sk szlovák portál számol...
Alapjaiban rengette meg a Fortuna Ligát a hétfőn napvilágra került korrupciós botrány. A Spartak Nagyszombat tagadja az őt ért vádakat, az egyik volt klubtulajdonos elismerte, hogy róla szólnak a híradások, a Szövetség és a Liga pedig bízik a legjobbakban.
  A Topky.sk szlovák portál számolt be elsőként a hírről, hogy kétségessé vált a Spartak Nagyszombat bajnoki címe, ugyanis annak eléréséhez korrupciós botrány kapcsolódhat.
  A portál akkori információi arról szóltak, hogy a Rózsahegy egyik játékosát, egy a bajnokságban mindenki által ismert férfi megkereste, majd pénzt ajánlott neki, ha eléri, hogy veszítsen csapata a Nagyszombat ellen.
  A játékos, akiről azóta kiderült, hogy a Rózsahegy kapusa – Matúš Macík, elutasította a felajánlott 5000 eurót, majd jelentette a klubjának, hogy milyen megkeresést kapott. A Rózsahegy jelentette az esetet a Szövetségnek, akik megtették a feljelentést a rendőrségen.
  Daniel Bartko, aki a pénzt ajánlotta Macíknak, korábban a szenci klub tulajdonosa volt, elismerte, hogy őt vádolják, azonban elutasítja, hogy tényleg pénzt ajánlott volna Macíknak. Szerinte a fiatal kapus félreértette őt.
  Egy benzinkúton találkoztak
  Sajtóértesülések szerint Bartko megkérte Macíkot, hogy találkozzanak az egyik benzinkútnál. Eddig megegyezik a két fél vallomása. Bartko szerint azért hívta találkozóra Macíkot, mert egy külföldi klub megkérte, hogy ajánljon neki egy fiatal kapust. A találkozó végén aztán megjegyezte, hogy reméli, a meccsen a Nagyszombat nyer, mivel rájuk fogadott. Szerint ezt értette félre Macík.
  A topky.sk szerint a rendőrségi dokumentumokban máshogy találjuk meg a történetet. Ott arról számolnak be, hogy 5 ezer eurót kínáltak a játékosnak, ha elveszítik az április 21-i, Nagyszombat elleni mérkőzést. A találkozó egyébként 0:0-ás döntetlennel ért véget.
  Nem ez az első eset
  Bartko azonban úgy látszik, hiába próbálja kimagyarázni a dolgokat. Több egybehangzó vallomás szerint többször is megkörnyékezték már a különböző csapatok játékosait, hogy “adják el” a meccset. Ráadásul lehetséges, hogy ez a fajta korrupciós eljárás a második ligában is jelen van.
  A rendőrség a hírek szerint már tavaly decemberben nyomozásba kezdett. A topky.sk által leírtakból az derül ki, hogy az elkövető jól ismeri a magasabb beosztású embereket, valamint jól kiismeri magát ebben a környezetben. A nyomozóhatóság a hónapok alatt összegyűjtött bizonyítékok és információk alapján javaslatot tett a büntetőeljárás elindítására.
  A Spartak Nagyszombat tagadja a vádakat
  Mivel az ügy pont egy olyan mérkőzés kapcsán látott napvilágot, ahol a friss bajnok volt az érdekelt fél, rögtön felmerült, hogy ezáltal veszélybe került a bajnoki cím is.
  Ráadásul jól emlékszünk még arra a Nagyszombat-DAC bajnokira, ahol a sárga-kékek 12 perccel a kezdősípszó után már csak kilencen voltak a pályán. Ezek után nehéz nem asszociálni…
  A nagyszombati klub természetesen tagadja, hogy bármi köze lenne a dologhoz, közleményük szerint sosem befolyásolták egy mérkőzés eredményét sem ilyen módon.
  Amennyiben mégis bebizonyosodna, hogy a Spartak együttműködésével történtek korrupciós visszaélések, úgy a klubra pénzbüntetés, bajnoki címének elvétele, a Fortuna Ligából való kitiltás várna. És mivel a Bajnokok Ligájában is indul, így az UEFA is megbüntethetné és kizárhatná a versengésből.
  A Szövetség együttműködik
  A Ligás Klubok Úniója és a Szlovák Labdarúgó-szövetség közleményeiből az derül ki, hogy támogatják a nyomozóhatóságokat munkájukban, de mivel nem rendelkeznek konkrét információkkal a bűntényről, nem tudnak bővebb tájékoztatást adni.
  Az ügyben a továbbiakban a NAKA nyomoz.
  topky.sk, Körkép.sk
Nyitókép: tvnoviny.sk
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doodle-boy · 5 years
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Mirror, Mirror pt 3 final
Mirror, Mirror by Wendy A Bartko go look at it
also this turned out more positive than I thought it would. I’m happy with it.
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"I just wanna keep you safe" with Dan (if u are accepting prompts?) - ryderselfships 💖💖
(I am accepting prompts, I keep telling myself I only reblog these so I can practise my writing later but I never do shsddgsdsjhdsjhds)
My writing is kinda bad but hope you enjoy!💖  @ryderselfships​
It was about 7am on a rainy day in Krakow when the news about an observer who's been missing for weeks has been found dead in a class C district.
Dan watched the TV it was displayed on closely, in deep thought as his partner,Toni, slowly woke up at the breakfast table, yawned and reached out for the coffee he had already made for them. It was almost a ritual in the morning for Dan to carry Toni to the table as they were a heavy sleeper and took quite some time to even become conscious, but this time it was different.
"Do you think the clone did that?", he flinched a bit at Toni suddenly wide awake, eyes fixed on the screen. They sometimes couldn't control their volume and it was apparent they noticed his reaction as they threw their hands over their mouth and whispered: "Oh, sorry". 
Dan turned to them with a small smile: "No problem, it's just a bit surprising for you to be this energetic in the morning", his expression became thoughtful again "But you could be right about that, according to reports,the observer Marcel Bartko has been acting strange before he went missing. He's been distant, aloof and cold to his family and friends which sounds like the exact type of behaviour the clone had when he was in control of me..." his words trailed off as the memories hit. 
They both only refer to Adam's digital clone as 'the clone' because while he might act like his dead son, this accumilation of code wasn't Adam. When the clone had 'possessed' him and he thought all hope was lost, Toni was there to help. They figured out a way to get the clone out of his head and together they had kicked him out. The only problem was that they had lost his trail there. Toni noticed how Dan tensed up and they awkwardly placed their hand on his clenched fist to calm him down a bit, that seemed to help. He took their hand into his and squeezed it a little. A few moments of uneasy silence passed until Dan managed to speak again: "I have to stop this thing, no matter what. I can't afford to have him kill even more people to reach his fucked up goal." He let go of their hand and got up, looking for his jacket "I'll head out right now and see if they have any leads on it" Toni got up as well "I can help you! I've dealt with the clone already, I can do it again!" 
"I just...it's.." Dan had trouble putting on his jacket, avoiding eye contact with Toni who was getting more confused by the second "What is the problem? I have lots of time anyway, I want to be useful for something, please! I promise I won't do anything stupid!" they pleaded. 
Dan stopped at the door and finally turned around to his partner "It's not like that.. the... this case is very dangerous and I...I just..." he took a few steps towards Toni and ran a thumb over their cheek, ignoring that they started blushing deeply "I just wanna keep you safe" he leaned down to give them a gentle kiss. When they seperated again it took a minute for Toni to find words again, slowly and with a pained expression they said "But, I want you to be safe too...we can keep each other safe if we work together, y'know?." 
Dan sighed, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit because of his lover's courage in these times. "Okay..okay, I understand...You can come with me today but for more risky situations we have to talk about strategies later." Toni was satisfied with that answer, hopped a bit up and down in excitement and gave Dan a little kiss on the cheek. "I love you" they smiled. He laughed and replied: "I love you too"
So ye that’s kinda my first ever attempt at writing something for my selfship so it’s ehhh, hope you like it anyways :’D
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jaybe11 · 2 years
George Michael Reborn Starring Robert Bartko - Don’t Let The Sun Go Down...
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don-lichterman · 2 years
TAIT: Spruce Grove's Brad Bartko makes accessibility his business
TAIT: Spruce Grove’s Brad Bartko makes accessibility his business
Article content When it comes to homecoming gifts, Brad Bartko has elevated the gesture perhaps like never before. Article content There’s another noble — and from where I sit and see things unfold — significant act which, most triumphantly, signals the younger generation of people with disabilities, frankly, give a damn about the next generation. Bartko: a baby born to a 16-year-old young…
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View On WordPress
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joeywhisperz · 3 years
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R. I P. Fr. Bartko, did everything from teach me religion in Spanish and high school to reading me my last rights and confession one of the most best influential men in my life you will be missed Father — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3wtHfIY
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popularbiooff · 4 years
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doodle-boy · 5 years
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Mirror, Mirror pt 2
Again this poem is based on Mirror, Mirror by Wendy A. Bartko
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christineamccalla · 5 years
The Ascension of Governance
See links,
This is the sole conception, design, and research of Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof. It was  identified in the process subsequent to the partial creation of an intellectual work called Health and Human Services Review, which was created on a desire to assess the health and human services infrastructure in the United States of America. The subsequent event was the insolent and insubordinate response of the United States Department of Defense (Defense) as a response to hostile and exploding mechanisms threatening the nation and the denizenry combined with the entitlement that Defense too must be protected and provided for.  The response of Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof was to relieve the military, and outsource to Interpol. Further insubordination and contempt followed by the civile service in general prompting also another response by Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, the government must now be relieved and its services outsourced to Interpol.
This work did not require and as a result does not include collaborative, team, or hybrid group efforts of any form, manner, or content. Although indirect, given the separation of my discipline and competence (business oriented) and the government civil service / health and human services department and services,  numerous conflict of interests and conflicted interests exists in my participation in the numerous programs, federal student loans and possible future financial aid, food supplement program / SNAP, public assistance - housing, Medicaid, and other services yet to be mentioned. As the data presented here it is research based, it is expected that conflicts and contests as arise will be responded to in the same manner. No funding was receiving in the conception, design, and research processes, conceptual, developmental or completion.
Given the failure of the government and its executive branches, the nation of the United States have been bankrupted, financed by organized crime into treason, and can no longer bear its own burden. Comparable to organized crime it is now in need of a sponsor, which can neither be tolerated nor entertained as private citizenry cannot nor should not fund the government and its coffers. This is a significant financing mechanism from revenues by taxation and the private sector, which are all legitimate, expected, demanded, and encouraged governmental business models.
In lieu of the illegitimacy of the citizenry / private sponsor, the government of the United States must now be resolved to become the democracy it was intended to be, a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. As such, numerous mechanisms, systems, and devices have been proposed by Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, including leadership of a bankruptcy emergence leadership team with submitted plans to fund the treasuries to begin the rejuvenation and reorganization. As this alone is not enough to finance the nation and restore it to solvency, additional machinery is now required, particularly the assessment of the performance of the government itself which is completed below with key evaluation criterion examined. It is expected based on the governmental reign of chaos, that the entire government (denizenry militia) must now be relieved and surrendered to Interpol for resolution and order.
To assist in this process by providing advocacy and objectivity, each department will be assessed in criterion critical to its existence in the governance of the people who exist not only as patriots, but taxpayers, and revenue drivers and have yet to see full loyalty and complete provision of services for some time. They should expect to benefit in full by being denizens alone, and not as gang-members or organized crime syndicates which is the destination the United States have arrived.
Evaluation of the Department of:
Department of Defense Outline of Problems and Solutions
The keyword search was executed using the phrase relief of government within one of ProQuest's databases, which resulted in numerous items. Given the depth of information that was required, there were no limiters included such as scope of time or scholarly, peer-reviewed content.
The daily operations of Defense including the military is one of mayhem, disorganization, and incitement of numerous natures, including violence, fraud, embezzlement, and murder including mass of numerous varieties. Evaluated on the basis of the priorities listed below, the Department of Defense is ineffective, inefficient, and dysfunctional and can no longer play any role with the governments let alone its primary charter. Where Defense is concerned and not just Department of Defense, priorities must be established and not just regarding National Security, but those of national priorities including Bartko's (2012) readiness for disasters, communication, crisis communication, risk management in terms of competence / decision making, technical and logistically with the readiness of equipment.
Bartko (2012) argued the necessity Defense plays in the lives of a state and its' denizenry in, "Providing assistance and aid in natural disasters which threaten lives and property of citizens is one of the main tasks ... embodied in law."
Bartko (2012) continued in his defense of citizenry as a national priority with, "These risks concern mainly the human factor (insufficient readiness of citizens and local government officers in charge), the exchange of information (ability of involved parties to use information systems and convey crisis communication), technical and logistic risks (availability and readiness of necessary technical equipment) as well as competence risks (decision-making problems)." As priorities, Department of Defense sees no likeness of these components, given its current track.
The nation of the United States is now unprotected and left at the mercy of invaders who may enter for various reasons including incitement and invitation, and opt not to depart. With the compromised systems in place remaining, the denizenry are unprotected including denizenry militia and many must chose to fend for themselves as this corruption extends to local law enforcement for which proof may be obtained through the analysis of judicial writs. Furthermore, Department of Defense has outsourced its communication systems including equipment, to the general public including the military and the civil service in the creation of a militia, funded by organized crime for which vast, mass prosecutions have ensued resulting in innumerable judicial writs.
Order must now be regained through the outsourcing of national security and priorities to Interpol, where integrity, honor, justice, and truth may prevail above all. To accomplish this, the Department of Defense must be IMMEDIATELY suspended and removed from ALL activities and surrendered to Interpol who must now provide outsourcing of said critical services. Prior to the termination of suspension, a systematic reorganization and restructuring must occur based on credential verification. This systematic reorganization and restructuring must be conceived, designed, and executed by Interpol based on policies and procedures it creates, implement, execute, and monitor to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and successful national management including solvent and prosperous treasuries.
Department of Defense References
Bartko, F. (2012). HOLISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE MILITARY DISTRICT UNITS DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS. Science & Military Journal, 7(1), 40-42. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1223516774?accountid=28180
United States federal executive departments. Retrieved June 22, 2017 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_executive_departments
Department of Health and Human Services tre
The keyword search was executed using the phrase problems with welfare within ProQuest Social Sciences database, which resulted in numerous items. Given the depth of information that was required, there were no limiters included such as scope of time or scholarly, peer-reviewed content.
Bask (2016) noted several issues in arguments titled Accumulation and persistence of welfare problems over time. Social Indicators Research. These included,
Welfare problems tend to become persistent, and the accumulation of welfare problems significantly differed between different categories of individuals. For example, the accumulation of welfare problems was higher in men compared with women, immigrants compared with native[s] ..., single individuals compared with individuals in couples, and poorly educated individuals compared with highly educated individuals.
Welfare state uses different measures to hinder the accumulation of welfare problems and the increasing inequality within the ... population.
Students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to complete university education compared with their peers from higher socio-economic backgrounds
Parents’ educational expectations for their children represent an important factor that drives children’s educational attainment in adulthood.
Swedish data have shown that inequality in social exclusion is increasing between different family types. Single parent situations in particular have been worsening from the late 1970s to 2005 (Bask 2010). Also, there is there is the failure to incorporate immigrants within the labor markets.
Individuals with a university education have the lowest level of welfare problems throughout the observed time period. College educated individuals compose the only group with a constant decrease in the level of welfare problems over time.
Albert (2000) contributed to the conversation with the following,
Welfare benefits are often applied with great inequality, and subjective favoritism can expedite or change the customers perception of the benefits. Case in point, welfare benefits have increased when benefits are directed towards people more deserving such as the disabled.
Welfare benefits impact the population with great disparity to the economy, in which welfare states with higher benefits risk attracting lower income household from neighboring states, while at the other end of the coin tax wealthy people at a higher rate resulting in the flight of businesses to avoid higher taxes
Around approximately 1995, there were the welfare structure were states contributed 45 cents per dollar and the federal government contributed 55 cents. Under the block grant system, the state is incentivized to reduce welfare benefits to receive 100% savings. Block grant systems results in highly specialized  and selective services and lack of response to needs.
Future funding for welfare is based on historical and contingency funding will only be available under select circumstances, resulting in states reducing welfare benefits.
States will not receive a large increase in federal dollars in recessions as in the past.
There is no uniformed monthly payment amount per person, due to some states adjusting for the higher cost of living, e.g. Vermont and Mississippi. e.g. 1994 AFDC Maximum Aid - Vermont $650, and Mississippi - $120. TANF maximum aid in 2001 - Vermont $567, and Mississippi - $104
Kalil, Schweingruber, and Seefeldt (2001) had interesting and often shocking facts to add, but supported the previous Health and Human Services authors and their arguments with,
The success of welfare reforms depends on how efficiently the program can move recipients from welfare to work and whether those receiving benefits can keep jobs once they begin working.
Among welfare recipients with similar work experience and schooling, there is variation in the probability of being currently employed.
When welfare recipients are compared to nonrecipients with the same schooling and family characteristics,  welfare recipients leave jobs at a much higher rate than do nonrecipients.
Bask (2011) added,
The welfare disadvantages we scrutinize are as follows: chronic unemployment, economic problems, health problems, experiences of threat or violence, crowded housing, lack of a close friend and sleeping problems.
Percentages of welfare problems in the age groups in both waves
The problems experienced / created by Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) are overlapping and extend far beyond cash assistance, public assistance - housing, childcare subsidy, and food stamps. It extends to barriers including transportation, education and skills, healthcare and affordability, mental healthcare accessibility, and integrated disability assistance.  There must be system-wide integration of services, packaged at varying levels to ensure recipients benefits are maximized to encourage the human desire to find and maintain employment.
Characteristics of the life as exists on the home front - DHHS must provide immediate and accessible solutions to the varying levels of lifestyle, e.g. domestic violence, parental / child abuse, mental health deficiencies, violence in the immediate environment, etc.
Accommodation and consideration must be given on an equitable basis to varying heads of households, e.g. immigrants (particularly new arrivals), single parents, single individuals, etc. These demographics are more likely to apply for assistance and require objective assistance in approving benefits, including the consistent use of a formula versus subjectively determining who does or not benefit.
Must identify inequalities between groups and eliminate them. Children should not be the catalyst in preventing hunger and facilitating crimes as single individuals may be excluded from benefits.
DHHS personnel must not be allowed to subjectively interpret and approve policies and services to benefit recipients.
Funding agreement must require zero tolerance in interpretation and inaccurate execution, in both benefit approval, programs, amounts, and demographics, as well as any other factor.
The government must not be allowed to create policies based on non-existent funding conditions.
The European Union (EU) must be approached to acquire their metrics that support their funding initiatives and determine how the broken system can be mended. EU can provide substantial assistance in the development, execution, and contingency measures in developing and executing the programs including funding and structure.
Reporting capacities must be followed based on the funding agreements.
DHHS must require a weekly criminal background check on its personnel to ensure that recipients do not suffer from the personal life of DHHS personnel.
Although tempting, obtaining funding should not just be a conversation or a written proposal to Interpol or the EU. This process should begin as a restructuring with measurements of,
personnel with criminal background
skills measurement including continuing education and credential verification
standards and metrics of performance of services to recipients including meeting quotas, granting benefits, etc.
assess and measure the time and attendance performance and compare to benefits and compensation DHHS employees receive including grade / levels
conflict of interests must be disclosed
manager / supervisor skills must be assessed for directorial authority, and
familiarity with policies and a minimum of annual review
Funding solicitation can then begin and must always include EU and Interpol, and should be a continuing effort but should not include contracts due to risk of abuse.
Interagency cooperation beyond law enforcement should not be included due to the inherent risk of human trafficking, prostitution, murder, etc.
Assess DHHS' performance on a judicial level by writ, category of writ, writs by level of employees, and consequence of action generating writ.
Design by definition organizational tree with judicial writs and consequences to organization, including continuity, fraud, abuse, funding, noncompliance, and reporting
Enforce and implement anti-fraud and abuse policies.
Strict enforcement of segregation of duties and authorities.
DHHS as it is now and determined by judicial writ-quantification operates more as an organized crime syndicate than a critical government services provider, quid pro quo (from previous submission to Interpol). This must be eliminated through the formal handing over of DHHS to Interpol, an interchangeabiity of personnel whereby all services are outsourced to Interpol, and Interpol's personnel changes place with DHHS personnel, quickly and efficiently so as not to interrupt service to the public. During this time, Interpol will design, implement, and enforce policies and procedures so at the convenient time, personnel changes through new hires by Interpol / DHHS begins, this new structure will be in place and enforced.
Albert, V. (2000). Reducing welfare benefits: Consequences for adequacy of and eligibility for benefits. Social Work, 45(4), 300-11. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/215271945?accountid=28180
Bask, M. (2011). Cumulative disadvantage and connections between welfare problems. Social Indicators Research, 103(3), 443-464. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1007/s11205-010-9711-7
Bask, M. (2016). Accumulation and persistence of welfare problems over time. Social Indicators Research, 125(3), 757-770. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1007/s11205-015-0868-y
Kalil, A., Schweingruber, H. A., & Seefeldt, K. S. (2001). Correlates of employment among welfare recipients: Do psychological characteristics and attitudes matter? American Journal of Community Psychology, 29(5), 701-23. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/205350961?accountid=28180
Homeland Security
Housing and Urban Development
The keyword search was executed using the phrases, law crime and law enforcement, European union law enforcement funding, and law enforcement funding within ProQuest Asian & European Business Collection database, which resulted in numerous results. Given the depth of information that was required, there were no limiters included such as scope of time or scholarly, peer-reviewed content.
Prior to the consideration, review, or implementation of the Department of Justice's reorganization and restructuring, an analysis of the issuance of judicial writs must first be done to identify deficiencies, problem areas, reorganization, and areas for eliminations. Given the competitiveness of criminalities in which law enforcement often times can barely match, the same analysis of the issuance of judicial writs must first be done to identify deficiencies, problem areas, need for reorganization, and areas for eliminations. Additionally, issuance of judicial writs must also be done to identify nepotism, cronisim, shared criminal / law enforcement resources, shared criminal / law enforcement profit sharing, shared criminal / law enforcement trade and commerce through trade, commerce, bartering, trading of favors, delays through reservations, quasi-legitimate criminal / law enforcement organizations particularly those with governance of law enforcement officials, and joint criminal / law enforcement organized crime and racketeering organizations regardless of size.
Blondiau, Billiet, and Rousseau (2015) observed a core function of law enforcement, deterrence by policy. Blondiau, et al (2015), argued, "One of the main benefits of any enforcement policy is its capacity to prevent individuals or firms that plan on breaching the law from doing so, i.e. deterrence. According to the rational crime model (Becker 1968), higher deterrence typically leads to a higher compliance rate.1" Furthermore, Blondiau, et al (2015) outlined a plan for effective environmental law enforcement including,
effective monitoring and enforcement regime
alternative regulatory strategies can, for now, at best be considered as a useful complement to an effective inspection and punishment regime
The EU enforcement policy, on the other hand, stresses that enforcement systems without a criminal track have not been able to achieve a sufficient protection of the environment and that criminal penalties are needed because these are thought to be more dissuasive (European Commission 2008)
Look at the advantages of using (more costly) criminal enforcement instead of (cheaper) administrative enforcement. As a normative benchmark, the concept of the enforcement pyramid (Ayres and Braithwaite 1995) is quite useful. This concept states that only the offenders who commit the most serious and harmful violations should be criminally prosecuted, while less serious offenses can be dealt with using administrative enforcement. The largest group of small offenders may be treated in a rather co-operative way, using the possibility of administrative warnings.
Additionally, criminal penalties should also be preferred in situations where detection probabilities are low
Jabar, Hannan, and Mohsin (2015) supported Blondeau's (2015) argument with the conviction of higher crime rates are a threatening situation regarding economic and political scenarios. Jabar, et al (2015) observations include:
An increase in Police Strength has strong positive impact on crime rate which is an indicator of poor performance of policing due to strong political influence
If there is increase in number of untraced criminal cases, it can be stated as inefficiency of police department in tracing criminal cases leading to higher crime rate. Intuitively if police departments have poor crime detection ability and a lot of registered crime remained untraced, then it may lead to the expected cost of committing crime will definitely will cause a high crime rate.
High crime rates induces the government to increase the police strength in order to combat crimes, but government allocates police personnel on the basis of economic activity as police strength has deterrence effect in those districts where economic activities are higher and vice versa.
Levi (2015) assessed a separate and complete aspect of managing criminalities, which is through the flow of managing crime through its financing with money. Levi (2015) addressed numerous significant aspect through the discussions of,
Financing crimes - terrorism not being a significant problem to Americans at a time when Americans were not targets and it was legal in the US to donate funds to Irish Republican Army fronts — was seen as being solved by anti-money laundering (AML) controls, with the money control leading to crime control.
Financing crime is inhibited by risks both of losing the investment and introducing criminal liability to those who otherwise would not face it. The difficulties (or ease) of financing crimes might be best located within an understanding of ‘criminal careers’ and the life course
Levi (2015) argued that Swedish research shows that at least in Sweden, little actual money needs to be paid to criminals because there is high reciprocity of favours between offenders (Skinnari and Korsell 2006; Skinnari et al. 2007; Vesterhav et al. 2007).7 The lifestyle of many of those involved with organised crime makes pubs, restaurants, car dealerships, apartments and holiday resorts logical investments that serve as functional assets for criminal reinvestment. Again, this ties in with solution number three below, where the contribution to the creation of criminal havens are a high probability given the absence of interagency cooperation and policing.
Implement and enforce strict and zero tolerance compliance with business partners including funders, grantors, and contractors in regards to all agreements.
Levi's (2015), Rely on  the research conducted by the European Commission as well as their hypotheses about how illicit financing and operation for solutions as they have been implemented and tested for areas of failure and mitigating actions.
Capitalizing on the financing crime inhibition of loss, increase the risk of the loss of investments and  introduce greater criminal liabilities through reliance, again, on the European Commission technological solutions which include monitoring and real-time responses, the use of technology in the interaction with criminalities including the category of financing, e.g. Disguises including lingual patterns, fabrication of contraband for sale instead of the actual products considering the markets in which these products trade, human trafficking, counterfeiting, stolen cards and identities, (Levi, 2015) geography and microeconomics of some drugs markets have been reshaped by the growth of synthetic, even artisanal, drugs, hydroponic growth, and by e-markets/cryptocurrencies and their different resolutions of trust in illicit markets. Additionally the criminal element relies on technology to widen the market share and base, and limit their exposure, costs, risks, while increasing their efficiencies and effectiveness. Law enforcement must now match with high probability of success.
Develop and increase reliance on certifications and regulations through interagency corperations with ministries including Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, Department of Homeland Security's border management and control agencies, Department of State, and Department of Health and Human Services. This integrated monitoring, regulation, and enforcement model ensures all businesses will now attempt to compete legitimately by having the appropriate licensure and certifications, ensuring only legitimate employees are hired, the employees hired are legally sanctioned to work within the United States (current work permits and visas), and that public assistance are appropriate regulated, monitored, and enforced to prevent the creation of havens for known, hardened, or probable criminals.   
Continuous solicitation for interagency funding by both grant and contract to include the ministries contained with the following: Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, Department of Homeland Security's border management and control agencies, Department of State, and Department of Health and Human Services
Proposal - restructure the law enforcement front to manage law enforcement and policing by function instead by agency. This would include the functions of:
Law enforcement - criminalities
Law enforcement - certification, licensure, and regulation
Law enforcement - anti-financing measures
Law enforcement - education, general public, interagency cooperation, development, and management
Law enforcement - development
Law enforcement - security
Proposal - funding solicitation including agencies such as International Narcotics control and law enforcement
Appeal to Interpol, the European Union, and European Commission for funding by means of grants, contracts, confidential research and development contracts, and participation in studies and the development of international weaponry. Given that the Department of Justice will now be handed over to Interpol and with Interpol's contracting system in place, integrity and honesty can now be able available to the point that commerce, trade, and the treasuries will now benefit.
Aggressively and openly pursue and solicit contrabanding, piracy, and buccaneering contracts from the Department of Defense, the Navy, and the Coast Guard
Aggressively and openly pursue and solicit contracts from the Department of Education in regards to addressing infringements and identity thefts of academians, prominent and other
Aggressively and openly pursue and solicit contracts from Narcotics agencies including the Drug Enforcement Agency, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Food and Drug Administration to identify contraband labs and related and similar systems and their components in the identification and confiscation of laboratories primarily considered formerly as meth, crack, and other illicit drug labs but can be retrofitted for other more lucrative and illicit uses.
Aggressively and openly pursue and solicit grants from Narcotics agencies including the Drug Enforcement Agency, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health, and Food and Drug Administration.  
Order must now be regained through the outsourcing of law enforcement, local and other, and priorities to Interpol, where integrity, honor, justice, and truth may prevail above all. To accomplish this, the Department of Justice must be IMMEDIATELY suspended and removed from ALL activities and surrendered to Interpol who must now provide outsourcing of said critical services. Prior to the termination of suspension, a systematic reorganization and restructuring must occur based on credential verification. This systematic reorganization and restructuring must be conceived, designed, and executed by Interpol based on policies and procedures it creates, implement, execute, and monitor to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and successful criminalities and related and similar management including their contribution to solvent and prosperous treasuries.
Given the critical services, relationship, and interaction with general public, the Department of Justice's measures must be implemented and quickly to continue to reassure the public that control of law enforcement has not been lost and can be relied on. Furthermore, funding is critical and financing of law enforcement through organized crime must be deterred through continuous, high-technology monitoring, and aggressive prosecution of law enforcement agencies and officials. The handover of Department of Justice to Interpol for immediate outsourcing and restructuring can only serve to regain integrity within the Service.
Blondiau, T., Billiet, C. M., & Rousseau, S. (2015). Comparison of criminal and administrative penalties for environmental offenses. European Journal of Law and Economics, 39(1), 11-35. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1007/s10657-014-9473-9
Jabar, S. M., Hannan, A., & Mohsin, H. M. (2015). Economics, law enforcement and crime connection A longitudinal data approach]. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development, 36(3), 149-167. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1760042570?accountid=28180
Levi, M. (2015). Money for crime and money from crime: Financing crime and laundering crime proceeds. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 21(2), 275-297. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1007/s10610-015-9269-7
Department of the Treasury Outline of Problems and Solutions (06/24/2017)
The keyword search was executed using the phrase demands of national treasury within ProQuest Asian & European Collection database, which resulted in numerous items. Given the depth of information that was required, there were no limiters included such as scope of time or scholarly, peer-reviewed content.
The United States of America is currently in a state of bankruptcy due to multiple years of deficit from approximately 2002 - 2017 submitted previously in work titled Bankruptcy Chain Effect. As a result there are numerous crisis and uncertainty submitted in work titled Bankruptcy Emergence Plan which contained crisis and solutions. Additional solutions are presented below. Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof did not see the benefit in regurgitating all previously submitted data.
Management and monitoring of the treasury including cash receipts and disbursements
Monitoring of commodities and commitments (long-term)
Trade, industry, and commerce and the relating deficit management
Balance of trade and trading partner management
Central bank management
Review and assessment of debts
Budget review
Credit rating
Identification of Department of the Treasury priorities
Preparation for a recession
Economic growth: demand and supply
Government spending
Review and assessment of penalties, fines, embargoes, jeopardies, and penalties
Quasi-partial adoption of the Maastricht Treaty as an economic and monetary model, with the European Union's consent, and modeling development as at this time the current economic, fiscal, and economic landscape does not, can not, and will not support Maastrict Treaty in any form. These areas are Wikipedia's:
(1) Inflation rates: No more than 1.5 percentage points higher than the average of the three best performing (lowest inflation) member states of the EU.
(2) Government finance: (a) Annual government deficit: The ratio of the annual government deficit to gross domestic product (GDP) must not exceed 3% at the end of the preceding fiscal year. If not, it is at least required to reach a level close to 3%. Only exceptional and temporary excesses would be granted for exceptional cases.
(b) Government debt: The ratio of gross government debt to GDP must not exceed 60% at the end of the preceding fiscal year. Even if the target cannot be achieved due to the specific conditions, the ratio must have sufficiently diminished and must be approaching the reference value at a satisfactory pace. As of the end of 2014, of the countries in the Eurozone, only Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Luxembourg, and Finland still met this target.[6]
(30 Exchange rate: Applicant countries should have joined the exchange-rate mechanism (ERM II) under the European Monetary System (EMS) for two consecutive years and should not have devalued its currency during the period.
(4) Long-term interest rates: The nominal long-term interest rate must not be more than 2 percentage points higher than in the three lowest inflation member states.
Monitoring of industries, performance, and profitability
Manage monetary policies including encouraging consumers to spend and contract spending
Manage personal savings
Watching the performance of competing economies including those of other developing, industrial, and BRIC nations
The economic cycle, monetary policies, and consumer behavior in regards to spending and savings
Stability of their neighbors including insurrection and terror
Review of infrastructure
Interest rates
Review and assessment of educational partners regarding knowledge and skills transference to boost income taxes and incomes through to the treasuries
Currency valuation
Mergers, acquisitions, and antitrust
Markets and exchanges
Realty management to generate income
Management of treasury instruments, money market accounts, treasury bonds and bills - short, medium, and long term
Industrial bubbles including housing, insurance, etc.
Average earnings growth
Financial markets expectation
Monitoring of lucrative industries including pharmaceutical, aerospace, and defense
Department of the Treasury References
All the ingredients for a potent brew: FT writers concoct some predictions for what is likely to happen in 1999. (1999, Jan 02). Financial Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/248662210?accountid=28180
BUSINESS. (1998, Dec 19). Financial Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/248658105?accountid=28180
Chote, R. (1999, Jul 20). Britain's feelgood economy: Robert chote on how the bank learned to stop worrying about inflation and love soft landings: Financial Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/248746770?accountid=28180
Chote, R. (1998, Feb 24). Domestic spending and trade deficit rise sharply. Financial Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/248545293?accountid=2818
Crawford, L. (1996, Sep 27). Turnround a welcome surprise. Financial Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/248252211?accountid=28180
In search of a new breed: Simon london on a challenge from the government. (1996, Jun 28). Financial Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/248207135?accountid=28180
Wigglesworth, R. (2016). Time looks ripe for ultra-long US bonds. FT.Com, Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1818257312?accountid=28180
Veterans Affairs
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beeboxbeats · 6 years
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