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kairunatic · 2 months ago
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ark-barkness · 2 years ago
I play Dragon Vein for the plot
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zerounitrgb · 1 month ago
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I've gotten addicted to yet another gacha and I've already spent over a hundred bucks to get some of these units. But it's worth it for these sexy men!
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truenorthornorth · 10 months ago
Barboros köyü urla ,💚
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yorkcalling · 1 month ago
Deray Barboros loves and loses with new single
Based in Berlin, Germany, Deray Barboros featured on our blog twice in 2024, delighting us with her timeless sound and astute songwriting. She brings classic country right up to date with her inimitable sound. Continue reading Deray Barboros loves and loses with new single
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Bruce: perhaps I should pay more attention to the whole cult programming thing
The batfam: THE FUCKING WHAT???
Bruce: oh yeah only Jason was there, yeah no I got brainwashed like actually pretty brainwashed.
Jason: I barely remember that, there was so many dead homeless people in those sewers deep underground.
the batfam: THE FUCKING WHAT??????
Bruce: anyway, maybe I should pay more attention to that. Every now and then when I get starved it comes back but you know not the worst it could have happened.
Tim: Bruce what the actual fuck, this happened when JASON WAS ALIVE??? WHEN???
Bruce: it happens a lot! Why do you think I have weird beliefs and feelings about spirituality!
Tim: I just thought, I don’t know what I thought.
Bruce: there’s uh many reasons, anyway barboros the bat demon is real by the way.
The batfam tries to wrap their heads around this conversation, but ends up just making Bruce sit down and they stage an intervention.
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oozieoozeborn · 2 months ago
Analyzing the Shadow Kings Part 4 - Wrath
Alright halfway point now lets go! Again mild spoilers and I haven't read every appearance of this character so may have missed something.
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Name origin is prob the simplest of all the shadow kings Lucifer, the devil, the fallen angel etc. etc. Also means bearer of light in Latin.
Its just every other shadow king named after a demon follows Peter Binsfeld's classifications Beelzebub with gluttony, Azmond with lust, and later I'll get to Mammon with greed. Lucifer's place on Binsfeld's list is under the sin of pride, and the demon categorized under wrath is Satan. There is confusion on whether or not these are the same entity or if Lucifer becomes known as Satan after his fall. Either way I could not find a definitive answer.
In the bible Lucifer is used only once to refer to a Babylonian king and is also a translation for the planet Venus so some argue there was never a fallen angel, and it merely refers to the king mentioned in the passage. Others say Lucifer is speaking through the king.
Moving onto design and personality before I continue this rabbit hole:
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Again Lucifer has a pretty simple design he wears anime biker gear (big leather coat, studded boots, studded gloves, etc.) and physically he is a red devil with the tail and the horns. He has some markings on his torso but I can't really make anything out cause he always has a hand on his chest.
From looking at the marking I could see that he has a treasure trail, and speaking of hair Lucy's is mostly black, but he has a funny super saiyan deal going on complete with blue eyes too.
Personality-wise unsurprisingly he has a very short temper especially if Atmos is involved at all. Lucifer when he isn't angry is very loyal to Atmos to the point that he doesn't really care as long as its not harmful to Atmos. The shadow king is very much in love with Atmos after being connected to the dragon for so long. What is surprising is that he isn't just angry at everything Lucifer can be pretty generous and even patient at times.
Story spoilers:
We are first introduced to Lucy in 4-12 where its revealed that whenever Atmos sleeps he dreams of the shadow king. During their meeting Lucifer urges Atmos to take the dragon king's throne from Gaia and become the God of El Dorado.
Turns out long time ago Barboros implanted the star ruby in Atmos which connected the fire dragon and shadow king of indignition together. Also if Atmos gets angry the volcano lair of Surtsey will erupt.
When Barboros shows up demanding Gaia back Atmos takes Gaia to the center of Surtsey's lair while Lucifer rallys the villagers against Barboros.
Gaia dumps Atmos and the dragon begins to rage. To stop the destruction of the world Gaia takes up the sword Balmung against Atmos. Lucifer dives in front of Atmos to defend him but both get stabbed. However Gaia only used his God powers to cut off Atmos and Lucifer's connection to the volcano so now Atmos and Lucifer can't end the world via volcano anymore.
After Chapter 4 Lucifer usually appears whenever Atmos does or as just another member of the Surtsey crew.
Wrapping up Lucifer is quite a bit. I like him he might be one of my favorite Surtsey characters mostly cause he has an actual character. Its pretty neat that unlike other shadow kings he isn't really using Atmos if anything its the other way around.
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umursamazlarkralicesi · 2 years ago
Anne benim adım neden Bartu Yankı Mutlu Koza Timur Murathan Zülfikar Emek Barboros Alican Hasan Süleyman Gökalp Korel Efe Alaz Altuğ Kuzey Yiğit Hakan Atalay Jay Bora Gökhan Aydın Selim Ege Barış Kaan Mecnun Jack Drew Marco Tugay Demir Giray Pusat Sinan Mete Çağatay Arda Fatih Hezan Avreş Argeş Altan Şafak Eren Çakır Şahan Barut Demir Adar Alper Hazer Han Kadir Tamer Alparslan Ferman Fedakar Mehmet...?
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avsaadasiotelleri · 19 days ago
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karaca2508-blog · 6 months ago
Manisa'da üzerine çelik malzeme düşen 39 yaşındaki işçi hayatını kaybetti
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Manisa Organize Sanayi Bölgesi'nde faaliyet gösteren Standard Profil Ege A.Ş fabrikasında forklift operatörü olarak çalışan işçi, raftaki çelik malzemelerin üzerine düşmesi sonucu hayatını kaybetti. Evli ve 2 çocuk babası olan genç adam eşinin gözyaşları ve tabutunun üzerine konulan çok sevdiği Fenerbahçe'nin forması ile son yolculuğuna uğurlandı. Üzerine çelik malzeme düştü Olay, Manisa Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 4. Kısım'da otomotiv yedek parçaları üreten Standard Profil Ege Fabrikası'nda meydana geldi. Edinilen bilgiye göre, forklift operatörü olarak görev yapan Nihat Zibeller (39), çalıştığı sırada kullandığı forkliftin üzerine rafta bulunan çelik malzemeler düştü. Forkliftin içinde sıkışarak yaralanan Zibeller için fabrikaya itfaiye ve sağlık ekipleri sevk edildi. Fabrikaya gelen itfaiye ekiplerince sıkıştığı yerden çıkarılan talihsiz işçiye ilk müdahaleyi sağlık ekipleri yaptı. Ağır yaralanan Nihat Zibeller, sağlık ekiplerinin tüm müdahalelerine rağmen olay yerinde hayatını kaybetti. İş kazasıyla ilgili geniş çaplı soruşturma başlatıldı. Tabutuna Fenerbahçe forması konuldu Hayatını kaybeden Nihat Zibeller için Yunusemre ilçesindeki Barboros İmamı Azam Camii'nde cenaze namazı kılındı. Cenazeye, Yunusemre belediye başkan yardımcıları Haydar İzci, Özge Arslan, Zibeller ailesinin yakınları, iş arkadaşları ve çok sayıda vatandaş katılırken, son yolculuğunda tabutunun üzerine çok sevdiği Fenerbahçe'nin forması konuldu. Eşi elinde tuttuğu fotoğrafına bakarak ağladı Nihat Zibeller'in eşi Türkan Zibeller'in ayakta durmakta zorluk çektiği görülürken elinde tuttuğu eşinin fotoğrafına bakarak ağladı. Nehir (10) ve İlhan Tura (1) isimli iki çocuk babası olduğu öğrenilen Zibeller'in naaşı, öğle namazını müteakip kılınan cenaze namazı sonrası gözyaşları arasında toprağa verildi. Zibeller çiftinin 3 gün önce oğulları İlhan Tura'nın ilk yaş gününü kutladıkları öğrenildi. Manisa iş güvenliği raporu Manisa'da yaşanan iş kazaları ve meslek hastalıkları Manisa ve çevresinde resmi kayıtlara göre 2013’den bu yana 135.370 iş kazası meydana gelmiş, 548 iş cinayeti yaşanmış, 161 kişiye meslek hastalığı tanısı konmuştur. 2022 yılında iş kazası geçiren kişi sayısı 20.046 olmuş, kayıp gün sayısı ise 184.638 olarak kayıtlara girmiştir. Bununla birlikte 2022 yılında 3’ü kadın 31 kişi iş cinayetleri sonucu yaşamını yitirmiştir. Yine 2022 yılında 21 kişiye meslek hastalığı tanısı konmuştur. Read the full article
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kairunatic · 11 months ago
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Oh look after two long years
Barboros finally have his rank up art
And wow its done by Gamma himself
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bukimevieningi · 6 months ago
Dėl „Barboros“ veiksmų prieš darbuotojus Seimo narys kreipėsi į Generalinę prokuratūrą
Seimo narys Tomas Tomilinas kreipėsi į Generalinę prokuratūrą dėl viešojo interesų gynimo, susijusio su galimai darbdavio kontroliuojamos UAB „Barbora“ profsąjungos steigimu, siekiant trukdyti veikti anksčiau darbuotojų įsteigtai profsąjungai. „Mane pasiekė vieša informacija, kad vyksta teisinis ginčas dėl galimo UAB „Barbora“ darbdavio atstovų trukdymo veikti teisėtai profesinei sąjungai.…
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info2alanya-blog · 7 months ago
nekretnine u alanya by Alanya Antalya Via Flickr: Nekretnine u Alanya, Turska | Na prodaju nekretnine Alanya Agencija za nekretnine Alanja Vaš saveznik za promet nekretninama! 🏡✨ Tražite li dom iz snova, kupujete, prodajete, iznajmljujete ili pak ulažete u nekretnine, mi smo tu za Vas. Velika ponuda stanova u alanja na vodi, za nase kupce nudimo posebne pogodnosti... U najlepšem kraju grada, prekoputa Alanya🌳🌹 Naš iskusan tim uvijek je korak ispred na tržištu nekretnina. 🏠 Nudimo sveobuhvatnu podršku u procesu kupoprodaje, uključujući rješavanje pravnih pitanja. 🔍 Vjerujemo u transparentnost i personalizirani pristup za svakog klijenta. 🚀 Nudimo brzu i efikasnu uslugu bez kompromisa s kvalitetom. 🏠 Posjetite nas u Alanya (Mahmutlar Barboros Street 23) Kontaktirajte nas još danas na: 📞 90 530 547 50 56 ( Adem ), 📧 🏡Agent za nekretnine ( Alanya ) 🌅Agent za nekretnine (istanbul) Odličan kao investija, jer je prostor idealan za adaptaciju u poslovni. 👩‍💼 Ako zelite baš Vi da postanete ponosni vlasnik nekog od stanova iz siroke ponude, kontaktirajte naseg agenta Za zakazivanje razgledanja, Za vise informacija kontakt telefon 📱 +90 530 547 50 56 📬 [email protected] 🏡 Odkryj Świat Tureckich Nieruchomości z Nekretnine na prodaju u Alanji 🏡 Napomena: Za one koji žele kupiti stan sa određenim zahtjevom i ograničenim budžetom, možete poslati upit. Šaljemo mu studente, a svi koji moraju prodati ili iznajmiti nekretninu mogu poslati detalje KONTAKTIRAJTE NAS TEL -WhatsApp: +90 530 547 50 56 E-pošta: [email protected] Messenger : m.me/343122156211762 www.mahmutlarhomes.com/index.php/kontaktirajte-nas/ www.facebook.com/NekretnineprodajuAlanji www.facebook.com/groups/765400188800579/ www.instagram.com/agencija_za_nekretnine_alanja/ www.youtube.com/@AgencijaZaNekretnineuAlanji/ #alanja #alanji #turska #nekretninealanja #realestate #luxhomes #city #cityphotography #nekretnine #building #buildings #newest #agencija #sprzedaż #apartament #inwestycja #agentnieruchomosci #ALANYA #nasprzedaż #morze #turcja #finanse #plaza #nieruchomosci #nieruchomoscizagranica #agent #mieszkanienasprzedaz #mieszkanie #nieruchomości #mahmutlaralanya
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yorkcalling · 3 months ago
Deray Barboros delves into the old school for emotional new track
Deray Barboros breaks out hearts with country ballad, Crooked Corners of Your Heart. Continue reading Deray Barboros delves into the old school for emotional new track
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koichi-yabuki · 8 months ago
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oozieoozeborn · 3 months ago
Analyzing the Shadow Kings Part 3 - Lust
Hello again
As a heads up I have not read every appearance of this character so feel free to add any input if I missed anything or if ya want to. Long Post ahead, mild spoilers
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For naming origins it took me an embarrisingly long time to connect that Azmond gets his name from Asmodeus who is classified as the demon prince of lust. Though he is also called the king of demons in the legends of Solomon.
Onto design and personality:
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Asmond's design isn't really based on azmodeus at all its mostly based around the greek god Pan, his nature and his favorite instrument is even a reference to the myth of Pan and the nymph Syrinx.
Azmond has a typical satyr body. Around his right leg and left arm are vines from Yggdrasil his home and lair. He also wears a golden serpent as a belt as a seduction motif.
As for personality Azmond is HORNY. Hes also impulsive, hates commitment, and is a sore loser. And it makes sense Azmond is lust hes an eternal party boy without any of the after-party regrets, and he hates when someone is ruining the party.
He also has full control over the Yggdrasil and thus can manipulate Verdancia at will.
In the story Azmond wanted to create a world were everyone will have sex after meeting each other. To do this he manipulated Yggdrasil to create an eternal mating season causing all the beastinoid (furries) and chimera (half furries) to get all hot and bothered.
Azmond decides to cuck Anima target Forte as he believes Forte to be the strongest alpha. Forte for his part goes along with Azmond because he wants to unify the people of Verdancia as their king. They then essentially start using a combo of poison and Forte's big banana to turn people into sex zombies.
In an interesting turn of events Barboros is one to use the power of true love. Chapter 3 is actually where I started to like barboros before I found him annoying but I digress. Together Bal and Gaia show up Azmond and the demon decides to run away with Forte and refuse to give up (I liked the cg of it too where he just jumps into Forte's arms and tells him to run).
It takes Anima who is Forte's husband? (and who Azmond considers the ultimate omega) to convince Azmond to give up.
All in all Azmond is one of if not my favorite shadow kings and not just because I think he's the sexiest. He's a tease and annoyance and real big whiner, but I love him. Is it hypocritical to like the flirt/pervert trope as long as its a hot gay guy? Yes, but I'm not perfect.
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