#banda rp account
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
hypothetical question: if you and yaba would marry, what would you wear?
Well, if we did ever marry, I could wear a suit, though a dress would be fine also.
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jack-of-emos · 2 years ago
About your prosthetic, Can't we just disinfect a ping pong ball or something and shove it into your eye??? That would work right??
I don't think it works that way..
Plus I don't trust you with that and I don't want a fucking ping pong ball in my eye socket..
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mister-sane · 2 years ago
Have you ever considered cheating on a partner?
For my old partners, yes. Current “partner”? Not at all. I think he’d kill me if I did!
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insecnetmadani · 7 months ago
Distributor Pusat Agen Grosir Jual Toko Pot Tray Semai Kota Banda Aceh 0856-4752-0664
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DISTRIBUTOR POT TRAY Madani Farm di Malang
HP/WA 0856-4752-0664
Atau link WA
Menyediakan Pot Tray/Tray Semai Berbagai Ukuran dengan Kualitas Terbaik dan Tebal,
TYPE 32 Lubang        : Rp 10.500/bj
TYPE 45 Lubang : Rp 16.500/bj
TYPE 50 Lubang        : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 72 Lubang : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 104 Lubang : Rp 12.000/bj
TYPE K105 Lubang : Rp 10.500/bj
TYPE 128 Lubang : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 162 Lubang : Rp 15.000/bj
TYPE 200 Lubang : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 288 Lubang : Rp 11.000/bj
TYPE 550 (Nampan Polos) : Rp 12.000/bj
TYPE TH 15 Lubang : Rp13.500/bj
Pengambilan Minimal 10 Pcs
Belum Termasuk Biaya Pengiriman,
Informasi Lebih Lanjut Bisa Menghubungi Admin Kami di HP/WA Berikut,
Admin 1 : MADANI FARM : 0856.4752.0664
Admin 2 : Ibu Fitri : 0857.2546.5914
Admin 3 : Bapak Kris : 0813.3335.4550
HP/WA 0856-4752-0664
Atau link WA
Alamat Kantor Madani Farm
Jl. Ikan Tombro No. 1 RT.05/RW.04, Kel. Tunjungsekar, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia (65142)
NB. Melayani Pengiriman dari Malang Ke Seluruh Indonesia dengan Ekspedisi
Pusat Pot Tray Semai, Jual Pot Tray Semai Terdekat, Pot Tray Semai, Pot Tray Semai 128 Lubang, Pot Semarang, Pot Tray, Pot Tray Isi 200, Tray Pot Semai, Jne Pusat Semarang Foto, Jne Pusat Tomang, Jne Pusat Semarang, Lokasi Transit Hub Jne, Jne Pusat Terdekat, Harga Pot Tray Semai, Pusat Termurah, Tray Semai Besar, Tray Semai 200 Lubang, Tray Semai 50 Lubang, Toko Taman Plastik, Toko Pot Semarang, Toko Plastik Serdam, Harga Tray Semai 288 Lubang, Ukuran Tray Semai, Ukuran Tray Semai Padi, Ukuran Pot Tray, 2 Tray, 3 Pots, 3 Tray, Three Pot, 3 Pot
Tray Semai, 8 Tray
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madaniirigasi · 7 months ago
Distributor Pusat Agen Grosir Jual Toko Pot Tray Semai Kota Banda Aceh 0857-2546-5914
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Distributor Pusat Agen Grosir Jual Toko Pot Tray Semai Kota Banda Aceh 0857-2546-5914
DISTRIBUTOR POT TRAY Madani Farm di Malang
HP/WA 0857.2546.5914 atau Via link WA
Menyediakan Pot Tray/Tray Semai Berbagai Ukuran dengan Kualitas Terbaik dan Tebal,
TYPE 32 Lubang        : Rp 10.500/bj
TYPE 45 Lubang : Rp 16.500/bj
TYPE 50 Lubang        : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 72 Lubang : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 104 Lubang : Rp 12.000/bj
TYPE K105 Lubang : Rp 10.500/bj
TYPE 128 Lubang : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 162 Lubang : Rp 15.000/bj
TYPE 200 Lubang : Rp 11.500/bj
TYPE 288 Lubang : Rp 11.000/bj
TYPE 550 (Nampan Polos) : Rp 12.000/bj
TYPE TH 15 Lubang : Rp13.500/bj
Pengambilan Minimal 10 Pcs
Belum Termasuk Biaya Pengiriman,
Informasi Lebih Lanjut Bisa Menghubungi Admin Kami di HP/WA Berikut,
Admin 1 : MADANI FARM : 0856.4752.0664
Admin 2 : Ibu Fitri : 0857.2546.5914
Admin 3 : Bapak Kris : 0813.3335.4550
HP/WA 0857.2546.5914 atau Via link WA
Alamat Kantor Madani Farm
Jl. Ikan Tombro No. 1 RT.05/RW.04, Kel. Tunjungsekar, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia (65142)
NB. Melayani Pengiriman dari Malang Ke Seluruh Indonesia dengan Ekspedisi
·  Distributor Pot Tray Semai, Jual Pot Tray Semai Terdekat, Jual Tray Semai Terdekat, Pot Tray Semai, Pot Tray Semai 128 Lubang, Tray Dispenser, Harga Tray Semai 288 Lubang, Harga Pot Tray Semai, Distributor Pot, Tray Industrial, Distributor Teh Poci Semarang, Distributor Tri J, Distributor Di Semarang, Gudang Grosir Tki, Di Tray, Distributor Ponsel, Hp Distributor Adalah, Distributor Mesin Hp, Distributor Barang China Termurah, Distributor Printer Hp Jakarta, Jual Tray, Distributor Snack Kiloan Semarang, Pot Trays, Pabrik Tray Semai, Pot Supplier, Distributor Seng Di Medan, Tray Pot Semai, Tray Semai 50 Lubang, Tray Semai Besar, Tray Semai 128
·  Pt Pemasok Peralatan Industri, Pt Distributor Makanan, Pt. Multi Triutama Distribusi, Pt Maktal Distribusi Pratama Subang, Toko Q-Ta Grosir, Distributor Pekanbaru, Distributor Produk Rumah Tangga, Distributor Rumah Tangga, Distributor Tray, Uu Distributor, Cv Distributor Gudang Sembako Resmi, Cv Distributor Sembako Resmi, Cv Distributor Sembako, Cv Distribusi Aksesoris Indonesia, Distributor Cv, Distributor X, Harga Tray Semai 50 Lubang, Harga Tray Semai 200 Lubang, Harga Tray Semai 72 Lubang, Tray Semai 100 Lubang, 2 Tray, Distributor 3, 3 Tray, Tray Steel St-3 Triple, Distributor Barang Serba 5000, Distributor Peralatan Catering, Supermarket Tray, Dish Container
0 notes
mira-hearts-queen · 2 years ago
Please make up a story with Kuzuryu, Banda, Enji and Chishiya!
One day Kuzuryu decided to go shopping. On his way to the shopping mall he saw Banda torturing Enji as a street performer with people clapping because they thought it was part of the performance. Enji had enough and ran to Kuzuryu for help, who then proceeded to run as fast as he could to the shopping mall as well when Banda started chasing them both with his knife. When they got to the shopping mall, they thought they were safe, but out of nowhere Chishiya appeared and started stealing all the products and stuffing it in Kuzuryu's and Enji's pockets so the staff drove all 3 out. Then Banda caught up and forgot about wanting to kill Enji and Kuzuryu, and started graphically making out with Chishiya. Then while Kuzuryu and Enji started running away from them, Enji's prostethic fell out, then Banda picked it up, and ran away to give it to Yaba. I don't know the details after that but this was a supposedly true story on how Enji lost his prosthetic.
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
what was your occupation before the borderlands and before unaliving people
Ah, I worked at an ice-cream shop...
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
giggling, kicking my feet like a schoolgirl at seeing you and yaba interact
Aha... I don't know if I should be concerned or if I should just take that as a complete normal thing.
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
So you can smell him while you sleep.
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
hi Banda
Hi ginger
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
I think your man died
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
How you think Yaba looks better, with his suit or without it?
You mean 'without it' as in wearing different clothes right?
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
bolognese? cabonara?
I don't read the packets... I just grab whatever says "spaghetti"
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
Would you and Yaba have a big wedding or a small wedding?
Well, it really depends on what he wants it to be.
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
Did you finally kill Enji?
I have a reason why I didn't.
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innocent-faced-murderer · 2 years ago
You should steal Yaba's clothes and use it as pillowcase.
Why a pillowcase?
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