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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months ago
The only reason Rafe knows how to use exel is because he has two spreadsheets dedicated entirely to his sex life cause he finds his own habits and patterns fascinating (hes also a lil bit autistic- but dont tell him)
One is a spreadsheet of almost entirely hookups and relationships that lastest a month at most, listing every time he's had sex, who it was with, a brief description of what they looked like, the date and time it happened, how high/drunk he was and on what, a rating, and a brief description of what they did and well as comments and critiques
The other is specifically about Barry and him, which its almost identitical other than the "who/what did they look like" being void, the high/drunk section being individual "What Rafe was on" "What Barry was on" sections, and the 'comments and critiques' mostly consisting of "he did this and it made me wanna die, this happened and it was the best thing ever, he said this thing in this tone and i caved, i called him this and im pretty sure i saw him crumble" lol
Barry thinks hes fucking INSANE for this and constantly calls him crazy and a freak for it, but he sometimes sneaks a peek at their sheet and finds it just a little hot.
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frameposting · 2 years ago
RP Character List so I know where everything is
Tenno & Warframes Iulis - The Operator. The Void wrecked his mind and body, causing him to develop maladaptive bigotry. Also available as Iulia, the Kween-possessed one when he ends up flunking The War Within. Galvan - The Volt. "Things were good until I ended up with this strangely familiar kid in my life." Likes to say he's just in it for the credits. Also has a long past with Iulis that he'd rather forget. Kudzu - Saryn Prime and a big enabler that loves to watch the consequences heart emoji. Nezha - They came with the orbiter. Nobody knows how they ended up there but at least they're friendly. Also enjoys twerking over fallen enemies.
Corpus Tai Barraf - Crewman and part-time Cetus studier. Frequently twerked on when Nezha raids his ships. Anto Riiva - Crewman and Domestik Drone repairman. Wants to get into proxy veterinary school. Also available in "full-body Volatile Runner" version.
The Infested Dippy - li'l Ancient, mostly harmless but very clingy sometimes. Loves headpats and belly-rubs. Dodge - Adopted as a runt by Galvan, she repaid him with loyalty and growing to almost Phorid size. Big ol' boof with a vendetta against the hive that rejected her. Arbo - Arcane Boiler that followed Galvan home after a certain treasure hunt. They speak fluent human and possess an agglomeration of knowledge that congealed into a personality. Specializes in Orokin tea for some probably tragic reason.
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rafe-cameron · 3 years ago
barry and rafe shipping account only from here on out. they were in love. barry was genuinely afraid of what was happening to rafe. he was pretty much the only one who cared about him
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frankdraw · 5 years ago
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from a roleplay with @the-tenno-tripped and conversations with @of-profit trying to draw a Volatile Runner version of my hapless disgruntled retail worker. might even make a ref sheet idk
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thedwarrowscholar · 6 years ago
Hello there! I'm sorry for bothering you, but for some time now I wante to make myself an embroidered patch with some khuzdul on it. Now I decided that the best would be some battle cry. Of course, I already know the "Baruk Khazad. Khazad ai-menu!" and "Du bekar" but still, I wondered if you could share something different with me? I would be forever greatful. Have a great day!
Well met!
No bother at all, happy to help.
Battle cries often have the intent to invoke patriotic, tribal or religious sentiment, or better yet, to overstate one’s own battle potential to a point where the enemy prefers to avoid confrontation altogether and flees. So if we are to ���find” new ones I think it might be a good idea to look at some actual real world battle cries along those lines for inspiration.
Religiously inspired battle cries:
“Mahal zurulahu!” — “Mahal wills it!” inspired by “Deus vult!” (“God wills it!” in Latin) a battle cry of the Crusaders.
“Sulladad ‘ugbal!” — “Eru is the greatest!” inspired by “Allahu Akbar” (“God is the greatest!”) a common Arabic battle cry, in modern times often used by Muslim Mujahideen.
Non-Religously inspired battle cries:
“Ifibbirî Khazâd!” — “(Continue to move) Forward Dwarves!” inspired by “Avanti Savoia!”, which is “Forward Savoy!” an Italian battle cry of World War One.
“Ikhrish-hun!” — “Cut them Down!” a copy of “Hakkaa päälle! ("Cut them down” in Finnish), an 18th century Finnish battle cry.
“’Abadmâ f’amrâd!” — “Our Mountain or Death!” inspired by “¡Patria o muerte!” (English: Fatherland or death!) uttered by Che Guevara at the United Nations in 1964.
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Che Guevara at the UN in 1964 — “¡Patria o muerte!”
Inspired by Middle Earth lore:
“Khama Durin! Dufburul!” — “For Durin! Onwards!”
“Khama barraf haded!” —  “For the Seven Clans!”
“Amrâd du ragân dûr!” --- “Death to the naked chins!”
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Dwalin looks to me like a “Death to the naked chins” - kinda dwarf... right? 
Ever at your service,
The Dwarrow Scholar
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bouxmounir · 3 years ago
« Faisons confiance à Belmadi »
« Faisons confiance à Belmadi »
Mustafa Barraf, ancien président du Comité Olympique Algérien (COA) et actuel président de l’Association des Comités Nationaux Olympiques Africains (ACNOA), revient dans cet entretien sur l’expulsion des Verts de la Coupe du monde, L’Algérie a été éliminée de la Coupe du monde 2022 par le Cameroun. La défaite a été amère. L’arbitrage a été largement critiqué et la FAF a fait appel auprès de la…
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madallun-blog · 8 years ago
worldbuilding | | : dwarven parenting terms
As mentioned before, dwarven culture as I hc it historically has not had any real conception of gender. This is still largely pervasive throughout their settlements, with the assorted dwarf here and there drawing from humans and other cultures in order to explore their own physical presentation. Khuzdul does, however, contain gendered terms and conjugations, largely for referring to members of other cultures; over the course of many centuries of interaction, these have been added to Khuzdul, though terms like ‘wife’ and ‘husband’, to give one example, are very rarely used in Khuzdul about other dwarves. 
When tracing genealogies, three terms are important:
lashar ( pl. lashshur ) - lit. ‘parent’. one involved in conception. yandûn ( pl. yandân ) - lit. ‘birth-person’. one who gave the egg. damyûn ( pl. damyân ) - lit. ‘accompaniment-person’. one who gave the sperm. barafazrâf ( pl. barafazarâf ) - lit. ‘clan’. the extended blood-relatives of a dwarf.
These categories do not come with any expectations of societal roles / behaviors / dress, nor are they generalized. That is to say: a dwarf who can give birth is not called a yandûn unless they have given birth, and even then, they are only described that way when speaking of the child ( ex. one does not say ‘they are a yandûn’ as though it dictated other aspects of their life; one says ‘they are Asfid’s yandûn’ ). Genealogies are traditionally traced through the damyân, through whom a dwarf is connected to their clan.
Yet being the lashar of a dwarf does not inherently imply caretaker status or parenthood, even though Westron translates lashar to ‘parent’. That simply denotes involvement in the child’s conception / birth. The important terms for those who raise children are below: 
lushr ( pl. lashâr ) - lit. ‘caretaker’. one who raises a child. lushrlashar ( pl. lushrlashshur ) - lit. ‘caretaker-parent’. a lushr who is one of the       child’s lashshur. lushryandûn ( pl. lushryandân ) - lit. ‘caretaker-birth person’. a yandûn who is also        the child’s lushr. familiarly: luyan. lushrdamyûn ( pl. lushrdamyân ) - lit. ‘caretaker-accompaniment person.’ a damyûn       who is also the child’s lushr. familiarly: ludam. lushromnûn ( pl. lushromnân ) - lit. ‘loyalty caretaker’. a lushr who is not one of the      child’s lashar. familiarly: lushon. barafu ( pl. barraf ) - lit. ‘families’. the immediate family unit of a dwarf.
It is important to note that there is no strangeness nor judgment applied to dwarves having one or more lushromnân as lashâr. It is relatively common, in fact, due to remarriage, polyamorous relationships, adoption, or other reasons. Members of an extended family raising a child are lushromnân. It is expected that a dwarf’s first loyalties are to their immediate family through their lashâr, and then to their clan through their lashshur. Dwarf children refer to their lashâr by their given names.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months ago
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Again. I'm right. And I know its true.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 7 months ago
Barry knows Italian and Spanish and finds learning languages fascinating, especially learning true slang
Rafe I think would rather die than listen to someone try to teach him more than a couple words cause he finds it so boring and pointless.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months ago
Recovering from light bullying trauma around the petname ‘baby’ by writing a shit tonne of fanfic about Barry OBX who will forever refer to Rafe as his baby
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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months ago
Barry watches John Waters films and considers them high art
that bitch LOVES camp, he loves camp, he loves horror, he loves gay film history, he loves slashers, and he forces Rafe to watch it all and laughs at him for being afraid/uncomfortable/grossed out
He sat him down and made him watch Pink Flamingos and Rafe had his eyes covered for most of it.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months ago
OBX ships need more fun ship names so I'm gonna do it myself
John B x Sarah : Birdprincess / Jarah
John B x JJ : Seabird / JJohn B
John B x Kiara : Freebird / Jiara B???
John B x Pope : Birdbrain / Jope B?
John B x Cleo : Birdblade / Cleohn B??? Jleo B?
JJ x Sarah : Seaprincess / JJarah
JJ x Kiara : Gunfree / Seafree / Jiara
JJ x Pope : Seabrain / JJPope
JJ x Cleo : Seablade / JJleo
Kiara x Sarah : Freeprincess / Kiarah
Kiara x Pope : Freebrain / Kiepope
Kiara x Cleo : Freeblade / Cliara
Sarah x Pope : Brainprincess / Sarope
Sarah x Cleo : Princessblade / Clerah
Pope x Cleo : Brainblade / Cleope
Rafe x Barry : Trailerclub / Barrafe / Rarry
Rafe x Sofia : Missclub / Rafia
Barry x Sofia x Rafe : Misstrailerclub / Barrafia
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frameposting · 3 years ago
Coffee and Parasites (moar fanlore)
One of the worst insults to a Corpus is the term 'parasite.' While most others would think of something related to the Infestation, 'parasite' to a Corpus (particularly those of the more Granist persuasion) is treated worse than idleness.
Idleness is in itself the zero point. Giving back exactly what you put in without any Desire(tm) for more. But even a lowly Solaris works to get back into the black, a manifest Desire(tm) in itself.
In Corpus philosophical terms, Parasitism refers to both extreme idleness and the extremity of Desire(tm) reaching the point where one can only accumulate wealth to the extreme detriment of others, especially also those that possess Desire themselves.
The nature of Corpus society in the current Warframe era and its hierarchy means that the higher up in Corpus society one looks, the more the term gains social weight. Accusing someone of parasitism openly practically requires having the evidence to back it up and the willpower (Desire, perhaps?) to see it through.
Not that those near the proverbial ground floor usually have the resources to do so without a bit of outside help (eg Tenno) protecting them from retaliation. On the other hand, the complex nature of Corpus bureaucracy and the sharp concentrations of wealth near the top means that a Board Member cannot accuse another of Parasitism without essentially causing a system-wide economic meltdown.
And so the term 'parasite' is really only wielded in hushed whispers or the most encrypted of private messages...
also I watched a taste test of instant coffee brands and I can imagine Crewmen get issued about a 500mL of some kind of instant caffeination to wash down their nutribar rations. Every now and then a middle-to-higher class one will bring coffee or a similar beverage to a meeting try to feign humble beginnings for inspirational purposes. The highest rungs and especially those that try to claim Orokin heritage are definitely tea-drinkers though
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frameposting · 5 years ago
“Always go into a contract anticipating a loss. If you plan for loss—if you can live with the worst—the profit will always take care of itself.”
Corpus historians ascribed that proverb to ancient, mostly-lost pre-Orokin “wisdom.” But even crewmen knew that wisdom alone didn’t fill bank accounts. One such khaki-jumpsuited Crewman in the busy main hall of an orbital trading station observed wall-mounted displays of charts and numbers with a frown on his face wondering when the profit would take care of itself.
Crewman Class I Tai Barraf had lived the worse part of the last few standard intervals on ships and stations, through Grineer showdowns, Infestation scares and the occasional Tenno raid. And although he had managed to keep his finances just barely “in the blue” after deductions, insurance and helping his family back on the colony, the profit continued to take its sweet Orokin-forsaken time.
Time he was quite aware he didn’t have in abundance. Especially after he chose to invest most of said time in a Contract Assignment that promised enough of a Risk-Reward hours ratio to help him clear an upgrade quota.
The screen he paid the most attention to didn’t show stock markets, Index scores or even the local news. It showed arrivals and departures of vessels. The vessel belonging to the company offering that Contract was listed close to the bottom, and he had plenty of time to clock in.
Something had just struck him as suspicious about this “salvage and reclamation” operation, even more so than the usual salesmanship and contract sweetening language that more often than not led to, say, the occasional Tenno raid.
“What could go wrong,” he mumbled to himself as he hefted his helmet mask under his arm and pivoted on a heel toward the hangar that currently boarded the vessel for the Zalk company. “Maybe their guns won’t work...”
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frameposting · 5 years ago
A lot of things could happen to a Crewman to end their career. Grineer battlefleets, Tenno raids, inter-corporate warfare, Alad’s latest experiments, and the Infestation. It didn’t take long for even the most “idealistic” of Crewmen to accept the inevitability of a gruesome death and/or loss of sentience through any combination of these factors. Amongst all of these there existed a kind of consensus that getting Infested was about the worst way to go out of these.
Yet when the Infestation finally “happened” to now-former Crewman Class A Tai Barraf during a routine shipping route to the outer planets, acceptance turned out much easier said than done when he also had to go through its other phases. Not amidst the screams of his comrades, not amidst the blaring alarms and status displays on his visor before the creeping biomatter dissolved it and fed whatever data it found useful to the hivemind before it enhanced his vision.
The rest went by in a haze. That part was much easier when the mutagen wrested control of most of his body from him and turned him into…whatever he was now. Some kind of vaguely humanoid, three-armed aberration covered head to toe in the knotted, tangled peach-orange infestation tissue known specifically for volatility.
He couldn’t take any kind of even hollow solace in knowing that the Infested colored like this didn’t have much time left. Even as his body twitched as he walked like some kind of permanent over-energized anxiety attack, a tingling haze reverberating across every nerve ending toward someone…something to blow apart to make tiny crumbs and morsels for the hive to feed on.
Still, he had time to think, however limited it was, and however much the hive mind “guided” his thoughts. One among the hundreds on this cruiser could be afforded a little despair that his life basically amounted to whatever credits were being transferred to his family’s account after the payment of debts.
Concealed among some now-empty cargo containers, an indigo-and-gray Volt watched the specimen closely. That much orange infested tissue could tear a hole out to the vacuum of space if detonated in the right area, and that wasn’t counting whatever that thing could shoot out of the Dera hideously fused to one of its arms…
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frameposting · 5 years ago
The holders/creditors of Solaris debt-bonds are officially Corpus financial institutions. In Fortuna, these institutions naturally fall under the AnyoCorp umbrella. In the spirit of (Corpus-defined) free enterprise, there is a thriving secondary market for those with credits on hand to make a steady side-income by trading and/or holding the debt-bonds themselves.
Like everything Corpus, the most profit is generated by those with “connections.” While one might not have a direct connection to a particular debt-bond “issuer,” they can get an idea or estimate of how much profit they can get back from these bonds through contacts at the respective debt-slave’s facilities. And of course, deeper (i.e. well-greased) relationships mean more reliable estimates.
Risks include debt-bond-chaining, default by the debt-slave to whom the bonds are linked (in which case the bond is effectively frozen until someone else can pay the debt), and that most dreaded of Corpus sins, the “act of charity” that can fully mature the bond at or even under face value.
Increased Tenno activity at Solaris has corresponded to a sharp decrease in debt-bond demand. Although bonds repaid at Ticker’s technically improve the ratings of both the financial institution and the debt holder, it does nothing for the greed of those that effectively earn pocket change off that grueling kind of misery.
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