barbiebanker · 3 years
The way u always pop off with ur blog theme >> hope ur doing good! Do u have tips for building a good rapport with ur interviewer? I’m decent at making them laugh and feel comfortable but it still feels like we’re going back and forth with questions instead of a conversation
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i personally really enjoy interviews but it might be because i love the sound of my own voice, who knows haha. it's good that you can already get them laughing and setting a comfortable tone, and i'm sure you remember whenever i said to consider interviews as a conversation rather than an interrogation.
off the top of my head;
listen closely to what your interviewer says. i'm not quite sure what positions (internship, part-time retail job, etc.) you're currently interviewing for, but if you want to be a great conversationalist, you have to be a great listener. usually, they should introduce themselves either at the beginning or after you answer the "tell me about yourself" question. i've interviewed for two different BB banks (2 diff internships at 1 bank / 1 position at the other), had three superdays (just a cute little way of saying final round of interviews) + received offers the same day afterwards. combining all of my interviewers at all 3 superdays, i ended up interviewing with 18 people. that's not including earlier on in the year/in 2021 when i was interviewing at tax firms. a majority of the people told me something about themselves — what they do within the bank/firm, how long they've been working here, etc. file that away in your brain. whatever scraps they give you, hang on to them.
how are you answering the questions? really consider if you're just giving a cut and dry answer or if you're leaving room for more questions (they could be curious abt a comment you make and ask you to go deeper) or just a chance for them to build rapport with you (add in a slight joke when answering the question, for example, can usually work in your favor). the trick is, give them something to work with.
at the bank that i'll be doing my summer internship at, the people there were phenomenal when it came to building rapport with me and making the interview go by so quickly. (if you or anyone wants me to, i can go into a very deep/play-by-play of how my successful super days went). they were great conversationalists as well, and they were incredible at matching my energy, and not to sound cocky, but i felt like the same could be said of me.
at the start, i told you to pay attention to what your interviewer says. at the end of the interview, always ask them questions!!! this is your chance to showcase your genuine interest in the position or the company, but also to show them that you're actually a people person/you actually listened to them when they spoke. if they mentioned something, such as how long they've been working at said company, you can say something like "i remember you said you've been here for ___ years. do you enjoy working here?" lots of the bankers who interviewed me often times told me about their own experiences (very briefly) while they were in the middle of interviewing me, and when it came time for me to ask questions, i would ask how their own internship experiences went and if they believed it prepared them properly for the full-time job.
keeping all of the above in mind, conversations obviously work both ways. you can do all of this, leave all the openings and deliver the perfect lines to your interviewer and it'll still feel stiff and very much like an interview. sometimes, this can't be helped. some people are awful at interviewing others. some people just might not like your personality, which isn't to say there's something wrong with you. if you two don't click, you just simply don't click. sometimes, interviewers just suck. it happens; don't stress too much about those circumstances.
also, thank you very much <33 hope you’re doing great as well & i know you’re gonna crush all ur future interviews!
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barbiebanker · 3 years
faq <3
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before sending an ask, make sure i didn’t already answer your question hehe!
♡ what’s your major? i'm a double major! accounting & finance, baybeeee
♡ can we connect on linkedin? next year, i’ll share my linkedin + connect with people if you dm first. i usually only give it out to people i’ve spoken to previously. don’t be shy and let me know if you’re interacting!
still got a question? please send an ask, and i’ll hopefully have a good answer!
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barbiebanker · 3 years
home page <3
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♡ about this blog  equal parts daily virtual journal, career/college advice, and studyblr. occasional rants and word vomit rampages that are (not so) cleverly disguised as blog posts.
♡ about this blogger  major accounting + finance (gasp! i dropped the major that contributed to my whole personality?!) pronouns she/her
♡ tagging system asks #q&a reblogs #not mine career/internship advice #career college/school advice #school my personal notes #studyblr , #notes interview/coffee chat advice #interviewing networking advice #networking  media (books, tv, etc.) i'm consuming #current fave  outfits #ootd , #fit check  updates for this blog #updates
♡ current stats gpa 3.72 semesters left 2 linkedin connections 597
♡ current schedule summer internship summer analyst at a BB bank <3 part time job helping out at my parent’s place hashtag nepotism! (sat + sun)
!!! warning: this blog is still under construction !!!
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