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"From the moment I fell in love with her, I knew. I knew that I would be better. I'm a better person because of her, because she believes in me for me and not because I'm the Flash. And I can't imagine a life without her in it." -Barry to Joe; about Lydia, before he proposes. || This started out meaning to be a Barrydia family manip but I got tired of trying to find the right image to base the manip around. So I ended up with this. ||
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dcwattpad · 7 years
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Rather Be ↯ The Flash (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/rBRbFI7A5J 
 ❛ If you gave me a chance I would take it It's a shot in the dark But I'll make it ❜ 
[ the flash ] TW [ au ] TF [ season 1 ] [ barrydia ] 2k17 | 
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panicattheice-blog · 8 years
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barrydia edit i made :)
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bansheecried-blog · 7 years
send me a ship and I’ll tell you ( domestic themed ) ( accepting ) 
Who’s more dominant: Lydia 
Who’s the cuddler: Barry
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: It really depends on the day both of them have had but I do feel like it’s something they take turns on. 
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: On a more domestic level, they both really like taking random things from the kitchen (like spices, baking soda, oil, vinegar, etc) and mixing them together to see what the reaction would be. Sometimes nothing happens, sometimes the house or kitchen almost explodes. The risk is really the fun. 
Who uses all the hot water: LYDIA. Lbr she has no shame 
Most trivial thing they fight over: What temperature the house should be at
Who does most of the cleaning: Barry 
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: Also Barry 
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Lydia
Who leaves their stuff around: barry 
Who remembers to buy the milk: lydia
Who remembers anniversaries: both of them
Who cooks normally: lmao no one. they have the equivalent of a frequent flier thing at their local pizza place
How often do they fight: not very often. they’re both pretty up front about any problems or concerns they might have. even when they do fight, it’s usually not very intense or very long. 
What do they do when they’re away from each other: They snapchat or facetime the entire time. They just want to keep a visual on each other’s faces 
Nicknames for each other: Bar, Bear for Barry and just Lyds or Lyd for Lydia 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: It depends on whoever has more income at the time 
Who steals the covers at night: Lydia
What would they get each other for gifts: Lydia would jokingly get him a cute little starter chemistry set for a smaller gift but for their anniversary or Christmas or something big like that, she’d probably get him a really nice watch, partly because it’s a nice gift, partly because he’s always late. (not sure what barry would get lydia so i’m gonna leave that up to you!!) 
Who kissed who first: Lydia
Who made the first move: Barry (idk man i’m trying to remember our first thread but the memory is not fresh) 
Who remembers things: Both of them
Who started the relationship: Both of them ( I think they had a talk together about it or something? Idk as I said the memory is not fresh ) 
Who cusses more: Oh man, Lydia 
What would they do if the other one was hurt: The main priority would be to make sure that the other was okay but once they were sure that the other one was alright, there would generally be a lot of worry, possible guilt depending on how they got hurt.  
Who is the dirty talker: Lydia
A head canon: They hardly ever sleep in their bed. Most of the time, one of them falls asleep on the couch waiting for the other or they pass out there while watching a movie. 
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
if you HAD to ship barry and iris with different people from another show that youd think would make a good fit thats not in the arrowverse who would they be
Omg. 😓
Well, I’m in love with Barrydia AU vids, so I guess that means I’d ship him with Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf. Though in my personal AU, they’d be much closer in age. Lol.
And Iris…*sigh* geez, idk… I’m trying to think of someone who’s similar to Barry. Lmao.
Um… Maybe Nathan Scott from OTH? I’d like to think she could have the same effect on him that Haley did. Nathan was amazing once he saw the error of his bad boy ways. Then again, he was kinda a Tony initially & Iris never gave him the time of day, so maybe just the Nathan Scott we knew post-Haley. Lmao.
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[barrydia au part 4 finale] — Barry & Lydia | Never Forget You »cc: sunnyvids »ac: mine »AU: Scott & Stiles have taken Lydia's body to Deaton, because he's found something that will bring her back. They then inject her with a healing-agent to help her heal faster, but it works faster than they thought it would, and Lydia shoots up and let's out a bloodcurdling scream. Meanwhile miles away, Barry is trying to get his mind off of Lydia's death, when he hears the scream, and at first it hurts him, but then the scream seems familiar to him, so he runs towards the scream. When he gets there, he sees Lydia again. He is overcome with emotion, they reunite, and then it flashes to a few days later, and Barry finally gets to tell Lydia how he feels about her. The End. lol not the best description I've ever done but oh well. #teenwolf #theflash #barrydia #barryallen #lydiamartin #videoedit #repost
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vashanatasha · 8 years
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redtodd · 9 years
New crossover video! Go check it out :D
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM18sZf6gsU)
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Requested by: @tiltedwinnings Lydia is so over Barry but yet she still loves her dork. 😍❤️ #barrydia #teenwolf #lydiamartin #hollandroden #crossover #auships #theflash #barryallen #grantgustin #myedit #fandom_edits_au_shipstheflash #fandom_edits_au_shipstw
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misskateross · 9 years
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fateofstydia · 9 years
lydia&barry│waiting for superman
I can’t believe they aren’t in the same show...they should be **--** #WeNeedBarrydia
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aerishey · 9 years
Barry & Lydia | To Another Heart
“Are you free tomorrow? Do you wanna get some... coffee, and we can just talk, and just... tell each other... I don’t know, stuff we got - rolling around in there, you know, how...” “Maybe...”
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[barrydia au part 3] — Barry without Lydia | "you don't know me" »cc: charizzaard »ac: rare audios (vine) »AU: After Lydia died in the meta attack, Barry has lost his mind, and until he finds her killer he will stop at nothing to get revenge. And no one not even his family can stop him. #theflash #teenwolf #barrydia #barryallen #videoedit #repost
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yoyok · 9 years
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Just cause my account needs a little Barrydia before I start working on the series. #barrydia #theflash #barryallen #grantgustin #crossover #auships #teenwolf #tw #lydiamartin #hollandroden #myedit #fandom_edits_au_shipstheflash #fandom_edits_au_shipstw
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Cause @juliamacielleal kept teasing me with her writing (that's I'm still patiently waiting to read them) so I had to do something. So why not Stiles taking care of Barrydia kid while Barry and Lydia are both busy/on a date and Thea is of town. 😍☺️ #barrydiafamily #queenstilinski #barrydia #arrow #theaqueen #willaholland #crossover #auships #teenwolf #stilesstilinski #dylanobrien #allisonnatalieallen #myedit #fandom_edits_au_shipsteenwolf #fandom_edits_au_shipsarrow
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