#bangchan and felix are so cute like brothers 🫶
Bunk Beds
hello!!hope you enjoy this fic! the ending is a little abrupt in my opinion but i wasn’t sure how to fix it, deal with it 😘
side note, i want something to call you guys. any suggestions?
Caretaker: Mostly Chan and some Changbin
Felix woke up in the middle of the night to his stomach churning. He sat up. The stomach ache was quickly accompanied by nausea, and Felix knew he had to get out of this bed. Before he could move to get down the ladder, a harsh gag escaped his mouth, and he knew all  hope was lost for getting down. All he could manage to do was lean over the railing as a thick wave of vomit spewed out of my mouth.
Changbin was woken up to a splash of liquid next to him.  He was definitely very confused until he realized what the sound was coming from. 
The only reply he got was another wave of vomit falling down beside his bed, and Felix’ sobbing. 
Changbin cautiously got out of bed, careful not step in anything or be in the line of fire, right before Felix lurched forward with an even larger wave of sick. He could see Felix in his bed at this point, leaning over the side, tears streaming down his face with sobs racking his body. 
“Lix, you gotta calm down, it’s okay. You’re only making yourself sicker.”
I was trying to comfort him, but in all honesty he had no idea what to do in this situation. Luckily, Chan woke up as well, and he had a better idea of what to do. He grabbed the bin from under the desk and handed it up to Felix. Felix let out a loud heave along with a smaller gush of puke. After a few more small splashes, it was clear he was empty. Chan took the bin out of Felix’s shaking hands to go clean it out. Changbin decided to climb up the ladder of the bunk to get a better look at Felix. He was still crying, his freckled cheeks red with embarrassment and probably a fever. 
“I’m s-sorr-y” 
He said in between sobs. 
“Hey, it’s okay, you’re obviously sick, you can’t help it.” Changbin pressed a hand to Felix’s forehead, and as he had suspected, he definitely had a fever.
“B-but I ma-made a mess”
“Don’t worry lix, we’ll clean it up. It’s really okay.”
Changbin moved closer to the crying boy, rubbing his back. He seemed to calm down a bit, and so Changbin climbed back down out of the bed to find a thermometer. He returned with the thermometer to find Chan was just about finished cleaning up.
“Lix, do you think you can come down here?”
He shook his head yes and started down the ladder. His balance seemed off however, so Changbin supported him from the ground as he got down. He led him to sit down on Chan’s bed, away from lingering vomit remains.
He put the thermometer in Felix’s mouth and waited for the beep.
“You’ve definitely got a fever. 38.6”
“How long have you been feeling sick?”
Chan asked.
“I didn’t really feel bad until when I woke up earlier”
“Okay. Why don’t you lay down here in my bed while I go get you some fever reducers.” 
Felix didn’t hesitate to lay back down, he was clearly exhausted. Changbin was sure to  move the freshly cleaned waste basket next to the bed before Felix closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.
While looking for meds for Felix in the kitchen, Chan glanced at the clock. It read 7:35 AM. The others will probably be waking up soon, after all, they still had busy schedules for the day. He reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out the fever reducers.
“Are those fever reducers?”
He heard a voice say. Turning around, he found that Suengmin was awake already.
“Yeah. Felix woke up sick this morning. He threw up.”
“Aw that sucks. Is he missing the interview later?”
“Right, I totally forgot about that. Can you actually take these in to Felix? I need to call our manager.” 
Without much else, Seungmin quickly took the medicine to Felix, which I was grateful for. 
Seungmin opened to door to find Felix sitting up with the trash can in his lap, heaving over it while Changbin held his hair back. 
“I guess Chan wasn’t kidding.” 
Seungmin said, walking over next to the bed to rub Felix’s back. When it became clear that Felix wasn’t bringing anything up, Seungmin handed him the bottle of water, which Felix took a few careful sips of before handing it back.
“Think you can take some medicine right now?”
“No. It will just come back up.”
“We can wait a little bit. I’m gonna leave these here and go get you a cool wash cloth, maybe that will help a bit.”
Felix just nodded and fell asleep before his head had even hit the pillow. 
As the other members slowly woke up and got ready for the day, they all missed their sunshine. Luckily, Felix hadn’t thrown up again and was sound asleep. Bang Chan said that Felix was given off for the day, but no one else  was allowed to stay home with him. They were all worried to leave Felix alone, but it was better than bringing him with them. They got some medicine and soup in him,  and are hoping it stays down. Before leaving, they made sure to remind Felix to call them if he needed anything.  During dance practice Chan’s phone rang.
“Chan I-“
He was cut off by a gag, and Chan heard Felix expelling the soup and medication from earlier as it splashed against the toilet bowl.
“Oh Lixie. I wish I could be there with you.”
On the other end of the line, Felix was barely listening to Chan talk, as he was too busy throwing up his lunch.
He hated this. He hated being alone. At least he had Chan on the phone to talk him through it, even if he wasn’t really listening. Until he heard the sound of the call ending. Chan had hung up. Felix felt so abandoned and miserable, trying to hold back his own hair. He just started to cry again. He needed his hyung’s comfort. He couldn’t do this alone. The crying wasn’t helping, and instead made him heave and heave time and time again barely bringing anything up. This sucks. Suddenly, he felt someone take his hair from his hand to hold it out of his face. He looked up to see Chan looking back at him. A wave of relief washed over him. 
“I’m so so sorry I hung up on you Lixie. I was calling our manager, insisting I be able to come take care of you. I’m sorry I left you alone.”
Felix was so happy he could start crying again, but he was just too exhausted and sick. When he FINALLY finished throwing up, he leaned back against his aussie big brother, who carried him back to their room and tucked him in. 
The rest of the 3 days Felix was sick, Chan was right by Felix’s side, making sure he was taken care of. Felix was just glad to have company from someone he loved so much when he felt so miserable.
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