#ball liqour
service4cops · 11 months
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Oh yeah, they know . . . exactly where I'm gonna slide my tongue, and where they're gonna dump the fat loads they've been brewing in their balls all week.
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zombieplaygrounds · 5 months
cw: creepy interactions comfort, mentions of alcohol, comfort drabble, not proofread
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Simon isn't the type of person you expect to be comforting, or kind. He's your lieutenant - half the time you expect him to yell at you for not standing like a fucking pole. And still, when you all when drinking together as a form of celebration, he was attentive to you. And when you came back, a little quieter, a little more glum, he noticed.
"What's wrong, kid?" "You're not nearly as annoying as you normally are." Well, wasn't he just the kindest? But still, he asked you privately, while the other guys went to outside to go take a group piss (said something about how the cold air helped their balls breathe). He didn't look at you like he was gonna yell at you, somehow he seemed..softer.
Still, you were hesitant, didn't want an altercation - not too sure if Simon could function without a fist fight.
"Some guy..he was just, kind of creepy." You mumbled, never were too good with your own words while drunk. Never too good at saying what you felt while sober. For a moment, you seemed to brace yourself, anticipating a good scolding from your lieutenant; some shite about not talking to strangers.
Instead, Simon sipped his liqour and murred, "M'so sorry, love."
His eyes were foggy and glazed over, as if he was recounting something else in his mind. A scarred hand of his brushed the top of your head, straightening out your messy locks, "What'd he look like?"
"Don't remember," You admit, frowning slightly as your head lowered. "Just what he wore."
Simon assured you it was detail enough, and you explained. Worry in your eyes as you stared into Simon's blank expression. When the others came back, talking about who pissed the furthest, Simon was missing. Said he was gonna use the bathroom.
Conversations were too loud for you to pinpoint exactly what happened, but you saw the bruise on his knuckles when he came back, a satisfied look in his eyes like a dog with a bone. Came right back to ya and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt like a cat.
"C'mon, no use being out with this old bunch, best we get you home, girly."
The one time Simon was nice to you was when no one else was around, big bear hug as he proudly grumbled, "Ye, punched the bastard right upside the face. Gonna look like some kind of octopus for the next weeks."
He was drunk, trying to make you laugh, trying to make you smile, feel better; and of course, it worked.
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phases--ofthemoon · 2 years
Lonely Harte (Damon x OC) CH.1
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“Hey Sutton I need you on bar tonight!” Sam my Manager said as I walked through the back door of The Cellar. I had been hoping for a shot at bartender but had mostly been serving downstairs in the restaurant area since I started. Suddenly I was nervous I really didn’t want to screw anything up on my first bar shift. Sam could see my anxiety starting to spike and he smiled. “Don’t worry you’ll be with Eli, you’ll be fine. Really you’ll be his extra set of hands so he doesn’t get in the weeds if we get busy.”
I nodded and felt my anxiousness subside a little. Thank God I was working with Eli. The man had a true talent behind the bar plus I didn’t think he’d really need my help but at least I could watch him and hopefully learn a thing or two.
I headed up the stairs and pulled up my long wavy sandy blonde hair out of my face into a high pony tail. Once upstairs I headed straight to the bar, Eli was behind the large wooden bar talking to the few bodies scattered around it. He smiled brightly at two young woman across from him, his tall muscular frame leaning over them from the other side of the bar. They marveled at him which was the usual reaction from most woman. He was a great bartender but him being gorgeous definitely helped his tips.
I stepped behind the bar surveying the scene as I waited for him to step away from the girls. He glanced over noticing me and I smiled and waved. He quickly said something to the girls before turning and walking over to me. Eli was a very attractive man, he was in his mid twenties was very fit, his bright white teeth contrasted nicely against his dark skin and he had beautiful emerald eyes. If I was looking to date he would definitely be a contender but I wasn’t looking for anything like that right now. Plus he had plenty of options I doubted I was on his list anyways.
“So Sam sent you as help huh?” He asked amusement in his eyes and a smile pulling at his lips.
“Yeah, guess you’re stuck with me tonight. Sorry.” I shrugged and smiled back.
“What a bummer.” He said with light hearted sarcasm.
“I have to be honest I haven’t trained on bar much. So not sure how helpful I’ll be.” I laughed.
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll show you the ropes.” He winked and I smiled and rolled my eyes. Eli was such a flirt.
True to his word Eli had been a great teacher, in his down time he showed me where everything was, went over the basic bartending rules, how to pour the draft beer correctly and even how to make a few popular drinks. Thankfully I was already familiar with the computer system so I was able to start and close tabs fairly easily which helped him out when more people came and went.
Around ten Eli told me I could go ahead and take the next customers he said he was right there if I had any questions but I knew he just wanted to go flirt with the same girls who hadn’t left their spot and were now on their fourth drink.
I smiled and went back to rinsing glasses and placing them in the dirty rack and restacking the clean glasses. When I finished my last glass a handsome man who looked to be in his mid thirties sat down, I glanced over at Eli who nodded at me to go ahead and take him.
“What can I get for you?” I asked. He looked up at me and gave a polite smile but his dark blue eyes looked a little sad.
“Bourbon please, neat.” He said.
“We have Wild Turkey, Jim Bean, Evan Williams, Makers?” Eli made it a point to tell me to try to upswell when possible. Don’t give them well Liqour unless they ask for it specifically.
“Wild turkey’s fine. Actually make that two.” He said looking off to his right. I nodded and grabbed two low ball glasses pouring the amber liquid in them making sure I measured correctly. I sat them in front of him at the bar and he handed me his credit card. “Just keep it open.” He smiled.
“Will do.” I said returning his smile.
I successfully opened his tab noticing the name on his card, Alaric Sultzman. What an interesting name. Since everyone was good for the moment I took the opportunity to check my phone. Carliegh texted me asking if I wanted to meet her and Mira at the Grill when I got off. They said they were playing pool with some cuties and were deep in some whiskey sours. I told them I’d let them know when I was off and would meet them if they were still there.
As I looked up a man was sitting down next to Alaric. I had to do a double take at him. He was about six foot, he had lean muscles I could see from under his black t-shirt and he had the strongest jawline I’d ever seen. He looked maybe early to mid twenties, it was hard to tell. His black hair was a little disheveled and he had a light skin tone. I swallowed and made sure my mouth was closed, this man didn’t need to see me gaping at him that would be extremely embarrassing.
I looked anywhere else, scanning the bar but eyes kept drifting back to him. This was new I had never been this instantly attracted to someone before. I kept myself busy around the bar hoping Eli would tell me he didn’t need me soon since it was emptying out a bit so I could meet up with the girls.
“Excuse me.” I heard and my head snapped in the direction it came from, Alaric was beckoning me and now the icy blue eyes of the insanely good looking stranger were also on me. I felt heat flush to my face and tried my best to hide it with a smile as I walked over to the men. I tried my best to focus solely on Alaric so I wouldn’t get too flustered.
“Yes sir.” I said stopping in front of them.
“Another round please.” Alaric said.
“You should just make it the whole bottle.” My eyes landed on the stranger next to Alaric as he spoke wearing a smirk while his eyes were looking into mine intently and for a moment I felt lost in them.
Eli appeared behind me his hands on my shoulders almost startling me. “Damon, Ric.” He said looking at the men. His name was Damon… “Good to see y’all, I got a bottle of something special for y’all.” He said and quickly disappeared and I politely smiled at the men.
“Guess Eli’s got y’all covered.” I said and stepped away trying to control my breathing. Jesus this was embarrassing. I took the opportunity to take the dirty rack of glasses downstairs to the dishwasher. I glanced back at the two men and Damon’s eyes were on me with an unreadable expression. I quickly hurried down the steps and toward the kitchen away from his gaze.
When I returned with a clean rack of glasses I kept my eyes straight ahead as I headed back behind the bar. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell Alaric and Damon were still there. Eli was chatting with them laughing about something. I felt eyes on me again as I sat the rack down I tentatively looked up seeing all three men looking my way. “Hey Sutton come here.” Eli called.
Sucking in a deep breath I walked over not sure what to expect of this encounter. “I wanted to formally introduce you to my two best customers.” Eli laughed. “Alaric Sultzman and Damon Salvatore.” I smiled at both of them politely trying to be normal. I was sure my cheeks were bright red at this point. “And this is my brightest trainee Sutton Harte.” Eli said grinning at me with his hand on the small of my back. I was surprised by the contact but wasn’t weirded out by it necessarily. It was probably just the way he was, naturally flirty and all.
“Hi, nice to meet you both.” I said. Alaric smiled back at me pleasantly. I saw something flash in Damon’s eyes as he glanced at Eli’s hand still resting on me. Quickly he recovered and he smiled.
“Pleasure to meet you Sutton.” Damon said with a sexy smirk. His eyes glanced to Eli like he was gaging his reaction. Weird.
“Eliiiiiii!“ One of the drunk girls shouted giving him her best pouty lips.
“Duty calls.” He said smirking and stepped away from us. I just rolled my eyes and smiled, typical Eli.
“So are you new to town?” Alaric casually asked sipping his drink.
“Not new new. I’m not really from here, but I go to the university here. I’m a junior. I transferred here last spring.” I said.
“How’re you liking it? I’ve been looking at potentially teaching there. I teach history over at the high school now.” Alaric responded.
“Oh I love it. It’s definitely smaller than my previous school but that was one of the reasons I came here.” They didn’t need to know it was because I didn’t have the money to stay at the larger university I had been at. “They have a lot of good programs too.” I finished and Alaric nodded and smiled.
“So what’re you studying?” Damon asked bringing my attention back to him and those insanely blue eyes of his.
“Right now Business.”
“Right now?” He raised an eyebrow at me.
I laughed nervously. “Yeah.. I’ve changed my major a few times. I know as a junior I should have more of an idea what I wanna do but I don’t.” Damon’s expression seemed intrigued and Alaric nodded understandingly.
“Don’t worry you still have plenty of time to figure it all out. It took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to do.” Alaric gave me a reassuring smile.
“Thanks.” I smiled back.
“Don’t worry I still haven’t figured out what I want to do either.” Damon smirked and Alaric rolled his eyes.
“Glad I’m not alone.” I smiled. Eli came back over checking the time on his phone.
“Hey Sutton you can go ahead and head out if you want. I think I’ll be good till close since it’s a week night.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m good.”
“Okay awesome!” I chirped.
“That eager to leave huh? Please tell me I’m not that bad of a trainer..” Eli joked.
“No no, of course not.” I laughed. “My roommates are over at the Grill they wanted me to meet up with them if I got off in time.”
“Ahh Gotcha. Well have fun and thanks for tonight. You did great.” He said his eyes lingering on me longer than usual.
“Thanks for all your help & training me.” He nodded and smiled.
I turned back to Damon and Alaric. “Nice to meet y’all. I’m sure I’ll see you guys around. Have a good night..”
“Have a good night.” Alaric said back and Damon tipped his glass to me as I walked by and headed downstairs toward the exit.
I was especially thankful I had another shirt in my car. I quickly texted the girls and headed down the street toward the Grill.
For whatever reason this tiny blonde bartender in front of me captured my attention. I hadn’t noticed her when I first sat down it wasn’t until Ric had called her over asking for another round that my eyes landed on the petite girl. She was pretty, not in an in your face kinda way but pretty none the less and her ass looked pretty good in the jeans she was wearing.
That wasn’t what caught my curiosity though. I had seen my fair share of attractive woman but it was something else about this girl that intrigued me. Her voice was soft and smooth with a hint of a southern accent, I had to admit it was kind of cute. Kind of. Her eyes were warm like honey and she seemed a little flustered by me which wasn’t a shock, a lot of woman felt that way but I was amused by her and her reactions to me.
I couldn’t put my finger on why when Eli’s hand had rested on the small of her back it annoyed me. She didn’t seem like the type of girl to be with someone as big of a play boy as Eli. The man was busier than I was. But that was also because of Elena…
When Sutton bounced out of the bar I felt a twinge of disappointment which was also very strange. Once she was gone I felt Ric’s eyes one me.
“What?” Said without looking at him.
“She’s cute.”
“I think she’s a little young for you Ric.” I said looking at him as I took another sip of my drink.
He rolled his eyes. “You know I didn’t mean for me.”
“You know I’ve sworn off woman at the moment.” I said casually.
“You mean woman not named Elena?” I glared at him now.
“Careful Ric.” I said narrowing my eyes at him. It was a totally fucked up situation. I was in love with my brother’s girl. He had left her here making a deal with Klaus to save my life and I spent my summer helping her track him down. Now Stefan was back, Elena still loved him and wanted to be with him, Klaus was around and I was somewhere in the middle of all this bullshit trying to keep my brother in check for the girl we both love.
I knew deep down Elena felt something for me I could feel it this summer, there were moments and glimpses but that’s all they were and she kept them buried especially now that Stefan was back. Being number two to Stefan was something I’d grown to be familiar with, to our father, to Katherine and now to Elena.
“I’m calling it a night.” Ric said after a little while signaling to Eli to close out his tab. I nodded and finished my drink as well. We both got up heading down the stairs and out of the building.
“Look Damon, I’m not trying to be dick here but maybe for now at least you should just give the whole Elena thing a rest. I know how much you care about her I do—“
“Ric.” I stopped him mid sentence, we weren’t doing this not tonight. I couldn’t do this and I wouldn’t. “You’re my best friend but if you don’t stop right there—“ he raised his hands and gave me a pointed look before turning around and heading to his car and I did the same.
I didn’t really want to go home but I didn’t want to go back The Cellar either since it was pretty deserted. Stefan would no doubt be brooding at home and I was avoiding Elena since she was in full put Stefan back together mode. I decided to head over to the Grill maybe a few more drinks might help me pass the time.
Going to finally start sharing this story I've been working on for a long time. Please let me know what you think! I have about 20k words already written for this so i'll be releasing chapters as I polish them up. Thanks for reading <;3
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shadowofthehost · 1 year
which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
would you ship any of your muses together? who?
//Ooo Husk maybe Blitzo? I have been writing Husk for 2+ years now though he has been put in the liqour cabinet a few times because the muse is fickle and Blitzo cropped up around the same time so, I'm not sure which one came first xD
So on my canon multimuse I have Val and Vox specifically because I have a dynamic for them in mind and I don't want anyone to feel bad about breaking Voxs face or getting into fights with him so, I just write them both. Vals become more of an NPC but he still managed to some how obtain a wife lmfao (He is a muse I have no control over and he genuinely likes her??? I don't know who this man is anymore)
For my other muses I'd ship all of them with each other in some way. Like Chaz and Astor because Astor has horrendous taste when it comes to men and has a thing for sharks or my OC Pierre with Henroin/Vox maybe even Crimson just for the fucked up shit I could put Pierre through because he hates rich people/overlords but he's also out to rob them blind/use them in some way for his own gain especially around extermination he's using them for protection (I'd say Arackniss too but he's already married to one)
There's also a ton of crack ships I like but realize they don't always work like Astor and Niss that doesn't always work because Niss is a bit too prickly/too serious for my lonely goof ball but I still like the way it looks lol
Other ships that just line up with my list of muses is Astor with Striker/ Seviathan (I think Seviathan and Astor would be ridiculous together they are both a little dumb and a little full of themselves)
Vox and Niss because I had this whole hired gun idea and all the Vs get a spooder like Velvette and Molly, Vox and Niss, Val and Angel...it worked out in a funny way in my mind but with my Niss it will take forever xD he's very much a self hating gay and homophobic about it he's a little jerk
I probably have a million more but I will keep going on for a year if I don't stop now xD
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greycaelum · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader [Rothschild-Shiba Y/n]
(Chains Series)
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[Interview of yours truly, Gojo Satoru]
[Note & Warning: Absolute crack and nonsense, broken Japanese & English, my braincells are being infected by Satoru. I hope you have a good day~]
Drunk Damsel
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"Otsukaresamada-chi! Gojo Satoru desu. Eh? Why am I here? Well,of course that's because you only see me getting bullied by my Sugarplum. Demo~ STOP!!!"
Satoru fumbled in his pockets and swipe in his phone.
"My Sugarplum is not as decent as she look like, that's why oresama ga abaitemiseru! In the name of my Grandfather!"
"Oi. You only have 10 minutes."
"Eh? What are you saying Grey-chi? You invited me here!"
"I did not! You came barging here to defend and justi—"
"Hai, hai! Minna-san, let's start desu-yo!"
"Oi! Listen to me you Q-tip!"
"It was in a cold night of November , the curses are crawling like insects all over the town. I stare outside the window and sigh. When I turn my back my eyes met Y/n cold body on the floor."
"The ending and begining doesn't connect though—"
"Mah, mah~ take it away Grey-chi!"
"I'm not paid enough to do this..."
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"Sugarplum let's go home." Satoru stared at the lady whose eyes are dropping and smiling sweetly.
"Seriously, the izakaya's closing."
Y/n glared— or tried to—but it only came out like a frowning fluffy Pomeranian with dazed eyes and flushed cheeks.
"S'toru, you don't unsternd... Unsternand? Untersnand?"
"Uh-huh, I don't understand what you're saying, but I can understand you're drunk that now you can't pronounce 'understand'" Satoru facepalm at the lady trying to fight him off and justifying her drunken vocabulary.
"Pssh~ borin'... You know, you don't unsternand, this *hicc* table, is suff'ring." dang it lady you're the one slurring.
"Oh? Why is the table suffering?" Satoru grinned as Y/n sprawl her arms patting the table as if comforting the piece of wood.
"H's so lonely, h's tired of plates scraping this beau'ful wood the ungrateful vermins leaving their crumbs! See he's crying—don't w'ryy table I feel your pain, I know shhh, don't cry—" Pulling out her kerchief she wipe the 'tears' of the table which was the water drops of the chilled liqour earlier.
Satoru clasp his hand over his mouth not to laugh at the lady totally bonkers. Snapping hundred of pictures is not enough, but it's just the right way to get back at her for always trying to pick on him.
"Sugarplum let's just ask the the master to take care of the table, ok? We have a table at home—you can take care of it." Satoru tried scooping her in his arms seeing the amused gazes of the pub's stewards to his lady.
"Nu!" She wailed.
"Then let's just buy the table~" Satoru jokingly replied to appease his damsel.
"Oh good 'dea..." She raised her hand like and antenna almost hitting Satoru's nose. "Manager! I'll b'y this table ¥1 million!"
The eyes of the people shot to her—they couldn't possibly believe a drunk lady like her. Her screws are definitely unhinged. Unlike Satoru who totally believe she would.
"A-ano... We're closing soon, you and your wife should—" warily the manager walk to Satoru and Y/n's table.
Satoru's ears perk up hearing the 'wife'—clearly delighted of the manager he makes a mental note to come here again and drag Shoko and Nanami those two could win any drinking party.
"Wuff? That's a dog," Y/n frowned and check her body, probably finding any part of her similar to a ball of fur.
"He said, wife, not wuff."
Y/n look at Satoru and burst out laughing. "S'toru, he said you're my wife!"
"No, he said you're my wife." Satoru sighed, if you keep this up this talk will be a never ending one.
"But 'm not your wife. M'nager, whut payment do you pref'r? Cheque, cold cash, bank transfer?"
"P-pardon?" The manager blink utterly lost of the lady and the man beside her not making any move to stop her.
"'Toru! He don't b'lieve me!" Y/n gasp clutching Satoru's clothes with tears forming on her eyes.
'Is she seriously crying?' Satoru pat her back cooing her not to cry and turn to the confused manager.
"Manager-san, I'll buy the table—tomorrow my men will come to pay you. C'mere Sugarplum, let's go home señorita."
"B-but!" The manager blink and shut up watching the two figures leave the pub. "My table is not for sale..."
Walking down the night street, Satoru decided not to use his teleportation, feeling the weight in his arms and dozing lady clutching his clothes. It's not everyday he gets to dote on her and she let him carry her around. Stubborn girl... Always trying to do thing on her own. If one thing Satoru knows in her like the twist and turns of her intestines is that her skull literally and figuratively speaking is as thick as her chains.
"What am I gonna do with you?" He shake his head and smile.
"S'toru?" Y/n murmurred.
"I don't understand."
"What is it?"
"Why people say bats repr'sent vampires? It should be mosquitoes—bats don't suck blood, mosquitoes do..."
"I agree, my Sugarplum is so smart. But the sanitary napkin do that too, y'know."  Satoru finally understand why she rarely drink outside—she goes from 1 logically decent—10 genius crazy.
"Nu~" she sighed and hug Satoru.
"Good boy," patting his shoulders the lady yawned and let herself doze off.
Quietly they made their way back to the shared home... Or so it was supposed to be—three minutes later...
"Satoru! The bamboo! The bamboo is walking!" Y/n struggled almost knocking back Satoru to his butt.
"Sugarplum, shhh it's night, there's no bamboo, that's a light post."
"But, but! Oh hi! Are you running away from panda? Don't follow us, Yaga-sensei have Panda too, he'll eat you!" Y/n look at the 'bamboo, in pity and look at Satoru.
"If Panda don't eat bamboo, panda will starve. But if Bamboo don't come Panda will be hungry... 'Toru!" Y/n broke to a whimper and tears stream down her red cheeks. "Why am I so bad? I don't mean to, I'm sorry..." Fat tears roll down and sniffling rub her nose to Satoru's chest.
"W-why are you so chaotically adorable?" Satoru bite his lips restraining himself from smooching her back, kami give him strength to hold back!
After the 20 minutes walk they finally reach their home and she's still sniffling. Satoru don't know if he should laugh or pity her, her sobs are too cute to be ignored that he can't help but end up cuddling her on the sofa disregarding the thought she will throw up on her. Smoothing her tangled hair. The Y/n right now is so distant to the sharp-tongue, dense, skinflint, airhead he usually have in her normal days. Satoru shush her like a kid wiping the tears away with his thumb and running his hand over her back to soothe her.
"There, there. We'll get the table tomorrow, I will buy Panda Calpas so he won't eat the bamboo..." As if that fluffy cursed corpse eats bamboo.
"Um," she nod hiding her face to the spaces of Satoru's neck.
"Do you think mermaids could live in the jacuzzi?"
"What the heck is that question? Of course yes!"
"Yeah? Thought so too, glad you agree. 'm planning to adopt one," she said softly slowly and slowly her eyes close.
"Sleep, you get so inquisitive when your drunk."
"What the, you're still awake?"
"D'nt die on me..."
"Sugarplum?" Satoru look down not expecting the sudden words. "Hey," poking her squishy cheeks, no response. Well, alcohol definitely took her down... or so Satoru believe. Hours later when he woke up the body of Y/n he's hugging is nowhere to be found, looking down the carpet there he saw her hugging the thick carpet to her arms her usual suit open and Satoru is left to stare on her exposed body.
("You're clearly the one who's not decent here Satoru"
"Eh? I'm always a nice guy you know! Keep going Grey-chi!"
"I'm charging you for this.")
"Did you crawl your way down kitten?" Sighing Satoru walk to the window wall staring our the deep cold night of December and back to the sprawled cold figure on the floor. Closing the curtains he sighed and strode to the lady's figure, closing her clothes trying as much not to put any indecent thoughts he push his head sideway than feasting on her sweet curves and soft warm skin against his callous palms making the hair on his nape stand up. He set her down the sofa and rush away to fetch a basin of lukewarm water, but first splash his face of cold water.
"She trusts me... I can't betray her. Never."
Satoru groaned not knowing if he should bash his head to the wall or pat his shoulder for being the devil and saint at the same time. It's not like this is the first time he saw a naked woman, why is acting like a novice teenager? But that lady is not just some wanton he usually do, that's his fvcking best friend... the woman he's been looking from afar despite being so near. Running his hand over his face Satoru splash his face again and again until his blood cool down.
"She's going to kill me tomorrow," Satoru mumbled making his way back to the sofa. He thought if he should record this in his phone to prove he didn't do anything to her or shut up and wipe her, go to bed and suffer punish himself with what ifs.
Shutting his eyes as tight as possible, he resigned himself to be clobbered tomorrow.
Next morning...
"You look sleep-deprived," Y/n look up to a slouching Satoru while eating banana pancakes with blueberries and honey.
The man trudge closer but putting a minimum five feet safety distance just in case she captures her to be punched to his gut.
"Don't you get hang-over?"
"How about your memories?"
"Don't ask me... They're null and void." Continuing her meal Y/n didn't seem any suspicious or angry at him so Satoru sat beside her and poke her to be spoon feed, too lazy to get his own which is a usual occurrence here. Y/n indulging him because it saves the pieces of plates to be wash, the water and dish detergent to be used and well... she could use it to choke him.
Shoving a spoonful to Satoru's waiting mouth, Y/n stare at him.
"Keep your promise, you told me you'd buy the table from that pub and the Calpas for Panda."
Satoru's eyes widened and about  to accuse her but the confused man forgot there's food in his mouth, when he tried to speak as expected the food went down the wrong pipe resulting to him coughing up harshly reaching for water and down it in one gulp.
"You said you don't remember."
"I never said anything like that, I just said don't ask me." Sticking out her tongue Y/n skip away calling out.
"Don't forget to do the dishes Satoru!"
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"So where's the indecent part of Y/n?"
"She's chaotically cute, like me! We're a pair, don't you think so Grey-chi?!"
"I don't think of anything,"
"I see. Well that's all for today, I'm a busy man you see, next time I'll visit I'll bring Megumi then you shall be enlightened of my parenting strategy. Jaa nee~"
Grabbing his collar back Grey stares with blank eyes at the Q-tip who's trying his best to struggle free and sheepishly chuckled surrendering to Grey's hold.
"You're forgetting something buddy?"
"Eh?" Satoru blinked innocently racking his brain for possible answer and it clicked him, clearing his throat he faced Grey with the most formal face and bowed 90 degrees.
"If you'll accept me as your son-in-law, Y/n won't have to change her surname. I will change my surname and we can all live together. With Grey-chi, with Sugarplum, with me, with your 14 cats, dog, and your many koi fishes so please! Give me your daughter's hand in marriage!"
"Why don't you accept first, you're not even her boyfriend? And that's not what I'm talking about, I'm not giving you anything and my eardrums would not survive living with the two of you, my inner peace will be disturbed."
Door opens, Y/n enters...
"Are we having a family reunion? No one told me."
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Check out the Masterlist for more.
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belong to their respective owner(s).
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rfamess · 4 years
RFA + V and Saeran at a party!!
alright friends. picture this: a party. what kind of party? that is for you to think about. i’ll give my 2 cents on what they prefer, but their behaviors still stand. If you’ve ever been to a party, (and I consider just hanging w friends a party as well... literally anything is a party if you want it to be a party) you know DAMN WELL you can find a specific type of person at every single function. we’ve got the corner standers, we got the emotional rollercoaster, the bitches getting crossed, the couch chillers, the flirt, the table dancer. you get the vibe.
in short, this is a (very) drunk rfa at a party.
- you already know this guy only drinks wine.
- two bottles; one red, one white (very bold) double fisting them.
- wine drunk is the best drunk lemme tell ya.
- he is just so relaxed. GODDAMN he’s chill
- he’s so chill that he could walk up to zen and take a drag of a cig. shocking. why would he do that? he would never do that! (he’s drunk bby)
- personal morals have left the chat
- definetly happy and very social. Likes to tell very good stories— and they are good. very funny guy
- total opposite from his work self, which many people know. it’s refreshing to see him let loose
- and when i say let loose i mean let loose
- oh, the function? he owns it. not only is he the life of the party, it’s actually in his penthouse. he literally owns it.
- he has the potential to throw a gatsby-like party, but he likes to stick with his close friends and colleagues. people are allowed to bring a plus one. the more the merrier. but not too many lol
- oh this guy? he’s a professional partier. balls to the wall type drinker.
- shotgunning beer, pong master, stack cup, ride the bus, shots, up jenkins. he plays them allllll
- very competitive. VERY. he gets really into it, but he’s not like a competitive jock type, he’s just very passionate.
- he will accept his losses with grace and dignity, as well as with a nice handshake with his opponent.
- his passion sometimes causes him some accidents. will probably bump into you, apologize and call you some sweet pet name, and then return back to his zone.
- everyone loves to talk to him. not just bc he’s handsome, but he is just so genuinely nice and can hold a great conversation, even while completely obliterated.
- he’s the kind of guy that goes around and makes sure everyone is having fun
- smooth moves. very flirtatious, duh. can literally charm anyone.
- ngl he’s probably also a horny drunk. he’s not creepy or anything. he is definitely very courteous and respectful, but sometimes he has a lot on his mind...
- you can probably find him at one of jumins gatherings, at a work friends house, clubs, etc.
- he also loves themed parties. he really gets into it
- he goes so hard.
- another themed party lover. especially costume parties.
- would probably show up in a costume even if it in fact was not a costume party.
- sorry, have you ever listened to tik tok by kesha? seven literally IS the party. “the party don’t start til I walk in”
- freestyle dances literally any chance he gets. definetly starts a dance circle— everyone loves a good dance circle
- he’s not a good dancer. he’s not bad either. but dancing with the stars is not in his future
- he’s wasted, but even if he wasn’t, he’d still be the life of the party. it just becomes magnified by however many drinks he’s had.
- very much parks and rec tom haverford vibes. snake juice episode. classic.
- he gets antsy to build things for no reason. tries to do small physics balancing things or maybe just do something productive, like cooking. he never cooks so he has no idea what he’s doing. will probably set the smoke alarm off, sprinklers will be going and people will be partying with INDOOR RAIN.
- that’s his legacy— the guy who set off the sprinklers at that party that one time
- you could probably find him crashing random peoples parties. he hears one going on in some apartment on the street and somehow he gets in and nobody questions it.
- you already know he gets DRANK.
- he doesn’t drink alcohol, the alcohol drinks HIM.
- he always goes over his limit. not bad enough where he’s incapacitated, but he for sure blacks out a lot of the time
- he’s kind of like a mix of his two besties ;) zen and seven. he’s a dancer, but he’s a COMPETETIVE DANCER. lol he probably challenges people to a dance off or contest. also likes table top games.
- he is prone to.... emotion. which is okay! but it happens
- once in a blue moon he’ll cry over something minor, but then start crying-laughing over it 2 seconds later.
- he finds a wii console buried tucked away in a drawer somewhere. he really brings it together when mario kart or wii sports resort gets pulled out. especially if it’s the sword play one. his find gets him clout at the party lol
- probably sees someone he thinks he wants to talk to... he overthinks how to approach them a little too much. but he’ll take a shot and go do it
- it always works out, he’s very friendly and likeable.
- he attends his college parties and always ends up making friends but he’s also hammered so he might not remember it much.
- probably wakes up in a random field somewhere the next morning. he is very confused.
- she goes to town on hard liqour. she can handle it alright.
- genuinely wants to fight everyone. not in a bad way, more of a “let me show you how fucking strong i am” way. it sure brings an audience
- people accept her challenges— she always beats them. probably turns them into drinking competitions too.
- like zen, she’s very competitive. she might lose her composure a little bit, but always self soothes and gets right back into it.
- 2 words: HYPE. WOMAN.
- she can get ANYONE excited about ANYTHING. always cheering others on and having them break out of their comfort zone (if they choose to do so).
- very big emotions. fangirls a lot. flirts a lot. a little dramatic, but she’s very entertaining.
- another great story teller— she loves to talk to people about the things she loves or crazy things that have happened to her.
- once she sobers up a little more, she is quite the helper. she helps clean up, helps people who might be throwing up. she’s a gentle care taker and welcoming presence :)
- she attends house parties a lot. usually her office friends, but sometimes zen brings her to his friends parties.
- she doesn’t party a lot since she works so much but when she does, she goes DUMMY!!
- very creative guy. he’ll have a conversation with someone and midway through he goes HOLD THAT THOUGHT!! because he’s had a little intrusive lightbulb moment. runs to go write it down or do a quick sketch then return to said conversation.
- if there’s a hot tub, he’s in it. he’s so in it. he has a glass of champagne and just sits. a lot of the time he never changes he just keeps his clothes on in the water. people question his judgement
- he’s not super animated like a lot of others, he’s more chill, but he’s also very excitable.
- he’s very giggly. anything could make him laugh.
- he really stays true to his hobbies while drunk too.
- photographer/videographer. but since he’s at a party and he’s drunk, they aren’t professional photos. a lot of them end up blurry. but a lot of them turn out great!
- he leaves disposable cameras everywhere so people can just pick them up and take their own photos— he sends out all the pics after they get developed.
- he’s definetly the type to go around making sure everyone is safe and helping them whenever possible. he doesn’t take a lot of time for himself :(
- he parties with jumin at his penthouse. they have a lot of the same friends and it’s a familiar place.
- he doesn’t go to giant parties either, mostly just friends in the comfort of his or someone else’s home.
- I don’t think Saeran drinks very much, to be honest. But hypothetically….
- he’s obsessed with making fancy cocktails. they are so beautiful. but they get infinitely worse the more he drinks them lol
- his parties are always with his close friends, probably at his own house. he’s more of a homebody. and the presence of his friends is very grounding
- he really likes to play tabletop-turned drinking games
- he also likes to make games up! kind of like true american in new girl. he’s actually really really good at making up rules on the spot and they always turn out super fun.
- he’s definitely the kind of guy you want at your party if you want to have a lot of fun just doing random shit.
- speaking of random shit, just like his brother he also gets spikes of energy to just go do something. he makes homemade ice cream in a plastic bag. he rearranges the furniture. he will learn magic tricks in about 2 minutes and then show everyone he knows.
- will try and flirt with you. like a lot. he’s incredibly endearing and gets kind of handsy. and by handsy i mean he wants to hold your hand briefly. both of his hands clasped around one of yours.
- he likes to do really harmless pranks. like so harmless that they’re just hilarious. he’ll take someone’s phone and sign them up for mailing lists they don’t want. he might replace a family photo with something else. or maybe just hide behind a wall and jump out and scare someone when they walk by!! PRANK CALLS. classic.
- he’s really funny. like really fucking funny. without even trying. and boy does he love to make people laugh. he’s comedy gold and a pro with the one-liners.
- after drinking he will fall asleep ANYWHERE. on the floor, in a chair, under a desk, on top of a desk, he could fall asleep standing up. all his friends have pictures of him just sleeping in strange places.
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mbrinnon35 · 3 years
Playing gods
The lower kind
The c not the sub
Guided by a spinal affection
Granting wishes to young children
Rules made by collectives
Broken when ever
Trading letters like baseball cards
Joining clubs with guns and girls
Liqour and sweat
Balls and bowls
Blood and gasoline
Drowning in love and transcending errors
Taking journeys
Burning en e
U niver sol traps
To escape the onslaught we train for
Tri for
Angels arrive just in time for the future
That won’t use her
First a fail
Then a premonition
Of success
Stress pummels us
To pulp
That is drank by another code
All I know is rebirth
How could I expect otherwise
New path granted by flower of verde
Extracted to a red pill
Another box of blood
R and m chew on
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iamtheempress · 4 years
Cold Blooded
A Dragon Ball Horror Fic {Part 9}
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Some days have come and gone, bruises were healed ribs are fixed back into place. Vegeta is off with Goku training themselves in the time chamber for the night, in all their forms to test themselves fully.
Bulma had asked her to house sit the entirety of Capsule Corp for the night, Carlie happily obliged since she still had her old room beside the balcony. The scientist rushed to her lab and came back up to her temporary bedroom and sat down on her bed, only to dress into a sleep shirt and pull out her bottle of whiskey, an old stache in her night stand and the new bottle of Merlot for Frieza. She ordered a hot pizza for herself and maybe Frieza if he was willing to eat. 
She had a movie ready to watch and unwind. An old classic and take on horror, Alien. A solid 3 hour long movie that she loved to watch when she was younger, one of the first movies that peaked her interest hardcore to alien races all together.
She singlehandedly carried both the pies and the wine and whiskey in her arms down the hall in the direction of the theater, which is on Friezas side of the building She felt one of the bottles slipping and started to quietly curse herself when it falls from her arms, she awaits the impending crash and liqour splattering everywhere. When it didnt she looked to her side to see a tail tip encircling the bottle.
 “Tsk. Well if that were to break that would certainly be tragic, wouldnt it, Ms. Carlie?” Frieza said standing beside her with a small smile, Carlie smiled at Frieza and laughed abit embarrassed. “Thanks, Frieza.. Want to help me eat these pizzas?”She lifted the pizza boxes and the smell wafted up to the Emperor, he hummed and held his chin between his fingers. “I am quite hungry. Pizza you say? Id love to accompany you, dear.” 
He holds the bottle and saunters beside her down the hall, tail fluttering slowly behind him, a bit of blood still on the very end of his terribly strong tail.. From his most recent murder that day. “I was actually going to watch a movie too, so hope you enjoy feeling lazy eating pizza and getting abit drunk cuz thats going to happen with me tonight” She giggled and gently nudged open the door to the large theater room. “Oh there is no issue with that, I was wondering how you were doing anyway so to spend some quality time within your company is just what i needed.” 
You too will realize this
Frieza curtly nods and places the bottle of whiskey down besides the two large pizzas with hot sauce to dunk in, Carlie lifted the bottle of merlot to Frieza and smiled. “Wanted to give this to you and we can get abit drunk together.. Except i dont know your tolerance to alcohol.” “Wuite alright, im no light weight.” “Excellent!” she claps her hands together and grabs a wine goblet and one Whiskey glass.
Frieza watches her form shuffle away, eyes raking slowly down to her pretty soft legs. Her bottom showing just slightly from the shirt raised up behind her. Frieza hums and seats himself on the extra large and extravagant couch bringing the Wine up and looking at it.. His little smirk showing in the glass bottles sheen in the movie theaters dim light. “Care to tell me what we would be watching.” She tilts her head and comes back with the glasses sitting comfy besides Freeza, the light of the theater dimmed very slowly until the only things visible were Friezas eyes and the screen turning on to suit the room. 
“This movie is one of my favorites from when i was younger. It is called Alien, plot is basically a bunch of humans awake from cryostasis and there's no reason why, and then this insectoid alien called a xenomorph makes its appearance and you'll see the rest. It's great!” “Ohohoho! How precious.. Humans having their own interpretations of Alien kind is quite amusing! Cannot wait to see what kind of monstrosity your kind has imagined.” He uses his ki to pour them both some wine and whiskey. “Hey you might like it, don't knock it till ya try it.” she giggles and clinks the drinks together and takes a sip. The movie begins and she is immediately entrenched in it like its her first time watching it.
Watching a classic with the late emperor. His arms are crossed as this large fluffy white quilt is brought up to her lap and encircles her so comfortably, her slippers fall off her feet to the floor. Frieza watches her out of the corner of his eye while she watches the screen with expectant wonder.. 
He watched her pretty gossamer locks, some that were tied up and some that were loose, falling out of her messily tied bun, down her shirt, her lightly tanned skin glistens with some nice smelling body spray, tantalizing and sweet. Like her. The fact she wasnt wearing glasses made her look more appealing and this deeply confused Frieza… His eyes snapped to the screen and he took a sip of his drink, his back curving to relax into the plush cushion. 
Friezas tail slid beneath her back, she didnt flinch, she shifted a tiny bit, maybe to make sure he was comfortable, maybe to welcome it.. He took it as the latter and proceeded to welcome the warmth of her back upon his tail. 
‘You beautiful little thing…’ he thinks crossing his ankles and watching her fill another glass full of whiskey, right as the first sight of the Xenomorph came up on screen his eyes widened and he tilted his head. 
Watching humans cower in abject horror made the emperor smile in pride of the idea that this is what humans find entertaining and terrifying..the tail around her waist slowly drags her to his side; spurts of blood and the absolute massacre that sprays forth from its victims peaks his interest. Down to the idea they grow and procreate and are fast and nimble, with predatory intent to kill and overwhelm, ambush with ease. 
The very similar comparison to his 3rd form was just the icing on the cake for the emperor that made this all the more amusing. Shes familiar with the immense amount of horror this form can bring...Maybe this was intentional.. Maybe she wanted him to see that he wasnt afraid of him, no matter what form he took. 
She had eaten almost all of this pizza along with the dip of the hot sauce that made her lips look glossy and inviting...a thought Frieza never entertained before but here he was, staring at her lips and her neck where Vegeta left a bite.
He sneers and his bright red eyes return to the screen, when she places her whiskey glass down her hand touches his thick cold tail while she puts it down the emperor cracks the goblet from the grip.. Not breaking it entirely just enough to crack it.
*Thats enough of this little game…*
This gives him an idea. One to finally act upon this beautiful little woman besides him whos blanched stark white and almost flush against the 
“"this movie is quite entertaining. Kill or be killed and absolute domination with zero regard for human life. Procreate and maim, all for the sake of their queen" Frieza muses, his arm bringing the soft white blanket into his lap and his cold strong hand finds her bare thigh, Carlie was abit tipsy but she wasnt blind... "You enjoy this bloodshed dont you, Carlie.” He lets the goblet go to float gingerly to the table infront of him and tilts her head to face him. “Frieza, what are you talking about.. Its just a movie.” He straightens his back hard and looks her square in the eye; a knowing look blooms across his minimalistic features and his red eyes dilate.
“I know what happened to you the other day. Vegeta harmed you while you were intimate, I saw your back and those horrific bruises and scratches.” Her eyes went wide and she backed her head up abit from him as he held her hand in his own. “Frieza.. Me and Vegeta are fine it was a one time thing that wont-” “And how do you know that Carlie?” “Huh?”
“Ive known Vegeta for decades. Since he was a small chimp with a dead father. I WAS basically his father figure, to hell with any of his old Saiyan counterparts. They had as little an influence as i did on him. He had a temper that could never be put out..”  He snapped, raising his voice harshly almost into her face.
 For a split second.. He felt bad for doing that.
“That Saiyan bravado is all brute force and abuse. Never anything gentle..” Carlies eyes remained wide as she slowly- like cold molasses on the brain-took everything he said in. “He would never abuse me..” She pushed his hand off her leg and his tail slunk slowly beneath the shirt to her smoothe soft belly, then to her thighs to keep her still, but not enough to harm her. “He did though..  He most certainly did though… your back had proof of it.. Why would he throw you so violently… you his little mate.. That damned ape knows nothing about delicacy… its disgusting…” 
He sneers forcing the girl to her back with little effort on his own part. Carlie started to panic... “Frieza, let me go. C'mon if i didn't trust Vegeta i wouldn't be with him, let me the heck go please.” SHe pleas and pulls against the tail as the emperor cradles her head and stares down at the little scientist, a hypnotic unblinking stare as his tail tightens around her soft midsection and her quivering legs, his tail pulsing around her body.
   “Carlie… Would I lie to you.. Vegeta’s a great danger to you, he's highly unstable and you know it.. No amount of affection or care will break that ape down to what you want.. He is a *Saiyan* careless, heartless, if you were to die he wouldn't bat a lash.. Just look at where you are.” His tail sliding between her legs to lock them together to ensure she doesn't struggle too hard. SHe was all ears as she complied and lain still turning her head to the side crying…
“He left you with me… alone.. Instead of staying he went off to probably train and..” the back of his knuckles slide down her cheek. His eyes looking longingly at the slender pretty neck and her soft plush lips back up to her eyes… 
What is going ON with him….
“Inflict more harm upon you…Possibly kill you..” He pulls away and sits up his tail uncurling quite satisfied with his claim. Hoping he made her change her mind he folded his hands in his lap. 
“You are my only friend Carlie, I'm saying this to protect you.” 
Carlie stood up and backed up staring at him. “I don't know where you get off.. Speaking to me like that.. Frieza I gotta go.. Dont fucking follow me i cant fucking think…” she slurs, turning on her heel and taking the whiskey and headed for the door.
  “Look at me.”
 She stops dead in her tracks. Frieza didn't even have to turn completely around. “That creature… the Xenomorph on the screen.. Is my 3rd form likeness..” 
3rd form… no one said anything about forms with him… “.............” She gulps and listens, letting him proceed. “This is my Final Form.. From this i can get stronger in my Golden form… one day i hope to show you its glory… But until then… know i could have killed you.. But i dont. I enjoy your company. If you choose to leave that is your choice, and i bid you a pleasant night my dear.” He raises the now full Goblet to his lips and sips.
He heard the door close and the emperor simply closed his eyes.. Her energy left the room. It was lonely. It actually *hurt* Frieza to feel her go.
"Consider this friendship squandered... i will take what i want... and what i wanted from the very beginning was you" He hissed under his breath. Continuing to watch the movie and enjoy the rest of his pizza. “I hope you have a lovely last night as Vegetas.. Because i will make you mine. Empress Carlie...you have no choice…” He muses eating a slice and licking his fingers clean. 
His tail rests in the spot where she sat. “You never really did.”
Authors note: Super sorry yall. lifes been batshit and i hope yall like this truly. Were coming up on the wrap up~
Taglist: @gallickingun​ @gonuclear​ @dragonblobz @dragonballcollector @lilfriezatyrant @mommaofthesayianguild @lizardhipsdontlie @supremeleadershitlord @thotful-writing @trans-asshole @memevember  @msgreenverse​ @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit​ @chickiedinner​ @kamehamethot​
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goatbi · 3 years
I Never Wanted It (But I Always Did)
Why the hell Uryu had to go to these with Ryuken anyways was unknown to him. The Manor that Ryuken was never at anyways was filled for once, Ryuken, the head of the hospital, too full of politics to really notice or care that his son wanted to not be here.
Though, maybe he was doing it on purpose. Ryuken was like that, of course. It was made worse by Ryuken not... actually knowing that Uryu was his son, and thus, Uryu had to dress up appropriately, how Ryuken thought was appropriate.
Well, that was really a lie. Ryuken knew, but wanted it to stay a secret, hidden, shameful. Uryu, on the other hand... well he was going with this.
It had started when Uryu had told them about the party Ryuken was going to host. It spawned the argument that always came up when they talked about Ryuken
"How much do you really rely on him though?" Ichigo asked, not looking up from his manga, leaning against the headboard of his bed. Uryu knew he was paying attention, however, so he really didn't care. And Ichigo had a point, one that Orihime had made to him before.
"I... Don't. I really don't. I just live with him, but most of my stuff is in a storage shed he doesn't know about. Finding a place to stay-"
"You already know my dad would love to have you."
Uryu sighed again, leaning back. "I know."
Ichigo glanced up, looking towards him for a moment, eyes narrowed. "I get it, I do, but you need to get out of that house, and we both know it."
They did. Everyone knew it. Uryu sighed again, leaning his chin on his knees and staring at the wall, letting it lapse into silence.
"If you don't wanna leave, then we gotta try something. Test him."
Uryu glanced up, eyes narrowing. "Test him how?"
"Go as Uryu Ishida, son of Ryuken Ishida." Ichigo shrugged. "Show him you're done hiding. He either accepts it, or he stops hiding behind the 'i want to protect you from pain' bullshit he's been giving you and finally come clean."
Uryu had a preferred option. It was the least likely one, which hurt a bit, but he still had hope. Which. Kinda sucked.
"I don't... wanna do that alone." Uryu chose instead of voicing all the nonsense worry that Ichigo already knew.
"Well, yeah, you get a plus one. Drag me along, and Chad and Orihime can hide under my spiritual energy and float around."
Uryu snorted. "He'll see them."
"And? He won't be able to do anything once they're there and mingling." Ichigo flipped his page, leaning over to open the window to let Renji in before he crashed through the window again, thus ending the conversation.
Uryu stayed on the floor the entire time Renji was there though, staring off at the wall in thought.
And thus, here he was, staring at his face in the mirror of his bathroom, with Orihime sitting on the bathtub ledge with him.
"You don't have to."
"I know."
"I think you're strong enough to though."
Uryu sighed softly, finally tearing his gaze away from the mirror, looking towards Orihime. She was wearing the dress Ryuken thought he was going to wear, a pale blue fluffy mess that Uryu wasn't exactly the proudest of, but Orihime loved. Uryu, however, was in a fitted suit, one he hadn't made. Ichigo had forbade him, for good reason, but Uryu replaced the buttons when he got it. There was no getting around him doing at least that.
"We can leave." Ryuken would be upset, but not surprised. That would be okay, but.
"No, no... I wanna do this."
Orihime smiled slightly, standing from her spot and moving over, leaning her head on his shoulder. It pushed up her hair a bit, but Uryu didn't mention it, since she would double down on it, and ruin it even more.
"Then let's go."
Uryu stepped out of the bathroom, Orihime following, and very pointedly ignored the way Chad stepped away from Ichigo, who was leaning against the wall, as if he hadn't just been leaning over him. Ichigo straightened his suit jacket, looking over at the two of them. "We good?"
Orihime looked up at Uryu, who sighed, then nodded. "Let's do this."
The ball room was one room in this too big house that Uryu rarely went into. Ryuken was in the middle of the room, mingling and wandering about, and Uryu pushed open the door, ignoring the fact that people looked over, ignoring it all and heading directly for the snacks. Food would help.
The other three were wandering around, talking to each other and only each other, and Uryu pretended not to feel Ryuken's eyes digging into the back of his skull. It was fine, it would be fine, it would all-
Ryuken's hand settled on his shoulder, fingers digging into the meat of it, and Uryu didn't flinch. That was probably the worst of it, the fact that he didn't flinch, too used to it.
"Let's talk." was all he said before letting go, having refilled his drink and wandering away. Uryu didn't move to follow for a moment, until he felt Ryuken's eyes boring holes into his body once more, and then he turned, following out the door into the hall, watching Ryuken disappear into the kitchen.
Behind him, the door opened again, but no one followed. He could feel Ichigo sitting at the door, but knew Orihime and Chad had him. It would be fine.
Uryu went to the kitchen.
Ryuken was standing there, staring hard at the door. Uryu shut it behind him carefully, looking over towards him carefully. Neither spoke at first, as Ryuken carefully looked Uryu up and down, eyes narrowed. Uryu chose not to speak, letting Ryuken size him up.
"You didn't make that."
"No. I was told it would be too much work, what with me making Orihime's dress as well."
"What was supposed to be your dress."
"It was never mine. I made it to fit Orihime the entire time, even if I was to wear it, she's got different measurements than me."
"You told me it was yours." Ryuken focused his glare up again, and Uryu didn't flinch, he didn't.
"I am capable of lying to you, you know."
Ryuken's eyes narrowed further. Uryu sighed, keeping his gaze locked, refusing to show weakness to him.
"I've been out to you for two years now. I'm not hiding it. If people don't like it, than fine, but I'm not gonna sit behind you and be the little girl you still want me to be. I was never her."
"Your mother-"
"You have no right to tell me what she would have felt about this." Uryu's voice grew tight, harsh, getting quieter despite it, and Ryuken huffed, emptying his wine glass and digging into the fridge for where Uryu knew he kept the harder liqour. Of course.
"You are an insolent child. Nothing but trouble, and rebellion."
"I'm a teenager. Rebellion is what we do."
"I raised you better than that."
Uryu couldn't help but scoff. "Barely."
Ryuken empted his glass once more, filled it. Stared. Took the bottle and held it in his hand, glaring towards Uryu again.
"This proves nothing, but that you're willing to stake my reputation on your stupid whims."
There it was. Uryu felt his heart tighten, clench around the truth, and he stood up just a bit straighter. "I've been this way my entire life-"
"That's a lie and you know it. You were such a good girl-"
"I never was!" Uryu forced the rage back down. "I pretended, and it was wrong, and it hurt. You never cared that it hurt me to pretend."
"This will be over soon enough. I didn't want you to have to face going back like you will-"
"All you care about is yourself, Ryuken. I have been your son this entire time-"
"You were never my son, and you never will be!" Ryuken turned, knocking his glass to the floor.
It shattered into pieces, and Uryu didn't flinch. Instead, he stared at Ryuken's glare, his anger and pride, before turning towards the door, clicking it open quietly. "That's fine. I never wanted to be your son anyways." He said, quiet in the near silence, shutting the door behind him.
Ichigo was still at the ballroom door, they all were, waiting for him, but Uryu couldn't face it. He walked away, calm, collected, measured, trying not to appear like he was fleeing. Ryuken couldn't know, he couldn't let Ryuken know he had been hurt.
He got out of the house, and then he couldn't help it. The stupid shoes pinched his feet, so he kicked them off, then took off. Didn't matter he was in socks that didn't match, didn't matter that it was dark, didn't matter that he had left them behind.
Because Uryu had lied.
For awhile, he had hoped, against all hope, that maybe Ryuken could see the light, could see who Uryu really was, and accept him, that they could fix this whatever between them, but now?
It was confirmed, and Uryu couldn't breathe.
The park was silent, and Uryu stumbled into the wet grass, which soaked his clothing, he didn't care anymore. It wasn't important. It was cool, calm, and Uryu sunk into it, curling his arms around his legs and let the damn break, sobbing into his knees, breaking the silence of the night.
It hurt. Despite saying it, Uryu had wanted nothing more than maybe, just maybe, get that glimpse of approval in Ryuken's eyes, the moment of care or love, or anything positive that came from Uryu finally doing something right by him, but it was never enough, even as Uryu tore himself into a memory of who he really was in despreate attempts to just be who Ryuken wanted.
But Ryuken had never even wanted a daughter. Why would he ever accept a son?
"There!" To hear Chad yelling was new, but Uryu didn't bother to look up, tears running dry, but the dry sobbing continuing past the dehydration, heaving in air and choking on it. Ichigo slid in front of him, probably leaving grass stains on his nice suit, pulling him up, forcing him to sit up more, uncurling his chest, opening his lungs more, and Uryu gulped at the air, hiccuping through the sob.
He couldn't see well. He couldn't tell if that was his glasses being gone, or his eyes being too filled up, but that didn't matter too much, as Orihime carefully coached him through a grounding technique he had taught her, Chad's heavy back pressed up against his, and Ichigo at his front, knees pressing against his. Uryu breathed, didn't choke on it.
It hurt. It would hurt, forever probably, at least that's what it felt like. Orihime held onto his hand, and brought tissues from god knows where, and Ichigo quietly teased her about it, and Uryu coughed out a laugh, shaking as he took the pack of tissues from Orihime's hands, and held then, as she dragged one out to wipe his face, clearing the tear tracks away carefully, smiling so kindly at him.
He didn't speak, didn't say a word, but they all knew, as Chad pulled them all up to standing, then lifted Uryu onto his back, holding onto his knees to carry him home, Ichigo holding his forgotten and abandoned shoes in one hand, his other settled on Uryu's back, and Uryu sniffled, as Orihime filled the silence with nonsense stories about everything and nothing, and Uryu closed his eyes tight, and hoped against hope that it would work.
Ryuken wasn't worth it anyways.
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umbralsound-xiv · 6 years
When The Tide Comes In.
...It was all i could do, to drink.
Drink and forget him.
Mistienne Aurloix stares blankly to the window. The tears had not made their usual appearence this sun, but her face showed no joy for their absence. The sea; it dominated her vision, and for all the bottles she had gradually worked her way through, she could still hear the lapping of waves as clear as a bell. Her features contort into a frown, tearing her gaze from the outside to spy another bottle, drunkenly pawing for more liqour, which topples and falls at her clumsy grasp. Slowly, it rolls away - Mist reaching in futility to save it, before it drops with a thunk, and a shatter as it meets the floorboards. Again, the Duskwight sighs; liqor and wine clinging to her breath. Everything felt so much heavier than it should have, and part of her silently wished she'd been weighty enough to drop the floorboards and have them swallow her whole. The trickle of sake pours over the floorboards. Water. Everything always sounded like water, now.
Kuroko Dairu quietly opened the door, granting himself entry to the room. Aside from the soft noise of the door closing behind him, he made almost no sound. Gone was the familiar tinkling of glass that had so long accompanied his step, a single vial on a string clutched in his hand. He slid open the partition, saying nothing as he gazed upon the Elezen woman, brow creased with worry.
Mistienne Aurloix knits her brow at the sound of the door. Bexy had returned so soon? Mist takes a laboured breath to call out her name, but before it had even left her lips Kuroko's visage fills the corner of her gaze. A half-panicked scream lodges unevenly in her throat as she attempts to remove herself from the pillow in a panic, unsure what to do, what to say, or even how to react. But for certain, her eyes never leave him, now sitting upright as her heart raced in her throat. "I.. I didn't..." She stutters, unable to finish her sentence. "---You're here... Kuroko?" She utters in disbelief, squinting to try to better make out his features. No... She was drunk. How drunk was she? She half-scrabbles to shift herself against the wall as she began to slump again, taking out a number of the bottles that toppled over beside her. The entire room was covered in them; some half empty, some broken, and some drained entirely of their contents. Wordlessly, and a little terrified, Mist stares.
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Kuroko Dairu: "<It is okay, Misuto... please, sit still, you are sick.>" He slowly approaches across the room, the sound of glass shards crushing to powder under his bare feet as he walked, though he did not stumble, and left no blood. He knelt on the platform next to her, wrapping his arms around her torso, not squeezing, simply being close. Present. Here. "<Please forgive me, for my lateness.>"
Mistienne Aurloix: "<Not late... Not late...>" She manages. Hingan did not come especially easy to her when inebriated. Mist gulps a deep breath as though she meant to cry, instead turning her head to exhale it against him. "...I'm..." Where she'd usually protest, a frown sits in it's place, keeping her quiet. "...Why?" She whispers, with the last of the breath she'd managed to free from her lips.
Kuroko Dairu rests his forehead atop Mist's head, taking a few moments to just breathe. Finally, he pulls away, giving a warm smile. "I am to go where... I am... needed."
Mistienne Aurloix: "...Needed." She echoes. A conflict stirs in her - Part wishing to voice that she didn't need anyone, and part reluctance to admit that she did. Instead she just frowns, and guiltily drags her gaze from his, to another bottle that she dare not reach for in his presence. "...But the Kami, Kuroko. This is not..." She halts again. "...I am not..."
You see Kuroko Dairu and your eyes begin to well up.
Mistienne Aurloix: "...This is my fault."
Kuroko Dairu presses a finger to Mist's lips to silence the thought before she could continue. "No, Misuto." He took her chin to turn her face towards his own, brushing her hair out of the way, neating it up. "There is no fault in doing what you thought was best." He blinked slowly and glanced away, his voice dropping quieter. "And... to have saved so many... means often not knowing when, or... how... to save yourself."
Mistienne Aurloix swallows a lump in her throat as her face is tilted up to meet his. The sensation of his fingertip at her lips, and toying with her hair. She lingers in the touch; in that and the silence, before she finally breaks it after a few long moments. "...I... Didn't mean to push..." She trails, heaving a sigh. "...To...--You had... It wouldn't..." She fights her words, and the frustration sets in her jaw as her eyes glaze with tears. She gives another moment of silence before something slowly mulls over and makes it's way to the forefront of her mind. "How did.... You know where to find me...?"
Kuroko Dairu: "I was... found first." He reaches to caress her cheek, cupping his hand to cradle her face a moment. "...By a friend."
Mistienne Aurloix: "...Bexy." It wasn't a question. Something sour takes her features, but it wasn't as though she wasn't grateful for what she'd done. Her hands ball into his clothing and pull him a little closer. "...I didn't... Mean to."
Kuroko Dairu brings his finger back up to her lips, before tucking an arm under her knees, and one behind her back, lifting her, cutching her to his chest. He sighed deeply. "<...I didn't mean to need you either... Yadorigi.>"
Mistienne Aurloix practically crumbles at the name. She fights the sob that seems to wedge itself in the back of her throat, tucking herself close against him. "...I didn't want to get... Attatched."
Mistienne Aurloix: "So i... Pushed you away. So i wouldn't. But i did." She whispers. "...I did."
Kuroko Dairu softly shushes Mist, rubbing a horn lightly to her cheek as he shifts them over, closer to the window, settling the woman in his lap as he sits. "I know, Misuto... I know..." His hand cups her face again, and he kisses behind her ear before his hands lower, settling the vial he held at the top of her chest, and slowly bringing the strings up behind to fasten it there. "I know."
Mistienne Aurloix remains against him, her arms laced about his torso as best they could be. Tears spill over her cheeks, soundlessly as his lips find her skin again, and the vial she had cursed herself for not bringing with her was returned to her chest. Puzzledly, she gives it a look, glancing back to him in inquiry... At least, before her eyes take in his features, his presence more fully, resting her head to his neck. "...You... You don't have to stay. I'm just--- I'm glad you came back."
Kuroko Dairu: "Must a bird learn to fly, Misuto?" He cradled her close, a hand stroking her hair as he held her head to his chest, as it rose and fell with every breath. pulsed with his heartbeat. "...No, but even in the egg, it dreams of the sky."
Mistienne Aurloix falls silent still, remaining as she was as she gazed out of the window once again. The sea laps at the shore as it had done for the past week she had been here, but for once she was able to look to it and not want to weep. Her hand hasn't loosened any on his attire. "...Thank you." She whispers, setting her head against him. It had begun to feel heavy, uneasy. "...You don't have to." She echoes again. "...But you... Want to?"
Kuroko Dairu tucked his fingers once more under her chin, slowly lifting her gaze back up to his own. He smiled, ever so softly, though worry still shone in his gaze. He held his eyes to hers for several long moments, not blinking, or speaking, or even nodding. Finally his arms wrapped more tightly around her torso as he brought his lips to meet hers, bringing her into a gentle, if passionate, kiss and embrace.
Mistienne Aurloix pushes her lips needingly against his. The entire motion was both soft and wanting, lightly tugging his lips every time she drew away, only to return. Her hands caress at his form through the back of his attire, even as her tear soaked cheeks pressed to his. "Thank you..." She barely speaks loud enough to hear, moving in to kiss him anew.
Kuroko Dairu continued the kiss, content to hold her. That should serve as plenty response to Mist thanking him. Mist was sick, yes, but... healing could wait a little longer. Perhaps for now, this was healing enough.
Mistienne Aurloix remains in the kiss for a few moments more, before pulling away. Her fingertips slowly caress the scales at his cheek, her index running over his horn before she offers him a smile, however faint it might have been. Mist was sick; the dull ache at her lower back had grown too intense to fully ignore, even if she hid it, and something clawed at her and filled her with dread - That something was most definately coming. She keeps her quiet, then; waiting for him to speak, rather than her, fearing her inebriated state had already caused her to talk much more than she had intended.
Kuroko Dairu presses a hand to Mist's stomach, closing his eyes. He sighed, softly shaking his head. "<I am sorry for letting this happen, Misuto. I was a fool.>"
Mistienne Aurloix: "You... Didn't do anything, Kuroko. I pushed you away. Me." She murmurs, content to nestle against him. "...I had never meant to hurt you for it."
Kuroko Dairu tucked his hand beneath her top, laying against her stomach again, now skin on skin. "...I am not the one hurting."
Mistienne Aurloix glances to the hand as it sets there, and looks away, quietly. "...It was too much, then?" A waver of fear lingers in her throat. "...I... Had known it would happen, one sun."
Kuroko Dairu doesn't respond, but pulls her closer. There was almost a hint of... desperation, in his grip. He stared out the window at the bay. "...That is a worry for next sun."
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Mistienne Aurloix: "...Suppose." She murmurs. Still considerably drunk, she was still able to remain somewhat coherant; she had had plenty of practise. "...Kuroko?" She asks, turning her head to rest against his. "...Will you... stay? Even for the night?"
Kuroko Dairu squeezes her to him. "Does this feel like leaving?"
Mistienne Aurloix: "No." Her head turns to tuck beneath his head again, her eyes heavy. When had she suddenly become so sleepy? Her hands clutch against him as though he'd vanish if she didn't. "...It doesn't. I just wanted..." Mist gives a yawn, which blurs into the rest of her sentence. "...To make sure..."
Kuroko Dairu quietly shushes Mist, before bringing his lips to meet hers yet again for but a moment. "<Sleep, Yadorigi. I will see you here in my arms in the morning.>"
Mistienne Aurloix quietly aquiesces to his words, nodding against him as she dozed. For once, she looked to be at some sort of peace; but no matter how deep she fell into slumber, her hands did not release him.
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fireofmyloins19 · 7 years
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“Sassy Tommy with 3- who do u think u are the queen of england and maybe 40 Just..just smile and don’t talk too much”
Thomas Shelby - Detour
“This better not take long, I’ve got places to be”
You picked up your coat as you tiptoed over the puddles forming along the street, still managing to get water splashed across your legs from John storming through them without a care.
“Who do you think you are? The Queen of England?”
You scowled at Tommy with the ever burning cigarette dangling from your mouth, taking a long exaggerated drag and making sure to blow the remnants of smoke towards his unamused face.
“No Thomas” you finally spoke, throwing it to the ground and flicking your hair behind your shoulder before continuing, “I’m just a girl who has had a very long day, thanks to you, and would love to get the fuck home and not have to deal with yet more of your shit”
You huffed when his expression didn’t budge, glancing towards the door of the unfamiliar pub with a frown. You could hear John sniggering behind Tommy, being sure to throw him a glare before marching off in front of the boys, their objections merely a background noise as you let them trail behind you.
“OI Y/N, slow down don’t go in there without us”
“She’s going to get us fucking killed Tom”
You spun on your heel causing them to stop abruptly from their fast pace making them almost crash into you. Their irritated expressions soften when they caught sight of your fiery eyes, each managing to force a smile as an apology for their orders.
“Okay well, now can we go in?”
You sighed and leant your weight onto one leg, resting your hand on your hip to show you were agitated and couldn’t be bothered waiting any longer. You looked towards their faces as they nodded at you in unison, only causing you to roll your eyes and turn to push open to pub’s door. You stepped forward, your heeled shoe tapping against the stone floor, one foot over the threshold before you felt Tommy’s usual firm grip on your arm pulling you back slightly. You spun around about to give him your usual snappy warnings to let him know you knew how to handle it yourself but his words swiftly interrupted you.
“Just..just smile and don’t talk too much”
You raised an eyebrow, questioning what he meant by his words but you knew full well he was worried about what you could do or say to jeopardise his authority in the situation, you just wanted to hear this from his mouth although you knew it would never come.
“Yes yes okay, I get it, just stand at the back looking pretty and smile, I get it”
He gave you a half smile thanking you as John and Arthur pushed past you in the doorway, entering the pub before you followed, seeing the few men sat waiting.
“Ah, thought you’d never fucking show your face Shelby”
The man sat in the middle started speaking first, spit flying from his mouth as he spoke and his grubby hands balled into fists on the table. You watched Tommy step forward, walking closer to the table while John and Arthur stood either side but hung back. You lingering even further back, weaving side to side on the spot to try and get a better view of the action as John stood in your way.
“Well, here I am”
“Yeah I fucking see that”
You saw Tommy reach into his pocket for a cigarette leading you to think this was a good idea and doing the same, hopefully once you’d stood back and enjoyed your cigarette it would then be time to leave. This would be your little game, the length of the cigarette was the length of time you would do as you were told. You took out your little box of matches, the men’s voices noticeable but you were no longer listening to what they had to say until the silence came when you struck the match. John’s body turning towards you now gave you a perfect view of the table and the man sat behind it, and him a perfect view of you. A menacing grin spread across his face making your skin crawl as you caught the sickly desire in his eyes.
“And who would this fine young lady be Tom?”
“Can you not manage to ask me yourself?”
You saw the anger yet satisfaction in his eyes when you spoke, clearly not being use to a woman speaking to him in such a manner but you couldn’t care less. You gave him a sweet sarcastic smile, lifting your shoulders slightly and tipping your head to the side. You could see Tommy tensing up beside the man, more than likely praying to himself you wouldn’t take it any further.
“I don’t think we’re here to talk about the woman are we? I believe we’re here to talk business, you want something shipping and I’m here to do you a favour but I’m going to need details and so far I seem to have none”
You watched Tommy take a drag of his cigarette, you taking three continuous drags of yours in response.
“Well there’s no details. I want my liqour shipping and you’re going to do it without a fee, isn’t that right?”
You held your tongue, taking another long drag of the cigarette, your eyes fixated on the glowing embers on the end as you pulled on it. You heard Tommy laugh under his breath, seeing John’s hand move to his gun at his side from the corner of your eye. You focused on the cigarette, your timer, knowing if you focused on the conversation for much longer the man’s voice alone would send you awall.  
“That’s very amusing, now, are we going to talk business or?”
“I weren’t joking, Pikey”
You tensed slightly, holding your pursed lips around the cigarette for far too long, the smoke consuming your lungs and burning your throat but in a weird way it soothed you, stopping you from speaking up.
“Come on we’ll be leaving”
Your eyes didn’t move from the cigarette even when you saw Tommy’s movements, hearing John and Arthur take a few steps back at Tommy’s orders.
“I don’t think that’s necessary”
It was the cocking of the gun that did it. You eyes being dragged from the cigarette and landing on the gun that now pointed directly at Tommy, registering John and Arthur’s which both pointed towards the man. His men sat still beside him and his eyes roamed over the four of you, a slight smile on his mouth as his tongue dragged along his bottom lip.
Your huge sigh caught everyone’s attention, their eyes moving to you as yours moved back to the cigarette. About 5 drags left, 20 seconds. Fuck the timer. You threw your cigarette nonchalantly to the ground, your soft expression not wavering in the slightly whilst you pulled your gun from your hip and fired a single shot towards the man’s face. You didn’t flinch as the shot rang through your ears, placing it back in his previous position and straightening out your jacket watching the man’s body slump into his chair. The men beside him didn’t move, only stared at you with their mouths hung open.
“What the fuck did you do that for?!”
“Jesus fucking christ”
John and Arthur began as their shock stricken expression darted from you to the now dead man, Tommy being the only one who fixated on you.
“Why does this always happen? Why? I swear to god we can’t take you anywhere”
“Well then John it’s simple, don’t. I didn’t want to be here. Look you were all messing about he was being a clever arse and I was getting bored”
You took a final look at the men in front of you before turning towards the door, hurrying back to the car.
You muttered under your breath, your words inaudible from the tapping of your heels along the floor.
“Tom I swear to god you need to control your woman, she’s gonna get us killed”
You heard the boys moaning over your shoulder which put a smile on your face as you made it to the door, the car now in sight and the boys not having moved beginning to annoy you.
“Can you all just hurry up, I’ve got somewhere to be”
You smiled politely before stepping out of the door and tiptoeing over the puddles once again towards the car, catching a glimpse of Tommy’s wide smile of admiration in between John and Arthur’s fear as you left them stood next to the quivering men, one with a bullet now planted in his head.
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whydoyouwantmyname · 7 years
I will love you for a thousand years (Part 3)
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Part 1
Part 2
It was a party….. The music was loud and the air was smokey, and reeked of cigarettes, alcohol and car oil…. The fact that no one could hear above the music, or the pool balls, or the laughter of the guests made you frown as you stood by the bar, watching as the party was in full swing, your lips meeting the rim of the drink you craved.
“Finally you opened the door, I was staring to worry.” “What do you want Tara?” Your voice was flat as you closed the door and watched your best friend look at the neat house… If only she knew the mess which lied in the bedroom. “I want you to get ready, I am taking you out.” “Tara I….” “I haven’t seen you in a month, I want you to come with me now and go see your friends tonight.” She commanded as you rolled your eyes, “so Car now.” She instructed before grabbing your arm and leading you to her car.
And yet here you stood alone, and fearing you would see him, which hadn’t yet happened… Until…
“Hey The Life Of The Party Is Here!” Tig yelled over the music and party noise as your blood ran cold, your back to the door, but when you slightly turned to look behind you, you were met with his eyes staring at your back. “How are you brother?” Tig asked as you looked back to the glass of liqour, yet you still felt his eyes. “Good brother, excited to be back. Now tell me who do I have to blow to get a drink?”
It was an hour since his arrival, in those moments you learned that he had been gone for a month, hopping bar to bar along the coast until deciding to come home, the party was for him…. And Tara invited you here. He ignored you all night, but yet when you would find yourself glancing at him, his eyes were always on you, breaking at the sight.
Two hours later you got close to saying Hi, he was a couple people away, laughing that toxic laugh with Opie, Jax and Hap. But soon the courage was gone when a crow eater rubbed up against him. You found yourself looking away, yet you failed to notice him stare at you in response before pushing her away.
Four hours later, you were 17 shots, two beers, 6 mixed and 2 glasses of wine in… And some whore was trying to give Chibs a lap dance. Your heart breaking under every shake of her hips, and then you took another shot, and got pissed. Before you could think straight you were off the chair, Chucky trying to stop you, your hand entangled her hair, pulling her heans back in a yelp of pain, “I suggest you get your legs away from him, else you want me to break ‘em.” You growled low, before yanking her back and watching her fall to the floor. Your empty hand taking Chibs before guiding him to the dorms. “What the fuck you think your doing Lass?” He demanded, however he answer was just you throwing yourself at him, your lips seeking the love they needed as his mouth moved with yours. He groaned in pleasure as you kissed, and then your hand lowered to his belt… “What are we doing?” He whispered in sadness as you looked at his pained eyes. “I want you, I missed you.” “Yet you didn’t seem like it the last time I saw you.” He pointed out, as your hands slowly fell away from the belt. “I was drunk, I thought it was you, it was a mistake. When I saw you leave I tried going after you but…” “You are drunk now… Is it going to be a mistake tomorrow?” “With you, never.” You replied before attacking his lips again and losing a hand in his jeans….
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When you both awoke the next morning the whole room was trashed, and you both laid naked, twisted in the sheets. Your lips meeting his bare shoulder as your breast flattened against his back, a light hum leaving his lips as you closed your eyes again. “I love you Filip.” You responded, “and I will even after my heart stops.” “You sure you will, I ain’t as young as I once was?” He lazily asked “And that is what I love about you.” You whispered, glad to know your heart had returned.
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ladislaokeone · 5 years
Sorority girls!
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Sometimes do you find to yourself in a strange place doing strange things? For me that strange place was someplace familiar, but where I'd never been. It was a few blocks away from my place, between two buildings, facing the rear of both of them. I was overhearing, and eavesdropping, secretely wishing to be invited to some party, secretely hoping to be left to my devices to do my own thing. I was typing this on to my phone.
The window to my left on the first floor was open, for some sounds to come out. Feminine sounds. Fast sounds. It sounded like a sorority in a gossip session, so I didn't want to check that out.
In front of me was the evidence of parties that had gone down. There were pieces of shattered glass and free standing bottles of liqour, only they were not exactly standing. These bottles were just lying around, like the bones in the Valley, and the Elijah in me desperately wished them to life. But lo! I was broke and not able to buy the lot. I was broken like the Whisky bottle.
So yes, I sat there and endured the smell of feline feaces and continued to write this. Undistracted by what those girls were talking about. If I had courage to go talk to them, I would, but I left my balls somewhere…
So not having the balls to go and talk up some girl, nor balling enough to take a shot, I sat here and wrote this all evening.
Its what I do - going somewhere and writing something. I should be a travel blogger, or something. A writer that has a passion for travel. I'm just the type to go vacay, and instead of posting pictures on my timeline, I will instead give you the “ It's 3 A.M here in Paris, the moon is shining brightly overlooking the Towel of Eiffel. And is that the smell of Pisa?” And I won't take pictures, because that's just how I am - if I take pictures up here (points to oversized head), that's enough.
Then I took some time to reflect, taking in the sweet sounds now reaching my auditory apparatus. That's Chris Martin's “Cheaters Prayer” and I am in no mood for prayers because I won't cheat. For that to work, I will also not have a girlfriend. And also for that to work, “Can we smash and stay friends.” Because if I like you and you like me and we get into an emotional thing, we are fried. You especially, because I have a knack of moving on and moving away so fast and basically being a person that has no regards whatsoever of other people's feelings.
I'm making a mental note to leave the cheaters to their prayers and the window to my left on the first floor is dripping. The wall adjacent and below is wet. Wet wet, and the water is collecting below.
So here goes the next fifteen minutes of my life, watching a wall dry!
In less time than that, I have become distracted by the clicking of spoons and my gut has taken the cue. “ Me hungry” the stomach said. “ Me broke” my pockets said, and the left pocket that has a hole in it said “ I haven't had money since 2016.”
The birds chirping, that how Friday is flying away. I'm keeping my stressing at Bay. There have been a lot of things that have not gone my way. Yet this feels somehow perfect.
Not only is the window to the left on the first floor open, the door is too, and the same voices are out in human form. I'm a little anxious for they keep looking at me, staring, boring their eyes at my skull and making those girlish noises.
Then they were gone.
I was left to my own devices, typing a sentence then looking up, then glancing sideways, trying to make an observation. In my mind, that was a close call. I almost got laid. But in reality, they were just doing their business.
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sawthingsiimagined · 7 years
[Chickens And Waffles - Jace]
I suddenly had stomach pains as I sat against the dusty window pane at the 24 hour diner. How did I get here? Why am I here? A part of me told myself that I should have stayed at the pool party but I let her, and him, convince me to ditch the party and walk down the street to Rita's 24 Hour Diner and Bar. Truth is I was hungry but it also helped that I was able to escape the party. Everyone was being weird. Of course I'm some rising star, now that FLAME is on tour with SISSY, but I would prefer if the attention would gently escalate instead of this rough catapult of flashing lights we are suddenly experiencing.
Beside me was Teecie, the beautiful dancer I randomly met at the pool party, her friend Tracey who also dances, two more of their girl friends, TJ, along with a few guys from FLAME's production team and across from me was the drummer, Demarion. I tried not to look at him. It was so awkward that he came over at the party to not only speak but to have a full conversation. It was weird mostly because of what my sister texted me on the bus. I felt like I knew about a part of this dude that I didn't need to know. I should have told Jada where I was going but she was too busy, on her Snapchat and Instagram Live, trying to capture the party. I could do without that. I texted our best friend, Adrienne, before my phone died and told her that I was going to grab food before I returned to my room.
We all sat in the half full diner and chatted for a while. This was my first time in a long time getting to know people outside of my church. I didn't even talk to people at school and I wasn't a part of any other social group. It was uncomfortable yet interesting all at once.
"What about you Jace?", Tracey asked breaking my thought. "What do you mean?", I asked knowing that I wasn't paying attention to where the conversation had landed. "You're so cute.", she laughed excusing my short attention span. "Have you ever been skinny dipping before?", she asked.
"Um, I can't say that I have. The only time I'm undressed in water is when I take a bath. And sometimes I'm tempted to wear shorts in there.", I said trying to make a joke to divert the attention from my inexperience. They all laughed. Teecie really found it amusing. I glanced up and Demarion had a simple grin on his face as if he was expecting me to go on. Little did he know, I'm not a comedian, neither did I want to be here much longer. I looked back down at the menu. I had already ordered Chicken and Waffles but I pretended to look at the menu as if I was going to order something else.
"See anything else you want to order before our waitress goes back to the kitchen?", Demarion asked. "You've been eyeing that drink menu for 20 min my man.", he said with a light chuckle.
"Nah man. I'm good. It's just interesting how they come up with so many different drink combinations.", I replied. "You should try one.", said Teecie. "Oh no, I don't drink.", I said. "But it's the night before the first show!", exclaimed Tracey. What they are not about to do is gang up on me. I never had the desire to drink; not for leisure nor for celebration. "Nah, I'm good.", I said. "I don't really think it's for me. I might get crazy and I need to stay focused." "Cutie, you are our star. We are only here because of you, your sister and SASSY. We got you. Don't let us peer pressure you though. I just think you should loosen up and prepare for the road. Tomorrow is Night #1 and will set the tone for the rest of the tour.", Teecie said with the most gorgeous grin I've ever witnessed. "So let's kick it off with some fun.", Demarion said. "Hey waitress, can you get us all a round of Fireball shots.", he yelled across the room.
I didn't know what a fireball shot was but I did know that I didn't want to hear, speak or think of any type of balls right now. First the text my sister sent, then they are talking about skinny dipping and now drinking. I may as well pack my luggage for hell because there will be a seat there with my name on it if I let them talk me into this.
"Yo, I'm really good. I probably should be headed back anyways. We have to be at the arena at 8am.", I said attempting to sound serious yet cool.
"I got you my man. I'll make sure you get there. I have to be there at 7.", he said. The musicians have to be there an hour before us to make sure their instruments are setup correctly so by the time we arrive, all we have to do is start the soundcheck.
The waitress came back quicker than she had returned all night. Turns out that Fireball shots are some type of alcoholic beverages in small glasses. I've literally been under a rock for the past 20 years. It was at that moment that I found my escape.
"Guys I'm not 21 so I can't drink.", I whispered to the table as the waitress passed out the drinks. "Chile, I've been drinking since I was 14. You're good. She didn't even I.D. us.", said Tracey as if everything she said was ok.
"If I may do the honors.", TJ said while standing up. Nobody asked him to say anything. He should be in his room sleep or rehearsing the lights. Shoot. I was getting upset. "This toast goes out to all of us. We’ve come together in celebration of the beginning of an amazing tour. Cheers to the man of our camp, Jace. Here's to sold out shows and lots of hoes!", he finished. I was outdone.
Everyone took their small glasses and chugged the alcohol down. I tried to lift mine but the scent of spicy cinnamon almost made me gag. My phone was dead so I couldn't pretend that someone was trying to contact me and step outside. Everyone cheered and then Tracey's nosey self noticed that I hadn't taken my shot.
"Oh no, pretty boy! Throw that thang back!", she said so loud that the other people in the diner turned to watch. Everyone cheered and co-signed. At this point I was out of my body looking at myself, judging myself and ready to go home. I looked up and Demarion was staring straight at me. That's when I noticed he had weird colored eyes. They were a dark, blue-ish, grey type color that almost looked navy. I’ve never seen a person of his complexion with those color eyes. His bushy eyebrows arched inward as if appeared angry. He had this street yet artsy look about him that made him look like one of the cool guys you see on Instagram. He even had tattoos on his neck. He stared at me and I immediately said to myself, "this boy is the devil!", based on the way his eyes were glaring at me. Suddenly I heard nothing. It's like the sound was sucked out of the room. I couldn't hear him but I saw his lips move. He mouthed, "I got you."
I then picked up the small glass and chugged the shot. I immediately wanted to throw up all over the table but I kept my eyes on him as he licked his lips and smiled. 
Everyone cheered. I was ready to go. This guy really just convinced me to drink alcohol. Teecie hugged me. She smelled so good. Like peaches and cream. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?", Tracey asked. I wanted to say, "Trick yea," but that was rude and I don't use words like that towards women. "It wasn't that bad," I said.
"Well good because I ordered you a Long Island.", TJ said. I didn't know what that was either but if this boy wasn't talking about an actual body of land in the Atlantic Ocean he could keep it. The waitress brought the drink over. I immediately decided to just go ahead and try it. Nothing could be worse than that Fireball shot. I took a sip. It actually tasted pretty decent. Anything was better than that shot right about now. One sip turned into three and three sips turned into large gulps. Before I knew it we had talked and laughed and I had finished a drink. The food still hadn't come. I was starving and disappointed in myself as I sat there drinking like I was a pro-liqour-ologist . I didn't feel 'drunk' like the people look on tv. However, I did feel 'loosened up' and comfortable.
I was sipping drink number two when a guy in a black polo ran through the doors toward us followed by a police officer. I just knew I was headed to jail. 20 years old and drinking illegally. The prisoners are going to eat me alive. I pushed the glass over to Teecie. I felt bad for a few milliseconds for pushing my crime onto her. I didn’t even know her age.
The guy in the polo came over and asked me to get up. When I didn't comply, obviously I was little tipsy so my reaction was delayed, he grabbed me. Demarion stood up and demanded, "What the hell is this?" The guy in the black polo, which read ‘Security’ in the upper right corner, pointed to the tv above the bar. "There has been a shooting. I am here to retrieve Jace and to ask you all to get back to your hotel rooms safely. The premises are being checked but this police officer will escort you through the shipping corridor of the hotel.", the security man said. He was a middle aged, heavy set white man that smelled like outside and smoke from a grill. I started feeling nauseas and felt myself about to fall. I remember seeing Demarion race over and I heard him say "He's with me. I'm the drummer in his band. I'll help you get him to his room."
At that moment I immediately thought about my sister and became terrified. I screamed, "Where is Jada?! Where is my sister?!" "Jada is secure.", security assured. Still afraid I attempted to stand on my own again only to buckle over and throw up all over the security man's shoes.
All I wanted was my sister and those waffles. I was the chicken. I covered my face feeling totally embarrassed.
That's the last thing I remember.
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wendyopaque · 8 years
this is also thehambeverage for anyone wondering why tf agsp is tagging them in something
yo i was tagged by a peep by the name of @cotton-candy-confusion and this is basically one of those facebook thingys where you go and tag someone and they have to answer questions. so im gonna do that.
RULES: answer the questions and tag 25 people! LAST: [1] DRINK: i have a nice pokemon glass of brisk ice tea [2] PHONE CALL: m mudca :) [3] TEXT MESSAGE: it was actually to the group chat (kik group chat, if you want that information msg me and ill let u in; its atl related usually) about how my next project is going to be a self-driving barbie jeep [4] SONG YOU LISTENED TO: willingly: citizens of earth by neck deep. unwillingly, however, was the meow mix remix 10 hour version [5] TIME YOU CRIED: despite the fact i wanted to all day long, i actually didnt. so it was a few nights ago because i had a dream that everything that happened today happened and i was so frustrated i started crying HAVE YOU EVER… [6] DATED SOMEONE TWICE: i havent even dated someone once really [7] BEEN CHEATED ON: no [8] KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: the only person ive ever kissed (well, kissed by) was mark hoppus and i dont regret [9] LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: yes [10] BEEN DEPRESSED: yeah, in fact i just woke up from a 7 hour depression nap [11] GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: ive never been drunk but one time i made really good grilled cheese but then it wasnt so good because i gave myself food poisoning and threw up for three days LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] green [13] more green [14] did i mention green IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] MADE NEW FRIENDS: YES AND I LOVE THEM ALL [16] FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: no but this reminds me of the line in romeo and juliet where romeo is just like im out and either benvolio or mercutiois just like out- oF LOvE???? and romeo is like hell no wft [17] LAUGHED SO HARD YOU CRIED: lots of times [18] FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: i mean no but would i care really probably yes because i care about my reputation but also maybe not [19] MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: i think everyone changes me because i want to absorb everyones good qualities and become The Best [20] FOUND OUT WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS ARE: everyones my true friend i love people [21] KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: no [22] HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: all of them except hunter, but he just wants to be my friend on fb so i can send him 8 ball pool gifts [23] DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: my dogs birdie, jared, and sugar and my dads dog miss noodles 8^) [24] DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: my real name is actually p good (its marissa) because ican get away with you guys calling me meech because it starts with an m [25] WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: invited my pals to my humble abode and we tried to watch a horror movie but like a really crappy one but it was so bad no one was interested [26] WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: i woke up at 5:30 am to meet bright and early with my rov crew but i woke up from my depression sleepytime junction at 11 [27] WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT: trying to unlock the bathroom door with a pair of scissors [28] NAME SOMETHING YOU CANNOT WAIT FOR: starting the self driving barbie jeep!!!! [29] WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER: at like 5 when she picked me up from the competition [30] WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: im actually really happy where i am now ü (thats a creepy smiley face) [31] WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: i have an episode of malcolm in the middle playing in the background rn [32] HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: wtf [33] SOMETHING THAT GETS ON YOUR NERVES: when my step father parks his truck too close to the gate so i have to move the entire gate in order to take the dumb trash bins out [34] MOST VISITED SITE: more than likely cool math 4 kids [35] ELEMENTARY: ew i was really into ghost hunters and never brushed my hair and was just embarrassing in general [36] HIGH SCHOOL: so far, i really like it [37] COLLEGE: not even sure yet but hopefully my SATs turn up good later on down the road and some school wants me [38] HAIR COLOR: green but theres this blue strip in it and its weird [39] LONG OR SHORT HAIR: short [40] DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: 👀 [41] WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im really funny and i have nice legs [42] PIERCINGS: i have one ear pierced and contrary to popular belief it is not the detroit red wings logo [43] BLOOD TYPE: im not sure which is really bad [44] NICKNAME: mostly meech but irl ppl call me misha/misho and rissa [45] RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single [46] ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius [47] PRONOUNS: she/her [48] FAV TV SHOW: hmm probably bobs burgers [49] TATTOOS: none [50] RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right FIRST… [51] SURGERY: never had one! [52] PIERCING: m ears [53] BEST FRIEND: i think her name was hannah or some shit idk it was first grade [54] SPORT: im not a sports kid im a competitive robot kid [55] VACATION: rogers city 2002!! [56] PAIR OF TRAINERS: what are trainers RIGHT NOW… [57] EATING: nothing [58] DRINKING: only my favorite beverage, orange juice [59] IM ABOUT TO: go to costco and mooch off of their free samples [60] LISTENING TO: the blink-182 cover of dead mans curve [61] WAITING FOR: seamus to follow me back on twitter (hes being a little bitch rn) [62] WANT: seamus to follow me back on twitter (fuck u seamus) [63] GET MARRIED: sure [64] CAREER: whatever i can get tbh. ideally something in construction/engineering WHICH IS BETTER… [65] HUGS OR KISSES: smorch [66] LIPS OR EYES: lips [67] SHORTER OR TALLER: ??i want to be taller?? [68] OLDER OR YOUNGER: older ?? (are these supposed to be abt like someone romantically or??? idk??) [69] ROMANTIC OR SPONTANEOUS: spontaneous [70] NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: really i dont mind [71] SENSITIVE OR LOUD: i guess sensitive ? [72] HOOKUP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship !! i love commitment [73] TROUBLEMAKER OR SENTIENT: GIVE ME A SENTIENT SUPER POWER BOYF / GIRLF HAVE YOU EVER… [74] KISSES A STRANGER? hoppus <3 [75] DRABK HARD LIQOUR? nope [76] LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES? but always found them in the end [77] TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: nope [78] SEX ON FIRST DATE? with what dats [79] BROKEN SOMEONES HEART? hopefully not [80] HAD YOUR OWN HEART BROKEN? nope [81] BEEN ARRESTED? no but i thought the lady at speedway was going to call the cops on me because she seemed really mad i was getting a slurpee and it made me anxious [82] CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED? of course [83] FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: hyperventilates 👀👀👀 DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] YOURSELF? always have always will [85] MIRACLES? yes!! [86] LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? no [87] SANTA CLAUS? no [88] KISS ON FIRST DATE? smorch [89] ANGELS? yes OTHER… [90] CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME: i have like 8 million bffjills i cant name them all [91] EYE COLOR: green [92] FAVORITE MOVIE: THE SHINING ☝️☝️☝️
i dont know/have 25 mutuals so heres all the people who immediately come to mind:
@carbonatedbeveragecurtis @dinotyler @a-percious-fandom-cinnamon-roll @amerrickancandy @notanordinarybandgeek @gloogle @flannelbarakat @jack-bracket
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zekcs · 8 years
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✘。—      leather jacket dusted with a certain aroma of potent SMOKINESS, slightly masked by the COMPELLING scent of cologne, ezekiel sinks into the velvet sofa beneath him. deep lavender cushions greet his liqour-stained breath and his droopily DILATED orbs. ezekiel got the party started a little earlier at his own place before heading to the main event, as he often does just to ease his aura a little. so now, with the music EMBRACING him from every corner, zeke is feeling fairly good. “ yo, what song is this ? ” he questions nonchalantly, burnt-caramel hues studying the lively scenery encircling him, “ not gonna’ lie, i'm kinda feelin' it. ” adjusting his ball-cap, zeke's right foot taps along with the beat. his thoughts are HAZY, but the strobe lights are INFECTIOUS. as the song comes to an end, and another hit begins, ezekiel's concentration jumps. “ you think some cake is gonna' come out any time soon ? ” he ponders humorously, a tinge of laughter to his tone, “ this IS a birthday party after all. ”
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