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geoderocks · 1 year ago
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I made some sketches for C.J. Cherryh’s amazing Foreigner series. (I’m no great artist, obviously, but had a lot of fun doing these).
In the first book Cherryh describes atevi faces as ‘not by any remote kinship human, but sternly handsome in planes and angles’. So here is my attempt with the Banichi portrait - and of course Bren in one of his long coats (subtle lace included). I haven’t dared to have a go at Jago, Ilisidi or Cajeiri yet, but maybe will put my subpar drawing skills to the test sometime ✏️
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calmnivore-new · 2 years ago
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fanart for foreigner by cj cherryh
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fansideblogtocjcherryth · 1 year ago
Oh my god there is concept art of the cover of invader.
images below under keep reading. and the link in the title of the post
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My favorite is bren with the mechetti
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fansideblogtocjcherryth · 2 years ago
I went through my blog to not only try to fix my tagging system but to also find a post by jmtorres on tumblr that may explain that last part that you felt like talking about. there is probably a high chance, atleast to a theory/headcanon to me, that the atevi view Bren with Tabini in a way that is kind of to how people in the Star Track Fandom Ship Jim Kirk and Spock, you know. the ship with a "normal person" and a "emotionless/ no romantic feelings" to us but to atevi bren is Spock and Tabini is Jim Kirk.
““I still like you, damn you. You don’t shake one of us [humans], you don’t fling our liking away because your duty says otherwise, you can’t get rid of us when we like you, Banichi, you’re stuck with me, so make the best of it.” There wasn’t a clear translation for like. It meant a preference for salad greens or iced drinks. But love was worse. Breath failed him. Self-control did. He flung it all out. “Banichi, I’d walk a thousand miles to have a kind word from you. I’d give you the shirt from my back if you needed it; if you were in trouble, I’d carry you that thousand miles. What do you call that? Foolish?” “That would be very difficult for you.” “So is liking atevi.” That got out before he censored it. “Don’t joke.” “I’m not joking. God, I’m not joking. We [humans] have to like somebody, we’re bound to like somebody, or we die, Banich, we outright die. Like, like, like–get off the damned word, Banichi. I cross that trench every day. Can’t you cross it once? Can’t you cross to where I am, just once, to know what I think?” “I’m not a dinner-course!””
“Foreigner,” C.J. Cherryh (via rottenappleheart)
Wendybird017′s tags on point as always -   #bren cameron#my garbage son#foreigner series#atevi#banichi my salad#this poor child#eventually he just goes up and turns into an emotionally constipated bastard
He really does though, and I think that’s why I can’t get enough of the first four books, because I love smol!angry!Bren and he does just change a lot.  
Which, ok some of it is the writing and some of it is that he really deep down wishes he were atevi, and some is just that the books span that much time. I feel so strongly about this because he’s 26 in the first book and by Convergence he’s pushing 40 if he hasn’t hit it quite yet. (And that’s in atevi years, my calculations put the atevi planet year at slightly longer than our planet.) 
My husband was 26 when we got married and he just turned 40 this year, so it feels just a little too personal I guess?
But we’re given this arc in the last few books with Cajeiri and his own humans but Tabini and Bren had basically the same relationship to figure out back before the series started and I WANT that, very much. I need to see a young Tabini, almost as reckless as Cajeiri, and just as stubborn, deciding that he’s going to try and acquire a human for real, and damn anyone who says he’s not aiji enough to win man’chi from a human.
And baby Bren who, against his better judgement, against EVERYTHING HE WAS TAUGHT AT UNIVERSITY just can’t HELP himself but feel something for this smart, funny guy.
 (And see unsurprisingly with this description when I try to write it, it always turns Tabini into the Silent Hero, and Bren into the Innocent Maiden with a Pure Heart and Ilisidi is the Disapproving Parent, and it becomes this weird romance novel trope that I can’t quite come to terms with.)
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aldieb · 2 years ago
ok when does foreigner jump the shark. i’m starting the third trilogy and still having fun although i do have to say that the pacing on the 6th book was really janky. and i simply cannot believe that 20+ books continue to be super good
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notwhelmedyet · 2 years ago
amount I prefer reading paper books over ebooks: currently placing interlibrary loan requests for each book in the Foreigner series one by one (looking up the required publication dates, ISBN numbers, doing the stupid Captcha and identifying photos of bicycles) and waiting 3 weeks rather than read the ebook i have available literally right now
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boredkitt545 · 3 months ago
Just started Defiance, and omfg it's so good. Just three chapters in and I've ugly cried twice.
Bren's focus on getting Illsidi to Najida is multilayered. When he mentioned it would be the perfect place for her to heal, I teared up because he knows for sure it's the perfect place for healing. It's where he took Banichi to heal. Banichi, his beloved salad. In Bren's mind, he wants Illsidi somewhere he instinctually feels is safe because she is so important to him.
And Caijeiri (please excuse my autocorrect if the names are butchered) making the decision to give up Boji, both for Boji's safety and the safety of his household. Realizing he's growing up and has no way to stop it, and everything's changing and some of it's good but most of it is out of his control - absolute chef's kiss. Top tier writing.
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fansideblogtocjcherryth · 2 years ago
yo k-she-rambles , how could you hide this in the tags? Its just too good
#so dramatic#banichi is a lot more patient#about human things after this though#bren's outburst that *he* bends over backwards#to *be* atevi#just for all the atevi to summarily ignore his humanity#does seem to hit a nerve#especially i think after the tea incident#and even more so after tabini orders them to let ilisidi do what she wants#i think they get bren's realization before he does#that the real difference between man'chi and love is specificity#man'chi is a single word for a single thing#while love is a single word for a bunch of things#with a bunch of associations#atevi man'chi is instinctual#and all those other things that humans would group under love#preference; familial loyalty; attraction#are more cautious and more concious#and everyone knows they are subservient to man'chi in the end#while humans give out all those other things#enthusiastically and recklessly (to atevi)#and instictually#and atevi are suprised and alarmed that all those things#*are* the important things to humans#they have no man'chi#no ultimate authority or shared loyalty tying them together#it makes them unpredictable and adrift to atevi eyes#while humans look at atevi and are like#have you no concept of love?#foreigner series
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Are you fucking kidding me my dude.
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stonefaced-skink · 1 year ago
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dragontober day 16: banichi!! multi eye 1st gen aether, one of the first guys i got when i started playing again. i love the moth-cat feel of aethers
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oodlesodoodles · 1 year ago
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karalynlovescake · 2 years ago
Extra important since she has ret-conned how the Assassins Guild works like 3 times at this point
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Love it when a book starts with "before we get into this you need to know how assassination works." Great start.
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pomea · 1 year ago
"Are you all right?" "Sometimes I think I've failed. I don't even know. I'm supposed to understand you. And most of the time I don't know, nadi Jago. Is that failure?" Jago blinked, that was all for a moment. Then: "No." "I can't make you understand me. How can I make others?" "But I do understand, nadi Bren." "What do you understand?" He was suddenly, irrationally desperate, and the jet was carrying him where he had no control, with a cargo of dead and wounded. "That there is great good will in you, nadi Bren." Jago reached out and wiped his face with her fingers, brushing back his hair. "Banichi and I won over ten others to go with you. All would have gone. —Are you all right, nadi Bren?" His eyes filled. He couldn't help it. Jago wiped his face repeatedly.
c.j. cherryh, foreigner
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fansideblogtocjcherryth · 1 year ago
Here I made some Transparent png of the foreigner book covers if any one needs them. probably part 1 of something 1/?
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queerian · 2 years ago
I firmly believe that Bren has potential chemistry with Banichi, Tabini, and Jace
How many times is Bren gonna think about or tell someone how much he *needs* Jace eh
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not-a-space-alien · 1 year ago
Hi , I have a question.
So do you have any ideas for ship fiction situations based around bren × his ashid , Bren x tabini and/or bren x ilisidi.
You see I was planing on making a fiction for you but I do not have a lot of ideas.
The only idea is this very nsft wet dream or just romantic dreams fiction of bren having dreams around tabini , tano , algini , jago , and banichi separately.
Any better ideas then the one I got?
I think those are great ideas! :D
Personally, I love scenes with Bren x Jago, since there's a line in one of the books about it being awkward due to their size difference 😳 I also uhh love the idea of Bren x his entire ashaid just in a big pile because they can 😳😳 👉👈
if you're writing it specifically for ME (that's great ♥) Let's just say I uhhhh don't mind nsft 👀 not in the slightest
I don't have any good ideas though, unfortunately xD
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sylvanauctor · 1 year ago
banichi and jago kind of offended at the implication that there was ever a chance
If you didn't want to be assimilated into my found family then you should have killed me when you had the chance
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