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Para los #barartists amantes de los videojuegos! @thegameologist ha podido crear este highball de un maravilloso púrpura inspirado en Borderlands 3 🎮 ERIDIAN VAULT Follow @thegameologist (Inspired by Borderlands 3) — 1 1/2 oz. Butterfly Pea Flower Infused Gin 1 oz. Lillet Blanc 1/2 oz. Maraschino Liqueur 1/2 oz. Champagne Syrup 3/4 oz. Lemon Juice — Shake all together with ice. Strain into champagne flute over ice and garnish with lemon peel and purple rock candy. — Here’s another Gameologist original themed recipe for y’all. I recently finished playing through Borderlands 3 and loved every minute of it, so here is my tribute to it in cocktail form. This drink is made for the ancient alien race, the Eridians, that they often enjoyed after a long day of building secret vaults all over the universe. The combo of champagne syrup, lillet, maraschino, and gin all make for a very elegant, light, and refreshing beverage. Got the butterfly pea flower in there too of course to give it that gorgeous purple color. The game itself was extremely fun and it came back with a bang to reassert itself as the original looter shooter. The gameplay is as fun as ever, the characters just as funny and entertaining as always, and the side quests in this one are some of the best in the series. Those were my favorite part of the game because a lot of the side quests have fun Easter eggs, referencing everything from The Room to Lord of the Rings to dank memes. Needless to say the game is a good time and doesn’t take itself too seriously and there’s like a billion guns to play around with (literally), so it never gets old. Also throwing this in for the candy garnish contest being held by @bestcocktails this month. Cheers! — . . #gincocktail #champagne #rockcandy #borderlands3 #gaming #thegameologist #glassology #purple #libbey #cocktails #cocktail #mixology #purpledrinks #bartender #bar #cocktailhour #craftcocktails #barartists #barnews #uiorestaurantes #beautifulgarnishes @barartists_worldwide https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDXeKeD738/?igshid=1ogqjlmqvamqv
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Bar Bar Song LYRICS - Bali
Bar Bar Song LYRICS – Bali
Presenting the lyrics of the song “Bar Bar” sung by Bali. The music of this song is given by Quan.. Song Details Song: Bar BarArtist/Lyrics: BaliMusic: Quan Song Lyrics Channe k jhaad pe.bhulun mai daal kJhatka bhi deta aur seedha halal haiKbc khelogay mere sawaal haiPeeche se dekho toh saare yeah laal haiSadak yeah meri yeah saare dalal haiTender bhi deta baitha mai bar peTender bhi deta…

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Rocket Cocktail by @federicopasian • @cocktails_for_you . Bar:@quaglinos_bar . . No olviden darle "me gusta" a nuestras páginas en Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr @barartists_worldwide para más recetas, ingredientes, noticias y variedades de la mano de los mejores #barartists del mundo. Dale me gusta, comenta y comparte. . . #cocktailsforyou #c4you #cocktail #mixology #mixologybar #ice #cocktail #bar #timetodrink #barlife #drink #cocktailvideo #artofdrink #barvideo #videobar #drinks #bartendervideo #quaglinos #quaglinosbar #London #cocktailsofinstagram #craftcocktails #barnews #ecuador https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLQmn_Dbyv/?igshid=1p95xqmyv180x
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Pairing @cervezadejengibre & sushi ❤️❤️❤️ #QUITO tiene @cervezadejengibre & @sushifulltime 📞0988199340🚚 Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo (en Quito, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLhEqpFDEi/?igshid=1b59923wf0am7
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⭐⭐VERBENA FELSEN⭐⭐ 2 onz de pisco macerado con hierbaluisa 1 onz de vermouth rojo 1 1/2 de jugo de mandarina 1 onz de syrup simple Cerveza de jenjibre VALDIVIA DECORACION Naranja deshidratada Rodaja de fruta china Flor comestible MÉTODO Agregamos en un vaso coctelero las medidas indicadas del pisco macerado, el vermouth rojo, jugo de mandarina y syrup Colocamos hielo, tapamos nuestro vaso coctelero y mezclamos durante 5 segundos Servimos en un copper mug con abundante hielo y agregamos nuestra fabulosa cerveza de jenjibre VALDIVIA Decoramos con naranja, fruta china y flor comestible CHEEERS.🍸🍹🍸🍹🍸 🍹Jhordano R. Veliz 🍹Rob Cocteles 📸Caro Burgos Ginger beer @valdiviadejengibre Quito - Ecuador https://www.facebook.com/robert.veliz.547 https://www.facebook.com/107772710980229/posts/147801283644038/ Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo #gingerbeer #cervezadejengibre #mixologistworld #mixology #mixologyart #dailycocktail #cocktailculture #topskillsbartending #cocktailphotography #pisco #sweetvermouth (en Quito, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE06PfClO-8/?igshid=1eoffe39dpiwk
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Bar of the day . . from @theeleanoratx . •Follow @cocktails_and_mixology . Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo . #baroftheday #mixology #cocktails #bar_mixology_bartender #cocktails_and_mixology #cocktailsandmixology https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXDHZalW1c/?igshid=15s43e6ci72db
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Okay....I need to get back to work! This is getting ridiculous....Damn Dryer!! 😆😆 •Follow @life_as_a_server 😆😆 Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo https://www.instagram.com/p/CEVXmO9pWqI/?igshid=9tswpcibir6t
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Amethyst Anchor 1.5 oz Rum .75 oz Creme de Cassis .50 oz Blue Curacao 1 Lime Juiced Splash of ginger beer Method Add all ingredients except ginger beer in tin. Shake with ice, double strain into highball glass. Top up with a splash of ginger beer. •Follow @turtle.cocktails Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo #turtlecocktails #cocktail #mixology #bartender #mixologyart #cocktails #cocktailsofinstagram #craftcocktails #drinksofinstagram #homebar #liquor #cocktailsathome #drinkstagram #rum https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUm_arF7GA/?igshid=vtisowcs6axa
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QUARANFRESH by @thecocktail.blog This looks so refreshing! Tag a friend you would share this one with! 👌🏽🥂 What you’ll need: 3 cl Gin (@gentlemans_gin) 1.5 cl Aperol 1.5 cl Fresh Lemon juice 🍋 1.5 cl Frech Lime juice Top off with Soda Water (@swedishtonic) Garnish with dehydrated Blood Orange •Follow @cocktailmoment 📸 @thecocktail.blog Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo @xavi_barartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CENqSCZFri5/?igshid=1m8tekrd0tod1
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𝐌𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄-𝐎𝐅𝐅 Created by 👨🔬 @liquid.chef 🙌 ------------------------------ #cocktailoftheday -‐----‐----------------------- 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐄 ▪️Tequila Reposado ▪️Fresh Cucumber Juice ▪️Fresh Lime Juice ▪️Agave Nectar ▪️Pickled Jalapeño ▪️Fresh Cilantro ▪️Paprika Salt Rim ▪️Cucumber Ribbon Garnish --------------------------------- •Follow @anthonygaleno Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo #thecocktailbible #tequila #tequilacocktails #tequilalover #cucumbercocktail #drinkstagram #mixology #mixologist #cocktailart #cocktailphotography #cocktail #cocktailsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CENoaBalJLH/?igshid=10dgr35czlxn2
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Buenos días a tod@s! Comenzamos una nueva historia, y queremos que vosotros seáis los protagonistas. Hoy queremos enseñaros una pincelada de la reforma total del Sans Serif. Esperamos de corazón que os guste tantísimo como a nosotros y que estéis súper agusto cada vez que nos visitéis. Nos vemos muy pronto, tic tac, tic tac...😍😍😍😍😍 •Follow @cafeteriasansserif Dale me gusta a nuestra página @barartists_worldwide para más contenido de los mejores #barartists del mundo. #cafeteriasansserif #cafeteriasbonitas #restautante #cafe #mahou #vinos #pintxosbilbao #pintxosbarakaldo #tartas #menudeldia #menuespecial #hamburguesas #platoscombinados #ensaladas #raciones #venavisitarnos #teesperamos #bagatza #barakaldo #nuevahistoria #queremosverosya #septiembreyaestaaqui https://www.instagram.com/p/CEM4c8Hl0da/?igshid=1i1w5itwfsp79
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Sunrise Sunset 2 oz Reposado Tequila 4 oz acid adjusted orange juice 1/2 oz beet/cherry syrup 1/2 oz blueberry liqueur Garnish with dried orange slice and luxardousa cherry Now for the instructions. Shake tequila and Orange juice with ice and pour all into cup. Top with extra ice and add syrup and liqueur. Credits : @housepoured •Follow @cocktails.ig Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo https://www.instagram.com/p/CELdkMhFT-4/?igshid=nwcnnz0erhtr
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Afternoon Sip - Ingredients : 60ml Earl Grey Vodka 20ml Chambord 20ml Fresh Lemon Juice 15ml Black Tea Syrup 1 Egg White - Follow : @monsieurdrink - Photo & Recipe : @chilled.spirit Dale me gusta a nuestra página @barartists_worldwide para más contenido de los mejores #barartists del mundo. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEK5G47leq4/?igshid=18l2m5g0roeo0
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Bosque por @yeraymonforte 🌿 50 ml @bulldog_gin 50 ml Cordial de lima y tierra redestilada 50 ml Agua mineral 5 gotas de tintura de madera de roble Musgo comestible Técnica: Carbonatado en sifón y straight up Decoración: Musgo comestible Preparado en @campariacademy_spain •Follow @cocteleriacreativa 🌿 Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJuyX6FmyZ/?igshid=7s8q68elql7t
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Sabadinho gostoso merece um Mojito 🤩🤩🤩🤩 Receitinha 👇👇👇👇👇👇 25 ml suco de limão siciliano 25 ml xarope de gengibre 50 ml Schweppes Citrus ligh 50 ml Run Havana Club 150 ml água com gás 150 ml água tônica 1 envelope de Stevia 1rodela de limão siciliano Hortelã Pimenta Rosa Pimenta Jamaica gelo Modo de Preparo: Na coqueteleira, coloque suco de limão siciliano, Stevia, Run, a rodela de limão, um pouco de gelo e mexa. Despeje tudo em um copo long drink previamente resfriado. Acrescente o xarope, agua tônica, Schweppes Citrus e por fim água com gás com folhas de hortelã, Pimenta Rosa e Pimenta Jamaica. Curtam, comentem e compartilhem galerinha!!!!! 🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️ •Follow @boquinhasdealcool Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJuamMFAcz/?igshid=fi9y8a4h4rbz
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'Martinique Swizzle' - 2oz Rhum Clemente - .75oz Lime Juice - .5oz Falernum - .25oz Grenadine - 3 Dashes of Angostura Bitters - Garnish with mint and an edible flower - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: - From the book Sippin Safari by Jeff Berry - This is another drink recorded in Mariano Licudine's personal notebook dated 1944. It was served at Don The Beachcomber's in Chicago during his time there. - Born in Manila in 1907 Mariano was the youngest of 14 brothers and sisters. In his early 20s he went to Hawaii to work the pineapple fields. From there he migrated to California, and after a short while working in a hospital he took a job as Laurel and Hardy's personal chauffeur and mixologist. Five years of working for the duo didn't teach him much as they only drank scotch and soda😆. From that experience he was able to land a job as a bartender at Don The Beachcomber's in Hollywood. From there he was transferred to Beachcomber Chicago where over 16 years he worked his way up to be the # 2 bartender. In 1956 he was poached by a competitor set on capturing the Florida market. Mariano played an integral part in the design process of the Mai-Kai in Florida. His position as the head bartender launched him to the national spotlight. In 1959 he entered a drink in a cocktail competition. The 'Derby Daiquiri' not only took first prize, it was featured in Esquire magazine and shortly after became the official drink of the Florida Derby. From there his drinks were all over magazines, and one was even featured on the Carson Show. Mariano remained in the spotlight the next 20 years. - This drink is essentially a really smooth daiquiri. The grassy notes from the Rhum are lightened by the citrus flavors of the lime and falernum. The grenadine adds a nice depth and sweetens just a little. The hint of baking spice from the bitters anchors the drink. Note: I increased the ratios on everything except the falernum for more of a modern taste. - Thanks to @wanderingbarfly for this outstanding post. Esto es @barartists_worldwide, síguenos y no te pierdas de lo nuevo de los mejores #barartists del mundo https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIb3QtlASL/?igshid=b9w4k6k12jki
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