#banner made in ck3
themildestofwriters · 2 years
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Founded by Reinaart, grandson of King Hendriks III de Geil van Tijrslant through one of his many bastard children: a daughter, Imelda van Raafheem. During the second invasion by the neighbouring nation, the Deutsch Empire, Reinaart was instrumental in halting the advancing army in the boarder county of Valjâer. With tactics decried by the enemy as "without honour," Reinaart held Valjâer until reinforcements could arrive, showcasing bravery and intelligence in equal measure. As reward, Reinaart was titled Markgraaf van Valjâer (that is Marquess of Valjâer), establishing his noble house in the process.
House Arendel is named for the Morning Star which Reinaart oft used as signal for raids against the invasion forces during the war. Their banner features a gold wolf on a red field below a white Mjolnir centred within a star.. Their words are: Ljós ok Trú. Light and Faith.
Since House Arendel was founded, it has become the greatest ally of the Tijrslant royal family, a power within its own right, and a vanguard against aggression from the northern Deutschlanders. The current head of House Arendel holds the title of Hertog van der Valjâer (that is, Duke of the Valjeer).
DUSTEEN KAISER ARENDEL DE AANVOEDER, Hertog van der Valjâer, former knight of the Order of the Manticore. Earth mage; direwolf famliliar.
— his wife, KARINA "KARIN" DÈSIRÈE VAN MAILLART DE STORMDIUVALIN, Hertogin van der Valjâer, former knight of the Order of the Manticore. Wind mage; manticore familiar.
— his children:
— ÈLÈONORE ALBERTINA ARENDEL DE BOUWMEVROUW, Chief Engineer of Earth Magic at the Tijrslant Institute of Arcane Research, formerly engaged to Count van Burgund. Earth mage; tiger familiar. Aged twenty-five.
— CATTLEYA YVETTE ARENDEL, Vrouw van der Fraaibrontje, bedridden with an unknown affliction. Earth mage; stag familiar. Aged twenty-two.
— LOUISE FRANCISKA ARENDEL DE NUL, third year student of the Alviss Institute of Tijrslant, nicknamed "Denulotta" by classmates, betrothed to Burggraaf Vaarijs-Holtaas van Waerden. Affinity unknown. Aged fourteen.
— his household, abridged:
— HEILNAAM VAN VALJÂER, Seneschal of the Valjâer manor.
— KARLOTTA VAN MAILLART, Court Priestess of House Arendel, mistress of the library, former tutor of Dusteen's children, older sister of Karina. Water mage; swan familiar.
— LODEWIJK VAN WAERDEN, Marshall of the Valjâer manor.
— DAPHNE, vampire, sister of Amethyst, adopted into the Arendel family, aunt and former tutor to Dusteen's children.
— AMETHYST, vampire, sister of Daphne, adopted into the Arendel family, aunt and former tutor to Dusteen's children.
The lords in service to Hertog Dusteen Arendel van der Valjâer are the Graaf van Guldre, and the markgraafs van Luik, van Raafheem, and van Waerden.
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scoopsofthestupid · 3 months
Funny banner I made for a ck3 game.
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immortal-elements · 3 years
CK3 Royal Court Liveblog!
As I said, I’m gonna put this under a read-more because it’s gonna be long, but hopefully shenanigans will ensue!
So I started as a custom ruler in Bohemia in 867, holding the duchy title. I have to have a kingdom title or higher in order to access Royal Court stuff, so speedrun strats
I’ve been chipping away at counties in Lusatia in order to get that other duchy title I need, about 50% of the way there. My heir looks damn good, (ambitious, temperate, deceitful), all S or A tier traits, and the Intelligent congenital trait. Soon as he is old enough, I’m gonna try and get my current ruler to implode, of course after I create the kingdom of Bohemia The High Chieftess of Prussia is nude... Again.
Whelp, my plan to kill myself after forming the kingdom didn’t work, but it didn’t matter because I kept all my land anyways. Now I get to play as my heir
I have officially conquered half of Pomerania, specifically the duchy of Meissen, so I am now able to become a king and actually explore the royal court! First thing I noticed, with the house emblem being a goose with a knife, the banners on my royal court are just, mmm, chef’s kiss. Second of all, damn it only costs 3 gold a month to have the highest amenities at level 3 of grandeur? Sure, sign me up.
Hosted court for the first time. First up, a dude attempts to bribe me with secrets from a court I don’t even care about, so I tell him to gtfo Next, the SAME dude comes and begs me for land. I ended up just giving it to him, I was over my domain limit from my recent conquests anyways Third, one of my counts said that my knights were pillaging his land, so I made them repay the count. Pragmatic answers, and nothing too terribly excited. I made one of my vassals into my court jester, just because he now gets to wear a funny hat.
My son has been going around dueling people for the hell of it. One of my vassals became an alcoholic as a direct result. You ever just beat a man into alcoholism? Anyways, that’s all for tonight, I gotta get up pretty early tomorrow for work, but I’m definitely going to be playing more of this
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gaminghardware0 · 4 years
Crusader Kings 3: how to raid in CK3
Raiding is a Crusader Kings 3 mechanic that returns from CK2 and allows Pagan or Tribal ruler types to raid the lands of other rulers. This works a little differently to standard warfare in CK3, but you'll still need to jump through a few hoops before going Viking on your neighbours. Crusader Kings 3 raiding is a lot more difficult than in CK2 with longer waiting times for raids and more costs associated with raiding, too.
In addition to these costlier, more time-consuming raids, you will also find that standing armies are a lot stronger than in CK2, so your best bet as a small raiding nation is to only attack the smallest states you can find. You can check this by looking at enemy territories and hovering over their banner to see how many troops they have at the ready. You can also check how much loot you'll get in by hovering over an enemy banner, so picking the maximum loot from the smallest army is the way to go.
The first thing you need to do to raid in CK3 is raise a raid army. To do this you'll need to head over to your military tab and either select a rally point near an area you want to raid, or create one. Once you've done this, click the rally point, which should open up a new tab at the bottom right of your screen - the key here is to choose 'raise local raiders'. Only the Norse can perform sea raids, so for any other rulers you will need to make sure the journey can be made on foot. You can also raise all your available soldiers as raiders by clicking the 'Raise All as raiders' button at the top of the Military tab.
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RELATED LINKS: Crusader Kings 3 review, The best strategy games on PC, The best 4X games on PC from https://www.pcgamesn.com/crusader-kings-3/raiding-ck3-how-to-raid
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