#bangtan meets harvest moon
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vminity21 · 5 years ago
Harvest Moon | ksj, kth [Sneak Peek]
Pairing: VeggieFarmer!Seokjin x Farmer!Reader, Florist!Taehyung x Farmer!Reader, farmer!au 
Word Count: 2.5k (currently)
Genre: romance/angst/fluff/potential smut
Warning(s): language, mention of death, potential smut
Summary: When your father’s death leads to you taking over his farm, you never dreamed of returning to the place you once called home. With doubts lingering on if you can accomplish such a goal of replenishing his farm, your best friend Kim Seokjin begs to differ, encouraging you with the reminder of how you helped mold and shape the island of happiness where he resides. Upon arrival of the town, you meet a mysterious florist who beckons your heart with every flower petal blooming across your heart amongst many other available, yet dashing bachelors. Alas, your heart is deeply conflicted for you still hold love for the man you left behind. Whomever will you choose?
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Trampled grounds provide sporadic patches of grass along the land where numerous trees keep their distance on either side of the widened path. Brown dust springs underneath trotting hoof beats; the creaky carriage follows behind the pale, white coat of your horse who keeps his gaze ahead while your grip tightens nervously on the reigns. Your father left you his farm- one that has not been effectively used since he was moved into a hospital that is days away from the destination you are currently heading. It was hard enough to accept the day of his passing, but the locket panging against your chest leaves the reminder that he will always be with you no matter where you are.
The farm was just a placeholder until you could venture elsewhere, raising your horse, Prancer, that was gifted to you as a colt by your best friend, Kim Seokjin. He stayed behind in the small island that you helped revive, tending to his crops while he traveled for his job, and knowing your love for animals, he brought home Prancer in hopes of lifting your spirits to take your mind off your father who was battling a sickness that ultimately took his life. Seokjin was also aware of the ponders involving your mother whom you never knew, yet the wonderment on whether she still exists upon the earth or within the heavens swarms you every day. Father never seemed to talk about her very much, and whenever you pressed him, he would shut the subject down leaving you just as confused as you were prior. Eventually, you dropped the topic and focused on the relationship with your father which brought the pair of you closer, and you could not have been more grateful for that.
A random sign off the open trail floods your vision to show you are going the right direction. Slightly crinkled letters are pinned by the bottom of your thigh to prevent them from flying in the wind- one written as a farewell from Seokjin, the other the final letter your father ever wrote to you. Tears blur your sight sparking a mild burn to your nose- your heart is heavy because you miss them, and the doubt of bringing your father’s farm back to life terrifies you, yet you want to honor him- make him just as proud of you as he was when he was alive.
“Are you sure about this?” Seokjin’s voice etched into your memory, him hooking the cart to Prancer’s saddle before patting the horse’s shoulder where the animal reacts with the panniculus shiver of its skin. Flies buzzed in the glee of the warm weather, you swatted one away from your face, trying to suppress the budding anxiety formed beneath your chest.
“I think so,” you murmured, fighting the urge to cry before folding your arms across your chest. A dull floral handkerchief is tied into your hair, matching the orange-tinged plaid splayed upon the material of your dress where red stockings parade your legs that complement the musty, brown of your laced boots. A red vest tied in with a belt strapped around your waist put a finishing touch on the outfit- an outfit you threw together with the intention of putting on a good impression for the townspeople you would be re-introducing yourself to after all this time.
“Hey,” the tenderness of your best friend’s voice echoed, and you met his eyes with evident doubt on whether you were making the right decision. “You’re going to be great.”
“How do you know?”
He rested his hands on your shoulders, gently squeezing while he never broke eye contact, “The people here will never forget the hard work you put in to bring it all back to what it used to be. I will never forget. If you can revive an entire island, design a bridge as well as countless boats to be able to travel to the countryside, raise a horse, tend to my crops, and God knows what else you can do; then, I know you can replenish your father’s farm.”
Seokjin was right despite your disbelief, but when you have a goal, you were trained to accomplish it. “I’m scared,” you confessed, Seokjin sighing understandably as he pulled you to his chest. The feel of his arms encompassing your frame brought a comfort you know you will wish for while being away; you buried your tears into his flannel, the tip of his chin rested on the side of your forehead as he swallowed the lump in his throat, sadness brimming his eyes that he squeezed shut. Seokjin took you in when you had nowhere else to go; in the desperation of moving six years ago when you were eighteen, he discovered you exhaustingly fighting your fluttered eyelids within a café you chose to rest after engulfing a bowl of spaghetti. The conversation led to a prominent connection that developed into a friendship you had always dreamed of. With how hard you worked growing up on your father’s farm which felt like a lifetime ago, you only had known the townspeople enough to help provide for the land more so than building friendships, but maybe for once, this could be a change? And, maybe the same people aren’t there anymore? Maybe it will be a difference in scenery compared to when you were younger? Maybe the nostalgia would be good for you?
There are repressed feelings you may have had for Seokjin that you never put into words, but when he held you, you knew you wanted a goodbye that was more meaningful to both of you. Or, what you hoped would be for him just as much as you. His arms loosened just a mere fraction, your hands gracefully moving to the collar of his shirt, though you were paused with ajar lips as your breathing slowed. His eyes enlarged when he realized there was some form of contemplation hidden in your expression, and when he noticed how close you were, he bowed his head enough, timidly wondering if you both were on the same page. You hadn’t taken your eyes off him, absorbing anything and everything of him as much as you could with the fear of not knowing when you would get to see him again depending on what would be demanded of his job.
“Jin,” you whispered, your eyes flitted to his lips, feeling your heart ramming along your ribcage. If he rejected this then you knew it was not meant for you to express your heart the way you longed to for six years; you had not wanted this yearning to be considered as something that was too late, but something that could be reminisced upon as something good. Something that defined the love the two of you had for each other even if it was not seen as more than a friendship. “I don’t- I don’t want to lose you-”
“You’re not,” he panicked, bringing your gaze back to his, “You’re not. I will write to you as often as I can. I promise you; this will not be the last time we see each other; if I have to borrow a boat, or a horse, or both, you bet I’m going to visit.”
The rise of a small smile filled your mouth at his words because you knew he meant them. “I’ll miss you,” you breathed, your forehead leaning into the crook of his neck.
“I’ll miss you more,” the pair of you remained embraced with the seeping reality that tomorrow would never be the same, and stepping into this new normal meant being apart which neither of you was honestly ready for, but you knew your duty was to create a new life in what your father left for you, and deep down you knew Seokjin wanted you to do the right thing. Bravery painted its part on your soul sparking the subtle gesture of you pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. He hardly pulled away- only enough to read your eyes that glimmered with prominent adoration which mirrored the exact way he felt about you. 
And, that was the answer you needed when his palm cupped your cheek instantaneously to the way his soft kiss covered yours almost urgently. You knew you were in love with him, and that you always will be, but timing may not have been on your side as you so pleaded. Seokjin tasted the salt from the tears that dripped upon your cheeks, tearing his heart in every direction for if he could take the pain away from all that you had been through, he would. He remembered the day you first were read the will, and there you were two years later, finally making the decision that Seokjin knows will change your life for the better. If only, he could find a way to live that dream with you, he would go to the ends of the earth.
His hands glided to your waist, fingers tightened piningly for you to stay, but he did not voice it because he refused to put himself before you. The kiss slowed in a loving pace where your mind soared beyond the clouds, not wanting to find the will to stop. The moment was real. And, it was beautiful. Your hands remained on his chest, dazed eyes connected when you inched away, hearts pounded in unison, and neither of you spoke, just stared in blatant awe. That was when he pulled a folded sheet of paper from his back pocket, a letter you have not read yet, but intend to do when finally settled into your soon-to-be home. The cool air had brushed your face reminding of the dried trails left behind from when you cried, and at the splash of a tear hitting Seokjin’s cheek, you dried it, your thumb remained, steadily reaching to place one more lingering kiss, “It’s always been you, Jin.”
You broke down when you found your place on the carriage, commanding Prancer to march, repudiating to look back because if you would have seen a man almost brought to his knees in the heavy brink of heartbreak, you would have never left. Mind spinning with the feel of Seokjin’s kiss, there has been one too many times that you almost turned the cart around to rush back into his arms and forget about the farm waiting beyond the horizon, but the remembrance of your father must live on, and rebuilding what he once created may bring you the extent of peace that you need.
The moon dims into a shade of darkened orange prompting the start of finding a vacant area of rest off the side of the dirt road. Your father taught you all you needed to know which ignites a tiny giggle at the memories of unintentionally impressing Seokjin with the skills you happened to already know. A break in a patch of trees enters your vision and you click your tongue multiple times to signal Prancer to ease his steps, and with the reigns, you direct him into the space. Owls hoot in the distance mingled with the chirps of crickets and the ribbiting of frogs, and body aching, you stiffly stand before hopping down, gathering the letters and gripping them between your fingers. If only you thought to sew pockets into this dress.
The mayor’s wife who used to babysit you from time to time when your father traveled happened to teach you to sew, and when it became what you argued to be a healthy addiction, you eventually filled your closet with new designs until you grew out of them- inspiring you to create more and more as time flew by. Opening the carriage, you lay the letters upon the comfy seat of where you originally plan to sleep, but you move to unhook Prancer from the cart, scanning the grounds for any sticks or debris. The crackle of a mini bonfire is an idea that forms, and once you collect the materials needed, you fester a fire, waving your hands near the smoke while Prancer lazily gapes from a distance.
It is comforting. Nature encircling the atmosphere with a serenity that sweeps your heart, and the stars glowing above in the vast shade of darkness remind you to count them, helping you slip into slumber before the random snap of twig perks your eardrums prompting your eyes to fly open.
‘Shh you idiot, you can’t let her see you yet!’ ‘Oh! Calm your horses, Guppy, I’m pretty sure she didn’t hear me now shut up-’ ‘Guys, seriously, we need to make our presence known without scaring the daylights out of her, now where’s Taze?’ ‘Probably out looking for Harvest Goddess, who else?’
Heart increasing in pace, you swallow the dry taste in your mouth while the squeaky voices rumble in rustling bushes, nowhere to be seen. Tempting to speak, your fingers dig into the ground, wondering when the steps of the intruders will end, but they continue their bickering. Furrowed eyebrows, you raise slowly to your feet; you never imagined ever needing a weapon, but laying nestled in your carriage is nothing other than a pocket knife that you now want to kick yourself for not keeping with you. Carefully, you press your booted feet along the grass as lightly as you can without causing the sound of a crunch, and with gritted teeth, you determined to discover what lies beyond the brush, your hands bundle into the skirt of your dress in a tense cling.
‘Oh no! She’s coming- Look what you did!’ “Me!? I didn’t do anything!’ ‘Oh yes you did, you shouldn’t have worn those new shoes LenLen, I told you they were too loud!’ ‘Just because they have sparkles on them does not make them loud! AH-’
Frozen, your eyes panic when the rattling leaves of the bush upsurges to gush out a miniature being who stumbles uncontrollably trying to gather its bearings. Gasping, you stare in awe at the tiny frame clothed in purple where dark strands braided into pigtails poke past elf-like ears from a hat embellishing her small head. Tilting in confusion, you have never seen anything like this before, and the sight leaves you speechless as her dizzy countenance and frantic eyes finally calm to where multiple of you becomes one.
“AH!” She screams, throwing her arms in front of her face, rigid in apparent fear. “Please don’t hurt me for waking you up! I- I didn’t mean to!”
Fingers untightening from the hold you have on your dress, you cautiously crouch to more of the being’s level, tainted nerves still evident in your expression, you are, rather, relieved that this little girl is the definition of harmless. “I’m not going to hurt you,” you promise, reaching tender fingers to tug her arms from her rosy face, “My name is [Y/N], by the way.” Eyeing you, the, what you assume is an elf, relaxes- looking at you fully while her lips scrunch shyly.
“I’m- I’m LenLen. I’m one of the Harvest Sprites assigned to watch over you.”
Harvest Sprite.
The sharp leap of your heart halts you in your tracts. Harvest Sprite? You have heard of the stories involving Harvest Sprites when you were a kid, yet you always associated them with nothing more than a
“You’re real?”
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therealmintedmango · 3 years ago
Cerberus - Part Two and a Half
Genre: Werewolf/ Shifter AU; Medieval AU; Strangers-To-Lovers AU; Heavy Angst; Soulmate AU; Eventual romance/ smut
Rating: NC 18+, Explicit
Words: 900+ (Just kind of a teaser to get me back into writing this story!)
Pairings: (Eventually) ot7 BTS x Human Female Reader
Warnings: Dark themes; Possible Yandere Vibes in the future; Death; Gore; Murder/ Killing; Implied Incest (nothing happens - I promise); Mentions of being naked/ being seen naked; I think that’s it.
Tag List: (Please notify me if you wish to be added/ no longer want to be apart of the tag list!) @openup-yourmind , @deeepvibes, @heoniebaby, @xxsunny-side-upxx
Cerberus Playlist (Let me know if you have a good song to add to the playlist and I’ll chuck it in there!
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A shot from the nose of a gun rings out in the middle of the wood. The sound is jarring, spooking the horses they ride upon— but, only for a moment. Mid-mornings are for the prince’s to have a moment to themselves, to talk and convene, like their own personal meeting that takes place every day. Just the seven brothers, safe for the horses, the hunting dogs that yelp and yip with glee, and some trusted staff who have loyal tendencies in their sinew and marrow. Small woodland creatures scatter as the pheasants the group were tracking are flushed from their hiding spaces in the thicket.
For they all weren’t blessed to have been birthed under the warm and pregnant harvest full moon like they were.
“Excellent shot, Hoseok.” Taehyung smiles his boxy grin at his elder brother as he directs his horse to be placed next to his.
A trail of hot breath exited the mouth of the third-eldest, whipping and whispering away into the afternoon air. The loudest, most outgoing brother always seems to become lethally quiet when he is focused; eyes trained and nerves unwavering. He would surely be Bangtan’s tactical genius or a general one of these days. Hoseok reloads and fires at the bird with ease, directing one of their staff to go retrieve his fresh slain kill. His wolffish grin is not lost, his brothers echoing his silent, devious smirk as they clap their leather gloves together.
“I feel bad leaving her back at home by herself.” Jungkook turns his head back to the direction of their foreboding estate, his smile faltering.
“Come now, she’s not a child.” Yoongi scoffs, smoothing the hairs on his horse's neck. “She is free to do as she pleases. I see no band on her finger.”
“I know.” Jungkook retorts with a low growl. “Do we think she was being hunted?”
“Who would want to hurt an angel that divine?” Taehyung rumbles, his timbre darkening with the thought.
“She’s awfully frightened.” Jimin says.
“Speak for yourself.” Yoongi grumbled under his breath, but they all heard his remark regardless.
“She might be a liability, hyung.” Namjoon sighs, looking out at the bright horizon of the wood, the sun hanging very high in the pale blue sky. “What if it’s a trap and she is a witch or a demon or worse sent from our friends beyond this world?”
“She is human.” Hoseok sneers, lip curling. “She is human. You can smell the earth and sweat on her flesh.” His eyes flashed a danger deep amber as he shot the last of the flock of game bird.
“Let’s not waste anymore time.” Seokjin asks over the din of the dogs barking in delight and his brothers bickering atop their steads. He raised his brows and they all quieted down at once. “Though she seems harmless and is quite stunning, we have to approach this diplomatically.” The brothers all nod. This was the way it worked here. “I will go down the line in our regular fashion and I want you to tell me if she stays or goes.”
Seokjin’s amber gaze drifted to the second born brother. “Yoongi?”
“Stay.” Yoongi said, almost a little too quickly.
“Stay.” Hoseok cut him off, nostrils flaring in annoyance. “She is staying.”
Seokjin sighs with a soft smile, directing his question next to the next in the line up. “Namjoon?”
Namjoon pauses, looking down at his leather saddle, weighing his decision heavily. “Goes.”
“Stay.” Jimin did not wait to be called on, his soft smile was endearing, his pale cheeks flushed. From the cold or from the girl, Seokjin could not tell.
“Me too.” Taehyung speaks up, eyes narrowing at his older brother. “Stay.”
“She has to stay, hyung.” Jungkook looks between Namjoon and Seokjin. “She belongs here. With us.”
“My vote is she stays.” Seokjin nods, his rich orbs finding his very intelligent middle brother who looks away. “However, any witchcraft or mysterious activity with her and she is out. She is to be treated with the highest respect like we would a royal guest. I do not want you lot courting her; do not disrespect her or our name in the process of her staying with us. We have to figure out who she is…and why was she in the wood and from our neighbors from the south, no less…” He exhales a breath looking at each of his brothers faces. Their attention was focused solely on him as he says, “Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal.” Yoongi smirks, his white hair reflecting the bright sun as they make their way back through the forest, their birds and dogs in tow. The meeting was drawing to a close on this fine afternoon.
“Let’s make sure she is comfortable during her stay in Bangtan.” Seokjin smiles, some malice and mirth behind his lush lips and soft tone, his pointed canines glimmering like freshly washed china.
One of their hound dogs lets out a wail of a hound and most of the brothers can help but laugh.
Author’s Notes: I hope y’all listen to the playlist when reading! It’s still a work in progress, so don’t judge it too much! Also, I really want to focus on this story so I’ll be channeling my attention into this story when I’m not at school or at work! Xoxo
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