#banger ship name btw
dolly-is-cool · 1 month
every time riot calls olivier ollie i gain +1 year on my life
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robinfollies · 5 months
you’re really special, you’re so next-level! ❤️‍🔥🌈💫
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burn pygmalion album art redraw featuring pandora and verity 🫶 the entire album is in my panderity playlist so!! twas inevitable, truly :3c
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zirconpetals · 2 years
Gustholomule is the only bootleg Lumity I respect.
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itstokkii · 4 months
All these anons just make me want to talk about Turkey more. What are your favorite Turkey headcanons? Personally I love to think that Sadik writes poetry in his spare time, and is very, very good at it.
As someone who ships Turkfra because of how fascinating the history between France and the Ottoman Empire is (Franco-Ottoman alliance) I like to think that they would both really bond over each other’s rich poetry culture. Not to mention their rich cuisines. Maybe they cook together in the evenings, or take turns cooking and surprising each other with elaborate dinners.
Youre so right
aph turkey hcs
- physically he's around 180cm, perhaps he had visible muscles during the ottoman empire period but he's mellowed out now and let a little softness take over his form. He put on a little bit of weight bc he's a sweet tooth but it fluctuates from time to time.
- definitely keeps cat treats in his pocket for the stray cats of istanbul!! and when he fishes he leaves a portion for the cats to eat!
- while he is a cat person and owns cats(one of them is named tombili 🥺), he also owns a few dogs too! he probably gets along with germany on that part(maybe korea? though korea owns the cute fluffy tiny dogs that feel the need to eat your face off when it makes eye contact with you).
- is a man of the kitchen. aside from cooking the most banger meals, he dabbles in tweaking recipes or creating new ones altogether! ive seen enough turkish dessert accounts on instagram to know he'd make a bomber cake with coconut shavings, or a pretty good custard.
- the coconut shavings are important btw they're like on every single homemade turkish chocolate cake for some reason??(source: baby tokki grew up with a lot of turkish family friends)
- sorry i have to do this but...he has mediocre drip 🥲 sometimes he dresses like your average old man or middle aged dad and then sometimes it's so obvious that he's trying to dress like the youngsters.. he def has his knockoff Adidas tracksuits and they always come in clutch
- he's not an old man however. he was born as one of the many tribes running around in the seljuk era before he eventually became the ottoman empire. physically...around his mid 20s to early 30s?
- and cuz he has turkish dad vibes...he regularly watches soccer games. like he lays down on the couch elbow propped up eating pistachios as he watches soccer in a Galatasaray shirt(actually turkish fans of hetalia pls tell me who hed be a fan of bc I don't regularly watch turkish soccer)
- regularly plays volleyball!
- life of the party at weddings tbh, especially those rural ones
- very hospitable! he'll arrange a table full of treats and black tea for you and won't take no for an answer as he brags about how hospitable he is.
- when you're at his house DO NOT EVER suggest getting takeout. he will stare at you with a >:0 face
- WILL spill the tea over tea. man's got enough connections to tell you abt who's cheating on who etc. while he has his whole spread of treats and black tea out he'll keep you up on everything. when he goes "Ok so basically" that's when you brace yourself because OH BOY is someone in a secret relationship with someone else and that person you'd always assumed was super shy actually sprinkled salt on their ex's backyard
- the ac in his istanbul apartment keeps breaking(good luck with that man 😔)
- that's why in the summer he spends a big chunk of his paycheck on icecream. bro makes sure to always have icecream stocked on him at all times(just like me fr !!). he'd even eat it in the winter he loves it that much.
- also at the same time he drinks hot tea in the 40-50 degree summer as well, another win for the turkuzbek fans !
- big into architecture, and back in the day it was custom to write a poem to commemorate a new building. he definitely wrote a few but spent forever thinking about how to write it and pissed a lot of people off because they were waiting for the poem lol
- i actually really like fraturk's dynamic! because theyve got a lot of history together, it would be terrible to ignore. i think they have definitely gotten together during the Franco-Ottoman alliance lol.
- one time the french wanted to flex on austria × spain by going "oh yeah??? well we got turkey!!" and commissioned a huge super ornate crown to gift to suleiman the great. see the funny part about this is um. the turks didn't wear crowns. so suleiman never wore it lol
turkey, holding the crown: uhmmmm... wall decoration I guess?? this is awkward
- the name "turquoise" comes from the French "turkish" to describe the gem. i guess that's a fraturk win??? since we all associate that color with turkey now
- they'd probably try to one up each other with the dinners they cook! (can france handle lahmacun??? tune in later today at 11pm to find out !!)
- coffee guy x tea guy with the whole parisian coffee culture and turkish tea culture thing. (except I mean. turkish coffee also exists so)
- I wanna think france tries to help turkey with his drip situation but. turkey always got that inner middle aged dad in him it's not going anywhere
- bulgaria likes going to turkeys place cuz the stuff there is dirt cheap ~~~~!!! rip the lira you would have loved economic stability
- speaking of bulgaria, bulgaria greece and turkey argue a lot over who invented yogurt. turkey thinks he's got a stake in it because of the etymology of yogurt(yoğurtmak), but like the bacteria to make yogurt is called lactobacillius bulgaricus, but everyone thinks of greek yogurt...yeah you can see why they're all arguing
- speaking of arguing he's ratioed saudi a couple times on twitter lol
- he also posts those ironic turk/turan copy pastas as well
- egypt kinda doesn't like him. during the ottoman empire turkey launched egypt to suppress arab revolts like a pokemon.
*putting down fingers* "the greeks don't like us, egypt doesn't like us, saudi definitely doesn't like us....bulgaria likes us cuz we're a cheap travel destination for them..." - my turkish business teacher in highschool, 2023
- gets along well with korea(uhoh BIAS incoming !!!) due to their history beginning from the korean war. the turkish brigade was the only military unit that built a school for korean orphans. there's a story of a soldier taking care of a korean orphan, but he wasn't able to adopt her. they were separated for years after that until one day they reunited. they'd also suffered the third most losses in the war. that's why we call turkey our "older brother country."
- there's even a turkish culture center in seoul(which baby tokki went to a lot lol). recently turkish kaymak has been trending since one of the top korean celebrity chefs paik joongwon visited turkey a while back to try food. people have been traveling to turkey to go to the exact stores and try those foods as well. there's a lot of kebab shops in korea! the turkish presence in korea was the starting point to accommodate muslims in korea as well.
- all of this to say korea and turkey have a mutual admiration and korea definitely calls turkey oppa or hyung. korea also tries to get him to change his drip but NOTHJNG CAN DEFEAT THE STEADFAST TURKISH MIDDLE AGED MAN RAAAH 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
- I've said it before I'll say it again: turkey cannot hold a normal conversation with mongolia because he'll always go "OH MY FELLOW NOMAD STEPPE ALTAIC BROTHER HOW ARE YOU DOING!!!" what???
- same with the central asians tbh given their nomadic history as well. he was the first nation to recognize all of their indepences fom russia. he gets along with turkmenistan a lot because they're the closest languages to each other(both in oghuz family) and a lot of turkmens go to turkey to study at their universities! the governments quite stagnant with their policies however, so turkey's having a hard time convincing her to join the turkic council as a full time member. they give me a gojo and megumi vibe for some reason lol
- kazakhstan 🤝 turkey: both having the asian/european identity crisis
- in terms of first meetings, the kazakh khanate and ottoman empire first established diplomatic relations in 1713, and along with uzbekistan, tried to seek turkey's help in the face of an expanding russian empire.
- nowadays, turkey and kazakhstan are the ones to both try to stir up that regional/turkic unity among the central asians. they've gained some small wins along the way lol. in fact, turkey, kazakhstan, and kyrgyzstan were the founding members of the turkic council! kazakhstan admires all that turkey's doing for them but sometimes thinks he's too cocky. actually all the central asians think he's cocky to certain extents lol
- bro gets along a little better with hungary now and that could be because of the whole "huns=turkic?" debate resurfacing in hungary which is why they somehow landed a spot in the turkic council as well???
uzb kaz kyrg turk azer @ hungary: white woman jumpscare,
- he and hungary regularly bother prussia whenever they're in germany lol
- scraps w the netherlands bc tulips come from him!!! not from Licorice Man!!!!!
- fluctuating relationship with iran over the years
- was a fanboy of iran during the seljuk empire until she joined the khwarazmian empire(uzb's mom lol) and then he hated her
- also close with: azerbaijan(who may or may not be his number one fanboy), japan
Here's everything I could squeeze out of my brain lol hope you like it!!
a good chunk of these hcs are by @peonycats and @hetalia-fannn btw!! sorry for not initially crediting u guys i forgot 😭
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ttimecode · 24 days
Just for you bro... more visual novel sneak peaks (its called Blackpowder & Love Letters btw :3c)
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MC's name is Oliver... him and Barry are childhood friends and Barry is absolutely oblivious to Oliver being obsessively in love with him for the past decade 😭
Also I hope this isnt like. Unpleasant to hear because it technically contradicts with your self-ship I HOPE ITS OKAY IM SORRY I BARELY INTERACTED WITH SELF-SHIPPERS BEFORE BAHH
OLIVER HELLO BOY.... SILLYYYY omg also i love how we agree that barry is so oblivious. stupid (affectionate) <3 UAAGGHH IM SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS OFUGUUFH
ALSO ITS OK NO WORRIES i like to think of them in different universes yk.... different canons in my brain ☝️ which is why i also like barry x jacob/karl/jean yk
ouhhh olivarry ily ily pls let them be happy 🥺
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celticbotanart · 1 year
Wrote a very depressing tweet earlier, but was a coward and deleted it.
So, instead of being depressed AF on main, I'll take one of the things I said in it and will elaborate in a much better, healthier manner, which is... gushing about music, my beloved, my hyperfixation ~
In the tweet I mentioned André Matos, a BR singer, composer, pianist with a literal degree in classical music and conducting.
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He became a literal metal legend here in BR specially in the 90s/2000s. Like for real - he was THIS CLOSE to replace Bruce Dickinson when he left Iron Maiden in the early 90s (Andre was in the 3rd place of choice).
Unfortunately, Andre passed away in 2019 at early age of 47 due to a cardiac arrest - it was very sudden and a shock to everybody, it's kind of insane even now looking back and remembering he's gone.
Anyway. That being said, enough with the sad stuff and let's turn this into THE COOLEST THING you guys will ever learn about Brazilian music!! As a kid, Andre Matos was the vocalist of a band named Viper, and later on as a young adult he joined Angra, a band that still exists to this day with other members and vocalists - BTW!!! SMALL PARENTESIS, the vocalist who replaced Andre in Angra, Edu Falaschi, sang the Brazilian version of "Pegasus Fantasy", Saint Seiya's opening theme back then!! Still a fucking banger, and Edu STILL often sings it to this day; Edu isn't in Angra anymore, I think???
But yeah. As you can see, we're already getting epic and complex and I didnt even get to Andre yet lol ANYWAY!! This is Angra with the OG formation with Andre as the lead singer/keyboardist - he's the 3rd one, the pretty boi in the middle, hehe
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Angra was one of the pivotal points in Brazilian hard rock/metal; Sepultura is right there with them, I think - I don't know a lot about Sepultura (that's my sister's territory lol), but I know that much.
I'll skip straight into Angra's stuff cause there's where the good stuff begins!
First album of theirs is called "Angels Cry" and the title song is SUCH a quintessential Angra / Andre Matos song, i swear to gods. And the album art sdkjfhsdkfjshdf it's very Graphic Passion Is My Design. Don't be fooled by the dated album art tho:
Here you'll hear the "classic music interludes" that were very common in Andre Matos' songs due to his background and training in classic music. It's SOOOO 80s and their Iron Maiden influence is SCREAMING, quite literally. Worth mentioning I'm not an Iron Maiden fan lol btw #Poser
Another CLASSIQUE-TM from Angels Cry is "Time".
I'll throw the official videoclip in here because it's hilarious, even though the song slaps ksdjfhskdj (André's corny, pretty metal boi look in his early Angra days is kind of a goal to transNB me, ngl. #GenderEnvy)
WELL, do you guys know folk metal? Like, when we say that, it's usually metal + medieval/European instruments (like Eluveitie, for example).
In 96, Angra did what I like to consider "Brazilian folk metal", metal with BR elements and influences, in their album "Holy Land"
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The concept of the album was like, the great navigations but it was also kind of a commentary in colonization - Brasil is our "holy land", and a lot of the songs feature this epicness and bittersweetness, joy and sorrow of being BR. The songs are in ENG, which is kind of ironic, but still The songs being in ENG is due to a lot of factors tbh, all of them involving the fact that Brazil doesn't embrace metal a lot, and they wanted to to sell their songs outside BR bc of that. Which sucks, but i get it.
Here we have CAROLINA IV, an epic describing a ship at sea, and it also references the Portuguese who arrived in BR back in the 1500s.
The song is all in ENG except the intro, which is a chant dedicated to Iemanjá / Janaína / Iemoja, the orisha of the seas and the most well-known orisha around here, if I'm not mistaken
"Hail, hail Yemoja, Hail Janaína And everything that was made in the waters They throw flowers at the sea God save the Queen And my journey on this sphere An orishas' caboclo Soon leaves the Earth Meeting his fate Where the sky meets the sea He will find his safe harbor And that's how it ends..."
Black culture and religions are strong here in BR, and this chant and the instruments used are a tribute to them <3 If you guys know of or remember Michael Jackson's "They Don't Really Care About Us", that's the same beat/Afro-Brazilian influence - in MJ's song, it was the famous group Olodum who did it, I don't know if they were involved in Angra's Holy Land though. "Carolina IV" is a very long with a lot of changes in pace and even genres (again, classical music interludeTM). It's very epic, very 80s metal, and very Brazilian as well, it has everything I love, ahhh <3
In the early 2000s, Andre left Angra and he and other, previous Angra members formed the band Shaman.
I think it's good for me to reiterate at this point that while we had bands like Angra and Sepultura, the metal genre WAS NOT and NEVER WAS mainstream here in BR.
So, the fact that Shaman became incredibly popular in the early 2000s because one of their songs "became to mainstream" was kind of an anomaly. THIS, MY FRIENDS, is where my story with Andre Matos' music starts. Because this was early 2000s, I was around 13 and the reason why I knew about the band, alongside hundreds of other teens at the time, was because a song by Shaman became soundtrack to a BR telenovela. The telenovela in question was O Beijo do Vampiro ("The Vampire's Kiss") and as the name suggests, it had vampires and 'edgy dark fantasy stuff' cause it was more targeted for a younger audience, as the protagonist was this middle schooler aged boy who was actually the son of a vampire.
The BANGER, THE ETERNAL, EVERLASTING ANTHEM from Shaman they chose as a soundtrack to that freaking telenovela was "Fairy Tale", from their first album "Ritual":
I swear to god, this song is fucking everything to any Brazilian metal fan my age. It was a literal game changer to a lot of us, because this was how we discovered or started really appreciating metal, since we were too young to catch on Viper in the 80s or Angra in the 90's. Other bands like Evanecscence, Nightwish and Linkin Park were also starting to become popular, so a lot of metal styles were coming around around that period.
Including a Brazilian singer that also leaned more towards a heavier sound, Pitty! That song is from her first album.
ANWYAY, BACK TO ANDRE MATOS - I'll make an exception here, and share two versions of the same song. I've shared the official videoclip with the studio recording, and below, is a very beloved live performance from 2003:
I'm sharing both versions because they are slightly different - studio ver starts with a religious chant in latin, and the live version includes a violin, played by Marcus Viana (another conductor and a famous composer of soundtracks for Brazilian shows and movies). In the live ver you can also see Andre Matos SLAYING on the piano because dude was a literal master of his craft ksjdfhksjdf
The song starts all calm with the piano, very lullaby-like, and then BAM!, 80s METAL HAIRFLIP AND GUITARS AND EPICNESS. And then it ends how it started. It's such a beautiful track. I love it so much, such a true banger. Makes me nostalgic AF, and I love the "epic tale" nature it has.
Another personal favorite of mine from that time comes from their second album, a track called Born to Be:
I love how it mixes mellow piano lines with heavier metal arrangements, it was kind of their thing and they did it so well! And by the way, I am aware the name of the band / cover of first album might be considered problematic nowadays?? It was the 2000s, unfortunately those things happened a lot. It's looking back into our teen years and realizing things were not as pristine as we remembered fskjdfhksd oh man. But yeah. Aside from that, the songs slap so hard, specially if you like the 80s metal feel. And speaking of the 80s music, Andre covered some pretty badass, daring songs over the years, not only but including... ..."Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" from Journey, which he recorded after he left Shaman and went solo in the late 2000s:
I cannot affirm that for a fact, but I think this cover is sort of a "meme" because it was kind of a recurring joke that Andre Matos sang like Bruce Dickinson but looked like he was Steve Perry's "long lost son". Steve Perry was the most well-known vocalist from Journey. The "Dont Stop Believin" Journey:
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(The picture above is Andre when he was like 15yo in Viper btw dfkjjsdf) And like, this is pretty fucking funny cause if you are here following my art for long enough - like REALLY, REALLY LONG ENOUGH, around 2009 deviantart -, you'll def remember me in my Journey/Steve Perry phase. And my Andre Matos phase too, it was around the same time lol
Madlad decided to make a metal cover of Kate Bush with this falsetto voice and he just. He just did it. DIDNT CHANGE / ADAPT THE LYRICS, EITHER. You'll hear 22 year old Andre Matos in 1993 fucking scream at the top of his lungs HEATHCLIFF IT'S ME CATHY, I'VE COME HOME, I'M SO COLD LET ME IN-A-YOUR WINDOW. And he's singing VERY VERY HIGH NOTES, this song is fucking hard to sing y'all, I'll let you know right now lol. Anyway.
Here was the Andre Matos / Angra / partial Brazilian Metal history for you, and I hope you like the song recs, and if not, I hope you enjoy the trivia at least!
Remembering his music earlier made me nostalgic, but also made me sad, bc a lot has happened ever since 2003 and the "Vampire Telenovela". I've created OCs inspired by him - it was a two-in-one sort of OC, and he's retired for over a decade now; and I didn't do much with him anyway, so no artworks to show.
And I'm seriously considering bringing his music and influence back to a more recent OC (if you read my post about me looking for a new voice to my transitioned OC, that's what I'm talking about). It's a funny way to go back to where some things started.
That (and a lot of other, unrelated stuff) made me super sad earlier.
Andre Matos left us way too soon, and like I said earlier, it's always weird remembering he's dead, because it doesnt feel like that, to me. Maybe the fact I always "forget" he's gone is because his music and influence on me as a person still lives on, which is sort of a comfort~
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snellyfish · 1 year
Obligatory “what did you feel about the new episode” ask 👀💕
HI ive been out travelling and im an old man when it comes to mobile but ill try to gather my thoughts :)
Ace eating disorder represent,,, woo,,,,,, sad party blower sound,, love thst for us,,,, Holds his hand and makes out with him. Also eternally banger voice actor choice for him. Absolutely amazing performance every time he speaks.
Obligatory I love Arei. recently revamped an OC I made 5 years ago and basing a lot of her personality and stuff off of Arei. Just felt like sharing. I love Arei so much I will make her my oc methinks.
THE MOTIVES MADE ME SO FERAL I PAUSED THE VIDEOS SO MANY TIMES AND WAS LIKE AAIOGIGOGOUUGHHHH SO MANY HORRIBLE HORRIBLE FUCKED UP BLORBOS I CANT WAIT TO LEARN EVERYPONY'S SECRETS OM NOM NOM<33 Speaking of which JESUS CHRIST I really feel like the secret motives some ppl held onto, like, REALLY shouldn't have been kept to themselves omg. I'm sure there's been some behind the scenes stuff of characters gaining distaste/distrust/avoiding certain ppl after receiving certain motives;; I'm not entirely sure WHO specifically, but these are like CRAZY things to not warn the rest of the class about. Was David's the one that Arei got? Killed a man with no remorse? Huh? Shoves you pushes you shoves you into locker and swallows the key
The entire time during episode 9 I was trying and failing to open a jar of ice cream so I was a Little out of it, but from what I gather I'm really dumb and not good at mysteries so i have no clue who the hell did it. At one point I asked "alright who killed a man?" but my bestie heard "who killed min?" so I just kept saying that for the rest of the episode and crying of laughter. Guys, be honest, who killed Min- I'm not mad I just wanna know, guys-
Nico continues to piss me off a little. Teruko goes without saying she pisses me off to no end. When everyone started dragging her handwriting I was whooping and cheering and hollering it was so funny GET HER.
I liked how the two main people investigating the corpse were Arturo and Veronika. They really do get a lot of screentime together and it's starting to scare me a little. Is this like subtle ship fanservice or am I about to meet horrors beyond my comprehension as the story and cases develop. I hope one of them kills the other. They're so in love.
I also liked at one point Veronika dragging Ace's ass. They're ALSO in love btw. Yeah I'll ship my top 3 faves together, what else would you expect from me, man
DAVID!!!!!!<3333 I know his ass was lying about history of depression that shit was so funny be honest bro you have unfathomable sins keep it 100% with us. If you turn out to not be fucked up or morally grey ykno I'll be a little disappointed. Just keep it real with us.
The motive that's like "where do I even start, everything about your life is worth killing for" is so funny bc if that was mine I would be like. okay. not my problem. That's so incredibly vague that means NOTHING. I'm also assuming it's Teruko's tbh, it's the only one vague and weird enough for her to be like "imma keep ot real with you chief idfk which of these are mine 🐸"
What else. I'm a little hungover
every time they brought up the fish I was like haha. like snellyfish. I'm an accomplice in Arei's murder and I didn't even know!!
kinda hashtag don't blame Hu for not telling whose motive she got bc it was a little suicide coded and very personal
That's all I'm done I forget what else happened xoxo love you all I love drdt so much--
I lied I just remembered that Eden lesbian (sapphic whatever I don't care) and laughed really hard at the idea of like. Charles opening the motive without reading the name and just thinking like "I'M A LESBIAN?????" real
Eden/Nico could be real if I didn't have a leaning negative opinion of Nico rn. I am still patient and hearing them out for now tho.
Ok Now I'm done.
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eriexplosion · 1 year
Clone Wars - Supply Lines
yes it took me like two months to continue my rewatch don't look at me.
I always forget that they literally named this Jedi a soundalike of "I'm gonna die." I don't know if Ima Gun Di got that name on purpose but still. On the nose much.
Also CHAM. There really is something special about being able to follow the Syndulla family through the years across so many different series. Meet Cham as a fairly young man here in The Clone Wars, meet Hera as a little girl in The Bad Batch, follow along with her through Rebels and Ahsoka. Obviously they're not the only lineage we follow this way but for some reason they do stick out to me and it's something I really like to see.
That said. Where is Keeli. I need to see that boy NOW.
"You are a more experienced diplomat than the representative from Naboo that is already there" god fucking bless. I love that Bail's immediate response to this is UM? SENATOR AMIDALA IS FANTASTIC? And then we get Obi-Wan's hilarious delivery of 'Representative bINKS accompanied the shipment."
Trading off between Jar Jar shenanigans and what I recall to be one of the more upsetting death scenes in the series is certainly a choice. One I don't disapprove of because shenanigans are a relief from seeing my beloved boy Keeli die but still a choice.
Love that Bail's method of diplomacy though is basically just. Politely houldering his way through the Toydarians that say he can't go inside. Actually he CAN go in there and he will, it won't take a minute.
I also quite like the Toydarian king, this episode honestly has a lot of one off and minor recurring characters I like. Keeli still the most though (and he's FINALLY SHOWN UP) so it's great that he's Totally Fine™ and definitely not going to die horribly at the end of the episode.
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Like why give us someone THIS pretty with THAT nice of a helmet and then take him away from us?
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Also he wins for coolest hair.
Master Di's 'turn the whole ship into a bomb' plan is fantastically batshit BTW. Of course it works for what he wants but I love when the first step of the plan is 'okay we need to turn our one source of transport into a GIANT BOMB.'
He also gets a banger follow up line to Gobi with "We counted on Republic assistance, and it didn't come. War turns promises into hopes. I wish it wasn't so. Tell him."
I just actually like Ima Gun Di a lot, which is to put it lightly Unfortunate.
Jar Jar's conceptual work of art that includes stealing all of the dishes and throwing food on the floor in preparation is. Regrettably extremely funny to me. Saving the mission with improv is a plot point that I will NEVER grow tired of.
And then back to the agonies. Master Di's reaction to seeing Keeli fall and then him getting back up while they briefly fight back to back with the music, and him living just long enough to know that their sacrifice mattered this is an absolutely brutally done scene and yes I might be tearing up what of it ;__;
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moonsmultimusings · 6 months
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
most of my muses tend to be picked up by me watching a show/playing a game and going "hey, i like that guy!" and then not having the self-control to stop myself from adding them- lmaO this has kind of always been the case, even before i started writing on tumblr!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
there's a lot of stuff i don't really like writing. i'm not a whump person, and i tend to be bad at writing aggressive dom top characters in general. i'm also uncomfortable with pregnancy as a topic, even if i love the idea of characters raising kids together for the found family sort of dynamic that can lead to.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
i'm a fan of both angst and fluff, mostly! i also really enjoy writing super detailed novella responses, getting deep into the weeds with a character and their thoughts. character explorations especially are fun. i think one of my favorite things to do with a long-running thread is to work in little surprises for my partner (that i have to stop myself from spoiling b/c i'm so excited about what i've got planned-)
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
i feel like a lot of my headcanons come from listening to music, tentatively linking it to characters, and then deciding that i'm going to strengthen that more by adding more details to a character. it's a plague, really.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
i tend to treat writing responses like doing homework in that sense: i listen to music, but only music without lyrics, or with lyrics that i can't understand. otherwise i get too distracted. lofi girl and synthwave boy are my best friends.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
generally speaking, i like to plan out the direction of things like threads. though when it comes to individual responses, i almost never plan them out before i sit down to write them. sometimes i'll stew on them for a bit, come up with a few ideas, and then navigate the process of writing my way up through those ideas.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
i do enjoy shipping! i don't have a lot of ongoing ships right now (because i usually find it hard to ask people if they want to ship with me since i don't have a lot of experience doing that lol) but i would love to have more <3
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
i go by moon online! not my real name, of course.
over 21! in RP terms, i fall in the range of 21-25.
april 20th. funny meme day, i know. the real comedy is when i'm not allowed to put my real birthday in when i'm filling out online forms b/c it will automatically get flagged as spam. it sounds crazy, but it's happened.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
mint green, my beloved <3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
ever??? super hard question. right now, i'd say i've been listening to so you wanna marry daisy a lot, and i can't really explain why? something about the vibes. but this is definitely subject to change lol
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
pretty sure it was weathering with you! i watched it w my partner :3
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i finally finished up the second season of spy x family! also with my partner. i,,, don't watch enough shows on my own lmaO
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
koi by hoshino gen. certified banger, btw.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
OOGH. probably fried rice or, like, garlic naan. i am a carb girlie through and through.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
kind of torn between spring and fall. i love the vibes of spring -- everything turning green again, the rain, the way everything's starting to warm up. it feels energizing, like a fresh start. but i also love the vibes of fall -- the sweaters as it starts to get cold, the crunchy leaves, and the pumpkin pie. why pick one when you can have both?
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
hehe. hehehe >:3c
tagged: stolen! tagging: steal it back, babes <3
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tickle-page · 1 year
Domestic ships Hcs!
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I decided to do my fav ship in Big Mouth!
• What is their love language at home, from subtle gestures to bringing home gifts and spoiling the others?
Matthew gives Jay what ever THE FUCK he needs. At first it be small things like chocolate, or roses, or maybe both, but then it escalated to him buying the other a freaking gum machine? Ig. Jay, on the other hand, he’s a bit of a mess. He’ll give Matthew a cum sock that he made, and/or he’ll give him a pillow made for fucking? Matthew doesn’t want to straight up tell Jay his gifts suck, but that’s his boyfriend, so he did it anyway. Jay wasn’t too hurt abt it at all, very understanding he was.
• Who cooks, who cleans, and who makes the biggest mess?
If you watch Big Mouth, this will not come to a surprise. Matthew cleans all. The. Time. He’s a skilled chef too, believe it or not. Jay doesn’t do anything neat and/or tidy, he makes the messes, leaving his boyfriend to clean them up. Matthew would tickle some sense into Jay every time he sees him leave a mess, which taught him a lot. But he acts like a dog, so he needs a lot of training to not leave messes behind.
• Their most occurring reason for having tickle fights, and who wins them?
As I stated before, Matthew would tickle the living shit out of Jay because he just won’t clean up after himself. Jay hates getting tickled, so he gets his revenge on his boyfriend, which Matthew hates getting tickled too, so he would retaliate and destroy his shorter boyfriend. Jay is just more, and I mean more, sensitive than his boyfriend, so Matthew has the up most needed advantage.
• Who does the groceries, and what do they buy? (Unnecessary things, Healthy/Unhealthy, etc.)
Matthew sent Jay out to do the shopping, once! And once was enough. He came back with loads of icecream, candy, and things to prank his brothers with, but all Matthew asked for was milk and eggs. So Matthew would do the shopping for them because Jay had ADHD, so he’ll get distracted and forget why he came there, resulting in buying unnecessary things. Matthew will buy some vegetables, but he buys non vegetables too, making sure him and his boyfriend gets the proper meal.
• The kind of movies they like to watch together and who picks them?
They have a calendar set, so they know who’s turn it is to pick the movie. They would watch movies every weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and Matthew will pick something kid friendly more so, I see him as a mystery type of guy, while Jay picks something horror or scary. Matthew doesn’t like all of that, so he usually watches like Madea, Jay gets bored of Madea or Matthew’s movies in general, so he puts on movies like “Friday the Thirteenth” or “Chucky”. Jay also scores bc Matthew will occasionally jump towards Jay, hiding behind him while grabbing his arm. He’s much shorter than his boyfriend, so he actually enjoys feeling stronger and bigger than Matthew.
• “Their song”- The song they often dance to and that played/would play at their wedding.
OMG!! They are different in personality wise, but they can agree ON ONE SONG!! And that is dead girl in the pool- Girl in Red IT’S SUCH A BANGER SONG!!
• What kind of pet would they have, and what would they name it?
Jay would NOT leave his pit bull behind, so when he moves in with Matthew he’ll make sure to bring him. His names, Ludacris, btw. But Matthew would want something exotic, like a monkey, and he’ll name him, Gonzo.
• The most trivial things they fight over?
Jay has a habit of pulling pranks because of his older brothers so he’ll forget the pranks are lying around in his house, and Matthew would get stuck in them all the time. This got a stern talking to.
• A wild spider appeared, how do they act?
Spider? Hell naw, not for Matthew. If he sees a spider, he’ll jump on the closet highest thing, screaming for his boyfriend to come and kill it. Jay would come running everytime, only to find a long leg that his dearest boyfriend was scared of, but honestly, same too. Jay starts laughing making Matthew angry and start yelling, “JUST KILL THE FUCKING SPIDER JAY!” Jay giggled some more “Wohohoa, sorry your majesty, I shall slain the monster for thou my dearest husband ordered of me too!” They aren’t married, but I thought it was cute. Jay picked it up and tossed it outside, now Matthew can come down safe and sound.
• Their behavior in bed (does anyone steal blankets, who wakes up first, etc.)
Jay is a MASSIVE bed hogger, he would steal the blankets, snore, and kick in his sleep. Matthew got tired of this so he would sleep on the couch, WHICH WAS HIGHLY DANGEROUS IN JAY’S HOUSE!!! But he just didn’t care. Jay woke up at 12 in the morning realizing his boyfriend wasn’t in bed, only to find him on the couch fast asleep. So him being the MANLIEST and STRONGEST out of the two, he carried his sleeping boyfriend bridal style, and placed him gently in his bed, tucked him in, and went to go sleep on the couch. Matthew would wake up early at like 7 on weekends and 5 on school days, so he’ll find his boyfriend laying on the couch without a blanket, went to go get one, kissed him, and waited till he woke up so they can go to school together. FOR JAY!! This boy sleeps through half the day on weekends, sleeping till one in the afternoon, and he would do the same for school days, if his boyfriend doesn’t come wake him up everytime.
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walnutcookie · 10 months
okok um.
HERBFORT. I HAVE NO IDEA IF ITS PLATONIC OR NOt OR WHATEVER IS GOING ON IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP BIT THERES SOMETHING to me . herb canonically has a little crushie on roguefort or highly respects them and um roguefort deserves the firm plant fella in their life (iys yuri btw. Transfem herb forever)
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Then again, herb could just be like all the other cookies that yearn for roguefort but Fuck I just need to see roguefort watering a plant for their plantfriend
Cherry blossom x Mont blanc (I call them Mont Cheri because of silly French wordplay) I literally have no idea what they have in common I just really like their colors. Also momt blanc made cherry blossom a wedding dress So um. !! Also imagine Mont blanc makes a picnic blanket for her girlfriend. And thry have a picnic together Wouldn't thay be great
LASTLY MY FACORITE EVER. ECLAIR X MADELEINE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH silly knight that rambles with the silly historian that documents his rambles (he also rambles . Btw.) I care them so much they look so sweet together Waaa
I hope this makes sense. Thumbs up
AUUUHHHH FUCK . HERBFORT IS SO CUTE ??? aai love yuri . they should sit in a field of flowers together forever bye. OKAY I LOVE MONT CHERI THAT NAME IS SO CUTE AUAUHHH GODD I LOVE THEM ???? i need to draw rht. All your ships are bangers sobsand cries /VPOS (please tell me more if youd like :3)
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emelkae · 1 year
Hi caramel
For storyday, tell me about the most normal story you've ever written and the most outlandish. According to you, I mean.
Most outlandish one was probably the project I was working on for 2019's Nanowrimo. Basically the plot was:
The zombie apocalypse got started by aliens who wanted Earth for themselves, but they were pacifists and didn't want to go around doing any killing directly
Soooo they took their weird soul crystals and stole a bunch of people's souls with them just as they died, corrupted the souls into blood-madness somehow, and put them back in people's bodies
Because that's so much better than shooting them I guess
That reanimated the dead people with a particular Frenzy for Murder
Then the aliens just kept doing that with people who'd died, creating more zombies and overrunning the Earth with the eventual plan of wiping the planet of humans entirely
A high school girl named Evelyn and her mother Leonie bond as they try to stop the aliens
Not all of which actually support what's happening, btw
They also have the help of a soul named Graham who possesses a gas mask for some reason instead of his own dead body
The main alien POV character was a nervous bisexual wreck
Honestly I could see this as an absolutely banger cheesy 80's horror movie
So... zombies, ghosts, aliens, and blood-family-becomes-chosen-family. I didn't ever finish that story, but I did have loads of fun with it and actually won my first Nano. And I stole the soul crystal idea for the War Machines books.
Most normal one was my attempt at writing a romance when I was around fifteen years old.
Heroine: The extremely typical "I am very snarky and also have been ~burned by love~" (read: she got cheated on, I think) Her name was Holly even though the story had nothing to do with Christmas. I think I just looked up "romance woman names" or something
Hero: Actually not the typical romance hero lead? Like he was a nerd, withdrawn, deeply interested in Science Stuff and had genuinely no interest in falling in love with anyone
But it was 2009-2010 I think, and I was very young and didn't know about aromanticism
So I was trying to force them together through the fact that they both had best friends that were shipping them - y'know, that trope
I hated writing that story
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artekai · 1 year
Just wanted to say I was looking in the reblogs of one of my AITA posts and laughed at your tags then recognized you immediately upon seeing your name from the toxic ship tournament 😭 small world
NO WAY.... YOU'RE THE CEO X AROWANA PERSON...... hiiiiiii I was rooting for those two, they were one of my favorite contenders! Congrats on second place btw!! (even if I'm a little late lol) ^^
Glad to hear my tags made you laugh hehe 8D But you're telling me those other banger OCs were also yours? Kudos to you, then. They sound super interesting ^^
Anyways this is how I feel right now lol. Like two ships passing by in the night...
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bewitchsun · 2 years
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Welcome to my Blog that I will hardly ever use! Previously known as @moegil​ if you want to find some older stuff I post. 
You can mostly find me on Twitter @zasshuu! 
Art Credits: Pinned Post: @liliya  on Twitter Tumblr Blog Header: 風李たゆ
Main Interests:
Final Fantasy XIV
Main Ships: G’raha/WOL, FanWOL ( taking my life away ), EliWOL & EliAzem, & ZenosWOL
I LOVE MY WOL SEIZA MAREBITO ( I have too many comms of her)
I’m lazy at Gposing but I do them sometimes
I love Elidibus. I love Fandaniel. I love G’raha Tia. I love Zenos. 
Genshin Impact
Main Ships: Kamisato Sandwich, Zhongli/Tartaglia, Albedo/Mona, & Cyno/Nilou....Scaramouche/Lumine has been winning me over too
Scaramouche is funny little man ( it’s not because he reminds me of Fandaniel, no, but I love me an unhinged Kakihara )
I love the Archons. 
Main Ships: Gilgamesh/Hakuno, Gilgamesh/Enkidu, & Gilgamesh/Arthur ( wow it’s just Gilgamesh no surprise )
Hakuno Kishinami is my beloved child
if it’s not Gilgamesh, I do not care
Don’t talk to me about FGO, I’m already retired once I reached my goal of NP5 Gilgamesh with Bond 10. 
Touken Ranbu
Main Ships: MikaTsuru, I live for them and I die for them
I hate one Mikazuki Munechika yet here I am with everything about him
Lowkey want to kiss Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Kogitsunemaru does not exist
Ensemble Stars
Main Ships: Anzu X Anybody, The Boys X Happiness
I am an OddBallP ( boomer P name), ReiP, and lowkey HokutoP because he keeps coming home
Young Star used to do back to back Ranking in Basic, who was I
I hate Eichi but I also love Eichi, it must be the blonde lover in me
also put more of the boys in dresses, they are hot
Kamen Rider
Neo-Heisei and Reiwa Fan
Kuroto Dan is literally the best man in Neo-Heisei
BTW, I started off with OOOs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Zi-O made me all warm inside
Gaim has banger OST and I only watched for Baron Kaito lol
Chase is my boyfriend, he’s so handsome I cry
Zero-One starts off the Reiwa era and I’m so grateful, everybody is so good. 
Idols & Stageplays
I love anything idol related. UtaPri, idolish7, Love Live, etc etc
I’m stuck in Hakuouki Musical
oh speaking of Swords again, Musical Mikazuki Munechika what the fuck is going on with you
Other Interests:
I love shoujo manga
I been dying in webtoon lands honestly. I can’t even listen my favorites
VTUBERS!!! I like HoloProduction
I throw my money at artists so they can draw my WOL lol
my friend is dragging me into Dylan Wang hell
Other Socials:
I just live on Twitter
Ao3 I write sometimes, mostly my WOL
toyhouse , it’s just my WOL because she is my BABY
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violentshine · 10 months
ship bingo -> either shadowsight x snowtuft or rootspring x kitescratch
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it's just Dustfire to it's core, and i love dustfire but minus some interest points because i dont like rootspring. I do like Kitescratch (& Turtlecrawl- banger names btw) though, too bad they're been forgotten. Not too many thoughts on them
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
I NEED to know abt the niche animes u were obsessed with PLEASE
Ok be patient bc my wifi is struggling BUT here:
(a lot of them aren't really THAT niche but still, you cannot find much fandom activity these days T-T I do take the opportunity to introduce them to anyone.)
I really like this specific like tone of anime if you get what I'm saying? And it would be easier to give you a list of examples than to explain so:
Monochrome factor. Okay so it does have some *questionable* aspects (there is one episode that is EITHER an interesting look into dysphoria OR transphobic, hard to tell. Also one of the main ships is...well I politely ignore that bc I always wipe it from my mind until I'm watching it and am like "oh right they paired this kid up with a whole grown adult. Forgot about that.") Anyways basically it's a somewhat campy shonen-ai mystery from 2008. Has a weirdly good plot (more towards the end, the start of it has a sort of formulaic plot that is clearly just a framework for the comedy, which is top-notch btw). There are these shadow monsters made from the darkness in people's hearts or whatever standard anime stuff but it gets a lot darker from there. And YES there is a beach episode and YES there is found family and possibly the best redemption arc in all of fiction and look, I was in a very emotional place the first time I watched it but it sure got me. It's objectively not a great show. Poorly written. 11/10 would recommend. Please watch this I need people to talk about it with.
Trickster (my beloved) this crosses into debatably popular territory idk, there are 53 fics on AO3. It's like a high school detective club with sci-fi and supernatural elements, which is always a banger. The MC is a suicidal immortal, so tw for that as well as pretty vivid explorations of trauma. It crosses into (or rather has bought an entire vacation home in) "cringe" levels of emo angst but it's good. It has. the BEST ending which I can't say bc spoilers. But it makes me smile just thinking about it. The main villain, 20 Faces (my beloved) (I will respectfully avoid using his name unless you've gotten to that point in the show) reminds me of the song "Year of the Cat" by Al Stewart but gay (it's the VIBES), which has the unfortunate effect of causing an Al Stewart song to be unironically one of my favorites of all time. One time I asked my mom "how many masks do you think 20 Faces has" and she just stared at me like I was an idiot, at which point I realized.
Descendants of Darkness: okay this one is PURE cringe. It's a shonen ai from 2000 and you can tell. It's also one of those supernatural mysteries I crave though, and I promise the writing gets better as it goes on. The first couple of episodes were so bad I almost didn't watch the rest, which ended up being good (or maybe everything seems good compared to the first ep, idk) I really liked the villain (fucked up unethical doctor, but only when it comes to the necromancy. with his other patients he's perfectly fine), he said so much absolutely fascinating "I would dissect this man" (me about him, though ALSO him to the other characters now that I think of it) sort of stuff as soon as we meet him so then I had to watch the whole thing. I watched it last summer and you could quiz me on what happens and I wouldn't remember. I certainly remember when [spoilers] though bc I wanted to throw my laptop across the room (did not) but it was all a ruse anyways, so it was alright. They did a very stereotypical edgy backstory for one of the MCs but they managed to pull it off so I'll give them points for that. Would recommend but only for those who can handle cringe. Like if you unironically liked Velocipastor, then give this a try.
Mouryou no Hako: This one is a more recent discovery so I'm less obsessed with it, but it's good. Writing-wise better than at least 2 on this list (Trickster was really good actually). If you're the type to be easily confused by sort of surreal, psychological shows with a semi-convoluted plot and enough left unsaid that if you aren't paying attention you won't have any idea what's going on, this is not for you (my dad was a constant stream of "i don't get it"'s and questions). If you plan to spend at least half an hour per day with a singular focus on the screen, it's good.
Two girls become friends, one gets pushed in the way of a train, and mysteries ensue. Also, there's like parts of people shoved in boxes and cult stuff so if that's triggering you probably don't want to watch it. (Did you know there's a text per block limit bc I didn't! lol so now we've left the numbered list)
Since this post has clearly gotten so long SPEED RUN through a bunch more in this niche or adjacent ones that are admittedly more mainstream but I'm also obsessed with: trigun, un-go, tasogare otome x amnesia (manga, haven't watched the anime), karneval, hyouka, ghost hunt, psychic detective yakumo, and there's one more that I keep thinking of and then forgetting that I know I love but cannot for the life of me remember the name, so I'll leave it here.
Sorry the post got so long! I will take any opportunity possible to ramble about these!
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