retrogeographie · 5 days
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Barlin, la poste.
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sailfish-serum · 6 days
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Insert cher lloyd lyric or whatever
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disarmluna · 2 months
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
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Lea Michele has posted a Tiktok of a rehearsal video with Jonathan, Jonathan B Wright, Michael Mayer, Anne L Nathan and Donna Murphy for an unknown project (possibly Lea’s upcoming Carnegie Hall concert).
The project relates to a play by Elly Barlin-Daniels. The tweet below is from 30 September 2023.
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primordus · 2 years
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some olyzas miscellany... featuring their best friend, kolin barlin- probably giving them some great gossip >:)
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aeon2407 · 1 year
Pyro's Pyrotechnic Love Life - Chapter 8
For @contentment-of-cats. Also on AO3.
Recovery Room, The Levinbolt, Task Force Spearhead
Yana couldn’t slice the door. Whoever was in charge of The House’s cybersecurity was almost as good as Odo, which meant they far outstripped her. “All right, they're not going to let us out. Let’s have it.”
She was a direct person by both nature and nurture, and sometimes got very confused around highborns, which both Artur and Yissa were. More than that, they came from two prominent lines of Founders. But Artur was Army, and Yissa was disowned, so this might just work.
Artur tapped into his electro-tattoos and tried to forcibly override the control panel, not realizing that Lapin programmed it to fry anyone opening it from the inside. Ended up with his ass on the floor and his tattoos steaming, groaning in pain.
At the moment Yana was glaring at both of them, tears starting. Her chest hurt and her heart was trying to rip its way out of her chest. “You deserved that. I'm not going to fight both of you. I'm tired and I have seppies to squish. Let's have it out. All of it. Now. I love both of you. I chose you, Yissa, which is apparently not enough. Artur, I chose the Chimaera because - as Lady Domina said - I wanted to fly, not nest. I was twenty. I needed to find out who I am. And I did. Who I am is not someone who puts up with this pussyfooting around and highborn head games. Both of you shoot straight with me, or both of you let me go."
There was silence for a few seconds. Yana was just about to give up when Artur spoke.
“You know how I feel, Yana. It hasn't change. I love you, and if you want to share yourself between me and Yissa I’ll accept it. I...” A sigh. “I just want to be with you, by your side, all the way.”
Yana turned to Yissa. “I chose you. Is that enough?” She was very lucky to be loved by both, but if it made one or both unhappy she'd walk. Nobody deserved to have love used like a knife in the heart.
Yissa looked at her, then Artur. She was seeing him in somewhat of a new – or rather old – light, the light that made her choose him out of the list her parents gave her all those years ago.
She was also coming to terms with the fact that her mistrust of him, from the moment he stepped foot onto the Chimaera, had nothing to do with him being a Tagge, and everything to do with her not believing that she’d be enough to keep Yana from leaving her and coming back to him. Artur was just so… him, and she’d been so wrapped up in those thoughts she’d failed to notice the love and trust her lover, her wyf, gave her. “Yes, Yana. It's enough.”
Yana exhaled. Worst part is over. “All right. Do either of you have any more issues with me?” Both of them shook their heads. “No issues? Good. Now we can talk about how this is gonna work going forward.”
Both of them were looking at her as if she was supposed to be leading them, as if they didn’t both outrank her. “You can both have me, but you have to work out your issues with each other before that can happen. If I take both of you, it is all the way. Absolutely equal. I have your backs, you have mine, and you need to have each other’s. It's a mean old galaxy full of assholes – we have to be a unit.”
Artur had no problems with Yissa as far as she could tell. Yiss was the one who needed some work here. The Sensors Officer was refusing to look either of them in the eyes, ashamed of herself now that she had time to reflect.
Yana came to her. Luckily she was short and could look Yissa in the eyes from multiple angles. Nothing really needed to be said. Well, that wasn’t true, but it could wait. For now, Yana simply wrapped her arms around Yissa's front and her wyf started crying.
And Yana was a sucker. Yana was the comforter and the make-better one. “I love you. I always will. I will never stop. Even if I die.”
“I know that Yana. I know. It's just... I see the way you look at him, and then I find out about little pieces of your relationship through Jash and Aylin, and it just feels like even though you love me, you'll still realize that he's the better choice. The one that truly has your heart.”
“But do you see the way I look at you? There is no better choice. You’re both unique, amazing.”
And she was truly crying now, bawling in Yana's embrace.
Artur kept his eyes averted, admittedly a little uncomfortable with seeing his ex-fiancé this vulnerable. He had the same conversation with himself their second year, same doubts about whether Yana would fall out of love with him and find someone new. Someone better.
He had Revy, Aunt Mina, and the Twins there to set him straight. Yissa didn't even have family to turn to without breaching professional boundaries.
Yana would never abandon Yissa. Yissa – like her – had no family, disgraced and disowned when she ran from her own wedding to enlist. They've been family since six months after Thrawn came to the Chimaera.
Once Yissa was done crying and Yana released her, Artur scooted closer. Gently, slowly. She was still emotional, easily spooked. He looked at her and opened his arms with a soft, faint smile. She sank in, muttering apologies into his shirt as they hugged. He didn’t say anything, but she understood.
All was forgiven.
Yana’s comlink chimed and she deftly switched it off, hugging Yissa from the back. The graft on her shoulders throbbed and was promptly ignored.
However, she was troubled. Her family was the Chimaera, her loves Yissa and Artur. They could go back, all three of them. Phyrre, Jash, and Odo already liked Artur and they would accept him into the circle the way they did Yissa. In her own opinion she was not ready for command, but she knew it was inevitable at this point.
Cherno and Vergilio were of the opposite view. She got tossed in the deep and and came swimming in like a fireswan. Thrawn happened to agree with them. She had been forced to grow into a command no smaller than that of an Imperial Navy Commander, four ranks above her own, and had flourished. Faro thought that she could use another year or two before her first official command, but that she was ready if needed.
Yana was getting that promotion, whether she liked it or not.
Command Bridge, The Levinbolt, Task Force Spearhead
Phyrre watched the security feed with glee. A pool has already been started fleetwide. Jash had a month’s pay on a triad marriage, Odo on a concubine. She had her own pay on a classic husband-wife-wyf setup. Lapin was vibrating with excitement in the command chair, already picking out dresses.
The core family and relevant blood ties were already informed and Cassio, being Baron, was in charge of preparations to bring Pyrondi into the aristocracy. Yissa was already a Lady before being disowned so she was a simpler case.
Meanwhile, Tonio was having a fit. His best Weapons Officer AND his best Sensors Officer!? POACHING!
Lapin decided that their job here was over. “Captain Virgilio, the bridge is yours.”
“Copy that, Marshal.”
“Prepare my shuttle. I’m going back to the Acquisitor.”
“Yes, sir. Informing hangar technicians now.”
When it came to wedding preparations, especially for The Eldest of The Eldest, it was best to discuss things in person.
Executive Quarters, The Acquisitor, Tagge Armada
“They might want to be married in uniform. Lady Ilyana might need to marry Lady Yissa first, then marry Artur. The Hammerlys will have tookas.”
Domina considered things. “The Hammerly Family won't accept being merged into House Tagge, Lapin. Their pride as a fellow Founder won't allow it.” That would be a problem.
“They disowned Lady Yissa, my Lady - finders keepers, losers weepers.” Red dress. Red and gold. Tagge colors. “Lady Yissa has a little bit leftover from draining her trust fund, but that's the last of her connection to that family besides her name. And I think Artur prefers to be married in Special Forces colors. Maybe the red Barony Sash on top?”
“Still, Tagges are expected to be of a certain… financial state. It’ll be a substantial amoun-“ A pause to look at Yana’s business account.
Lapin shrugged. “Lady Ilyana bought an older Arquetiens after graduation so her accounts are a little low. None of the Nerds have needed to work since they founded Find Out Inc. and patented the Pyrondi System. They could retire tomorrow and be very comfortable.”
The Nerds, formerly the Four Demons of Royal Imperial, were millionaires, one and all. Pyrondi System, KYS System, Invisi-Hull, PNM, there were a dozen patents under their names, consolidated into Find Out Incorporated. They made more a month in royalties than Thrawn did a year as Grand Admiral. “Why didn’t Yana, or the rest of the Nerds, use their wealth to find accommodation on Canto Bight? Why ask Artur?”
Lapin looked into it. “Hmm. All of their fees are on autopay, but otherwise I don’t see any activity on any of their company accounts for the past two years. My guess? They forgot that they’re rich. They seem humble enough to not focus on wealth.”
Domina smirked as she opened her comlink. “Let’s test that theory, shall we? Phyrre, my dear, I have a question for you.”
An audible gulp. Adorable. “What is it, Lady Domina?”
“Do you remember Find Out Incorporated?”
“Of course. My friends and I founded it in our third year at Royal to patent the Pyrondi System. What about it, my Lady?”
“Why didn’t you use the royalties to get accommodations while on leave? You have more than enough.”
A very telling silence. “You all forgot about those accounts, didn’t you?”
A sigh. “Yes we did.”
“That’s all I need to know. Thank you, darling.”
Lapin was chuckling. Typical nerd behavior. Domina giggled in amusement as she ended the call. “Take a million from Yana as a dowry. That should appease the more traditional relatives. Recommend investments and saving plans for the rest. If she's going to be a Tagge, she's going to be a proper one. That means adding extra zeroes to this number, Lapin. Get it done.”
“Of course, auntie.”
“Also, offer the Nerds jobs. Multiple options, salaries in the third bracket should do nicely.” It would be beneficial to keep her friends close by. She'd need a support network to deal with life as a Tagge.
Lapin handed her a datapad. “A list of those from the 7th approaching retirement, or who might be waffling on renewing commissions. If we want Thrawn, we have to offer more, and we can.” The Dynasty had outlived more regimes than they had fingers and toes. The Seventh had nearly 3000 ships, split into multiple task forces. They could beat it.
Domina had been interested in Thrawn ever since he was a lieutenant. Wanted him in the Armada when he made Captain. Now was her chance. “Sources close to Cassio told me that Thrawn joined the Navy to protect his people with a military force.” A Pause. Ah. Idea. “Is the High Marshal position open, Lapin?”
A corresponding Pause. “It can be. Where are you going with this?”
A Resign Sigh. This was the best option she could see. “Offer him the Armada. All of it.”
Shocked silence. “Are you sure, Lady Domina?”
Domina noted the formal address. Lapin was serious. “Yes, I am. Thrawn has proven himself loyal to the hand that provides for him. We need to make sure that it's my hand.”
The Armada itself could confront the Imperial Navy head-on. A million ships, including thirty thousand Domina-Class capital ships, armed to the teeth with the best hardware money couldn’t buy. Consolidated yet modular and flexible in deployment. Over two billion soldiers, all highly trained and carefully vetted. Unlike the Imperial Academies, TaggeCo spared no expense and cut no corners in making sure that their troops were the best in the galaxy.
If Thrawn accepted, eighty percent of the 7th would go with him. All of the women in the fleet would. Domina wanted that fleet. It was only ever Thrawn, maybe that mathematical genius aide of his, but this? This was a prize. She told Lapin to handle the talent acquisition, and also to discuss with Artur about an open Marshal position. Time to bring the man home. Most, if not all, of 1st SCAR would come with him. Yet another prize that she couldn’t pass up.
Palpatine would do nothing against her. He couldn’t. If the Dynasty collapsed, TaggeCo collapsed. If TaggeCo collapsed, the Empire would be reduced to the Core and nothing else. The Seswenna sector would go all in with Tepasi, and the Expansion Region with Seswenna. Tagges around the galaxy had their hooks in the Inner Rim, Mid Rim, Outer Rim, even the Unknown and Wild Space. If he killed the Dynasty, 95% of the Empire would die with it.
She checked on the status of Spearhead, then kicked her plan into action. Lucrative job offers by the millions were sent out to every name on the list. All she needed were for the Nerds and Thrawn to accept and the rest would follow. She’d essentially be annexing the 7th Fleet into the Armada.
Vader made use of the shock and confusion to slip a sighting of Kenobi into the records, then mobilized the Inquisitors and left for Byss. He’d get rid of them once they were there. Lapin prepared to welcome the Grand Admiral and Commander Vanto. Lady Karyn too, after a moment’s consideration. There were offers on the table in the form of insignias, gleaming on the literal table.
Thrawn analyzed the room. The decoration was subtle, yet prominent. An air of elegance, and also an intimidating yet subtle statement of their strength and wealth. Interesting. Meanwhile, Karyn reminisced on the few times she’d been here before, when she was still fooling around with Cas.
Eli stared at the insignias on the table. High Marshal, Fleet Admiral, Vice Admiral. Looked at Thrawn. “They're handing over their armada. All of it. To you. Now.”
Thrawn raised an eyebrow and looked at Lapin, who nodded. “Yes, we are. In exchange, we want you to secure an expansion of Tagge Space to every available system nearby, and improve our officers' tactical prowess. We've also sent offers to every member of the 7th that potentially wants to come with you, which is to say most of them.”
Thrawn’s mind was processing this admittedly unexpected turn of events. They have just offered him everything he could’ve wanted in an ally. After all, nothing was more incorruptible than a Tagge’s self-interest.
Lapin cleared their throat. “But first, I want to know what you think about… overthrowing the Empire?”
The first response was quick to come. “Are you with the Rebellion?”
A scoff. “Oh Margulis no. I stand with my family, Grand Admiral. That won’t change anytime soon.”
“I assume the Dynasty intends to replace the Empire?”
“We do. How do you feel about that?”
Eli knew that Thrawn had been bound ever tighter to the Empire, and that if Eli himself was having doubts lately, that Thrawn was having them, too.
And, on the surface level alone, Thrawn was just handed over three hundred times the amount of ships he had as Grand Admiral, even more firepower, and as much funding as he desired to finish the Defender Project. Although, the project could technically be scrapped and the Sienar contract terminated, then a similar project could be created at TaggeCo. Eli would handle that. His CO had no subtlety.
Thrawn weighed every factor like always. The Empire was so dependent on TaggeCo that it would cease to be without them. The House of Tagge was an empire of its own. Why not just replace the entire regime? It would be risky, especially with Palpatine's Sithly nature, but it could be done.
He picked up the insignia and the Force wobbled. In a cell on the Levinbolt, Ezra felt his heart seized up and his stomach dropped, feeling like his destiny just got bitchslapped.
Eli assumed that Fleet Admiral was for Faro, so he picked up the last one. Vice Admiral. Flag rank. Still an aide, mind, probably Chief Aide, but Vice Admiral Vanto had a very nice ring to it. He looked at Thrawn. The message was clear. ‘You go, I go.’ Faro was telling him the same thing with her eyes.
All three of them took their plaques off, put the insignias on, and sat down. Lapin smiled from the head of the table. Lady Domina would be so pleased. The Rebellion’s command would be decimated once they started, but the rest would have to be put on the backup engine. They'd serve as a distraction while the Tagges pulled off the coup of the millennium. No prolonged battle, no great war. Subtle setups, then one night to assassinate Palpatine and the galaxy would have an Empress Tagge on the throne.
“Welcome to the Tagge Armada, High Marshal, Admirals. Shall we get to work?”
Deputy Director’s Office, ISB Headquarters, Coruscant
Partagaz and Yularen were having lunch and chatting at Yularen’s desk when the intel came. Domina was essentially annexing the 7th Fleet into the Armada. They looked at each other. The coup has begun. Time to put their control of the ISB to good use.
Partagaz got a request from General Tagge to get himself to Krownest for ‘extensive and advanced interrogation of the Spectres. Immediately made his way back to his office to pack. Yularen called for his private shuttle. No way was he missing this.
Imperial High Command, Coruscant
Motti heard about the poaching attempt from Domina a little while ago and now he was in a crisis. At first, he had been glad. Thrawn produced results, yes, but the Chiss did it a little too well and he wouldn’t have put it past Palpatine to eventually make him Naval Chief, kicking Motti himself out of the IHC in the process.
Then he heard that every woman in the 7th would be going with him and he was elated. Women in the Navy was fine, but Thrawn’s command was nearly 25% women, with women in senior command positions. That felt weird to a man like Motti, and so he was glad that they were leaving.
And then he sat down and thought about it. About 20% of the 7th as a whole was expected to stay. That was over a million sailors that were, while undoubtedly talented, too off-center for the other fleets. Where would they go?
Maybe he’d encourage transfers to the Army, make it Cassio’s problem. His cousin’s been complaining about a shortage of skilled officers anyway.
Palpatine wouldn’t be happy about losing his largest fleet, but Conan Antonio Motti didn’t make Naval Chief by not knowing how to nerfshit his way out of things.
His comlink chimed. Not the work one, not the personal one. The hidden one. He reached in and checked it with shaking hands. ‘Operation Titanfall is live. Stage One.’
If he got this message, Uncle Wil and Uncle Wullf got it too, so would Uncle Hurst, Uncle Moradmin, and Siward. The entire High Command was in on this, besides Vader that was.
Another message. “Vader is in.”
Command Bridge, The Visionary, First Fleet
Karyn finally got that fleet she always wanted. It was with the Armada instead of the Imperial Navy, but the feeling was still incredible. Lapin had told her to get use to her new flagship, the Visionary, so she made her way there while Thrawn and Eli went back to the Harbinger.
Karyn expected many things as she stepped into the bridge. She didn’t expect her ex to be there, looking out the viewport.
“Cassio. Oh kriff me”, she groaned.
He turned around, that damn smirk on his lips. “Not exactly the best place, Karyn, but if you insist…”
“Kriff off, Cas.”
She was happy to see him, but damn her if she ever let him know it.
He chuckled. “The fleet is yours, Fleet Admiral Faro.”
It was hers. All hers. Finally. Time to overthrow a regime.
Command Bridge, ISD Harbinger, Seventh Fleet
High Marshal Thrawn. That would take some getting used to. Eli hadn’t expect to call him anything besides Admiral or Grand Admiral for the rest of his career. Vice Admiral Vanto, though… That was just fun to say in his head. He was finally flag rank, and now to see who’d accept it. Thrawn took his seat.
“Lock down the ship, Lieutenant.”
“Yes sir.”
A click on his armrest comm.
“Attention crew of the Harbinger, this is Thrawn. As of twenty standard minutes ago, I have resigned my commission with the Imperial Navy and accepted an offer to become High Marshal of the Tagge Armada. My mission is to lead a coup against Emperor Palpatine and instate Lady Domina Tagge as Empress. Most of you have already received your own offers. Whether you accept them or not is your own prerogative, but should you accept, report to the secondary hangar bay in one hour. Should you not accept, report to the primary hangar and you will be allowed to leave. Whether you warn Imperial High Command or not will be irrelevant. Thrawn out.”
Another click to cut the feed. “Monitor all attempts of outside contact, Lieutenant. Report to me immediately and have them detained.”
“Right away, sir. And sir?”
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
“Long may you serve, High Marshal.”
Thrawn’s lips quirked up slightly. Long may they all serve.
A chime on his sensors. Ah, Colonel Yularen and Major Partagaz were here to question their prisoners. Good.
Galactic Senate Chamber, Imperial Senate Building, Coruscant
Ulric was already preparing for the next Senate session when The Message came, followed immediately by an information package from Uncle Wullf. Evidence proving Mon Mothma, Breha Organa, and a slew of aristocrats and senators covered up the genocide on Jegsziv to save Saw Gererra’s ass, financial ties between Mothma, Organa, and the Rebellion, recordings of Leia Organa’s holocalls to rebel agents to plan the theft of her own ships…
Everything he needed to have them kicked off the Senate was there. The ISB was already standing by for arrests, simply waiting for him to present the data in front of the Senate and on record.
And so he did.
“The Senator for Tepasi has the chamber.”
“Thank you, Grand Vizier. Fellow senators, something has come to my attention just this morning that I feel requires an immediate response. If you all check your datapads, I have sent you the same information package I received from Colonel Wullf Yularen. Alarming, yet irrefutable, evidence of several beings in this very chamber covering up a planet-wide genocide, a genocide that killed over a billion people, just to save one man from rightfully being prosecuted for his crimes: Saw Gererra, a known insurgent that has been on the Empire’s Most Wanted list since its conception for charges such as terrorism, mass murder, and biological warfare.”
A deep breath.
“Inside that package, you will also see evidence financially connecting Senator Mon Mothma and Senator Bail Organa to the insurgent group known as the Rebellion, along with ISB recordings of Princess Leia Organa orchestrating with rebel agents on ways to steal Alderaanian ships for the rebel fleet. Senators, I motion for the removal and arrest of those named and accused by this evidence until a proper investigation into their crimes is completed.”
The vote was as one-sided as he predicted. Once Riyo Chuchi, a vocal supporter of Mothma’s, voted against her own friend with a horrified and disgusted look on her face, Ulric knew it was over.
In the end, they arrested Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, a host of other senators previously held in high esteem, and ISB troopers were moving to contain Alderaan and arrest Queen Breha.
The Grand Vizier and Emperor Palpatine ended the session early once it became clear that the Senate was too chaotic to be productive. Ulric smiled privately. His part was done.
Now he simply hoped that the others could do their parts.
Recovery Room, The Levinbolt, Task Force Spearhead
Yissa had some time to think as she got a double hug. Did she like men? Or was it just Artur? She didn’t bed men, that was certain, but loving them? Hmm.
She decided to experiment, putting a hand on Artur's jaw and guiding him closer. Silently asked permission before tentatively meeting his lips with her own.
There was a fluttering in her chest that definitely wasn’t there the first and last time she kissed a man years ago. Yana was not going to disturb this. However, she found that watching them kiss felt Good. Yissa pulled him in closer, moaning lightly as Yana slid her hands up and under, then roamed. Things were heating up and she was glad.
Merri Barlin was in the corridor outside the medbay, trying to listen in and nursing a gigantic crush on Artur, and slightly smaller ones on Yissa and Yana.
Phyrre saw, snuck up behind her, unlocked the door, pushed her in, then relocked the door.
Her eyes widened. Yissa was spread wide, Yana stuffing her face between her legs while Artur railed her from behind.
They stared at her. She stared at them. Blushed. Stammered out an apology and tried to unlock the door.
Yissa recognized the marks of a Phyrre and Jash tag teaming. Meanwhile, Yana was melting into the bed, Artur making sure she came again before pulling out. Merri’s eyes widened even more at the size. She… Had Not.
Yissa patted the bedding. “Come.”
Merri obeyed the order like a good sailor. Looked at Yana. The little carnivore had been kriffed nonverbal and was currently the consistently of pulled taffy. “Well um… What now?”
Twin smirks answered her. Merri shivered with anticipation.
Oh well, to hell with it. “Yes.”
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Click here to go right to the new chapter.
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hammerly/Pyrondi (Star Wars) Characters: Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Karyn Faro, Hammerly (Star Wars), Pyrondi (Star Wars), Lomar (Star Wars), Agral (Star Wars), Eli Vanto Additional Tags: shore leave universe Summary: Once upon a time, there was a bridge nerd and her name was Pyrondi. A tale of the bridge crew's early days.
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pirlantahaberleri · 4 months
Barline Pırlanta Kolye: Kaliteyi Uygun Fiyata Alın
Barline pırlanta kolye, 14 ayar altından yapılmış ve toplamda 0,08 karat ağırlığında 26 adet G renkli (Beyaz Plus) pırlanta taşı içeren, estetik ve ekonomik bir seçenektir. Bu kolye, 2,30 gram ağırlığında bir zincirle birlikte gelir ve her bir taşı SI berraklık derecesinde olup, yüksek kaliteyi uygun fiyata sunar. Thales Pırlanta Mücevher Sertifikası ile desteklenen bu ürün, güvenilir bir alışverişin kapılarını aralar. Barline pırlanta kolye, günlük kullanım veya özel günler için mükemmel bir seçimdir ve uzun ömürlü bir zarafet sunar.
Pırlanta Nasıl Test Edilir? Öğrenin!
Pırlanta testi, bir pırlantanın gerçek olup olmadığını anlamanın en doğru yollarından biridir. Thales Pırlanta sertifikası, taşın gerçekliğini ve kalitesini belgeleyen bir öğedir. Bu sertifika, pırlantanın renk, berraklık, kesim ve karat bilgilerini içerir. Ek olarak, profesyonel bir mücevherci kullanarak yapılacak bir termal iletkenlik testi, pırlantanın ısıyı ne kadar iyi ilettiğini ölçer ve bu da taşın doğruluğunu doğrular. Evde yapabileceğiniz bir diğer basit test ise, pırlantayı bir gazete üzerine koymak; eğer yazıyı taşın arkasından okuyabiliyorsanız, bu taş muhtemelen sahtedir çünkü gerçek pırlantalar ışığı bükerek yazının görünmesini engeller.
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Pırlanta Kolye Bakımı Nasıl Yapılır?
Pırlanta kolyelerin bakımı, onların ömrünü uzatır ve parıltısını korur. Barline pırlanta kolye gibi değerli takıların bakımı için, düzenli olarak yumuşak bir diş fırçası ve ılık sabunlu su kullanarak nazikçe temizleyin. Kolyenizi kimyasallardan uzak tutun ve fiziksel darbelere karşı dikkatli olun. Pırlantanın parlaklığını korumak için, yılda bir kez profesyonel bir mücevher temizliği yaptırmak faydalıdır. Ayrıca, kullanmadığınız zamanlarda pırlanta kolyenizi bir mücevher kutusunda, diğer mücevherlerden ayrı olarak saklayın. Bu yöntemler, pırlantanızın yıllar boyunca ilk günkü gibi kalmasını sağlar.
Son olarak, Barline pırlanta kolyenin sunduğu zarif tasarım ve yüksek kaliteye daha fazla sahip olmak isterseniz, Thales Pırlanta'nın Tasarım Pırlanta Kolyeler koleksiyonunu keşfedin. Bu koleksiyonda, her zevke uygun, benzersiz ve göz alıcı pırlanta kolyeler bulabilirsiniz. Kendi stilinizi yansıtacak bir mücevher seçin ve her anınıza anlam katın. Thales Pırlanta, estetik ve kalitenin bir arada sunulduğu özel tasarımlarla sizi bekliyor.
Kaynakça: https://www.thalespirlanta.com/barline-pirlanta-kolye
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pfeifenhaus-bonn · 10 months
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Barling - Marelybone - Ye Olde Wood
The pipe manufacturer Barling was founded in 1812 by Benjamin Barling in East London and developed into a renowned brand for high-quality tobacco pipes. Known for precision craftsmanship and innovative designs.
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Giltober #17: Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Gilgamesh
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mindutme · 8 months
Sdefa Sdaturday #3
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This is a new short piece of music, which is also a text in my musical conlang Sdefa! It translates to:
Snow is falling outside the house. But inside the house is warm And a cat is sleeping peacefully.
Below is a simplified version of the text with a basic gloss. Rhythms and chords are omitted because they’re not part of the text itself. Full barlines divide words, and half barlines divide suffixes from their roots or other suffixes on the same word. In the gloss, the numbers refer to the three free suffixes used in the text. That’s explained a bit in this post, but the basic idea is that each noun is identified with a three-note pronomial suffix which is then used for subject or object agreement on a verb. The numbers aren’t grammatical person —they’re all third person in this case—but are just the order in which they are first used.
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There are a few different things I might have done with this text. For one, there’s no tense or aspect marking, since it isn’t required. Second, there’s actually no equivalent of “but” in the Sdefa text; instead, that section of the music has a couple of chord changes that bring a change in mood. I actually don’t have a way to say “but” in Sdefa yet, and I may leave it out of the language entirely.
I hope you enjoyed the music! Sdefa is a lot of fun to use and it’s an enjoyable challenge to make musical sense out of it. This post is coming a little later than usual both because it took quite a while to put this all together and because the recording was delayed due to a certain kitty cat being on my lap.
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sailfish-serum · 9 months
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I had a silly goofy idea of 'one thinks they've been dating for the past 8 months, the other had no idea'
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yukimomodivorce · 5 months
Unecessarily long explanation/analysis of what Re:vale's name might mean
I don't know how to start this ok so basically this post and these tags from @nitunio
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inspired me to try to explain my own interpretation and I maybe accidentally spent several days looking into the etymology in the process and now I have more to say about it than I did initially. So I wanna start by outlining every potentially relevant definition/use of re and vale that I found and then I'm gonna talk about how some of them relate to Re:vale. This post has sections and a reference list baby let's go
1: Definitions of re
1. In music terms, re is the second syllabic note in a diatonic scale (do re mi etc.)
2. Re: specifically with a colon at the end is often used as an abbreviation of 'reply' (especially in emails) and/or as the Latin re meaning 'regarding' or 'in reference to'
3. In most cases, re as a prefix/affix indicates 'back' (as in return) or 'again' (as in repetition)
2: Definitions of vale
1. The Middle English vale (pronounced like veil) is another term for valley (derived from the Latin vallis), used in literary/poetic contexts or place names to mean:
A low stretch of land surrounded by hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it
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The world or mortal life (figuratively and often with connotations of sorrow or hardship, such as in the phrase "vale of tears")
2. In most modern uses, the Latin vale means 'farewell' or 'goodbye', especially in the context of death (apparently this is really common in Australia? I've never heard it before)
3. This use is derived from valeō (or present infinitive valēre), which basically means 'be well/healthy' - so vale in Latin means 'goodbye' in the sense of wishing someone good health, safe travels etc.
Valeō/valēre can also denote strength and worth, and it's the root of both valour and value
4. From what I can find, vale in Spanish is mainly used as a colloquial term similar to 'OK' or 'cool' in English, but it's an inflection of valer which can mean 'valid' or 'worth' and is also derived from the Latin valēre! everything is connected :D
TLDR two main uses of vale both derived from Latin: vallis meaning valley and valeō meaning to be well/healthy/strong/worth
3: What 1 year and 4 months of being a Re:vale fan does to a man
Yuki and Momo's symbols are both repeats, and the two dots (resembling a colon) are what distinguish repeats from final barlines in sheet music (more of me rambling about their symbols here - it's also where the design on their rings comes from, which is something that I keep realising and then instantly forgetting about).
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Considering this, I think that the most relevant and likely intended meaning of the 're:' in Re:vale is repeat - we also see English words with the prefix used in this sense pretty frequently with Re-raise, 'revive' and 'rebirth' in Dis one., and 'restart' and 'reborn' in Period Colour. The 'back' aspect also has some significance here, especially in Re:member (the word remember doesn't mean you're like. membering again. it refers to memories. but the title re:member is very intentionally split that way because re:vale both gains and loses a member, so it works with both the again and back implications. anyways). This is also a bit of a recurring theme in i7, what with the whole "the ideal idol is one that doesn't end" thing.
Turning our attention to vale as in valley, once you look into it the whole "vale of tears" meaning doesn't really align with Re:vale unless you only interpret their story as a tragedy, but if you were to look it up and just see the definition "the world" with very little context, then it seems pretty fitting for the most famous currently active idols in the Idolish7 universe. But it actually symbolises how they mean the world to me and also to each other. And the figurative world of suffering that they have put me through thank you and goodnight. Just kidding there's more. I would say something about the valley (landform) and how Yuki is the river and Momo and Banri are the surrounding hills but you get the idea. Momo would live by the river...... he wouldlive by the river. I think about this every day
Anyways. So I really can't say how much of this is intentional but the 'goodbye' vale is especially accurate if you consider the underlying meaning - it's a way of saying goodbye, but it's also sort of a way of saying good luck and be strong. It's the same as how Banri has to say goodbye to Re:vale, but he also tells Yuki to "find a place to sing as yourself". And valour is kind of Trigger's thing (see: valiant) but reaching a little further for the 'value' meaning, it goes back to the whole Mikansei Na Bokura thing - all three of Re:vale's members had to lose something important to them, but the time they spent with it was still valuable and in the end they're able to retain those experiences and move forward to something just as valuable. In the end the name is a bit of a cluster of things vaguely related to them but I guess if you put it together it's like. The repetition of them saying this to each other. Yeah Momo after his injury getting that push from Yuki and Ban's concert to start saying goodbye and moving on and yeah like nitu said him affirming Yuki. Banri saying goodbye/I can't be there next to you anymore but I'll cheer you on from the sidelines and remember the time we spent together fondly and be able to smile once we meet again (<- from the end of his re:member pov). Yuki stabbing me 12 million times in the chest I mean um. Yuki... yeah I'm gonna need another 14 days to write that post let me get back to you on that one. But you get the idea. You get it
I think I had another point somewhere in here but this post has been sitting in my drafts for ages and I still haven't thought of it. But thank you very much for reading if you've gotten this far!!! As a reward you get a hug from me and the reference list :D
4: References
These aren't organised well at all but hopefully it's not too bad
Australian Writers' Centre: Q&A: The Origin of 'Vale'
Dictionary.com: Re • Vale
The English Idolish7 Wiki (my beloved)
Reddit: Contextual Use of "Vale"
Wiktionary: Vale • Valer • Valeō
also the google definitions of most of these terms but idk how to link those and I can't be bothered
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
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From Elly Barlin-Daniels on Twitter/X replying to Ben Brantley’s tweet which praised Merrily. Elly is the author of the project/reading Jonathan worked on with Lea a few weeks ago.
I was fortunate to see this beautiful show a couple of weeks ago. If you are in New York, don’t miss @MariaFriedman1’s #MerrilyOnBway. Forward and backward it is heavenly. And I was lucky enough to congratulate #JonathanGroff on his gorgeous performance.
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vibratingskull · 1 year
The Ball part 2
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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Tag list
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You end up at the medbay and it is time for some discussions...
“We’ll talk about the party later. Where are you now?”
“We’re at the Medcenter close to the Opera, waiting for the results.”
“Alright. My corvette is here, I need to go. I hope it’s nothing. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Talk to you soon, Karyn. Say hi to your parents for me.”
You cut the comlink conversation and get back to Eli, nervously thumping his feet. You sit next to him and take off your heels with a sigh of relief. He keeps his sights straight ahead with a grave face. He hadn’t said a word to you since you arrived.
“Do you think it will take long?” You ask.
“I have no idea.” He didn’t bother turning his face towards you.
You have your back on the wall, watching the others hurrying all around you; nurses guiding people followed by meddroïds, coughing patients, some children running along the hallway and others waiting like you. You’re the only ones in fancy outfits. Others are in civvies or work suits. You look like blotches of color lost in all this white.
Away you can hear a baby crying, prompting the children in the corridors to apprehensively raise their heads towards that direction, some come running back to their parents while others stare silently. Different people pass you disoriented or pressed by time but none of the medic team have any new information.
You slouch on your seat with a sigh and fix the buzzing light of the aisle. You hope it’s nothing serious but the memory of the chiss passing out doesn’t help to relieve you. At this tought you have to ungrasp your arm with your nails planted in your flesh you didn’t realize you had. You fix your trembling hands, remembering the panic that overflowed you as you saw Thrawn lose consciousness before you. You recall Colonel Yularen guiding you and Eli away while the Opera’s aids were taking care of the chiss and the both of you sneaking away under the rain to the med center. You don’t remember if you cried. All you knew was your eyes stung. You shake it off and rub your temple to get back to the present time.
Several quiet minutes pass and the incessant beeping of the machine paired with the thumping of Eli’s feet start to get on your nerves. You decide to check out the pictures you took during the evening to take your mind off things.
You take your imager out of your purse and start scanning faces in search of yours and Eli’s future colleagues. You swipe multiple times until you find the disastrous group photo with the exploding champagne bottle and chuckle at the openmouthed expressions. You look up at the faces and recognize someone from the racing team.
“Hey, wouldn’t Jakeeb and Barlin be with you on the Blood Crow?” You ask, trying to cheer him up but you only hear a muttered response in return.
“What?” you ask. 
“I’m not supposed to be on the Blood Crow…” 
You raise your head from the screen to look at him surprised. With his eyes fixed forward Eli starts talking.
“I was supposed to become a supply officer. But, since he appeared everything is in shambles.” 
You pull yourself closer to him without his notice. His thumping stops and he starts to tremble.
“Why me? I am not even supposed to be here…”
You put your hand on his shoulder, leaning closer.
“Eli, I don’t understand. What are you trying to say?”
He gulps and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. 
 “I was training in hope to become a supply officer when I met him… And at that moment my life took a complete one eighty. I changed schools. I changed environments. Anywhere he goes I’m expected to follow. I’m supposed to aid whenever he asks. I feel his breath on my neck everywhere I go!” He almost yells that last sentence, so much that several people turned toward us to give us glare and a nurse shushed you.
He continues with a lower tone.
“I came to the Academy because he asked for it and I will follow him on the Blood crow because of him too. I specifically asked for a supply position and the orders given to me are to keep following in his shadow in the chain of commands. This is not why I enrolled in the first place!” His voice cracks a little and you feel a cocktail of emotions at his revelations.
“Do you have proof it’s him?” you ask.
“No, but it isn’t exactly a stretch.. Everything works in his favor constantly and you know he is not above scheming.”
You rub your hands trying to sort out your thoughts. You don’t want to think Thrawn would alter the life of his friend in such a drastic way but you know that Eli’s theory is plausible. 
“Maybe if you ask him he could give you an explanation-”
“This is not about explanation!” he snapped. “ This is about control! Since I’ve met him I have become nothing more than a tool for his use. He pulls the strings and there is nothing I can do about it… On Myomar everything was different, I wasn’t mocked or gossiped about. I had a life plan that I chose and followed. Here everything failed in favor of a bigger plan and I don’t know if I could wait until he is an admiral to correct it.” He put his head in his hands, trying to keep it together.
You remain silent, knowing better than to interrupt. You can now better understand his attitude when he spoke to Thrawn. It must be difficult to try reconciling those feelings and the sense of friendship he bears for the chiss.
“But that is not the worst part…”
You lean forward, attentive to anything he might say next, holding your breath.
“The worst part is… When you came to me for help and I saw him like this… My very first thought was that whatever was happening to him might be my chance to get out of this. And I don’t know what to do with that.” He hides his head in his trembling hands, a jolt shaking his whole body. 
“Oh Eli, …” You put your arm around his shoulders “You’re not a bad person. You are just going through tough times.” 
You hold him as close as possible, no sound can be heard from him but you feel his tears running down your arms so you start cradling him gently and slowly caressing his head. 
You let the time pass like that, holding on to each other in silence. Words seem useless at this moment. At some point, a meddroid comes to ask why Eli is folded in two, barely moving. You drive it away while Eli gains back his composure, breathing deeply and putting away the last remaining tears. He rolls his shoulders to stretch his back.
“It feels good to talk sometimes.”
“I’m glad you decided to tell me, Eli. This isn’t something you should have kept to yourself.” 
He let out a big sigh.
“Seems like me and Thrawn need to have a long discussion.” 
“It will be fine,” you assure, “Trust me.” 
He lightly nods his head and the door of Thrawn’s room opens suddenly. Another medic droid emerges with a hypo in his hand still. You both stand up and wait impatiently for it to explain everything.
“Are you with the patient?” It asks with a mechanical voice.
“Yes, how is he?’ Eli demands, his voice still a little shaky.
“It appears his body doesn’t secrete the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme which leads to an imbalance of acetaldehyde in his organism, everything is taken care of right now.”
You exchange a look with Eli feeling suddenly dumb and ask.
“Which means?”
He steps back to let you pass, as you enter the room to see Thrawn laying down in a bed, transfused and rubbing his temple to ease a headache. Another droid is still monitoring some vitals on a screen, paying no attention to you. 
“His organism cannot process ethanol and therefore should not consume any alcohol and certainly not the quantity he had tonight. Doing so was highly irresponsible and could have resulted in terrible damages.” Chastises the first meddroid behind your back.
You frowned. You never thought of Thrawn to be the type to consume anything he knew to be harmful to his body. How did it come to that?
You both take a seat at Thrawn’s bedside, trying to make as little noise as possible. The droids take their leave, leaving you three together.
“How are you doing?” You ask.
“Poorly, but certainly better than before.” He speaks with a croaky but surprisingly joyful voice.
It takes you aback for a second but you put it on the transfusion. Thrawn straightens himself up with an uncomfortable groan. A minute of awkward silence follows. Nobody knows what to say. Eventually Eli can’t take it any more and asks the burning question.
“Why on earth would you drink if your species can’t process alcohol?!” He demands bluntly.
The implications of this question are obvious. You would have phrased it more delicately but you take Eli is in no condition to beat about the bush. At least the question is asked. You look at Thrawn apprehensively, but he doesn’t seem bothered in the least. He even looks amused. 
“I did not know it was alcohol.”
“How did you not know?” Eli asks, trying and failing to control his temper. 
“It was a simple mistake. I just took the beverage (y/n) had given me.”
“The beverage I… Wait, you mean the Calamnsi?” You shout as you realize every time you saw the chiss this evening he had a full glass in his hand. But you didn’t realize it was the highest alcoholic drink in the room.
“It was rather sweet. I assumed it was some kind of juice.” 
“Of course you did,” You berate yourself.
At least it wasn’t as serious as you thought it would be, no alcoholism, functional or otherwise involved. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Eli starts again with his thumping feet, visibly on his last nerve.
“You two look awfully worried.” Thrawn query in an eerie playful tone.
“Of course we are, you-”
Eli stops mid sentence causing you to look up and see Thrawn trying to hide a smile behind his hand and his body shaken by a snigger he fails to refrain. You look at Eli to confirm what you see and his expression must be as dumbfounded as yours.
Suddenly, it dawns on him.
“He’s drunk!”
As the transfusion slowly took effect, the chiss is now experiencing the normal effects of alcohol and is going merry. What is going on tonight? You see him trying to get back control over his body and stop the chuckle, next to you Eli is losing his mind over this.
“I can’t believe I’ve spent one hour brooding, imagining the worst outcomes while he was off chilling with the fairies!”
You don't know what to say about this, lost between circonspection and amusement. You bite your lips to keep you from laughing as you see Eli gritting and loosen his teeth.
"You know what?" He adds, raising from his seat, "I can't take this anymore, I need to go outside." He walks angrily to the door and flips toward Thrawn. “I’m really glad you are okay!” And disappear with the sush of the door.
Thrawn clears his throat effectively stopping the snigger.
“He seemed furious…”
“Worried,” you correct. “He was really distressed seeing you in this state.” You mind absently rubb the bruises left by your nails on your arms, replaying the scene in your minds.
He slowly rests his head on his pillow.
“I will need to apologize to him then… But later on, I don’t feel like rising up at the moment.”
You don’t know if it is him being conscious of the limits of his own body or the alcohol effects but it is probably for the best. He closes his eyes with a deep sigh, a serene look on his face. Another silence takes place, but everything seems comfy this time. You can hear Thrawn’s peaceful respiration and you look at him, like he’s sleeping, enamored. A little smile crawls on your face as you observe him, feeling alone in a small bubble with him. 
But you have questions to ask.
He opens his eyes and his pupils slide towards you.
“Did you intervene for Eli to follow you on the Blood Crow?”
He stays silent a moment, his blazing gaze on you before answering.
“So he talked to you about it…” His voice has a drawl.
“So you did?” 
“No, I did not…” His eyes go back to the ceiling, fixing on it. “At least I did not intend for this result, but I should have anticipated it.”
“He is quite resentful for that.”
“I know…” He answers in one breath.
“He will tell you himself, but his trust in you really took a hit. For someone who reads emotions so well as you do you really don’t take care of those of your friends.”
He doesn’t respond to that, his eyes still fixed on the ceiling. It’s maybe not the most effective thing to do with a drunk person but you can’t find it in yourself to stop.
“Listen, I don’t know if you feel at home here, maybe you never will but you can’t continue being alone. I’ve seen how you put a barrier between you and us, maybe you actually despise us, I don’t know, but you can’t go on without someone at your side! And I am not talking about military loyalty but real friends. You’re always stern and cold, you keep every exchange to its bare minimum, you never talk about yourself. And tonight it feels like you're pushing away the only person that cares. Don’t you see that you isolate yourself? That it paints a bigger target on your back?” 
You didn’t scream at him but the will was there. On his end he just closed back his eyes without flinching.
“Are you even listening?” you ask vehemently.
A light smile stretches his lips.
“(Y/n), (y/n, (y/n)... You are so nice. Why are you so nice?”
“Excuse me?” You frown.
“Always worried for your friends, always taking care of them, always bending over backwards for them. One day it will cost you.” He turns his head and plants his eyes in yours, staring intensely. You cower under his gaze, feeling your blood heating your cheeks.
“But maybe this is why you're so important to me.” He completes without flinching.
Your heart beats furiously at those words. What did he just say? 
Was it possible? 
"Everyday I am more drawn to you. I find myself wanting to be with you.” He replaces his head to face the ceiling, his eyes lost in the void but a smile still softening his face. “I haven’t been really honest to you or Eli about what happened during the simulation test. It pains me to admit it but I was jealous. I am jealous of your bond, of your compatibility…
At this point you don’t know if he's talking to you or monologuing deliriously to himself. Either way you can’t stay in place, the heart beating furiously as you wait, holding your breath with hope. You stay silent to not cut him off in his momentum.
“... It is terribly painful to see you two close like that, to be near you but just out of reach… It reminds me too much of…” He froze a second, tensing all his muscles. “... my sister.”
You froze.
“She was just like you, kind, protective, strong headed. At least it's how I remember her. Looking at you reminds me of her, being with you makes me feel like living the moments that we were robbed of. But it will never be the same. You are not her, she is not you… But I keep seeing her through you.” His smile has disappeared, leaving a voice on the verge of cracking and glassy eyes. “I wish to see her again one more time… One day…” 
You’re frozen in place, shocked, out of words. You are deeply touched by the affection he has for you, but this is not what you hoped for and you fear it won’t be possible now. You cross your arms to hug yourself, feeling tears rising to your eyes. Your mouth dries up and your throat tightens, clenching your hands you try to speak but you change your mind. What to say? How to feel? Should you be thankful for what you already share? Is it reasonable to be upset? Is the furious turmoil your feeling legitimate? As you ask yourself those questions you start to feel nauseous.
“Thrawn?” You ask with cracks in your voice
As he didn’t answer you raise your head to see his eyes close and profound breaths, deeply asleep with his usual stern expression. You sigh and rise up from your seat. As you leave the room you take one last look at Thrawn, hesitating for a moment, and go.
Eli sees you as you leave.
“How is he?”
“He’s asleep for now, we better go.”
He notes your demeanor but doesn’t pry, following you to the hall where the colonel Yularen is waiting. He nods outward and you all three pass the door to exit the building. The wind has risen and the cold rain suddenly bite your flesh but you don’t mind. They both press the pace towards the corvette as you stay behind.
The colonel Yularen opens the door and let Eli enter, they both turn toward you expectantly.
“I think…”
You don’t look at them, your gaze lost in the reflections of the lights on the ground, the cold rain biting your flesh and your shoes in your hand.
“I think I’m going for a  walk.”
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@bluechiss, @al-astakbar
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