#magic preg
cozyywarm · 2 months
Magical pregnancy idea where you wake up finding yourself knocked the hell up. Big swollen bump with belly button outturned, furious red veins reaching across your taut skin, stretch marks clawed along your sides, all on top of a hefty belly that’s weighing you down. It’s so big that you huff and puff getting out of bed and immediately find yourself waddling when you start to take steps around the room. You’re panicked, freaked out, unsure of what to do. You rush on clothing to drive to the ER and fly out the door with everything you need. Your hands are trying to hold up this swollen heavy mess when suddenly,,,it disappears. You’re even more alarmed and unsure if you’re dreaming or going crazy when you hear your neighbor call out a “Good Morning!” To you. You shakily wave back, running back inside the house to re-evaluate. The moment you’ve closed your door, you gasp loudly as the bump reappears and all of that weight all of that changed anatomy returns into place without a moment’s notice.
Youre pregnant,,.but only when other people aren’t observing you. Every time you’re home and alone you’re huge with babies, and every time you’re seen it snaps back to normal. At the grocery store you’re unladen but once you’re alone in a lonely aisle, you’re back to massively pregnant. Now you have to figure out what to do.
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 3 months
The Last Magic In the World
Here is a little bit of a break from my usual smutty writings and working on something a little more whimsical. I have wanted to do something like this with a unicorn for a while now. I didn't know how I wanted to work on it this one came pretty close.
Hope you guys enjoy this one!
The world was once a magical place. Great mages channeled the energies of the land through them to enforce their will over the natural law. Yet over a thousand years ago, the magic faded from memory. Now in the isolated kingdom of Silvaros dwelled the last the world knew of great mages. Their magic never died out.
But now was the time for an ancient ritual. It was to be carried out in an enchanted forest with the border of the castle's land. The forest was dense with a magical miasma turning wayward invaders and trespassers away. Only once every eighty years did the miasma fade for their ritual to commence. The mages ventured deeper into the forest, the key to their ritual - the vibrant and lovely Princess Filianore.
Princess Filianore was led into the boundary of the forest she was always told never to cross. She was dressed in a beautiful white gown, large and flowing she felt out of place amongst the tatter robes and tarnished armor of her entourage. She was led under the guidance of two of the palace's mages, followed by only one knight to protect them. Tension crackled in the air. Though the sun sank behind the trees, the forest glimmered with an otherworldly glow.
As they approached the altar, whispers seemed to echo all around them.
"Your Highness," the voice was from the first mage, "You must wait here, we cannot assist you any further."
"Am I going to die?" Her gentle voice quivered
"No, my princess. Should the ritual be refused? You will be returned to the palace." the knight spoke out
"And if I'm chosen?" Filianore asked worriedly
"Then we are unsure if you will return." The second mage said
Dread showered over the youthful Filianore.
“I'm sorry princess," The knight said, she could hear great sorrow in his voice.
The entourage that led her to this altar had left.  Filianore's heart was racing. She had only ever heard whispers and rumors of what lay within this enchanted section of the forest. Her hands were shaking. She grasped them together in a prayer-like gesture.
The altar behind her, built of ancient stones long since weathered over the centuries. She could see it cloaked in green slowly being overtaken by the forest. She took deep breaths, each exhale quivering in her dread. Her mind filled with questions: was this really what she was born to do?  Would this be where her story ends? She pondered her destiny.
The softest rustle of leaves behind her filled her with dread. Should she look? Was she supposed to stay in this position? She could hear numerous footsteps getting closer to her. She closed her eyes tightly trying to keep them shut. The breathing of the creature as it came closer. With what little courage she could stand to muster, she peeked. And then she saw the visage of a horse.
White fur, appearing aged and wizened. A frail mane, a brilliant dull glow, and a horn atop its head. Her heart was filled with relief. She was gazing at a unicorn.
Filianore stared in awe. Never had she envisioned such a magical creature to be so grand, imposing, and yet so full of grace even in its appeared old age. She could hardly utter the words. "You're real," 
The unicorn neigh softly as if to show approval.
Filianore felt compelled. She reached out her hand. The Unicorn met her hand gliding its muzzle against her palm. Filianore was lost in such a magical moment. She could feel the unicorn's magic reach into her.  It was like a torrent through every inch of her body. 
Filianore knew of the stories: of how unicorns would make themselves known to pure maidens. She breathed a sigh of relief nearly in tears.  The unicorn's horn glowed a soft blue. Filianore got to her feet. The tip of the unicorn's horn glowed. It drew a great deal of magic at the very tip of its spiral horn. Bowing its head lightly, placing it near her lower stomach.
Filianore felt its magic coursing through her. As the magic coursed through her it filled her mind with the story. It was a story even the mages and her kingdom never knew.
The unicorn was the last son in a long regal equestrian line. Her ancestor, the founder of the kingdom, Godwin the Conqueror, hunted and slew the unicorns to near extinction. It was through Godwin’s firstborn daughter that the pact was made. She willingly came to this place before the stone altar dwelt there. This virgin princess offered herself to continue the progeny of the unicorn and by doing so secure that magic remained in their kingdom. Every eighty years a virgin maiden from the royal line would be brought there to be chosen. Only someone so pure could have brought such a pure creature back from the edge of extinction.
 It was always when the unicorn was near the end of their life. If the maiden were pure without a touch of sin to her heart, they would be chosen to uphold this now ancient agreement. For as long as there was at least one unicorn, then there would always be magic in the world. Thus leading to the great mages of her kingdom. The First Princess would only return a message, that a princess is to be brought to this forest, pure in body, heart, mind, and soul, should this be kept there will always be magic and peace within the kingdom. Any who would return would feel their minds lost in a fog if ever they tried to recount such a magical encounter. 
The visions playing in her head ceased. The wizened unicorn stood in front of her. Tears gently rolled down her cheeks. Filianore could feel the weight building in her lower stomach.
With the unicorn’s magic, Filianore could sense the life growing inside her, planting its roots and beginning to bloom. The intensity of the magic coursing through her took her breath away, and she closed her eyes, her body trembling with anticipation. 
Then, without notice, the magic stopped. Her eyes fluttered open to find the unicorn backing away, watching her with a dark wellspring kike a curtain of a starless sky. Filianore felt magic fill her womb, stirring before beginning to grow. A strange calm swept over her.
Contrary to the panic and dread that she experienced earlier. Filianore didn’t feel an ounce of dread. The magic of this unicorn swept through her, deep within her, she could feel it. A small presence of this new life quickly grew within her womb. In Filianore's heart, she could feel a deep and unfathomable love growing as she witnessed the baby in her growing belly. A peaceful and soothing feeling washed over her; she knew it to be real as she placed her hand against her pregnant belly. She could feel her skin getting tighter, canyons forming beneath her fingertips as her skin stretched to accommodate the foal. Filianore’s belly grew rounder by the minute, she truly was beginning to look pregnant now. She quickly outgrew her gown and her swelling belly tearing through it. The young foal needed to grow a lot before it could be ready to be born.
The foal was growing completely in a matter of moments. Her body was not prepared to handle such weight. Gently she was brought to her knees and her stomach continued to grow. 
The unicorn remained nearby, its eyes peering deeply into the depths of Filianore's soul. A feeling of warmth consumed her heart like a flame as she embraced the gravity of the moment. The unicorn lowered its head, nuzzling her protruding stomach gently. Filianore had rapidly undergone nearly a year of gestation, which could only mean the foal would be arriving soon. 
Feeling the unicorn brush against her bare pregnant belly, made the foal inside squirm. Her skin stretched out. But never did it break, tear, or show signs of damage. The magic that put the foal there was to accommodate the foal and bring no harm to her. This great weight in her womb gave Filianore a feeling of comfort. This was vastly different from what she expected. Magically bearing a child of such a pure creature was a far cry from the death and ruin she perceived it to be. 
Filianore began to feel the foal descending lower. She felt no pain as labor began. She could feel the foal pushing its way out of her womb and down the narrow corridor of the birth canal. The strong magic of the foal's father aided the foal forcing its way through the tight passage. Filianore gasped.
She felt every movement, every instance of it sliding out of her, descending further and further as its hooves started noticeably poking out against her taut skin. This was not solely without feeling. She felt a strong sensation overwhelm her: the need to push. In and out, she breathed. 
Filianore focused on her lower stomach region. Each muscle tensed and pulled. She tried to push down with all her might. Filianore could feel the foal moving faster. She could feel the nose poking out. Filianore continued to push until she got to the rest of the body. The adult unicorn already checking out the new young foal slowly stood as the birthing was nearing the end. 
Filianore struggled to push going red in the face but ultimately her struggle was rewarded. The body was now free and so too was the foal, Filianore looked down at her once round belly to see it was now deflated. Filianore watched in blissful delight seeing her newborn unicorn foal trying to stand. The foal came to her, instinctively knowing that she was his mother. She carefully wrapped her arms around the foal. Instantly in love with it. She could feel the magic radiating off the newborn foal. With this, the ritual was now complete.
The elder unicorn nudged the newborn and Filianore towards the forest. It was time to retreat to the depths of the forest. With a gentle hand against her newborn foal, Filianore looked around. She was leaving the altar, and her life as a princess behind. She was now a mother, her duty to her foal. Indifferent to returning to the palace, she wished to be like that first princess long before her. Filianore wanted nothing more than to keep such a pure and beautiful creature in the world. This birth did not take her virginity, she could bear another. She wished to bear another. Filianore dreaded what the world might be like without the unicorns, without magic. Her heart could not stand to dream of such a world. It was a last wish by Princess Filianore 
Filianore left the altar with her foal and its father, her heart wanting to fill this forest with a herd of unicorns again. Her body was more than capable of doing so.
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greenlotusleaf · 2 months
Thinking about an insatiable partner seizing me by my swollen, gravid curves and vowing to get me "even more pregnant." It makes for a hot fuck, I play along, talking about how I couldn't possibly get even bigger, about how could you even want me even heavier and riper, about how would I even function since I'm already too big, all the hot things I imagine, and want my lover to imagine. Breeding their already-bred plaything. Knocking me up all over again. Weighing me down even heavier, blowing me up even grander. Oh, babe, if I'm not big enough for you yet, fill me up again, I promise I'll swell and grow and ache and leak for you, if you do.... It's hot roleplay, a fun thing to pretend. Harmless fun.
Except, what if over the next couple of weeks, I notice... certain changes in my progression. My belly is getting bigger than doctors projected. My weight, once steadily growing, now spikes as my cravings have me ballooning like wild. I stretch my most forgiving maternity clothes to the limit, chest bloating up, spilling out of my tops, elastic waistbands suddenly not elastic enough for my new broader belly, my new vaster ass. What would this mean for my pregnancy? Would I be worried, or... turned on?
What if I went to meet my lover, stuffed into the sexiest dress I can still manage, biggest clothes too small. What if I confessed what has been happening to me, my body growing out of control, too fast, too large. What if I pulled them close and whispered what I thought had caused it, and felt their fingers dig into my plush hips, a wicked look in their eye as they push me gently back onto the bed, too weighed-down to resist and too swept-up to try, and they put their hands, reverent, on my massive belly, and smiled with an irresistible hunger....
What then?
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illuminathing · 1 month
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Hex My Ex! (13)
I Fucked up with the skin color qwq
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otter-pup · 5 months
having slow-rapid pregnancy thoughts
we have a fun, rowdy evening, and i fill you up multiple times. we didn’t use protection, but based on the time of month, it’s probably fine.
(spoilers: it’s not)
later that night, after we drift off to sleep, i have a bleary moment of semi-consciousness. i’m spooning you, hand on your tummy, and i can feel just the slightest unexpected resistance. at first i figure it’s just you breathing, but… i could swear there’s just an almost nonexistent stretch, so subtly rounding you out. i grin and pull you closer before drifting off again.
the next morning, you definitely look bloated, but not unnaturally so. you check it out in the mirror (i check you out in the mirror), we get breakfast, and you leave to go about your day.
you keep looking down at your bulging tummy throughout the morning, expecting it to go down, rather than do the opposite. by lunchtime, you start feeling fluttery movements, and you know something’s wrong.
it’s slow enough that no one can SEE you growing, but you very clearly look pregnant when you obviously weren’t the last time your classmates saw you. i’d guess you’re expanding at a rate of a month of gestation every three hours or so, and you’re definitely carrying more than one.
it certainly doesn’t help that your outfit is about as far from obscuring your figure as your wardrobe can get. when you sit down, you can hear seams stretching ominously.
- 🦑
I’ve been keeping track of my cycle for long enough now that i don’t think twice about letting you fill me up, even begging for it, pleading dumbly for you to breed me while im completely drunk on pleasure.
we both like when you keep your hand on my belly after sex, so of course you notice when i start swelling. im already asleep by then, and you don’t mention it in the morning - you just look at me in the mirror while i check the bloating, before we both move on with our days.
the bloating doesn’t go down. im a little self conscious of how tight my shirt is around it, and my jeans are fairly tight, like always, and if i weren’t in classes i would have them unbuttoned by now. I ignore it the best i can. my stomach isn’t upset or anything, if anything im more hungry than usual, so im having lunch when i start feeling flutters inside me.
i finish eating and rush to the bathroom, unbuttoning my jeans and pulling up my shirt — which feels even tighter than it was before — enough to see how obviously swollen I’ve gotten. i rub my hands over my belly a few times, making sure I’m not imagining it. im not.
i can’t do anything until im done with classes for the day. At least, I try to finish classes. i make it through my next one, but my third and final class of the day is interrupted by the seams of my jeans tearing - and not quietly, either. i go bright red and excuse myself, heading straight home after that.
by the time we’re both home, im five, maybe sixth months along, size-wise — though i look well past full term. im surprised my shirt lasted as long as it did, though the seams on that tear during my commute back home.
we have at least another nine hours left. and, past the concern, im indescribably turned on.
it’s not like i can get any more pregnant if we spend the next nine hours breeding, right?
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cheezihouse · 1 month
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"Treasure and goods are hard to come by while journeying, too bad others don't like sharing..."
Here we go!! It took me a hot second, but we've got the ball rolling! And we're introducing Freddie!! :)
For every 10 reblogs - an extra baby(?) will be added!
Every 15 likes - more pronounced movement (of course I want to animate little bits, but with traction I want to test my belly animations further)
Tips? - Tips are always appreciated, and I made an invoice to submit them! Tip Me Here!! I've tried testing it out a few times, but if it fails to let you type- just dm/email me a proof of purchase + what you'd like to see- if you even want anything! You're also free to tip just to support! (Certain situations? Vampire babies? Monsters? The options...)
Rules for Suggestions:
No underage
No body fluid play (scat, piss, etc.)
No trans degrading suggestions
No intense hyperpreg (I do enjoy bigger bellys, but he'll stay within a range!)
No intense animation sequences (As much as I love it, I'm busy and would love to get this through a fun time frame! They're be as long as my norms: 1-7 seconds)
Thank you for 600!! <33 I don't really have a reblog/follower goal- I'll just keep it with time! :)
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preggomancer · 23 days
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Wanted to draw a magical girl and also remembered this guy existed (he/him)
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sidenote-on-da · 5 months
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Eleanor used to be a highly regarded knight, even being promoted to captain. However, while hunting down a witch, the witch cursed her with a permanent pregnancy as a last resort to escape. Now, Eleanor is no longer a knight, and instead lives a more peaceful life while training an apprentice.
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feeling-pushy · 2 months
Upon a Wishing Star Part One
This is my first big fic!! Thank you so much to @grandesteartherquakedreamer for this amazing commission! I had so much fun writing this story and I hope yall love it as much as I do! And I hope I get to write for this person again!
~5k, fpreg, pirates, magical pregnancy.
The deck of the Jolly Serpents, was alive with celebration. Lanterns swayed in the gentle breeze, casting a warm glow over the jubilant crew. Music and laughter filled the air, mixing with the scent of salt and the sound of waves lapping against the ship’s hull. The stars above twinkled across the dark velvety sky, providing a perfect backdrop for the festivities.
Captain Taro stood at the heart of the revelry, her purple captain's coat flaring out as she spun in a merry dance. Her hair, neatly tucked in a bun with bangs framing her face, bobbed with each movement. Her wooden prosthetic, carved meticulously to resemble a natural foot, tapped rhythmically against the wooden planks. Her crew, a motley collection of men and women, mirrored her energy, their faces alight with joy and triumph.
As she danced she held up in her hand the centerpiece of the celebration: a shimmering pendant, The pendant was made of exquisite silver, skillfully crafted into the shape of a star with softly rounded edges that gleamed in the flickering lantern light. In the middle of the star was a circle made of similar silver, encrusted with tiny diamonds that sparkled like captured starlight. Each diamond was meticulously set, catching and reflecting the light in a dazzling display.
At the center of this circle lay a yellow stone, its surface smooth and polished to perfection. In the light of the lanterns, the yellow stone appeared to glow faintly with an otherworldly light, casting a soft, ethereal radiance that made the pendant seem almost alive.
The pendant's beauty was mesmerizing, and as Taro held it up, it caught the eyes of everyone around her, drawing gasps of admiration and awe. It was the prize of their most recent adventure, the fabled ‘Wishing Star’ which was a magic wish-granting pendant that had already become the stuff of legends among her crew.
"To Captain Taro!" one of the crew shouted, raising a mug of ale high in the air. The cheer was echoed by everyone on board, mugs clinking together in a symphony of camaraderie. "To us all!" Taro responded, her energy matching theirs as she raised the pendant above her head, the lights reflecting off of the yellow stone. The crew roared in approval, the sound carrying out across the open sea.
As the festivities continued, Taro moved among her crew, sharing laughter and stories of their latest exploits. She clapped shoulders, exchanged hearty embraces, and basked in the glory of their latest adventure.
Taro raised a tankard of ale, catching the eye of Briggs, the old sailor who had served with her for years. His gap-toothed grin was wider than ever, and he approached her with a raised mug. "To our fearless Cap’n!" Briggs shouted, his voice carrying over the noise of the celebration. "May the winds always be at your back and your enemies always on the run!"
Captain Taro clinked her tankard against his. "And to the best crew on the seven seas! Without you lot, I'd be adrift!" She took a hearty swig, the ale cool and refreshing after the day's exertions. "Briggs, you old sea dog, how's the leg holding up?"
Briggs laughed. "Lot better than yours ever did, Cap’n." Briggs playfully teases, Taro scowls, equally playful, “I ought to make you walk the plank for such talk you old hobby horse!” Briggs merely grinned wider, white mustache curling up with his lips, extending it, “And then who would manage your sails? Hm?”
“I could find a replacement for you in a moments notice, and they’d be far more spry.”  She challenged with a smirk. Briggs leans in and gets in her face, “You hire some green hand and this ship is sinking within the hour.”
Both them pull away laughing. Captain Taro slapping Briggs on the back and sending him on his way to keep celebrating. Just then the music picked up pace, and Taro finds herself pulled into yet another lively dance by a fellow female pirate, a young deckhand who’s cheeks were flushed with excitement and drink, and her eyes sparkling with admiration for her captain, “Come dance with us Captain!”
Taro laughed, her wooden foot tapping in a clumsy rhythm with the music. "Alright, alright! Just don't expect me to be as graceful! I've got two left feet and one of them wooden!" that earned her some laughs by the nearby crew members as she engages in a dance with the female deckhand.
The crowd cheered as Taro and the girl moved in sync with the music, their steps quick and as precise as bibulous pirates could be. Taro’s purple captain’s coat flared out with each twirl, and her captain’s hat stayed firmly in place, adding to her commanding presence. The deckhand’s light steps complemented Taro’s more grounded movements, creating a dance that was both captivating and full of energy.
"Captain, you dance as well as you fight!" the young lady exclaimed, spinning Taro around. “Not as well as you my dear!” Captain Taro states making the young woman flush from the flattery.
The music reached a crescendo, and Taro led the young woman through a series of spins and steps that left the crowd cheering and clapping louder than ever. As the dance ended, Taro who was now a little out of breath, gave her a bow and the deckhand curtsied in returned.
Exhausted and a bit dizzy, Captain Taro makes her way up to the upper deck to catch her breath. Eventually she ran into her First Mate, who unlike their captain who was already half sloshed on ale and dancing her cares away, still stood back from the festivities and kept a generally professional appearance to them as they oversaw the celebrations with a watchful eye. Taro approached, a playful grin on her face.
Taro’s First Mate had always been a person who was methodical and composed, and while some would think such a uptight figure would clash against Captain Taro’s carefree spirit, which it sometimes did, their demeanor had always been a steadying influence on the entire crew and had always helped to keep the Captain in check when she got carried away. She always admired her First Mate for that and appreciated their ability not to pull back on their criticisms. She’d honestly be lost without them.
"First Mate," she said, clapping them on the shoulder, “Captain” the First Mate greeted almost formally. Taro leaned on them a little, her feet somewhat unsteady, "Aww come on, why so stiff? It's a night for revelry!"
First Mate gave them a bemused expression, though their eyes remained vigilant. "Someone has to keep an eye on things, Captain. Besides, it's good to see the crew so happy. They deserve it."
“Ahhh come now First Mate! You know you can always just call me Taro! How long have we traveled together??” she slurs a bit, her head feeling pleasantly fuzzy and light.
“Yet you only refer to me as ‘First Mate’” they pointed out dryly. Taro grinned somewhat mischievously, “Only because you hate it when I call you by your first name. Isn’t that right J-” she begins to say. The affect was immediate as a sour expression crosses their face and they hold up a finger to her lips to stop her.
“Captain Taro. I think you may have had more than your fair share of drinking tonight. I think it’s best you start to sober up. You still need to lead by example you know.” They cut in, scolding Captain Taro as they often do when she gets like this.
“I’m finneee!!” She protests. Her First Mate stands there and crosses their arms. They then proceed to stare her down with a disapproving look. Taro tries to avoid eye contact for a moment, knowing she was weak to their disapproving stare, but even while not making direct eye contact the weight of their stare gets to her and she soon sags a bit in defeat, knowing better than to argue with them. “I suppose some water wouldn’t hurt.” She mumbles. Her First Mate gives her a little smile and rests a hand between her shoulder blades, silently leading her off to go sober up.
The celebration continued late into the night, the crew eventually winding down, one by one, as exhaustion set in. Taro remained awake, a sense of contentment settling over her. She looked around at her crew, now sprawled out across the deck in various states of slumber. Her First Mate was also nowhere to be seen, though she knew they’d most likely had turned in for the night.
With everyone else now asleep, Taro found herself alone, leaning against the ship’s railing, gazing out at the starlit sea, the pendant clutched in her hand. The pendant's cool surface rested in her palm weightily, as she rubbed her thumb across the smooth surface of the yellow stone in the middle. It was just a yellow stone, but even now a bit further away from the lanterns’ lights it still seemed to pulsate with a gentle glow. She turned it over, marveling at the intricate designs etched into the surface of its back, etched with symbols of an ancient language she couldn’t read.
“The legends say you can grant wishes." she mused aloud, talking to the pendant, there was an obvious hint of skepticism in her voice. "But I've seen too many tricks and charlatans to believe in such fairy tales. Still, you will fetch a king's ransom in gold I’d say."
The legend states that the Wishing Star, has the power to grant the deepest, most heartfelt wish of its bearer. The pendant can grant only one wish per person. Once a wish is made, the pendant’s magic will not work for that person again, but it could only grant a wish if the bearer's desire is pure and true.
No one knows where it comes from, or who made it, that information was lost to history. And while the silver was fancy, it was the yellow stone that was the true power of the pendant, it was said to be a fragment of a fallen star, giving it a connection to the heavens and granting it it’s power.
All of this was just rumor though, all folk tales meant to hype up what was most likely just a fancy pendant worn by some royal or a priest in some lost religion. Still, for a moment, she let her thoughts drift away from the noise and excitement. The pendant's glow seemed to intensify, reflecting in her eyes.
Her thoughts drifted to her crew, the loyal men and women who had become her family over the years. Each one had a story, a past, and dreams that had led them to her ship. She cherished them all, from the seasoned veterans like Briggs to the eager newcomers. Together, they had faced countless dangers and celebrated numerous victories. Yet, despite the deep bond she shared with them, there was a lingering emptiness in her heart.
Taro sighed, feeling the weight of her unspoken desires. She had everything she could have asked for: a ship she loved, a crew that respected and adored her, and a life filled with adventure. But there was something missing, something that all the treasure and glory in the world couldn’t fulfill.
“I have the best crew anyone could ask for,” she murmured to herself, her eyes fixed on the pendant. “They’re my family in every way that matters. But... it’s not enough. I want more. I want a family of my own, a child to raise and teach, someone who looks up to me not just as a captain, but as a parent.”
The thought of having a child stirred a deep longing within her. She imagined holding a tiny, fragile life in her arms, teaching them the ways of the sea, sharing the wisdom she had gathered over years of piracy. She saw herself comforting them during storms, telling them stories of her adventures, and watching them grow into their own person.
Taro chuckled softly, the image in her mind both heartwarming and bittersweet. “I want a child,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the waves. “A child to call my own, to love and protect, to teach everything I know.”
With a deep breath, she held the pendant up to the sky, the starlight making the yellow stone glow even more brilliantly. “They say you grant wishes.’ she said, her tone a mix of skepticism and hope, ‘I don’t know if it’s true, but if there’s any magic in you, hear my wish. I want a family. I want a child.”
With a deep breath she slipped the pendent around her neck and she closed her eyes. As she stood there, coat being pulled by the gentle breeze of the sea, a warmth spread through her body, and she felt a strange sensation, like a gentle tug deep within her, and for a moment her heartbeat quickens as she thought for a moment that maybe that was a sign.
But it was a fleeting sensation, gone as quickly as it came and with a sigh she let herself come back to reality, dismissing it as the lingering excitement of the night and hopeful thinking. With a small sigh, she decided it would be best to turn in for the night.
The pendant, now resting against her chest, seemed to hum softly, its magic quietly at work as she made her way to her cabin to rest. As Captain Taro drifted off to sleep that night, the Jolly Serpents rocked gently beneath her, carrying its captain and crew into the promise of a new dawn.
The dawn’s light bathed the Jolly Serpents in a warm glow, illuminating the deck as Captain Taro made her rounds. She moved with her usual confident stride, her purple captain's coat fluttering slightly in the morning breeze and her wooden prosthetic clicking rhythmically against the wooden planks. She nodded and exchanged greetings with her crew.
Most of her crew treated her as they always had, with respect and camaraderie. They shared jokes, stories, and plans for their next adventure, their trust in her leadership unwavering. However, some newer or more cautious members of the crew seemed to hesitate, their eyes lingering on her a moment too long. It made a few of them act as if she were made of glass.
"Morning, Cap’n," said a young deckhand, his voice laced with a nervous undertone as he attempted to offer her assistance down a small set of stairs. "I can manage, thank you." Taro replied, her tone firm. A quick glare from her sent the boy scurrying back to his duties, properly chastened.
She approached another crew member, the older sailor Briggs, who was busy securing a rope. "How's it looking, Briggs?" she asked, her tone brisk but friendly. "Ship's in fine shape, Cap’n." Briggs replied with a gap-toothed grin. "We'll be ready to set sail on your command."
"Good to hear," Taro said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Keep it up."
As she continued her rounds, she noticed another crew member, the young deckhand she danced with at the party, who she later learned was named Lila, struggling with a heavy barrel. Taro approached and grabbed the other side of the barrel. "Let's get this done together."
The young woman seemed relieved at first, but then her eyes seemed to bug out in slight panic once she realized who was helping her, “Ah Captain! are you sure you should be helpin’ me-?”
“Let’s just get this done quickly.” Taro said giving her a look, the young woman, properly cowed just nods and they quickly lifted the barrel into place. "Ah, t-thank you, Captain.’ The woman says as she wipes some sweat from her brow. ‘I was just about to ask for help…"
"Don't hesitate next time." Taro replied. "We're all in this together." Lila nodded, a look of gratitude and slight apprehension on her face. Taro moved on, but not before noticing a few other crew members casting curious glances her way. She ignored them, focusing on the tasks at hand.
Eventually, she made her way up to the quarterdeck, where her First Mate stood, overseeing the preparations for their next voyage. "First Mate." Taro greeted, "Captain." the First Mate replied with a nod. They looked to be as composed as always, "Everything is ready for our next adventure. The supplies are stocked, and the course is plotted."
"Good." Taro said, satisfaction evident in her tone. She glanced out at the horizon, the sea calling to her as it always had. The First Mate, in rare form, seemed to break their normally stoney exterior to look at Captain Taro with concern, and hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "Captain, I again must wonder if it is wise for you to travel the seven seas in your condition?"
It was only then that Captain Taro glanced down at herself and the full extent of her situation was revealed. Captain Taro was heavily pregnant, her large, rounded belly clearly visible for all to see.
The pendant itself was long gone, it had been sold for a substantial sum and allowed Captain Taro to buy herself plenty of supplies for her crew, plus a bonus in their pay which had been a big hit among them. But it was clear now that the rumors of its magic had not been as ludicrous as she had believed them to be. The idle wish she had made the night of their celebration having taken an effect on her and irrevocably changing her life.
Taro placed a hand on her belly, feeling the gentle movements within. She turned to her First Mate, her eyes fierce and determined. "The sea has always been my home, and I won't let anything stop me from sailing it. Besides, this child will be born with salt in their veins. We'll be fine."
The First Mate nodded, though concern lingered in their eyes. "As you say, Captain. But I still suggest you hire a midwife or a doctor of some kind to accompany us on this journey.”
“I don’t need any doctor First Mate! I am perfectly capable of handling it myself.”
“And then are you expecting me to help you deliver the baby?” they ask wryly. Captain Taro shrugs and looks a bit away, “Would that be such a bad thing? I certainly wouldn’t mind you being there…” she mumbles, her cheeks heating up a bit at the subject matter. Her First Mate merely raised a brow at that, “Well as, flattering as that is, I am unfortunately not a doctor and I have no such expertise. So I don’t know what you’d want me to be there for.”  
Captain Taro was unhappy with that answer, seeming to expect or perhaps hoped for a different response, as she huffs angerly, “Fine. You can see about hiring a doctor before we set off then.” She then seems to stomp off, much too the First Mates confusion.
They scratched their cheek a bit, still not accustomed to her seemingly sudden shifts in moods. It definitely kept them on their toes a lot these days, but at least with the permission they’d been hoping to get, they then quickly set about on finding a doctor for the captain.  
By the time the afternoon came, a doctor had been hired and the ship was ready to set sail. The First Mate approached Captain Taro who seemed to be a lot calmer now, “We're ready to set sail Captain." Captain Taro gave a  nod of approval and turned her gaze back to the sea, it’s horizon stretching out before her, “Then lets get going.”
With her crew behind her and her unborn child within her, the Jolly Serpents sails unfurled and soon they were leaving port, the waves ready to carry its captain and crew into whatever the future held.
By evening, the ship was gliding smoothly through the ocean, leaving a trail of white foam in its wake. The crew was settling into their routines, the excitement of the journey tempered by the familiarity of their tasks. The stars began to twinkle in the night sky, casting a serene glow over the ship, while the moon, a silver crescent, hung low on the horizon.
Captain Taro had since retired to her cabin, the day's events weighing lightly on her shoulders. She closed the door behind her, shutting out the noise of the crew and the wind. The cabin was cozy, filled with personal mementos and maps that spoke of countless adventures. Shelves lined with books, trinkets from distant lands, and a large, intricately detailed map of the seven seas covered one wall. A small table held her navigational tools, charts, and half-finished letters to various contacts and old friends.
She made her way to her bed, sinking onto the soft mattress with a sigh of relief. The room was dimly lit by a lantern, casting a warm, flickering light that created dancing shadows on the walls. As she sat on the edge of her bed, she idly dragged a finger across her rounded belly.
She smiled as she felt her child follow the movement, pressing against her skin from within. It was a game she often liked to play with her little stowaway when she had a moment alone, it never failed to amuse her. However, she noted that the baby seemed to follow her finger less easily than before, a sign they were starting to get cramped in there. She knew she was getting closer to her due date.
Leaning back in her bed, Taro closed her eyes and let the natural sway of the ship relax her. The gentle rocking of the Sea Serpent was a comfort she had known all her life, a lullaby that had always soothed her restless spirit. As she lay there, her thoughts turned inward.
She had always been a daring captain, her love for adventure and the open sea driving her to take risks others would shy away from. Memories of past exploits flitted through her mind: daring raids on enemy ships, navigating treacherous waters, and outsmarting foes who underestimated her. The thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of a well-executed plan, and the camaraderie of her crew were what she lived for.
But now, with the unborn child growing inside her, the stakes were higher. She knew that continuing her pirate's life was risky. It was already a dangerous lifestyle, but it was even more so while being heavily pregnant. She had often told herself in the past that when she was ready to have a family, she would settle on land where it was safe.
And to her credit, she did try to do that. For a month after she discovered her pregnancy, she had found herself a quiet coastal town, along the usual route taken by her ship when they needed to stock up on supplies, and bought herself a little cottage up the hill with the money from her personal treasury. She then left the ship in the capable hands of her First Mate, then she settled down for a while, and for a while it had been peaceful.
She had taken long walks on the beach, enjoyed the calm, and tried to imagine a life without the thrill of the open sea. But it hadn't taken long for the restlessness to set in. She missed the salt air, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach bringing up a longing to be in the middle of the beautiful sea, and, most of all, she missed her crew. Missed her First Mate and the other members of her crew who had made up the little family of friends.
Her time on land had been filled with restless nights and days that seemed to stretch endlessly. She remembered sitting on a quiet porch, staring out at the sea, feeling like a caged bird. Desperately she wanted to spread her wings and ride the ocean currents like the many gulls she’d seen.
She had tried to convince herself that it was for the best, that she was doing the right thing for her child. The sea was no place for a baby after all. But the call of the sea was too strong to ignore. So she had found herself coming back.
The day the Jolly Serpents docked for a resupply at the port of that small coastal town. She was already waiting at the docks for them. The moment she stepped back on the deck of that ship, she felt a sense of relief and belonging that she couldn't find anywhere else. The crew, while surprised at first, had welcomed her back with open arms, their loyalty unwavering. Even her First Mate seemed to had missed her, as they gladly stepped down from the captain’s position unchallenged and took their place back by her side.
Ever since then, she hadn't turned back, and despite the dangers, she knew she had made the right choice. Everything just felt right.
As she lay in her bed, Taro felt as if her little stowaway was trying to get comfortable themselves, stretching their cramped limbs out in order to get settled. It made her chuckle as she placed her hand on one of the lumps on her belly which she was sure was a foot, slowly rubbing it to help them get settled. Soon the lump disappeared and the child seemed to finally get comfortable inside her, going still again.
Once again Taro found herself making the same silent promise she always did to her unborn child. She promised that she would keep them safe, no matter what. She would teach them the ways of the sea, and show them the wonders of the world. But she would also find a way to balance her love for adventure with the responsibilities of motherhood.
The cabin grew quieter as the night deepened. The sounds of the crew's laughter and conversations eventually fading, soon replaced by the rhythmic creaking of the ship and the distant calls of seabirds. The soft lapping of the waves against the hull was a comforting sound, a reminder of the vast, untamed world beyond.
Taro's thoughts wandered to the future, imagining her child growing up on the Jolly Serpents. She pictured a small figure running across the deck, learning to tie knots, and listening to the tales of the crew. She couldn’t yet imagine their face, but she figured that would come in time once she was able to finally meet them. She imagined the pride she would feel, knowing that her child was growing up surrounded by the same wonders that had shaped her own life. Captain Taro then let the familiar, rhythmic sway of the ship lull her into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the adventures that still awaited them on the open sea.
As the Jolly Serpents rocked gently with the rhythm of the waves, Captain Taro lay asleep on her bed, her body curled protectively around her belly. The soft light of the moon filtered through the small window, casting a gentle glow over the room and highlighting the serene expression on her face.
Just then the door to her cabin creaked open, and the First Mate slipped inside, they then turned and closed the door behind them, with a gentle click before moving over to her. Their movements were soft and careful to avoid disturbing their captain as they went to check on them.
They had found themselves getting into the habit of these nightly visits, being spurred on by their deep concern over the safety of both Taro and the life growing inside her. Despite Taro's fierce independence and formidable strength, the First Mate couldn't help but worry, knowing the dangers and challenges of their life at sea.
As the First Mate approached the bed, their steps light and careful, Taro’s face was relaxed in sleep, her breathing steady and calm. The First Mate took a moment to study her, she seemed alright, peaceful even, as she lightly snored.
They noticed that Taro had kicked off her blanket in her sleep at some point, the cool night air touching her exposed skin and making it raise with a few goosebumps. With gentle hands, the First Mate picked up the blanket and draped it over her, ensuring she was warm and comfortable. As they did so, their eyes were drawn to her belly, which rose and fell with each breath.
For a moment, the First Mate hesitated, their hand hovering above Taro's bump. The urge to place a hand there, to feel the life within, was strong. They wanted to offer some form of comfort, to silently communicate their support and care. But they pulled back, respecting Taro's personal space and the boundaries she had set. Taro had stated on more than one occasion she did not want others to touch her belly, and they respected that decision.
The First Mate stood there for a moment longer, watching over her with a tender gaze. Taro’s long hair, that was usually tied up in a tight bun, was now laying loose and free on her pillow, looking like the familiarly gentle waves of a calm sea, her bangs perfectly framing her face. The sight stirred a mix of emotions within them, mostly admiration. No doubt this pregnancy had been harder on her than she let on, the role of leader was stressful and yet she carried on, supporting both her crew and a new life.
Their face softened with a deep, unspoken affection as they watched a moment longer. Finally, they stepped back, moving towards the door with the same quiet care they had when they entered.
Just before leaving, the First Mate turned back, their voice barely above a whisper. “Goodnight, Taro,” they murmured, a small smile gracing their lips before closing the door behind them.
With a soft click, they closed the door, leaving Taro and her unborn baby to their dreams of adventure and the sea.
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 8 months
A Witches Silver Ring
Hope you enjoy this little piece it was pretty fun to try and write and it moved away from my traditional styles. Hope you enjoy this dive into Alternative pregnancy!
Long ago in an age before legends, before scripture when there was only the way of force. None exemplified this more than the warrior king Serosh. More a beast in human form than a warrior, Serosh was to be feared when in the heat of battle.  Whether armed or with his bare hands Serosh would engage in combat naked. His prideful manhood swung about. Whether by skill, fear, or his ever-present battle erection Serosh certainly yielding himself several scars but never any upon his back or manhood. He was a man without fear.
Serosh would always be found leafing ghost people into the fiercest of battles. From his village, he laid siege to all those surrounding him. He laid waste to palaces and fortresses alike. None would survive his brutal campaign. So many casualties yet he still remained. Upon one of his bloodiest sieges, he heard of a warrior who may be his greatest foe. A warrior renowned for their swordsmanship. When he called to a challenge in one on one combat Serosh came without delay. Only to meet his opponent. Dressed in fine blue silks, with a curved blade in hand. 
As he normally did Serosh battled naked. His opponent. Closed their eyes giving Serosh a moment to strike. Yet with the grace of a dancer, they dodged and reposted him. A good slay to the side left a scare but did not disembowel. Something he told his opponent, “You need to do better I’ve battled with my innards hang loose before!” 
Serosh went in for a strike. Again his opponent moved elegantly like a dancer. A flurry of strikes in numerous locations. Only cuts to Serosh’s eye. Serosh let out a battle cry and swung his blade across the horizon. The swordsman in blue moved gracefully and reposted.
“You have yet to lay a scratch upon me,” he heard the voice of his opponent
The voice of a woman. He was filled with rage.
“You may be strong but you have yet to have real power.”
Serosh charged and roared his battle cry. The swordswoman disarmed him getting his sword out of his hand. She proclaimed him finished and left the battle. Serosh was not done. He demanded satisfaction. And she would not yield to “A crying child such as you,”
In his anger, he single-handedly destroyed several villages surrounding this swordswoman encampment. She would not cop to combat against him. It led him to a lone cottage hidden away from all others. And there was a witch and her daughter. Tending to a small garden, no doubt their only source of food. Serosh made his way to them, readying his idle threats, his grip tightening around his weapon.
“RAAGH!” he cried out
The daughter screamed and headed inside the cottage. The mother stood in front of the doorway ready to protect her daughter.
“Be gone from here! We have nothing for your wanting!” she proclaimed to Serosh
“If you breathe I shall take it.” He swung his blade down
The woman moved out of the way and attempted to shove him. Serosh barely budged. He went to strike again. A single strand of cloth rose on its own and held his sword in place. The cloth did not tear against the sharp jagged edge of his blade.
“A Witch!” Serosh proclaimed
“She waved her hand holding up a few fingers, her pointer, and her pinky. That wave of her hand brought the roots up and boundSerosh. He was not fearful. He swung his sword down at the roots cutting himself free. She noticed he nicked parts of his leg.
“You would injure yourself in battle?” she asked him
“What means do I have to be fearful of injury? I fear nothing, not even death,” He went to stab his sword at her. 
The witch turned to mist and evaded his attack. Using this he charged to the door. She returned to her human form and let out a word of magic in an ancient language. Serosh appeared to have been turned around in the blink of an eye now suddenly charging at the witch. With her pointer fingers and thumbs forming a triangle with her palms facing Serosh, she froze him in place. Incapable of moving,
Serosh laughed wickedly. “I have broken such spells before. I will stain this very ground with your blood once I am free,”
“What will it take, payment? Coin or flesh? Tribute? What need does a barbarian such as you want in killing me and my daughter?”
“I want only to kill, to reign as the greatest warrior!” he proclaimed.
She pulled a silver ring from her finger. “Take this,” she pleaded with him “Take this ring and it will lead you to your victory.”
“Such a ring cannot do such things.” Serosh reposed to her.
“This one will. It will fill the gap of what you lack. And that will lead you to greater things.” She exclaimed
She explained this ring was a gift from a former master. The ring was enchanted to make a person whole. By filling in the part of their soul that they lack. She laid the ring in front of him and left. Going into her little cottage it disappeared like a shroud of mist. Serosh was able to move again.
He was tempted by the ring. Picking it up he thought very faintly about what he lacked. “Nothing, I lack only utter victory.” He without hesitation put the ring around his middle finger.
The band shrunk to fit him.
Now standing in the clearing stark naked. He cleaved his sword into the ground. He marveled at the ring around his finger seeing symbols and markings appearing across the band. He proclaimed aloud that he could feel the magic surging through him. His pendulous testicles convulse and retracted before relaxing. Their weight was easily noticeable. It didn’t stop. His balls continued to engorge getting heavier and descending further. They were already the grapefruit, bringing him to his knees.
“What manner of magic is this,” he cried out. His testicles getting bigger and bigger.
Now already the size of a small melon, he could feel something inside with each testicle. Something writing, wiggling, and moving beneath the skin of his ball sack. Serosh was unsure as to the nature of this feeling. Yet the only thing he knew was that it was alive. The ring gave him only minor clarity. Life was dwelling inside his overly engorged testicles.
Serosh ripped off the silver ring. And readied to throw it away. Unable to get his footing from the weight of his baby-filled testicles, falling to his back. He could feel his balls constricting. Bringing the closer to his cock. “What is happening!” He roared out and started to feel a sharp pain surge through him.
He could feel the base of his shaft starting to stretch as the baby moved into position. It hurt like hell, he clenched his fists gripping and ripping out blades of grass as part of his overgrown nails dug into his palm. When the baby stopped moving for a moment he tried to catch his breath. He cursed that woman's fowl magics for this. Yet without delay the baby began to move again, moving further and further into the shaft. 
He could see it. His cock looked like it had inflated well beyond the size it was supposed to be. The baby's head was just under the tip of his cock which he could feel was starting to open wide. He felt the baby descend back a little before starting to move up and stretch the head of his cock. He howled in pain as his urethra was stretched beyond its means. He was tearing up blades of grass and digging into the soil trying to find anything, something he could grip onto.
Imprints of his nails in some while the skin was broken in others. His eye of his cock was pulsing as the baby's head crept out. He was crowning. He looked down at this macabre scene and saw the baby's head as it crept through his shaft again. More of the head became exposed, as much as the forehead was out now. His eyes were watering his teeth clenched, his fists raw and bloodied. 
Once more the baby began to come through the entire head finally coming loose. But there was no reprieve, it kept sliding out. The shoulders were next as the weight of his cock flopped onto his chest. The baby was being pushed out as he writhed in pain. The greatest mass of the baby was the body as it came sliding out now free from the tightest confines of his once tight urethra. 
He could feel the newborn fussing on his chest letting out their first sounds crying in desperation all whole the after birth came slithering out as his cock. Here he was, the once-great Serosh. A conquerer, a slayer of men, reduced to this.
Serosh could no longer feel his cock as it twitched and closely closed. Yet this wasn't the end. That same feeling came to the base of his shaft. It was happening again, the numbness of his cock didn't reduce the pain he felt as another baby made its way up the shaft. Again his cock flared and swelled this time the baby wasn't stopping going up the shaft until it reached the base of the head. He dug and dug until his fingers reached a thick root to grab onto. 
Baby number two began to crown stretching his head even more. He could see the top of the head. His cock flopped back into his body, as more of the head came free. The first baby was crying, he was groaning in terrible pain. By the time the shoulders were nearly out he almost blacked out. Another baby birthed from his cock resting atop his body.
He couldn't move the sound of the babies crying as his vision went dark. He awoke hours later it was already night. The babies were off of his body and he lay next to a fire. She was barely able to lift himself.
"Awake I see,"
He knew that voice, it was her, it was the witch. He turned to fave her seeing her cradling her own baby with his twins nestled in baskets cleaned and swaddled. 
"You!" Serosh roared through his teeth
“I see you have yet to quell your anger. Perhaps another set will do the trick,”
He paused. Never before has he ever doubted himself. His rage faded fast like sniffing out a candle. The witch simply smirked seeing him like this. 
“Why have you come?” Serosh asked her
“To see if you have finally learned something,”
“In a way,” Serosh responded
“And that would be?” 
Serosh's response was simple “Never threatened a witch”
“Such wise words coming from a warrior who fears nothing.”
Serosh let himself fall back to the ground. 
“Rest, your new journey will begin when you are rested.” 
The silver ring appeared again on his middle finger. No runes or symbols, it was just an ordinary silver ring. Even though he felt as if there was magic still in it. His body was still sore and numb. The ring gave him what it knew he needed. Touch of kindness, that only a father would understand and compassion, that only a mother could truly know.
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greenlotusleaf · 9 months
concept: it's like regular pregnancy, except you blow up to full-term size right away, and then you're just... that big. for nine months
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illuminathing · 1 month
Tumblr media
Hex My Ex! (12)
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otter-pup · 1 year
rapid preg
you’re at the shops picking up some food when all of a sudden you’re stomach starts to feel harder. At first you think nothing of it until your stomach starts growing at an alarming pace. Skin on your stomach being stretched taughtly with marks all over. You’re stomach’s so large it rips your shirt, leaving a large tear where your now egg filled belly is. You’re tight jeans, which weren’t tight a few minutes ago, are now bursting at the seams. You’re tiny body can cope with all the changes happening so fast, clutching your bulging stomach you’re forced to sit down. Panting and moaning you’re feeling so full and out of breath. You poor little thing, just used as a human incubator. So many people are just staring wondering how you’re tiny body could house so many babies and how you could grow so quickly. Rubbing your stomach, you get up. You’re little legs still are weak from last night, add on the difference in weight you’re stumbling. The originally light walk to get to the shops is now impossible for you now, with you’re stomach holding at least 8 almost human baby sized eggs.
thing is, you’re at term now. Ready to lay any day. But any day turns into any month. Instead you’re stuck with your little waddle. That is when you can walk. So overwhelmed by the weight of housing eggs in your womb, you can’t do much anymore. Just sit and be a good incubator.
Hmm too much or shall I go on? Shall I talk about how you got stuffed with all these babies? Or was this too much?
i wouldn't even be worried about the risky sex from the night before yet. only a day, and i wasn't ovulating anyways, i'm probably fine. and then i'm swelling, faster than i can handle, skin so tight, stretchmarks covering my belly as it's forced to accommodate the eggs inside me, each so heavy, so big. my shirt tears, and my jeans follow suit as my hips, ass and thighs all join my belly in swelling, all changing to be a better incubator, to better carry the eggs inside me. i find the nearest place to sit and do thankfully, gasping and groaning until i finally, finally stop swelling.
when i manage to stand, my legs shake, weak underneath me. the weight is almost impossible to bear, but i have to get home. i struggle the entire way, so big, so heavy, stumbling on my shaky legs until i finally get back inside and practically fall straight onto the couch.
i expect to lay by the end of the day, at first. but i don't, nor do i lay by the end of the week, or the end of the month. it's months later, when i still haven't laid, that i finally accept the possibility that this is just my life now- permanently, or at least indefinitely, a human incubator.
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alphasunpup · 7 months
Some of the kinks that I usually don't talk about are making a rare appearance! So, here's a warning in case no one wants to see.
TW: mention of breeding, TW: lactation TW: ovi kink
Okay, you've seen the triggers. If you keep reading on, happy reading ya filthy animals! 😂
Never talk about my other kinks outside of the feedist and kind of gender affirming weight gain but honestly I wanna get so fat I start producing breast milk. I want my boob milk to be so fattening anyone who drinks from it becomes fat themselves and strong too. I wanna be my partner's milky cow where they get sustenance from and I'm just their needy fat pet. I want them to be a strong fat so much and I'm just their soft gf/partner/bf that moos for them. All I'm good for is masturbating and getting fat. If I get bred with eggs or a litter even better.
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tummy-bump-king · 1 year
(Hope you don’t mind me giving you ideas/ ranting about my own.)
{Scenario 1}
Some guy (trans guy) orders a ‘fake’ pregnant belly off the dark web cause it was cheep and he needed it for a costume. When it finally arrived it was far after Halloween, and he decided to just send it back since he wouldn’t use it. There’s no return address and the store he bought it from is no where to be found on his phone. ‘Why not try it in’ he thought. He buckled the straps around his waist, realizing it came with a fake set of boobs, he also buckled those around his chest.. it felt oddly good. He put his shirt back on and messed with his ‘fake’ stomach, un till his [family member/roommate(?)] knocked on his door. “Come down for dinner!” They said. He tried to unbuckle it but he couldn’t find the buckles. He felt milk run down his stomach and went wide eyed. He could feel something kicking, and squirming inside of him..
{Scenario 2}
Some college guy comes home from a crazy bender at the girls dorms. He was very drunk and decided that he was going to watch some of those weird ‘hypnotized’ videos. He clicked on a one that was for ‘impregnating’ which in his drunk mind thought it was funny, so he clicked and began to watch while he shot back another beer. After around twenty minutes he started to feel some nausea, and some bloating, so he turned the video off and decided to go to bed. He took off his binder, and shirt, and noticed how sensitive his stomach, and nipples were. He just decided to go to bed and ‘deal with it in the morning’.
{sorry for the bad English It’s not my first launguage.}
Those are both amazing scenarios, I really love unrealistically fast blow ups that still come on gradually and take some time for the person to notice
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feeling-pushy · 17 days
Upon a Wishing Star Part Two
You can find Part One here!
Thank you so much to @grandesteartherquakedreamer for this amazing commission! I'm so happy you came back to continue this story!! I literally got this done so fast, the writing spirit took over more or less! I honestly hope yall love second part much as I do!
~6k, fpreg, pirates, magical pregnancy, birth, fluff, nsfw.
The Jolly Serpents glided through the turquoise waters, its sails full and billowing in the strong sea breeze. The crew bustled about the deck, eyes fixed on the horizon where a lush, green island slowly emerged from the morning mist.
Standing at the bow, Captain Taro gazed eagerly at the approaching island, her heart racing with excitement. Her purple captain’s coat flapped around her, and her captain’s hat sat firmly on her head, as always. The past few months at sea had been long, but every rough wave, every sleepless night, had led them to this moment.
Taro’s hand instinctively moved to her belly, which had grown considerably since they last docked. Her rounded abdomen pressing quite snugly against the fabric of her coat, as she gently patted it, “Well, my little stowaway. We’re nearly there. Your first adventure awaits.”
As if responding to her words, Taro felt a soft but firm nudge that made her smile. She chuckled, rubbing her belly affectionately, “Already excited, are you?’ she teased, ‘I knew you would be.” The baby kicked again, a little stronger this time, and Taro’s smile widened. She couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride and love for the tiny life growing within her. The thought of sharing this adventure with her child, even before they were born, filled her with a sense of fulfillment she had never known.
Just then, her First Mate approached, “Captain.” They greeted, with their usual formality. “First Mate.” Taro greets with a smile. “We’re about an hour away from the island.’ they reported, they then stole a glance at Taro’s belly before going back to her eyes, ‘How are you feeling?”
Taro waved off the concern with a grin, “Never better. I’ve been waiting for this moment for months! And so has my little one, it seems. They’re ready for their first treasure hunt, aren’t you, kid?” She gave her belly another playful pat, eliciting another gentle nudge from within. The First Mate nodded, “Just... take it easy, Captain. We don’t want you overdoing it.”
Captain Taro laughed, “Don’t overdo it? Where’s the fun in that?” she joked. Her First Mate did not find the humor in it however, as their expression hardened slightly, their brows knitting together in a familiar look of concern, “Captain, with all due respect, you need to be careful. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately, and I know you’re eager to find this treasure, but you’ve got to think about the baby, too.”
Taro rolled her eyes, letting out a good-natured but exasperated sigh, “Oh, not this again. You’ve been fussing over me like a mother hen since I got properly big and round. I’m fine, and so is the baby. We can handle a little adventure.”
The First Mate shook their head, clearly frustrated but unwilling to back down, “It’s not about being able to handle it, Captain. It’s about being smart. The crew looks up to you, and they want you and the baby to be safe. You can’t just ignore that.”
Taro’s gaze softened slightly as she glanced down at her belly, which seemed impossibly large, “I hear you, First Mate. I really do. And I promise I’ll be careful. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let life pass me by. This treasure could set us all up for a long time, and I want my child to know the life I’ve lived, the life they’re going to be a part of.”
The First Mate sighed, clearly torn between their respect for Taro and their worry for her well-being, “Alright, Captain. Just... Promise you’ll let us help more. You don’t have to do everything on your own.” Taro smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her First Mate’s shoulder, “I promise. I know I’ve got a good crew to rely on. And that includes you, First Mate.”
First Mate nodded, satisfied for the moment, “Thank you, Captain. I just want you both to be safe.” Captain Taro nodded back, giving her belly a gentle pat, “And we will be. Now, let’s get ready to make landfall. There’s treasure to be found, and I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”
The Jolly Serpents finally dropped anchor just off the island’s pristine shore, and the crew quickly lowered the gangplank on the beach. The excitement on board was palpable, with every sailor eager to set foot on solid ground and begin the hunt for the treasure. But none more so than Captain Taro, as she was the first off the ship. She practically waddled down the gangplank, her heavily pregnant belly leading the way and her boots sinking slightly into the soft sand as she stepped onto the beach.
Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she took in the sight of the dense jungle beyond, already buzzing with the thrill of adventure, “All right, everyone!” Taro called out, her voice filled with energy, “Let’s get a move on. We’ve got treasure to find, and I don’t want to waste a minute!”
She quickly began organizing a small party for the expedition, “First Mate, you’re with me.’ she said, nodding to her second-in-command, ‘Briggs, Lila, you too. And we’ll need a few others to carry supplies and keep an eye out for any surprises this island might have in store.”
The selected crew members nodded eagerly, gathering their gear and preparing to follow their captain into the jungle. The rest of the crew began unloading supplies from the rowboats, setting up a temporary camp on the beach and keeping watch over the ship.
As the small group prepared to set off, the First Mate stepped forward, a concerned frown on their face, “Captain, are you sure we shouldn’t bring the Doctor with us? Just in case something happens.” Captain Taro turned to face them, shaking her head, “Dr. Nat will be safer on the ship, First Mate. There’s no need to drag them through the jungle for no reason. Besides, I’m fine. The baby’s fine. We don’t need a doctor tagging along to slow us down.”
First Mate’s frown deepened, clearly not convinced, “But Captain, you’re due any day now. Anything could happen out there, and if you-” Taro cut them off with a wave of her hand, her expression firm, “I appreciate your concern, but I’m not about to start treating myself like I’m made of glass. The doctor stays with the rest of the crew on the ship. That’s final.”
Her First Mate opened their mouth to argue further but quickly thought better of it. They knew that look in Taro’s eyes, and when she got that look, there was no changing her mind. With a reluctant sigh, they nodded, “Aye, Captain. If that’s what you want.” Taro nodded firmly before giving them a reassuring smile, “I promise, everything will be fine. We’re just going to have a little look around, find the treasure, and be back before you know it.”
With the matter settled, Captain Taro turned back to her assembled crew, “All right, let’s move out! Keep your eyes sharp and your wits about you. Who knows what we’ll find out there.”
Captain Taro then led her crew into the heart of the jungle, the dense foliage surrounding them on all sides. The sun barely penetrated the canopy above, casting everything in a hazy, green light. Vines hung from the towering trees, and the ground beneath their feet was a tangle of roots and undergrowth.
Two crew members moved ahead of the group, hacking away at the thick foliage with their machetes. Each swing sent leaves and vines flying, clearing a narrow path through the dense jungle. The humid air clung to their skin, and the occasional call of exotic birds echoed through the canopy above. Sweat dripped from their brows, but nobody showed signs of slowing down, driven by the promise of treasure hidden deep within the island.
Taro’s excitement was palpable as she pressed forward, the treasure map clutched in her hand. She glanced down at the map, trying to make sense of the faded markings and sketches. Her swollen belly pressed against her coat, which was beginning to feel like a stifling weight in the oppressive heat. She paused for a moment, pulling her coat open to let in the slightest bit of air. The cool breeze was a welcome relief against her blouse, and she sighed, her free hand resting on the curve of her belly.
“Almost there, little stowaway.’ she murmured to her baby, her fingers gently rubbing at her belly, ‘We’re getting close. I can feel it.”
The path grew narrower, the jungle around them becoming denser with every step. The crew hacked through the underbrush with machetes, clearing the way. The sounds of their progress were accompanied by the noise in the busy jungle, the usual chorus of birds and insects abundant.
As she moved forward, her attention split between the map and the terrain, she suddenly felt a light, almost itchy cramp spread across the underside of her belly. The sensation was unexpected, and she paused, her brow furrowing as she tried to decipher what she was feeling. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it was enough to catch her off guard.
First Mate, ever vigilant, noticed her pause and turned back to look at her, “Everything alright, Captain?” they asked, concern flickering in their eyes. Taro nodded, giving them a reassuring smile, “Just a little twinge. Nothing to worry about. Probably just the baby shifting around.”
The First Mate’s expression didn’t soften much, but they took a deep breath, trying to calm themselves, “Alright, Captain.’ they said, their voice steady but still laced with concern, ‘But please, promise me you’ll tell me if anything changes. We need to know if this is… The real thing.”
Taro gave them a reassuring smile, patting them on the arm, “I promise, First Mate. If these cramps turn into something more, you’ll be the first to know. Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s treasure to find, and I’m not about to let a few cramps stop me from doing my job.” First Mate’s lips pressed together to form a thin line, but they nodded, respecting their Captain’s decision.
Taro adjusted her stance, rolling her shoulders and shaking off the lingering discomfort. She had felt plenty of odd sensations over the past few weeks, and she wasn’t about to let a little cramp slow her down now. Not when they were so close to finding the treasure. She took a deep breath, the humid air filling her lungs, and pressed on, moving with a bit more caution but still driven by the thrill of discovery.
As Captain Taro and her crew traveled deeper into the jungle, the cramps became more frequent. At first, she tried to ignore them, chalking it up to the strain of trekking through dense foliage and the oppressive heat. But as the minutes passed, the cramps started to follow a pattern, each one rolling through her belly with a steady, rhythmic persistence.
Her eyes stayed on the map, but mentally she began timing each cramp as it came. They were coming every fifteen minutes now, lasting about thirty seconds each time. It was too consistent to ignore. She realized, she was in labor, and a thrill of excitement shot through her.
A smile tugged at her lips despite the heat and the growing ache in her belly. She had known this day was coming soon, but she hadn’t expected it to happen right in the middle of a treasure hunt. Still, there was something fitting about it, her little stowaway seeming eager to join in on the adventure.
She glanced down at the map again, tracing the faint lines with her finger. According to the map, they were just a short distance away from the treasure’s location. If they could reach it quickly, she could let the crew celebrate and then slip away back to the ship before anyone realized what was happening and not cause a big panic amongst them, which was the last thing she needed.
“Captain, I think we’re almost there.’ Briggs called from up ahead, his voice cutting through the dense air, ‘There’s a clearing just beyond those trees.” Captain Taro nodded, her excitement bubbling up again, “Alright, everyone, let’s keep moving. We’re nearly at the end of the trail.”
The crew picked up the pace, hacking through the last of the thick foliage. Taro followed, her heart pounding with anticipation. As they broke through the trees, a small clearing opened up before them, the jungle suddenly giving way to a sunlit space. In the center of the clearing, partially hidden under vines and leaves, was a large, moss-covered stone that looked almost like a marker.
Taro’s heart leapt in her chest. This was it. They had found the treasure. She could feel it in her bones, “Let’s clear this area.’ she ordered, gesturing for the crew to start working, ‘The treasure should be right beneath us.”
While the crew got to work, Taro took a step back, watching as they began to clear away the foliage and debris. She felt another cramp hit her, this one a bit tighter and more intense than the last. It spread out from her back, radiating around to the front of her belly. She stopped in her tracks, placing a hand on her back and taking a slow, measured breath to steady herself. The sensation was stronger this time, more insistent, and she couldn’t ignore it as easily as the others.
She closed her eyes briefly, taking a slow, measured breath and focusing on the slow release of tension as the cramp gradually faded away. When she opened them again, she found her First Mate standing beside her, their face etched with concern.
“Captain, are you alright?” they asked, their voice low but urgent. Taro waved them off, trying to maintain her usual air of confidence, “I’m fine, really.’ she insisted, ‘Just feeling a few light cramps is all.”
The First Mate’s eyes widened, their face paling slightly, “Cramps?” they repeated, their voice tinged with worry. They seemed ready to launch into a flurry of questions, but before they could say anything more, Taro held up a hand, cutting them off.
“Before you start panicking. They’re irregular.’ she lied smoothly, ‘I’m not even sure if I’m in labor. It’s too early to tell. These could just be... False alarms, you know? But regardless, I think I’m going to head back to the ship ahead of everyone else, just to rest. The heat and humidity are getting to me. I want you here to oversee the crew. You’re the one I trust most to make sure everything goes smoothly.”
The First Mate hesitated, their worry evident in their eyes. They didn’t seem fully convinced by her explanation but nodded nonetheless, “Alright, Captain. But at least take Lila with you as an escort. Just in case.”
Taro opened her mouth to protest, but the First Mate cut her off with a firm shake of their head, “No arguments, Captain. I insist.”
She pouted, and First Mate crossed their arms, giving her their signature disapproving stare. They stared each other down for a solid miniature, before Taro relented, “Fine, fine. I’ll take Lila. But keep things moving here, alright?”
First Mate nodded, though their gaze remained fixed on her with concern. Taro gave them a quick pat on the shoulder before calling Lila over and gesturing for her to follow. Soon, they began to make their way back through the jungle.
Captain Taro and Lila had moved through the jungle as quickly as they could, the dense foliage rustling around them with every hurried step. It also didn’t take long for Lila to notice the way Captain Taro would occasionally pause, her hand going to her belly as she took deep, measured breaths.
“Captain.’ Lila said quietly during one of their brief stops, her voice laced with worry, ‘Are you… Are you in labor? Taro gave her a tight smile, nodding slightly, “Aye, seems like it, but don’t worry.’ she reassured, her tone calm despite the growing discomfort, ‘I’m fine. We just need to get back to the ship quickly, alright?”
Lila looked unconvinced but nodded, knowing better than to argue with the Captain. They continued their trek, quickening their pace as much as the jungle terrain would allow, lucky they had the path her crew had forged earlier to lead the way. Taro’s contractions were growing stronger, each one more insistent than the last, but she kept pressing forward, determined to reach the safety of the ship.
A few more times, Taro had to stop, leaning against a tree as she breathed through another wave of contractions. Each time, Lila stood by her side, placing a gentle hand on Taro’s back. At first, Taro had flinched, not expecting the touch, but then she felt Lila’s hand start to rub slow, soothing circles over her lower back and she found the small counterpressure to be surprisingly comforting, so she welcomed it.
Finally, the dense trees began to thin, and the familiar sound of waves crashing against the shore reached their ears. The sight of the ship anchored off the coast filled Taro with a sense of immense relief. She straightened up, taking one last deep breath, and motioned for Lila to keep moving, “Almost there.” Taro said, as much to herself as to Lila.
The familiar creak of the wood underfoot was a welcomed sensation as Captain Taro and Lila stepped back onto the deck of the Jolly Serpents. The fresh sea breeze was much more cooling than the thick jungle heat, though that did little to ease the growing discomfort in Taro’s belly, but she was glad to be back aboard. Without wasting time, they sought out Dr. Nat, who was below deck tending to some supplies.
“Doctor.’ Taro began, keeping her voice steady despite the contractions making it difficult to focus, ‘I’m in labor.” Dr. Nat looked up and smiled curiously, “Labor? How far apart are the contractions?”
“Um, every six or seven minutes I think? Lasting around forty-five seconds.” Taro says after some thought, Dr. Nat nods, “Yep, sounds like you’re about to leave early labor. Let’s get you to your cabin for some privacy and comfort then.” They say as they immediately moved to Taro’s side, ready to guide her. Taro nodded, appreciating the Doctor’s calm efficiency, “Agreed. Lila, you’re free to go. Thank you for your help.”
Lila nodded, before she suddenly took off, her movements quick and purposeful. Taro furrowed her brow in confusion, wondering what had gotten into Lila, but another contraction began to build, and her focus shifted. She placed a hand on her belly, feeling the tightening, and decided not to worry about Lila’s sudden exit. She had more pressing concerns.
Dr. Nat guided her towards the captain’s cabin, and once inside, she soon found herself in the thick of it now, as the intensity of the labor only seemed to increase in the following two hours.
Taro soon found herself leaning against the desk, the bedpost, the wall. Just anything that was closest to her as she groaned through the pain. Dr. Nat, who was helping her to pace around the room, encouraged her to breathe deeply as they rubbed her back at her request when the contractions hit hard.
She had just leaned against the edge of her bed, breathing heavily through another contraction, when the door swung open with a sudden burst of energy. First Mate stood in the doorway, slightly out of breath and looking more frazzled than Taro had ever seen them, a rarity for sure.
Their eyes locked onto Taro, and a flicker of frustration flashed across their face, “Captain.” First Mate said, their voice tinged with both worry and a hint of exasperation.
“First Mate.” she grunted more than greeted, but still flashing them a smile.
“You promised me you’d tell me if your condition got worse.”
Taro, still catching her breath, could only manage a sheepish grin, “I didn’t think it would happen so quickly. Also you got back sooner than I thought you would. Did you find the treasure?”
First Mate huffed, “Can’t believe you’re thinking about that at a time like this. But yes, we did. I only got back as quickly as I did because Lila came back and told me you were in labor. I left Briggs in charge and ran back to the ship as fast as I could.” Taro blinked in surprise, touched, “You really ran all the way back just for me?”
“Of course I did. You said you wanted me here for the birth. Did you think I’d forget?’ First Mate replied firmly, their voice softening as they stepped closer, ‘I wasn’t going to let you go through this alone.”
A warm flush graces Taro’s cheeks, she hadn’t expected such a heartfelt response, and it filled her with a mixture of embarrassment and affection, “Thank you…’ she said softly, smiling at them, ‘Well, come inside then.” First Mate nodded and entered the cabin, closing the door behind them. They moved to her side, a calming presence amidst the storm of contractions that continued to roll through her body.
Taro felt a renewed sense of courage in knowing that she wasn’t facing this alone. She had her crew, her trusted First Mate, and soon, she’d have her baby in her arms. The thought brought her a sense of peace as she prepared for what was to come.
The next few hours seemed to blur for Captain Taro as her labor somehow intensified further. The contractions growing stronger and closer together, and each one demanding her full focus. She continued to pace around the cabin. But now her First Mate was at her side. Taking over from Dr. Nat in rubbing Taro's back during each contraction, their hands moving in soothing circles as they murmured words of encouragement.
As time passed, Taro leaned into their support more and more, finding comfort in the familiarity of her First Mate's presence. She was grateful for their calm, their steady hands, and the way they knew just what to say to keep her spirits up.
As Taro was crossing the room again, trying to walk off the latest pain, another contraction slammed into her like a rogue wave crashing against the hull of her ship. Taro cried out, unable to hold back the sound, and she instinctively reached out for the nearest thing to steady herself. Her hand found First Mate’s arm, and before she knew it, she was leaning heavily against them, her head buried in their chest as she panted through the mounting pressure.
First Mate blushed slightly, not expecting the sudden contact, but they didn’t hesitate. They wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as their other hand continued to rub soothing circles on her back, “You're doing such a good job, Captain.’ they murmured softly into her ear, trying to keep her calm, ‘Just keep breathing through it."
As the contraction peaked, she felt a strange sensation, a small pop deep inside her, followed by a sudden rush of warmth down her legs. She gasped, pulling back slightly from First Mate to look down, and saw clear liquid trickling onto the cabin floor, “M-My water.” Taro managed to say, her voice a mix of shock and awe.
Dr. Nat, who had been observing closely, stepped forward with a reassuring nod, “That's a good sign, Captain. It means your body is getting ready. You’ll be meeting your baby very soon."
Despite the pain and exhaustion, Taro’s face lit up with a bright, excited smile. She squeezed First Mate's arm with renewed strength and looked them in the eye, “There almost here.” she said, her voice brimming with excitement. First Mate gave her a firm nod, their expression softening with their admiration, “Aye, Captain. Let’s bring that little one into the world."
Minutes seemed to stretch into hours as the steady pressure began to build in her hips. With her waters gone, her little stowaway was moving into position, preparing for their descent. And as each contraction ebbed and flowed through her, Taro could feel the weight of the baby pressing down, feeling heavy in her body.
At this point, Taro was exhausted from pacing, her body hot and drenched in sweat. Finally, she turned to First Mate, her breath coming in short pants, “Can you help me… To the bed?’ she asked, her voice laced with fatigue, ‘And… I need to get out of these clothes.”
First Mate’s cheeks reddened, but they didn’t hesitate, gently guiding her to the bed. Dr. Nat moved to help, and together, they carefully undressed her, removing her captain’s coat, skirt, and blouse. She was soon completely nude, the cool air feeling heavenly against her fevered skin.
Once on the bed, Taro let out a heavy sigh, sitting upright against the bed frame and sinking back against the soft pillows piled up against the headboard. The cool air on her skin was a relief, but she still felt a bit stifled. She looked down at her wooden prosthetic leg, feeling the uncomfortable weight of it.
She looked to her First Mate, “Can you take off my leg?” she asked, her tone more vulnerable than usual. First Mate blinked in surprise. It was rare for Taro to remove her prosthetic, especially in front of others, “Are you sure?” they questioned, their voice gentle.
Taro nodded, “It’s too uncomfortable right now. I want it off.”
First Mate hesitated for only a moment before nodding and kneeling beside her, carefully unstrapping the wooden leg, before setting it to the side nearby. Once it was off, Taro let out a small sigh of relief, feeling a little more at ease.
First Mate then settled into a chair beside her, close enough that Taro could lean against them whenever she needed to. And as the contractions continued, Taro found herself doing just that, as she rested her head on their shoulder, her breath hot and labored against their neck as she panted and groaned.
First Mate wrapped an arm around her, their hand rubbing soothing circles on her back, murmuring soft words of encouragement, “You’re doing great, Captain. Just keep breathing through it. You’re so strong.”
Taro’s grip tightened on their arm as another contraction hit, clamping down like a vice. She groaned, her body tensing as she rode out the wave of pain. When it finally subsided, she was surprised to feel a new sensation. Faint but unmistakable, swelling inside her like a tide beginning to rise. An urge to push. She huffed through the end of the contraction, trying to catch her breath.
When the pain let go, she looked over at Dr. Nat, “I felt like I needed to push on that last one.” she admitted, a small, shaky laugh escaping her lips. Dr. Nat gave her a reassuring smile, “Good. On the next contraction, if you feel the urge again, you can try pushing.”
Taro nodded, her heart pounding as she sat up a bit more and leaned back against her pillows, adjusting her position to brace herself. She glanced over at First Mate, and held out her hand, a small, knowing smile on her lips, “You ready?” she asked, her voice steady despite the pain.
First Mate took her hand, squeezing it gently, their own smile growing increasingly nervous but still trying to look encouraging, “I’m here. You’ve got this.” Taro nodded, her grip tightening as she waited for the next contraction.
As the next contraction built, Captain Taro’s body tensed, her breath hitching as she braced for the peak. She waited, and when it felt right, she gave a small, experimental push. Even with that light effort, she immediately felt her baby move down a little, a sensation that was both strange, but exhilarating.
Taro released her push, a laugh bubbling up in her chest, “I felt it move!” she exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement. Dr. Nat smiled at her, nodding approvingly, “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Push when you feel like you can.”
Taro glanced over at First Mate, who now looked so nervous, they looked like they were on the verge of fainting, their face pale and eyes wide. It was a rare sight to see them so uncomposed, and Taro couldn’t help but laugh again, despite the intensity of the moment, “Don’t pass out on me now, First Mate.” she teased, her voice light despite the strain.
First Mate swallowed hard, their grip on her hand tightening, “I-I won’t.’ they stammered, trying to regain their composure, ‘You’ve got this, Captain.” Taro gave their hand a reassuring squeeze, appreciating their presence more than she could express. She then took a deep breath, focusing back on the task at hand.
As the next contraction rolled in, she felt the familiar pressure building and began to push again, harder this time. She could feel her baby moving down with her effort, the sensation spurring her on.
She soon found herself falling into a rhythm, pushing with the contractions, then relaxing and catching her breath in the short moments of rest in between. The pain was intense, but pushing felt good as she worked alongside her body to bring this baby down.
“Good, Captain.’ Dr. Nat said gently after one particularly strong push, ‘Just like that. You’re doing great.”
Taro nodded, sweat dripping down her face, her hair sticking to her skin. She could feel her strength waning a bit, breaths ragged, and her muscles aching. But there was a fire burning within her as she refused to let herself falter.
As the next contraction gripped her, Taro bore down hard, a growl building in her throat as she felt a shift from within. There was a lot of pressure now, all of it going down, as she found herself opening her legs up a little wider, as if to give her baby more room.
She let go of her push to catch her breath, but this latest contraction didn’t seem to relent, so she took another big gulp of air and pushed again. Curling forward a bit and trying to work with all that building pressure, pressure, pressure.
Suddenly she felt a sudden, sharp burning sensation and gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. Dr. Nat’s calm voice reached her ears, cutting through the intensity of the moment, “The head is starting to peek through, Captain. You’re doing a great job. Would you like to feel?”
Taro, her heart pounding, nodded. She reached a trembling hand down between her legs and was met with a small, teardrop-shaped opening. Her fingers then brushed against the little bit of soft hair that was peeking through, and her breath caught in her throat. That was her baby. They were almost here.
Leaning back again, Taro gritted her teeth and doubled her efforts, growling again and bearing down with all her might. The opening widened gradually with each push, revealing more of the baby’s head. She could feel the burn intensify, but she welcomed it, knowing it meant she was getting closer.
Beside her, her First Mate’s face lit up with excitement. They leaned closer, squeezing her hand tightly and encouraging her with every word, “That’s it Captain! Keep going! You’re almost there!”
As the burning sensation reached its peak, she let out a loud grunt of pain and effort, her body trembling with the strain as she let go of the push and leaned back, moaning a little at the intense burn, “The head is fully crowning.” Dr. Nat announced, their voice steady. With a mix of disbelief and joy, Taro reached down again, her fingers touching the crown of her baby’s head.
She felt more of the soft, wet hair, and she couldn’t help but start to cry tears of relief, happiness, and pure love. That was her baby’s head sitting there between her legs. It almost didn’t feel real. She looked at First Mate, and without a word, she took their hand before gently guiding it down to feel the baby too.
First Mate’s eyes widened, and as they touched the tiny head, they also began to cry. Overwhelmed by the moment and moved by both Taro’s and their own tears, First Mate leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to Taro’s forehead, “You’re doing so good Taro.” they whispered tenderly, voice shaking with emotion as they looked at her.
Taro, still caught in the emotional whirlwind, didn’t fully register the kiss. But she had felt the warmth of First Mate’s words, so she glanced up at them. Her usually neat bun was a mess, her face flushed a bright red from effort and she was both wet with tears and sweat, but she gave them the widest, most excited grin.
Then the next contraction started to build, and Taro refocused her efforts as she bore down again. She could feel the baby’s head moving, and after two long, hard pushes, she felt the baby’s head pop out fully. A cry of relief and excitement escaped her lips, her body sagging momentarily as the intense pressure eased.
As she took a few deep breaths to recover, Dr. Nat’s voice broke through the haze, calm but firm, “Taro, I need you to breathe and push lightly. Let’s ease the baby out.”
Taro exhaled slowly but nodded as she gave short, gentle pushes. She felt one shoulder slip free, then the next, and with one final, careful shove, the baby’s body slid out completely. A small cry of relief and joy burst from her as the tension and pressure disappeared, leaving her in a state of euphoria.
Dr. Nat caught the baby, their experienced hands quickly rubbing the tiny body with a cloth to clean and stimulate the newborn. Taro, her heart pounding with anticipation, reached out immediately, her arms aching to hold her child. Dr. Nat smiled and placed the baby across Taro’s chest.
As the doctor continued to rub the baby’s back, a sharp, strong cry filled the room. Taro’s heart swelled, her eyes flooding with tears as she gazed down at her newborn, “Hello, my little stowaway.” she says her voice thick with emotion.
Dr. Nat, still smiling, glanced up at Taro, “It’s a girl.”
Taro looked down at her daughter, tears spilling over as she gently cradled the tiny, squirming body, “She’s beautiful.” she whispered.
Taro rested in her bed, her newborn daughter nestled against her chest and her eyes closed as she savored this moment of calm. She then heard the door creak and Taro’s eyes fluttered open as her First Mate entered, “I told everyone the news. The crew sends their congratulations.” Taro smiled warmly, “Thank you. Come sit with me.”
First Mate moved to the bedside, sitting down carefully as if afraid to disturb the serenity of the moment. Taro shifted slightly, revealing the baby’s tiny face and the now clearly rainbow-colored hair, something that hadn’t been as noticeable before when their hair was still damp.
“Her hair…’ First Mate breathed in awe, leaning in for a closer look, ‘Is that because of…?” Taro shrugged lightly, “Could be the pendant’s doing. Or maybe she’s just that special. I mean, she is my kid after all.” She joked a little bit.
First Mate smiled and rolled their eyes a little, but was still awed by the sight, “Have you decided on a name?” Taro nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips, “Iris.”
“That’s a perfect name.”
Taro gazed at her daughter, then looked back at her First Mate, her expression turning serious but affectionate, “I couldn’t have done it without you. You were there when I needed you most.” First Mate’s face softened, and they reached out to gently squeeze Taro’s hand, “I’m just happy I could be here for you, Captain.”
Taro’s lips then quirked into a teasing smile, “And about that kiss…”
First Mate’s face flushed a deep red, their usual composure slipping away once again as they stammered, “I-I got caught up in the moment.” Taro chuckled softly, “I was just teasing, but we’ll talk about that later, okay? About what it means.”
First Mate nodded, still blushing but managing a smile, “Alright, Taro.”
Taro’s attention then returned to her baby, marveling at the tiny, perfect being in her arms. In that quiet moment, with her daughter safe in her arms and her closest companion by her side, Taro felt a profound sense of peace. As she held Iris close, Taro kissed Iris’s forehead and smiled, silently thanking the pendant, knowing that whatever magic it held had brought her the greatest treasure of all.
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