#banana staircase hat finally has a name you guyssss
james-p-sullivan · 6 months
so i think things have been doing better in terms of recovery from the tbi i had last year. reading and writing is still nowhere near where id like but i also don’t want to ignore the progress ive made over these past few months. i still have a lot of trouble reading large pieces of text at a time if im unfamiliar with it, but i think writing has helped me get used to prose and new story lines again (which is good because there is SO much fan fiction in my tbr pile that ive been dying to sink my teeth into)
i still have no memory of the accident itself or even the days surrounding it in general. there’s pretty much an entire week that results in a 404 error in my brain when i try to think about it. every so often someone will say something and im like ‘OH YEAH’ or have zero recollection so there definitely are things that ive forgotten. im trying to be forgiving about this but having amnesia was one of my biggest fears and then it freaking happened so yeahhhhh 😬
but all in all, i can slowly feel my creativity coming back. im having sudden bursts of inspiration and ive been crocheting and brainstorming personal projects, it’s been so much fun! there’s a novel plot ive been kicking around since 2019 that im actually starting to develop now and im super excited about it (you guys will start to hear about it soon hehe)
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