#banana ghidorah
kawaiiblue18 · 8 months
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Banana Ghidorah🍌
Yeah that’s pretty much it, felt like drawing something cute
Potential sticker design
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sniper-sus · 10 months
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bananafire11 · 9 months
Ok moodboards arent my speacialty my any means but... moodboards for my ocs >:]
Banana - My dragon/carno sona, my main sona. She takes inspo from many things, so I included them in here best i could (scorpions, snakes, dinos, king ghidorah,fire,ect).
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Corvius - my raven boy, a human with corvid attributes. He's got this whole dark mysterious thing going for him. Pleasing to the eye!
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Onyxeye - my ponysona of sorts, emo horse. Based lots around one of my fav bands, BMTH. Not magic and rainbows like typical mlp, but hes cool.
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my friends told mei should show everyone this so-- the art shown in the vid belongs to archangeldraws!
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archangeldraws · 3 years
Imani: All it needs is enough food, water and it doesn’t matter how big it is. As they live underground If Ghidorah is fine with it, let him know that they’ll stay as far away from him as possible.
Banana chirped at Eva.
Zuri: Banana says thank you for your kindness.
Eva: I see. Well, this island is pretty big. And Ghidorah mostly spents their time on the mountain or the lake.... And if you only live underground... I'll ask them
She turns towards the mountain and whistles loudly. Then rumbling can be heard and the three headed, golden dragon appears through a cave entrance, looking towards the beach. They roar a loud bidibidi and come crashing down the mountain
Eva: WHOA! EASY boys!! It's alright! He's not threat!
Ghidorah stops just before Banana, snarling. He's clearly trying to protect Eva
Eva: Calm down. They're friends
It takes him a minutes before Ghidorah settles and sits down, no longer growling. But still watching
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siriniel · 5 years
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I don't think I've posted them here, but here's so far all the designs of my kaiju charm set. Banana Netflix Ghidorah was given out as a sticker if you bought the set at Anime Expo. He'll be coming back as a v short run of epoxy acrylic pins. I'll post the preorder link later on if anyone is interested ~
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ars-matron · 4 years
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you’d like to know better
@thestoryoflight tagged me. Thank you, dear, it was fun getting to know you better ♡
Nickname: everyone calls me Jess, just like automatically, I never ask them to in person, I always introduce myself as Jessica.... Another Jessica started going to my school growing up so after a week of people yelling "Jessica!" Just to watch us both turn around people started calling me JJ.
Then...in no particular order. Jester. Messy Jessy. Monkey Butt (thank you grandma). Maradeth. And now The Ars Matron
Zodiac: Aquarius!
Height: 5′3.5″ but I just say 5'4" for things like my ID and the doctor cuz it's easier.
House: Slytherin! All the way. My next closest house was Ravenclaw.
Last thing I googled: Animal shelters near me, I want to donate some extra litter and blankets to them.
Song in my head: Nothing at the moment. Most often it's Just Dropped In by Kenny Rogers....why, you ask? The Big Lebowski
Followers and following: I don't actually know. I don't really care. I had a lot before the Purge and in a fit of disgust deleted my blogs. I came back mostly because I keep getting sick and wanted a place for my readers to find me if I went too long without posting anything on AO3
Amount of sleep: Not nearly enough
Lucky number: The numbers 2, 5, 7, 8, and 0 always follow me around. I see them more as guiding numbers than lucky numbers.
Dream job: hmmmmmm. I guess just getting paid to write would be awesome
Wearing: Black T-shirt from The Surly Wench, my favorite local pub. And flamingo lounge pants that are two sizes too big.
Fave songs: oh man... Pretty much anything Mark Lanegan. I'll just throw some links your way.
Carnival, Mark Lanegan
Hit the City, Mark Lanegan and PJ Harvey
Methamphetamine Blues, Mark Lanegan
Josephine, Mark Lanegan
Bananas, That 1 Guy (Hilarious and lovely, listen to it!)
Mustaches, That 1 Guy (Same as Bananas...really all of his songs are like this)
If want to see more of the insane jumble of music that I enjoy, HERE is a link to my personal playlist on youtube. Enjoy!
Instruments? Started playing the violin when I was 9 years old moved on to the viola at 12 (stopped playing 16 because my teacher was a sexist idiot) with the help of my friends I taught myself how to play the flute at 13 (our band teacher didn't know how to play the flute, so the whole flute section was just winging it... again, he was an idiot)… taught the band teacher how to play the fife when the school got a bunch donated when I was about 15. (It was the first time I'd ever seen a fife and I learned it on my own in an afternoon, but it was beyond the capacity of a man in his 50s who had taught band for 20 years to figure out)
Random fact: You mean besides having a deep dislike towards my old band teacher ?(≧▽≦)
I'm legally blind. I just feel like it's going to be something most people on the internet don't know about me. And the blind community is so often shoved under the bus I always want to make sure it's seen in some way shape or form. I was born with cataracts, and ocular albinism (and possibly retinas pigmentosa That one is hard to pinpoint but it runs in my family so I keep an eye on it) I went to the Arkansas school for the blind, lived on campus from age 9 to 16 until we moved closer to the school, which was one reason Harry Potter really caught my attention growing up. I've had two major eye surgeries, and one laser surgery (I’ll most likely need more as I get older and the cataracts keep growing back), and I really, probably, need to start using a cane....
Favorite Authors:  Robin Hobb is hands down my favorite. Please read Realm of the Elderlings and come yell at me about them!!
I also love. Philip K Dick, Chuck Palanuik, C S Friedman, Robert Jordan, Douglas Adams, and Maggie Stiefvater. I'm sure I'm missing a few. I'm gonna go ahead and put Hunter S Thompson in cuz I need to finish Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but the little I've read so far is amazing.
Fave animal sounds: For some reason my cousin and I were curious about what peacocks sound like one night and looked it up and now the thought of peacocks warbling always makes me so happy cuz of how funny we found it when bored and hyper that one night.
Aesthetic: Oh man...Dark Academia, is one. Though I usually dress more grunge for someone who is slightly too young to have lived through the grunge era. Also I love bright colors. Rainbows, mishmash, eclectic everything. I'm all over the place, really. My goal is to start adding some 1940s vintage looks into my wardrobe.
Tag People: Okay I don’t know about tagging 17 people, but I’ll just start tagging whoever comes to mind. Prepare yourselves. And none of you are under any obligation to do this! In no particular order! @listeningboy @xupz @hermitknut @mahalsbutt @d2diamond @genuine-firefly @grompbutt @peonyfoxburr @inkaalhun @beescream @king-ghidorah (Because why no all the rote people I can think of) Okay...If you see this and want to do it and I didn’t tag you please do it and tag me and I’ll look! 
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verdigrisprowl · 5 years
May 27 Dancitron Movie Night - Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
Winning the prize for Best Movie Title Ever.
Prowl was distracted by the city destroying scenes. As he often tends to be. They’re inclined to wake up Devastator.
Primus made Soundwave an offer that Soundwave wildly misunderstood. Prowl didn’t hear the beginning of the conversation—due to the aforementioned distraction—but what he did hear made him wildly uncomfortable.
And now he and Soundwave are both wildly uncomfortable.
Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:39 PM Soundwave can't seem to get the twins to stay calm long enough to get the three of them down the stairs in a neat and organized manner. The promise of mass destruction has got them bouncing and arguing in a way few things can. He'll be lucky to make it to his couch without a new dent.
Please. Please, for the love of Primus, do not let there be Dinobots tonight. He doesn't think Dancitron could take it. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 7:46 PM How about a Jazz though? Can Dancitron handle that. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 7:48 PM Multiple Jazz's actually. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:48 PM Soundwave's so tempted to turn around and walk back upstairs. He really, really is. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:48 PM And what about a Smokescreen? With some more cookies? Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 7:48 PM Well, he's here, early-ish for once. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:49 PM ...He'll stay to try the cookies. Smokescreen has to get them right sooner or later. But only as long as the Jazzes don't get to them first. They'll probably bug them or something. He would. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 7:49 PM No promises, Soundwave. About the dinobots. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:50 PM Damn it. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 7:50 PM "So what's the movie tonight?" Jazz is looking around, taking stock of new mechs. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:50 PM ((starting in 25 so grab your snacks and your dinners and all that ... jazz)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 7:51 PM Least he can keep Dancitron nearly indestructible for the night while present? Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 7:51 PM Be nice, Primus. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 7:51 PM (( snickers)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:51 PM //It's one of them city stompin' movies!//
\WITH THAT ORGANIC TRYPTICON.\ Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 7:52 PM [[ oof y'all start so late.... ]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:52 PM The cookies are getting there! The consistency is solid, and there isn't too much salt or quartz this time. It looks like Smokescreen put a bit of silver in this time. He's even heading towards Soundwave, offering a couple! Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 7:52 PM [GINO version?] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:52 PM ((dangit i wish i grabbed cookie mix from the convenience store now i want to actually make some Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:53 PM ((i love GINO version but no not him)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 7:54 PM [I love that you know what it means.] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:55 PM Soundwave reaches out to pluck one out of Smokescreen's hands before Smokescreen can get too close. He's already been crowded enough by excitable mechs; he'd rather not have Smokescreen bouncing in his space too. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:59 PM Fair enough! Once Soundwave takes one, Smokescreen takes a few for himself, before setting them on the snack table and throwing himself at the emptiest looking couch. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:59 PM Prowl Appears, and takes a seat in his usual spot. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 7:59 PM "Mind if I try one, smokes?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:00 PM Munch, munch. Hmm. This... is actually tolerable. He'll give Smokescreen a big nod. [[Not bad. Thank you.]] And one more for the seat before he plops down next to Prowl.
The twins are on their couch. The twins also happen to be jumping. The couch is, apparently, a trampoline in disguise. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:01 PM "You actually liked them?" Smokescreen is perking up, ready to practically bounce around, but managing to keep himself mostly still, wiggling his pedes in excitement. "What was your favorite part? And your least favorite?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:02 PM Going to make a tiny adjustment to the materials of Dancitron as he walks in. It was to save Soundwave from any damages future Dinobots may cause; assuming they even arrive, better safe than sorry. Even the couch could have the twins beating each other with couch cushions and they'd end up being damaged instead. Well... Assuming they got that rough. Jumping was fine. Still no damages. He'll reset the internals to normal afterwards. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:02 PM [[You've balanced the flavor well, they're not too crumbly, and he got a taste of his favorite additive. It's a pleasant little treat.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:03 PM "Silver, huh? I'll have to keep that in mind for later! I'm glad you liked 'em. I'll try to keep up the good work!" Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:03 PM Hey look, it's a familiar face. From long, long ago. Ratchet's gonna scoop up a handful of cookies on his way in and then collapse on... inny, minny, miny, twins' couch it is. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:03 PM Greeting ping to Prowl. He's already leaning. It's been such a long day, dear amica. He's had Frenzy shouting in his audio since Rumble picked the movie. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:03 PM ((Wondering if one jazz will recognize the other. Also Hey derring is it fine if I still do the reply to that one starter I never answered? I sort of forgot about it with school stuff.)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:04 PM Ravage looks over the bar, suspicious. Something smells different about the room... he'll figure it out later.
\RATCHET!\ // Ratchet!// Trying to sit with them is a mistake. They're 100% going to try to convince him to bounce with them. Mostly by grabbing his shoulders and jumping. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:05 PM Never fear. Prowl is here to be sensibly quiet and non-shouty. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:05 PM [[ i'm not even on tumblr anymore lmao gomen gomen i'm in a state of permanent exhaustion and i can't even handle jazz for a half hour tonight, switched to ratchet because he too is a Tired Man ]] Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:05 PM ((Ah)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:05 PM In Soundwave's opinion, that is a priceless personality trait. He could not value it more if he tried. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:06 PM Okay that was loud. Ratchet might have forgotten just how loud Frenzy gets. It's been a long time okay. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:07 PM Glances at Blaster. Fine. No bananas. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:07 PM Going to go over to Primus then. Better not have any fruit. WindchillToday at 8:07 PM Windchill and his spawn are here, perhaps unfortunately, as they both immediately take note of the wild bouncing by staring. That was...promising. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:07 PM Is the couch bouncy? If the couch is bouncy he will allow himself to be bounced along with them but he's not doing any jumping himself tonight, he is Collapsed. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:07 PM Squint. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:07 PM He's still cleaning out his desk Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:07 PM This is his fault why? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:07 PM Prowl sends Ratchet a greeting ping. It's been a long time. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:08 PM The couch is bouncy in a way that does not do damage to said couch, courtesy of Robot God.
Frenzy gives Rebel and company an overly enthusiastic wave of varying heights. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:08 PM You gave him the idea. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:08 PM ((7 minutes get yo shit)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:08 PM Lies. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:08 PM Ping ping back, yes it has. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM Jazz is trying to decide where to sit. Ratchet and twins or next to Blaster and a stranger. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:09 PM NO Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:09 PM Huff. WindchillToday at 8:10 PM Alas, Windchill is too huge to get in on the bouncing action, in his mind at least.
Rebel, on the other hand...
"You guys!" She runs over to check it out, her head bobbing up and down to track every bounce. "What's going on?" Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:10 PM ..... oh, right. "Hey, kiddos. Evening, Prowl." And a casual salute to Soundwave, since it is his place after all. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:10 PM There. Now. No fruit. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:10 PM What about vegetables? Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:11 PM ......gonna go with no Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:11 PM Hrmph. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:11 PM \GONNA SEE SOME COOL SLAG\ //Monster fights!// [[...They're excited.]]
Soundwave offers Ratchet a ping and a nod. Thank you for putting up with their nonsense. He knows how much it is. Try not to get sick on the floor. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:11 PM Aw, no fruit? Not even a few berries like peppers or avocados? Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:11 PM Shhhh, don't give him ideas Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:11 PM ((also i have one (1) brief thing to show post-movie so don't run off the very second it's done)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:11 PM Too late. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:12 PM Damnit Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:12 PM Jazz is curious."what's the deal with earth plants?" That cinches it. He's sitting with Blaster and stranger dude Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:12 PM Have a bowl of berries, Smokescreen. They're perfectly edible. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:12 PM "Oh yeah? What monsters? Anyone I know?" Monster fights are basically once a week in Ratchet's neck of the woods. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:12 PM "Don't give him ideas." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:12 PM TOO LATE. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:13 PM Smokescreen doesn't even know what the deal with bananas are. It had never been so peaceful for him when the banana incident happened. Oooh! Fruit! "Thank you, Primus! I love you!" Smokescreen's taking a handful. Hopefully, it will be fine on his tanks! Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:13 PM Half his base got turned to wood. Thanks. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM [[Some Earth plants are... dangerous. Best not to speak of the details. It gets--mm. Fuzzy.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:14 PM They might look organic, but they're fine on cybertronian tanks. And hi. Waves at Jazz. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:14 PM "Really? Really?" thin ice buddy. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:14 PM (Ratchet, by the way, is chomping down on those cookies he picked up earlier. Between bounces. Let's all cross our fingers he doesn't choke.) WindchillToday at 8:14 PM "Ohhhhhhh."  She's got her hands on the back of the couch, doing her own bounce from the floor.
"Like...Godzilla kind? We've been marathoning those." Rebel leans forward to whisper. "That mostly means me, dad sleeps through 'em." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:15 PM //Uhhh, Godzilla, Moth... somethin', King What'sisname, an' Bar... Bag... an' a little reddish guy.// Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:15 PM "Hmm, haven't gotten to explore Earth enough to run into anything like that yet" He's waving hello to the unknown mech. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:15 PM \PFFFT. HE GOT NO TASTE\ About Windchill, less conspiratorially. That's as whisper as it gets. ((ROLLING)) WindchillToday at 8:15 PM She squints. There's only a few reddish guys she can think of. Chill might hear, he might not, either way he's not responding and takes a seat instead. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:16 PM Offers some berries to the two mechs by his side. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:16 PM Primus, he swears, you keep this up and he's gonna need more than Sunstreaker's help with medical. Elita OneToday at 8:16 PM Elita's here just in time for the start of the film. So exciting. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:16 PM "Ah. Godzilla. Never met him myself." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:17 PM They stop jumping for a second. //Wait. You got him in your Earth?// WindchillToday at 8:17 PM Rebel intakes LOUDLY.
"It is!" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:17 PM Just because Harbinger acts like that does not make it his fault. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:18 PM Jazz is going to scrutinize the berries. Then pop one in his mouth WindchillToday at 8:18 PM Rebel climbs over the back of the couch, like the space invader that she is. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:18 PM ((warnings are in the rabbit window for y'all also, if you need 'em)) Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:18 PM Uh-huh WindchillToday at 8:18 PM She is not going to miss a second of anything involving Godzilla. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:18 PM Shrug shrug shrug. "Why not? He's probably around. Just, like I said, he's not one I've met." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:19 PM They both offer her a high five.
//Listen. LISTEN. You gotta... you gotta send us pics. If ya do.// Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:19 PM And he's gonna try a berry, just to see. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:19 PM \DOES HE DO AUTOGRAPHS?\ //No, stupid. Earth don't got pens that big.// WindchillToday at 8:19 PM Luckily, she has two hands to spare the moment she's sat on her (still red,) butt. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:19 PM Smokescreen's bowl of berries is never ending if anyone wants some.
Just going to pat [noteatdiscord] Blaster. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:20 PM Smokescreen will test the "never ending" status and will stuff his face full of berries. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:20 PM He'll at least be very messy. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:20 PM He's fine with that! He's a messy, messy bot. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:21 PM ((i appreciate that godzilla and mothra are both ® but king ghidorah only gets a ™)) Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:21 PM "Sure, I can get some image captures if it happens. Or maybe a, a piece. If one happens to fall off." Elita OneToday at 8:21 PM ((The King and Queen deserve respect.)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:21 PM ((lmao)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:21 PM ((he's a king but he's no top tier kaiju)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:21 PM ((this is where all the battles come from)) //Oooo... a piece. I want a piece.// WindchillToday at 8:22 PM "There wouldn't be a village, though?" Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:22 PM ......he's not going to comment on that. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:22 PM Watching Smokescreen make this life choice. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:23 PM Smokescreen makes many life choices. Trying to pour an endless supply of berries directly into his mouth is certainly one of them! Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:23 PM "If Godzilla came there'd be the ruins of a village to visit" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:24 PM ((intimidating horns on those guys)) ((honk honk)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:24 PM "Glitched Jokesters" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM //Huh, we got loads of ruins here. Don't stop bots goin' to 'em.// Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:25 PM Smokescreen. Smokescreen no. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:25 PM Smokescreen yes! WindchillToday at 8:25 PM Rebel leans forward. Which beast is this? Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:25 PM Apparently. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:25 PM wow Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:25 PM Should stop him... Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:25 PM "It probably prevents the original inhabitants from visiting. Due to the, you know, deaths of them." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:26 PM \....OH, HUH.\ //Good point.// Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:26 PM Probably should. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:26 PM "Hey smokes? You sure that ain' too many?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:26 PM Smokescreen is starting to have some regrets as he gets covered in berries, but doesn't no when to quit. "Nah, I think this is almost enough!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:27 PM //Maybe if they got away first. Then they could go back. .... Gotta make a new house I guess.// Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:27 PM "Smokescreen. I think that's a bit over enough..." WindchillToday at 8:27 PM "A drill...rocket. Okay." Rebel isn't sure whether to find it cool or just unconvincing. Chill perks up. He, too, has a big head and big mouth. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:28 PM "Is it? Is it, really?" Smokescreen finally slows down, starting to eat the ones around him. He'll stay to help clean up tonight. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:28 PM "Yeah...you kinda tried to cover the couch with them." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:28 PM And he thought Unicron was a bottomless pit. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:29 PM "No, no, I was just trying to eat 'em! I was pretty hungry when I got here." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM Frenzy sighs. He wants a drill rocket. It'd be cool to shoot his drills at people. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:30 PM "I think those statues are important." WindchillToday at 8:30 PM Windchill squints. Ratchet (partyhardmedic)Today at 8:30 PM [[ these assholes deserve whatever happens to them ]] Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:30 PM Just...gonna gesture to the couch. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:30 PM ((hard agree)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:30 PM ((yep)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:31 PM Rubber drill rockets? Soundwave probably wouldn't approve of the real ones. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:31 PM Given that Soundwave would find it convenient to be able to shoot his own hands places, you never know. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:31 PM "Is she... overenergized?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:32 PM [[Rather.]] [[Hah.]] WindchillToday at 8:32 PM "Too much talking, not enough monsters." Rebel crosses her arms. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:33 PM Hmm. Maybe he'll send the schematics to Soundwave to decide when/if they're deserved. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:33 PM [[He's very happy about that, isn't he.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:33 PM "I kinda wanna be put in a cocoon..." He's continuing to stuff his face full of berries. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:33 PM Is either the best Creator or the worst. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:33 PM "the puppy's okay, at least." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:33 PM [[This isn't that type of club, Smokescreen.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:33 PM "Maybe he doesn't know how to use his face." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:33 PM [[Hm. Possible.]] Nodding. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:34 PM "Wait, what? Are there "Cocoon Smokescreen" clubs now?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:34 PM [[No. He was saying--never mind. Watch the film.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:34 PM "No, no, tell me- what were you saying? I'm listening, Soundwave." Smokescreen may have a smug, smug smirk. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:34 PM [[Nothing.]] Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:35 PM "Why japan though?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:35 PM Snicker. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:35 PM "Cocoon? What's that got to do with clubs?" WindchillToday at 8:35 PM "Pfft." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM [[Nothing.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:35 PM "... Does your Cybertron have those types of clubs yet? NOT Smokescreen-related clubs." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:35 PM "Nothing at all? If you say so, Soundwave." Smokescreen's slowing down on his berry consumption. Maybe it really is endless! "Primus, can I hold onto these berries?" Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:36 PM Hands up. Okay, okay, he'll stop asking. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:36 PM "Going to share them with friends?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM [[There is supposedly a small one near the remnants of Vaporex. He does not know its schedule.]] Yet. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:37 PM "Yeah! Friends! I've got some parties on my Cybertron to host and all." Smokescreen could feed every Cybertron with these, couldn't he? No one would ever be hungry! Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:38 PM He still wants to know what type of club they're talking about. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:38 PM "Go ahead then. Your friends will certainly enjoy them." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:39 PM "Thank you, Primus!" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:39 PM "Hm. Let me know when you find out more about it." Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:39 PM "really?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:39 PM "Also, it looks like they're about to have a pet Godzilla! Lucky." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:39 PM [[He will work to be able to do so.]] Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:39 PM "as a pet?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:39 PM //Pffft. Ain't a leash big enough for 'im.// WindchillToday at 8:39 PM "Ewww!" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:39 PM ((we've got a whole boat full of godzilla stans in here)) WindchillToday at 8:40 PM Rebel makes gagging sounds. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:41 PM ....oh. That kind of club? Red Light. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:41 PM "... Godzilla doesn't wear hats though" WindchillToday at 8:42 PM "They're dead." Chill and Rebel both nod sagely. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:42 PM Still, going to turn to Primus on this one. Literally turn. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:43 PM Looks down at him. "Club?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:43 PM "I've heard rumors of a club opening in my Iacon. I haven't heard anything about its quality yet, though. But we also haven't received any police calls about it, which is a good sign." Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:44 PM "Yeah. I'm still kinda curious, what type are they referring to?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:45 PM [[He will hope that you do not get any calls before you find out more, and returns your request.]] \THAT'S A LONG BOAT.\ //No it ain't. Longboats're different.// \NOT A LONGBOAT. A LONG BOAT.\ Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:47 PM "Hopefully a well run and maintained brothel." Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:47 PM "and the people targeted were those destroying things" "He's over 50?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:49 PM //I dunno. Human ages are weird.// Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:49 PM "....oh. But, cocoon? Like what, in blankets?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:50 PM \NAH, NAH. IT'S A BUG. LIKE TARANTULAS. SAME STUFF, THAT, UH.\ //Silt.// \YEAH.\ WindchillToday at 8:50 PM "Butt silk?" Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:50 PM "Silk?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:51 PM "Tarantulas isn't a bug, though!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:51 PM //Then how come's he got all those legs?// \YEAH! SILK.\ Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:51 PM "How come you got all those legs? Are you a bug too?" WindchillToday at 8:52 PM Rebel cackles. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:52 PM Rumble points and laughs. //He's SHOOTIN' at it, Primus below--// Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:52 PM "Is that what godzilla looks like?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:53 PM "Is this gonna be like Shadow the Hedgehog? Where everyone thinks the monster is Godzilla but it's actually someone else?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:53 PM \THINK SO.\ WindchillToday at 8:53 PM "NO." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:53 PM Prowl vaguely overhears Primus's conversation and realize he's probably talking about THEIR conversation. "No, Iacon's got two brothels now. Both outside of Metroplex's city walls. I'm talking about the BDSM club inside the walls." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:53 PM "You could be cocooned in a blanket. There are also ropes, silks, chains, or a mix depending on your interest. Or, in the case of arachnid mechs, the silk they create to be far tighter and, I suppose, more personal."
Yes hi, Rumble. Snrk. WindchillToday at 8:54 PM Windchill shakes his head. He's slept through enough Godzilla films to know that wasn't it.
"Wasn't handsome enough to be Godzilla." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:54 PM Smokescreen perks up when he hears BDSM club, but then realizes who says it. He'll have to look it up later! Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:54 PM Okay, now that term goes over his helm with room to spare. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:54 PM The twins begin jumping up and down again. WindchillToday at 8:54 PM "There he is!" Rebel gives a fist pump. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:54 PM "ah that's godzilla." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:54 PM //Pit yeah it is.// Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:54 PM "Godzilla looks like he'd be good to hug." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:54 PM Looks over to Prowl. "You've been?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:55 PM ((all i can hear is the softest "raaaah")) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:55 PM ((SAME)) Elita OneToday at 8:55 PM ((it was me. i was the raaah)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:55 PM //F for that fragger plowed into the boxes.// \F.\ WindchillToday at 8:56 PM "F?" "F." Windchill salutes. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:56 PM "F." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:56 PM ((godzilla bein a dick lmao)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:57 PM "oh that's not nice" Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:57 PM Still. Making a face at Primus. "Rather not." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:57 PM "Legends don't burn down villages." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:57 PM "Not yet. We've received some calls about one of the brothels, though. I certainly didn't answer them myself." He's the captain, he's got office stuff he has to do. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:57 PM //You don't gotta be good to be a legend.// Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:58 PM Pats Blaster. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:58 PM \YEAH. I'M A LEGEND.\ //Ah, frag off.// Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:58 PM "why are you screaming? You're drawing attention." Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 8:58 PM Confused noises. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:58 PM [[Shock, presumably. No sensible decisions in that state.]] WindchillToday at 8:58 PM "Well, someone's hella dead." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:58 PM Soundwave glances at Prowl. [[Someone harmed?]] [[Or just someone protesting bots having more fun than them?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:00 PM "Most recently, a drunk customer that refused to leave when the employees told him he was too overcharged to be served. We escorted him out and towed him home." ((raaaah)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:01 PM //Ah, quit screamin'. Ya went right over him.// WindchillToday at 9:01 PM "That's the ugliest unicorn I have ever seen." Windchill turns up his noseless face. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:01 PM [[Towed him? That IS overcharged.]] //I'd mourn them too but they was dumb for standin' around.// Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:02 PM "Hrm... I might check out the one within the walls, Prowl. Been ages since I've ever seen a good show in person." Chuckle. "Assuming that is part. If not, well, see the selection. Must be decent to be there." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:02 PM ((raaa)) WindchillToday at 9:02 PM "Eheheh! He just broke through the mountain!" Rebel clasps her cheeks. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:02 PM //Fancy landscapin' work.// Nudging Rebel. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:03 PM "They are awfully blase for a national emergency" WindchillToday at 9:03 PM "It happens all the time." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:03 PM \THAT'S CAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. WENT 'N FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE FIRST TIME.\ WindchillToday at 9:03 PM Rebel uses her elbow in retaliation. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:03 PM Soundwave quietly pokes Prowl. @P: [[Apparently, Primus IS a dom. Or a voyeur, at least.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:04 PM Technically? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:04 PM @S «People DO tend to assume gods are 'all-seeing.' It would makes sense that they like to watch.» WindchillToday at 9:05 PM Rebel vibrates with excitement. Of course Godzilla is winning. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:05 PM "this sounds like wrestlin'" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:06 PM You two can speak to him directly, you know. Primus is stroking his chin in thought. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:06 PM //...We're supposed to want the li'l red guy to win, yeah?// \DON'T CARE. CHEERIN'.\ Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:06 PM "If you go before me, let me know what kind of safety and hygiene standards it has in place. If it's a shady location I can save myself the trip." ((raaaaaAAAAAAH!!)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:06 PM "Want any other information?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:06 PM [[If it has cameras or not.]] //You like wrestlin', Jazz?// ((run, bb. climb like hell)) Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:07 PM So confused Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:07 PM ((CLIMB FASTER)) WindchillToday at 9:07 PM "Ohhhhhhhh." Rebel whoops. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:08 PM "Sometimes for watchin'. Not 'xactly my fightin' style though." WindchillToday at 9:08 PM "Whoaaaaaa." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:09 PM Frenzy whoops loud enough to wake the dead.
[[Frenzy! Tone it down, at once.]] \...SORRY, BOSS.\ Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:09 PM "Willing recording is good. No consent recording, I might 'disable' them until Prowl or another officer arrives." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:09 PM Winces. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:09 PM \SORRY, PROWL.\ //You ever watch the-- wait. You're from-- hey, your world got gladiatin' arenas?// To Jazz. WindchillToday at 9:10 PM "They been failing miserably at that so far," Rebel chortles. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:11 PM "Not any more. they were a form of glorified executions." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:11 PM //Yep. Yep.// WindchillToday at 9:11 PM Now she's clapping, this one has to be Mothra. Not as cool as Godzilla, but cool enough. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:12 PM "If it's privately-owned and not run as a hotel—no night-long rentals—the property owners have the legal right to covertly record, provided that the recordings are automatically purged within a week. But if they are recording and that isn't disclosed, that would DEFINITELY fall under the 'shady location' category." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:12 PM //Wonder what humans think's essential.// Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:13 PM Nods. "Alright. It would be very easy to check that." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:15 PM //How do ya think she gets in that big ol' cocoon anyhow?// \I DUNNO. SORTA--\ Frenzy folds his arms over his chest and spins in a circle. \MAYBE? BUT, LIKE. ON THE FLOOR.\ WindchillToday at 9:15 PM Rebel turns to point at her dad. Jets lose to Godzilla. Remember that, sir.
He doesn't seem concerned. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:16 PM Excited nudging. At least from the twins.
Soundwave's mouth twists to one side. [[...Tarantulas doesn't do this, does he?]] WindchillToday at 9:16 PM "Pretty sure cocoons are made from spit," he adds. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:16 PM ((oop make that a @P)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:16 PM "oh she's pretty" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:17 PM //Spit? That's gross. ... An' cool.// WindchillToday at 9:18 PM Chill nods.
"Bugs use spit for...all sort of things. Pretty nasty." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:19 PM "It's Primus!" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:19 PM Confused noise. What's him? Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:19 PM Mothra! Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:19 PM @S «Make cocoons? Not that I've ever seen.» Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:20 PM "oh. she's not just pretty. she's gorgeous." Jazz has a crush on the moth. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:20 PM What. Wasn't watching the movie. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:20 PM @P: [[Good. He does not think Tarantulas would look good with such wings.]] And really, he's enough of a threat without also being able to fly. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:20 PM Welcome to the bugfucker club, Jazz. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:21 PM ((chokes)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:21 PM ((AHAHA)) WindchillToday at 9:21 PM It's a growing organization Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:21 PM At least four members and growing, now. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:21 PM Spreads out a wing. Is this why he's like Mothra? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:21 PM ((i like how baragon didn't even make it into the title of the movie)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:21 PM ((nobody appreciates poor poor baragon ;; )) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:21 PM Smokescreen nods. He's all mothy and protects the smaller bots! Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:21 PM ((all the way down to a third tier kaiju)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:22 PM Primoth Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:22 PM No. Bad. Bad god. \HAHA. I LIKE HER.\ Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:22 PM ((although it's not like he hasn't fragged insectoid aliens before)) WindchillToday at 9:22 PM Windchill spits. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:22 PM PRIMOTH Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:22 PM Primus. Primus no. WindchillToday at 9:22 PM "I'm going to remember that line." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:23 PM Primus yes Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:23 PM Don't you dare Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:23 PM Primoth!! Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:23 PM Bad Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:23 PM Don't you argue with God. >:| Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM //Kick his aft!// \KICK HER AFT!\ WindchillToday at 9:24 PM Rebel pumps her fists. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:24 PM Somewhere a tiny moth was awakened. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:24 PM When the God is going to get into trouble, he freakin' will. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:25 PM ((WHOOP i forgot about that)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:25 PM Everyone loves Primoth. You know this. WindchillToday at 9:25 PM "He could just shoot her down like he did those jets before." Rebel, it seems, is thinking too much into it. "There we go." Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:25 PM Shhhh Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:25 PM Jazz is rooting for Mothra Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:26 PM Blanket for Blaster. You shh. WindchillToday at 9:26 PM "Woooow!" "Hey!" Rebel points. "There's Godzilla's hat!" "He had one after all." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM //Looks like Bird sittin' on Swoop.// WindchillToday at 9:29 PM "Or Swoop sitting on me." Windchill nods. A lot of sitting happens around here. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:29 PM \BOTH'S GOOD.\ Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:29 PM ((No! the dragon)) Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:29 PM OI! Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:30 PM Going to casually scoot away from Blaster while he's distracted. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:30 PM Flailing and attempting to get the blanket off. WindchillToday at 9:30 PM "Zombie-eyed Godzilla wins again!" Rebel is pleased, even if it won't last. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:31 PM Smokescreen waves to Primus, offering a "free" seat next to him. It's full of berries, still, but it's otherwise free! Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:31 PM "Is she okay?!" Jazz will be spark broken if mothra dies now Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:31 PM //Dunno, mech.// WindchillToday at 9:32 PM "So much for those drill rockets..." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:33 PM He's good, Smokescreen. Going to scoot around behind the couch that Prowl and Soundwave occupy. Leans against the back and casually drapes his wings over the armrests. Hello. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:33 PM (( is mothra pulling a Jazz style self-sacrifice?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:33 PM Soundwave glances up and prods one wing, confused. What's all this about, then. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:33 PM Prowl starts, automatically scooting to the edge of his seat. He was focused a little too hard on the movie during the city battle. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:33 PM Awww. Smokescreen looks around, before staring at Windchill. "Hey, Wind, you want some berries?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:34 PM ((check out that CGI)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:34 PM Jazz is a little spark broken now WindchillToday at 9:34 PM Windchill was squinting at the fairy dust on screen, but gets that feeling he's being stared down.
"EH?" Now he squints in suspicion. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:35 PM It's all right, Jazz. It was for a good cause. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:35 PM Apology, Prowl. Didn't mean to do that. Just came to say hello and say, telepathy and all, that he could indulge Soundwave in his interests if he asked. Assuming Soundwave was curious about that. WindchillToday at 9:36 PM "I'll be surprised if there's anything left to save at this point," Rebel huffs. They're not doing a very good job! Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 9:36 PM Okay, blanket off now. He's just going to fold it up and huff at the god. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:36 PM ...Well THAT'S a hell of a thing to hear, isn't it? Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:36 PM "But I liked her" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:36 PM Soundwave did tell Prowl his observations. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:36 PM //Can't all of 'em live. Anyway, you could still like her.// WindchillToday at 9:37 PM "She's in other movies. None of these guys stay dead," Rebel chimes in. It's all right, she's seen a bunch of these things. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:37 PM He's a bored God that really doesn't get out enough. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:37 PM "So I can still meet her?" WindchillToday at 9:38 PM Rebel shrugs. She doesn't know about that. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:39 PM "I wanna visit one of those universes so I can meet her." WindchillToday at 9:40 PM She's gonna make a real skeptical face at that, but back to the film. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:41 PM Soundwave will, uh... keep the offer in mind. Yyyyyes. It's a little-- that seems kind of... Look, he's new to this believing in gods business, but isn't that kind of presumptuous of a mortal? Wanting that kind of thing? It sounds like that to him, anyway. [[She's a diligent reporter, going out in such a circumstance. He does not know many who would stay instead of fleeing.]] [[Or at the very least, filming from a much greater distance.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:41 PM ((soundwave please you've seen astrotrain macking on primus)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:42 PM ((and he's never once thought it classy)) //Nice shot, aft.// WindchillToday at 9:43 PM "Which side is this guy on?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:44 PM Raises an optic ridge. Soundwave, you hoard everything about him or things he's messed with. By terms of how he's now here, one could say you've been the most 'intimate' already. Besides... Are you embarrassed? He's completely open and chill about this sort of thing.
Primus is going to embarrass the heck out of Soundwave in front of Prowl. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:44 PM "So the dragon gets two resurrects?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:45 PM Prowl is Completely and Totally Oblivious. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:45 PM \SURE. THE STONES GOT SPARKS IN 'EM. UH, HUMAN ONES. IF HUMANS GOT SPARKS.\ Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:45 PM That's a lie and he knows it. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:46 PM No. Prowl is genuinely that oblivious. After all, if he knew his amica were being embarrassed, he'd try to rescue him. Sorry Soundwave. You're on your own. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:46 PM ((lol)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:47 PM Oh. Well in that case! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:47 PM \...WELL, THAT ONE'S DEAD. THEY'RE ALL FRAGGED.\ Rumble hums a funeral song. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:47 PM ((baragon saves the day)) WindchillToday at 9:48 PM "Did he just absorb them, Dovahkiin style?" Windchill isn't sure what's going on. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:48 PM \IIIII DON'T GET IT.\ //I dunno. Some kinda ghost thing. What's a Dovekin?// WindchillToday at 9:49 PM "Some guy who kills dragons by yelling at them." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:49 PM ((there's gonna be (really bad lmao) shots of inside his belly shortly)) ((idk if anyone's bothered about that but jic)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:49 PM [Smokey gunna be jelly ic? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:50 PM ((i desperately want to inform rumble that a dovekin is a human with a pigeon's soul)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:50 PM //Oh. I dunno if blastin' blue stuff at him is yellin'. Killed him real good though.// ((LMFAO)) WindchillToday at 9:51 PM "It's really more the absorption part that makes me wonder." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:52 PM ((DASZNZXC yes)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:52 PM ((float faster, little ship)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:53 PM [I know Smokey well. :3] WindchillToday at 9:54 PM Rebel leans back on the couch.
"All of the monsters are dead." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:55 PM "Oooh, professor ghost!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:55 PM ((in another moment there should be an organ hanging out on the ocean floor, look away if necessary. it's a still-beating heart)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:56 PM Jazz is still sad, but now determined to meet a Mothra. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:56 PM You never know. The multiverse is a strange place. Soundwave's seen others from films. WindchillToday at 9:57 PM "Gross!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:57 PM ((okay IF YOU LIKED THAT EVEN A LITTLE, then here is a thing--)) Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:57 PM "Ah some things are just hard to kill" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:58 PM ((OH YEAH i saw this when i saw pikachu)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:58 PM Hmms. Soundwave is a distracted by the movie~. [soon] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:59 PM ((same. this is a weird thing to put in front of pikachu considering the different ratings, but, yknow. not complaining.)) ((it IS about a wide variety of Japanese monsters that have nothing better to do than fight each other.)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:59 PM ((LOL)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:59 PM ((godzilla: gotta catch em all)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:59 PM ((TRUE)) ((... okay the first time i ever heard that quote it was like "this is elmo's world we just live in it" WindchillToday at 10:00 PM (( STOP THAT RIGHT NOW )) Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 10:00 PM ((thaaaat would be a whole new rating for pokemon Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:00 PM ((punts elmo)) WindchillToday at 10:00 PM (( Thank god. )) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:00 PM ((oh my god)) https://giphy.com/gifs/marvel-cinematic-universe-mcu-pietro-maximoff-yr7n0u3qzO9nG Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:00 PM [Pokemon is already super dark Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:00 PM ((....there's also a hilariously fun trailer called Knock You Out but that has a SPOILER so don't watch that one unless you're willing to accept that)) The twins flop down on the couch, giddy and tired at the same time. They need to go fight Grimlock. Like, right now. WindchillToday at 10:01 PM Windchill stretches his pointy feet, having given up on any follow up regarding weird berries. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:01 PM Soundwave is mostly just grateful that they've stopped jumping. WindchillToday at 10:01 PM "Time to go sleep through more Godzilla movies." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:02 PM \HEY, REBEL?\ WindchillToday at 10:02 PM Rebel perks up, but gives a shrewd squint.
"Yeah?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:02 PM //Punch your dad awake next time.// Frenzy chokesnorts. WindchillToday at 10:03 PM "Um." She cranes her neck to look at the dad in question, but he's already staring them down. "Yeah, okay." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 10:03 PM Smokescreen's slowly picking up berries upon berries, stuffing his face. Is there a mess? Maybe. "Soundwave, can I help clean up tonight?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:03 PM \WHAT? YOU WANNA GO, BUGBANGER?\ [[No, no. No need. Prowl is sufficient - and efficient - help.]] WindchillToday at 10:04 PM "Ex fucking scuse me?" Windchill tilts his head. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:04 PM \YOU'RE STARIN'.\ Points a finger. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:04 PM The children are fighting. WindchillToday at 10:04 PM "It was one bug." He lifts a talon, just for visual reference of 'one.' Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:05 PM //One's all ya need.// WindchillToday at 10:05 PM "Besides, all of the Godzilla films are the same." He yawns. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 10:05 PM "Oh, okay. Uh. I might have made a bit of a mess. I can at least clean up that, right?" Smokescreen's already starting to try to clean any stains from the berries out. He has regrets! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:05 PM //Ain't that right, Boss?// [[All right, that is it. Out. Both of you. Go find something to do.]] Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 10:05 PM ......... Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:05 PM \SCORE. NO CLEANING DUTY.\ And they're off like a rocket. WindchillToday at 10:06 PM And he's up before anyone else decides to comment on his bug banging life. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:06 PM [[Please, no. He'll handle the stains himself.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 10:07 PM "Okay, okay- I'm sorry I made a mess. I'll have to make extra cookies for you next week!" Maybe he can incorporate the berries into them! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:07 PM [[He'll look forward to it.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 10:08 PM "Thank you! I'll try not to disappoint you. I could also make you something more savory- maybe something spicy?" WindchillToday at 10:08 PM He'll do a waddling stomp, stomp stomp like a man in a chunky lizard suit, arms extended to pick up his spawn complete with some of the grosser Godzilla sounds.
Rebel goes limp, because playing dead totally works. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:08 PM [[Perhaps. He does like a bit of spice sometimes.]] WindchillToday at 10:08 PM "Swoop would have liked this movie," Rebel moans, forgetting to be completely dead. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:09 PM Soundwave tries not to let an amused smile reach his face at Rebel's antics. Younglings. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:09 PM Course you do, Soundwave. Primus is just feeling sassy. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 10:09 PM "Me too, Soundwave! I don't get to have really good spicy stuff all that often, so it'll be nice to make some!" Of course, Smokescreen's idea of "mildly spicy" is probably what is usually considered a "very spicy" WindchillToday at 10:10 PM Windchill drapes her over his shoulders, like a lamb, or maybe a stylish scarf.
"I'm sure you can watch it with Swoop later. With supervision." Oh yes, lots of supervision. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:11 PM We'll be sure to keep plenty of energon on hand next week. It'll be payback for all the gaugebusters they've snuck onto people.
Soundwave twists and stares at Primus. [[You are somehow incredibly direct and yet not at all. He would prefer you simply spoke your mind.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 10:12 PM "Thank you for having us, by the way! See you later, alloygator." Smokescreen picks up his berry bowl, tosses a few towards Windchill, and finally heads home for the night. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:12 PM Okay. Movie's over. Has been for a few minutes, in fact. Prowl lets out a slow sigh and attempts to focus on the room again. Hello. What's going on? Is he missing a conversation? Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:12 PM A wave over his shoulder at Smokescreen. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:12 PM Laughs. "With or without a filter?" WindchillToday at 10:13 PM Chill recoils from whatever was thrown at him, and groans. How is he supposed to clean up Smokescreen's random mess when his hands are full of child? Rebel points at a lone berry, rolling across the floor. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 10:13 PM Primus. And he thought Harbringer was bad. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:13 PM [[Without. He spends enough of his day digging out hidden meanings in mechs' words as it is.]]
Pause to look over at Prowl. [[Caught up in that?]] One feeler bobs toward the screen. WindchillToday at 10:14 PM She forgot to be dead again. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:14 PM Personally, he's suspecting Devastator was having a grand old time in there. It's happened before. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:15 PM "What? Ah. Yes." He shakes his head. "Sorry. Cities being destroyed are... engrossing. Did I zone out on something I should have been listening to?" WindchillToday at 10:15 PM Wait, he has an idea. He removes the spawn, but holds her in his grip like some garden instrument and lets her pick the berries up and pop them in her mouth. Smokescreen was eating them, so they're probably not poisonous. Probably. It wouldn't be Rebel's first medical bill. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:16 PM [[Ah.]] The feeler nods for Soundwave. He thought that was it. [[And that depends. He is trying to find that out.]]
It's fine. Rebel will be fine. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:16 PM "Fair enough. As I meant to get at earlier, which you appeared to be very distracted over, you can ask me nearly anything and get an answer. You don't have to feel embarrassed or cautious about the questions. Even the more intimate styles ones." WindchillToday at 10:17 PM He hopes so, she's gobbling them up like a starving animal. The good news is that means she makes short work of them, so they're free to go. Around his neck she goes, even if that means he gets berry juice fingers in his face. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:18 PM [[Give him a moment, then.]] There's still company present. WindchillToday at 10:18 PM "Good night, glad to see you guys finally got some taste in movies." Even if they are the kind that he's prone to sleeping through. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:18 PM =Ha.= Ravage will tell Rumble that. Jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 10:18 PM Jazz is going to help clean up berries, moving them into a single pile. WindchillToday at 10:18 PM And now, they're gone. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:19 PM Nods. Glances at Blaster and Jazz. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:19 PM Soundwave will ping him a thank-you and a note telling him to take anything he wants from the bar on the way home. Blaster (boomtanknotboombox)Today at 10:19 PM Riiiight. Okay, he's just...gonna leave now. "Okay, um...good night. Thanks for the movie." even thought he didn't pay attention to it. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:20 PM [[You're welcome, Blaster. We will see you again next week. And thank you for keeping certain figures from deploying fruit.]] Because he knows it was you. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:20 PM Hrmph. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:25 PM All right, then. Now Soundwave twists more, until he's sideways on the couch. Question time. [[Why are you offering to act in such a role? He would expect interfacing with mortals - or temporarily taking the title without that - to be beneath you. It seems a massive power imbalance. And why HIM?]] Yes, Prowl, this is what you may or may not have missed. Please join him in being confused. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:27 PM "... If he didn't interface with mortals, who WOULD he interface with? I mean—to be fair—refusing to would drastically shrink the dating pool." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:28 PM [[Other immortals. There must be more of them.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:28 PM "Arguably, depending on your definition, we ARE immortals." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:29 PM "Why not? There is a difference in seeing it through a memory versus going through the experience yourself. If interfacing would be so beneath him, then why would he be here among the mortal mechs? Just talking should be so. I might be the Creator, but I'm not above others." Huffs. "Soundwave, you're so important to me. You know how valuable you are. This conversation wouldn't be happening if you didn't agree to help." "Frankly I've invested a lot in you." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:31 PM [[The definition that includes the ability to-- to reshape reality as one pleases and live far longer than any Cybertronian HE knows of. He certainly can't do that, himself.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:31 PM "Not yet." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:32 PM "I wouldn't put that under the 'immortal' umbrella at all, but..." noncommittal mumble mumble. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:34 PM [[And he doesn't see that you had much choice. You would have perished. But rescuing someone does not need to equal sharing a berth. If it did, he would never have saved Wheeljack.]] Shudder. Ugh. Perish the thought. [[And what umbrella is that, then?]] Pause. [[Wait.]] Pause. [[Yet?]] The umbrella question is one of genuine curiosity. Prowl's a little better at finding accurate category titles than he is. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:35 PM But this "I've invested a lot in you" talk is making Prowl uneasy. He shifts in his seat so he can address Primus more directly. "All questions of 'what is an immortal' aside... Soundwave IS right about the power imbalance. It's—beyond highly inappropriate to come on to a subordinate. And I can think of no more subordinate a position than a worshiper before his god." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:36 PM "I'd like to think you helped not because of who I am, but because we'd built up a relationship until that point. I'm not a stranger nor just a God you happen to gage fealty to, Soundwave." Looks at Prowl. Bad word choice on his part? About the whole invested thing. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:38 PM "It doesn't matter if you say you're leaving the choice up to him, if you insist that he can take it or leave it, or if you phrase it as an offer rather than a request. Such offers come with pressure—whether you want them to or not, the pressure is there. And the bigger the power imbalance, the higher the pressure." "So I suggest you tread very, very cautiously. And keep in mind that if everyone in this room were an Autobot and subject to the rules of the Autobot Code, I would already have more than adequate grounds to have you arrested." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:41 PM "You certainly don't mince words or hold back." That wasn't a bad thing at all. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:41 PM Soundwave's quietly torn between admiring Prowl for having the guts to arrest PRIMUS and being horrified at the idea of someone arresting PRIMUS. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:43 PM "I have a long history of speaking plainly to authority figures with variations of the word 'Prime' somewhere in their name. I don't think they—or, more importantly, their subordinates—benefit from their being coddled." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:43 PM Mumbled thought. [[He still wants to know about "yet".]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 "No one does. It is good you're here to call me out, Prowl. I can sometimes easily be blind to my own wording or so used to how I interact with someone that I don't even think twice. It is a nasty habit that doesn't get pointed out because of the status I hold."
Optics flicker to Soundwave. "You are in possession of..." Pause. "Do you know what I'm referring to, Prowl?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 "His spark shard? Yes." Oh, boy is he aware. It's caused Soundwave no end of mental turmoil, and Prowl isn't eager to see that turmoil stirred up again. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 To Prowl's credit, the time they spoke about it, Prowl sort of cleared up one of the handful of emotional tangles by pointing out how silly it was. But it is still a Thing sometimes, yes. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 "Good." Vents slowly. "As I've said before, Soundwave, I was aware of it and I'm not angry about it. I told you once that you could consider it my thanks over that whole stressful situation. And... I'm sorry... About that time and everything after causing you undue stress."
Points at Soundwave's chest. "Since that is a true piece of my Core, you might one day have it incorporated into your own spark and entirety of your frame. You could one day be a demigod because of it. Only if you choose to be." Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 ........................How about he just freezes and puts one of those spinny 'processing' symbols on his visor. He's gonna go ahead and do that. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Ohno. Panicked/apologetic look. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 Prowl's desperately wanted to wrap an arm protectively around Soundwave for several minutes now, and that urge just skyrocketed, but he's pretty sure the physical contact will only give Soundwave more mental noise he has to get through before he can process that new data. Instead he squeezes his own hands together. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Okay, the symbol's gone.
[[That is--hmm. It's.]] It's back. No, no, it's gone. No. One more flicker. Okay, he's got words again. [[It is... interesting.]]
And a shock. It's definitely a shock. If it's true. He's not completely convinced Primus isn't pulling his leg. There was the whole banana prank the other week, and all.
He lifts one hand to his mouth, the knuckle of his index finger covering both lips and his thumb on his cheek. Serious moment.
[[...He is probably too dangerous to be offered such a power. And it would put him on a different level than those he--]] Wwwword. Hard word. [[The ones he keeps close. They are important to him. He would not trade them for that.]]
Still worth noting for the record's sake, as one never knows when something will go terribly wrong, but it feels unwise (and unearned) to get invested in such an idea. Soundwave's other hand seeks out one of Prowl's. Hi. You're one of the ten or so important ones. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 "I hope you don't think I would take you any more seriously if you suddenly gained a couple of power upgrades." He reaches across himself to take Soundwave's hand so that his other arm is free to, finally, wrap protectively around Soundwave. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 A dark huff. [[You threatened to arrest PRIMUS. He would expect you to storm after him with handcuffs if he-- what do demigods DO?]] Frown. [[Turned Rodimus into a fireplace.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 "He already is." Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 [[Through no fault of HIS.]]
Soundwave shakes his head and looks at Primus. Get serious again. Right. [[And he does not require apologies. But he appreciated them.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 The banana thing was just him having fun. Primus didn't expect the whole 'shooting the box' event. This wasn't something that he would speak so lightly of. Over the years the shard's power would have, unless isolated, leaked into Soundwave. The power within would augment his abilities over time as if it were completely normal.
"I thought you should know now instead of being shocked. I still am apologetic even if you don't need them." Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Sudden frown. [[He supposes he'd agree to do it if your death was unavoidable and his inaction would leave Cybertron a husk. But he would prefer that did not come to pass.]]
Soundwave nods. [[It is good of you to have told him. Though now he wonders whether your interest isn't your spark trying to -- return to the rest of itself. These things are beyond him. In any case, the ORIGINAL offer is still very... He does not think he understands the full weight of it at this time. Perhaps after a great deal of thought.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 Prowl's protective hold tightens a bit. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 "The original offer... You know that was just for you to ask questions of me, right? Not to do anything." Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 [[Then he very much did not understand. He mistook teasing for an offer. Better that he had not agreed to it.]] Soundwave settles into the hold. Prowl was invaluable during the fight with Unicron. Surely his continued presence will help ensure that Primus does NOT perish any time soon. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 ... Prowl considers marginally loosening his grip, but decides the tension hasn't dissipated nearly enough to warrant that. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 "Forgive me if I made it sound that way. Intimacy on any level beyond what this is now, I wouldn't ask in public or so lightly." Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Nodding. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 Prowl's not wholly convinced that Primus didn't make a deliberately ambiguous offer just so he could leave himself the very plausible deniability escape route he just used. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Intentionally? No. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 [[He did think it was rather... gauche, when he misinterpreted the intent. A certain triplechanger comes to mind.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Embarrassed grimace. "I severely need more interactions." Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Hand wave. [[You are welcome to visit more often.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 "Thank you, Soundwave." Smiles. "And Prowl, as if it needs to be said, call me out on anything I do that seems... off. A very vague descriptive." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 "I fully intend to." Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 "Lucky mechs to have each other." Chuckles. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 A big green check mark on his visor. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Stands up from where he'd been leaning. "Hmm... Did I cover everything that was bothering you two earlier?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 Prowl's keeping his mouth shut. Anything else on his mind, he intends to discuss with Soundwave. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 [[He supposes he has no other qu... no other PRESSING questions at this time.]] He ALWAYS has non-pressing questions about everything. They can be ignored from time to time. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Quirks a smile. "Then I'll clean up the mess that was left because of the berries. You two enjoy the rest of your evening together." Could he give Soundwave a gentle nudge/pat? Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Soundwave won't say no to that. He also shoves over some thoughts of intense gratitude re: the mess. Wasn't looking forward to trying to clean up stains caused by eternal berries. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Leans back over to give the lightest of helm touches. Gratitude was clear in his field from contact. Smiling, he pulled back, gave Prowl a respective nod, and went to deal with the mess. How did Smokescreen even eat so many... Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Soundwave accepts the pat, waits a moment, and tilts his head back to look at Prowl with no small amount of respect. [[...You are forthright and fearless in the exact way a mech ought to be, and he would kiss you for it when you are of a mind to accept one.]] He'll also sit here feeling nice and safe and surrounded by good sense. And arms. Both? Both. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 "Mm. When we're by ourselves." He's waiting until Primus has dealt with the mess and gone. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Small nod. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 So many berries! Eventually he had them all in a floating berry ring around his helm. The smooshed bits were also cleaned up. Maybe watching Primus clean helped Prowl feel a bit better. Maybe? Shrug.
"Remind me to not do that again..." Looks back over to Soundwave. "Want me to leave the indestructible bond in place?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 [[For now.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Nods. "Good night you two." Pops a berry in as he heads outside like a proper mech. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 Prowl watches him go. Are they alone now? Yes? Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Seems like it. Primus [the-lord-of-light]05/27/2019 Never~!
No, seriously. Primus is gone. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)05/27/2019 Good. Prowl is tugging Soundwave into an even tighter, twice as protective embrace. Soundwave (Slenderwave)05/27/2019 Hup, this is extremely unexpected and a little confusing and he has no idea why it's happening NOW but he won't stop it either.
[[What's this, then?]] Curious but loose feeler coil. Return embrace, sort of. A thing to show that he's okay with and enjoying it, mostly. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Last Tuesday at 12:07 AM "'Frankly I've invested a lot in you,'" Prowl repeated, voice venomous. "That's BEYOND exploitative. That's the kind of—of, manipulative— I know quite a lot about how abusive mechs operate. That's— Focusing on someone of a far lower rank, showering them with favors, encroaching on their boundaries, pushing them little bit by bit outside of their comfort zones, reminding them that they owe a favor because SO MUCH has been done for them—those are ALL warning signs. They're dangerous.  Be extremely wary, Soundwave. I know you don't want to have to be, not with Primus, but— None of that sounds good. And whatever he tries to say to you about what he's 'invested' in you, remember that a debt that wasn't asked for, wasn't agreed to, and wasn't accurately presented is NEVER binding—and any debt that's coerced is little better." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Last Tuesday at 12:22 AM The repetition is confusing at first--why is Prowl saying the same kind of thing Primus did?--but Soundwave's brain swiftly catches up to his audio receptors and clarifies for him. Prowl is referencing that as a lead in to the rest of his speech, not saying it himself. And the tone of it means this will be important.
So Soundwave wriggles a little to position himself in a way lets him offer Prowl as much of his attention as he can possibly spare and does not move, absorbing it all.
Well. He moves a LITTLE bit. His face does, anyway, sliding through curiosity and surprise to settle into a stunned sort of upset.
How could-- how could that possibly be true? That Primus would ever pose such a danger to his creations? Especially to one so devoted.
...But then, the Primes were said to be his chosen voices and vessels, and most of them had no problems harming the mechs beneath THEM in one way or another. And this wouldn't be the first time Soundwave had been stupid enough to stumble into--
He fidgets hard, fingers flexing, feeler claws clacking and spinning. It's an uncomfortable thought. It makes his spark riot. But he can't quite say Prowl is wrong about that pattern. It IS a pattern. He's had it used on him. He's used it on others, for Pit's sake. He knows it's a thing in general. Is it a thing here? Or is it really just a long time spent away from bots, like Primus said?
He doesn't know. And he doesn't know how he's supposed to tell for sure. He can't risk reading the core. That could only lead to complete loss of self.
Soundwave grabs Prowl's arms and pulls them tighter. The world feels like it's just gotten a whole lot shakier. He doesn't WANT it to, but the possibility is raised and there's no blindly ignoring it now.
[[...He will watch.]]
And hope like Pit that Prowl has never been more wrong in his life. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Last Tuesday at 12:30 AM Prowl nods, mouth set in a grim line.
And then leans forward, optics turned off, pressing his crest hard to Soundwave's. He tightens his embrace as much as he can without risking denting Soundwave's arms. He desperately hopes that he's wrong, too. Because if he's not—if someone that can manipulate matter and shake planets and create lives and insert himself into others' minds at will is intent on ensnaring, controlling, and using Soundwave—then it's very possible that no amount of vigilance and awareness, no amount of protectiveness from an amica, will be able to stop that.
And should this ever escalate—should the welfare of Cybertron ever become a bargaining chip, a favor to be offered or withheld—he does not know that it would be ethical to TRY to prevent him from getting what he demands.
"I—hope not," he says. "But..." But hope alone doesn't create reality. And the calculations ticking away in his head aren't kicking out favorable numbers. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Last Tuesday at 12:42 AM [[But.]]
The tightly bound portion of Soundwave that is always ready to throw an authority figure to the floor and kick them in the teeth knows that, were it to come to such an event--if Primus were to use the welfare of Cybertron as a bargaining chip--then Soundwave would consider doing as he'd said earlier. Being a demigod is better than turning Cybertron into a dead husk... and a god that would do such a thing to its creations will never be one Soundwave can tolerate.
Even the mere handful of seconds he spends on that thought makes him sick.
[[We can but wait.]]
And be quiet. He suddenly wants nothing more than to stay here, like this, small and unimportant and unseen, with someone he knows he could hand his life under the belief that it would be handled responsibly--whatever responsible means in a given scenario. And he trusts that Prowl would know what that is.
[[Stay, tonight.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Last Tuesday at 12:45 AM "Of course." He draws his head back a sliver, just to allow himself to press his crest to Soundwave's again with an audible tap. "I'm not going anywhere." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Last Tuesday at 12:48 AM [[Good.]] He returns the tap with one led by himself, curls the other feeler around Prowl to match the first, and tries to get as comfortable as he can after that kind of revelation. Sleep's going to come hard tonight, he just knows it. Still, he'll have to try. [[Good...]]
Prowl won't get much more than that out of him tonight. All his ability to put together coherent thought will have been used for processing the night's content instead. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Last Tuesday at 12:51 AM Prowl shifts slightly, tugging Soundwave to lean down against him, tipping his head so Soundwave can rest his head on Prowl's shoulder if he wants. Rest. Even if Soundwave couldn't sleep, he could at least rest on Prowl. He might not have anything on hand to counter a god like Primus—but at the very least, tonight he can pretend he's protecting Soundwave.
Prowl's going to have a hard time sleeping, too.
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thekaijux · 6 years
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Goodies for me! :P kinda. The Mechagodzilla is going to be sent off to my good friend @seaguns for being a great sport. ;) Though the Banana Ghidorah is all mine, lmao XD https://www.instagram.com/p/Bswo-ttHkcf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ehcle6s4lfml
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Godzilla vs. Kong: Who Should Win?
Ever since Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures announced they were building a “MonsterVerse,” this is the fight everyone’s been waiting for: Godzilla vs. Kong. Fire meets fur. As the undisputedly most popular monsters in movie history, King Kong and Godzilla are responsible for the entire idea of a “kaiju versus” film thanks to their first bout nearly 60 years ago. Since then they’ve each appeared in countless sequels, spin-offs, and reboots. But never again have they crossed paths. Until now.
Some might say that’s because one movie isn’t big for the both of them. After all, there’s a reason why each has coasted to the top of our Movie Monster March Madness bracket, right? But we disagree with the idea that you can’t choose. There should be a clear cut winner in Godzilla vs. Kong, and Den of Geek editors David Crow and Alec Bojalad are ready to go to the mat over who that should be.*
Godzilla Should Win
David Crow: It took several years after the original Ishirō Honda masterpiece, Gojira, was released for it to reach the U.S. When it did, the Western distributors clearly got a lot of things wrong: the awkward inclusion of American actor Raymond Burr; the removal of all direct allusions to the Bikini Atoll nuclear radiation disaster; and not nearly enough mad scientists with eye-patches. But what they got right? The title. It was all right there when the film became an international phenomenon–Godzilla: King of the Monsters! (even the declarative exclamation mark is theirs).
Godzilla might’ve been the second big guy on the scene, but ever since he lit Tokyo up like a Christmas tree, he’s been first in our hearts. From ‘56 to 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters, there’s only been one undisputed reigning titan, and he’s not a gorilla. King Kong is good enough for an island no one’s heard of, I guess. But Godzilla? He’s been the top dog all over the world, and he’s more often used that supremacy to protect all of us from intergalactic aliens and ancient monsters… as opposed to only having eyes for blondes with a healthy set of lungs.
In terms of physicality alone, Godzilla has an advantage in reach that exceeds even his towering height. With nuclear fire breath that can span the length of 15 devastated city blocks, Godzilla should be able to cook Kong before he ever gets down from the Empire State Building.
King Kong Should Win
Alec Bojalad: Who would win in a fight between Godzilla and King Kong? The only possible answer here is the big monke, himself: Kong. 
Do me a favor real quick. Head on over to the Homininae Subfamily Wikipedia page. Take a look at the header photo and let me know what you see. A chimpanzee, a gorilla, and… a human being. Of course we all know that humans and gorillas are closely related, but for the purposes of the monster fight to come, it’s important to see just how closely related we are. To argue that Godzilla has a prayer in a fight against King Kong is to argue that a big dumb lizard could ever triumph over the ingenuity of the human species and our homininae subfamily. 
As one of humanity’s closest cousins, Kong brings so many things to a fight that his scaly counterpart just can’t. Let’s start with the obvious: Kong is strong. Those rippling arm muscles and pectorals of iron aren’t just for show. Kong is also highly intelligent. Observe his use of tools in his many film appearances throughout the years, up to and including his big whooping stick in the Godzilla v. Kong trailer. And if raw strength and intelligence weren’t enough. Kong is highly lithe and nimble. That should prove quite useful in battle against the largely inert Godzilla
Look, I don’t mean to body shame this very chonky lizard. In fact, I admire his dedication to not skipping meals. But when it comes time to face off against a quicker foe, all that raw strength is gonna hold him back. As any boxing fan could tell you: speed beats strength 100 times out of 100. That’s why Kong won during the pair’s 1962 matchup and it’s why he’s going to win again now.
About King Kong vs. Godzilla…
David: Alec, I’m glad you brought up King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962). It’s a solid throwdown between ape and lizard that arguably invented the monster mash-ups we’re still enjoying to this day. All that said, Zilla was ripped off in the movie.
Back in ‘62 , Godzilla was the new kid on the block, and Kong was the legacy pick, with King Kong (1933) being the paterfamilias kaiju movie before Toho Studios made that word a thing. However, they did make it a thing, and Godzilla was already doing monster battles with glorified armadillos in Godzilla Raids Again (1955), back when a “King Kong vs.” movie was still a twinkle in special effects guru Willis O’Brien’s eye. So as the sentimental fan favorite, Kong was basically rigged to win while Zilla was just playing the Heel. But I’m going to let you in on a secret every wrestling fan knows: deep down everyone all prefers the villain.
So yeah, the lizard lost round one, but he took a fall for the good of the genre. Almost every time since then, however, he’s been on the side of the angels (or at least Venus princesses, look it up), protecting us from three headed dragons who’d eat Kong’s lunch.
And saying Godzilla isn’t smart? This is a beast who, in the American MonsterVerse, has been around since the time of Atlantis. Kong is just the youngest in a long line of gorillas while Zilla has the age and wisdom of a god. Underestimate that experience at your own peril. 
Alec: Sure, David, we all enjoy a good villain. But how often do they win? Godzilla’s resume is just L after L. Godzilla lost to Kong in ‘62, he lost to an oxygen destroyer before that in ‘54, and he lost in ‘98 to Matthew Broderick (but to be fair, we all lost with the existence of that movie). And doggone it, he’s going to lose again in 2021. 
Perhaps I shouldn’t have denigrated the beast’s intelligence because I must concede that Zilla is pretty sharp for a lizard. Kong, however, is smarter, more adaptive, intuitive, and quicker in thinking. Godzilla’s nuclear-powered fire breath is certainly formidable to lesser monsters, but Kong is just too elusive for it to prove that big of a threat. Imagine Godzilla’s confusion upon watching Kong simply sidestepping a fire blast. Huh, Ghidorah didn’t do that. Yes, Godzilla, that’s because Ghidorah is very slow. Just like you, I’m afraid.
A Skull Islander or the Savior of the World?
David: First of all, that was not Godzilla in ‘98. It was a stinky-breathed fish-eater from the hacks who got lucky once because of Will Smith. Toho Studios corrected them though when the real Godzilla turned that American monstrosity into a marshmallow in Godzilla: Final Wars (2004).
But if you don’t remember, I can understand since Godzilla has won far more bouts than he’s lost over the years, from American embarrassments, onward. That’s because Zilla has been putting in the work. Ghidorah? A three course meal. Biollante? Fertilizer. Gigan? Who even cares. Mothra, arguably the smartest of all the kaiju, and a celestial creature with the gift of flight and her own cult, more often bows down before Zilla as a friend. Why? Because of respect.
Meanwhile what’s Kong been doing? Hiding like a coward on a rock in the Pacific. If he’s so tough, why didn’t he ever leave Skull Island in the MonsterVerse while Godzilla was busy saving the world? Because he’s scared. He knows pound for pound, he doesn’t have the strength or the cunning of Godzilla. The original Kong was slaughtered by biplanes; Zilla eats jets for breakfast. Filmmakers had to size the new Kong up to even have a ghost of a chance. It won’t save him.
Read more
Godzilla: First 15 Showa Era Movies Ranked
By Don Kaye
The Weirdest Godzilla Moments from the Toho Movies
By James Hunt
Alec: There is no doubt that Godzilla’s won more bouts than he’s lost because Godzilla only faces monsters he can defeat. Biollante is literally a plant. What, was Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors not available? Mothra bows before Godzilla? Well, I would too if I were a highly flammable bug. Ghidorah is a solid enough victory, but Ghidorah also doesn’t have Kong’s advantages.
Sure, Kong spends most of his time on Skull Island. You know why? Because he appreciates some gosh darn peace and quiet like the king he is. Kong doesn’t need to prove his mettle by trading fisticuffs with whatever misguided kaiju comes knocking at his door. He’s perfectly happy to spend his days eating comically big bananas and kicking back. Why not outsource the world saving to Godzilla, who seems pathologically obsessed with proving that he’s a big, scary monster whenever he can? Kill all the Ghidorahs and knock down all the buildings you want, dude, it’s not gonna make up for the emptiness inside.
Ultimately, however, I’m confident in a Kong victory over Godzilla for one reason above all. Godzilla has such a glaring physical weakness that it almost feels rude to point out. When things get really heated in this matchup, and the punches start actually flying, what is Godzilla going to do with those itty bitty T. Rex arms? I’ll believe Godzilla has a shot against Kong when I see him raise his arms over his head.
Final Round
David: Don’t worry, Alec. You’ll see him raise them high enough when he stands victorious over Kong’s smoldering corpse. With fire breath like that, his reach far exceeds whatever big rock the wittle bitty ape thinks can save him. And while I cannot see the future, I suspect on March 31 we’ll both see the denizens of Skull Island bow down in awe. They’re about to meet their real god, and this one won’t die on them because of “beauty.”
Alec: Damn, now I almost want Godzilla to win just to watch him try to raise up his baby arms. Sadly we won’t get to see that spectacle. Come March 31, Kong is going to make Godzilla rue the day he ever crawled out of the sea on his belly.
Godzilla vs. Kong opens in theaters and premieres on HBO Max on Wednesday, March 31.
*Editor’s Note: This conversation was recorded before either editor reviewed Godzilla vs. Kong.
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littlegoldenbirdie · 4 years
Kaiju, kings and monstrous things
Just call me Monty Python, ‘cause here comes the spam! ...Dunno if it’s spam if it’s your own stuff, though...
Anime Ghidorah and Lovecraft
Some folks call anime Ghidorah 'Space Cthulhu'. By 'folks', I mean 'me'. But lately I've learned that there's another cosmic horror that fits him better. Allow me to introduce The King in Yellow, Lord of the Interstellar Spaces, Hastur the Unspeakable. The evil elf-looking minister dudes worship Ghidorah and fear his very name to the point where even the bravest will only whisper it VERY reluctantly. That's where the 'Unspeakable' part comes in, for to speak his name is to gain his attention, and if you gain his attention... Well, it's been nice knowing ya, and try not to scream too loudly as you die. And now I ask you, what is yellow but gold that has lost its lustrous sheen? Take away Ghidorah's shiny fabulousness and he's yellow like a frickin' banana.
And here's the creepy thing about Ghidorah. He's technically not here at all. He's somewhere else, somewhere not in this dimension. He sticks his head(s) through a hole in space and time in order to screw around with us, safe and secure in the knowledge that we cannot reach his body, let alone harm it, and what we CAN reach (necks and heads) is intangible like a holographic projection. Or he can just warp reality so everything we send at him goes somewhere or somewhen else. "The Great Old Ones had shape, but that shape was not made of matter. When the stars were right, they could plunge from world to world, but if the stars were not right they could not live." Lovecraft wrote that statement, so let's analyze it. "Not made of matter"? Then they were made of energy, presumably. So is he. "If the stars were/were not right"? That's fancy talk for saying if the right conditions were met. Ghidorah must be actively summoned into our universe (chanting works, because hey, he'll hear ya like I said before), and then one of the minister dudes must use his own body as a focus/tether for him to channel his power through. Kill that guy and you bind him to OUR reality (i.e. you've got him dead to rights). Once he is bound to our reality, he's actually extraordinarily weak and fragile. Still, it cannot be denied... "It is a fearful thing to fall into the grasp of the Living God!"
KOTM Ghidorah's frozen hell
Being sealed away in Antarctica had to have been AWFUL. I mean, his natural environment is freakin' OUTER SPACE, so has he even seen an enclosed space before, let alone been in one? He's used to vacuum and zero-gravity as his normal environment, so their opposites must feel as unnatural to him as they themselves feel to us! Moving through air must feel like moving through water. He probably has this deep, irrational fear in the depths of the back of his mind that the ground will swallow him up. That's how gravity must make him feel. Being locked away in frozen darkness, ice pressing in on him from all sides, unable to spread his wings, unable to so much as twitch... If he was sane when he went into the ice, he probably wasn't once he got out.
And now for some more science-y stuff
If King Ghidorah gets his nutrition from radiation, why would he bother having a stomach? Evolution is cruel to anything not completely necessary, be it organs, limbs or even biological processes. So eating food must still have some purpose for his species. I imagine Ghidorah pups would need to supplement their species' usual diet of radiation with actual food to provide extra energy to fuel growth. Once fully grown, they would no longer need to bother with it, save to occasionally indulge in a tasty snack for the heck of it, or perhaps to aid/speed up healing from particularly bad injuries. Eating returns to being necessary when they reach old age. The elderly would need to supplement their radioactive diet with actual food as age causes their metabolism to slow down, like a battery running out of juice. In the end, their fantastic regenerative capabilities turn against them in a losing battle to survive as long as possible. Their body would cut its losses bit by bit, giving ground to Death in an effort to preserve the most important parts. The end would first come externally as limbs and senses weaken and fail. Organs would follow, one by one. Dead flesh would rot around the still-living bits inside. Eventually the brain would be the only thing left, intact and functional. Capable of thought for a frighteningly long time after everything else is, well, gone. But eventually it would fail as well, just as slowly as the rest, thoughts slowly fading into nothingness. So if your interstellar travels should lead you to discover the skull of a Ghidorah, even if that skull should be bleached white by age and time, smash it to shards and smear whatever it may contain across the landscape. Trust me; its owner WILL be grateful for your actions.
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yojimbo965 · 4 years
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KAIJUBILATION 2020 26.GODZILLA, MOTHRA AND KING GHIDORAH: GIANT MONSTERS ALL-OUT ATTACK (2001) Or GMK for short. In the 1990’s, Shusuke Kaneko had done the impossible. He had taken a second-banana kaiju from the sixties (I love him, but it’s true) that had been played for kid friendliness and laughs through out most of his screen appearances: Gamera. Somehow, Kaneko managed to make an entire trilogy that made Gamera cool. When it was announced that he would direct a Godzilla film there was great rejoicing. To say he had a different take on Godzilla is an understatement. The body is an amalgam of Showa era suit elements, but the most striking feature is the blazing white eyes. This Godzilla is no defender of humanity. Rather it is the pain and rage of those who perished in the Great Pacific War made city-stomping flesh to wreck vengeance upon Japan. Against this rampaging reptilian revenant are the three Guardian Monsters of Earth, Air and Sea. They are, respectively Baragon, King Ghidorah and Mothra. All three kaiju received updated looks. Baragon looks nearly identical to his appearance in Frankenstein Conquers The World, just done with modern modeling and sculpture work. Of the four creatures, he gets the least screen time before being brutally curb stomped by Godzilla. Mothra is given a more insectoid appearance with dangling legs, smaller wings and a stinger. Ghidorah receives yet another origin, but gets to play the hero this time. His design is much more solidly built, with smaller wings. This is one of my favorite designs of the three-headed dragon, especially after he gets bumped up to King Ghidorah. Apparently, Director Kaneko originally wanted his Godzilla to face off against Varan, Anguirus and Baragon. However, Toho executives nixed that for the more popular/bankable Mothra and King Ghidorah. It is interesting to picture how the film would have been different with the original roster of kaiju. GMK is a fun film. Purists might get their knickers in a twist, but interpretation is one of the keys to Godzilla’s longevity, in my opinion. (at Burns Harbor, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3nwSppMh5/?igshid=1rz7t9i2bn88s
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wittypenguin · 5 years
What Have We Learned?
Things we now understand after watching 25 hours and 46 minutes of kaijû weirdness (not including re-watching most films to get details and then comparing my notes vs IMDb’s quotes, plus trivia entires, and then composing reviews to clarify in my own mind what’s going on in the ‘plot’ and various other things). Realistically, we’re looking at a devotion of 48–50 non-contiguous hours of viewing and mental attention to movies featuring guys wearing big rubber suits.
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Throughout the entire experience, I’ve watched courtesy of the above entry in the Criterion Collection (Spine #1000) which I got on sale but would have gladly paid full price, had I known just how much pleasure I’ve got from seeing these. Watching the extras on Disc 8, I can see just how much work went into the cleaning-up of the images to make them nearly free of scratches and flaws. Honestly, it’s like night and day when you see the flat colour and hail-like scratches on the frames after watching them in pristine condition for all those hours.
I’ve only watched with the Japanese dialogue and English sub-titles, unless the only option I had was English; as was the case with King Kong vs Godzilla. After hearing the audio for so many Japanese films now — plus Yôjinbô, Tsubaki Sanjûrô, Rashômon, and Shichinin no samurai — it’s tempting to start learning some Japanese. There’s a whole bunch of sounds and groups of words which I’m starting to recognize but do not actually know what they mean per se. The subtleties of hai are something I am certainly starting to get already. I know nothing of actual Japanese characters, however, so while I might recognize the “Hepburn Roman Characterization” of Shichinin no Samurai, the notion of learning an entirely new alphabet so as to also recognize 七人の侍 seems a trifle more daunting. From a distance, the idea of learning Japanese from kaijū films seems cool and fun and an intriguing challenge; but once one gets in up to one’s waist, the notion undoubtedly has much more heavy lifting than being able to point at a hillside and scream “あなたが実行する必要がありますか、巨大なハゲタカがあなたを食べるでしょう!” (or “Anata ga jikkō suru hitsuyō ga arimasu ka, kyodaina hagetaka ga anata o taberudeshou!” if you prefer).
That said, I noticed a heck of a lot of ‘borrowed words’ from English in the films! The following list is not complete, but it’s most of them.
Borrowed words
Engine (as in ‘I am having trouble with the engine of my plane’)
Typhoon (although we may have borrowed from them)
handlebag (handbag)
zero (the numeral)
drums (as in oil drums)
Geiger Counter
Remote Control
Oxygen Destroyer
Stop! (as an order to a vehicle)
Blue Mountain (some variety of coffee)
gas (as in a vapour)
Space Titanium
Maser (as in ‘Maser Cannon’)
Driver (as in ‘screwdriver’)
Thank you (this may have been used in the same way we would use the French, however)
Titanosaurus Controller
Piano (granted, we would call a koto by its name, so not too surprising) 
Musical saw (ibid)
tower (as in Tokyo Tower)
action (as in ‘action films’)
prescore (as in ‘music composed before the score is created’)
Screen (as in ‘movie screen’)
happy ending (as in a story element)
Producers (the film role)
story (as a script element)
scenario (ibid)
Other things we can learn by watching these films
Less useful, but the following things can be approached as ‘rules’ to an extent. They should not be considered to be set in stone by any stretch of the imagination, however. There are a large number of times that the films contradict themselves when considering one film after another, and sometimes even within the same scene. After all, when people saw the Giant Octopus in King Kong vs Godzilla, a number of fans cried out for ‘more octopus,’ and so Honda-sensei obliged with an octopus the next kaijû film he did, which was set in the mountains, a location where octopuses are considered ‘rare.’
Anyway, with that veeeeeery flexible matter in mind, here are things I’ve noticed can/will invariably happen:
Japanese harbours are surrounded by refinery equipment prone to attract kaijû for the destruction of
Everything will burn, no matter what it may be made of (which may actually be true)
If it can’t burn, it may burn anyway
If it really can’t burn, then it’ll probably explode or fall on people or both
People will always be in the way of the monster
Railways attract monsters like honey does bees
Ships within 5 miles of any monster will be swept up by a storm and be driven towards them, then either zapped or smashed, with no reason other than the monster feels like it
Aliens will always attack, and so will subterranean peoples
Monsters can be made to defend humans from other monsters, but only if you’re willing to make it a sport for them
When all else fails and you still haven’t got the help of your chosen kaijû, sing at it
It is pointless to fire missiles at a monster, but it is important to do so as it is the expected thing
All aliens hide their ugly forms (and all aliens are ugly)
Co-operation to solve a common problem — and all problems worth solving are common — is the only way forward. Compassion and love will see you through. 
People are flexible and play many roles
At one point I was trying to keep track of actors who appeared multiple times in these films, so as to create some sort of bananas story about how one person had ancestors who appeared in Kurosawa-sensei’s films, and then their descendent appeared in theses daft films, but they only were one person in the Godzilla Universe… If I had actually kept track of everyone I would go insane. I have no doubt someone, somewhere, has a spreadsheet with this information in it. I do not want it, please do not send it to me.
However, here are two actors whose credits boggle the mind when looked at:
Takashi Shimura (chronological according to the setting of the stories)
Woodcutter - Rashômon set in… 15xx…? (1950)
Rōnin Kambei Shimada - Seven Samurai set in 1586 (1954)
Information Bureau Director Hiroshi Shimomura - Japan’s Longest Day about the very last day of WWII in Japan (1967) 
Chief Detective Sato - Stray Dog (1949)
Palaeontologist Dr. Kyohei Yamane - Gojira (1954)
Palaeontologist Dr. Kyohei Yamane - Godzilla Raids Again (1955)
Newspaper Editor - Mothra (1961)
Psychiatrist Dr. Tsukamoto - Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
Akihiko Hirata (eye-patch wearing man)
Dr. Daisuke Serizawa, slayer of kaijû - Godzilla (1954)
Chief Detective Okita - Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster
Captain Yamoto - Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)
Environmental researcher Fujisaki - Son of Godzilla (1967)
Professor Hideto Miyajima - Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla (1974)
Dr. Shinzô Mafune - Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
Don’t forget that the last two of Hirata-san’s appearances over-lap each other’s time line, are direct contradictions of character, and they were possibly done within a few months of each other. Imagine Harrison Ford showing up in The Rise of Skywalker as some ancient fry cook who dispenses poisoned blue milk to the followers of the Rebellion. 
Now the following one is my favourite character actor in Japanese film. I’m positive this list is incomplete, as he did little appearances is seemingly any film Toho produced from 1950 through to his death in the mid-’70s. Once you get to know his face and the way he moves, he sticks out a mile, no matter how much make-up or weird wardrobe you cover him with. He’s fabulous and had the kind of career I once would have killed for.
Ikio Sawamura 
Constable Hansuke - Yôjinbô (1961)
Elderly Slave - Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster 
Priest blessing egg - Mothra vs Godzilla (1964)
Honest Fisherman - Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
Elderly Slave on Devil’s Island - Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)
Fisherman #1 - Furankenshutain no kaijû: Sanda tai Gaira 
Witch Doctor - King Kong vs. Godzilla
There are a bunch more but his final appearance was in Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975) as Mafune's Silent Butler. He passed away a few months after filming was complete but before it was released.
In conclusion…
All in all, I have had more fun watching all of this lunacy than one probably should. I’ve really been impressed with the storytelling, acting, and the model work (especially in the 1960s). I am probably going to watch most of them again at least once more before I put this aside and begin watching some other series off films with which I’ll become obsessed.
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thekaijudude · 6 years
Seeing the epic Monsterarts Ghidorah figure and recalling Planet Eater's infamous "Banana Ghidorah" figure is making me giggle like crazy.
I mean you are comparing SHM to a Bandai figure.
Such a reaction is to be expected in virtually any instance of comparison.
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thecakewolfuniverse · 8 years
Kong Skull Island (2017) Review
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Reviewer: Matthew Fishgold
Anyone who knows me is aware of my kaiju obsession. I love giant monsters. Love ‘em. Kong Skull Island isn’t the best kaiju movie out there, but it’s definitely the best one that America has made. This film is absolutely fun, not just for fans of King Kong, not just for fans of kaiju movies, Kong Skull Island is a great time for the whole family.
For our drink we’re going a little bananas...
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Now that we have our drink, let's enjoy our film then have our review.
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First off, John C. Reilly steals the show. From beginning to end, Reilly is incredibly funny, badass and heartwarming. 
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Beginning with the climax of WWII, American Air Force pilot Hank Marlow (Reilly’s younger self, Will Brittain) and Japanese Air Force pilot Gunpei Ikari (Miyavi) crash land on Skull Island and begin trying to kill each other. Their altercation draws the attention of King Kong, and as they go slack-jawed and prone, I can’t help but smile. KSI isn’t playing around, this is a Kong movie, and right from the get go, we get to see him. It doesn’t take long before we see him again, and from that point on, he’s very prevalent throughout the film.
Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts doesn’t upset our craving for a monster movie. You want giant monsters? You want people fighting giant monsters? You want giant monsters fighting other giant monsters? I hope so, because that’s basically all you’re getting here, and it's fucking awesome.
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Houston Brooks (Corey Hawkins), and Bill Randa (John Goodman) work for a secret government agency called Monarch. They initiate a team to explore Skull Island, a mysterious undiscovered land, in hopes to uncover the existence of ancient creatures. Knowing of their existence already due to a traumatic childhood event with a kaiju that claimed the lives of his parents, Randa wants to expose the truth to the masses. Randa’s intent is ultimately to eradicate the ancient creatures from existence.Going into Skull Island, only Randa is truly aware of the possibilities they could encounter, and that really fucks shit up when his team that includes soldiers lead by Preston Packard (Samuel L. Jackson), meet Kong. Dropping seismic charges to study the island pisses Kong off. Not just because they’re killing a ton of peaceful wildlife in Kong’s backyard, but because they’re waking up an ancient evil that killed his own parents. Interestingly enough, Kong is just a kid. There’s a point in the movie where they mention that he’s not fully grown yet. Already he’s the biggest Kong we’ve seen in cinema. So him just being youth is really saying something for his potential.
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The situation gets bad, fast. Kong tears through the army and separates our cast to different locations of the deadly Skull Island. Captain James Conrad (Tom Hiddleston) is a tracker that was hired for his survival skills. Using his know-how, Conrad manages to get himself and those with him to an indigenous tribe of Skull Island, where Marlow has been staying for twenty-eight years.
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Packard and those with him quickly run across some of the islands dangers. A truly epic fight with a giant spider ensues, in a bamboo forest that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
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Where Packard's team mostly experiences the hostilities of Skull Island, Conrad’s team delves into a deeper understanding of the Island's culture and allure. This is intelligently reflected by the dominating nature of Packard and the more compassionate nature of Conrad. But as the teams eventually converge, their differences lead to disaster, making survival an even slimmer chance on an already deadly fucking island.
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The acting is what you would expect from an action movie. It’s cheesy, over the top dramatic with a healthy dash of humor.
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The effects are convincing, and with so much going on all the time, you don’t even want to bother with scrutinizing the tiny imperfections. It’s just too damn fun of a movie to be a fuddy duddy.
When you see this movie, and you definitely should see it in theaters, stay after the credits. There’s a spectacular stinger for kaiju fans that teases not only Godzilla, but Mothra, Rodan, and even Ghidorah!
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I give this movie three and a half out of five human slaying barrels. Now I’m going to go play Donkey Kong, and for the first time, not get upset when he kills Mario.
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archangeldraws · 3 years
Banana squeaked happily.
Zuri: Thank you very much for this.
Eva: No problem. Go ahead boys, we'll be fine here
Ghidorah hesitates before walking a distance to fly off into the sky, looking back and then flying south
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