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9amartt · 2 months ago
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Each one of us has a life he’s seeking, some ask Allah for righteous spouses, others seek wealth, others righteous offspring, and for a few others, their goal is not in the dunyah and its distractions-not at all- they seek Allah’s pleasure and reward, and they will get it.. in sha Allah.
Oh my Lord, look at our intentions, purify them, and assist us in our path towards you, ya Allah we truly don’t know how to interpret our hearts, are our intentions sincere? Are we just following our desires with the excuse of seeking your pleasure?
Only You know, and only You can change that, so have mercy on Your weak helpless servants, and grant us from every hardship a way out, and grant our hearts and minds peace and acceptance of your decree, for what comes from You, ya Allah is all good, and we cannot complain of your decree, but oh my lord have mercy on our hearts, do not shatter the heart of a weak believer who will not bear that pain.
Oh Allah I testify that none of this dunyah’s distraction has ever truly pleased me or made me hesitant in seeking Your paradise, however, we humans were created weak, and You know that better than us, so Oh my Lord, forgive All my sins which weren’t, By Your might, but slips and moments of heedlessness, wallah My Lord We never once doubted Your mercy, we only doubt our degree of deserving for your beautiful kindness and mercifulness…
Oh Allah, look upon your weak servants who expect good from you, and do not disappoint them.
May Allah grant us what we long for in dunyah and Akhirah.
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alding031124 · 21 days ago
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Abu Muhammad Al Adnani taqabbalahullah
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soaringcarp · 1 year ago
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years ago
Sibte Jafar - Noha - Ae Jannat Ul Baqiyah
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tuwebpage2023 · 1 year ago
Origen del arroz con pollo, fuente de numerosos debates
El arroz con pollo es un plato tradicional latinoamericano creado a partir de la mezcla de las tradiciones culinarias europea, mediterránea y judía Salones De Fiestas Infantiles Bogota.
Este delicioso plato consiste en arroz cocido y mezclado con pollo Sitios Para Hacer Fiestas Infantiles Bogota, ya sea en trozos o caldoso. Ingredientes como el pimiento, la zanahoria, el apio y la cebolla le dan color y sabor. Se condimenta con cilantro y ajo para darle más sabor. Se puede añadir achiote o pasta de tomate para darle color y sabor CASA DE EVENTOS.
Pero, ¿cuáles son las verdaderas raíces del arroz con pollo? Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Bogota Los datos históricos apuntan a un plato sefardí llamado adafina, que originalmente se preparaba con cordero y verduras y se comía durante el sábado. El nombre del plato y su recipiente de cocción también eran los mismos: paella Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Bogota.
La paella original no contenía arroz Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Cajica, ya que este plato aún no había llegado a España cuando llegaron los judíos. Los árabes trajeron el arroz a España desde Asia y lo sustituyeron por las verduras que suelen encontrarse en la paella valenciana. Hoy en día, ambos platos son populares en toda España y a menudo se combinan en un plato llamado "paella mixta" Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Chia.
Esta paella Animadores De Fiestas Infantiles Bogota es un plato tradicional español de origen humilde, lo que la hace apta para la dieta judía. Las carnes utilizadas en esta receta son las que estaban disponibles en el momento de su creación y los árabes las llaman "baqiyah", que significa sobras Animadores De Fiestas Infantiles En Bogota.
Ingredientes del arroz con pollo
Salsa de tomate Artistas Circenses Para Eventos
2 cucharadas de aceite 14 gr
1 gajo de cebolla larga finamente picado
2 dientes de ajo picado finamente
¼ de pimentón rojo picado en cuadritos
1 cubo de caldo de gallina
1 taza de arroz blanco
150 gr de pechuga de pollo cocinado y desmechado
½ taza de zanahoria picada en cuadritos
½ taza de habichuela cortada en cuadritos
½ taza de arveja verde picada
sal al gusto
salsa de soya
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karbalaviews · 6 years ago
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#ام_البنين #ام_البنین #یاعباس #باب_الحوائج #باب_الحسین #وفاء_للحسين #ابا_الفضل_العباس #ahlulbayt #ummulbaneen #madinah #baqiyah #death #quote #reading #quoteoftheday #karbala #imamhussain #imamali https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCR35djOtK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=68s6vln9zhqe
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hanifiyahmedia-blog · 6 years ago
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#Wilayat_Yaman #Baidha
Kamis 30 Shafar 1440 H
Dengan karunia Allah ﷻ, tentara Khilafah meraih kesuksesan di wilayah Yaman, dalam upaya memukul mundur serangan Tanzhim Al-Qaeda pada sejumlah tempat (‘Aujah, Jalalil dan Hamidhah) di distrik Qaifah pada hari kemarin. Lebih lanjut, bahwa terjadi baku tembak dengan senjata ringan, sedang dan berat yang berlangsung selama hampir 6 jam. Mengakibatkan tewas dan terluka beberapa orang diantara mereka, sampai mereka pergi dalam 2 kelompok dan mereka lari dengan membawa kekalahan, walillahil hamdu wal minnah.
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aneeqa010 · 2 years ago
Eid Mubarak to all of you... BAQIYAH BEHIZNILLAH
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9amartt · 7 months ago
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ٱنفِرُوا۟ خِفَافًۭا وَثِقَالًۭا
˹ O believers!˺ March forth whether it is easy or difficult for you,
سورة التوبة ٤١
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mzainm1994 · 5 years ago
batu ngompal
Belajar olehmu tajwid yang shoheh * Karena Qur’an turunnya Fasheh Janganlah Membaca bacaan Qobeh * Takut ancaman hadist yang shoheh Rajin Berguru pada ahlinya Baca olehmu bacaan jibrila * Jangan membaca bermain gila 
Firman illahi didalam tanzila * Warottilil qur’ana tartiila
Rajin Berguru pada ahlinya Jaranglah pandai membaca Qur’an * Kebanyakan asyik tidak karuan
Malu berguru tajwidnya Qur’an * Besar kepala takut teguran
Rajin Berguru pada ahlinya Ayo hai saudara, ayo hai saudari * Tuntutlah ilmu setiap hari
Jangan bermegah kesana kemari * Agar selamat belakang hari
Rajin Berguru pada ahlinya MUQADDIMAH
Kata Faqir yang mengharap rahmat Tuhan * Khodimu tullabin bi Nahdlatil Wathan. Alhamdulillahi dengan Sholat Salam * Atas Muhammad penghulu kullil anam. Wa alihi dan sahabatnya yang Nujum * Dan tabi’in dan muslimin dengan umum. Waba’du ini terjemah melayu * Untuk anak yang mubtadi berguru. Anak Sasak bangsaku Indonesia * Pada hukum tajwid kitab yang mulia. Diterjemah dari nadzom yang bernama * Tuhfatul Atfali Kitab yang utama. Dinamakan Nazom Batu Ngompal Atas * Air otak murid rajin tidak malas. Moga-moga nazom ini bermanfaat * Bagi umum didunia wal ahirat.
Sabit bagi nun yang mati dan tanwin * Empat hukum maka bacalah tabyin. Yang pertama hukumnya Izhar Halki * Jika datang sebelum hurufilhalki. Enam huruf yaitu (hamzun ha’un * Ainun waha’un summa gainun kho’un). Yang kedua nama hukumnya Idgom * Di (Yarmuluna) tersusun nyata enam. Huruf ini qismani bila bertemu * Idgom bigunnatin hurufnya (Yanmu). Tapi jika pertemuan dikalimah * Satu kasinwanin wadunya tercegah. Yang kedua Idgham bigairi gunnah * Dalam huruf (Rol) terdapat pahamlah. Ketiganya iqlabu ‘indal bai * Suara mim dengung sama ihkfa’i. Hukum ke empat dinamakan Ikhfa’ * Pada huruf yang baqiyah minal Hija’. Lima belas hurufnya terbilang terang * Cukup pada awal kalim Bait yang datang. (Shif dza tsana kam jada syakhsun Qad sama * Dum thaiyiban zid fi tuqan dha’ dzaliman) Mimmun wanunun syuddida dengung keras * Dinamakan gunnah musyaddadah jelasHUKUM MIM SUKUNMim yang mati bila datang (sebelum hija’ * Selainan alif) katanya ‘ulama’ Maka hukumnya terdapat tiga rata * Ikhfa’u idhgomun waizharun nyata Yang pertama bernama Ikhfa Syafawi * Datangnya qoblal ba i terketahui Yang kedua Idghom Bimitsliha ada * Lah namanya idghom shogir hai pemuda Yang ketiga Idzhar pada baqiyah * Min ahrufin dinamakan syafawiyah Awas jangan ikhfa’ pada wawin wafa * Karena dekat dan bersatu jangan lupa (Lam al) dua hal Pemuda dan Pemudi * Yang pertama Izhar hurufnya terjadi Empat belas maka fahamkan romzah * Di (ibgi hajjaka wakhof aqiimah) Yang kedua wajib diidghomkan dalam * Empat belas pula rumusnya didalam Tib tsumma sil rohmman tafuz difdzaa ni’am * Da’tsuazonnin zur syarifan lilkarom Lam pertama dinamakan qomariah * Lam kedua dinamakan syamsiah Idzhar nyatalah lamafi’lin mutlaqo * Seperti qulna’am waqulna waltaqo Dua hurup jika akur pada sifat * Dan makhrojin mitslani yakni sepakat Jika dua makhroj datang berhampiran * Dan disifat bersalahan dinamakan Mutqoribain tapi jika bersamaan * Dimakhrojin dan disifat bersalahan Dinamakan mutjanisain jika mati * Awal huruf idgom shogir didapati Jika dua hurup yang berbaris benar * Lah namanya idgom kabir yakni besarHUKUM MADDan mad ada asli ada yang Far’I * Yang pertama dinamakan Tobi’i Tidak dihentikan atas sebab datang * Dengan tiadanya hurup tak terdatang Mutlak hurup lainnya hamzah ausukun * Mengiringi mad fattobi’i iyayakun Mad kedua far’iyun terhenti atas * Hamzah atau sukun semata-mata pas Hurufnya tiga tersusun pada lapaz * (Wayin) di nu hiha misalnya terhafaz Jar sebelum ya dom sebelum wawi qot * fathah tetap sebelum alif mesti syarat Jadi huruf linnya sama wawin rata * In sakana dan sebelum fathah nyata Mad didalam qur’an suci tiga hukum * Itulwuju buwaljawazu walluzum Mad wajibun muttasilun bila jitu * Hamzah mengiring mad dikalimah satu Mad wajibun muttasilun dua wajah * Bila mana masing-masing dikalimah Bersamaan in arodossukunu * Pada waqop seperti nasta’inu Bila ada hamzah datang mendahulu * Mad ternamalah mad badal ka’amanu Mad lazimun tiga alif sukun tetap * Mengiringi mad diwasol dan di waqop Empat cukup keterangan mad lazimi * Karena ada harpi ada yang kalimi Masing-masing mukhaffafun mutsakkalu * Maka ini empat nyata mufassolu Maka jika dikalimah sukun datang * Serta hurup mad bernama kilmi terang Jika pada huruf tsulasi terdapat * Mad menengahi namanya harpi tepat Jika di idgomkan mutsakkalun nyata * Jika tidak maka muhappapun rata Mad lazimun harpi pada awal surat * Didelapan huruf adanya terdapat Kumpul pada katanya (kam asalkakos) * Dan ‘ain dua wajah nyatanya mad ahos Dan lainan huruf tsulasi ta’ alif * Madnya tobi’i dibaca satu alif Itu pula dalam pawatihissuar * Kumpul dihayin nyata benar Majmuk fawattihissuar empat belas * (Silhu suhairoman qotok ka) hai awas Cukup dengan hidayatillahissomad * Nazom batu ngompal atas yang di kosod Bermi meterjemah dengan rojaz arab * Dan terhias dengan lisan orang arab Diterjemah oleh Otak luar jasad * Tahun tetap tanpa pikirkan di jasad Wahai Adik hai Saudara hai Saudari * Coba ukur ini syair kanan kiri Mustaf’ilun mustaf’ilun mustaf’ilun * Mustaf’ilun mustaf’ilun mustaf’ilun Moga Tuhan yang bersifat Rohman Rohim * Mengurnia faham jelas jadi alim Puji ilahi dan shalat serta salam * Atas Nabi dan semua alat tamam
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3ilm-an-nafi3-blog · 7 years ago
The True Student of Knowledge
The True Student of Knowledge ════════════════════════════════ Baqiyyah ibn Makhlad travelled by foot from Andalusia (Spain) to Baghdād (Irāq) in order to meet Imām Ahmad - Rahimahullah so as to study at his hands.
Baqiyah said: "So when I drew close to Baghdād the news of Imām Ahmad being put to trial reached me. I had heard that he had been prevented from having gatherings with people and teaching them, so this distressed me greatly.
When I arrived in Baghdād, I placed my possessions in a room and then went out seeking the abode of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal. I was shown his home and went and knocked the door. Imām Ahmad himself opened, so I said: "Oh Abā Abdillah! (I am) a man from a strange land and a seeker of Hadeeth, and one who scribes the sunnah and my journey was not except to you."
So he said to me: "Enter the house and let no one see you!" He questioned me and said: "I am under trial and have been prevented from teaching and educating."
So I said to him: "I am a stranger (to these lands) so if you permit, I will come to you in the garments of a poor beggar, and stand at your door asking for charity and aid, then you come out to me and narrate to me even if it is one Hadeeth."
Baqiyah said: "So I used to come everyday and stand at the door and I would say: "An offering, May Allāh show you Mercy! So Ahmad used to come to me and enter me into the passageway and narrate to me two or three Hadeeth or more until I had collected some 300 Hadeeth.
Then Allāh lifted the trial from Imām Ahmad and his mention had become widespread. Whenever I would visit him after that, while he was in a huge circle and students of knowledge were around him, he would open a space for me and bring me close to him and say to the companions of Hadeeth:
"Here is one who deserves the title Student of knowledge!" ════════════════════════════════ Siyar A'lamin Nubalā 13/292 Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis https://twitter.com/AbuHakeemBilal/status/774719031026868224
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ayojalanterus · 4 years ago
Mengenal Lebih Dekat Al-Biruni, Cendikiawan Muslim Nan Jenius Dari Uzbekistan
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Islam lekat dengan perdaban dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Salah satu sosok cendikiawan Islam yang namanya harum dikenang sejarah adalah Abu Rahyan Mohammed ibn Ahmad al-Biruni, atau juga dikenang sebagai Al-Biruni. Bukan hanya pada lembaran sejarah, nama dan warisan ilmiahnya abadi hingga saat ini. Dia merupakan tokoh jenius yang mengangkat matematika ke tingkat di mana dia merangkul dan melengkapi hukum alam. Dalam Free Online Open Lecture On Islamic Civilization In Uzbekistan yang diselenggarakan oleh Kedutaan Besar Uzbekistan di Indonesia dan International Islamic Academy Of Uzbekistan pada Kamis (6/5), Senior Lecture at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Dr. Avazbek Ganiyev menuturkan bahwa sepanjang hidupnya, Al Biruni dari Khwarazm, Uzbekistan (973 hingga 1048) mendedikasikan diri untuk kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Untuk orang yang hidup di masa tersebut, Al Biruni adalah seseorang yang memiliki pemikiran melampaui zamannya. Dia berkontribusi nyata dalam banyak aspek sains, seperti terigonometri, astronomi, geografi, sejarah, geologi serta geosedi. "Dia tidak pernah mengeksploitasi karyanya sebagai sarana untuk mencapai ketenaran, otoritas, atau keuntungan materi," ujar Ganiyev. "Ketika Sultan Masood mengirimikan kepadanya tiga unta yang membawa koin-koin perak sebagai penghargaan atas karya ensiklopedisnya "Al-Qanooon al-Masoodi" (Kanon Mas'ud), Al-Biruni dengan sopan mengembalikan hadiah kerajaan itu sambil berkata, 'Saya mengabdi demi ilmu dan bukan demi uang'," sambungnya. Begitu harumnya nama Al-Biruni serta kontribusinya dalam ilmu pengetahuan, sampai-sampai banyak akademisi di zaman selanjutnya yang mengapresiasi dan memberikan penghormatan tertinggi padanya. Salah satu apresiasi datang dari sejarawan Jerman, Max Meyerhoff. Dia pernah menyebut bahwa Al-Biruni mungkin adalah tokoh paling terkemuka dalam kelompok cendekiawan Muslim yang dikagumi secara universal. "Dia juga merupakan tokoh yang kontribusinya di berbagai bidang membuatnya mendapatkan gelar "al-Ustadh" sang guru atau professor par excellence," terang Ganiyev. Bukan hanya itu, lanjutnya, pada tahun 1975, akademisi Tajik yang terkenal, Bobojon Gafurov, mendeskripsikan Biruni dalam artikel Unesco Courier sebagai seorang jenius universal yang jauh lebih maju dari masanya sehingga penemuannya yang paling cemerlang tampaknya tidak dapat dipahami oleh sebagian besar sarjana pada masanya. Sedangkan George Sarton , pendiri disiplin ilmu Sejarah, menamakan abad ke-11 sebagai Zaman Al Biruni. Lantas apa saja kontribusi Al-Biruni dalam ilmu pengetahuan? Lebih dari seribu tahun yang lalu, Al Biruni menghitung radius bumi. Dia pertama kali mengukur ketinggian sebuah bukit di dekat Benteng Nandana di provinsi Punjab Pakistan saat ini. Dia kemudian mendaki bukit untuk mengukur cakrawala. Dengan menggunakan persamaan trigonometri dan aljabar, dia mendapatkan nilai yang setara dengan 3928.77 mil Inggris, yaitu sekitar 99 persen dekat dengan jari-jari bumi saat ini. Berdasarkan perhitungannya, Al-Biruni juga mulai memikirkan kemungkinan bumi berputar mengelilingi matahari, sebuah gagasan yang akan diabaikan oleh polimatik waktu itu. Tapi Al-Biruni begitu yakin dengan logika dan nalurinya, sehingga dia banyak menulis tentang matahari, pergerakannya, dan gerhana. Bukan hanya itu, Al-Biruni juga menemukan instrumen astronomi, dan menggambarkan bagaimana bumi berputar pada sumbu, membuat perhitungan garis lintang dan bujur yang akurat. Dia mencatat teori dan pengamatannya dalam bukunya, "Al-Athar Al-Baqiya." Ia juga menulis risalah tentang bagaimana ketepatan waktu terjadi pada 1000 M, periode yang juga dikenal sebagai Era Kristen. Al-Biruni juga menemukan beberapa cara untuk menemukan utara dan selatan, dan menemukan teknik matematika untuk menentukan dengan tepat permulaan musim. Mengutip TRT World, Al-Biruni mengamati gerhana matahari 8 April 1019, dan gerhana bulan 17 September 1019. Yang pertama dilihatnya di Lamghan, sebuah lembah yang dikelilingi pegunungan antara kota Qandahar dan Kabul. Dia menulis, “Saat matahari terbit kami melihat bahwa sekitar sepertiga dari matahari gerhana dan gerhana itu memudar”. Dia mengamati gerhana bulan di Ghazna dan memberikan detail yang tepat tentang ketinggian yang tepat dari berbagai bintang terkenal pada saat kontak pertama. Dia juga menggambarkan Bima Sakti sebagai kumpulan pecahan bintang samar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Sementara itu dalam bukunya, "Al-Tafhim-li-Awail Sina'at al-Tanjim", dia merangkum karyanya tentang Matematika dan Astronomi. Karya tersebut diterjemahkan oleh Ramsay Wright pada tahun 1934. Kontribusi Biruni pada fisika mencakup pekerjaan pada mata air dan penentuan yang akurat dari berat spesifik delapan belas unsur dan senyawa termasuk banyak logam dan batu mulia. Bukunya "Kitab-al-Jamahir" membahas properti dari berbagai batu mulia. Dia adalah pelopor dalam studi tentang sudut dan trigonometri. Dia mengerjakan bayangan dan tali lingkaran, dan juga mengembangkan metode untuk memotong sudut. Dia menguraikan prinsip posisi dan juga membahas angka India. Sedangkan di bidang geologi dan geografi, Al-Biruni berkontribusi pada letusan geologi dan metalurgi. Dia menjelaskan cara kerja mata air alami dan sumur artesis dengan prinsip hidrostatik kapal komunikasi. Berdasarkan karya ilmiahnya, dia disebut sebagai pendiri geodesi. Bukunya "Al-Athar Al-Baqiyah fi Qanun al-Khaliyah", dia membahas sejarah kuno dan geografi, dan diterjemahkan oleh Edward Sachau. "Warisan ilmiah Al-Biruni telah menginspirasi para ilmuwan dan ahli matematika selama beberapa abad dalam kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Namanya tetap dikenang dan dihormati bahkan hingga hari ini," kata Ganiyev. (RMOL)
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/2Q0e3d4 via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/05/mengenal-lebih-dekat-al-biruni.html
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 3 years ago
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Syeda Zainab(sa) is also known by this name:-
(The person who cries alot ) Bohat ziada Giriya karnay wali,
Do you know the narrator says after sham e ghareeban the hairs on the head of Syeda Zainab(sa) turned white just what she had gone thru She saw Husayn(as) beheaded, and when she came near his Body she said (Anta Akhi Hussain?
Are you my brother Hussein?
*She saw Abbas’s(as) hands chopped,
*She saw Asghar’s(as) neck severed, She saw Qassim’s(as) body turn into pieces,
*She saw Ali akbar(as) chest broken,
*She saw her sons little bodies trampled by the horses,
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) said:“ At the night before the tenth of Muharram (Ashura), I went out of my tent to look for my brother Al-Hussain (as) and his advocates, for he had his own tent, so I found him sitting alone pleading his Lord and reciting the Quran. Thus, I said to myself: How could my brother be left alone in a night like this?!”
By Allah! I shall go to my brothers and my cousins and reproach them for this! I went to Al-Abbass’s tent (as) and heard humming and thrumming so I stood at the back of the tent and looked inside; hence, I saw my cousins, brothers and nephews gathered in a circle and Al-Abbass Bin Ameer Al-Mo'mineen (as) was between them kneeling as the lion kneels on its prey.
He delivered to them a lecture that I haven’t heard from anyone but Al-Hussain (as); it contained thanking and praising Allah and sending prayers and peace upon the Prophet (saww) and then he said at the end of his lecture:“ O my brothers, nephews and cousins! When the morning comes, what shall you say?” They said:“ The matter returns to you and we do not exceed you nor overstep your word.” Therefore, Al-Abbas (as) said:“ These – meaning the companions – are strangers and this burden is heavy and cannot be carried but by its holders. Thus, when the morning comes, the first ones to step for fighting shall be you. We shall reach death before them so that people wouldn’t say:” They let the companions be the first to die and when they were killed, they began to fight death by their swords an hour after an hour.“ Thus, Banu Hashem (as) stood and raised their swords towards Al-Abbas (as)face and said:” We shall do what you will do.“
Syeda Zainab (sa) said:” When I saw the intensity of their gathering and their firm consistency, my heart calmed and I became glad yet I choked with my tears and wanted to return to my bother Al-Hussain (as) and tell him about that but I heard humming and thrumming coming from the tent of Habib Bin Mazahir (ra) so I headed to it, stood at its back and looked inside. Thus, I saw the companions gathered as Banu Hashem in a circle and Habib Bin Mazahir (ra) was sitting between them saying:“ O my companions! Why did you come to this place?
Clarify your words please, may Allah have mercy on you!” They said:“ We came to advocate Fatima’s abandoned son (as).” Thus, he said to them:“ Why did you leave your wives?”
They said:“ We did so for this matter.” Habib said:“ When the morning comes, what shall you say?”
They said:“ The word is yours and we do not overstep your word.” He said:“ When the morning comes, the first ones to fight shall be you. We shall fight first for we shall not see a Hashemite drenched in his blood as long as one of our veins is beating, so that people wouldn’t say:” They let their lords fight first and were too selfish to sacrifice themselves for them.“” Therefore, they shook their swords towards his face and said:“ We shall do what you will do.”
Syeda Zainab (sa) said:“ I was gladdened by their consistency yet I choked with my tears and left them weeping and then my brother (as) ran into me so I calmed down and smiled at his face, so he said to me:” O sister!“ I said:” I am at your beck and call, O brother!“ He said:” O sister! Since we left Al-Madina, I haven’t seen you smiling. Tell me why you’re smiling?“
I said to him:” O brother! I saw Banu Hashem and the companions do so and so.“ He said to me:” O sister! Know that these are my companions since the Realm of Al-Thar (Particles) and my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (saww), had promised me with them…
[Kalimat Al-Imam Al-Hussein (as) p.407, reported from Ma'ali Al-Sibtayn]
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tuwebpage2023 · 1 year ago
Origen del arroz con pollo, fuente de numerosos debates
El arroz con pollo es un plato tradicional latinoamericano creado a partir de la mezcla de las tradiciones culinarias europea, mediterránea y judía Salones De Fiestas Infantiles Bogota.
Este delicioso plato consiste en arroz cocido y mezclado con pollo Sitios Para Hacer Fiestas Infantiles Bogota, ya sea en trozos o caldoso. Ingredientes como el pimiento, la zanahoria, el apio y la cebolla le dan color y sabor. Se condimenta con cilantro y ajo para darle más sabor. Se puede añadir achiote o pasta de tomate para darle color y sabor CASA DE EVENTOS.
Pero, ¿cuáles son las verdaderas raíces del arroz con pollo? Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Bogota Los datos históricos apuntan a un plato sefardí llamado adafina, que originalmente se preparaba con cordero y verduras y se comía durante el sábado. El nombre del plato y su recipiente de cocción también eran los mismos: paella Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Bogota.
La paella original no contenía arroz Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Cajica, ya que este plato aún no había llegado a España cuando llegaron los judíos. Los árabes trajeron el arroz a España desde Asia y lo sustituyeron por las verduras que suelen encontrarse en la paella valenciana. Hoy en día, ambos platos son populares en toda España y a menudo se combinan en un plato llamado "paella mixta" Animacion Fiestas Infantiles Chia.
Esta paella Animadores De Fiestas Infantiles Bogota es un plato tradicional español de origen humilde, lo que la hace apta para la dieta judía. Las carnes utilizadas en esta receta son las que estaban disponibles en el momento de su creación y los árabes las llaman "baqiyah", que significa sobras Animadores De Fiestas Infantiles En Bogota.
Ingredientes del arroz con pollo
Salsa de tomate Artistas Circenses Para Eventos
2 cucharadas de aceite 14 gr
1 gajo de cebolla larga finamente picado
2 dientes de ajo picado finamente
¼ de pimentón rojo picado en cuadritos
1 cubo de caldo de gallina
1 taza de arroz blanco
150 gr de pechuga de pollo cocinado y desmechado
½ taza de zanahoria picada en cuadritos
½ taza de habichuela cortada en cuadritos
½ taza de arveja verde picada
sal al gusto
salsa de soya
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fooddude · 4 years ago
Vittles Village: Round 2
Calling all foodies!
Listen, I know you’re hungry again so with this blog post I thought I’d take the initiative to waft some more culture in your face. You don’t have to ask for it, consider it a favor.  Last time I showed you that I can study a sandwich in addition to eating one, which is something an American doesn’t do often.  Though I hoped you’d still be amazed by that, it has to be a labor of love to satisfy your appetite.  Speaking of romance, I want to invite you on a trip to Spain.  I recently looked into Spanish cuisine and hand-picked a very appealing dish.  After gathering ingredients, preparing and cooking, and eating this traditional Spanish meal, I found the dish to be incredibly vibrant and full of spirit.
Spanish Paella
When discussing Spanish history, we often highlight the Age of Exploration.  This time period can be understood as involving a wide range of pivotal events that shook up culture around the world.  As a result, culturally diverse foods, with varying contents, appeared in many locations. However, it may come as a surprise to some that something much more colorful than plates of meat and bread existed in Spain before the Age of Exploration.
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This is my finished version of paella including arborio rice, shrimp, muscles, bell peppers, tomatoes, peas, saffron, bay leaves, garlic, onion, white cooking wine, and chicken broth.  What you see here is not a far cry from what Spanish farmers and farm workers would have for lunch many centuries ago.  Additionally, while it may seem that my list of ingredients is long, the reality is that paella is the generic name of about 200 more specific meals which can also include rabbit, chicken, snails, white and green beans, and many more ingredients.  This observation marks the first of three basic ways in which this dish is culturally interdependent.  That is, paella is highly adjustable and incorporates cuisine ideas ranging from those who may have lived by the Mediterranean to those who may have lived more inland.  Further, geographical influence is not the only extent by which this dish is adjustable.  Paella can be considered as adjustable through the way in which its ideas have trickled down through a medieval hierarchy.  An old story says that the servants of Moorish kings would make rice dishes for themselves by combining the variety of foods that were left-over from royal banquets.  The other two basic ways in which paella is culturally interdependent can be seen in the story just mentioned.  One, paella is rooted through tradition.  The existence of this dish is sustained through stories like the one mentioned.  Two, the story of paella evokes a ranked quality of interdependence.
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--I may have worked hard to create this dish… but I felt like a king when eating it.
--I washed it down with a Bloody Mary to mix it up even more and it worked out great!
To fully appreciate the culture surrounding paella we ought to juggle multiple ideas surrounding its background.  Referring back to how the advent of paella was indicated by the assembly of left-overs, it is fitting that some believe that the word paella comes from the Arab word “baqiyah,” which translates to left-overs.  Conversely, it is also said that the word paella originates from the pan used to cook it.  The Latin term “patella,” meaning a flat plate on which offerings were served to the Gods, may be etymologically related to paella.  Considering these two takes on the word, perhaps paella more concretely originated as a dish out of dissent and covert protest against the Moorish occupation.  Conclusions aside, the two interpretations that have been preserved reflects a kind of dialectical thinking resulting from Catholic Spain.
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--My paella leftovers... maybe if you serve my appetite for once I’ll let you have some.
In the book CLASH! How to Thrive in a Multicultural World there is a scoring box used to assess various influences to cultures.  To more completely capture the cultural identity of paella I will score it using the characteristics of this box.  Because paella originated in the Western Hemisphere, the dish deserves one point for independence.  Unsurprisingly, people of both sexes have enjoyed the meal through history, which means that paella gets another point for independence and a point for interdependence.  Both white and non-white individuals have been involved in the evolution of paella, again giving it a point for independence and interdependence.  Working class Spaniards are the vast majority of those who have contributed to and eaten paella, giving the dish one point for interdependence.  Because the recipe has been influenced by a religious group other than mainline Protestant, including Christian Catholicism, it deserves a point for interdependence. We could argue that paella is the product of government influence because of its early status as leftovers from kings’ banquets.  Or we could argue that paella is the product of a non-profit effort due to its sustenance of the Spanish working people and its relative modesty and simplicity.  Either way, paella gets another point for interdependence.  Additionally, paella gets one more point for independence because it originates in the global North.  Ultimately, paella has four points for independence and five points for interdependence.  
The technical scoring process honestly surprises me in how much paella ended up identifying as culturally independent, though it is still mostly interdependent.  Earlier, I determined three basic ways in which paella is culturally interdependent. Then, I found that the culture that paella stems from exhibits a significant level of dialectical thinking, which is held mostly by interdependent cultures.  I thought that paella would have a much higher interdependent score and I was wrong so I… have failed.  Just kidding, I think it is really cool to see such different results from a systematic method as opposed to my earlier case study approach.  Perhaps we can view paella as being somewhat culturally independent because of its conception out of dissent in a time period where the Moors were not always welcome.  However, for now I consider myself lucky to be able to share the exciting, diverse, and interdependent paella with you!  
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karbalaviews · 6 years ago
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#ام_البنين #ام_البنین #یاعباس #باب_الحوائج #باب_الحسین #وفاء_للحسين #ابا_الفضل_العباس #ahlulbayt #ummulbaneen #madinah #baqiyah #death #quote #reading #quoteoftheday #karbala #imamhussain #imamali https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCR107DWeo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wd8b08kr7irr
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