#ball pregnancy
cts-ryu-writing-desk · 6 months
Shoot With Life
This continues directly from the moment near the end of my previous story with Iona! This was a fun little one to work on and I do want to do more of this style of preg. Will need to keep experimenting with it.
Hope you guys enjoy!
He arrived at the apartment moments ago. Well dressed in a suit and a touch of gray in his hair with a heavy five-o-clock shadow. He followed the crudely written instructions he got from a coworker. Looking at the crude text he was reminded of their enticing words. “She'll change you, she's magical.”
He looked around for it. What Were the numbers the man wrote? He could vaguely recall this woman's name: Lona Abernathy. Was that it?
He looked around. There were no names on the door. It was eerily quiet here. Like it was abandoned. Yet there were so many cars out there. Arriving at a door vaguely matching the crudely written numbers. He gave a good knock on the door. Once more for good measure. He could hear a voice on the other side. The door opened and he saw a flawless feminine face staring back at him.
“Yes?” She asked softly
“Are you Mrs.Abernathy?”
“I'm no Missus. Miss.” she corrected
“But you are Abernathy?”
“I am,” she said plainly, “and who are you?”
“Well, you see. My name is Dwight Freedman, I am hoping that you can help me with something.”
She opened the door more. Dwight was surprised to see she was so youthful and beautiful. He was so mesmerized by her face he didn't notice or pay mind to the large rounded sphere resting on her abdomen. 
“What do you want?” she asked him
Dwight began “Miss Abernathy-”
“Iona, please.” She said calmly
“Iona. I was wondering if you could help me. I've been in a sort of funk lately. You helped a coworker of mine. Miles, Miles Halloway, and I was wondering if you could assist me the same way.”
Iona had a wondering expression on her face as if trying to recall the name. “Please come in,”
Stepping in quickly Dwight Proceeded to turn around finally noticing her rather gravid state. A sudden sound of shock left his lips. Catching himself. “I ugh. I didn't know.”
“Oh, this?” She said tracing her baby bump “Don’t worry about this. Come sit,” she gestured to head over to the couch.
Dwight was nervous. He didn't know what she was gonna do but he'd never really done it with a pregnant woman before. She sat down next to him. “So tell me what it is that brought you here?” Her voice was sweet As she traced her fingers around her belly
“I. Um well. I've been impotent as of late. And nothing’s been exciting me.”
“Have you tried a wife?”
“No no, I'm. Uh.” Dwight let out a nervous chuckle,” I'm not married,”
“I see,” Iona said “Aren't there pills to help with that,”
“I tried. They didn't seem to work.”
“And what exactly will I be able to do about it, in my current condition?”
“I dunno, something I hope. The way Miles talked about you was like you were some kind of miracle worker. He said you were magical so I figured you'd kinda do the same for me. Shoot some life into these balls,” 
Iona had a look of confusion. From the way Dwight was talking. Miles, whoever he is, never revealed the nature of how Iona helped him. But she also couldn't recall a male customer by such a name, and given who she is she was often well aware if someone tried to use an alias. Perhaps it was a client from years ago, she wondered. “And what did, Miles say about me?”
“Only that you were magical, and you'd change my life,” Dwight said elated
Dwight continued to ramble as Iona pondered this. It seemed familiar, even vaguely so. Remembering someone who once said something similar. Perhaps it was them,  “I See,” she said to Dwight
Thinking for a moment  “Well. I'm sure I can whip something up. That will help you,”
“Oh bless you,” Dwight said to her
“Please wait here,” she said, scooting herself off the couch and heading to another room. 
“Do you-” He began to shout to her “Do you want me help with anything?”
“No.” Iona said, “In fact, if you want you can head on into the  room with the red carpet and get undressed i'll be in, in a moment.”
Dwight sat up and headed over.  Beginning to unbutton his shirt. The room Iona mentioned was ajar from the living room. He entered and saw a few tables. Putting his clothes on one of them. Standing completely naked back to the door.
“Here have this and I'll be in shortly,” Iona said, shutting the door. 
He turned just missing her. He didn't want to seem pushy as she did seem to be pregnant. Very pregnant in fact. Something Dwight was a bit concerned over. “Hope I'm okay, never did it with a pregnant woman before.” He thought
The cup she left for him was filled with a dark substance which to Dwight seemed to resemble a cola. He thought of her as such a kind host and would return The kindness by waiting for her there. 
Standing in the center of the room. With one quick motion, he gulped down the drink. The room was nice and warm against his bare skin and the drink was refreshing. Though it looked like it, it didn't taste like cola. He began to feel something akin to a burp forming before the feeling descended to his balls. 
He was surprised, having not felt them descend like this in some time. They were getting heavy. With one hand Dwight could already tell something was happening. He'd never felt them hang quite so low.  They had swollen rather large appearing like baseballs between his legs; the weight was something to be admired. Dwight was only wondering what exactly he had drunk to make them swell up like this. He couldn't help but want to be brought down to his knees. His balls felt massive. Already big enough for one testi to overflow his palm.
Dwight’s balls didn't stop getting bigger and bigger. They were already the size of cantaloupes when he felt a bizarre sensation take over him. Like swimming or moving. In one - no. Both of his testi. He was puzzled and speechless. It took mere seconds for each testi to swell to the size of large watermelons. Each ball was heavy. He stayed there on the Ground weighted down by his massive balls. 
“I- Iona?” He called out.
He'd hoped this was a dream. Going to a mysterious pregnant woman's house. Expecting sex and his testicle swelled to an unusual size. There was no other explanation. Dwight felt the skin was stretching further than he thought possible. He'd never imagined they'd be so big.
Dwight was confronted again by the sensation of something moving inside his testi. feeling it with the palm of his hand. His heart sank and his blood ran cold. What was it? This had to be fake. Right?
He called out again for Iona. Dwight could feel a kind of dull pain around his lower stomach and pressure near his bladder. "What the hel-” he managed to let out before a sudden burst shot out of his cock. 
It felt like a large jet of semen shot out from his cock. It relieved the pressure for a moment before bringing on the pain. He grunted and groaned, feeling something stretching out his urethra. Slowly inching its way out. He cried out for Iona again to no avail. His painful wails left his ears ringing.
Dwight wanted to fall over yet the weight of his balls would not let him go far. The large creeping through His urinary tract continued. The pressure felt like a building orgasm yet couldn't understand why it was so painful. He closed his eyes from the strain, feeling a large weight press against his prostate. It was overwhelming. He let out a deep bellowing wail. A mix of agonizing pain and great pleasure.
Something big was getting closer now. Pressing against the tip of his cock. He went numb from the straining feeling. It was like it came out centimeter by centimeter, a slow painful crawl. He hunched over in pain and finally opened his eyes. 
Between Dwight's spread legs was a largely inflated cock. A tuft of hair crowning out the tip of his dick. “AHH!” he let out 
Like any sane man might. Something big and hairy was coming out of his dick. It was round almost like a head. Was it a baby? 
Dwight was too swallowed up in the pain and confusion to ask questions. Seeing the head covered in bile creep out confirmed it. It was a baby. Painfully he passed one shoulder and then the other. Then out came the body. Only feeling relief from pressure once the body came out completely. Yet this moment did not assuage him. The familiar pressure came again. 
The pain of feeling his urethra being stretched out again was more intense this time. Perhaps this was due to sensitivity from the baby prior. He was wailing in distress, begging for help. “Oh god! Please!” He cried out as tears rolled down his face. The baby persisted creeping through his loins. The first was crying. Dwight ruled inwards before falling over to one side. It hurt him to be in the fetal position. The baby, getting closer and closer to the tip.
Unlike the first, a foot popped out then another. This one was in breech. The baby was creeping out his cock twitching and pulsing as more of the baby crept out. All was well until the shoulders. A painful struggle. Dwight screamed. Someone had to have heard him. Someone has to hear this, whatever was happening to him right? “Please god make it stop!” Dwight wails through a river of tears.
Finally, the twins head passed through the eye of his cock with little difficulty. Dwight cried as the pressure was gone. His relief was only met with tears. The tinge of pain resonated through his nethers. He couldn’t keep his eyes open.
Coming to, sometime later. Afterbirth resting at his feet. The babies were cleaned and swaddled nicely in a pair of bassinets. Dwight looked down at his cock, still recovering from passing two children. It was swollen, large, and red as if inflamed. He barely had the strength to move yet was determined to crawl away. This ordeal was no hallucination brought on from ingesting the drink, Iona gave him. She had to be responsible. He would confront Iona, come hell or high water.
It was a struggle just to get to the door. A greater hurdle was to lift himself so he could reach the doorknob. Ages could have passed in the time it took him to reach the door knob. Finally accomplishing it, he fell as the door opened outward. Dwight looked up expecting to see Iona’s apartment. Yet it wasn't. He was greeted with familiar sights. It was his apartment, though familiar it now was filled with unopened packages, baby supplies, and fully built cribs. And they were in his apartment. 
This couldn’t be possible. When he finally had the strength to stand he barely managed to hobble into the, he tried to throw the door closed. Be done with this, only the door didn’t move. The room shrunk suddenly. Pushing the bassinets out gently, before slamming the door shut. He was alone with the children he birthed from his loins. Standing in the dark of his apartment. 
Iona’s gentle voice echoed in the dark, it sounded like it came from all around Dwight. Saying, “Be weary of what you ask. He paid a great price to have his life changed. And so too must you. Take care of the twins, and treat them well and with love. I will know if you do not, and should I need to return. I will not be so lenient.”
Dwight looked at the twins sleeping soundly.
“Enjoy your change,” Iona finished
Dwight’s cries were silent. Tears rolling down his face. He didn’t ask for this.
It has been three years since the night he paid a visit to Iona. His twin boys Reinier and Michael, were having a little birthday celebration. Moved from his small apartment to a small house, and guests abound. Mothers and fathers and children whom his boys befriended through trips to the park, or just being out and about with the boys. He had a warm and deep affection for those boys, having raised them as best he could. Their smiles warmed his heart, and though he did love them deeply. Dwight was unsure if he did so out of fear of Iona’s wrath, or if it was truly genuine.
Realizing only after his encounter with Iona, he had asked a witch to shoot life into his balls. He gave nothing to her. Though she didn’t turn him away, ironically, she did do as he asked. And gave him twins no less.
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huggernaut90 · 3 months
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fatpupz · 5 months
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Babe, I think something is moving inside???
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tendrbelly · 18 days
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This tall, muscular, and handsome firefighter was nervous when he was called away to fight a five-alarm fire. His husband was ten days overdue with their son. As luck would have it, his husband went into labor. Fortunately for the firefighter (but not so fortunate for his husband), the labor was very long given his husband’s small stature and their overdue son’s massive size.
After fighting the fire for over twenty hours, the exhausted fireman rushed directly to the hospital to help his husband through the rest of his labor. After five more arduous hours of pushing, they welcomed their son into the world.
(Happy Labor Day everyone! I tried my hand at an AI video for this picture. Let me know what you think.)
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My mirror adds ten pounds
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trogdorwasaman22 · 3 months
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I need someone to rub this overdue daddies belly~
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ezzakennebba · 1 year
anyway bella was 18 and pregnant for only 28 days before she was giving birth.
twilight is a horror saga.
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cowcat44artz · 6 months
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Surreal coming back to the series that started it all, where my love of mpreg began. Pretty sure if it weren't for Toriyama, I may not have even dabbled into mpreg at all. A wild thing to think about. But so glad I did and would do it over again in a heartbeat.
Honestly such a weird/bittersweet feeling drawing Vegeta again…really do wish it was under better circumstances. Rest in peace Akira Toriyama. Thank you for everything🕊️
No one has permission to use this picture, DO NOT repost, trace, claim to be your own, edit/modify or de-face in any way! Reblogs appreciated
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j3llyf1shdust · 3 months
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You know what fuck you fuck society fuck everything he's pregnant now.
Its a silly prime au for shits and giggles I dont wanna hear shit about it
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ashe-smash · 3 months
Baby Talk | Chapter 1: Conception Ao3
Piccolo x Reader
Tags/ CW: Infertility, Themes of Infertility Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alien/Human Relationships, Namekian Biology, Piccolo has a Diccolo (Later Chapters) Oviposition, Breeding Kink, Pregnancy, Alien Pregnancy.
Word Count: ~2.4K
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Summary: You’ve known Piccolo and you reproduce differently since the beginning of your relationship- before you were ever really dating. You thought it was fine until it’s not. Piccolo and Reader have to navigate their reproductive incompatibility. (Aka Writer takes some significant liberties with Namekian biology)
Big thanks to @ginrastandsby for beta-ing and the DB reader discord for support with my fics ! 🫶
FYI, this it technically in canon with another wip. I consider them the same Reader Character- for context 1) Reader is a childhood friend of Videl, shes Pan’s godmother. 2) Piccolo and Reader can have sex. He had an “appendage” that’s sheathes thats similar to a penis. It produces lubrication, but no genetic material/ sperm.
Piccolo stares at your sleeping form. He knows you don’t like it, but he’s feeling things he’s not quite sure how to process. It’s not like he needs sleep like you, so maybe if the Namekian stares long enough the puzzle will piece itself together. 
Eventually you rouse from it, mumbling a reminder and beckoning him to join you under the warmth of your comforter. Ready to drift back asleep. He usually lies with you, meditating until you wake but he doesn’t feel like joining you right this moment. 
“You want a baby.” Piccolo says flatly. It’s not a question, because he knows it’s true. He hadn’t been trying to eavesdrop on you or anything, he simply has very good hearing. Chatting with an old friend who’d just had a baby during a chance encounter earlier that day. Something about you wanting one of your own if the cards were ever right for you. 
You’re much more awake now. “This isn’t a middle of the night conversation Piccolo.” 
Piccolo knows that, he thinks. Navigating a relationship is new for the Namekian, while he’s been friends or allies with earthlings for two decades- most of his life- this is his first romantic and physical one. 
But he knows he loves you. It feels a little foreign, unlike his love for Gohan or Videl and Pan and maybe that’s why this bothers him. He can’t even place the feelings he is having now: he’s not angry, he knows anger, he’s not scared- this seems a little silly to be scared over? Worried. He thinks he’s worried. 
Piccolo touches his throat, it’s almost absentminded. “I can't … do that.” 
“I know.” You sigh. Not disappointedly, he thinks. You’re just tired. “Lo I don’t know why we’re having this conversation.” He’s not quite sure why either. It’s just bugging him and he’s not used to that.  
You huff, a little grumpy at being woken up. He acquiesces and crawls into the blankets with you, attempting to appease his slight of having woken you up. You curl up at his side, body warm with sleep. Piccolo always runs on the cooler side, not warm blooded like humans. You change that tucked into his side. “Can we talk about this in the morning?” 
When you do fall asleep, it’s restless. Even in the deepest parts of meditation he can tell you aren’t sleeping well. You can’t seem to get comfortable, nor does it seem you ever fully fall asleep.Eventually when the morning is still silver blue, you give up and wake yourself up. “You know, there are human men that couldn’t give me a baby right?” 
“I don’t … want you to do… that.” 
“I don’t want that either. I mean, even if we can’t have a baby together it doesn’t change the way I feel about you. Even if I want a baby, I still love you.” 
He turns his head and kisses the palm you tucked against the side of his face. You love him regardless, even if he can’t give you it. 
You eventually roll onto your stomach to look at him.“Is it even something you want.” 
For him, it feels very complicated. Very few Namekians ever reproduce. He thinks it sounds horrific. Not to mention his own relationship with his own father- or lack there of adds another layer of complexity. 
You having your own child through whatever alternative ways would just mean there would be another human in his life that he would eventually outlive. However, he doesn’t want to take that away from you. 
The two of you are reproductively incompatible. Technically, you’re both the egg bearers. Sex is only possible because Namekians still have vestigial appendages that are similar to penises. 
“I don’t know.” 
If he slept maybe he’d dream of it. Silence hangs in the air between you two. If his hearing wasn’t so good, he might think you were sleeping again. 
“Are you sad?�� 
You take a deep breath before answering, which almost is an answer in itself. “A little bit, yeah. I knew you couldn’t- we couldn’t … do that since we first slept together. But I guess it feels different when we actually talk about it.” 
You curl yourself back up to his side. “Do you want to go back to sleep?” 
You nod. “You can go meditate outside if you want.” 
He usually does around this time in the morning while you sleep in. Piccolo shakes his head. He thinks he’d rather stay here with you. 
He has a feeling this topic is only shelved for later.  It’s not like you’re going to stop wanting it, even if you also love him. He wishes it was simpler, at least for your sake. 
At least you sleep a little more peacefully after that. 
It’s a few days later when Pan is over that it comes back up again. The two of them are training and you’re sitting under the big tree outside your home. Usually you’d sit in your office to work, but it seems there’s been a bit of unspoken clinginess between the two of you. Luckily you already work from home and can work from almost anywhere as long as you have your laptop. 
“Pico, why is Auntie crying?” 
Piccolo turns his head to see you slip back into your shared home. He doesn’t see your face though. 
Piccolo ruffles a hand through Pan’s hair. “Go take a lap, I’ll make sure Auntie is okay.” 
You’re in the kitchen and you duck your head so he can’t see your face. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine. I just-“ Your voice cracks, betraying your words. “Just need a minute.” 
“Why are you crying?” He steps up behind you, but he’s not sure if he should touch. 
You shrug. “It’s fine. Go- Go train with Pan.” 
“She’s worried about you.” Maybe it’s a little cruel to play that card but if it will get you to tell him what’s wrong. When a fresh wave of tears starts, Piccolo can’t stand it anymore and tucks you against his chest. Wraps an arm around your crossed arms. 
“It’s awful and I feel guilty for feeling it.” You sob. 
This is the worst part- when he doesn’t know what to do. Usually you’re there to help guide him through it, but that’s wildly inappropriate at this moment. 
“Deep breath, please.” It’s shaky but you manage it. He lets you take another one too. “I’ve heard some pretty awful stuff, I doubt you could say anything as bad.” He strokes your cheek with the back of his fingers. 
“It feels mean to say to you, Lo.” 
“Do you intend to hurt me with it?” You shake your head. “Then please tell me so I can understand?” 
“Pan’s an only child…” He’s aware of that fact. You take another deep breath. “T-that’s fine, I just… I always figured it’d be okay cause she’d have a cousin or two eventually.” 
Goten’s still pretty young- by the time he might have kids, Pan will probably be a teenager… Oh. “Because you thought you’d have kids?” 
He’d never thought about it. He’s technically an only child, Gohan and Goten are far apart in age- at least Goten has Trunks to play around with. Bulla and Pan are close enough in age but that hardly means anything. 
You want to give her a playmate. 
It makes sense. The two of you love Pan more than anything, probably more than each other. 
“I'm sorry.” You say wetly. “I’m not trying to guilt you or anything…  I’m just sad about it.” 
“What can I do for you?” 
“I really just needed a minute, Big Guy.” You squeeze at an arm that’s wrapped around you. “I think I might go lie down for a little bit?” 
He holds you for another minute then lets you go upstairs. He waits until he hears you get into the bed before he leaves
When Piccolo comes back outside, Pan is sitting in the grass poking at a bug. She’s more like her dad than one would first believe by looking at her. “Why was Auntie crying, Piccolo?” 
“She’s sad, bud.” 
“Are you getting a divorce?” 
“What? No, where did you even hear that?” Technically, the two of you aren’t even married. Can he even legally get married? 
“One of my friends at school’s mom and dad are getting a divorce. Her mom is very sad when I see her.” 
Oh, that makes sense. 
“We had a grownup conversation recently and it made Auntie sad.” It’s hard because Piccolo can’t exactly talk to her about the truth. 
“When Daddy makes Mom upset, he buys her chocolates and flowers! You should do that Picco!”
“Yeah? Auntie’s laying down right now, think we should go get her something to cheer her up?” 
Pan nods enthusiastically. She hops up to take off to fly towards the nearest store. Piccolo glances back at your home before he takes off to join her. Hopefully you’ll be alright for a little bit by yourself. 
It seems fine at first. Piccolo has an armful of treats (all picked out by Pan). She’s not worried anymore, eager to help Piccolo “fix” your sour mood. 
Until they walk straight in front of the baby section. Rows and rows of pastel baby clothes. Bottles and pacifiers line the adjacent walls of the section. 
Something curdles in Piccolo’s stomach. He’s assumed he’s been feeling this way because you’re feeling sad and upset about this. Maybe he does want a baby? As bad as you do. Especially with the realization that yours and his baby would grow up with Pan. 
Pan tugs on his gi. “What’s wrong, Piccolo?” 
He blinks. “Just thinking that Auntie’s up by now.” He shrugs the arm holding all of the snacks Pan picked out. “Do you think this is enough?” 
It’s a bit early for him to be dropping off Pan but he feels it’s necessary.  Videl seems a little concerned but mostly just surprised. He assures her that something just came up. He’ll make it up to Pan another day. Maybe you and him can take her out for a fun outing when you’re in better spirits. 
He takes the plastic baggie of snacks and heads home. 
You’re still lying down when he returns. Laying on your stomach, face practically smothered in the pillow- he really hates when you sleep like this. Based on your breathing, you’re not quite sleeping but not quite awake. 
He crawls on top of you being careful to not put all his weight on you, but enough. You once told him about weighted blankets- that it’s comforting to have the extra pressure sometimes.
“I wish I could give you a baby.” 
“We could.” You mumble. Your voice is scratchy from sleep and crying, probably. 
The Dragon Balls? So you two could have a baby together? It feels ironic that Piccolo hadn’t thought of that. It’d be relatively easy- Bulma keeps them constantly collected and protected to be used if needed. 
He lets you turn over but he doesn’t get off of you, his head resting on your belly. “Do you really want to do that?” 
You shrug. “What if they were needed for something… more important?” ‘Something more important’ goes unsaid. Piccolo nods. That would be an awful thing for your baby to have over their head their whole lives. 
“If you really wanted… what’s it called when another man fathers a child for someone who can’t?” 
“If you really wanted it… you could do that.” Piccolo really doesn’t like that. He’d love your child because they’re part of you but he’d still struggle. 
“I… I want your baby, Lo.” You pout. “It’s selfish but I want you to get me pregnant and I want to have your baby. I know it’s unrealistic to want that but I do.” 
“But we can’t do that and we can’t… make it happen other ways… So?” 
You turn your face away. “I guess we just …don’t.” 
He rubs your hip, he hates that you’re sad and he can’t really do anything about it. “You’re still sad about it though, right?” 
“I might always be sad about it, Piccolo.” You sigh. “But we have Pan.” 
He nods. “We have Pan.” 
“And I love you. You know that right?” 
Of course he does. It’d be awkward because the two of you are so interconnected in your lives but if you didn’t want to be with him anymore- he’d understand if you left him. Being with a man who looks like an alien has been quite the adjustment. 
“Please don’t cry again.”  He points to the bag of acquired goodies. It’s set on the edge of the bed, but he doesn’t move away from you to actually retrieve it. “Pan picked you out snacks.” 
“Yeah? That’s where you went?” You giggle, a little forced but it lifts the mood. “Can I eat them in bed?” 
Piccolo grimaces. He takes the sanctity of your bed very seriously, you sleep there after all. “... If you really want to.” That makes you laugh a little more genuinely. 
Ultimately you decide to go eat your snacks downstairs during a movie. Snacks for dinner, though Piccolo will insist you eat something more substantial. You think maybe you’ll entice him into a warm bath later. 
Your phone buzzes: 
>> (Del) Pan said you were upset earlier? Everything alright?? 
You expected this. Pan’s still little and likely can’t keep a “secret” especially from her mother. 
Truth be told, Videl and Gohan have been far too involved in your relationship with Piccolo. Sure, they are your respective best friends- Videl is the reason you’re together. 
The first time you two had a serious argument, the married couple seriously meddled into getting you to talk to Piccolo again- even though you both really just needed some time to cool off. You know they were just trying to help but you don’t need that now. 
You sneakily snap a pic of your partner. He’s sitting with your feet in his lap, holding a plate of your treats so they don’t spill while you’re texting. 
>> (You) Just having a hard day. Nothing >> Sorry Piccolo brought Pan home early. 
Maybe someday they’ll be told. Perhaps you’ll sob to Videl after one too many glasses of wine on your rare Girls Nights or Piccolo will confide in Gohan about it. 
But for now it can just be between you and him. You’ll have to get used to that now, after all.
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thejagged1 · 7 months
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Jimmy beach ball
Jimmy cooling his perma-swollen feet in the brine. While Jag goes...uh, swims out to catch dinner.
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 8 months
A Witches Silver Ring
Hope you enjoy this little piece it was pretty fun to try and write and it moved away from my traditional styles. Hope you enjoy this dive into Alternative pregnancy!
Long ago in an age before legends, before scripture when there was only the way of force. None exemplified this more than the warrior king Serosh. More a beast in human form than a warrior, Serosh was to be feared when in the heat of battle.  Whether armed or with his bare hands Serosh would engage in combat naked. His prideful manhood swung about. Whether by skill, fear, or his ever-present battle erection Serosh certainly yielding himself several scars but never any upon his back or manhood. He was a man without fear.
Serosh would always be found leafing ghost people into the fiercest of battles. From his village, he laid siege to all those surrounding him. He laid waste to palaces and fortresses alike. None would survive his brutal campaign. So many casualties yet he still remained. Upon one of his bloodiest sieges, he heard of a warrior who may be his greatest foe. A warrior renowned for their swordsmanship. When he called to a challenge in one on one combat Serosh came without delay. Only to meet his opponent. Dressed in fine blue silks, with a curved blade in hand. 
As he normally did Serosh battled naked. His opponent. Closed their eyes giving Serosh a moment to strike. Yet with the grace of a dancer, they dodged and reposted him. A good slay to the side left a scare but did not disembowel. Something he told his opponent, “You need to do better I’ve battled with my innards hang loose before!” 
Serosh went in for a strike. Again his opponent moved elegantly like a dancer. A flurry of strikes in numerous locations. Only cuts to Serosh’s eye. Serosh let out a battle cry and swung his blade across the horizon. The swordsman in blue moved gracefully and reposted.
“You have yet to lay a scratch upon me,” he heard the voice of his opponent
The voice of a woman. He was filled with rage.
“You may be strong but you have yet to have real power.”
Serosh charged and roared his battle cry. The swordswoman disarmed him getting his sword out of his hand. She proclaimed him finished and left the battle. Serosh was not done. He demanded satisfaction. And she would not yield to “A crying child such as you,”
In his anger, he single-handedly destroyed several villages surrounding this swordswoman encampment. She would not cop to combat against him. It led him to a lone cottage hidden away from all others. And there was a witch and her daughter. Tending to a small garden, no doubt their only source of food. Serosh made his way to them, readying his idle threats, his grip tightening around his weapon.
“RAAGH!” he cried out
The daughter screamed and headed inside the cottage. The mother stood in front of the doorway ready to protect her daughter.
“Be gone from here! We have nothing for your wanting!” she proclaimed to Serosh
“If you breathe I shall take it.” He swung his blade down
The woman moved out of the way and attempted to shove him. Serosh barely budged. He went to strike again. A single strand of cloth rose on its own and held his sword in place. The cloth did not tear against the sharp jagged edge of his blade.
“A Witch!” Serosh proclaimed
“She waved her hand holding up a few fingers, her pointer, and her pinky. That wave of her hand brought the roots up and boundSerosh. He was not fearful. He swung his sword down at the roots cutting himself free. She noticed he nicked parts of his leg.
“You would injure yourself in battle?” she asked him
“What means do I have to be fearful of injury? I fear nothing, not even death,” He went to stab his sword at her. 
The witch turned to mist and evaded his attack. Using this he charged to the door. She returned to her human form and let out a word of magic in an ancient language. Serosh appeared to have been turned around in the blink of an eye now suddenly charging at the witch. With her pointer fingers and thumbs forming a triangle with her palms facing Serosh, she froze him in place. Incapable of moving,
Serosh laughed wickedly. “I have broken such spells before. I will stain this very ground with your blood once I am free,”
“What will it take, payment? Coin or flesh? Tribute? What need does a barbarian such as you want in killing me and my daughter?”
“I want only to kill, to reign as the greatest warrior!” he proclaimed.
She pulled a silver ring from her finger. “Take this,” she pleaded with him “Take this ring and it will lead you to your victory.”
“Such a ring cannot do such things.” Serosh reposed to her.
“This one will. It will fill the gap of what you lack. And that will lead you to greater things.” She exclaimed
She explained this ring was a gift from a former master. The ring was enchanted to make a person whole. By filling in the part of their soul that they lack. She laid the ring in front of him and left. Going into her little cottage it disappeared like a shroud of mist. Serosh was able to move again.
He was tempted by the ring. Picking it up he thought very faintly about what he lacked. “Nothing, I lack only utter victory.” He without hesitation put the ring around his middle finger.
The band shrunk to fit him.
Now standing in the clearing stark naked. He cleaved his sword into the ground. He marveled at the ring around his finger seeing symbols and markings appearing across the band. He proclaimed aloud that he could feel the magic surging through him. His pendulous testicles convulse and retracted before relaxing. Their weight was easily noticeable. It didn’t stop. His balls continued to engorge getting heavier and descending further. They were already the grapefruit, bringing him to his knees.
“What manner of magic is this,” he cried out. His testicles getting bigger and bigger.
Now already the size of a small melon, he could feel something inside with each testicle. Something writing, wiggling, and moving beneath the skin of his ball sack. Serosh was unsure as to the nature of this feeling. Yet the only thing he knew was that it was alive. The ring gave him only minor clarity. Life was dwelling inside his overly engorged testicles.
Serosh ripped off the silver ring. And readied to throw it away. Unable to get his footing from the weight of his baby-filled testicles, falling to his back. He could feel his balls constricting. Bringing the closer to his cock. “What is happening!” He roared out and started to feel a sharp pain surge through him.
He could feel the base of his shaft starting to stretch as the baby moved into position. It hurt like hell, he clenched his fists gripping and ripping out blades of grass as part of his overgrown nails dug into his palm. When the baby stopped moving for a moment he tried to catch his breath. He cursed that woman's fowl magics for this. Yet without delay the baby began to move again, moving further and further into the shaft. 
He could see it. His cock looked like it had inflated well beyond the size it was supposed to be. The baby's head was just under the tip of his cock which he could feel was starting to open wide. He felt the baby descend back a little before starting to move up and stretch the head of his cock. He howled in pain as his urethra was stretched beyond its means. He was tearing up blades of grass and digging into the soil trying to find anything, something he could grip onto.
Imprints of his nails in some while the skin was broken in others. His eye of his cock was pulsing as the baby's head crept out. He was crowning. He looked down at this macabre scene and saw the baby's head as it crept through his shaft again. More of the head became exposed, as much as the forehead was out now. His eyes were watering his teeth clenched, his fists raw and bloodied. 
Once more the baby began to come through the entire head finally coming loose. But there was no reprieve, it kept sliding out. The shoulders were next as the weight of his cock flopped onto his chest. The baby was being pushed out as he writhed in pain. The greatest mass of the baby was the body as it came sliding out now free from the tightest confines of his once tight urethra. 
He could feel the newborn fussing on his chest letting out their first sounds crying in desperation all whole the after birth came slithering out as his cock. Here he was, the once-great Serosh. A conquerer, a slayer of men, reduced to this.
Serosh could no longer feel his cock as it twitched and closely closed. Yet this wasn't the end. That same feeling came to the base of his shaft. It was happening again, the numbness of his cock didn't reduce the pain he felt as another baby made its way up the shaft. Again his cock flared and swelled this time the baby wasn't stopping going up the shaft until it reached the base of the head. He dug and dug until his fingers reached a thick root to grab onto. 
Baby number two began to crown stretching his head even more. He could see the top of the head. His cock flopped back into his body, as more of the head came free. The first baby was crying, he was groaning in terrible pain. By the time the shoulders were nearly out he almost blacked out. Another baby birthed from his cock resting atop his body.
He couldn't move the sound of the babies crying as his vision went dark. He awoke hours later it was already night. The babies were off of his body and he lay next to a fire. She was barely able to lift himself.
"Awake I see,"
He knew that voice, it was her, it was the witch. He turned to fave her seeing her cradling her own baby with his twins nestled in baskets cleaned and swaddled. 
"You!" Serosh roared through his teeth
“I see you have yet to quell your anger. Perhaps another set will do the trick,”
He paused. Never before has he ever doubted himself. His rage faded fast like sniffing out a candle. The witch simply smirked seeing him like this. 
“Why have you come?” Serosh asked her
“To see if you have finally learned something,”
“In a way,” Serosh responded
“And that would be?” 
Serosh's response was simple “Never threatened a witch”
“Such wise words coming from a warrior who fears nothing.”
Serosh let himself fall back to the ground. 
“Rest, your new journey will begin when you are rested.” 
The silver ring appeared again on his middle finger. No runes or symbols, it was just an ordinary silver ring. Even though he felt as if there was magic still in it. His body was still sore and numb. The ring gave him what it knew he needed. Touch of kindness, that only a father would understand and compassion, that only a mother could truly know.
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