#bandori masuki x reader
nian-7 · 9 months
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Masuki (MASKING) Satou x gn!reader
✧December 16th - Gingerbread Cookies
✧christmas event
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" Huh, the damn gingerbreads all burnt on the edges. (name), this was your pan, did you roll the dough out too thin? " The blonde furrowed her brow at the slightly burnt cookies on the pan as she placed it on top of the stove. You picked up the hot cookie, juggling it around your fingers as it burned your fingertips while trying to bite into it. " It just came outta the oven, you know it's gonna be hot! "
You crunched into the cookie, tasting the burnt gingerbread on your tongue as you looked over at her. " I know- and it might be my fault that they're burnt- but I couldn't help but steal a bite! " You took another bite, now of the warm perfectly cooked bit of the cookie.
You heard Masuki sigh as she took out the other pan, the gingerbread looking pretty perfect as she set it on top of the oven and closed it back up. " Right, well we gotta wait for em to cool off before we frost. " She looked over at you and went to go pick the cookie from your hand. " Gimme a bite of it too. I can't go wasting one when you got one you're eating already. "
" All yours. " You let her take the cookie out of your hand and watch as she bites into the crunchy treat. Immediately her face scrunches up as she chews it.
" It tastes so damn burnt that frosting won't even save this! " She swallowed, handing the cookie back to you before grabbing a cup to fill with water. " We're not decorating those to give em out. You can keep em. "
" Look, they're not that bad! " You took another bite.
" The frosting won't even save em! You're keeping that pan since you don't mind how it tastes. " She gulped down water, sighing with relief as the burnt taste of the gingerbread got washed down.
" Can't you at least give some out to RAS? I'm sure one of them would take some! I wouldn't know what to do with this many cookies! " You insisted, not wanting to take home a whole pan of gingerbread that you certainly wouldn't be able to eat before they went stale.
" I don't think any of em want burnt cookies. You rolled em out so you get to keep them! " Masuki argued back, taking another drink of her water.
" Finee! "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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maybenotmei · 1 year
Yo yo! How ya doing! Can I ask for Ras going on their ideal date? If you aren't to busy.
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a... date? ♪
a/n: hey hey hey anon! even after almost two years i'm still pretty insane about ras ♪ i'm doing pretty well today ! hopefully that doesn't change, thank you for the request ! i... kind of just wrote down their ideal date, but also included how they feel about it ! sorry if anyone or anything's ooc...
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she loves singing, so what better place than to sing together at a karaoke bar? even if you're not all that good at singing, sharing what she loves to you sounds wonderful for rei. other than going out, rei's ideal date might be just at home, relaxing with each other by the couch, a cup of warm milk in her hand and you in her embrace (or, her in your embrace, depending on which one you prefer.) doing little things together like cooking a meal or even just talking to each other at the dining table is just as, if not nicer than going out for a walk together around town. getting to spend time with you and indulge in the little things is enough, if not perfect already for her.
something exciting might be what you think masuki would want, but in reality, she's fine with just... hanging out in cute cafes and driving around town with her bike. her ideal date may include going to an arcade and trying your absolute hardest on the claw machine (despite absolutely failing, unless if you do manage to get a plush, she'll treasure it until the end of time), getting some ramen together and talking all day long about the things you like, and driving around town, feeling the wind on her body as you hold onto her waist tightly. i'd think she likes hugs, so this feels even nicer knowing she's getting a hug from her favorite person ever. she likes cute things, and spending time together, so there's nothing better in the world for her than to be with you. it's a 2-in-1 deal! you're cute, and she gets to be with you.
pastel*palettes concert. what more do i have to say about pareo? sharing her true interests with someone she loves so dearly and enjoying it together is truly an ideal date...! both of you passionately cheering, indulging in each other through your love for idols, it really is a dream come true! though, another one of her ideal dates is cute cafes, talking and giggling over the idols and clothes and all the cute things that you two love. being able to share and enjoy what she loves with someone without being shunned or judged is all pareo wants, and to be able to do such a thing with the person she cherishes and loves is all she could ever ask for.
something too grand would (or might?) overwhelm rokka a lot, so don't go too fancy... her ideal date may just be spending time with her, like walking around the mall and pointing to cute clothes or looking at things you or she likes (or both). that includes walking around music stores and eyeing instruments you both can only dream to have (or play). if the shop permits, rokka might even try a guitar out for you, but, in all honesty, she looks stunning no matter which guitar she chooses to pick up. going to arcades, seeing the view from above the mall, and walking each other home... every little part of the date is something she treasures greatly, because she's with the person she loves the most. ...maybe a popipa concert where both of you are cheering and screaming your hearts out is another one of her ideal dates...
she can make any date a reality if she so desired, but i think even just spending time with her is ideal for her. chiyu was lonely before RAS was formed, so even just talking and appreciating her makes her feel... loved and seen. her ideal date may not be anything specific, but i'd guess it'd be going out and trying new things together, like cafe-hopping or checking out what's new in town. she'll get tired easily, due to her solitary lifestyle, but it's so worth it to spend some time with the person who she loves. (she's not admitting that, though!)
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heartsleybyul · 2 years
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— w masuki satou, kou minamoto, floyd leech
› content : dangerously waving around a knife, gn reader, swearing, kou's part is kinda sucky, small injuries
› summary : you try to cook with/for them! Except that your a horrible cook...
› a/n : i dont know shit abt cooking so these may be wrong 💀
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↻ MASUKI SATOU (my wife), raise a suilen.
It was another successful show, they all gave their best and you were proud of them. Especially for Masuki. Lately, you've been seeing her fully devoted to her drumming.
Even though you suggest that she should take breaks, it seems like she's doing quite the opposite.
Now that their show was a success, you wanted to cook her some ramen for her hard work.
The problem was, you had no knowledge or experience how to.
You consulted Reona and Rei to help you, which they happily agreed. Now you three were at the penthouse's kitchen, with Chiyu's permission of course.
You were browsing on the internet for a ramen recipe, until you found a pretty easy one. Miso Ramen, apparently you have all the ingredients in the kitchen which is a big help. Though it makes you question if Chiyu even cooks here.
After prepping up your broths, it was time to add the noodles. You do so and continue with the recipe together with the guidance of Rei and Reona. But due to band stuff they both had to leave. You were getting the hang of it, right?
You remembered to add some salt and pepper. You grab the salt shaker from the counter when, the lid popped off and a shit-ton of salt went into the pot. Including the lid.
Well, you fucked up big time. You had already used all your ingredients and it'd be a waste to just throw it away.. I mean, no one would think too much of the salt would they?
After adding the final topping, your ramen looks absolutely delectable! Except for the fact that it has an unusual amount of salt in it.
You invite Masuki over to the kitchen to gift her the Ramen. She sat on the counter seat while you slid her the bowl, she inspected it a bit then took a spoonful in her mouth.
You could only stand there with your lips sealed shut watching the suprised look on her face, you knew exactly why.
Masuki wanted to spit out the salty Ramen but.. you made it so, she was really stuck with swallowing it.
The blonde could just sit there staring blankly at the Ramen. She's stuck with two choices, either she tells you its tastes awful or she endures the horrid taste.
You, not being able to bear the awkwardness admit your mistake whilst you were cooking.
Suddenly, a burst of laughter came out of her. "Ahahaha! [name] ya' couldve just told me y'know!" She says with such a giant smile on her face making you blush.
"Here, I'll teach you!"
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↻ KOU MINAMOTO, an exorcist.
The quiet halls of Kamome, there was no spirit to be exorcised so Kou got tired from all the looking around. Heading to the Girl's bathroom to see what Hanako and Nene were up to, he saw you in the Home Ed class making, something?
He couldn't make up what you were cooking so he took a closer look through the door, whereas you noticed him and waved with a knife in your hand. Which immediately alerted him since its a hazard! "[name] don't wave that around!" He ran up to you almost immediately.
You put the knife down before some casualties could occur. Kou saw what you were baking?! You were baking! It seemed like you just finished baking brownies and was in the middle of cutting them.
Intrigued, Kou asked to taste one of the cut slices. It looked pretty good, there wasn't anything for him to be suspicious of.
Crunchy?! And bitter?! The smell certainly deceived him. It tasted burnt.
You were suprised by his reaction a bit, was there something wrong with them?
"Uh, [name] these are burnt.." Kou shyfully said, your lips formed an 'o' it seemed like the recipe was wrong? Or maybe it was just your carelessness since you do remember leaving it to cook for way too long..
"Ahah, sorry Kou.." you apologized, there was some silence between you both when you picked up the trey and headed to the trash bin when he stopped you. "A- wait!" The boy shouted
Startled by the sudden outburst, you stop was you were doing and looked at him immediately. "I can have that.-! I mean, just to prank my friends or something..!"
You gave him the trey and giggled, you wondered how they'd react.
"Hehe, Thanks!"
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↻ FLOYD LEECH, octavinelle.
Recently, you've been working around Mostro Lounge as a side job to make money. All would have been fine if you weren't in debt to Azul.
Your serving wasn't enough to pay the debt in a few weeks, it would take you months. But, there was a spot that can pay for your debt easily. Working as a chef there.
You would've taken this spot a long time ago if you knew juts how to cook.
Its been a few weeks of you working there and the urge to just change your position to chef was strong but you can't cook. All this think got you spaced out, which caught a certain eel's attention.
"Ah~! Shrimpy!" Floyd approached you with his lazy smile. Which stopped youe thoughts. "Ah, Floyd. Need anything?" You offered. But Floyd just dragged you out of the Lounge.
"Eh-! Where are you dragging me Floyd!" You shouted but he just looked at you with such a giddy smile.
After a bit, you two winded up on the beach of Octavinelle. There was a nearby bench so Floyd gestured for you to sit with him. "Anything botherin' ya shrimpy?" He questioned with a smile on his face and his head was adjusted to your eye level.
"Um, y'know about the new Chef position? I've been wanting to apply for it but I don't know how to cook.. Its the easiest way for me to pay my debt." You answered. Floyd just let out a string of laughs after your statement. What was so funny?
"Ahahaha! So that's what bothering you?" You were angered by his statement. "Huh?! What's so funny about it?" "I mean, ya could've just told me!" With that he dragged you once again back to Mostro Lounge.
You two were now in the kitchen, without Azul's permission. You tried to convince Floyd to ask permission since this could make your debt go deeper but alas, he wouldn't listen. "Don't worry shrimpy! I regularly cook here without his permission and never gets mad!" you could just reply with a tired sigh.
"So, what are we gonna make?" You questioned. "Takoyaki ofcourse!" The boy answered
"Ok, do we have the ingredients?" The smile on Floyd's face suddenly dissapeared, "Eh~ we can substitute right?"
This was going to go very wrong.
After your attempt to 'cook' with Floyd, you ended up in the infirmary. You ended up inujred by his antics. The nurse was absent in the room so it was up to the eel to heal your slight burn and cut on your hands.
"Eh, I cant find anything." Floyd said while looking around the cabinets and drawers. "Not even some band aids?" You added on. Floyd answered you with a 'nah' continuing his search while you sat on one of the beds with your fingers stretched out.
Finally, Floyd found some adhesive bandage tape and some cotton balls. "C'mon! Lets go wash your hands first!" The eel dragged you by the arm, being cautious of your injured hand.
He offered to do everything for you, washing your hands thoroughly, and bandaging it up. While you two were now on one of the beds while he was applying some betadine to the cotton, you noticed how Floyd softened so much with you. You cherished it. Finally Floyd finished with the bandage.
"There, how ya' feeling~?"
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rabidredsalsa · 2 years
hihihihi ummm request ive never done this before but hiii can i request masuki sato from bandori with an affectionate reader? if you do multiple characters/dif source can i req tsukasa tenma with the same thing? thxxx
Sato Masuki and Tenma Tsukasa with an affectionate reader
cw: mentions of making out in masuki's, ended up being a LITTLE TINY TINY BIT SUGGESTIVE DONT KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED I AM SORRY
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i'm gonna be upfront, masuki is an absolute sucker for your affection. she thinks you're ADORABLE and her heart does full on acrobatics whenever you decide to randomly hold her hand or hug her. don't even get me started on kisses, they're an instant knockout for her. though sometimes she just feels the need to pin you to the nearest wall and kiss you breathless, but that's another story. you just have that effect on her. she doesn't mind pda, but in private she's always got her hands on you in some way and whines obnoxiously whenever you wanna pull away. (that's what you get for spoiling her)
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like masuki, tsukasa adores how much affection you give him and is overall just. whipped for you. he can be a little bit awkward at first when receiving and giving affection since he's never been a relationship before, so he tends to get extremely flustered with any form of physical touch or even compliments. after he gets over that, he can reciprocate it pretty well! (he loves spooning more than anything). he doesn't mind getting intimate as long as it doesn't lead to anything else since the thought of that stuff scares him shitless, but he's still willing to give back physical affection as much as you want.
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ceo-of-despair · 3 years
hiii could u maybe do masuki gf headcanons?? 💞
# relationship headcanons
# ft satou masuki, asaka karin x fem!reader
a/n - included karin from love live as well since i was planning on doing hcs with her anyway! so so sorry that this took ages because of my multiple hiatuses but here it is!
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—you met masuki when you transferred to her school, shirayuki private academy, and she was assigned to show you around and help you adjust
—at first, you were probably scared, since she looks quite intimidating and sharp, but your worries were settled when you started to get to know each other
—from there, it just slowly progressed into a relationship. you became such good friends that people weren't even aware you weren't dating, so it was a real surprise when someone referred to you as masuki's girlfriend. however, she asked you out quite quickly after that, realizing she liked you
—masuki really likes to bake for you, every day she brings you new cakes, cookies etc
—if you knew how to, a lot of your dates would be baking something together, and if you couldn't she would absolutely love to teach you how to
—there's not much pda at all, if you really want to then she'll hold your hand at most. but in public, masuki's not the type to show much affection or hold onto you
—however in private, she will love to cuddle with you. no matter if you're taller or shorter, masuki likes to be the big spoon and hold you
—masuki does, however, prefer dates where you go out, for example if you'd enjoy it she will definitely take you for rides on her motorbike
—she's incredibly supportive and will try to help you in anything you do, whether it be hobbies or schoolwork
—if someone's making you uncomfortable, masuki will come up behind you and act all intimidating, if you call her cute after the person bothering you is gone then she'll blush really easily
—masuki's just overall a really sweet and caring girlfriend despite her scary appearance, she's incredibly loving and will go to great lengths for you
—you were a fan of her from modeling, and managed to ask her for an autograph after her performance at diver fes
—however, before you left, karin decided to get to know you more, and asked you to go out with her as friends
—she would definitely be the one to make the first move, karin would act all unbothered and just say it casually that she wouldn't mind dating you, however internally she was freaking out
—it definitely flustered you and you thought about her confession all night, eventually asking her on a date the next day (with much anxiety due to worrying that you'd somehow misinpreted it)
—karin loves pda, she loves to show you off in public and let everyone know that you're hers. she likes it when you hold onto her arm when walking etc, she'll also just casually have an arm around your waist if you're ok with it
—on the same topic, this can make her jealous easily and a little possessiveness, for example if she notices someone trying to flirt with you/making you uncomfortable she'll come up and put her arms around you from behind while being like "who's this, baby :)"
—she would definitely try and fluster you and find it cute if it worked, but karin will go red if you do it to her in return
—i think in private she clings to you a lot more than you cling to her, if you were cuddling or something and you had to get up she'd get all pouty and try and pull you back down
—if you're smart, karin would ask you to go on a study date with her and try and help her better her grades, however she'd just spend the whole time staring at you while you're explaining stuff
—sometimes if you notice she's uncomfortable when there's a lot of people, she'll subtly ask you to go somewhere else, usually by tugging on your sleeve or squeezing your hand, and she's really grateful when you understand and pull her away
—underneath all the teasing and flirting she's a genuinely sweet girlfriend and really loves you a lot. when you ask her if she'd ever leave you for someone else, she'll tell you that you're the only one she cares about in that way
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yuk1nya-moved · 2 years
thank you for doing my request, i hope you're doing well. could i request some headcanons for masking with a s/o who plays the keyboard? thank you <3
-✨ anon
m. satou / gn ! reader
warnings : none
" we synchronize so much ! "
*⁀➷ a/n at the end !
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⊹ absolutely loves it when you and her play together, whether it be ras songs or your fav songs she really loves spending time with you.
⊹ whenever pareo is out for her exams or school, your there to replace her temporarily and best believe it masuki has the biggest smile to perform with you.
⊹ she really encourages you and supports your talent while you do the same with her.
⊹ chu2 absolutely hates when the both of you are together, not because of your relationship or whatever but because both of tease the hell out of her. But both of you will of course not cross the line
⊹ if your ever a famouse musician yourself who does solo shows, masuki WILL drag ras to watch and support you perform.
⊹ After she'd compliment you for your hard work and will bake you your fav sweets.
⊹ Masuki probably has all your merch, she bribed chu2 to go buy your merch and merch for pareo
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→ A/N : masuki fans unite ! But anyways I rlly loved how this turned out
↪ navi
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skittledot · 3 years
wahhhh hi um um um first time requesting smth bandori related but rn i can only think of masuki / masking so um
masuki satou gender neutral reader ...? fluff .. and basically i just want some hcs abt baking & cooking w her (like shes teaching u and all) up 2 u if platonic or romantic ♪( ´▽`)
if u dont want 2 do that u can delete this ask, it's 100% fine ^_^ thank u vm !!
⁀ ♥ 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲
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pairings: satou masuki x gn!reader
warnings: none that i know of but btw the title isn't affiliated with the headcanons
a/n: this request is so cute! I had to search up how to bake cupcakes because I've never baked any before haha
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ₓ˚. ୭  𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢
You were horrible at cooking (which included baking). Any form of heating, burning, or just turning on the oven in general, would constantly end up in flames.
You were desperate to learn how to cook so, you b̶e̶g̶g̶e̶d̶  asked your girlfriend to teach you the basics of culinary, to which she happily accepted.
"Anything you don't burn, I'll eat."
The other members of RAISE A SUILEN wanted to support you too, so all 4 of them volunteered to be taste-testers.
Baking with MASKING would be a bit chaotic, but rest assured; it definitely would be fun.
One time when you tried baking a little something for her, you accidentally deep fried the cookie dough, along with the other baking delights you had prepared to bake. It was a tragedy.
The past is the past though, no more making mistakes! This time you swear to make an all-out effort and finally bake a cake!
MASKING was determined to teach you how to bake a simple batch of cupcakes, ones with cute little sprinkles on them. Some of the cupcake liners even had RAS-themes on them! (most likely designed by PAREO, I'm calling it)
"First up, ya gotta mix the butter and sugar- wait no that's the cheese and salt-!"
That was attempt #1
When its time to mix the ingredients, she'll go behind you with both of your hands intertwined while she's guiding you <3
Now, it's time to bake the cupcakes in the oven.
You were serious about this, so instead of goofing around, you decided to constantly spare glances at the clock, just in case you weren't wrong about the timer (Masuki thought that was cute).
The cupcakes are done, now you can freely decorate them!
Masuki put some cute bunny ears on one cupcake, which looked like the all-purpose bunny on her jacket!
You decorated the cupcakes with your desired design.
Time for the taste-testers to sample your pastries!
CHU2 reached out for the strawberry cupcake, hoping it would fit her standards.
"Well, it isn't that bad..." A certain cat-eared producer said.
PAREO drooled at the sight of your homemade delights and decided to try one out too.
"Mmmm! This is delish Y/N! Are you sure this is your first time cooking?"
LOCK decided to try one herself too, still hesitant because one time she witnessed the absolute chaos in your kitchen.
"This actually tastes really good!"
It didn't take too long for LAYER to grab one cupcake for herself.
"Heh, told you they'd love it," Masuki says as she kisses your forehead.
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ahhh hii!! mod shuichi do u write for raise a sulien characters ? if you do cna i have masking/masuki satou general dating hcs? if you dont u can delete this ask ^__^ tysmmmm !!
Sorry about that I had a moment. I just love her so much
Anyways I write for all the bands :)
Also sorry this took a long time for me to writ I have had some crazy things happen to me the past couple of weeks
-mod Shuichi
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Masuki Satou
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Let me start off by stating that you will get baked goods for daaaaaaaaays
She gives you a lot of compliments even if she looks a bit scary when she says them
She will take you out of rides on her motorcycle a lot of that is something you enjoy
She will probably scare away any bullies for people that are being mean to you seeing as she can look pretty intense and scary when she talks to people
“Hey S.O I made this cake yesterday I hope you like it.”
She probably gets pretty almost flustered??? (That’s the best way to describe it) If you bring up cute things or call her cute
If you are learning an instrument then she will be really supportive and will definitely listen to your music if you want her to
She will take you to galaxy so she can show you stuff that she is learning or practicing
You sadly can’t be in the studio while they are practicing because chu2 is picky about that for some reason
Yeah Masuki is an amazing girl to have as your girlfriend
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urodia · 3 years
AGG!! can we get some masking comfort? maybe afab reader is going through their period and everything just feels so wrong but masking reminds them that no matter pain or thoughts, she’s gonna be there? :))
Bulleted HCs
🌸 MASKING x AFAB! Reader ︶꒷₊˚๑
╭ ꒦ ₊˚ʚ afab reader
: ʚ warnings: mentions of discomfort ɞ ₊˚꒷
: ʚ genre: fluff, comfort ɞ ₊˚꒷
╰ ๑₊˚☁️ɞ︶꒦꒷₊
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When she had first noticed something was off it was when she was visiting you
You told her it was nothing important and she took your word for it, you wouldn’t lie to her, right?
Yeah…I think she might of changes her mind when she saw you curled up in a ball in the corner of your room when she came uninvited
After talking to you and a few repeated “I’m fine”s and “Its nothing to worry about”s you finally admit your on your period and that you felt like a sack of trash that the garbage truck never picked up
First she reminds you that it’ll all be fine and that shes always here for you
Next thing you know shes got everything you would ever need right at your fingertips
Pads/tampons? Already bought some. Heating pad? Already pre-heated. You want a hug? Arms already wide open
When she has to go to band practice she always makes sure she made you a warm homemade meal thats ready to eat along with other things you may need
This reminds me of how I haven’t had my period in 3 months, odd
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sea-of-dust · 2 years
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When their like their Collab counterpart totally not x reader
Another RAS x Reader I swear....im gonna be the face of the RAS x reader community aren't I.... Wtf is a RAS x reader community. I gotta stop writing about bandori-
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Rei with the personality of baji....arf..i mean very interesting
Expect her to be a lot more passionate to say....like not to go down the tr tumblrs level of unseiso but there's a lot more kabedoning and her being a little possessive
She might be a little more aggressive too. Not towards you but to opposing gangs you happen to have friends in
"Why are you talking to y/n leave them alone before I kick ur ass" "we were talking about a project we were assigned to together..." "Oh..."
Oh indeed
Wait why did she pull up a seat...oh my God she's eagle eying ur friend now
she looks like the chairs bought to be used for another purpose
Expect ur friend to complain about a "visit" from ur girlfriend
Shell get jealous more easily too. Talking to someone else? "Where were u" "I was walking my friend home" "...uh huh" "....u thought we did something when we walked home didn't u" "Nah idk mamas" "(wtf kinda pet name is mamas)"
She walks you home after that even sleeps over your family loves her
Expect her to try and trick u into having small naps with her
If PAREO ever interrupted you and Rei she would just look at her with those murder eyes and then continue what she's doing to u
"LAYER-san chu2s call-" Reis pinning you to wall for another make-out speedrun "...ill come back later..."
Shell have more hair ties on her
Shell be very roughed up...like real bad she's in a gang and a band, those two things are bound to leave the average person a Twitter user
Ur her personal nurse and she definitely pays you in something other than cash if u catch my drift 😏
She pays you in kisses....smooches...perv but in ur defense I made u think like that...still a perv
Overall Rei with the personality of Banji will turn me into her dog- I mean is gonna a be a doozy...now wait till she catches you and the homies saying something werid
"Yo u land this ill suck-" "Y/N..." "I'll buy u an ice cream!...."
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Nothin changed....shell be a lot more responsible when it comes to you and Chu2 (since Chu2 = Mikey)
Shell be less of a tease to Chu2 too
Masuki def tries to keep you as far from gang violence as possible
Shell ask how was ur day act normal and then u two get into her room instant tackle
The brothels gonna love you "ahh masuki you got a new plaything?" "Can it [side character 190]" "fu fu"
She would take you out at night to watch stars
Masuki might tease you at times and when you get mad she just hugs you giggling a bit
"I'm sorry I'm sorry it was kinda funny tho" "....." "I'll make you somethin" "....fine"
Expect her laugh to be a lot more proud
If you ever saw her fight (let's say like bloody Halloween in the show) shell look at you panicked worried if she traumatized you
"Ah shit y/n did you see anything- oh God why we're you even here... Leave I don't want you to get hurt"
When she gets home she looks tired and a bit beat up but when she sees you it's like her wounds went away and as soon as she relaxes they re open but hey at least she got to see her s/o
As soon as a movie she was really excited for is out,she runs over to your house and drives there almost instantly calling you the whole time
"IM COMING OVER BE THERE IN FIVE" you can barely hear her over the wind and like a minute later "IM HERE" and u just hear Pastel*Pallette blasting
She made a joke about beating up the mf you seemed a little comfortable with...it was ur sibling-
She would accompany chu2 to fast food stops with you
Speaking of food if your ever at a public place Masukis gonna find you and just stare at you from the window your sitting next to with the face she does before saying your cute but scarier
"You should have came to me" you can hear her say that from outside
If you ever went on a date with her in public she's gonna be surprisingly polite and using fancy words bros even wore a suit
"Yes may I have the [idk make it up] and my lady would like [f/f]"
It's an inside joke between you two now
She's told you ligma while you laid on her lap she would just randomly look down at you and just go "ligma"
Moral of the story bunny masuki
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She's gonna cry a lot
Shell visit you a lot leaning in for a small kiss before greeting you
"(Y/n you're just so kind how could someone every resent you)" cu <3 "Good Morning to you too Rokka"
She would ask you what u would think of her in 10 years and you would say "you would still be my beloved"
Her heart would flutter and she would cry a bit embracing you
She would never tell you about Toman and never wear her uniform around you
She's embarrassed she's in a gang
When she time travels back she always has the things you gave to her on her body
She would fall for amongus backwards
If you ever flattered her or did her hair for her she would be so shy
If the gang asked she would flex about it
"An Rokka you got a new hairstyle it looks nice" "ah y/n did it for me" "they've got some skill" "mph~ they're the best"
She wound crawl into your arms randomly while you two would be on the couch
"Rokka..." She's just digging her face into your chest mumbing about how she's gonna save everyone. You feel something wet hit your chest and you hug her
If you ever do catch her while she's with the gang shell try to make something up
"Y/n! What are you doin here haha...why am I wearing this? Oh it's a costume party next door! Why am I tied up? I lost a bet!"
If she comes to your house with an injury she's gonna say she fell coming over.
Don't admit you know about Toman she wants to feel as if she's protecting you
Don't question what she's doing with your brother or why he says that "Rokkas gonna save you!"
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She's a lot more calm and dosent really care about Chu2 as much
She's more concerned about Rei
She still puts you over Rei but that's because you're her s/o
Shell buy you little trinkets sometimes
She knows everything about you stuff you never told her like your blood type, how you like your drinks, your type kinda women...some freaky shit
She carried you bride style once when you joked about her having lean muscle and she was like ".....bet"
"You got some lean muscle u ant no way you beat people up on the daily" "come here" "what are you gonna-" she lifts you a little too easily
Rei thinks highly of you and tells you to take care of PAREO.
She likes painting your nails as she goes over her day
"Yeah so we had an exam today...I beat the brakes off of a mf" "what" "I mean I beat someone in a race don't think about it too much y/n"
She would pinch your checks sometimes when sneaking up on you
Small kisses here and there whenever there's a fight it tends to be a little longer
She tries to cook with you sometimes
Not that she's bad it's just that they always come out looking cute....how tf did she make curry into stars it's a liquid-
She likes sleeping on top of you while listening to a playlist she totally didn't make up of your most listened to songs
She def taught you a bit about medical stuff and told you that whenever she was unconscious and Rei was injured or also unconscious you should take care of her first she cares about you and rei more than her own life
You responded by telling her you would save both of them.
She was astonished
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I send you prayer
"Y/n~" "Chu2.." "Lets go outside! I wanna buy some Dorayaki" "it's 3 am...."
Chu2 is gonna be the worst one she wines like a lot
Even if you ignore her (bad idea) shell get up in your ear from behind and beg for you to do what she wants
What's worse is that she might try to climb you
She might bite your ear if ur unlucky
Shell tell you she loves you more often like 4 times per day
"Y/n" "I love you too Chu2" "hehe~"
She's so mischievous she would prank you sometimes like scaring you in front of the door
If you went to a fast food place she would be able to sniff you out
"Heard you got food without me" "I didn't even tell you I was here" "u got any games on yo phone?"
She wouldn't be secretive when it came to you knowing about the gang but would still try to keep you away from violence
She's also crazy strong now- and can ride motorcycles-
She would tell you about how she kicked people's asses and how she would do it like they insulted you!
"And I just pretend they said something bad about you then I punch em!" "That's nice chu chu-"
You and Masuki are the only two that call her chu chu
The whole band gets to tease her tho
She retreats behind you and if you join the teasing? She's still gonna hide behind you
She would bring flags around for food
"Chu chu why tf did you put a flag in fucking soup" "that shit ant gon taste good if I don't" "seriously-" "yes"
Shell be a little more intimate at night
Like shell tackle you to sleep with her
She likes watching you go to sleep and then waking up in your arms. she thinks it's gonna giver her super strength one day. one punch Chu Chu
She would ask you to tie her hair for her. Not because she can't do it herself but she likes your fingers in her hair.
If you give her trinkets she's gonna keep them forever even when Rokka time travels to see her shell have them all on even if she outgrew them
"Chu2...." "LOCK...you we're my only friend in this world..." "What about y/n-" "they didn't buy my merch i divorced them"
She didn't divorce you.you just went grocery shopping
Moral of the story....i smell gum u got gum
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Might write one where the Tokyo Revengers cast acts like RAS-. Send requests I beg I need something to do 👩‍🦲
Parting words
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nian-7 · 2 years
hihii, for the valentines event, Masking, day 11
hi! please enjoy!
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Masuki (Masking) Satou x gn!reader
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Baking. It had become nearly a weekly thing both you and Masuki did together whenever you both weren't busy. This week though? It was important to do it on a specific day. Valentines Day. Obviously, you both were spending it together but why not make some sweet treats rather than going out on a date!
" (name), where'd the sugar go?! "
" I bought some yesterday! Are you sure you're looking hard enough? " It was a bit chaotic to say the least. It never got out of control and it was more fun that way.
" Yeah, I'm lookin' pretty damn hard, there's nothing here! " She sighed and stood up from her spot on the ground.
" Masuki, it's in the other cabinet- " You turned towards her, looking at where she was stood.
" Look, I didn't know you moved it, okay. " She walked over, finding the sugar with ease and placing it on the countertops.
" My bad, I didn't realize I didn't put it in it's usual spot. C'mon, let's just make the cookies already! "
" I'm gonna make them all hearts just for you~ " She teased lightly before laughing.
" Come onnn! Now's not the time for that! "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
tags: @heartsleybyul
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maybenotmei · 2 years
masuki satou x reader who gets really red faced when shown affection?
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it felt good, all right!
— — ☆〜(ゝ。∂)— —
notes: auauauauaghaagaugsh masuki [heart eyes] going to use flustered rather than red faced ALSO im so so sorry if this is short i love masuki but i cannot seem to write her well 😭
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you know how she loves to tease chiyu? well yeah you are now another victim of her teasing.
i think masuki would be very sweet towards you in general. she'd cook for you, let you ride along in her bike (or motorcycle?) when she's just feeling in the mood, and would definitely say tons of sweet stuff about you.
to her, your flustered state is adorable. she loves cute and adorable things, and that definitely includes you
she'd flat out admit how cute you are like that
if that makes you even more flustered, you could hear her laughing and smiling at you . not in a bad way though, you're just so cute to her
half because she likes seeing you all shy (and the other half being because she loves you), she loves giving you affection. mostly either physical or verbal, she just loves to express how much you mean to her
speaking of being a victim to her playfulness and teasing, expect to never hear the end of it. she won't persist if you actually don't like the teasing BUT if you're fine with it, she'll be doing it quite frequently. watch out
i'm actually not sure what kind of love language masuki would have, since she feels like a mix of all 5 😵‍💫
just like w hina & pasupare in another batch of hcs, raise a suilen sees this a little too much... chiyu sometimes had to remind both of you that it's time to practice... but that rarely happens!
in general assemblies or even in concerts themselves where you're in the crowd and she spots you, she sends a wink your way. she just has to hope you can see her through all those cymbals...
(don't worry, you do.)
after concerts when you give her congratulations or a small gift, she'll pat your head (even if you're taller than her) and give you a smile. she'll even hold your hand for the duration of backstage cleanup too,,
man if i were you that wouldn't ever fail to make me go aaakkdjdjjfhd either
she thinks you're super cute. all her teases are all in lighthearted fashion, but her love for you is sincere from the bottom of her heart.
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heartsleybyul · 2 years
HIIII can i get masuki x fem reader and pareo x fem reader relationship hcs? :)
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—FEATURING. reona nyubara, masuki satou / fem reader
—WARNINGS. a bit angst-ish in reonas part, slight spoilers for ras band story 1
—IN WHICH. how would they be in a relationship?
# A/N : l absolutely love masuki <33 also dreamfes pareo when 😿😿
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→ When dating Masuki, you'll surely recieve a lot of pastries! Cupcakes, brownies, tarts, and more.
→ BUT if your not fond of sweet treats, she'll cook you her signature fried rice instead or anything else!
→ Something common for the both of you are late-night motorbike rides, and reading manga together!
→ Whenever she sees you in one of her shows, she gets a bit more riled up or confident.
→ Everytime they have a show she'll beg try to convince chiyu to giving you VIP spots, but she of course says no.
→ If it's your birthday, she bake a big cake with such extravagent decoration. Even chiyu cant comprehend how and why she made it.
→ Every once in a while, she'll drop by your house to hang out. And and she always has a small trinket or keychain to give you!
→ Sometimes whenever Rokka invites the two of you to the Bathhouse, Masuki would challenge you to who would stay the longest in the pool (? idk what the pools are called in bath houses)
→ She loves when you style her hair in cute little hairstyles!
→ Whenever your sleeping over in her house, she cuddle you the whole time your asleep. She has a vice grip on you so you cant move .
→ Overall, she's very loving and caring <3
→ First off, she absolutely adores and loves you!
→ She'll treat you similarly to Chiyu, but with more love?
→ Of course Chiyu knows about you and Reona's relationship, she wont interfere unnecessarily
→ You two go out to those maid cafe's, since Reona is absolutely obsessed with the cuteness of the food there!
→ Sometimes, Reona would style you up, and fall in love again because how can someone be this cute?!
→ Similar to Masuki, she'll also let you style her hair with bows, clips, and more.
→ If you two share an interest in pastel*palettes then, she'll also buy you merch of your favorite member, whilst you also return the gesture
→ Sometimes, she'll feel a bit off from usual because of the pressure she put under, please comfort her.
→ Overall, she she cares for you a lot <3
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please do not repost, copy, or plagiarize any of my works.
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rabidredsalsa · 3 years
Bandori x Reader (RAISE A SUILEN ver!)
pairings: rei wakana x reader, masuki satou x reader, rokka asahi x reader, reona nyubara x reader, chiyu tamade x reader (separate) (gn reader)
warning: chu2
note: i used their real names bc yeah ANYWAY REQUESTED BY @flareforthedramatics <3 I HOPE U LIKE THIS LUV I ENJOYED WRITING IT
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you can catch rei unconsciously staring at you during random times of the day. not in a creepy or weird way, she just tends to begin admiring you without knowing. in her eyes, you are and forever will be the most beautiful person she'd ever met, so can you really blame her? and often on late night walks, you find her eyes locking with yours with the sweetest smile plastered on her lips, that's when you can really feel the love she has for you.
masuki takes advantage of every occasion she has to get you out of your house. sure, she loves just hanging out at your place, cuddling and watching a movie, but it's just more fun going on a bike ride through the neighborhood or staying over at her house attempting to bake something but eventually ending up in you two having a dough fight, which inevitably leaves you exhausted on the couch while she finishes the chocolate cake you earlier tried to assist at making.
rokka leans her head on your shoulder during train or bus rides. she feels so safe and warm around you, and while she can be terribly shy with physical affection, she never seems to hesitate when wrapping her arms around yours or the latter. run your hands through her hair and she'll nearly fall asleep - if she does, you just think she's too precious to be disturbed, but even the slightest movement and this girl will nearly jump out of her seat.
reona doesn't address you with "-sama" honorifics. and while she does so for everyone, you aren't bothered in the slightest. you find it endearing how she thinks you two are close enough to drop the formalities, and it's even more so if she starts adding "-chan" instead. of course, in the beginning, she'll have to ask several times if it's okay for her to call you by just your name, gesture that somehow always makes you laugh.
chiyu accepts each and every one of your displays of affection. whether it be headpats, compliments, calling her adorable or giving her surprise hugs from behind (just try not to tackle hug her, she'll screech so loud your eardrums will combust), she might complain the first few times you do so, but with time she'll come to show she enjoys these gestures. and hell, she might even return them at some point. just expect her "i love you too"s to sound something like "i, too, share these affections for you, f/n l/n... but today never happened, okay?"
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maybenotmei · 3 years
ft: masuki satou, hu tao, pure vanilla, and tenma tsukasa
prompt: they make their favorite dish for you without a recipe.
hi! not a request, but have this! enjoy your food! i'm not too familiar with tsukasa's personality just yet (since i just started the en version of pjsekai) so i'm sorry if he's a bit ooc!
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masuki satou:
she invited you over one day to cook one of her favorite dishes.
"i'm sure you're gonna like this one!
of course she considers your allergies. she chose a dish you can eat safely in the end
masuki is an expert in cooking and baking. she has made pastries for you before, and she does make a lot of food for RAS. it's not a surprise how much she has improved since the first time you two met
it really doesn't matter if you have experience or not. she'll guide you on what she'll need to make the food, and tell you where the needed ingredients are exactly in the kitchen.
she'll even describe what it looks like if you don't know what that ingredient is.
she's telling stories a lot when cooking, and occasionally narrates to herself while cooking. (don't worry it's cute to you)
in the end, you were able to help out a lot, and the food tasted great. you would definitely do this again.
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hu tao:
"this is my specialty! i can cook this no-problem!"
confident. she's confident that she can cook it. besides, she's made her specialty multiple times already. you can trust her, right?
she would crack a joke every now and then when teaching you how she makes her specialty. she doesn't want to ruin her dish either, so she tones down on the messy pranks.
you can definitely see how happy she is while making her specialty. you don't mind that she's so loud while making it, her jokes make you laugh too. sometimes she slips in a little pick-up line, making both of you laugh.
if you're allergic to anything in her specialty, she'll try to substitute it, but if it's not possible, she'll make something else— this time with a recipe.
overall, both of you end up eating something delicious with a smile on your faces.
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pure vanilla:
this was his favorite thing to make before the dark flour war began. he used to make it with white lily, and even just thinking of it makes him melancholic.
but this time he's making it with you.
of course his memory is a bit hazy, but he can recall most of what he needs. you write what he says as he makes it, since its recipe is long forgotten in the current time.
"no, i think i need this sweetened..."
sometimes you'd substitute ingredients if it no longer existed with something pure vanilla would approve as something that could work.
if you had no experience with cooking, that's okay! he chose a recipe that could be done quite easily with two people, and doesn't have anything that can trigger your allergies.
in the end, you tasted something so good that you've never known was a recipe. pure vanilla would say it's not as good as how he made it before, but it could suffice.
(that means this tasted way better before...!)
even if those memories with white lily will forever feel melancholic, his memories with you will always remain in his heart.
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"i can do this no problem! you don't need to worry!"
after all, a star can cook, right?
he decided to make you a simple dish from his childhood for you, since it's one of the only few things he knows how to make from the top of his mind.
despite what you may think, he's not that reckless. he knows how to be responsible around the kitchen, although you're gonna need some experience to help him out.
saki may join in at some point. you don't mind since the more the merrier, right?
he's really, really confident in himself about this. maybe a bit too confident that he accidentally spills something here and there, but you don't really mind. clean-up's the last thing on your mind right now.
the food tasted great, by the way. you complimented on it, to which he replies with something along the lines of stars being good at cooking or something. even if the dish is simple, the gesture was heartwarming. and delicious.
even if he is loud when it comes to showing how he feels, even a simple thing like this can show how much he loves you.
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nian-7 · 2 years
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Raise A Suilen x gn!reader (separate) kissing headcanons! fluff, reader gets called cute
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-Layer is very gentle and soft with her kisses. She can be a little shy about affection towards you but is very soft in general. She often likes to smile at you after because she's happy you're with her.
-She really likes to kiss your cheek or forehead and just look at you fondly when your surprised face melts into contentness seeing as she just kissed you.
-She is overall very gentle with you because she really loves you and would never think of doing anything you'd dislike.
-" You look really nice today, do you mind if... I kiss you? "
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-Lock overall is very shy and even more shy about affection. Her kisses consist very shy pecks on your cheek and sometimes your lips.
-She doesn't have a lot of confidence to do it in front of her bandmates, let alone in public. She likes to hug you and give you a little cheek kiss when you both are in private.
-You'd probably have to reassure her that her kisses are nice and that you enjoy them because she thinks she doesn't give good kisses (she does, they're very sweet).
-" I'm sorry! I just.. want to.. maybe kiss your cheek... "
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-Pareo is very cheerful and has a very sweet kiss. She loves kissing you, it makes her feel happy and at ease. Overall loves being around you but she just really enjoys the physical contact.
-She loves PDA overall and will probably kiss you a lot whenever she can. She is an affectionate person who will always be by your side no matter what.
-When she's feeling down or not like her usual self, you planting kisses on her forehead or on her face in general will make her feel all warm inside and she feels comforted by it as well.
-" (name)!! You look so cute today, could I have a kiss!? "
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-Masking overall is a bit rough around the edges when it comes to kissing. She doesn't mean to be rough with you, it's just her. She sometimes will hold your hips when you both kiss and although it's a bit rough, theres a certain gentleness to it.
-She loves to kiss your lips the most, sometimes your neck if she comes from behind. She really enjoys PDA with you but if you're not comfortable with it she'll tone it down.
-She can be a slight tease when it comes to kissing too but, it's all jokes. She'll often purposely miss your mouth because she thinks you look cute when you have that pout on your face. She gives into you in the end because she can't resist.
-" I just couldn't resist another kiss from you, sorry~ "
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-Chu2 is very, well, weird about affection. Especially PDA and kissing. She prefers to spend quality time with you rather than showing it through actions because she's bad at it.
-Back on the topic of kissing, she'll often peck your lips or your cheek just to show you she loves you and gets embarrassed when you go to return the favor or comment on it.
-She would probably enjoy kissing your neck in private as well, something about having her face in the crook of your neck is just comforting to her.
-" Hey! Wha- What was that for, (name)?! "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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