#banger soundtrack and i REALLY like the fact that like. theres no dialogue for so Long into the movie bc. theyre horsies
not a personally horse girl but i believe in their beliefs (spirit stallion of the cimmaron)
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bmpmp3 · 5 years
does a funky little dance
i just finished watching the first three seasons of channel zero and im gonna have some opinions about em :D
season one candle cove is.....odd.....im pretty sure its bad.......the acting is weird, the pacing was weird the dialogue is weird, the themes and motifs are all over the place, it has nothing to do with the candle cove creepypasta but i feel like if you hadnt read it youd be confused.......but i kinda love it? i thought i didnt care for it but i cant stop thinking about it and i think i love it i dunno man THERES TEETHBOY.......WHATS THE DEAL WITH TEETHBOY......like i know its his twin brother but why....the teeth motif? the skin takers called the skin taker but they only use skin as a spooky horror thing in the last ten minutes.... why teeth? oh well i love u teethboy, u do u the pacing was high key garbage, it was like slow down.... grab the wall....speed up now... gas pedal like it was be super slow for like half an episode and then like twenty things would happen in 3 seconds and then itd be slow again, it was just some Weird Pacing qwq the weirdest thing to me tho is the fact that the main character had a kid? like he was acted so weird and twin peaks-y that i was like.....this man Cannot Legally Fuck does that make sense? am i making sense? in conclusion i didnt care for it but then i loved it and its my favourite season so far i also adore the original creepypasta (was the thing that got me into creepypasta in the first place as a kid) but i went in expecting it to be nothing to do with the creepypasta~ i was just hoping for a wild ride and I Got It :D
SECOND SEASON the no end house.....so the original creepypasta i had read and i did like it a lot! but i wasnt as obsessed with it as i was candle cove, plus despite reading the no end house sequels i didnt care for them as much as i liked the first, they were probably fine? i was just bored by them and i dont remember anything orz anyway so i liked the original story but again i wasnt expecting it to be super similar or anything lol, the season was really good though! i think this one, out of all of them ive seen, is probably the most well done? there was some pacing weirdness but mostly it was great, and again with the theming and motif weirdness (what was the deal with the glowing orgasm orb) but for the most part is stayed consistent! i really liked it a lot, also jules and margot are in love, otp the acting was good i think, the visuals could be a little boring as times but it had some cool stuff, the villian reveal i thought was great, the soundtrack has some Absolute Bangers, it was a good time! i dont have a lot to say about this one, its my second favourite season next to candle cove but id also recommend it more than the first season ‘cause its technically better lol, its just a solid season i think , some Good Stuff (what Was the Deal with the glowing orgasm orb tho)
THIRD SEASON BUTCHERS BLOCK okay so uh just finished this one ten minutes ago... I have.... Many Opinions first things first the original story, Search and Rescue Woods, hmmm well uhh.... its one of my favourite nosleep stories of all time but uh.... you dont really need to know about it in the slightest to watched this season lol which isnt really a problem! like i said before im watching these less as completely faithful adaptations of creepypastas and moreso hoping theyre able to use elements of the original stories to create a cohesive story for a general audience who knows nothing about the originals? thats what i want from any adaptation really qwq (candle cove kinda failed this but no end house did this great!!) and I think butchers block did that but uh.... its kinda wild to me that they looked at all the crazy shit in the SAR series and were like “lets take nothing from these stories except that sometimes theres staircases in it” like GENUINELY....it has nothing to do with the stories its kinda surreal? did they get a lot of complaints about the creepypasta stuff being too hard for general audiences to follow? so they just abandoned it? not bad....just weird qwq ANYWAY THE ACTUAL SEASOn uhhh i had a lot of trouble watching most of it, some of the gore i thought was like....cmon man..... chill but also the first two episodes made me Really Nervous because 1) not a fan of when horror media uses physical deformity as a shorthand for spOOooKineSS like in the beginning when they showed the character with the eye thing and were like OH HES SCARY LOOK AT THE EYE THING and i was like its just an eye thing whats wrong (then when he got a knife out he was scary but like....cause of the knife) but luckily it seemed to tone that down later and 2) the whole theme of schizophrenia cause I mean if any of yall are into horror you too know that horror tends to not be...tasteful with mental illness qwq and im still not sure if in the beginning it handled it well, but by the end it seemed to kinda get its feet on the ground and figure out where its going with it and it was a lil more tasteful? like by the end it was less demonizing people with schizophrenia and more exploring both fear of your own genetic diseases and like letting that fear consume you? the theme was interesting, i still dont know if it was done well or not agsdjkasds i dont have that much experience with schizophrenia so take my opinions with a lot of grains of salt orz the pacing was fine, the acting was fine, the imagery was really good at some parts but again some of the gore felt like... a little much? maybe i just wasnt a fan of the long unbroken static shots of self harm, had to look away for a lot of that qwq the sound design was interesting! i had trouble keeping track of the characters of the Peach family,....who was who....what was whos deal... girl i dunno it was okay, wasnt the biggest fan ‘cause it always felt on the edge of a slippery slope into some more distasteful horror tropes? the acting was good and i think the pacing was solid Luke is the best character and i love him and hes so good
anyway i should watch the fourth season sometime, the dream door, hopefully its good!
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