#banba mamoru
choujinx · 2 months
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EYESHIELD 21: BRAIN x BRAVE (2024) by inagaki riichirou & murata yuusuke
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gus-dix · 8 months
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thinking of the guys from the ancient egypt obsessed school all the time. they make me laugh, also what fun it must be going to that school!
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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astraeasilvers · 4 months
Taiyō Sphinx Headcanons
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Mamoru Banba:
Sexuality Headcanon: Aro/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A random headcanon: He’s protective over Harao to the point he’s basically Banba’s little brother.
General Opinion over said character: I’m so freaking happy that he wasn’t an obnoxious prick over his loss to Deimon. Good, humble dude
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Kiminari Harao:
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual
Gender Headcanon: Demiboy or Nonbinary
A random headcanon: Everyone saw it coming when he came out, which shocked him because he thought he hid it well (he didn’t. Not whatsoever).
General Opinion over said character: You are one prideful bastard. Thank hell that Deimon knocked you down a peg
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Niinobu Kasamatsu:
General Opinion over said character: Annoying and Obnoxious
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Ken Kamaguruma:
General Opinion over said character: Very Annoying and Obnoxious
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katzanone · 4 years
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Here are the Saikyoudai Wizards requested by @levbess!
I know all good things must come to an end, but I wish we could've seen them compete in university, especially this team!
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midorikawawas · 3 years
Me: *minding my bussines*
My brain: Banba knew since the beginning of the game that he would prefer throwing away the game and losing against hakushu dinosaurs than seeing Harao get hurt and traumatized by it.
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Mamoru Banba (Eyeshield 21)  » June 25
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Vlad Love – 01 (First Impressions) – Not-So-Fresh Blood
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I tend to be drawn to simple anime premises. Takagi teases Nishikata, Tanaka is listless, Titans Attack, etc. Along comes Vlad Love, which immediately impresses with its gritty retro visual splendor and also delivers a devilishly-simple premise: Girl who loves donating blood meets a vampire.
The Girl is Banba Mitsugu, a refreshingly quirky female protagonist in a role where a horny guy is the norm. Sakura Ayane voices Mitsugu with gusto and dynamism, as does Hidaka Rina, whose performance of the vampiress Mai Vlad Transylvania runs the gamut from cutesy and formal to yakuza bombastic.
The stinger starts like a Hollywood action movie: a SWAT team opens up a cargo container to find a creepy doll. Mitsugu’s first scene ends like one too, as she “rescues” Mai from surly nurses in a bloodmobile that then promptly explodes for no reason.
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Upon learning Mai is a hungry young vampire who left Transylvania due to clashing with her father’s 49th wife, Mitsugu takes her home and feeds her the bag of her blood she had in the fridge (Mitsugu really likes having blood drawn).
Mitsugu becomes entirely smitten with the beautiful foreign princess, and can’t help but leer when Mai quickly strips for a shower, or peek when she curls up in the closet to sleep. With her dad at work abroad, no mom mentioned, and no friends introduced, it seems Mitsugu is lonely and eager to share her home with someone anyway.
The question of how she’ll keep Mai fed is equally simple: Mai simply has to take it easy with the blood-drinking (enough to survive, not enough to kill Mitsugu). Mitsugu’s character design, with her wan complexion and bags under her eyes, as well as Mai’s blood-high attitude, suggest this won’t be easy.
Mitsugu visits her high school’s nurse Chihiro—who is not only totally inappropriately dressed for the job, but also has a side-hustle collecting rare blood. She also slaps the shit out of Mitsugu on multiple occasions, which is played for comedy, as is an instance where she’s just suddenly naked. While I appreciated the body diversity on display, it was still more random than funny.
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We learn Mitsugu has neither A nor B nor O blood, but is a “chimera” with blood that contains qualities of all three types (a real life thing). That makes her unsuitable for donating blood (cruel irony) but perfect for, say, a thirsty vamp. Nurse Chihiro suggests Mitsugu start a “blood donation club” to collect blood not just for Mai’s consumption, but for her collection.
There were quite a few attempts at comedy that somewhat inelegantly clanged to the ground without their intended effect. The dearth of smart comedy isn’t a dealbreaker (especially for a show that looks this good), but was definitely distracting and affected my score.
It’s at this point that I should probably mention for those who don’t know: Vlad Love is written, created, and directed by thee Oshii Mamoru of Ghost in the Shell fame.  On the one hand, there’s no doubting his bonafides when it comes to anime production.
On the other, he’s older than my dad, and I say this with nothing but love in my heart: My dad’s jokes are laaame. So is a lot of the comedy and various attempts to “shock” in Vlad Love. There’s a tryhard quality to the writing and directing that spoils an otherwise gorgeous production.
For good or worse, this is Oshii’s show, and there’s no reason to think he didn’t have complete creative control. Vlad Love doesn’t resume until February 14th—Vladentines Day!—so we’ll have to wait a while to determine if it’s a show I’ll hang on to this Winter.
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By: sesameacrylic
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fanficsfrombutt · 10 years
Slice of Life Segment: Sankyodai Wizards
Title: Slice of Life Segment: Sankyodai Wizards 2 Characters: Ikkyu, Banba, Mamori, Akaba Rating: Gen  Summary: The grand saga of Ikkyu and Crepe Stand Girl continues, as our unlikely hero decides that the best way to get her attention is to pretend that he has any musical talent whatsoever.
“Well, there goes the last practice before finals week,” Ikkyu complained, rolling his shoulders and tying his Converses back on.
  “Yeah… Have you started studying yet?” Mamori admonished him, putting her hands on her hips.
  Ikkyu gave her a peevish look. “Why? I still got three days before the first final!”
  “What? There’s no way you can-“ Mamori exclaimed, but sighed. “Ikkyu, you can’t just…”
  “If you don’t maintain your GPA, you can’t play sports,” Banba grunted.
  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll squeeze by,” Ikkyu replied.
  “If you can’t play sports, Hiruma will kill you,” he added.
  “Hah, scary. Fine, I’ll head back to my apartment now, kay?” he asked, shouldering his backpack and surprisingly, a guitar case.
  “Wow, Ikkyu? Since when did you play the guitar?” Mamori exclaimed at the new addition.
  “Since yesterday,” Ikkyu said off-handedly.
  “Oh, are you learning an instrument now?” Banba asked, approvingly. “That’s good. Everyone should try to explore all different areas of cultural learning. I’m glad that you are doing so, Ikkyu-“
  “What? Learning?” Ikkyu scratched his head, scowling. “No… None of that stuff, man, but girls really like guys with a talent- so…” He gestured at the guitar case. “…Yeah…. Musician… That’s oni sexy, right?”
  Banba stared at his teammate blankly, trying to process what he had just heard. Beside him, Mamori had a similar expression. “…What?”
  Ikkyu huffed. “Okay, if I walk by the crepe stand everyday with a guitar on my back, she’ll think I’m like a guitarist in a band or something, and she’ll come up and be interested in me. Okay? That’s how it works, with girls, okay?”
  “No, that’s now how anything works at all!” Banba exploded in frustration, as beside him, Mamori was still trying to figure out how much stupid could come out of someone’s mouth in such a short period of time.
  “Oh, and you’re such a ladies’ guy, aren’t you?” Ikkyu argued back.
  “I have no reason to be, I am an engaged man-“
  “Wow, sucks for her-“
  “W-Why don’t you ask Akaba for some tips?” Mamori quickly asked, stepping between them. “Akaba… Akaba, do you have a moment?”
  In the far corner of the room, the tight end stirred. “Hmmmm?”
  “Were you paying attention to any of the idiocy that happened in the last five minutes? Because Ikkyu wants to learn guitar. He has one right here,” Banba announced, shoving aside the smaller boy’s protests.
  The moment Akaba heard “guitar,” he materialized instantly at the table. “Hmmm?”
  With a defeated sigh, Ikkyu lifted the case’s strap off his shoulders and lay it on the table surface. He fumbled with the latches on the case before opening it to reveal a guitar, still with the certificate of purchase on top of it.
  “Ooo. Hello,” Akaba greeted the instrument.
  Ikkyu shrugged. “It doesn’t really work, though. I tried to get sheet music but it’s just a bunch of boxes, so I went on youtube… I tried fiddling with it but everything sounds weird. So yeah.”
  Akaba brushed his fingers across the strings one at a time, cringing as each note rang out. “Did you even tune it?” he asked.
  “Did you. Tune the. Guitar,” Akaba repeated.
  Ikkyu squinted at the strings. “I dunno. What’s a tune?”
  “You poor thing!” Akaba whispered to the guitar.
  “Stop talking to it!” Ikkyu and Banba exclaimed together.
  “Why is it the fate of some instruments… To end up in the hands of-“
  “Okay, okay, I get it, I’m not a music person!” Ikkyu moaned. “But that’s not the point. I just need to make it look like I have a talent and I’m interesting, okay? That’s all!”
  Mamori and Banba exchanged glances full of pity. “Really…” he sighed.
  “Well… Ikkyu, why don’t you try do something that, you know, you’re good at?” Mamori offered.
  “Or that you actually know the bare basics of, for one thing?” Banba grumbled, as behind him, Akaba crooned sweet nothings to the guitar.
  Ikkyu scowled. “Like what?”
  “You’re the best catcher!” Mamori exclaimed encouragingly. “Football. You’re a star at football. She’s bound to be impressed.”
  “Yeah…” Ikkyu said, nonplussed, but blushed as he tried to look away casually.
  “Bring her to practice,” she urged. “Like… Just for a bit? She can sit with me, if she’s interested in sports. Just invite her and…”
  “No, that won’t work. I’m going home,” Ikkyu mumbled shortly. “Bye-“
  “Why won’t it? Even if she’s not into athletics, it’s really cool to see you running around backwards and stuff,” Mamori pressed. “Look, I can talk to her about how we’re heading to the Rice Bowl, and how we can’t do it without you, and-“
  “Because of everyone else!” Ikkyu raised a hand and began to count off his fingers. “One. Agon’ll see her and she’s oni, oni, oni pretty, and he’s just going to swoop in and I’ll never have a chance. Two: if that doesn’t happen, she’ll see Yamato and then I really won’t have a chance. Three: if she doesn’t see Yamato, she’s going to see Don’t-Touch-My-Hair-Taka, and then I won’t have a chance. Four: Even if she manages to avoid those three, she’ll see Akaba and then I won’t have a chance and stop talking to my guitar!” He slammed the case closed, narrowly missing Akaba’s glasses.
  “Ooo, what’s wrong?”
  “I-I’m going home to s-study for my finals,” Ikkyu snapped at him, snatched up his backpack, and stomped to the exit.
  “…Did he notice he forgot his guitar?” Banba asked as the door slammed shut harder than strictly called for.
  “Infatuation… Très difficile!” Akaba sighed, taking the guitar out of the case and starting to tune it.
  “This is getting ridiculous. What is this, middle school?” Banba asked gruffly. “We are young men and women here, thank you very much.”
  “Most of us,” Mamori corrected weakly. “Most of us are.”
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talarian-shoes · 11 years
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midorikawawas · 4 years
I really be having a Good day then this page pops up in my head
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And I'm just
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midorikawawas · 4 years
It's the way Banba didn't break his promise to Harao and protected him until the bitter end for me ;-;
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midorikawawas · 4 years
Re-read the Taiyou vs Hakushuu Game and let me tell you LET ME TELL YOU.
HARAO WAS MENTALLY SCARRED FOR LIFE AFTER THAT EXPERIENCE AND I DON'T BLAME HIM. Also the way he just cried not bc the forfeit, but because Banba got hurt solely because he did everything he could to protect him....
For being such a secondary Character i feel we don't talk enough about him and y'know what I AM GOING TO TALK MORE ABOUT HIM
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midorikawawas · 3 years
Sometimes I'm minding my business then I think how tiny Harao's hand looks on Banba's when they hold hands and I get emotional like
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midorikawawas · 4 years
Another thing that fucks me up about the Taiyou vs Hakushuu Game is how ..... Harao knew he wasn't that good of a quaterback compared to everyone else, he knew this, and he worked on getting better, and he did!
But there was nothing he could've done against Gao and felt the guilt of not being neither good enough for his team or being a burden for the line, especially Banba, who protected him to the end.
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midorikawawas · 4 years
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Tiny Harao and Banba.
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midorikawawas · 3 years
For the ship bingo Blakmadhi(?), Banbarao and Rosemary (Rose/Kanaya) ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Blackmadhi! 💜🖤
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Banbarao 🌟
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Rosemary 🌹💜
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Pretty much I'm weak for the 3 💚
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