#bark collar
ridicubus · 20 days
Being tortured with a bark collar on, getting a shock every time you scream or cry out. Being trained to suffer in silence 😘💞💕🥺😇😭💞
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kamalshakoor · 1 year
Understanding Leash Attachment, Collar Sizing, and Bark Collars for Dogs
When it comes to dog training and safety, selecting the right collar and leash attachment is crucial. In this informative guide, we’ll discuss the proper leash attachment for a choke chain style collar, the best bark collar for small dogs, collar sizing for German Shepherd puppies, training collars for stubborn dogs, and the pros and cons of using collars with bells. By understanding these topics, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding your dog’s training and well-being. Let’s explore each subject in detail.
Where Should You Attach a Leash to a Choke Chain Style Collar? When using a choke chain style collar, the leash should be attached to the collar’s live ring, which is the ring opposite the chain’s closure. This placement ensures that the collar tightens appropriately when the leash is pulled, providing effective correction during training. It’s essential to learn proper leash handling techniques to prevent injury or discomfort to your dog.
Best Bark Collar for Small Dogs in 2023: Selecting the right bark collar for a small dog requires consideration of size, temperament, and effectiveness. Look for bark collars specifically designed for small breeds, with adjustable settings and sensitivity levels. Popular options include citronella spray collars, vibration collars, and ultrasonic collars. Prioritize collars that offer humane and safe solutions to address excessive barking.
What Size Collar for a German Shepherd Puppy? German Shepherd puppies grow quickly, so it’s important to select an appropriately sized collar. Start with an adjustable collar that allows for growth. Measure your puppy’s neck circumference and choose a collar with enough room for two fingers to fit comfortably between the collar and your puppy’s neck. Regularly check and adjust the collar’s size as your puppy grows.
Best Training Collars for Stubborn Dogs: Stubborn dogs may benefit from training collars that provide effective correction during training sessions. Look for collars with multiple training modes, such as vibration, sound, or static stimulation. Opt for collars that offer adjustable intensity levels and have a reliable range for consistent training results. Prioritize collars with humane features to ensure your dog’s well-being during training.
Should a Dog Wear a Collar with Bells — Pros and Cons: The decision to use a collar with bells for your dog depends on your specific circumstances and preferences. Bells can serve as an audible warning signal, alerting you and others to your dog’s presence, potentially reducing the risk of accidental collisions. However, some dogs may find the noise bothersome or uncomfortable. Consider your dog’s comfort and behavior when introducing a collar with bells.
Conclusion: Choosing the right leash attachment, collar size, bark collar, and training collar is essential for the well-being and safety of your dog. Attach the leash to the live ring of a choke chain style collar, consider the size and temperament of your dog when selecting a bark collar, ensure the right collar size for a growing German Shepherd puppy, choose effective training collars for stubborn dogs, and weigh the pros and cons of using collars with bells based on your dog’s comfort and your specific needs. By making informed choices, you’ll be able to train and care for your dog in the best possible way.
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dogtrainingwork · 1 year
How to Stop Your Dog Nuisance Barking by Using a Dog Spray Collar
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"Nuisance" barking of pet dogs can really be annoying-and embarrassing to the neighbors. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: a dog spray collar. This device is the ideal tool for training your dog not to bark unnecessarily; it is not only safe but also humane.
As you probably have experienced already (I know I have), it is ineffective to try stopping your dog from barking inappropriately. It was very uncomfortable and I felt helpless apologizing to my neighbors while my dog continued to bark.
How the Dog Spray Collar works
A dog's barking triggers the dog spray collar to release a harmless scented substance, called Citronella, which the majority of dogs don't like. This method of training dogs uses four out of the five senses dogs possess. The dogs can see, smell, feel and hear the spray.
Whenever a dog wearing the collar barks, the spray released produces an annoying hissing sound. Since the spray is released to the neck and face, it serves as a distraction which stops the dog from barking. When the dog hears this noise, smells the Citronella, sees the spray, feels the mist, it quickly learns that these things mean "stop barking".
Dog Spray Collar types
Dog owners can choose from two main types of dog collar spray. First of the two types is the automatic one, which most owners prefer. It is made by Innate, Multiset and Pet Safe. This collar type has a microphone and vibration sensors, which can detect a dog's bark. The sensors are battery-powered and are usually attached to the collar. It is therefore necessary to regularly check the battery and to replace it when needed. When triggered, the sensors facilitate the release of the Citronella spray to the neck and face of the dog. Over time, the dog becomes trained to refrain from barking, in anticipation of the spray. In trying to avoid the spray, not barking gradually becomes a habit.
If you're just starting to use the spray, you will notice that you may have to adjust it. The collar has controls for this. What's good about this type of collar is that the owner does not have to always be around to stop his/her pet from barking.
The other type of dog collar spray is remote-controlled. It is usually the preference of professional dog trainers. It is also be used to train a dog in other areas, aside from preventing nuisance barking. This type of collar has a button-triggered handheld activation control device which the dog owner or trainer carries. The control device has range of approximately 100 meters. The benefit of using this type of collar is that it is activated only when the barking is inappropriate; there is, naturally, no need to suppress all of a dog's barking. The remote-controlled collar is a little more expensive than the automatic one. It is made by Premier, Multiset and Pet Safe. Dog owners recommend these collars because no pain or shock is involved.
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lilcute-lilcrazy · 3 months
All I want is a pretty collar round my neck and someone whos lap I can sit in while they pet me and let me make dumb little noises
Once I'm in your lap I'm yours- touch me, fuck me, stuff me full with toys/strab/cock idc just dont stop the pets >-<
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goodpvppy · 4 months
whimpering and dripping at the thought of you pulling on my collar as im riding you, making me face you directly as you make me say what i need 😵‍💫
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dog-collared-moved · 5 months
date idea under $20:
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nikkidafox · 7 months
I don't really like sour gummy worms that much
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harbingersglory · 5 months
Hello, could I have transfem Signora x fem!reader smut? Any scenario is fine, just need dom Signora railing me 😩
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{☆} characters la signora {☆} notes drabble, fem reader, sub reader, dom la signora, transfem la signora {☆} warnings 18+ content, restraints, temperature play, face fucking, degradation, pet play
There's a moment of silence that lingers for far too long, the cold nipping at your exposed skin until you feel shivers wrack your body. You squirm instinctively, seeking out the fading warmth of the thick furs laid out beneath you, yet finding nothing but the cold that chills you to your bones. You can't even see, your eyes covered by black fabric, silk tying your arms together behind your back.
It's almost torturous waiting like this. Your knees sink further into the fur as you lean your weight forward slightly, exhaling a shaky breath. You begin to wonder if Signora left you there– maybe you'd annoyed her earlier and she was punishing you. You hoped not. She wasn't known for being lenient when it came to punishments.
But the brush of her fingers along your jawline squashed that fear, your breath hitching as her thumb glided over your throat, the heat of her skin making you shudder. The contrast of the cold room, of your freezing body, to the unnatural heat that simmers beneath her skin is immense– your knees would have definitely buckled if you hadn't been kneeling already.
"Did you think I'd left you here all alone? You're shaking like a dog." The soft, biting lilt was nothing more than a murmur, but for you it was impossible not to hear the pleased tone beneath the roughness of her voice. Your heart leaps into your throat when her fingers trace back up along your jawline, lifting your head and tilting it back just enough to be uncomfortable.
You open your mouth to speak, but your words are silenced by her thumb slipping past your lips instead– you don't fight back, even though the sudden intrusion catches you off guard enough you almost bite her finger instead. You almost consider doing it anyway, but she's so rarely in a good mood it feels rude to spoil it.
"Pets don't speak until they're told," She chides, pressing down on your tongue slightly and laughing at the way you almost choke in surprise. "And I don't remember giving you permission."
You can only manage a garbled whine in response, your face burning in embarrassment– but it's quickly silenced by the click of her tongue and the creak of the old chair you know sits by the fireplace, her thumb sliding out between your lips to drag you closer. Close enough to feel the rush of heat across your skin as your cheek is pressed against her thigh, her hands resting on the back of your head. You can't see it, but you sure can imagine the smug smile that must be tugging at her lips right about now.
"Let's see about fixing your little disobedient streak, darling." She murmurs, digging her nails into your scalp and tugging you even closer, the furs beneath you doing little to prevent the ache in your knees from kneeling. But you don't complain– you know what she wants, and you want it too. "Open."
Like the dog she seems so fond of treating you as, you listen– you're not as surprised this time when her fingers fill your mouth, forcing it open even further until you can feel the saliva collecting and dribbling down your chin. She doesn't seem to mind, even laughing at how pitiful you probably look, drooling all over her fingers.
But Signora is a hard woman to satisfy, and this will hardly do anything other then work her up enough to really break you in. You can just barely hear the rustle of fabric over your heartbeat, gloved hands tugging you closer and forcing you to press right up against the edge of the chair. It's almost uncomfortable, the way the chair presses against your chest, but she always has you teetering on that fine edge.
"Perhaps you can be trained after all." Signora's voice is like a balm, the heat of her body driving away the cold and urging you impossibly closer, until you feel her hand guide you down just as her fingers slip out of your mouth again– right up until you feel her cock against your cheek. "Show me that you can be obedient, mutt, and maybe I'll let you sit on my lap."
You know she's just dangling a treat just out of reach, but you can't help but reach for it anyway.
Your tongue drags across the underside of her cock, so slow you can hear the hiss that rattles in her chest halfway between pleasure and impatience. You take your time anyway, lingering until you reach the tip and press a kiss against it. You almost wish you could see her face, but she's never been fond of expressing anything outwardly when you can see it– just the idea of her brows furrowed, of her face flush and her lip caught between her teeth..it's enough.
It's not hard to imagine it anyway when the heat grows hotter, nearly turning the room into an oven before she catches herself. You aren't stupid enough to mention it, but your smile must be enough, because a low growl makes you shiver– so you drag your tongue from the base to the tip again, revel in the way it throbs beneath your tongue. For a moment you almost have something like control, your saliva dripping down her aching cock as you lap at it like a mutt.
But you're both growing impatient– the sharp click of her nails against the chairs arms makes you shudder, urging you to lift yourself up just enough to wrap your lips around the head with a muffled groan. You consider dragging it out just a moment longer, just to see if you can get her to whine, but she knows you better then you do– before you can even blink, her hand shoves you down. You, predictably, gag. Your throat burns from the stretch, but it's not unpleasant, eased by the pleasured hiss that tumbles from her lips. Signora at least has the mercy to let you get used to it for a moment before she drags you back up, the emptiness in your throat making you whine before she's shoving her cock back down your throat. Your eyes sting with unshed tears, your own sounds of pleasure muffled and garbled as she does it again– and again.
"Finally quiet, mutt?" She laughs, but it's strained– her voice quivers slightly as she fucks your throat like your nothing but a toy to her, drool dribbling down your chin and tears staining the blindfold. "If I knew it was this easy to shut you up, I'd have done it a long time ago."
You so badly want to do something, but with your hands tied behind your back and her fucking your face so rough, so fast, you can barely even think..there's not much you can do but let her, your cunt clenching around nothing. You really hope she wasn't lying about that reward, for once. You're practically dripping on her floor while she uses you, just barely able to squeeze your thighs together for a fraction of friction.
It only serves to make you more desperate, though.
"Fuck– or maybe you're too stupid to know better. You'd just let any pretty woman with a cock use you," Her breathing was getting heavier, more strained, but her grip on your hair didn't relent. Neither did the harsh thrust of her hips, her cock constantly hammering into your throat until you felt dizzy. "You're lucky I'm even willing to train a mutt like you."
Your mind starts to feel fuzzy, the words blending together until she digs her nails into your scalp and forces you down again– and keeps you there. You nearly gag again when you feel her shudder, her cock throbbing in your mouth as her cum spills down your throat, your hands straining against the silk binding them together. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, nostrils flaring and your body tensing– you don't even realize you'd briefly lost consciousness until your find yourself on her lap, rather then on your knees, her hands brushing the strands of hair stuck to your face with sweat out of your eyes.
It's the most gentle she's been all night– and likely as gently as she will be tonight. You lean into her touch anyway, groaning softly and shuddering at the taste of her on your tongue mixed with her cock throbbing against your thigh.
"I'm not done yet, darling. Did you think I'd let you get away with a little light training?" She laughs, cupping your jaw and pressing a kiss that's far too gentle to your cheek, the warmth of her body almost suffocating– but you welcome it, like you always do.
So you nod, smiling drowsily and spreading your legs like a good pet should.
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anonymocha · 3 months
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sharing leftover energy bars with the doctor’s dogs
this ost on loop btw
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confusedmothboy · 3 months
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page of vampire mithrum because i got my grubby little hands on the artbook today and i am in love with that halloween design
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muttcvnt · 27 days
put this shock collar on 🖤 jerk off for me and don’t break eye contact, even when I laugh at you, even when I bump it up to the max voltage, even when I hold the button down the entire time you’re cumming 🖤
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thistransient · 4 months
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Bicycling to see the rice fields
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goodpvppy · 4 months
waking up to you already nestled deep inside me… grinding back and hearing your sleepy mumbles as you wake back up and thrust again, letting me feel how you’ve already emptied yourself over and over as i was asleep. thank you for using me whenever you need… ♥︎
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ask-cloverfield · 4 months
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This show understands what a sexy robot is
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soaps-mohawk · 13 days
Hello, love! First things first, I gotta say you’re an incredible writer, and I love your work so far! I look for the updates every single week 🫶🏻
My question is are we ever going to find out how the Alphas picked their Betas?? I’d love to know how John and Simon decided they wanted to claim their Betas.
I mean we know Kyle is a pretty boy, who wouldn’t wanna make him your Beta? But I can totally imagine Johnny relentlessly wiggling his way into Simon’s heart until Simon just gave in.
Thank you again for all the hard work you in to your story! You’re doing such an amazing job 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Aww thank you love!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far 🥹💚
I mean, that pretty much is how it happened 😂 John and Kyle had a bond forming after the events that took place during the first MW game, and they just kind of naturally came together since they get paired up on assignments a lot. (Plus I don't blame Price for wanting a piece of that fine specimen 🫦)
Johnny and Simon...yeah pretty much lmao. Johnny knew Simon before the 141 was formed since I think canonically Price, Simon, and Johnny went on a mission together at least once. So they were familiar with each other, and then of course once they joined the 141 and that opportunity was there you know Johnny jumped right on it. He basically forced his way past Simon's fortress of steel he had around himself and wiggled his way right into Simon's heart. Kind of like with the reader, Simon just eventually gave in and fucked the life out of Johnny and the rest is history 🤭
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t4tozier · 1 month
thinking about,,,jace thinking about porter,,,and being like it’s fine if he doesn’t do what i want i’ll just cast suggestion on him. and then porter actually does what he wants. and jace is like. fascinating. i’m gonna use this exclusively for evil
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