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pocketdays · 9 months ago
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Chiclana de la Frontera, Abril 2024
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illustratus · 1 year ago
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Battle of Chiclana, 5th March 1811 (details)
by Louis-François Lejeune
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pacountry-blog · 1 year ago
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Atardecer en la playa de la Barrosa, Chiclana de la frontera, Cádiz, España.
Agosto 2023
Foto: ©️PaCountry
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alrakia-serpent · 1 year ago
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AC Rebellion Assassins. Mateo and Maximo are so Cute and love that they added story to Aguilar. For someone who loved the Movie and Aguilar I fucking love AC Rebellion. And they gave Aguilar a friend (Maximo)?! He needed one so bad after loosing everyone.
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baseballjerseynumbers · 9 months ago
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Jorge Barrosa takes 1. Last worn by Kyle Lewis in 2023.
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agustivm · 1 year ago
11ª Etapa. Melide-Arca do Pino .33,5 km. 19 de abril de 2022
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rinconliterario · 9 months ago
Sí. Llueve… el cielo gime montones desteñidos sombras mojadas recogen sus trozos cavidades barrosas tremendas mezquinas gotas de agua sulfurada si bien no sé cómo recojo las masas de ver si me agita la pálida lumbre tremendo espesor de perros y gatos las gotas siguen.
Alejandra Pizarnik.
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silentwriting · 4 months ago
Poem in Progress
I hate myself
You could tell through the smoke 
In the dim lights
Drink upon drink 
Starting with vodka and redbull
Ending in jack and coke 
It's too big to be cramped
But there is no air in the room
Just suffocating on social presence 
Dancing all alone
Trying my hardest to look cool 
I think if I were you
I wouldn't even be here 
But the sun cannot be the moon 
Heavy clouds will block  the light
Yet the sun will always rise and set
And the moon will wane and wax
Just as predictable as a ticking clock
We had now met 
And cursed forever more 
Maybe I’ll message you
Maybe I’ll respond
Maybe we’ll wander around Sydney 
Maybe I’ll show you where I work 
When I’m not cramming for uni
Maybe you’ll tell me what you ponder
When you let the facade drop
Maybe in the dark frigid night
Your dry cracked lips
Will find warmth on mine 
But I’m not a girl of maybes 
I am a woman of truth and responsibilities
I have a long distance lover in Canberra
Who is actually now in Newcastle
Drunk on bottles of shiraz
Corked in Barrosa 
And you’ve run away 
From your own tangled mess 
From a girl whose photo is your phone’s background  
Who’s holidaying for a two weeks in Paris
Before going to Singapore
For her sister’s engagement 
“We can be friends”
Neither can remember who said it first
But we can both lie until it ends 
Quell the companionship that we thirst 
Replace relationships we cannot mend 
I lose a part of my beating heart,
In my mind I rewrite rationality,
Everytime I hear you laugh 
And I catch you staring at me
Although Miss Swift, I do critique
With my full heart I silently agree
"What if the way you hold me,
Is actually what's Holy?"
But this is just a lust filled crush,
I can only be entertained for so long,
And pretend I like the artificial flush,
in my soul I feel something is wrong
I crave my love as someone drowning
Drinks in water praying it is air
Once rescued never once stopping
Their admiration for an entity that is always there
My love will come back to Sydney
And reside where he truly belongs
In my arms cuddled next to me
Since the last time I've seen him has been too long
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years ago
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Advertisement: For Sale, a Pilot Schooner and the Privateer Schooner Chasseur, America, 13. Januar 1814
The Chasseur is no stranger to the world; on the contrary, she is a minor celebrity and the foundation on which the later Pride of Baltimore was built.
She became famous when she was sold to Captain Thomas Boyle. A successful privateer, he took her to New York and had her refitted, overhauled and sailed with a new crew. He sailed across the Atlantic and threatened British merchant shipping from the coasts of Portugal and Spain to the English and Irish channels.
He became most famous for imposing a blockade on the entire United Kingdom while sailing the English Channel to show the absurdity of blockades. This affront and the five-day blockade of St Vincent panicked the shipping industry and prompted them to send a letter to Admiral Durham, who dispatched the frigate HMS Barrosa in pursuit of Chasseur but failed to find her.  Untouched, she sailed back to New York on 24 or 29 October 1814 from her famous three-month European voyage.
In the winter of 1814/15 she returned to the West Indies where she captured 18 merchant ships and HMS St Lawrence. When Chasseur returned to Baltimore on 15 April 1815, the ship was affectionately known as the Pride of Baltimore.  She resumed her career as a merchant ship in the China trade, but in 1816 was sold to foreign investors and thereafter disappeared from records.
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goblindad-emoshit · 1 year ago
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you for the tag @run-for-chamo-miles
This week I've picked up creative writing for the first time since college in writing a letter to a friend
To keep me going with 2-4 in 2024 while on a family holiday, I decided to write about it in the form of a Gothic epistolary novel. While it's middling at best, I'm exceptionally proud of it, and need to make sure I take a copy before sending it to the intended recipient!
From yesterday's addition:
We have made it to the Barrosa Ranges camp safely. It seems that the fates were on our side after all, and yesterday's deluge seems to have cleared the heavens for our journey. Sir Alex has left to find the trading post, as we find that some of our provisions were not in the cart upon our arrival, despite our care in ensuring all equipment was safely stowed. While I do not wish to cast aspersions, I strongly suspect sabotage by a rival party.
L & B are currently researching that most famous of magi, Empyrean Lapidoptra. I fear that they have knowledge of dangers in the region that would necessitate the honing of such skills.
Tags and hellos
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe , @thewholelemon, @hushed-chorus
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regina-bithyniae · 1 year ago
For a French soldier in the Battle of Barrosa, losing the first Imperial Eagle in the Peninsular war probably hurt pretty bad but the humiliation that the guy who took it immediately said "Bejesus boys, I have the cuckoo!" in thick Irish accent could only have stung worse than losing the standard.
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nasze-zd · 1 year ago
Wyspa Południowa 2023/24
Spróbuję podsumować naszą wycieczkę. Zacznijmy od trasy, którą udało nam się zrobić. Poniższa mapa obrazuje trasę przejazdu samochodem, przy czym zaznaczyłem tylko główne odbicia, bez wszystkich wypadów jednodniowych.
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Noclegi (numery wypunktowań nie odnoszą się do mapy, w nawiasach podałem liczbę nocy w danym miejscu):
Prom Bluebridge (1).
Kaikoura (2).
Mount Somers (3).
Hokitika (2).
Fox Glacier (2).
Punakaiki (2).
Saint Arnaud (2).
Wszystkie posty dotyczące wycieczki można zobaczyć filtrując po tagu #South-Island-2023 lub klikając tutaj.
Najpiękniejsze miejsce
Bez wątpienia były to doliny rzek Rangitata i Rakaia, opisywane w materiale o Mount Sunday i Mount Barrosa; ten rejon znany jest też pod nazwą Ashburton Lakes.
Ciężko opisać słowami surowe, dziewicze piękno tych miejsc. Rozległe, płaskodenne kotliny rozciągają się kilometrami we wszystkie strony. Rzeki jakby ciągle zmieniały zdanie co do przebiegu koryta: zdają się rozlewać wszerz niemal bez ograniczeń, zapełniając doliny szarym rumoszem, którego nie szczędzą im otaczające góry, dosypując go obficie z licznych piargów, gołoborzy, bocznych jarów i zawieszonych dolin. A nad tym wszystkim lazur nieba poprzetykany watą lekkich chmur ocierających się o szczyty.
Młody świat, dopiero się kształtuje i dojrzewa.
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Największe rozczarowanie
Lodowce Zachodniego Wybrzeża są na pewno ciekawostką, z uwagi na niski poziom, na który schodzą - wieczny lód zaledwie 500 m n.p.m. na tej szerokości geograficznej to ewenement. Do samych jęzorów Fox i Franz Josef Glacier da się podejść nie bliżej, niż na 3 km, więc tak naprawdę niewiele widać. Jeśli ktoś był po to w Alpach (właściwych) lub Norwegii, to doświadczył prawdopodobnie znacznie więcej.
Osobną kwestią jest uciążliwa obecność helikopterów, które każdego pogodnego dnia wynoszą setki bogatszych turystów na pola firnowe pod Mount Cook. Odwrotnie, niż w Tatrach, gdzie warkot śmigłowca oznacza nieszczęście, w Fox i FJ zaświadcza o dobrej pogodzie. Jeśli taka jest, to akompaniamentem do spacerów po dolinach lodowcowych jest ciągły łopot wirników, co psuje wrażenia z obcowania z przyrodą i przywodzi na myśl klimaty Krupówkowe.
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Lodowiec Franciszka Józefa (Franz Josef Glacier)
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Lisi Lodowiec (Fox Glacier)
Największa niespodzianka
To generalnie uczynność innych południowców, której doświadczaliśmy na każdym kroku. Niektóre przykłady:
W Kaikoura ktoś podszedł do naszej działki na polu namiotowym, ot tak, niepytany i zaproponował, że przytaszczy nam ławkę, która stała nieużywana.
Tamże dostaliśmy od sąsiadów pudełko czereśni i brzoskwiń. Podobno mieli za dużo, ale nie chce mi się wierzyć, bo ich też było kilka osób, dali by radę.
Na stołówce kempingu Punakaiki pani z Christchurch oddała nam ciepłą jeszcze potrawkę z kurczaka, której miała w nadmiarze.
W Hokitika gospodyni pola zwróciła nam pieniądze za niewykorzystany nocleg bez żadnego proszenia z naszej strony, i to mimo że odwołaliśmy go w dzień przyjazdu.
Wszędzie pomagano nam z lodówką na lekarstwa.
Summa summarum
Bez dwóch zdań, jedna z najlepszych podróży życia. Podobne wrażenia miałem ze Szwajcarii i Dolomitów, ale to było więcej niż 12 lat temu. Tym razem nawet nie widzieliśmy najbardziej polecanej części południowej, więc już zaczynamy planować, jak tam dotrzeć (i nie zbankrutować).
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Namioty się suszą na kolejny wyjazd.
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illustratus · 1 year ago
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Battle of Chiclana, 5th March 1811 by Louis-François Lejeune
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pacountry-blog · 1 year ago
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Cañón de las guerras napoleónicas (1811)
En esa playa (La Barrosa) de la bahía de Cadiz, tuvo lugar una batalla terrible en la que la armada española y la ingleses se aliaron para frenar la llegada de las tropas napoleónicas a San Fernando y Cádiz y poner fin al asedio al que estaban sometidas.
(Batalla de Chiclana, 1811)
Foto: ©️PaCountry
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months ago
Events 3.5
363 – Roman emperor Julian leaves Antioch with an army of 90,000 to attack the Sasanian Empire, in a campaign which would bring about his own death. 1046 – Nasir Khusraw begins the seven-year Middle Eastern journey which he will later describe in his book Safarnama. 1279 – The Livonian Order is defeated in the Battle of Aizkraukle by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. 1496 – King Henry VII of England issues letters patent to John Cabot and his sons, authorising them to explore unknown lands. 1616 – Nicolaus Copernicus's book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres is added to the Index of Forbidden Books 73 years after it was first published. 1766 – Antonio de Ulloa, the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, arrives in New Orleans. 1770 – Boston Massacre: Five Americans, including Crispus Attucks, are fatally shot by British troops in an event that would contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War (also known as the American War of Independence) five years later. 1811 – Peninsular War: A French force under the command of Marshal Victor is routed while trying to prevent an Anglo-Spanish-Portuguese army from lifting the Siege of Cádiz in the Battle of Barrosa. 1824 – First Anglo-Burmese War: The British officially declare war on Burma. 1825 – Roberto Cofresí, one of the last successful Caribbean pirates, is defeated in combat and captured by authorities. 1836 – Samuel Colt patents the first production-model revolver, the .34-caliber. 1850 – The Britannia Bridge across the Menai Strait between the island of Anglesey and the mainland of Wales is opened. 1860 – Parma, Tuscany, Modena and Romagna vote in referendums to join the Kingdom of Sardinia. 1868 – Mefistofele, an opera by Arrigo Boito, receives its premiere performance at La Scala. 1872 – George Westinghouse patents the air brake. 1906 – Moro Rebellion: United States Army troops bring overwhelming force against the native Moros in the First Battle of Bud Dajo, leaving only six survivors. 1912 – Italo-Turkish War: Italian forces are the first to use airships for military purposes, employing them for reconnaissance behind Turkish lines. 1931 – The British Raj: Gandhi–Irwin Pact is signed. 1933 – Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party receives 43.9% at the Reichstag elections, which allows the Nazis to later pass the Enabling Act and establish a dictatorship. 1936 – First flight of K5054, the first prototype Supermarine Spitfire advanced monoplane fighter aircraft in the United Kingdom. 1939 – Spanish Civil War: The National Defence Council seizes control of the republican government in a coup d'etat, with the intention of negotiating an end to the war. 1940 – Six high-ranking members of the Soviet politburo, including Joseph Stalin, sign an order for the execution of 25,700 Polish intelligentsia, including 14,700 Polish POWs, in what will become known as the Katyn massacre. 1942 – World War II: Japanese forces capture Batavia, capital of Dutch East Indies, which is left undefended after the withdrawal of the KNIL garrison and Australian Blackforce battalion to Buitenzorg and Bandung. 1943 – First Flight of the Gloster Meteor, Britain's first combat jet aircraft. 1944 – World War II: The Red Army begins the Uman–Botoșani Offensive in the western Ukrainian SSR. 1946 – Cold War: Winston Churchill coins the phrase "Iron Curtain" in his speech at Westminster College, Missouri.
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chemaspain · 2 years ago
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Playa La Barrosa. Cádiz.
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